Market ......... r- Wilmington-spot , Charleston spot . Norfolk .pot . . COTTON. 4. . 4 ..20.00 ..2014 ..20.00T ..201-2 Sava York April 13. A further adr NeWpncountered increased offerings TaDfhP cotton market early today. in M were hardly up to expectations Z trade took an unfavorable view Veather map, while buying was 0 i encouraged by peace talk . and 81 nnpnins steady at an advance, of !ToriT points, the market sold IS to 1 noints net higher., May touched: 21 ulv 20.47 and October, 19.17, but 20 '!;,nCp' levels there seemed to he AarMe cotton for sale. People "THE IFIHITIES" . 4 : ' local Market 8. Eggs STOCKS V ' ' ' a at a fb tU- wbo bad so consu" nhnvfi 20.75 recentlv. SUiu tij - ' e : . 1- mil bad more for sale this morning, which ght might be partly agalhst. i nrnos pasen nn a. Tew ailU Ml -'"-' mnts from the best with later fluc tuations irregular. rn,a rotton market closed irregular. . High 20.77 May July October . December January- ..20.47 ...19.17 .19.22 ..19.22 Low. 20.35 19.96 18.89 18.97 19.03 Close. 20.38 20.05 18.95 18.98 19.03 fiutter,,l-I5;::c6Wt;: " 2H?rYor!.A 13-(Wall Street).- Snriri fifitckrfd i i' tSuf Vs - wn irregular Sweet otatpa. bushel. . ; .S0pOtl.00 N. c. H&ms,fcound a . . o2i N. C. Shoulders and Ribs, lb.. .1718c Oranges, CaUfornia : ;3.50 Orares,;riotidA,.,, :i ;. .?4.00 Bananas, 7-8 bunch . . .$1.40 to $2.00 mons.faacy ...... .. . . . .. .. . vr$4.75 Apples, barrel ..... . .$4.25 Co $$,00 pe ... ... 13cfc Cabbage, Florida, pound V.' . . . ..d2c Corn, per blishei ....$20. Hides. Green .. .. .. .. .. .... 20c Peanuts,. N.. a, ... ... $1.40 ta $1.60 Peanuts,4Virglnla : . . ..... 60o to 80c Peanuts, Spanish .. ..$1.25 to $10 Wool .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. 32c Beeswax, '.. .. 29c Dry Hides . v, . 28c Green . Salt Hides; . ; 19C TaUow ........... . . ioc Wool, free of bur, . ... . . . . 22 to 25c dent buyiafe'With alinoRta nnlnt for Union .Pacific, United States - Steel made ay; fractional, gain on . an- initial sale of? 12000 shares, while Gulf . A BI6 SUCCESS wiu oe , rroaqcea - a i Time In Oirfer That All Ma& Enjoy It. v .The presentation of The Affinities" under the capable?; direction of Misses Florence and Bessie Burkheimer at the Academy of Music last night de- saie oi? iZiOW) snares, wbile Gulf nr. it iuJr?laa V- seiueq au .me, aust. ana maae u States. SWel rose r bointfe, WitK l t2 :rt.: ".,rtti"U1u,' poier and better for those who tar Hjvtexicanj Metroieumv. General! utiii ".51 i" ot, omaoor amusements. Electric and Ohio Gas. Shippings c&i?ers.:; hauled; w : ! i! " , - j i. nun i. . v - Many. Expected to Attend Car- H Although '! todays f ainj put a hamper on ,tne enthnsiaBm 5.95 : jae,; matinee patrons Qf. the; Con;.T. Kennedy shows, itvwill not- in any' 1jray interfere with tonight's; pleasure, unless Jupiter Pru- vius; continues to drench the pleasure zone .Arew of; men were putf W to. I work this .a,fternoon hauling cinders uuu snavmgs to xne jioc on l nineenin and Dock streets and 'the midway; was made as dry and comfortable as posr sible. : ;Tbe jain; had ; tendency ' to help, matters instead of., doing harnl, were in further demand with Central Leather, Uhited Statea Rubber: and- Wjlson . Packing. , Metals were inac trvend 'lltlie changed hands, Allis-Chalmers .. .. .. .. .. erican Beet Sugar (Ex. Div.) 94 1-2 .. 46 .. 66 . . 68 3-8 .. 43 . 1013-8 . Ill 1-2 . 1231-2 NEW YORK SPOT. vow York. April 13. Spot cotton, quiet middling, 20.85. