r .71 rr , 1 Vil 1 - . i 1 1 el -;:p: ;;! i 'ft--" I .1 r 1IiUIH 111 V MIliprHl Ul PUBLISHED DAILY ND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH' PUBulbrllriu eo. v telephones: - -Business Office . . . . . .5-175 4Y. ' Editorial Rooms . . . .-. . . . . 205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. fc-t BY MAIL: Dally and Sunday .W-jJJ Dally. an4 Sunday. Six Months... 13.00 Dally and Sunday, Three Months. 1.60 Sunday Only, One Year . ...... .2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Dally and Sunday, per week. .... ;15a Or When Paid in Advance at Office Dally and Sunday, One Year ...$7.00 Dally and Sunday, Six Months $51,50 Dally and Sunday, Three Months. $1.75 Sunday Only, One Year 12.00 entered at the Postoffloe In Wllmlng ton, N. O, as Second-Class Matter. 5J5 LF; PRESE R V AT. O N , FOR ' LATI N ,&' r ;.:" AM fcrtlwA. I TH t l"T Lkt? R E MN Af4TO F There nas ansen mucn, ainerence 01 V T . ' -1 4. " our i htfPD' fo li T H L A N D." . . . opinion aer io the-proposed conscrip-j Even though all or a majority of the 4, - , . , , ; tion bm. Not only nonst ajlTerncei'ot not iquowy Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co, Vino New York and Chicago. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917. Ah! Gentiita, wouldest thou flirt with Uncle Sammie? The British, seem to have obtained a focus at Lens. After the war let us hope that man kind will once-more become kind man. It is mighty, hard for men. in the trenches or up in the air to fight on the level. but reasonable difference- Yet there is no danger of this variance of opinion b!ockingthe way, as the differing sides appear to understand fully;toatthls is the time for action. The mamvdif? ference is between forced and volun teer enlistment and there is ground for.it in logic. .The only pertinent ques tions that arise are how much time is required to get sufficient soldiers for therwork on band; what, is the mini mum time and is the state of mind ol the people, through ' appreciation pf the case, such appreciation as comes, of course, Ifrpm understanding, .suffi cient to fill 'the ranks within this min imum period? These two things must play important parts in consideration of the solution. To, grant there Is ample time to obtain volunteers!-and, at the same time, admit the peoplfe thoroughly understand the question, and yet advocate conscription would necessarilyimpeach the patriotism of the American people. Td: contend otherwise, and "prove the urgency of the case, would justify con scription. , Upon this ' the vital matter hinges, and from such angle both Pres ident Wilson and Congress should be hold and analyze. ' . The word "conscription" is not pleas ing in sound at best. So when ; it is to be applied it must be supported by some exigency that cannot wait for volunteers, due to the slowness of the process or lack of sufficient time to - The CbtffederfL ile Veterans "are now tbe lead of the United States of - Amer- ' iAo,w fh.TOin.oli and feeble and their snowy ..hair, I 1 h ;Limlei1 .wrinkled'f aces' and slow, unsteady gait bvmathy with , the position .assume the most of them will soon by-this country." xxot grauncauon tnai ,De with,nano more forever.;-; The fra comes so ' much from moral support, J grant ahtf - magnificientV flowers - we but that these American countries rec-)mean to send ' to deeorate , their, cof- 0gn.ze the merits feStSSS ed, not losing sight of the fact that lives Jeje they take their long journey the tFnited States is plunging inVolthe f to - '?home' sweet-home" of perpetual war not merely to defend Its .rights, love. r.iV-;-,,:v . but to sustain democracy to advance However; they are not asking alms, the cause bf democracy and idace I iuui uui a numuer 01 uici" wwunx uflip nnmn IlfUII UULUU , v ; . ; RESTORER mmmmi tocracy under the heel. The outcome of the present strife is going., to de termine whether autocracy, as repre sented by Hohenzollerns and Roman- kept from the reunion without assist ance When they hear the rustle ot angel wings that are to bear them away to offs, shall tighten its grip, orfdemoc- th3t undiscovered counthe, ' ' - P - . , ' . .. Jure m a.ntr Tvranofnna txrxrt tnA ralTlDOW racy, such as exists especially France and that has been born in Rus- break sia, is" to, advance. Should autocracy gain the mastery in Europe it would menace