. . J , 1 i i - "'-'V, ". i v --. . .1 LL. Jt - 1 1 jZLn i - l i MiTl2" ----- - 1 ' - - ' ' 1 Lwm m. TriniiiNi . -- 1 .-..Si.. -:-'tt - r X." .V; :."Miss Dorothy Hill, of Payette ville, visiting relatives here. Miss Alice Hewett left this morn "titr for norland where she will spend ,? some time with relatives and friends. - - ' ' Mrs. J. N. Butler left this morning ,- tor Richmond. Va,1 where she will ovi.u MonHa a-nn - relatives ior lcu days: " . h ' ' x Miss Katherine Boltes left this morning for Atkinson, where she will " spend some time with friends and rel atives. f "Mrs. R. McDougal left this morning ifor Richards where she will visit her -grandfather, Mr. N. W. Richards, for several days. Mrs. C. F. Hitch, of Sanford. re turned to her home this morning, after spending ten days in the city with relatives. Miss Berta Sllepard, who recently underwent an operation at the Tank-ersley-Harper Sanitarium, is rapidly improving at that institution. 4f The Y. W. C. A. will hold its regu lar monthly meeting at the First Bap tist church tonight at 8 o'clock. All girls between the ages of 16 and 25 arc urged to attend. tk Wfislev . Memorial League of Winter Park will Jiold,: a very important Dusmess auu -meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T. Sholar tonight at 8 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to- be present. Tell You In The Following liiaentTneebrf She Obtaiced. " ; Miss Mamie Jane Fennell has re-' turned Jx Washington, D. C, to re enter the National School of Dames- tic Arts and Science, after spendms the holidays here with her parents. Mrs. J. A. Perry, Mrs. Lizzie Wil .liamson and Miss E. M. Williamson ieit tnis morning iur luuuidguc, wuj.. MISS BOVklN yiM EHttKT AMED. Many here will he "Interested W the 4 following from The wuson v&iiy Times " ; 1 -"'' ; ' '" ' "Mrs. H. Mosely. Hussey entertained Tuesday - afternoon at Drwgrra nunor of Miss Francis Boykin, the popular arid attractive hride-elect. whose TTiohinp- tarriae6 ' to Mr. l"Om u. Meares, of Wilmington, .will be one of note throughout the State. "Mrs. Dick Meares assisted by Mrs. J. E. Dunnington presided at the punch bowl, where the many friends dranic to the health, happiness and prosper ity of the bride-to-be. After an inter. mHtip- eame of .cards Mrs. W. T. Clark was found to have made the highest snore. An ice course was then served in forms of slippers, bells, hearts and Easter lilies. "The guests were Misses Francis Boykin, Blair Rawlings, Lanie Hales, Gladys Smith, Dorothy Whitehead, Phoebe Artman of Suffolk; Mesdames W. T. Clark. Edward Barnes, Joe Wil liams, S. W. Smith, Annie Branch, (J. A. Thompson, Julian Lane, Lv J. Her ring, George Stanton, J. E. Dunning ton, George Stronach,. Frank Hassell, Douglas Hackney, Jr., Harvey Ruffin, Wiley Edwards. Roscoe Fleming, L. Lawshe and Dick Meares, of Wilming ton." , Wise, Va. Mrs. J. M. Elam, of this place, ; vint writing;. of her female troubles, says: J'This trouble ;went oe for 14 years, often, I .was - unable tc jeorjc and suffered badly afc , ; . ; times, nhen I could not be oia my feet at alt Really in bad health all the time dur ing those 14 years, and was never without pain, with awful backaching, had nt atmetitewas nervous, biit at that time my husband's sister : . recommended :that I try Cardui, which beeran. to takes . . and which has caused me to be in better health evej since. In a few days I felt that im- Droveinent, had begun.' My back got . ... VC;,i. :l Razeid By5 JFlames----Nbt taRebuild A Mr.' Thos. H-: Wrignt," Mayor of Wrightsville Beaclf, and .prominent lo cal business man) returned last night from a bustoess trip to-Charleston, S.i C, bringing to this city its first formation ; of htk&t destrMtiohraby flre early ; last Thursday, morning of the handsome Seashore - Hotel at Isle of Palms the popular ,i resort V near Charleston. Mayor Wright- was told that the bwhersi.would not rebuild at this time,. that the ;property wouldbe used by. the government in conneo tion with mobilization, of troops, and that Charleston DeODle i were going to mill for WriehtjiTille Beach as the seashore resort this year. ' Wilmineton