THE WILMINGTON" 0l3tWTCH;:THUR3DSg PAGE EIGHT - liTKIWGS'THATi-NEVER: HAPPEN 'NOTICE TO f jiEiSilMHT IBM" l STRICT fiUARD 0 BUSINESS I ': . -- - -- - I I I . t -; (' "Mi - i- 1R 1EJ -t.i ,v Kept by Troops Big Tobacco Cr0p -Young Man Disap- ; Dears- ituck. . - c (Special to The Dispatch.) ; New Bern. N. a. April 19. That Cal ','? houn Batts. of this city, who so myste- riously disappeared last Sunday night, i or has hfien at Goldsboro, is the re port that has- been brought to his par- ents in this city. - x esteraay me jruuu man's parents received by express r from Goldsboro his bicycle, with which a man who saw the young fellow in ; he left home Sunday night, and today 1 that city reported the same to his par erits here: It is now believed that Batts went to Goldsboro with the inten tion of joining the navy. - The; soldiers who are; engaged to cuardine the railroad bridges leading : out of New Bern are keeping a strict ! - watch on these structures , and even the railway employes are not allowed to cross them unless they have a pass signed by the superintendent of the ; road. Yesterday morning one of the y men employed in the bridge building and repair squad, attempted to cross ? over the Trent river briage. The guard promptly ordered him -to halt. The man couldn't understand why he was not allowed to cross the structure, "but the -gun which the soldier carried 1 IrtrtVo'tr-oTO' hnoinoaa HVfi -and he" decid ed to return to..the office and secure a HIGH SCHOOL BOYS I pass, no enort is Demg leu unaone nPII I InC ri All V to protect these bridges from any pos- j wiiUituvUL I- SThLab1en estimated that there are. Got nn. more tthan i three 'hundred gardens .being , n8ually interesting for those who are tilled m this city at the Present time fortunate in passing by the Goldsboro and the amount of food which will be jjlgh School Athletic grounds and ob- 77, v" . , " i serve tne young men or tne scnooi as wm meau a savius ul i they are taking and dollars to the residents of tills 1 nnn.0 The people of New Bern have; , ; Marriage Since Declaration of War Does Not Exempt From Army Serviced . (By Associated -Press.) -Washington April 19. Men of military- age who have married . since v a fctate of war" against Gerihany was de clared will not escape military serv? ice under. ai-War ; Department policy formally announced, today. The de- partmnet's statement follows: , 'The" War Department announces 'that all men married since the out break of war will ; be treated upon the same" basis as- unmarried : men-ini' sof ar as their military obligations are concerned. It is desired that the ut most publicity be: given by the press to this announcement. The department, was moved to take this action in order that all men Should understand exactly what is con templated in the organization of an army to fight Germany. It was de sired that "there should arise no ques tion of slackers upon the score of Carriages contracted since the out-, break of war, with the possible con-' struction that the marriage in any case was hastened in order that mill; tary duty might be evaded. SPECIALS - MESSENGER SERVICE. - ; For this service we use the Pos tal. . Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They, will call for your "ads."" in - the .same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for" telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc For further Information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Tefegraph." P city. ; gone in for gardening this season as : they never have done before and are ; doing their best to raise a record breaking crop. Not only Is this the case in New Bern, but practically the : same condition prevails in the other towns all over ' tills section. The management of the tobacco warehouses in this city and at Vance boro are now making preparations for the opening of these warehouses, and they are predicting, even now, that, despite the hugefood crop which is to , be grown) the crop of tobacco will bs ' larger than ever before. Funeral services over the "body of the lateMr. Franklin Foy, who died at his home, near Pollocksville on Monday night, were conducted from the home this afternoon and the body was interred near that place. Mr. Foy was one of. the oldest citizens of that section and numbered his friends by the, legion. He at all times took an ' active interest in all things pertaining '. to the ' development and uplift of his community. Col. H. .S. Leard, general passenger agent of the, Norfolk Southern Rau- their daily military A PORTRAIT OF -YOURSELF IS A Dainty Compliment to send to a dear friend. X Foltz & Kendrick, Photog raphers.. ' 4-13-tf. THE NEW SERIES OF THE CO-OP- erative . uildinf and "Loan Associa tion opens ia two. weeks May 5th) at Wright's Real Estate office. Re member the date and place. Jos. H. Hinton, President; Thos. Hi Wright, Secretary. . 