-. Ansi; Minslfels are seen at. me Atau SifeteinV fltisic -tomorrow matinee and Wgfiitt'iH te found that every - bit : ' V-of tbe. program is entirely new ana - 'that there will be novelty enough to -V please the most exacting... There frw : be an entirely new stage setting for Wthe' first part, the nature of which is not being divulged in., advance arid i which Manager Oscar P. .Hodge is -eepifig as, a surprise for the admirers '-Of Neil O'Brien and his, minstrels. VS!rhis ' first part entails the services of number of expert funny men in ad 0UH anion Ho the star, arid a coterieof VV-vocalists who have been especially Ji selected to lend distinction to the tt$ performance. This part of the pro-V"- gram ends with a preparedness num--l-'-vVi' her, which is expected to be a mild Mi$&sott of "propaganda,". as well? as mu-'-sicaily, entertaining, The list of end $:k&men -includes Neil O'Brien, Eddie -:&$w'Ross,' 'Lasses White, Happy Benway, !SA1 Marto Steve Werher, Major No ' ,-" wai Allen Karle. The names of J. "Lester Haberkorn, . James Barardi, '- Earl Holmes. Leslie Berry, Joseph r.TL ' " Andre, Jonathan Haw; Carl Strauss, "A 'v Paul . Lalonde, John '. ; Mattick and . - others go to make up; the .isf of vo- CalistS. i : ; i; ' ... '- -": - : --v The matinee prices win he 50 cents for any seat in the balcony, 75 cents i . y, , and $1 for lower floor seats, cmiaren , 55 rents to anv aeat in tne theatre. Night prices will range from 50 cents to $1.50. Tickets are now selling at Elvingion's for both performances. in up mm in ac, wnicn irw 111- ecorrimcnd, Will Help Others." , ; "FAIR. AND WARMER." Avery Hopwood's newest laugh pro ducer, "Fair and Warmer," whosa fame has run ahead of it to every quarter of the country following its . Another -ft&fch Carol mar " pastor V to praise Tanlac is the'Rev. A. H. Griffith, of R. F. D. No. 2, Charlotte. ' He say i "I have been afflicted with stomach trouble and indigestion for somer great time. Even when I ate but '-little, gas accumulations would invariably , form on my stomach" and seem : to press against my heart. At times the palpi tation was so - violent that, I . was alarmed x . . "Too, my nerves were bad any . sud den noise" or trivial : ereitement would completely upset me. Pains would at tack me in the region of my kidneys and I often found myself pressing my hand against my back, mostly while walking. -; - "Sleeplessness and . that : general worn out feeling made it difficult for me to interest myself in matters iinbor tarit to me. "Then came Tanlac. after I had tried other preparations without success. I found relief in this medicine quick, and quicker than I had supposed. I am better in every way and believe Tain lac, which I willingly recommend, will help anyone suffering as I was." Tanlac, the ideal spring tonic blood and system purifier, and invigorant . sold in Wilmington by the Bellamy Drug Store. Each town has its Tanlac dealer. Advt. - fa if '; si's " ..: Ma:' comedy artist was sorely in need of a nertacular success at the Harris' P" "i yauis iuau tuey uu yuunus theatre, New York, for one year, will be presented by Selwyn and company at the Academy of Music on next Tuesday, April 17. Famed Minstrel King at the Academy I With His T3g Show Twice j Tomorrow. ' 'amous. Everypne who has followed : this entrancing and - wonderful little screen star from the beginning re members the- great sensation created by her when she appeared in the lead ing role of a marvelous film version of this world-famous story. The Grand has been able . to book, at a very stiff rental, a brand new ( print of this great picture tor presen tation Saturday. It s brand new v..- ; 1 ' Hi:; :f.:.