neoDle will regret to learn of the loss sustained by Isle of Palms.. They will be glad to note. however that insurance covered prac- notei. SATURDAY S ticallv the full value of the They are also glad to know that in stronger and less painful. I got iess . T ths ft which does not aervous and my appetite began to irnl geem probable, .the Charleston people j Drove, in a iew weeics my imyruytr rnent was noticeable, and I . got mto aetter health than I had had for 14 . . .75c . . .79c 39c WILLSON-FISHER WEDDING CELE BRATED LAST EVENING. One of the many beautiful spring ing for Washington, N. ther will attend the closing exercises weddings was celebrated yesterday of the Montague schools. 'evening at 8 o'clock at the First Pres- byterian church, when Miss Mae Sat Yesterday's New Bern Sun-Journal: ,tes Willson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Miss Isabelle Bright, of Wilmington, James Edmund Willson. was married spent last night in the city the guest to Mr. Newton- Fisher, ejwremony of Mrs. R. L. Shaw, and left this morn- was performed m the Presence of a I large gainenug ut uicuus uj I J. M. Wells, D. D. I TTVir Ho nuntial ovonf thp f?hlirfh Yesterday's L)urnam fcun. Mrs . wag attractively decorated with South y wesson, wno nas oeen ern smilax and spring flowers. The some time in this city visiting ner par-- . . cnll ents, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Shields, at Jugt prior tQ tfae ceremony rneir nome m wmaiu Mr w Robertson at the organ, ren inursaay ior ner nome at vyuuI.1.6iuU. dered several beautiful selections. ane was accompameu uy . t, t. ' Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus" was ren dered as the bridal party entered the church, and Menldelssohn's wedding tnv feet to do any good. After using these medicines, however, I could walk without pain and was .able to do the work and housekeeping for an ord aary family. My back and appetite were better and also my nerves.5 If you suffer as Mrs. Elam did, take Cardui. It may be just what you need Miss Grace Shields, who will be her guest while at Wilmington." The pupils of the Wrightsboro school were entertained at a delight- march was played for the recessional. Mrs. Z. K. Bell, dame of honor, was attired in a gown of white tulle over ful picnic dinner at noon yesterday i silver cloth and carried a bouquet of by the Community Club of Wrights- Killarney roses. Miss Maud E. Will- jille. Invited guests were Mr. J. J- son, maid, of honor, was dressed in Blair and Mr. Odis B. Hinnant. Mrs.; green tulle ;overt green messaline and Li -'A. Blue, president of the Commu-:C(;8but.fof Killarney roses, nity Club, was present, and was inTThe brides was becomingly .gowned in troduced. Just prior : to tha dinner a g oatinn hf inrveatin..iftTtiinii with Joint meeting .was held, and Mr,1eaj. jaana catnled a ehower bouquet riage by. Mr. Graham Kenan, of Wil mington; :f. C, wore a gown of white r silk netSo verbatim -trimmed with jKjintilace.r which was worn by her Blair' assisted in theltrgant2attbhrgf brldesosesShlJ lUes-oFthe vaireyffeothetifid' gfnfrdmother . ont"'"the!raht wha4rf Mr. Sottlle boarded a carrHising was paroledx t The boys are the Liberty Bell Bird-; Club. Recent Mls9 Marearet Pleasants, the single ly an Audubon club was formed iaibyidegmaj woreis : dress of white tulle Wrightsville, with Miss Hinton as over . white messaline and carried a president and Miss KllzaDetn west brook as secretary and treasurer. From The Pender Chronicle: Mr. bouquet of Killarney roses.,' Mrs. Fisher is a well known young lady of the city with pleasing person ality and is unusually accomplished. and Mrs. I. S. Bowen, of Wilmington, i Mr. Fisher is a young, man of sterling spent the week-end with Mrs. J. W. ' character. He is employed at the gen Bowen. Miss Bessie Mason, of Wil- eral offices of Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & mlngton, is visiting her grandparents, Son, having come, here from Scotland Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Murray.