: V;' THE WlLiMINGTON nftPATHf. TJE3DA' ' rtrrr,cl A- RIL 10.. 19.7. PAQE'EiGHT Ji 4 H H.' It . .Itfh mnlir tnWflirri; none.: With rhanK, t n eOLDSBORQ'S , pfininTtc TWILIGHT PARADE ho noo hBERC LOYALTY ON THIS HEME 1 firmness in.the right,, as God gives us to see the rial uniyuiuii i lu !-: IV- 1 ,-6 I' L i; . I - i ree Exhibitions' Will be Staged Immediately After Procession Returns. : Shnnri'jrtWilight - parade, postponed fromeSterday'until tbis evening be oatw4nf - ,wfa.ther conditions. i ":WUl '''f move -'Promptly from 'in front of the ' GiiialitMs evening at 7 o'clock and V -' 4. "vi, ' - rm.:.j n TaA rrnca. McDonald Unable to: Come ; Wedneiday Niht IVIatch " ft; ' ? Galled OfcT ? -Tv' 4 4 4 t., move ud Third to Red Cross, rtkence. to Front, and up Front to Mar ket street, down Market to Thir-; teenth, and thence down Thirteentn ; ' The Wednesdayjnight clash, between Joe McDonald,, of Knoxvllle, Tnn and Fritz Hanson has; been called off, be cause' of the inability Tof McDonald to come herel before after the 18th of the month, but fans will fbe , given some thing to entertain them on mriaay night, for at i thattime Hanson ; and Ahere will aerain lock horns. Fritz agreed to take the Ohioair on after his For rr MumcipaK Honors Are warming inmgs m , That City. t to the intersection of Dock, where ; statement 'that he wouldibe willing to th show tents are pitched. ipost a forfeiture ' against touung. The parade will be marshaled by j ?Aberg and Hanson a.re to met Fri- . v, onH Tio'dav nieht ana wnnestne articles oi Ma or . willbe assisted by ggSgJ The Gotch foe-hold wilLsb barred, it MacRae and Capt. E. ijis understood, as Mlall other holds, parade will form m thevlow order: - ; L .vo:. y'l . then it is permissible; The referee ?5f.?fflf?:L- nnJhas not been decided, on as yet, but ueaamg cuuiuiCa mansnn statfi this mornine that any- test and automobile Sudan Drum Corps. Band. ' ' Wilmington Drum Corps. Automobiles with performers." Private, automobiles. ! " :. ; " Fire department. . While Wilmington has been blessed with parades of late, there is that something about them that attracts, and were one held every afternoon in the week the city would be out to view it. Stirring music will be fur nished, and that perhaps explains the drawing power of parades. Tonight's affair will be no exception to the rule, for the big band traveling with the Kennedy Shows will be augment ed by local talent that should prove highly entertaining. j The free ; attractions that were scheduled for yesterday evening will be staged inimediately after the pro cession reaches the show grounds, and those who view the parade up street would do well to adjourn to the show grounds immediately. In sDite of the fact that it had been nfFiriallv announced that the differ ent shows would not open last night, a large crowd gathered on the show lot, and Mr. Kennedy decided' to .ad mit the public to those attractions which were ready. All but three had been set up by hard work, during which a new record was established for getting the shows in. shape, and the public enjoyed themselves im mensely The attractive show fronts, all prettily decorated, the clean tents, and the! polite and rehned attenaanis made a big hit with the i patrons, fwho freely stated that the Con T. Kennedy shows are the largest and best ever in Wilmington. . The brilliantly light ed midway added a great deal to the occasion, and everything was- conduct ed in a strictly businesslike manner. The attractions carried by. the Ken nedy shows are: Autodrome, Essie Pav's Srtoietv Horse Show, Garden of Allah, Miracle, French and Belgian Mideets. Monkey Speedway, Coney TdnnrT sidft "Show" Dixie ' Land Plantation. - Gasparilla. Doc Tur nar-c p.nnfiTPss of Wonders, . Pan nrflnm Show, the Whip. .Ferris Wheel and Merry-Go-Round. These shows are of real worth, with meritorious programs, and have been highly praised by. the press in