vv PAGE FOUR '.viW;.-f.-. '. fILniNGTON DISPATCH business vagrancy; PUBLISHED 0Al!iYNDf SUNDAY 1-BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. Lj' 1 . . - - j v - telephones: .Cuslness Office ....... .-175 Editorial Rooms, . . . .t .-. . . . . . . . .205 ' FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. . -x . . BY mail: Dally and Sunday .15.00 Dally and Sunday, Six Months... 13.00 Dally and Sunday, Three Months ,$1.50 r: Bunday Only; One Year . . . . . . . .2.00 ySx DELIVERED BY CARRIER: ri t: Dally and Sunday, per week 15a When Paid In Advance at Office .v .. Daily and Sunday, One Tear ...17.00 v;r Dally and Sunday, Six Months ..$3.50 -Dally and Sunday, Three Months. ?1.75 Bunday Only, One Tear $2.00 .iCntered at the Postofflce In Wllmlng f S$ ton, N. .C a Second-Class Matter. Secretary Meares Harriss, of the Ro tary Club, made a; timely suggestion when he blazed forth the slogan, "Bus iness as Usual". He deplores any in clination (generally unintentional, of course) to indulge in pessimism, with its attendant stagnation of business, which would result in retrogression, and calls upon the business folks to offset this by activity. He has the right idea. Business is not created by do-nothingness, and-the way to offset dull times is to get busy. It is true that the country is going to issue bil lions of dollars in bonds, but letit De rememDerea tnat ail this money f will be spent at horn. It does not Eb-6ERATld - - - . 7 The fact that prominent British ;and Erench;, naval officers have made Am erican ports and have been in confer ence with American officials indicates clearly that the United States under stands that co-operation with the AI- tlie3-,in this war is absolutely necessary and that what is the cause of one is the cause of all; that forces cannot fight as efficiently and make use of what money is needed as well unless they ' are united, t The I object ' be ing the same and none of the enemies of Germany coveting what the other You m I M. : " : ? 7 . I rvy,Vt,'1v,v-;,:.U;''-, ' g I: ' W I You have probably been jhthe habitSpecifo of using external treatments to relieve covered -i over fifty years:, ago, . will desires certainly the United States. your catarrh... Ynri have aTmliedsnrays. "washes and lotions , to. the mucous sur- laces oi the nose and throat, have been .temporarily relieved, ; and then TTondered a short tinje after, why you were troubled 'with another attack of caterrhi'jfrj : You jshould realize that catarrh is an infection of the blood, x This fact has ' been" agreed upon ' by specialists in catarrh troubles, and t has been proven in the laboratories of the Swift cleanse your blood of r the - catarrhal poisons" and will thereby1 relieve, you of the -'dripping-1- in your throat, tne eore3 in" your nostrils, spitting, hawk ing and bad teatLf. v:;s.r' . All druffjrists carry S. S.. : and the physicians of our Medical Depart ment will cheerfully answer any let ters which, you may "write them in regard to your case. Swift Specific r-r, foreign - Advertising Representatives: : f MacQuoid-Miller Co- Inc New .-iYork and Chicago. :-l-'r- ; : FRIDAY, APRIL .13, 1917. s -" A passage at arms the Dardanelles. v S-At present he seems to be Von Hid- denburg. ... The inner man seems to be out of it ' ;.: these days. . ". - . . Lots of folks these days are looking ? crossed "i;d". . The short of it, is that the war is going to still be long. 'I'l J.. ,The only nerve some folks appear :, :y. to have is in their teet?. want nothing in the way of land or money tnere is no excuse for disa greement and every reason for agree ment. Conferences between the of- lfiinla nf tTi a Aifta-rar nnnnMoa of won xucau uiai 1,11c mouey ia going 10 DSi ... n . , , . . . 