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, April 13. Dry weather in Texas and- showery weather in the eastern belt caused buying in the early trading in cotton today, on which prices rose 12 to 14 points'. The supply of contracts was small and the market rose easily. The cotton market closed steady at tipt decline of 4 to 15 points. WllMiNGTON NAVAL STORES. Spiirts 48. Rosin Nothing doing. Tar 2.9 and 13 Cents. Crude-Nothing doing. Cotton Tar ... Receipts. 38 14 May.. July .. October . December January .. High. ..19.82 ..19.60 ...18.64 ..18.70 ...18.74 Low. 19.46 19.15 18.27 18.39 18,51 Close. 19:54 19.32 18.45 '18.52 18.5a NEW ORLEANS SPOT. New Orleans, April 13. Spot cot ton, steady, unchanged; sales, 2,191;. to arrive, 822. Good ordinary . . ..,. Strict good ordinary .. . . Low Middling Strict low middling .... Middling Strict middling .....20.00 Good middling 20.18 Strict good middlings. 20.36 Receipts, 1,685; stock, 365,178. ..18.43 ...18.93 ..19.43 . .19.6? ..19,81 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, April 13. Cotton: Spot, firm; good middling, 13.18; middling, 13.08; low middling, 12.90.. Sales, 4,000 bales, 400 for speculation and Export. Receipts, 25,000. Futures, steady. . April May-June July-August . . August-September October-November December-January January-February 12.63 12.52 .12.39 r: 12.23 . . . .11.86 11.79 11.77 LIVERPOOL COTTON STATISTICS. Liverpool, April 13. Weekly cotton statistics: Total forwarded to mills, 63,000 bales, of which American 51, 000. Stock, 677,000; American, 575,- imports, 54,000; American, 48, Exports, 4,110. 000. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, April 13. The cotton seed oil market closed easier. ?ot 15.00 bid ril ,.15.00 15.05 5lav 15.29g15.3l f,De 15.3015.32 15.3015.31 4ugust 152515.26 September 15.251&28 ctober .14.80 14.83 November.. 14.4314.45 Sales, 27,300 barrels. SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, - April 13. Turpentine, firm,; 47.1-4; gales, --; receipts; 80; shipments; 1126; Stocks, 9,481. Rosin, firm; sales, ; receipts, 362; Shipments, 30; stocks, 95,647. QuoteB DIaad E, 5.55; F, G, H and l,-5,60VKands.M, . 5.65; N, 5.70; WG, &.75WWW4,5:90. K . ,-.'"1:v' ' v""' Y'. CHK5AGO CiRAlN. ChicagAil TlWeakness de veloped in whSt: tpclay owing to as sertions that higni prices had more than Miscounted damage iiS the new crop. Brisk, demand fbr cash1 wheat continued' fipw. seaboard, and mill intexestsvaqo!e thef iMay option relative ; firmness as compared with later . delivteries- Speculation was light. Q&jti!B$-. quotations, which ranged fronrl 1-4 off:?tc'Vc advance, with May at r2.182.19 1-2 and July at 1.88 to 1.88 3-4, .were followed by some upturns, Jut; then a material setback aU around. Lightness of offerings put strength into corn. New. high record prices were attained. After opening un changed to l!-4c up the market un derwent a general sag, but then be gan to, soar. p 80 1-2 102 7-8 112 54 3-4 76 1-2 134 1-2 162 1-8 SI- 60 3-8 80 7-8 47 1-2 483-8 116 3-8 23 7-8 63 1-4 45 7-8 .28 1-8 165 5-8 .111-4 32 104 1-2 57 86 7-8 Open. Close. Wheat May . July . . . . ,Cqto- , May July .. . . July . . Pork May . . July . . Lard May . . . . July .... Ribs-j May .. . July . . ..2.18 . 1.88 . 1.85 3-S 1.32 3-4 . .65 3-8 .64 1-2 .37.50 .37.25 .20.95 .21.27 20.10 2.21 1.88 3 4 1361-4 1.33 3-8 .65 1-4 .63 5-8 36.85 36.25 20.80 21.02 19.52 19.85 American Can American Car and Foundry American Locomotive . . , American Cotton Oil .. . American. JSinelting . . . . . American Sugar . . .. .. . American Tel. & Tel . . . American Tobacco .. .. . Anaconda Copper Atchison A. C. L. (bid) . . Baldwin Locomotive .. . i Baltimore & Ohio .... I Bethlehem Steel Canadian Pacific .. .. .. . i Central Leather Chesapeake, Ohio . . . . ChjtoagO MIL? & St. Paul Cnicago,: R. K and Pc. Ry, Colorado-Fuel Iron . . Consolidated Gas .. .. .. Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie ... General Electric Great Northern Pfd .... Great Northern Ore Ctfs . Illinois Central Inspiration Copper Int. Merc. Marine Pfd. . . International Nickel 42 International Paper 361-4 Kansas City Southern . . . . . . 22 3-4 Kennecott Copper 44 Louisville & Nashville .... . . Liggett & Myers . . Lorillard Co. . . Maxwel Motors .. Mexican Petroleum Midvale Steel . . National Lead .... .... . . New York Central D5 N. Y., N H. & Hartford . . . J . . 45 Norfolk & Western 131 Northern Pacific '. . . . 104 Pennsylvania . . 53 ' Ray Consolidated Copper .. .. 30 Reading 96 3-4 Rep. Iron & Steel 80 S. A. L. 15 S. A. L. Pfd (bid) 32 Sloss. Shef. Steel & Iron . . . . 55 1-2 Southern Pacific . . . . ....... 95 1-8 Southern Railway . . 28 Southern Railway Pfd 57 7-8 Studebaker Corporation .. .. 93 1-4 Tennessee Copper 17 3-8 Texas Co 114 1-2 Union Pacific 138 United Fruit .. 140 7-8 I. Sr Smelting & Refining . . . . 58 U. S. Steel 112 1-8 U. S. Steel Pfd . ..." 117 7-8 Utah Copper 110 3-8 Va. Car. Chem. (Ex. Div.) .... 43 Wabash pfd. (bid) 25 1-2 western union yt i-z en- . . .. 250 181 to 210 .. .. 511-2 88 3-4 m 59 1-4 the play within , itself should have drawn more to the playhouse, for the opinion of various persons was that it was by far the best home talent production ever; offered here. Misses Burkheimer stated that the cast was the best they had ever assembled and the two yourtg ladies have had quite a bit of experience along this line. -The audience,- while woefully small, was appreciative, and various num bers on the program were repeatedly encored by the crowd, which evidently knew real talent and appreciated it. The play is to be offered a second time, and Friday of next week has been decided On as the date. The second production is for the double purpose of giving those who failed to attend a second opportunity of seeing what the young people in their midst are capable of, and because the pro moters are very anxious to lend every assistance possible in helping the Confederateyeterans on to the Washington, reunion, which is to be held in June. ; The - play wapnderfully good perhaps the very best home talent production ever staged jn Wilmington, many of the individual numbers being worth the price' admission alone This was especially true Of the danc ing of Miss Margaret - Walton, who appeared in three dances- that were I distinct features and which captivat ed her audience. The Hawaiian dances were skilfully executed and were most refreshing, for they showed a distinct departure from the course usually followed by persons staging amateur productions. The show was staged in two acts and was not a light comic opera, but a heavy musical show that compared very favorably with the average musi cal show that visits the city. The 24 All of theV. attractions win. be open as usual tonight, and arrangements have been completed ; to accommodate a bumper crowd. Wilmington people have been thoroughly "Kennedteed", and. are going to take andvtange of the opportunity to see this wonderful amusement enterprise. CASES COMPROMISED. Mr. C. K. Thomas Was Awarded $2,250 In Superior Court. In the case of W. B. Cooper and the Bank of Pembroke against C. E. Green amayer, in, which: the plaintiffs were sueing to recover amounts owed them, on the only issue submitted the jury an affirmative verdict was returned ' in the Superior Court this morning. Mr. C. K. Thomas was awarded $2,250. I j" . AND DANDRUFF Get rid of Dandruff or Scurf make Hair Rtraicht (like plc tore; mott. long and silky by applying- ltttle irm; EGGS AND POULTRY. Chicago, Aprilr 13. Butter, wMiaery, 4045. Eggs-Higherr receipts, 31,393 vnll firsts' 3233; ordinary firsts S 1 2 at mark CaSGS included' 29 12 .Jtoes Higher; receipts, . 