all the large cities of the South. All of the Ken nedy shows will be open every after noon and night this week. READY TO SHARE. one would be agreeable to him, adding that it might be a" good Idea to have a couple of them and .three ringside judges also. At any rate, Hanson and Aberg are to meet again and a warm fight is expected. . .. yet -it is understood that both men will post a forfeiture to make thefweightj and against foxiiing.v This wm assure the crowd of a fair hard fought match. and those who saw last their ; meet could not be held away. - AH rough ness is to be eliminated and the men are to wrestle scientifically. .It Is to be to a finish, two falls out of three. Both are in the pink of 'condition. neither having veorked since their last match, and both have ample time in which to get their wind in shape for what should be the biggest match of the season. Now that Aberg has dem onstrated his ability as a wrestler, the uncertainty that clothed their initial match has been removed and fans can assemble with the knowledge that two evenly matched men are to fight it out to a finish. fSnecial ti'The Dispatch.) . h -Goldsboro, N. a, April 10. Politics a farming up In this city and it ap- Dears to be an assured tact tnat a close compaign will ' be held between the ' competitors, i J , a. Mayor John R. Higgins Is to be op posed) by James R. .Hatch, and it ts rumored that these ' two . gentlemen have many.' friends who will support them in the coming primary. For Aldermen the following nomina tions have been made: First ward, C. W. Peacock, A. H. Edgerton ; Second ward, Draper, Lionel ' Weil, . Dr. C. B. Hall ; Third ward John R, Craw ford, Joe A. Parker r. Fourth ward, .W. D. Creech, J. W. Sadler. '- It is generally ' recognized that the present city officials are ' progressive and efficient and : Uiat, they; have hot only accomplished measures of Impor tance, but have: won for Goldsboro an enviable reputation. At the same time a number are inclined .'to believe that a change would make a great improve ment In the city's welfare. , 1 A state of Warhas been thrust upon us. A united N Ction in this solemn hour calmly faces the future withtK .confidence born of complete, faith in American Ideals tVy :The. People s Savings Bank stands united with eve (Stnember of lihis community and Country to co-on.? r.in:-"cverywy'.ppsiblei:in.. resisting-any attempt to abr ;i gate American Freedom! 'Justice and Honor. " Young America Will Willingly Shoul der His Part of War Burden. The following telegram was on last Sunday forwarded to Congressman Charles M. Stedman by Samuel P. Col lier, Jr., grandson of Mr. S. P. Colllerv of this city. The young man is not yet 17 years old, but advises Con gressman Stedman that he is ready and anxious to do his part in the war. The telegram reads: "Recent Military Academy examina tion not yet heard from, but pending definite advice desire offer my serv ices to War Department. "Have had nearly four years mili tary academy training and while -will not be seventeen years old until June thirteenth, am ready to serve my coun try any way I can. "SAMUEL. COLLIER, 3rd." Ten Thousand Acres Offered For Raising Food Supplies For Army. (By Associated Press.) Mobile, Ala., April 10. The Richton Land and Development Company today offered the United States government the, use of 10,000 acres of land near Mobile for the purpose of growing food crops for' government forces. The Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad .Company; in addition, : offers the ser vices of its agricultural agent, H. H. Bolton, to direct the cultivation of the crops should the, offer be accepted. The suggestion to Secretary of War Baker was for the government to cul tivate the land, ' employing men too old for active service in the army and navy. MART AL LAW iir nuiTrnR i m l I. HUM fl III UUII I L.IIHILII BUSINESS SPECIALS v MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph .Cable Company's .messengers... .They will call for your "eds." in the same manner and quick time as they now covnr the city 4or telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc. Fop further information as to "ads," can 176, but for. telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." s 4 1 i 4w. v 4 - ,,;,7f'J(,- I V " - T'-A. LATE FOR SOPPEftt V ! ; ' - ff K' fill "I A L1CKIH6 rvcocKvt u?f Jl r77ti J C.TTK 1 1 ' tltl J T -L Jlf . S2Jl&59 w i:: f Tur nfliiDPUicnm I - r - rrar . , - rraar . ill , 1 . v r. .1. ' - . vS tbvsms I I -f ' -., . I STH ST.FOR RENT UPPER APARTMENTJJ I I NATONA L BANK $7,000,000,' efficiently Capital and Surplus $1,700,000. Deposits t - Resources $10,000,000. Our many departments modernly equipped, can handk every class of business. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J V. GRAINGER, V.-President. J. W. YATES, V.-rroi5idcnL C. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. M. F. ALLEN, Asst. Cashier. W. S. JOHNSON, Asst. Cashi 3r. J. V. GRAINGER, Jr., Asst. Cashier. FOR RENT 103 SOUTH All lotest . Improvements. Apply J. T; Goraon, sgent. Phone 745 3-15-tf UNREDEEMED ONE VIOLIN-CELLO in first class ' condition. Good tone. Worth $50.00 Unredeemed price $16.50, Charles Pinkelstein, 6 South Front Street, Phone" 640. 1 3-16-tf two :pr , three or four rooms with bath; or lower apartment of five rooms; with 4ill modern conveniences with" private family. -Telephone No. 348-J.- ' 4--3t. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCER, Native and Western fresh meats. Also sweet milk fresh from daHry every morning.; R. B. . Moorerd and Castle. Phone 1888. 3-28-tf RAVES WILMINGTON DISPATCH'S Business Locals. Daily or Sunday One Cent Per Word 25 Words or less, one time . . . . . ,25c 25 Words, 2 times, consecutively 40c 25 Words, 3 times consecutively 50c 25 Words, 1 week (7 times) . .$1.00 No advertisement less than 25 cents TELEPHONE 176. WANTED CONSIGNMENTS POUL- try Eggs and "Strawberries. Write for quotations.5' Theo. p. Tecklen burg, 105 Market street, Charleston, S. C. . ;f 3-30-30t-j WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone. your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf- FOR SALE ONE 6 BY 14 GLEN . cove 4 Side Planer and Matcher. Good condition. . 1 40 H. P. Water town Engine in a-1 shape. Will Serf cheap. Address Box 21, Willard, N. C. 4-4-7t-J . FOR SALE ONE LARGE HORSE, absolutely gentle.. Address box 604. 4-t-3t. I ' ... - Because of Disturbances on Mexican' Border of Suppos ed German Instigation. , (By Associated Press.) Guatemala City, Guatemala, Monday, April 10. Martial law nas been de clared in Guatemala. The action was taken on information of disturbances along the Mexican and Salvadorean frontiers, supposed to have been creat ed with German assistance. ! FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT IN Grand . Theatre building. All modern conveniences, steam heat, hot and I cold water, and janitor service. Ap ply, J. M. Solky & Co,., 9 North Front streeL f" V . l - 4-10-7t LOST SATURDAY NIGHT DOWN town, pink cameo brooch. Finder please leave at Wilmington Grocery Co. and get reward. 4-9-3t-j. ARE YOU CERTAIN WHEN YOU have your 'photograph taken, . that you are getting the best, possible for the money in Quality, ; Permancy and service? Foltz & Kendrick. 4-2-tf JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF Iver Johnson Bicycles. Come early before they are all gone. Queen City Cycle Co., 209'Market street, i 4-6-tf "BUSINESS'AS USUAL" OUR Busi ness is good, because , we attend to It general commercial printing, multigraph typewritten circulars, en graving, type writting, notaries pub- lie Harriss Typewriting" & Advt. Co.- -...,, 4-Moh.-Wed-Fri tt . . . : FOR, J SALE--SIXTY-FI VE ACRE Farm; good location on public highways-fine, vineyard;-J room dwell ing; tenant house; 30 acres, cleared ; 12 miles frona railroad station. Ad dress; "H," ca.