- Messrs several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Fish James Bordeaux and Alec Brown went er left early today for their bridal down to Wilmington Monday and en- tour of several southern cities, listed in the U. S. Navy. Miss Mabel j The out.-of-town guests at the wed Bowen, Mr. T. B. Bowen. and Master ding were: Mr. and Mr3. James E. Buford Bowen, spent Tuesday after- Willson. Jr., of Charlotte; Mr. and noon in Wilmington shopping. Mr. Mrs. E. D Kinghay, of Waycross, Ga., and Mrs. C. C. Branch, and Mrs. J. Aand Mr. Colin Philips, of Lumberton. . : Bugg attended Easter-services at WiM: ' ' . - mington last SundaT. Mrs S. J. Shoi- ' ' r at Wflmfnrtan ia vialMrif 'apt tjrn f ISt. A. M. Sholar, of this place." s - r .- . GLEE SINGERS TONIGHT. From The Pender Chronicle: : "The Wilmington Glee Singers are to give a concert at the High school auditori um tomorrow evening, April 13th, and it Is hoped a large crowd will attend. They are coming here under the, Masonic Temple, April" 3, 1917. WILMINGTON LODGE, NO. 319, A. F. AND- A. M. ; Emergent Communi cation this (Friday) evening at 7:45 P. M. for work in the EN TERED APPREN TICE Degree. Ail auspices of the Christian Endeavor As- f to attend Visiting SnlSrn r abSf dT2 BrotherTareordinvUed SmS singers, and-the program will be varied Wjth us and interesting, a treat for all lovers By order of the Master. of good music.' J j F, CLOWE, Sec'y. will recommend Wrightsville Beach to the hundreds who formerly visited Isle of Palms; ; . jm..,nnn.:- fha firs i Fears. . . My. walking before had been ..otl frnm lftSt;pVif1oV'S News ..add very painful, and could : xiot,;aonlGourier0f.cneBp:.. No clue was discovered yesterday as to tne origin or me nre, wuiw razed the Seashore Hotel at the isle of Palms early yesterday morning. The hotel owned by the Isle of Palms Development Company . was , valued at $90.OOa. The greater part of the loss entailed will be made up by fire insur ance to the extent of $70,000. It was due to the direction of the wind , that the naVilion was not burned, after the hotel nearby had been in flames for several "hours.-, .. About 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning Mr. T. A. Izlar was awakened by his wife in his house just back of the hotel. She had discovered that hotel was on fire. Mr. lziar, care taker of the hotel, immediately dressed and ran to the scene "of the conflagra tion. At this time the entire norm wine of tha hotel was in flames. The wind was blowing from the east, car rying the flames away from the pavil ion. Mr. Izlar then attempted to get in telephonic connection with the city, but was unaeie to do so at me time. He then ma wnai ne coma w keep the pavilion from catching fire by using what fire exunguisners ne had. Several residents or tne isiana came to lend assistance, but nothing could be done, as, the flames slowly ate away the building. Mr. James Sottile, vice president of the Isle of Palms Development Company, was notified afjthe Charles ton Hotel. He immediately went to The Epworth League of Grace Meth odist church will, hold devotional serv ices this evening at & o'clock and all members are urged to be in attend ance. -Miss Eunice Tucker will be in charge. 4fr HUSKE-GARDNER. The following from yesterday's Norfolk Virfinlan-Pilot will be read with interest: ' "An important and interesting wed uiug m iNorin Carolina and iio&T...j society took place on Monday even ing in Christ P. E. church, New Bern, N. C, when Miss Helen Gardner; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick Gardner, of Boston, Mass., became the bride of Rev. Bartholomew FuIt ler Huske, rector of Christ church, and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Huske, of Fayetteville, N. C. The ceremony was performed by Rt. Rev. T. C. Darst, bishop of Eastern North Caror lina. The church was decorated with uogwooa Diossoms and evergreens and tne altar with Easter lilies and X; Even iri thes latte-dys uiWe believe that yiiitr tff t?6' , trbve to you that . , 'prtces call fee low surdy'ntest surprising state of affairs at this time. : m jjr V; " ,1 :J' 4AWeafeh6wm we want you to share them with us, and we don't know how you could better do it than jbyvyisitingf ' - We invite your attention to the items listed; each one is un dotibtedly a big bargain. .; Lady Bess Pumps' and Oxfords, in Pat. Leatser and Kid . . $ 1 .98 Nine inch Bod ts, white; grey and brown, $7.50 values, . ? Special -mr-. - ... ..