6 " with .Germany will bring about a close tossed into the ocean, but that factor- union that will obtain a better focus; ies will be kept running; that more fac- one of greater power. For all to do tories will be needed, and that the what one can rio will dissipate power; very issuance of bonds means that pay- whreas lf -the work is divided be- ment will not fall entirely upon the x careful thought as -to condition and present generation. If bonds are to be posUlon of the country to the work issued, money Is to be obtained and bigger things will be. accomplished and the money is to be spent in this coun- in quicker way. This will be exempli fy. So the country must get ready fled in distribution of the patrol work. , . . . ' . lantic and thus release ships of the vested m bonds will be idle money- entente for' work at home, made to work which will help to a America will also nrofit from such large extent. It is not to be contend-1 conferences by being able to learn by ed, of course, that this will not be an tne experience of other countries, ovfrn KurrfoT, fh i Premier LloydGeorge well points out does mean that it should not create " : " T " f . blunders made by Great Britain.- While business depression now and there is sucn bIunders were natural under the 41 4. 4i ?. 4 Cuba and South American countries' DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY. 4 4 4. 4v Rt. Rev. Anson R. Graves, first Episcopal missionary bishop . of the Platte, now retired, born at Wells, Vt., 75 years ago today. . Frank W. Wool worth, who hasac quired a great fortune through his COMMISSIONER'S SAJuE OF JJLSD. ' : State of Norfh Carolina, . . County of New Hanover, . In the Superior Court. City of Wilmington' , VS.. '..;' ' . John W. Neil and wife Matilda Nell and Sallie Jane Neil. - . . Under and by virtue of the authority and power .vested in me as : commissioner, In a certain decree in the above entitled ac tion, signed by his Honor G.W. Connor Judge presiding at the term of Superior Court held in New Hanover County In the month of November 1916, I . offer for sale development of the chain-store idea, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, Dorn m Jefferson . county, N. Y., 65 years ago. Lucius E. Johnson, president of the Norfolk & Western Railway, born at Aurora, in., 71 years ago today. John Hays Hammond, Jr., inventor of the wireless-controlled "torpedo, oorn m ban Francisco," 29 years ago today. - ' Norman "l (Kid) Elberfeld, manager of the Chattanooga Southern League baseball club, born at Mason City, W. Va., 41 years ago today. , .Some folks are after a rest, while .. some others are after all the rest. Wedding invitations interpreted mean "there is no time like the' present. .Turkey Trot has given away to the Turkey run over in Persia these days. no, reason to have such later, as busi-j exigency of the occasion urgency and hess 'can re-adjust itself and in the Inexperience they arev not necessary meantime make itself ready for the great trade to come from foreign coun tries after the war. ; . Well, anything evil that happens to day you can blame upon Friday, the ;.13th." - rThe Garden of Love had better be the "backyard garden, planted in vege I : tables. . If they don't believe the Kurnel will go to the front, let them authorize him to form a division. ? It-seems to be the shooting irony of fate that the entire world shall be plunged into war. ; ongresswoman Rankin will prob-iahy- still contend that 'tis better to -shea 'tears than to shed blood: In this connection it is well to pon der that the money spent now by Am erica will hasten the end of the war, which brings nearer the hour for more business at home, as the result of In ternational" trade. Wilmingtonians should be especially alert There will be chance to get some of the additional iactories need ed and being a seaport Wilmington will be in position to take part in the big commercial expansion that must necessarily immediately follow the close of the European war. The thing to do is not to pessimis-. tically contend that business is going jto the bow-wows, ut to smile and go to work. "Business as Usual" is a; good slogan. BUT DO THEY DARE? , With the Russian bear in the east v.