democracy in America and would- endanger it in the other Am ericas. This is plain. Autocracy and dem- T "A IS 11 ally WUUUei LllctU uuuclOLauuiut, j is more difficult these days with shoes harder to get? wonder that understanding tte peple that they may Un derstand and understanding win un doubtedly respond, as is traditional with the American people. Insisting upon conscription, without chance to reach the same end through voluntary action on the part of the men of the country, President Wilson Billv Sundav has met New York and I win, no dpuot, oacK his contention uy it appears to.be "hisn", as they say in 'some extraordinary demand of the oc- 'rasinTi and which he will At least rti. Think how "conscription will deplete the ranks of, the major baseball leagues. " Columbia, S. C. ' This country has got to use both common sense and ammunition in fighting Germany. Now that the United States has en tered it becomes a Battle Royal as well as a Battle of Royalty. Sometimes the seemingly impossible happens. Billy Sunday has carried New York a bunch df new slang. The belief grows that the Kaiser is simply trying to prolong the war so that he will be able to die only of old age. vulge to Congress, if he cannot make know to the people. We believe the great majority of the people, realiz ing the opportunity for both to under stand the question, obtaining the views of experts, are perfectly willing to leave .the matter in the hands of the President and Congress. THEIR ONE CHANCE. The latest American idea to win the war seems to be to gormandize -the ;i German, submarines bq. that they will ;. die. - 4 1 The next German submarine that Those wha love Germany and want to see that country of great men and of big achievements continue to exist, who recognize there is a difference be tween the German people and the Ger man government, must give serious thought to the fact that when the time for peace discussion comes America will be in a position to help the Ger man people, and they must accept with grave significance the news that America's ideas as to peace terms dif fer from the entente, in that America the alabaster box of precious ointment oyer ' their noble and hon ored heads.' ' Let us have the finer and grander lesson of anointing the heroes, of the "Lost Cause" and. our friends before hand 'for their burial It is a beautiful sentiment to. honor . - m. M UilU UlUOkliUUn UCCU TT.VM ' ocracy cannot narmonize. 1 ne lormer , blosgom8 but it u Infinitely more beau- is greeay, conniving ana msiaious. 11 , tif-ul to strew the pathway of the living would consequently wish to strike at with fragrant, flowers of kindness, the United States and would, sooner Kindness after death does not re- or later, strike South American coun-. .The ;Afflties to"be given at the tries. The latter would at once drawl Academv of Miisic tohieht' under the the United States into the conflict, as auspices of the Misses Biirkheimer, tho Mnnrne Twiptrine. fitill standa. in assisted by an array 01 spienaia iocai . . . .. . ' talent, is especially designed to defray view of this it is necessary tor autoc- expenses , of the old Confederate racy to be crushed, andU American soldiers to Washington, D. C, during countries and the RepuDlie of Cuba their reunion there in June.", must recognize the stakes being play- To many of the grand and chival- oa .nM!0f0 ,a fo tiiot rous Old Guard it will be the last re ed for and appreciate the fact that, . TtV ad to see the little rem- their interest is linked with the sidenant of ag fine and galla'. a band of of the entente and the United States. They must recognize further that their hopes must center In the United Statps, as a big brother protecting the immortals as "ever faced a foe upon the field of carnage dropping silently one by one out of the ranks to enter their palace for another day. The Misses Burkheimer are the smaller, and appreciate that should the authors of the play and Miss Bessie t- l . 