- 3fc 'Jx..s-.i in. Pants of every nationality and i ith new titIeSf and is as n6w spark BIG NEW SHOW TODAY AT THE ROYAL. Lester Richards says that Wilming ton is-certainly charitably inclined No sooner had the word gone ou through this column that the hefty previous condition of servitude made their appearance at the Royal stage door. Pants that did patriotic duty during the great Civil War; pants that recently returned from chasing Villa in Mexico; pants a kind-hearted trash man had lifted from a wagon incinerator-bound, and the farmer friend brought in a pair which had ling and bright as it was the day it was first made, a print that has not been run more than a half dozen times at the outside. "Tess of the Storm Country" was one of those photoplays in which Mary Pickford was given a role with re markably strong dramatic possibili- irieuu uruueut m ct yiii wuiuii ti which she surprised everyone by done duty. as a scarecrow for the past tpUinjr tflp fnPSt advntA nf Sim- 7" ! 0)1 Jl n 3-rJEW BILL TO DAY -J THE Moonbeam Maids seevral years. They ranged in size from 42 to 60. "Verily," quoth Rich ards, "Wilmington is a city of gener ous proportions and hearts." And Richards begs to announce that , ne has tne funniest role he ever I played in today's big new bill at the i Royal. There's something doing with ' the funny "nigger" right in the mid- die of it, all the way through, and j all the other big artists with this I company are going to try to make ). this last bill their very greatest ban ner bill. A roaring Vogue cosaedy screen is also on today and tomorrow. taking the fullest advantage of. Sup porting her in this film version is Harold Lockvood and some other big favorites, who are now starring in their own pictures. It is a treat that no Grand patron should overlook, a picture that has been booked at an expense higher than any picture pre sented in the last six-months. 9. 'I MARY PICKFORD IN BIG SUCCESS "Tess of the Storm Country" was the play that made Mary Pickford j Present -A ROARING BLACKFACE COMEDY - PRODUCTION ' New Specialties ELABORATE AND NIFTY SCENERY AND WARDROBE A ACADEMIC TUESDAY, APRIL 17TH Selwyn & Company PRESENT THE LAUGH FESTIVAL 111 I ' PRICES: 50c, 75c, Si, $1.50 TICKETS AT ELVIHGTON'S y SATURDAY Mary Pickford In The Motion Picture Classic Which First Made Her Famous "Tess Of The Storm Country" A Brand New SpSarkling, Bright Print of The Most Famous Screen Delineation Little Mary Ever Played. BIGGEST ATTRACTION OF THE MONTH. HAD DANGEROUS ROLE. "The Masque of Life," a supremely thrilling film spectacle in seven reels, which has already startled every European capital and captured New York by its sheer novelty, will be seen here at the Victoria, wita musical accompaniment. It intro duced to the screen a new emotional star, "Mile. Evelyn," whose work puts her in the first rank of picture play wnen "Mademoiselle iTeiyn ' re ceived a' contract to star in "The Masque of Life," at a figure greater than she had ever dreamed of before, though she was the highest paid star oi a famous Italian circus, she was simply overjoyed. Evelyn, be it " known, is only 19 years old, and r though she has been, riding circus po nies bareback, teaching- them stunts and doing some aerial work and bal let dancing "on the side," she has never before approached a salary of 3,000 lira a week, which, being trans lated, means about $600 in gold coin. So when Count de Cippico, the fa mous Italian producer, and creator of "The Masque of Life,',' wanted a star who could do all manner of stunts, and still carry out the tremendously dramatic heart interest scenes which the picture requires ho thought ' of Mile. Evelyn and made her the offer which seemed so fabulous to her. But that was before shj read the scenario. mi kv Strike llOkcigatettfc flavor i tiftbbacwiVBtoastetlisame idea cxyhot but- fe4, It Want one that toasting idea, , sxi ;flt1i eyi;e alwa$ fresh ; toasting hqids' tMlrie flavor. " Everybody hjv:es JBKirleyiL real fiurlejigaretie at Iasf -it's toasted. ; You men are tapnLiicky Strike cigarettes by the million, to enj oy the riew toasted flavor. Also be cause you loVe Biirley tobacco. Voii've always loved Burley look at the 66 millionpounds you poured out of those sgreen, blue and red tins last year. Now you' can always find the cfelicioUs Hurley flavor in Lucky Strike, cigarettes sealed in and delivered to you fresh by toasting. 