- and the Teddy Bear in the west the VV Germans will have a hard time. now that the lesson has been learned and the United States is in a position to be taught. In this way America will save much money and, perhaps, many lives, while the entente will gain a stronger ally. GREAT REJOICING BY RHEUMATIC CRIPPLES at the Court House door of New Hanover ,County, on Monday, May 14th, -1917, at twelve o'clock; to' satisfy the Judgment ob tained in said -actioH all of the following described piece, tract or parcel of lanot, lying being and situate in the City of Wil mington, as follows: Beginning at a point in the Eastern line of Anderson street one -hundred and thirty -two (132) feet southwardly from the south ern line of Green street and running thence eastwardly ' one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet , parallel with reen street i thence southwardly thirty-three ; (83) feet thence westwardly and parallel with Green street one Hundred- and sixty-five (165) feet ; thence northwardly and parallel with Anderson street thirty-three (33) feet to the beginning, same being the northwest one-rourtn or ljot 3 in mocK 255, accord ing to the official plan of the City of Wll- mmgion, r. j. ' This the 11th day of April, 1917. C. C. BELLAMY. (3-ll-30t Commissioner, i (squirms PnarjTiERs.. Stock- ICQ PLANTERS (A FEW JUST' RECEIVED) ' LEDBETTER ONE SEED" ' j With, Fertilizer, Attachment H . . V tGUANO DISTRIBUTORS. f : ' "kP. apd COX SIMPLEX (Only a Few Left.) 1 ROCAGE GARDEN -TOOLS''. 1 (Planters Cultivators - and Distributors.) 50 Superior Garden Plows $2,50 Each Complete with ExtrYYVi and Rake's.' "Business as U8ual'' j B . '- '-r - - . - 10 AND 12 SOUTH FRONT ST. If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or Legs Rheuma Will Help You or Nothing to Pay. O DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY. . One Hundred Years Ago Today. 1817 George J. Holyoake, one of the great leaders of the co-operation movement among English' working- men, born at Birmingham. Died Jan 22, 1906. Seventy-five Years Ago Today. 1842 Commander of the U. S. iorces in jrioriaa reported tne war with the Indians virtually ended. Fifty Years Ago Today. 1867 Oxford won the university boat race with Cambridge by half a length. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 1892 U. S. troops called out to sup press the cowboy disturbance in Wyoming. ' .--i . ,' Talking. about preparedness, the chap who lays in a supply of foodstuff yjynow is certainly a patriot in the cause. t,j Billy Sunday certainly shows his ' early training as a baseball player by , , the way he is after those who hit the iV high-balls. It is not surprising, that Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria desire peace. Be sides being wearied, as well as being!' ONE. YEAR AGO TODAY IN 1- WAK. V April 13, 1916. French balked Ger man attack on Hill 304 at Verdun; Italians pushed Austrians back 'at Monte Sperano; British repelled Ger man assaults at two points on west ern front after bitter hand-to-hand fighting. J ; ' Billy Sunday has already called New X Yorkers "mutts." After he looks around a bit he will also find plenty oi j ens in uotham. v There .are vtwo big factors in waging war successfully. One to dig trenches at the front and the other to dig veg etables back home. . " ' Mexico's promise to remain neutral J means only as tov the outside world. ! It is impossible for Mexicans to be neutral towards each other. The desire qf Austria-Hungary and -.Bulgaria for peaee are more gtraws ' 'Showing how the war wind is blowing lftl'Tentonlc,' snip upon the rocks. "VyBy, yolufiteering at once, with the kl'?4s? of, raising a division, Roose- vdt is not only doing his duty but do '..ing the duty of lots of other folks. torn and bleeding, from the; contact of the great conflict, they behold the '."handwriting on the wall". They like ly cannot see light ahead and realize that the blackness wil be increased. Prolongation of the struggle will mean a heavier burden they will have to bear when the day of reckoning comes, and if they are entirely prostrate at the last the terms of peace will not hold out any chance whatever. So there is no doubt, in the mind of the person who can reason, that these two coun tries would like to have peace, and would be willing