1 . i 1 j 1 entente triumph the United States curKneimer canes ine leiiumg iemaie mill Vrt n nnTir Aif ill fontnf in -n-Vi o t axror- 1 w c 1X1 1L- . The Charlotte papers speak In un- counens are neid m iuiure ana win oe)Stinted praise of the authors and the strong enough to represent them. That performance. the United States is not 'actuated' by Let the city do itself poud in honor ing tne old soldiers. Give them an La Creole Darken Ha By Acting pii Color Glands, r Try at Risk of Jarmari & t W:-;' Futrelle; ; v. : . :-- - : yt No matter whether you are .bothered with gray,-streaked? with? gray,; iroir gray, or prematurely gray hall-; falling hair, dry, dull and brittle hair, oily, greasy stringy hair, ' dandruff or A Itch ing scalp, Jarman & JitreUe fdrug stores or any druggist invites you to try La Creole-Hair Pressing ' at itheir risk. If it succeeds, irisdarkening: your gray hair, or making hairgrow again, the cost is trifling, and should it fail it costs nothing. If your gray or. fall ing: hair 4 is worth saving, La - Creole is worth trying. La Creole is "harm less no dyer-but has the' wonderful ef fect of restoring the- color 'glafids to activity, so all your gray hair Is natur ally restored to that even dark, fas cinating tone you used to have. Be sides La Creole stops dandruff and fall; in cr fiair 'arirl naiiiaAa'thiTr- Kftfr'tO ET0W rX WAAM . r i thick and new hair to sprout all ! over j your head making entire head of hair j soft, fluffy, long, thick, evenly aarK ana snappy with new life. Advt , OOjfAlftSftAiFEW JUST-RECEIVED) r . L BP B ETT E RONE iS E E D'f, With- Fertilizer Attachment : GUANO' DISTRIBITORS. ?'K. Pand COX 3l(4RLEX (Only'a Few Left.) "IRON I'AGE, GARDEN TOOLS". ' (Planters Cultivators and Distributors.) SO Superior. Garden Plows $2.50 Each Complete with and'RakesXf Business as Usual" . Extra W F3. dacolhu Hardware Co 10 AND 12 SOUTH FRONT ST. L spirit of conquest they . know. Cuba is hk living example of it, and the pa tience with which America has borne with Mexico, in its desire, its hope, its over-flowing house. W. C. GALLOWAY. If present plans are carried out effort, that Mexico will reform v and . George Chip will again battle Al Mc- where McCoy leaned into fame by stand forth a clean and peace-abiding republic exemplifies it. South American countries will not only be false to the democracy they profess to possess and which they should hold dear, but they would en danger their very independent exist ence if they failed to morally support the United States and, in time of pinch, declined to give it all material aid in their power. Casting aside all matter of principles, it is a case of self pres ervation for Latin-America. makes a trip across the -Atlantic will loes not want to see Germany crushed be loadedJKith - another brand of dye- stuff. The patriotic demonstration in Ral eigh tonight should be a spirited affair. Governor Rye is to be one of the prin cipal speakers. g A medical expert declares cold feet come from poor circulation of the . Wood. Sometimes from poor circula tion of courage. Will universal military service bar -married men? In other words, will it . not be deemed that married men are s sufficiently trained for war? Now that the American aviation ; corps in the French service is to fight - under the Stars and Stripes why. Old . Glory will be carried to greater heights. Austria-Hungary may not relish it but she should under stand . that the United States' is perfectly delighted iter by being friendly. They had het that she has broken off diplomatic re flations. infi 1 JL- ;. , The list of , wonders of the world has M been added to by the transformation bf Senator 'Gum Shoe" Stone from the " meekest little pacifist to the most ob- streperous- jingo extant. In view of this, those not foolish enough to think Germany can accom plish the physically impossible and vanquish the entente and the powerful American country, with its great re sources and its population twice the size of Germany, must soften their opinion of .the United States and in stead of displaying bitterness towards President Wilson had better be friend ly and look to him to help the German nation in its hour of need. America will be in a strong position to help the German people. As a powerful ally of the entente countries, as a great financial creditor and as a nation that will then be gigantic in a military and naval way and as an especially close friend of France and Belgium, the United States will be able to yield by far more influence than it would have been able to do as a neutral. So Ger many's sympathizers who would nur ture ill feeling in this country, who would stir strife and would perpetrate disasters, will serve their country bet- Removes raperflabu ftair trvm y part Of the body. SAFB Ud. RELIABLES Larsre bottle, ft. sample, lOc. knocking out Chip in one round. r booklet frm. 8olA mt all Tknitf and Decartmsnt Store. Josephine Le Feyre Co Phtladelphla, Pa. , BOU BY r- Green's Drug Store. 