20 for i 10c U yonf Jealer Joes Dot carry tkem, send $1 (or a carton of 10 pack age to th Americaa Tobtcco Co; N. Y. City Guaranteed by :! INCORPORATIB Copyright fcy TLb Americaa Totwcca Company, Inc., 1917. THOS. H. INGE'S "CIVILI2ATIION." For the past several months "Civil ization," which comes to the Victoria the latter half of next week, has been playing to capacity audiences at the Criterion theatre, New York city, where if still remains ; a magnetic drawing card. The masterpiece, con ceived and produced by Thomas H. Ince, the wizard of the silent drama, is conceded to be the most unusual creation of its kind ever presented. As a spectacle, it is gigantic; as an entertainment it is overwhelming, and as a financial enterprise it is a veri table mint. sports ! i ACADEMY OF MUSIC Satorday, April 14. MAT NE E AND NIGHT SOSCCr iFrHODGEPresents PK II S'd4at Wee J? -?ixxi' to? $1.00. Children! all seats 25c. Entire Bal- xonyrAdults 50c ;;;;r .Seats Now Selling ; - Elvinflton's; Drug Store. h e : $r Z :: ..... I I V -- -M dt ' yJtLsrK. , : -wa-rfisaiaaggi. , . llSi-i- a- . .-.3. r . --i '-r: : 4 IN THE MAJOR LEAGUES. .-, ,. " 4. 4 4 4 4 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. At New York 1; Boston 6. At St. Louis-Chicago, rain. At Detroit 1; Cleveland 2. At Philadelphia 2; Washington 6. Where They Play Today. Chicago at St. Louis. Cleveland at Detroit. Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at .New York. How They Stand. T Won Lost Pet. Washington . 2 0 1,000 Cleveland . . . ... 2 0 1,000 Boston.. .. .. .. .." 2 0 1,000 Chicago 1 0 1.Q00 St. Louis 6 1 .000 Philadelphia 0 .000 Detroit 0 2 K600 New York ........ 0 2 .000 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. At Cincinnati 1;' St. Louis1 0; At Chicago 2; Pittsburgh 0. At Boston 4 T New York 6. At Brooklyn-Philadelphia, rain. Where They Play Today. New York at Boston; 1 Philadelphia at Brooklyn. St. Louis at' Cincinnati. ( Pittsburg ait' .Chicago. Southern Association. At Mobile 5;.. New Orleans 6. At Birmingham 2; Nashville 9. At Little Rock 3; Memphis 2. At Atlanta 1; Chattanooga 5. For Those Who Suffer : -Pain In Stomach, Back or Joints. ? (By Samuel Hamilton, M. D.) j in recent years investigation Dyj means of X-rays, the observations of scientists such as Cannon, Grtitzner, Pavlov, Fowler, Hawk, prove that an abundance of water is necessary in good bodily house-keeping. To drink a pint of hot water before meals Is good practice, . and those suffering from a catarrhal condition' of the I stomach will find benefit In adding I about 10 gains (one-sixth of a level teaspoonful) Of baking-soda, drinking i it an hour before each meal. . M your kidneys are sick, or you suf , fer with lumbago or rheumatism at times, pain in the back Or hack of the neck, take a little Aniiric before meals. Atturic (double strength ) end be found at any grjod drug store, and was.first discovered ty Dr. Pierce, of the Surgi cal Institute in Buffalo, N. 'cYi H: '-;. When run-down, when' lift Indoors has brought about a stagnant condition In the circulatioh--most everyone Is filled; ; with uric acid especially Is this st' of 'people past middle agevThis uric aid in the blood often causes rheumatism, lumbago, swelling Of hands of feet, or a bag-like condition under the' eyes. Backache, frequent urination or the painsand stiffness of the joints and high blood-pressure are also often noticed. Everyone ' should drink plenty of pure" water and exer cise in the open iiif as muebf as, pos sible. ; I have found that Anuric Is an antidote , for this wic acid poison and that It will dissolve the accumulation of, uric acid in the bGdffftthlioc a FHiHRITIJfS: CfWASJ URJE -f - Tha Standard Railroad, f Th J 8oth. r Arrival and Departure of Trains t at Wllmlngtpn, Effective March 1st, 1917. Arrivals, schedules and connections given as information, but not guaranteed. . . - rart3V Alaanltraa- onMr A:I1rf .7"!k'?S3r- How the Clubs Stand. Won Lost Pet. Cincinnati .. .. .. 