to seek it and make big concessions to get it. But wanting it and being able to shake off Ger many's grip is quite another thing. Germany. dominates these two govern- ments and if they would break loose what would be their fate before they could ally themselves with the entente, so that the latter could assist them? Austria-Hungary would be in a strong er position than Bulgaria, but will either dare ma&e the break, as much as they may desire to sue for peace? Bulgaria would be overrun in a few days by the Germanic forces. Austria- Hungary would have to battle for its very life. - ::VIf Senator Stone isreally in earnest - .'with his ultra gyrations against Ger - many, now that the country is at war, l.Wby not send him to the trenches to ; counter-act the Teutons' gas fire? "emier Lloyd-George says America ' .3.s' a .record of never having gone to v; arsave In behalf of liberty, which is holdout commendable confession on ;; :jthe;jart of England over a couple of .wrs he" United States has had. ;;Durjng the early days of the war '1 f plks over this side of the Atlantic - of tn j wondered 'bow so many prepos- ;terou8 "storle-'.icould possibly get start ' edover on the other side. Yet they 'are 'now being regaled with like tales ,at home. . The story of the German raider off Rhode 'Island was, no doubt, .in tbe imaginary' class,. whH it is a dull; day that . some one doesn't report : a : German' submarine Jn the Gulf xf . Mexicjb, or submarine -bases "some- If you want relief in two days, swift, certain, gratifying relief, take one-half teaspoonful of Rheuma once a day. If you want to dissolve .every par- ticie or uric acid poison in your body and drive it out through the natural channels, so that you will be forever i free "from rheumatism, get a 50-cent bottle of Rheuma from R. R. Bellamy or any druggist today. Rheumatism is a powerful disease strongly entrenched in joints and muscles. In order to conquer it a powerful enemy must be sent against it. Rheuma is the enemy of rheuma tism an enemy that conquers it every time. Judge John Barhorst, of Ft. Lora mie, Ohio,' knows it. He was walking with crutches; today he is well. It should do as much for you; it seldom .tma. Jrm v l. y SALE OF loon, lover ( ensb, I NOTICE. OF MORTAGEE'S LiAND. Notice is hereby given, vnat under and by virtue of a mortgage deed executed in favor of the undersigned, on the 24th day of July, 1916, bv C. C. Taylor and wife, Viola Taylor, in Book 80, at page 478, in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, the undersigned mort gagee, in pursuance of the oower of sale contamea m said mortgage, deed, will on tne Kia aay or May, 1917, at 12 o'clock n at the Court House doorof New Han. County, sell to the hiehest bidder for the following described tract or parcel of land lyiner and beiner in nw TTn County, State of North Carolina, an-i in Harnett Township, more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Known as Lot No. 41 according to the Fox Sub-division in East Wilmington ac cording to the plan and survey i.ade by E. J. W. -Anders May 14tn, im4 ,and mere fully described as follows: Beginning at a point in the eastern Jine of Evans street, two hundred and Mnety three feet .northwardly from the: renter 1 sioue xn me nortnern line ot-T&arket Etroet roau, wxiica is l-a-xu reet eastwardly from the center line- of - Evans street, running thence eastwardly at right angles 97 8-2C feet; thence southwardly and parallel with Evans street 50 feet; thence wastwurdly .a?d 52i?lel wltn the first -ltaa- meutioncd 97 8-10 feet to the eastern line of Evans street; thence along the said eastern line 50 feet to the point of beginnin-r. This the 3rd day of April, 1917. C. D. WEEKS, ADDIE A. FOX, ' 4-3-30dysAttOrney- Mortgagee. FOR MAYOR B. A. MERRITT What's the use of worrying about To New York and ;etown,S.C. A n Innovation Old Line Life Insurance, Acci dent arid Health Insurance PAY FOR IT WEEKLY. OR MONTHLY WITH ANNUAL PREMIUM BENEFIT The Home Savings Bank Georg THINGS YOU NEED NOW Rubber Hose : . . . . i . . . 