109 Market 8treefc NOTICE! Mr. C. McD. Jones, of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen Local No. 559, is endorsed by the Wilmington Trades Council, for Councilman from the First Ward, in the coming primary, April 17th. WILMINGTON TRADES COUNCIL. April 10th, 1917. A JTexan fighting in France stuck yOld Glory on his bayonet and charged i'the enemy. Yet in the face of such in j,' trepld souls there ; are Mexicans who " think ; they could grab the State of -Texas. . . V The Congressman who wants to .try the . volunteer process before applying iDnscriptiottVevidently believes tliat f; the ; "con"-part Js especially necessary : to; the ; American spirit,, and we don't T know, but .what he is right. The I brief news -contained in a dis- fpltch!ifroni 4 Canada telling how an ' American, wno nau jumu t vanaaian ter draw a distinction while there is chance between the Imperial German government and the German people, and select to be patriots for the cause of German democracy rather than tools of German autocracy. It seems de creed that the latter must be justly crushed under foot, and it may be so, in the pain of the hour, that the latter is crushed. This is rich food for thought for sympathizers of Germany in the United States especially. We are in favor of giving Theodore Roosevelt a commission and authoriz ing him to form a division and go to the European front. Not because we believe he will not go because he will go nor because we desire to be so trite as to express a wish to "get rid" of him, as we do not. We honestly believe that his going would stimulate interest in this country and fire greater spirit in the ranks of the Allies, while showing the Teutons that the United States means business. Besides we Mhisbayoneti as he daunttessly charged 'impression and would give a good ac- vHerinans" ,;a.thr It show-1 . ' . . e pUinlynptr only the mettle of the J Rev. , Billy Sunday, General Wood j Americai: 'fighter but the great' love and" "Colonel Roosevelt lunched to :he'.bears his country. And the Stars gether Sunday in New York and what ! and Stripes ganoid . the smoke of baWe jthey said about the Kaiser was only - -mustr have" enthused ; the Canadian jllmited" by the dictionary, it is fair to troops. -suppose. REGULAR DINNER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE Are You Tied Up Indoors? If so, your whole system naturally gets tied up too. A lazy liver and consti pated bowels ' are bad thingSydangerous things. Exercise as much as you can but keep your liver and bowels up to the mark all the time. Take one pill regularly until you are sure you are all right again. CARTERS ITTLE IVER mmk nutne bears Signature Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Iron Pills will help this condition. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the Soutn. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rates from' Wilmington, Z. C. ATLANTA, GA ...$13.95 X)n sale June 15, 16, 17; limited return ing Midnight June 25th. Stop-over any point. BIRMINGHAM, ALA $18.95 On sale April 13 to 18,- Inc. limited re turning midnight April 25th. NEW ORLEANS, LA .$39.75 On sale April 7, 8, 9, Limited return ing midnight April 17th. ATLANTA; GA .t $ iC.35 On sale; April 2," 3, limited returning midnight April 11. On sale ' March 17th to April 7th, inv. WASHINGTON. D. C. ... .. ...$13.20 On sale Aprt 10 to i6th inclusive; lim ited returning midnight April 30th. NEW. ORLEANS, LA. ... .$23.75 On sale May ll to lth, inclusive; lim ited returning midnight, limit extended to June 15th on payment $1.00. WSHINGTON, O. C. ... ... ...$8.90 On sale June" 2 vo 7th, inclusive; llmlt-ri ed returning nicfnight June 21st; limit I extended to July 6th on payment 50c. 1 DALLAS, TEX ... ... ...$52.201, On sale May 12, 15. Limited return-' Ing midnight, Juna.8th. 1 MACON, GA. ... ,..