18 vo- dah0, Colorado, Oregon and aeton, 3.O03.25. Wisconsin and Michigan, 2.752.90. RT1Sultry Alive, higher. Fowls, 23; sPnngs, 23. v COFFEE. ew York, April 13. Coffee: Rio io. Futures July, 8.40. steady. May; HERDLINE mm HAIR DRESSING not sticky or rummy. C o a r s e, stubborn, kinky, nappy v hair made straight, soft, , j :V; and long by applyliwr . HKSOLIN ,jH,AIB r.. , DJSSSlSrO.r v H a ,1 ' will grow s to aw lncnw iwufir u so soft you can comb and brush in any, style ;ifakes mustache and eyebrows-soft and fascinating-, also stop Itching scalp at once. SEND 25c (stamps or, coin) for a big can. - HEBLOINj BCEDICINE ': CO., WANTED Wrlttf for AGENTS SUGAR. New York, April 13. Raw sugar, firm; centrifugal, 6.39; molasses, 5.51; refined, firm; fine granulated, 7.50 8.25. Futures were firm on covering vand demand, from Wall street, prompted by the firmness of tlie spot market. At noon prices were! 5 to 8 points higher. Closed firm and 5 11 points higher. Sales, 2,250 tons. May, 5.51; July, 5.64; September, 5.73. DIED SUDDENLY. Mr. F. J. Sellers Passed Away This Morning Early Funeral. Mr. F. J. Sellers, aged 67 years, died suddenly at his home, No. 1106 Parsley avenue, this morning at 7:30 o'clock. On account of the fact that the deceased was found dead Coroner A. S. Holden was called to view the body. He turned it over to Mr. W. E. Yopp, undertaker, to have it pre pared for burial. The funeral will be from the residence tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. musical numbers were rendered in a most pleasing manner, all dull mo ments being eliminated and the audi ence kept in a happy .frame of mind continuously. The costumes were of an elaborate nature, producing a most pleasing effect. The theatre had heen decorated in the National colors with the Stars and Bars in evidence. The work of the Misses Burkheimer as playwrights and their technical ability in staging a production on such an elaborate scale was very pronounced in the production of the play. While the greater part of the credit is due the Misses Burkheimer the show . could never have attained the success that it so justly deserved with any alteration of the cast of characters. The selections of the Misses Burkheimer could not have been improved on and it is hoped that the second production will be seen by an audience that will tax the. capacity of the house. la effective in treating unnatural aiscnarges; i painless, non- poisonous and will not stricture. Believes in 1 to 5 days. OXJ BIT DBHGIST8S. Parcaf Postlf desired Price II, or 8 bottles 52.75. Prewired by WB EVANS CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI. O. rjrv TV F W Pi A G When it comes to buying groceries quality should re ceive first consideration, always. No stores maintain a higher standard of quality, than we do, neither does any store sell at lower prices. A few of our, steady regular prices quoted below should convince you why you should select The Royal Stores from .which topurchase your supplies. 7c lb. . . . 15c can 30c lb Best Rice . . . ... . . . . . . .,. . Tomatoes, large size ...... Cheese . . . National Biscuit Co. i 1 0c pkg. goods ... ... ..... .9c pkg. Early Garden Peas 9c can Lard, Compound . ...... ,18c lb Caraja Coffee 28c lb Pink Salmon ... ... 15c can White House Coffee . 