$e Dispatch. 4-6-7t-i Spectacles or Eye Glasses We .have Shell rim and pows of beau ty; and, elegance, made to meet the mode. Come in and see them 1 WE yllL save you money. : c Spectacles or eye glasses correctly fitted to you r eyesv for $1.00 up. EYES TESTED FREE. mm'-FZ. . sk-4ti w m jr i m m LADIES EAKN J VACATION EX. penses, 'introducing'; magazine dur ing spare moments; New York or Yellowstone! Park. Two weeks' , of delightful travel. ; Every expense paid. Will not interfere with pres ent employment. Miss Gertrude Un church, Raleigh, earned tour last summer, writes, "Perfectly delight ful." Illustrated particulars free on request. Southern Woman's Mag aznie, Nashville, Tenn. 4-l-10t CINDERS WANTED AT NEW Cus toms House. Good clean steam cin ders m any quantity wanted. Phone 330 or call at site of new building. North Eastern Construction ' Com T pany. 4-9-7t-j. ADOPTED SON ENLISTS. KINKY AND DANDjRUFF -Get rid' of Dandrnff or 8curf-T-nake Hair " - , tStralffht lUte pi , turef ; soft, Ions aud BilkT. by applyinc a . little )' J , J" y HAIR-DRESSING -ot sticky -or ynmnty. i ' A-r,: tobborn, " . -kinky j nappy hair I; 'made, straight, soft, f and Ions .by apply in a: ' ' .HEROLIN HAIR HERO LIN E HAIR Greek Merchant Sells His Grocery Store and Joins the Colors. That the naturalized citizen looks upon the American flag as his flag; that he is willing to - lay down his life in defense of the country he has adopted, is evidenced by the action of Nick Pelious, Greek merchant, of this city, who has just disposed of his grocery business at the corner of Eighth and Red Cross streets,- and enlisted with the Naval Reserves di vision. Mr. Pelious, who is 22 years of age, has been in Wilmington three years and has made many friends during that period. - , . ' will srow S ta 10 Inches lonser and 1 no soft you can comb and brnah 4 f In. any stylo. I Makes mustache and . eyebrows son ana iascinatlns, also .stops itchins tealp at enee. SKND.Wc (stamps or coin) for a 4-bis-eaa. --,.. ' - ; HEBtOlJj MEDICINE CO., - fvV.-i..,;::;'-;;s- Atlanta. Clt.. ' REPORT OF TREASURER. TO THE WISE ECONOMIC HOUSE keeper, we have furniture of til de scriptions at prices which . will . at tract youi Great big bargains in everything, Furniture slightly used, you can tell from new, come to see us, we can't and won't be undersold. Furniture packed nd stored. Ster ling Furniture Co.; 19 and 21 South Front street. E. H., Sneed, Manager. Phone 60. ; ' ; 2-21-tf FOR" SALE . BABY CARRIAGE. . Just Been painted and -upholstered. Will, sell cheap. Upholstering and repairs neatly done. Call 22 Sovth Second street. Phone 1788-j. 4-9-8tj Receipts and Disbursements of Asso- - elated Charities for March. The monthly report" of ' the .treasurer of the Associated (Parities for the past month is as follows: ' Receipts, "New Hanover r county, $200 a friend, $2 Mrs. A. D Harriss, ,50 cents; Miss Lillie Browni $i; Miss Minnie Brown, 50 cent; Mrsf -Walter. Srunt; $10 ; Mrs. W. , - - $2 ; .Mrs. Donald, MacRae, ; $5. Disbursements -Sejcretary's salary, $33.33; Catherine r Kennedy ' Home, $12.50; groceries, C $253.50; rent for those in need, $24.75 1 telephoned $2 j. jamtor' si.&rri raiiroaa tares, .$9.80; wood, J45.90ri gas for 6mcer $3 ;, station eryv 50r- cents - typewriting, 85 cents. PERSONAL MEETING OF HANOVER Seaside Club, election of officers will , be held at Germania . Club Rooms April 40th at 8 o'clock. C. P? i. MahlerrSec. : 4-10-lt-j OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAIL- road Co., Grant Lands, Title to same revested itt Ignited States by Act of Congress dated June 9. 1916 Two million three hundred- thousand acres to i be. -opened for settlement and; sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands Containing some of best land' left In United States. Now is the", opportune time. Large Sectional Map showing lands and description of soil, climate, rainfall. . elevations, etc. Postpaid One Dollar, f Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610, Portland, Oregon. l-19-3m. SHANDS GROCERY, FOURTH AND Nun A full line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous ser vice. 