$13.20: On sale March 17th to April 7th, inc. Limited returning midnight, April 10th. i For further Information, apply 'Phone 178 R. W. WALLACE, j C. T. A., Wilmington H a . TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE. Let us Take Care of yoiij; needs :h our line this season. We have a good many drug stores and refreshment stands in and around Wilmington that 40 business with us, and. we are pre pared to furnish many more, and it will be profitable to you to handle, "Our kind of Ice Cream." jtf we' can serve you? Write, Telephone, or wire us, and your orders will have prompt atten tion. FROST ICE CREAM CO., WILMINGTON, N. C. "We Make the Kind" that Satisfies." COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. State"of North Carolina, Countv of New Hanover, -In the Superior Court. City of Wilmington vs. ' ' ' " ' John W. Neil and wife Matilda Neil and Sallie Jane Neil. Under and by virtue of the authority and power vested in me as commissioner, in a certain decree in the above entitled , ac tion, signed by his Honor G. W. Connor, Judge presiding at the-term of Superior Court held ia New Hanover . County , in the month nf Novem her 1916. I offer for sale and will sell to the highest btdder'for cash, at the Court House door of New Hanover County, on Monday. May 14th. 1917, at twelve o'clock, tp satisfy the judgment ob tained in said action all of the following described piece, tract or parcel of lancr, lying being and situate in the City of Wil mington, as follows: Beein-ning at a nolntm tne eastern line of Anderson street one hundred and thirty -two (132.) feet, southwardly from the south ern line of Green street and running thence eastwardly one hundred ana slxty-nve (165) feet parallel with Green street t thence southwardly thirty-three (33) feet thence westwardly and parallel with Green street one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Anderson street thirty-three (33) feet to the beginning, same being the northwest one-fourth of Lot 3 in Block 255, accord ing to. the official plan of the -City of Wil mington. N. C. This the 11th day of April, 1917. C. C. BELLAMY, 3-ll-30t . . . Commissioner. TO THE PUBLIC. The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of The Frost Ice Cream Company of the City of Wilming- j ton, North Carolina, is this day dissolved j by mutual consent, Mr. L. P. Mathews hav- j ing purchased the interest of Mr. George L. Farmer and having assumed all the debts and liabilities of the firm. i All persons ' having claims against The ' Frost Ice Cream Company will present the same to Mr. L. P. Mathews for payment. ' All persons due and owing any sums of money wwhatsoever to the Frost Ice' Cream Company will nay the same to Mr. L. P. Mathews, .who is authorized to receive and receipt for the same. This the 2nd day of April. 1917. L. P. MATHEWS, GEORGE L. FARMER, Trading- as Frost Ice Cream Company. 4-5-law-4w-thu . ... FOR MAYOR B. A. MERRITT 3C An Innovation Old Line Life Insurace, Acci dent and Health Insurance PAY FOR IT WEEKLY OR MONTHLY WITH ANNUAL PREMIUM BENEFIT The Home Savings Bank Thank You Service NOTICE OF MO RT AG EE'S SALE OT LAND. '-Notice is hereby given, vnat under and by virtue of a mortgage deed executed in favor of the undersigned, on the 24th day of July, 1916, bv C. C. Taylor and wife, Viola Taylor, in Book 80. at page 478, in the omce or the Kegister or Deeds or New Hanover County, the undersigned mort gagee, In pursuance of the power of sale contained in said mortgage deed, will on the 6th day of May, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door of New Hanover County, sell to the highest bidder for cish, the following fiescribed tract or parcel of land lying and being in New Hanovei County, State of North Carolina, an l in Harnett Township, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Known as Lot No. 41 according to the Fox Sub-division in East Wilmington, ac cording to the plan and survpv r.ade by E. J. W. Anders May 14tn, wA ,and mere fully described as follows: Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Evans street, two hundred and Tiinety three feet northwardly from the center Bton in the northern line of Market street road, which is 13-3-10 feet eastwardly from the center line of Evans strest. running thence eastwardly at right angles 97 8-1C feet; thence southwardly and parallel with Evans street 50 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with the first Una mentioned 97 8-10 feet to the eastern line of Evans street; thence along the said eastern line 50 feet to the point of beginning. This the 3rd day of April, 1917. C. D. WEEKS, ADDIE A. FOX, Attorney. Mortgagee. 