33c can Apple, Jelly . . . . .10c can , "Pay As You Go and Save." V"" t llCtrr WINTER tail 1 A The Corbett Co., Whole EVANS ELI ST I C SERV1C ES: Song Services Will Be Decided Fea ture of the Services. A series of special evangelistic serv ices ' will . be started Sunday "at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church and the members of the congregations are expecting the attendance to be un usually good. Rev. J. H. McCracken will do the preaching. The song serv ices,' which will be a feature, will be under the able direction of Mr. and ; Line? WoFtK.Remflmbrlno Through life let your principal ; ob ject be the discharge of duty. "Stonewall" Jackson. . n nrf An - Wai"T:-jf.ia.-. , hMrs. A. R. Lytle, of Winona Lake, Indj The chorus choir of the church is requested to meet Mrs.' Lytle 'this'" evening at 8 o'clock for practl.ce.'; Every member is urged to be present. declared not guilty of an assaulL nrrflitCFT is MORE penetrating! AT DRUGGISTS I DLLflU JL AND RELIEVES QUICKER 1255011 A STATEMENT mm firacerv &. 17th and Market Streets 5th and Red Cross Streets i v f ' Phone 70. Phone 74. On or about March 21st I was in Mr. B. A. Merritt's, office and J. F. Hobbs was there, he was almost drunk, and was cursing his brother because he was supporting Mayor Moore, and said he knew he was bought off as he y. was a strong Merritt man up until night before last, and ; I tell you they are spending money right and.left, and L can get on to it. I asked him how he. was going to get on :: to it, and he said W. J. Bradshaw was against Merritt and y that he owed Bradshaw a bill, arid that he could go to'hiht v; and tell hlrri if he Mayor Moore an4 get $1 0.00 for him he might apply it to his account, and I am surev he will do this, as Fwas npt able to pray him:last Saturday and he wiir expect $2.00 Ithis Saturday. ' Mri Merritt said if he did this and go't a receipt to plfease let liim haye. it and he would make it hot for the one he caught spending;, money in that manner. I have read the affidavit made by ,; : L F. Hobbs and will state that it is not: true. ' R: E: BLAKE. State of North Carolina, New Hanover County. ' j I, H: S. Meredith, a Notary Public in and for the State'; and County aforesaid, do herebyr certify that -R E. Blaker personally appeared before me this day and acknowl-r;.. edged the due execution of the annexed Instrument.' ' ' ' Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this 1 1th day of April, 1917. - R S. MEREDITH, Notary Public, Q My commission expires June 5th, , 1 917. . . , :.: ' " ' r;;' The above affidavit should satisy any fair-rminded maii that trie statement made by J. F. Hobbs and W. J. Brad- , shaw are hot true, I did not admit to Bradshaw that the , affidavit was truebut did admit that I told Hobbs if Hej v received any money and paid it to Bradshaw; on' his iac- ; count to bring the receipt to me. I am informed . that Hobbs was indicted for perjury about a year ag, ! I did; , not call Hobbs into my office, did not give him a cold v: drink,, (he had had enough of another kind already) I ; did not ask him to frame up on any- one and deny theX whole of his affidavit except the above. I did tell nim , and have told many others, that 1 Would pay a reward, of V $100.00 for sufficient evidence to convict any pne:bf.l' violating the election laws' during' this election, and the . offer still stands. ! " " ; -v kfc? B. A. merritt; t -J O0 ARE wcnl 5ElOEt-l OON'T a. A . - " ' SEE TrXT HORRlO -.VA 'jit I I'LL STAOr ACT MRb bEVEJRAL. TrirsiEb TQ feEE IP you . IDE . 0U. I IN I'M NOT OtAX- iuai trr-? w i - HELLO -DlNTr- WITH THE ATi AN- BUCKET r i r . l i DAV SO! A 1 VTACK OF V a ; ;v.'.f Si j. ;