10c to 18c foot ; lt NOZZLES HOSE REELS SPRINRLERS r GARDEN-TOOLS QF ALL KINDS A Complete Line of Oil Cook Stoves and Refrigerators Your Business Appreciated. CAPE FEAR HDW. CO. Ice Cream, when we can furnish just I Q TT ,W WkS-M,NQTN-what you want. Will have fresh straw- o er0,kee Saturday, April 14th berry cream for Sunday in addition to I . ' V"eroeB' weanesaay, April 25th 11.. 1 J3 Liie regular navors we carry an tne time. Let us have vour orders earlv TRY A MEDICINE THAT PROVES ITS VALUE Perhaps,; not o much ;of an atmos phere of real mystery shrouds the hom icide of Wednesday night, as an at mosphere of- loathsomeness and of conditions that are not atv all pleasant to air, ' However; tfie aim of 'the law and'. Protection of society cannot ston ! where in, Mexico.", It all goes to prove i for such reasons and consequently it j Yiu"M ; i.uxi 10 - b uocjti tiuie io lis necessary-: to . ferret, out the perpet- ttio Doiiio &uiu ui. eutuuuu auu lue luiaa , capabje of. Justus if ancifut stories no matter tne clime, nor tne geographical Not only is patriotism running high in the country, being found In every nook and corner, but it is of intelligent type. It permeates every rank of life. It is found not alone swelling in the breasts of those of mature years, but in the glad outbursts of children, and it is remarkable " the grasp many of these youngsters have on understand ing; not of International Iawv of course, but of the cardinal' principles of love of country and liberty. The south is especially enthusiastic, and;North Car-, olina is.7, at : the head 4 , Q column. Every Tar Heel town is haying, a big patriotic rally, which is of mammoth size and of like proportions so far as ardor goes. : ;? During the entire period of time tbat I have been handling Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root I have never heard a sin gle complaint. My customers are gen erally pleased with results obtained and speak words of praise for the merits of the preparation. Very truly yours, GILL- COMPANY, Druggists. Per Julian J. Gill, Sept. 29, 1916. Starkville, Miss. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, fi.Y. for Sunday. You will also find our Ice Cream sold by most of the Drug Stores in the City that handle Ice Cream. Call for it by name "FROST CREAM." FROST ICE CREAM CO., Phone 20. 13 Princess Street. "Make the Kind That Satisfies." WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S. S. Cherokee Friday, April 6th S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, April 17th. WILMINGTON TO NEW YORK. S. S. Cherokee Tuesday, April 10th S. S. Cherokee... Saturday, April 21st S. S. Cherokee carries flrst class pas sengers only. -VLVDE STEAMSHIP CO, a J. BJJCKHR, Agent" Wilmlngtom- f. Q. State of North Carolina, . - County of New Hanover. Marian. Florence Hedrick vs. ' James Dawson Hedrick.' This isrn action brought T?y the plaintiff in tne above entitled ctiuaa oo-atnof -v,t. 4. i - . "uuitui auore namea on Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For . You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y f or a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys ' ana Diaaaer. When writing, be sure and mention the The Wilmington Dis patch. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Ad vfc ... ' location. , ; . . , towads upholding thelaw.J V. ? J ' - - - -' , , j S Phone 996. witMiy&Toy; y. o. 5 1 rator of . the crimed Jhis we believe the thorlUew1dQ to show efficiency' and tcTTdo their part n REGULAR DINNER TWENTY-FIVE CENTS NEW YORK CAFE ATLANTIC COAST LINE. 1 LINE RAILWAY The' Progressive Railway of the South. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rates from Wilmington, w. C. ATLANTA, GA. ...$13.95 On sale June 15, 16, 17; limited return ing Midnight June 25th. . Stop-over any point. BIRMINGHAM, ALA . . ..i. $18.95 On sale April 13 to' IB, Inc. limited re turning midnight April 25th. NEW ORLEANS, LA ... . .$39.73 Oa sale April 7, 8, 9, Limited return ing midnight April 17th. , ATLANTA, GA . . . . , .'