4-3-30dys A lot of "accommodation Service" here All CHEERFCLXr riven, our profit In It "friend-mAklnj;" not in stamps, or lihvne calls, or Information. JARMAN & FUTRELLE Phone 644. "Service Ask the Man who Trades Here." P STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, April 4, 1917. NOTICE OF SALE. Sealed proposals will "be received by me as State Treasurer of Nortn Carolina, at this office, In Raleigh, North Carolina, until April 27th, noon, for the purchase of all or any part of the following bonds; oou.uuu.uw .permanent improvement Bonds dated July 1, 1917, as follows : $iuu,uuu.uu mature July 1, 1923. ?100,000.00 mature July 1, 1924. : $100,000.00 mature July 1, 1925. . $100,000.00 mature July 1, 1926. ' ' $100,000.00 mature July 1, 1927. ' The Bonds will be sold at nap to the ner- son bidding the lowest rate of interest nor exceeding 4 per cent. Apply to me for blanks upon which to bid. B. R. LACY, State Trensnrpr. 4-5-su-tu-tbu-to-apr-26 . COAST LINE HOTEL CAFE. v V Rooms by the day, week "op f month at reasonable rates. Meals 4 at any hour. 208 - North Front 4 street. Phone 208-W. 10-6-linol ll!lIIIIIII!IIIIfl!lll!!IIiriIII!II!IHlllIIII!!!lII!III!IIIIIIIIIinjl J. B. McCABE & CO. j 1 Certified Public Accoun- I ' tanti. ' s . Boom 815 Mnrchlson Bank Bid. S Phone 996. . TTLLMXNGTON, N. O. 3 uujiiiiiini!iiiuiiiii!inniiiu!iiiiiJiiiiiuiiiinxuiuiiuiiiniii Just see what it will do Go over your house you know of several floors that need refin ishing then there's that fur--' niture -several favorite pieces that you wish could be made like. new. Much of the ulterior woodwork needs renovating Kyanize will do ft. . j Kyanize is a wonderful finish come 7 in all colors ; stands the hardest wear Yottcan't crack it with, a hamner. It dries hard and wears with a dura bilitjr that's surprising. You can keep I . ft always clean end sanitary. - It makes j all things new and keeps them new.j Eiotv zo tret a uattf reQ Cut oat this ad and bring it to our store. We will give you a fall-also 1 5 cent c&n (anrf color) enough to do over a cbalc or border ot a small room, if you purchase a 10 cent brush for. applying the Kyoclse. After esult hnna mpty can ana v tali return the ten ttntt c 3lnK the Kyanize U you are not aeiigntea wiua tns result onng ectlr k the you fauijor the truth. Give Her A Box of Candy Today We Have the Largest Assortment in the City. Fresh Supply of Norris, Nunnally's Foss and Johnston's. Special Easter Menu at The Soda Fountain. Telephone Front Street Store 181 or 182. Telephone Princess Street Store 248. ELVINGTON'S DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES Princess! St. at Second, 117 North Front. Oscar W. Peck, WOOD i Telephone 341. Oak wood, $1.50 per loaa; i . . , -a ia. nine i v f?n wnnn 11.au ui iuoui . wood, $1.35 per load. sent C. O. D. .. Cape Fear Hdiv. Go AUIOSFOftllRE .,-- - v- --for;, ' Pleasure Driving, - Dances, . Weddings and Commercial ," City Li very Co; Phones 15 -and 345. aa ; viu j All woodl " ' .,-i nl' -ALt NOTICE OF roHKlW -' - iBl By Tlrtue of power of sale -onta'frnrV d certain mortprasre, executea vy Farmer to Manhattan Company, Ndvember 1st 1915, and record! " t TO, page 428 of tbe reooras m iV jcefrister or ueeas oi nf I,?u" WflnU hflvlno- hpn made, the unae" mortgagee, will on the 12th day "1 ioit m n'oiwir- noon, at IU" house door of New Hanover t0"n";hK rtiaa for uk tnr c.nh. to ttjO lllCUfT1,..,' der, the following described tract or Beclnnlnir at a nolnt on the rteL p of WrightsWlle Avenue, disUm-o w- i nonnwwaraiy irora iue "v: ". fir Easterly side of Wirgntsviue f & the northerly ilde or woicou '"'-ivrieM' nlng thence northwardly .ij5 vIHa AvpniiA AA feet to the dlvMnr , Lot No. 7 In said block; thenre Kasi , 1. .1a.. o.lrl HIvlHlnor Una 122 I1' .e II or less to the rear line of fj0t "ij r' Block 27; thence southerly alons .ha'"f i line of Lot No. 16 ana the rear .W " 0 No. 15 In said Block 27 feet to the Ui une- oi jjo. ino. in Vi.r 113 r westwarly along said dividing l e J' more or less, to the point of bw", . V.I .11 T Nf a VOX. 0 8DO , , paiuv wuik ail v ----- I Block No. 28. according to the om f r of Carolina Place, which said pian corded in Book at page si . , MANHATTAN COMPAQ WOODUS KELLUM, Attorney. 4-0-law-4w thu i s n : -

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