-..-...- .' ...... . $598 Men's $U0(X Lion Shirts, special r r. . ... . . . $ 1 .00 Oloiis Union Suits Saturday only . . . I : . Boys' Blue Serge and Khaki Panta . . ... ... Boys' Kool Cloth Suits . . .$2.95-$3.50y $3.95 and $4.95 Boys Wash Suits , :: . v' . . i. . V''.-. -. . . ,: . . . . .25c and 48c Men's Straw Hats, special for Saturday J . . . . . . .48e and 98c Children's Aprons made of best Gingham, special for : . ,10c Ladies Muslin Pants, neatly trimmed. . .J". . Ladies 50c Corsets Saturday only . Ladies Goat Suits, Blue Serge and foplins, all the latest shades- . . . . . ?. . . . . i V. . . . . V . . Ladies Splendid quality 69c Waist for Saturday only Ladies Bungalow Aprons, 69c values 36-in; Black Taffeta, special . . 36-in. Silk Poplin . Remnants of White goods less, than cost. 36-in. Wash Corduroy, 69c value for . . . , PafoiolrVtfSoajMrspe ... Ladies Gordon round ticket Hose,59c values for . . . ! 2 l-2c Dress Gingham, special at .' . . . . 36-in. Sheeting . . . . .... . . . . . .7 l-2c per yard One lot of Ladies' Hats, specially trimmed for this Satur day for ; . . . . . . W $2.95 and $3.95 . .25c . .39c $9.95 . . .43c . .48c . .79c . .89c , . .49c . . .8c . 49c ... 9c cathedral candles, and an American j the fefry wharf and ordered the steam iias was arapea rrom the gallery. 1 vacht Evelyn to return to tne city The bride, who was given in mar-1 instead of waiting for the yacht to reach here,- however, he chartered a ssmall launch and set out for Mount Pleasant, 'meeting the Evelyn on the way. After reacmng ineouoi jrtva In a session of Recorder's . court L this morning devoid of any unusual interest, Recorder George Harriss had before him three young white boys, charged with housebreaking. They were William Kermon, Fitzhijlgh Sel lers and James Rising. The; former .two have been in the , Recorder's court -many times. Kermon and Sellers were sent to jail pending trial,!, and wedding days. -Her veil of tulle was arranged roni "a Dutch can of nofnf lace and her flowers were, a shower Douquet or lilies of the; valley. "The maid of honor was Miss Mar- m vw&e ui iiiis cjiy, wno- wore a gown of white lace -with? panels of whte satin and a large hat of white 4-. .11 A . r - ... - . iuiic iriuimeu wun lavender ana blue, and heriflowers were a bouquet or i'iiarney roses and purple lilacs. "The bridesmaids-were Miases Phyl-i ns unaerwood and Gertrude Sever ance, of Boston. I They wore gowns of white tulle with streams' of blue and was taken to the Isle of Palms; reaching there after 4 o'clock. The new wing of the "hotel had just caught fire when Mrr Sottile arrived. "When the conflagration began the wind was blowing from; the east. Gradually it changed to the south, and when the fire was in its last stages, to the west. Had the wind been blow ing from the west when the fire start ed there would have been no chance of the pavilion being saved. It was raining heavily when the lire was first discovered by Mr. Izlar. About n'rlock Mr. Sottile returned to tne and lavender tibbOn and white tulle city, since there was nothing to 'be ,qzzcz: U 'MM mm: I' "' w. tii A- This Store Sells Garments made by TfoungWomeo Coat k ndSuitMalters Glove s Arrived yesterday by Express. They are the prettiest we have seen. lfarjTshovying them m White with Heavy ijCntrast JticHng of Grey, Purple, Tan or Blue. :: .. U yc a BROJWN hats and they carried old-fashioned Colonial bouquets. "The little flower girl was "Miss Amy Gufon Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Thomas Williams, of New Bern. She wore a lingerie frock and carried a basket of pink rosebuds and forget-rae-notsM ' "The bridegroom had as his lest man his brother, Rev. Marion' F. JlUske, of Staunton and : the ushers were Messrs. Caldwell Huske,-of Fay etteville, N. C; Milton Calder, of Wilmington, N. C, and John Guion, v-"'r Bern, C. William Griffin, Jesse Claypool and William Dunnn, Jr.; all of New ' Bern. Immediately