. $10.35 On sale April ?, 3. limited returninir midnight xVprU 11. r On sale March 17th to April 7th. inv. fornicatiion and adolteryT 6 "T" . w n"! ZXlt '.V? . ueing maae, to appear that. James Z . " iV iuaive; 11m- neur cK is a non-resident of the lteu returning miamgnt April 3th. j.r. -urouna, ana cannot after dunlh4gece be found in this State. v 8 mereiore to notiry gaid defendant n,PC r xt tfae next -term of the Superior S-JS .ew Hanover County n State Afn.7 T .VuaJ 10 e held on the 9th n 1017 luesr Mondan in March A. u., 117, thne and there to answer !or de- IIP1 ! complaint, or judg j "e grantea according to the prayer of the complaint. ' mlnuYnisWe0i I have hereunto set day ofMarch, lllj. omc this the 22nd "W. N. TTAT?T?TSS Clerk of Superior Court. 3-23-law-4w-Jri EASTER SOUVENIR a beautiful Pres-Cut Glass Fruit Plate ft Saturday April ay 7th CllKeiy Co. Ehoiie 679. 16 So. Front" "The Standard Railroad of the South." EXCURSION FARES , ATLANTA, GA. . . $13.95 I On sale June 15. 16. 17: limited return. i ing Midnight June 25th. Stop-over any point. . - -. :: . WASHIN GTO N, D, C. ... ... . . $1 3.20 un saie April 10 to 15th mclusive. lim i ited returning midnight April 30th. j NEW ORLEANS, LA. ... ... ..$28.75 I On sale May 11 to 16th,- inclusive; limited returning , midnight May 31, limit extended to June lPh on pay ment $1.00. - .' ' WASHINCTON,.D. C. ... ... ...$8.90 On sale June 2 to 7th, inclusive; limit ed i eturning midnight June 21st;-limit .extended to July 6th on payment 50c. i Stop-overs at all stations within final limit. . ' " .7;-:-- ' ; -:, DALLAS, TEX. I . " On sale May 12. 14, 15, limited return- PROPORTIONATE FARES FROM OTHER POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of tfie South." SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY ! ProrresslTe Railway of the gnU. DKPABTUBB OF TRAINS VSOOt ?55 P. M. Train for Charlotte and l8ttb ' W-JTOX TO CHAB- TnJ?? f kinim JoT Cnrtotte and I.OTTB. Open at 10:00 Pr M. tor Paaaen- Sella wo- l-i2:30 P. M. Train from C.harlnttl ana intermediate PARLOR CAR AND WIT,MTJVJri'rrA SnT7j', .--Train from "charlotte KifiMAIN IN BLEEP-SB UNTII, v am &ZO For detailed nfnnn.ftu " J Phonr? et.sOrton Buildln: K. W. WALLACH j ; C. T. A Ntw ORLEANS, LA. . ... .$28.75 On sale May 11 to lth, inclusive; lim ited returning midnight; limit extended to June 15th, on payment $1.00. WSHINGTON. O. C. . . . .... ...$8.90 On sale June 2 io 7th; rnlusive;; limit ed returning midnight June ist; limit extended to July7 6th on' payment 50c. DALLAS, TEX: ... . . . J . - On sale May 12, 15. lilmlted return-! ing midnight, June 8th. , I MACON, GA. . . . . .. . . . . $13.20 I On sale March 17th to , April 7th, Inc. Limited ceturninir midnihf Give Her A Box of Candy Today We Have the Largest Assortment in the City. Fresh Supply of Norris, Nunnally's Foss and Johnston's. Have you tried our Soda ? Telephone Front Street Store 181 or 182. Telephone Princess Street Store 248. ELVINGTON'S v DEPENDABLE DRUGSTORES Princess St. at Second, 117 North Front. 10th. ' For further information, apply 'Phone 178 R. W. WALLACE?, " C. . T. A., Wilmgton 'KG 1 B. PLICASANTi, w. r. a. : n. c HHHit I J. B. McCABE GO, I Bidr.' PT; Hituiiniiihuii, 1 1 "' Boom 815 ftUvcbf mm Bnnk rxr . 1 )! nl nl I U I -. a. ' m m A .. i . ,.v7-r - '. r- T "W ' . Oscar W.'Pehfr' WOOD , Telephone 841; .7 aic wooa, i.5cr per load; mix- ea woqa; ?1.50 per load; plne wood, ?1.35 per load.' All wood ! senc u. u. D. c AUTOS FOR HIRE Pleasure Drirlnfl, Dances Weddings and Commercial Y Cily li very Co. i rnonei 19 ana 340. DBUO TALK NO. 1. ACCURATE COMPOUNDING We Follow the Doctor's In structions in FUllnr Prescrip tions. We nse pure Drar too, not the kind that mlrht do but the fcin that will do; no the kind tht will Injure the system, but the kind that will build op the " tern. j" Adaptability, the best equip ment ' and experience enable to offer yon a eervlee of Inestim able. Talue Jn times of illne- JAR MAN & FUTRELLE ' ' ' Phone 644. JuuniiiiiniiiuiiiJiiiiiijiuiuiJiiJiiiiiHiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHii I 4- i-x 'iv -. - ...

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