2 ; 0 .1,000 Chicago ..... ; -. 2 0 1,000 Philadelphia...'...! 0 1,000 New York ........ 1 0 1,000 Brooklyn ........ 0 1 .000 Boston ........ 0 1 .000 Pittsburg ... .... 0 2 .000 St. Louis . . .... 0 2 .0X10 MAbV ri it a, mi A. n wER?-'.?! Starring in He Greatest SCreen Ach levement, 4u1rofMJifl9'Siiv. ..i ) na tomorrow. .-". v. IN THE MINORS. 4. American Association. At Milwaukee 6; St; Paul 4. ' At Indianapolis; 12 ;v Toledo 1. At Lquisvillell; Columbus 3. , At Kansas City 11; Minneapolis 5. Vote 9 Sis SHE ; For Councilman frorij . the f Flirst ward,at fthe PrlMaryT to be held in . DlUrAJtTUMl TO AND VBOM ARRIVAJUIl . No. 00. Uuldftbord, Richmond, Norfolk and Eastern No. KL t45 jLm. : North Carolina points. Connects at Golds- itu A. II. DsllyBxcept boro witli Southern Hallway at Norfolk Dally Except funds?. ' Southern Railroad.; Honday, -o 'Oiiadbourn, Conway, Florence, Charleston Fsvll. Savannah, f s Jacasonrllle, Tampa, St. N. M Dslly, Petersbarr. Port, Myers, Columbia and Dally. 5: SO A. M Aaheville, Pnllman Bleeping Cars between lt:M A, t . . WUmlnston an Columbia, open to re- v ? eelve outbound pasaenrera at Wllmlnjr- J'-i ton atnd after VM P. M. and may 6s . --J-occupied, lnbodnd ontll TfOO A. 1C: No. 87 ' : ' " ' rf :-- : No. 58. 7.-00 p M. .Chadbonrn, Conway and Intermediate 9:25 A. m. Daily except points; ' Dally Except "Snnday; - - --: ' Sunday No. 64.: .' : . No. 65. 8:45 A.M. JacvionVlllei New Bern and Intermediate :is r. M. Dally Sxcepf Stations. Daily Except Sunday. ' ' ' " " - ' ; Suaday. s r Goldabbro, Richmond, Norfolk and T.fashi ; NbiSi48-' lntor' Parlor Cars between .Wilminjcton Ne. 4. Dally. and Norfolk connecting at Rocky, Mount Dally. 8:00 A. M. witn. New Xork. trains having Pullman g t p. il : 8erlei '- t. j... - r-;r i ,r. fi i "i ,- -- " No. CS. Solid train between .Wilmington and Mt. No. 62. i Dally. M7 Tia Fayetterine and Sanford, Daily. 8;4S A. M. ": - T - - . S;00 P. M. Nia. Jackson title, New Bern and Intermediate No. 61. ..Daily SUttons. - PallJ. StSS P. M. , " U:ta F. M. -f. ' , Chadbonrn,, Florence, Columbia, ngnsts Ne. OL ' Atlanta and the West - Charleston, Sa- If. 14. Dally. Tannah and all Florida Points. All Steel Dally. tj4S P. M. ' Pvllman Sleeping Cars between Winning- il:M T. H ton and Atlanta; ria Augusts. " Sleeping y . Cars dally between Florence and Colum bia, which may be occupied at Colum- - .-, ; bla ttntU 7KK JL My , i . - : - No. SO. : No. 60 30 P. it . rayettetnie and IntermedUU Btatlesjg, 10:15 a. M. Dally Except . 1, ;- . . Dally Except Sanday ' l' " p Sunday. - ....... : ; , . - .:v ; Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington No.4JL and New York. Pullman Broiler. Buffet No. 41 Dally. Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and vial. fits p. M. Washington, connecting with New York tiM A. M trains carrying dining cars: also Pullman Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Norfolk. r . - For Folder, tteservatloht, rates of fares, tc call Thone !! w. j?cfiAitoi? .tc. white. .. General Passenger Agent Pisnaer Traffic Maniger. .the; City of Wilmington, next Tuesday, , -he 17th day of April, 1917. Lstand f tof:eazLVpbUtica end an hodelit goy-! leir)imeht. If elected I shall be guided J -sely by the dictation of a majority ' of the qualified voters 6f ' Wilmington, ' i am an American and stand for Amer ica first. : Your, support Will be highly .appreelatedj-r-Advtv J -.Via ITS TOilliioPOSlfi WM FlfflAlTOBE'THAt WILL 6IVE YOU' MOhE lFOR YOUR HOKEY THAN Phones 293 and 294. ' THOMAS GROCERY COMPANY ; 4th & Campbell 'Streets. HAVE Tflll BVBB. TRIED OTJB.VOTAN,, COFFEE t.. . li'.A... 'I: ; X nti j'i v,;- t-ic-ft,-?' ' ' :