'Phone 630. 3-26-tf UNREDEEMED DROPHEAD SINGER Sewing Machines all in good condi tion. Price from $7.50 to $18.00 at Charles Finkelstein, No. 6--- South Front street. Phone 654.- 4-2-tf DM Vineberg M ason I c -Temple till STORAGE COTTON STORED and ADVANCES MADE BY Cooper&Go WUjMINGTON, N. C Do Your Planting NOW! THE A U D U B N JJ R S E OR NY SERVICE IS AT YOUR PHONES 258-L 28 P.O. BOX 731 li&titaaijjs OIL! OlLl OIL! FOR QUICK MONEY and big proQts Drilling on our Vir ginia test well No. 1 : begins April 6th. This well is expected to be completed in 30 days. : To be with 1 the winners , when oil is struck - you will have t; dact quick. Stock today :r. $10 per share, may be worth $100 in thirty days. ,v,'No'-risk-'n0i',gain:i"-Al little Investment now may mean' big dividends: for years .to conie.o'Vritev today.-' Mutual Oil and Gas. Corpora tion, 601 Stockton street, Richmond, iTghii&i-': 4-4-t4t-j WANTED TO SELL AT ONCE GOOD saddle horsed one ' fresh Je rsey cow.1 H Kennedy, 123 South 13th street, s 4-10-lt-j ; v ' -; - S -.. .r.. Automobile at auctionhud- . son Six Touring car in good condi i tion will be sold at" public auction to the, highest bidder, Wednesday after noon at 2:15 o'clock in front of Fen--"nell's garage. ' Owner of ear is leav i ing city( and car must be Bold to' sat : isfy claims, v Some one will - buy car at a' bargain. ' It may be you.4-10-lt-j JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL? CARS Cana&anutaga,.' Hvtvdfritfe pies, Oranges, GraeFr,uit0Potatoes and Oranges, a vf nil,, line of . Candy. Send us'youY orders.' ..'Bear Produce and Merchandise Cp., . (wholesale). Wilmingtop, .N. C; 3-18-tf old false teeth r Wanted Don't matter if broken. I pay; one " to ten dollars per set.1'. Send by' par- eel post and receive cti eck by , return ; : ma'J. L. . Mazer,. 2007 S. -5th street niiadfiphia.iPa-i G ET A KODAK "SANISEP" PORTABLE SEWERAGE SYSTEMS - T.I (Trade Mark Reg) The perfect System foe a oburban homes, schools, and Tillages, with or without running water. . ; - . Brery cottage on Wrlzh tsville Beach and eyery Rural School In v New Hanover County are equipped with "Sanisep" Tanks. . Endorsed By All Health Authorities. Write for Catalogue CEMENT PRODUCTS CO. East Point, Atlanta, Ga Mnrchlon Bl'dr . Wilmington, ti. C. OHrer Ql'df, rittsborc, Pi. THE NEW YORK LIFE IS MORE THAN 71 YEARS OLD, AND HAS Admitted A..et. ... Kfi Legal Liabilitie 7-S.-S6.4-6 Reserve held for Dividends and eon- tlngencie 1.7-. No other company In the world can make biiHj a Bhowlng. Over 23 million dollars will be iju1I in-dividends In the current year. It hart no stocks or industrial securities, no stock-holders, has over 2 1-2 billions of insurance ln force; ami is owned by more than a Million Iollcy-holdern who are. the Company and who alone receive tuc proats of the Company. Phone 859. C.X. DICKINSON, Agent. Princess Uuildlnic. in without' jt Letting Your Pocket Know !ll!l!!tlllllllinilll!ll!II!ll!l!IIIl!llllllt:il1!!MIIII!IllH!!IllI WESELL I It Asfc ior a Jlansee get a real camera with sgare dimes. C. W. Yates Co. mi. And 1 BuiSdersI - Suppliesj ; We Solicit STORAGE t. J 4- -i. .44 IW.'B. THORPE ico Waiter and Ann Streets. .. fiiiiiiiRiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiinitiiiiiniirll That Gets Attention for Good Service payJ That's the Kind we P CornerSthwidRedCr " Street. "Phone 520. 4 x. xi ; v- i-4 .v4. : COMMERCIAL X: r i- - 1. i . c - i ? OFFICERS : sThosE Gooper President, v A xviiiion aiaer9 , yv i-rcsiucm Chas. E Bethea, Cashier. , - E: Fred Bahcbi Asst. Cashier. Robert I Henley,r Assk Cashier, v

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