following the ceremony there "was a large reception 'at the rectory in Craven street.' The bride has many friends in Norfolk, where she has rrequently visited Miss Martha- ooKe. i ne weaamg was to have taken place on Wednesday the 18th, but was hastened, as Mr. Huske, who has for four years held a commission as chaplain in the United States navy, received a call to the colors a few days ago, and a few hours after his marriage to Miss Gardner he left for Norfolk, to be assigned to duty on the ;U. S. R. S. Richmond. Ho was accompanied tor' Norfolk by his bride." V '. - done at the Isle of Palms. MOTHER ONCE CHARGED WITH STOREBREAKINQ , -::c WilUam Kermon, Fitzhuah Sellers and James Rising Arraigned! thought tp have enterebtseveral-lplaces i lately. ' f ' . Lottie Sparks was arraignedlion a charge of keeping a disorderly ihouse. The case was continued until Satur day. David Willie, colored, was or dered to pay the- costs for a larceny charge. Galloway Henry, colored, was WAS AFRAID TO GO TO BEO Spasmodic Croup Often Kept Mrs. Shepard Awake Airtight. COPY WIRED PRESIDENT. Juniors Adopt Resolutions As Result of Declaration of War. The following resolution was adopted jointly ' last Afeht : by the members of George Washington Coun cil No. 67 and Jeff Davis Council No. 63, Junior Order United - American Mechanics, 'and a copy-of which was telegraphed President Woodrow i Wil son this morning. . The ' resolution reads: : ' '. ';- ' .'.'Whereas, . a state of war has ' beon declared as existing between the l United: States of America and; the imperial government of Germany, and our I President has been 'clothed with the power to pustf vigorously this con flict. : Tnererore, De it :' ; -r. "Resolved, That we.- Geore Wash. ington Council No. 67 "and- Jeff riavia Coimcit' No. ' 63, r Junior Order United AmeiHoan Mecnanics, of Wilmington, N,vr.,- pledgerour- full support And cooperation- to ;President Woodrow Wil son ana our country m this battle for the sake of humanity. ---r . "Councillor. George .Washington Council ' NO. 67. "CouncHlor, Jeff Davis - Couaeil . No.-63." PcMihV LITTLE MISS - 3 KATKRYtt. E. SKEFAR&. Yjg DANVILLE. PENNA. No ' one but - a mother . knjiws the terfpr8 of croupi f In tbft -'hope fhat otheip3 nlhwtfladi :to ameS re lief she-exnertencedMrfcBenJ. Shep ard, 27 , Sprucft St Danyille Pa., WriteS-W . -;T:, -:r I.-; ' .i it" .. j - ''w 4tl have used your ; Vicka Yapo- Kubr Saltei and would'uot oer with i but it in my house. ; I have tried it for spasmodic: oroup and it acted jfcwi!fcvtM3r Mittle. ,.ijl , breached sieritin about ten mia i utes after, 1 rubbed her throat and V chest with1 iVapoRub, and she went . to sleep, and never wokeantil mora- V ingi Other time I nsed to have sit up-all nigbt .with- .aeiv afraid to go to hedw So I will f gladly recom-mend- U tc any motbera. cro4p ' " Tfou ijuat; -applyA- Vl Salve over- throat and cb.est. covering with a warm flannei cloth. : The body heat releases antiseptic, vapora .tbat aie inhaled with. each,, breath, ; loosening the, phlegm, A real . "Rjodyguard In the homo!'- against au cold, trou- : Mm Tit iaa' f p -. 25n ."Mi f u ti- fj At all druggists, ,it & . ' "Watchmen have been placed at the Isle of Palms to guard against any possibility of the fire rekindling,, and to . protect the other property. "When asked what plans had been made by the company, and whether or not it intended to rebuild the hotel; Mr. Sottile stated last night he did not know, saying he was too tired even to think about the matter, after having been up the greater part of the night. Of the $70,000 insurance, $55, 000 is for the building itself, and $15,000 is for the furniture it con tained." j at v . 5 . i4- Sf ercEiaLBcrof t Co oontimies Be on hand this afternoon and eviening. m ; . . :. ' r .; BOYLAN & Footwear HAmCOCK ft ;.ti.l m. 3U1 i : ; r l i -i mr-m'. I": SPECIAL; AGENCY BANISTER tDUCATOR for Mea MENIHAN for Women IrtANISTER i Styl es NOW ON DISPLAY Koka Calf, aroo. Kang Cardovan, Black Kid, Black Calf "The Shbeou WU1 ' j - ' ' ' u- 1 " i ' t Alltbe-New Lasts and Patterns AAtoE "The Shoe-Store Ahead" 3: jbl.'s. S."-.' -!r1- :- lv . - .7.-.. '15 i