4-19-2t TYPEWRITERS-REMINGTON, MON- arch,;Smjth Premier and Remington Junior. Rebuilt and Second hand machines. Cash or terms.- Rental rates: $3.00 month or $7.60 quarter. We repair and rebuild all makes of , machines. - Remington Typewriter Company, 17 Prmcesa street Phone 878. i. : .- . 4-12-tmo GETTING WARMFEW DESIRA able, reasonable price, Wrlghtsville BeachTJottages - for rent. Call on Wright's Real Estate Agency. 4-19-2t 1 ' - 1 I : z - . , i if VTKk averacr man Would riot attempt to hM . l thbiit&e sewpf architect... 'f s No !more!;sKbuldhe''' undertake' to make his will witk out the expert adfice of some one familiar with all tb technicalities involved;! J ir ; 6 MY8uiB'Ty'vitediio confer with our offi,. on nnis matter of vital, import to yourself, your fam:L and your, heirs. V : ' THE PEOPLES- SAVINGS BANK Corner Front and Princess Streets. ACTIVE CO - 0 PERATION -with Each school day since lastf Thurs day six detailed soldiers from Camp Royster have been spending one hour with the boys drilling them in i mili tary tactics. . The officials say that for the pres ent nothing but squad movements and keeping step, which are a soldier's first instructions, will be taught the boys. The guns have arrived, however, and in all porbability they will be institut ed within a few days. The boys are learning fast and Prin cipal A. B. Carson and his assistants are being commended for their instrur mentality in securing this training ror the boys. (By United Press.) Washington, April 1ft. Enticing debutantes and just ordinary domes ticated matrons are dabbing around in pools of grease, and oil these days, under model automobiles, . learning I . . way Company., came up to New Bern 1 fce able to "do something" vhen the k .v.:, . ; last evening from Morehead City and WOMEN LEARNING TO DRIVE WAR CARS NEW OLDSMOBILE MR. J. G. RU3- seil.' representing the Oldsmobile- Sober Co., of Raleigh, N. C is in the city with . one of -the new 1917-3 Cylinder Cars and would take great pleasure in going over the line with any one wishing to see it. Call or phone Orton Hotel. 4-19-lt-J WANTED EXPERIENCED CUT-OFF and rip sawyers; also box makers . ar-d helpers. Good "wages paid and steady employment. David M. Lea & Co., Richmond, Va. 4 lt-13.15,18-20-22-6t FARRIS' HOT SUPPER ROLLS "Saves Hours in the Kitchen,'" "Honey. Bread" is the "staff of life." Phone 626. Farris Bakery. 4-19-lm Beaufort," where he had spent the day. and remained in the city for several hours. -- : - - Speaking of the arrangements which the orfolk Southern Company had Juade for handling truck crops from this section during the .next few weeks. Colonel Leard declared , ' that every effort was going to be made to give the quickest possible service in every way and that he felt sure the farmers 'were going to be" well pleased with this. . f j Colonel Leard stated that there was a shortage of cars on sibme of the rqads but that tbe Norfolk Southern j was well equipped to handle all ship ments, no matter how large, and that! thev were going to do this. ' country sounds the call .to arms. --Just drop-into any garage- in -most any town and there youH see them squirming around in the one-foot air space between the engine of an auto mobile and the ground. The work was started by the Red Cross here and, 4 according- to reports pouring , into 'headquarters, it has spread like ( a wind-swept fire throughout the country. When the women have completed 1 their course they will, off er: their serv1- 1 ices- 10 me war Department ana a car thrown in. LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS BE- tween Y. M.' C. A. and Murchison Bank' via Fjont and Market. Finder ; return to Y. M. C. A. 4-19-lt WANTED ALL CITIZENS OF WIL- - mington to patronize home mer chants, boost Wilmington and watch Wilmington grow. Are you a boos ter or a buster? " ' ' 4-18-tf buy at; home if you buy out of town and we buy out of town and all our neighbors buy out of town what wiU become - of our town? Ever think about it Patronize Wil mington merchants and keep our money at home. . 4-17-tf. j FANCY AND STAPLE , GROCER, ' Native and Western fresh meats. : ' Also sweet milk fresh? from dairy ' every morning. R. B. Moore, 3rd . and Castle; .Phono 1831 - 3-28-tf 1 FOR RENT 103 SOUTH 8TH 3T. AH . lotest Improvements, Apply J. . T. Goraon, agent. Phone 745 3-15-tf FOR RENT DESIRABLE BUSINESS store and house, Nos 318' and 320 North Fourth street, seven, room upper floor and 3 rooms lower floors 1 Will rent as a whole or j separate; Rent reasonable. Apply "Mrs. B. F. Keith, Currie, N. C. 4-19-21-23-3 IL UR CUSTOMERS is the policy this bank follows the result being an alii ance which is of greatest advantage to depositors. THE MURCHISON NATIONAL IK WANTED TRAVELING MAN, One witlTrig preferred. Atttractive pro Dosition to right Darty. State salary expected, including team, and giveN references. Address, "Burg," care Dispatch." v 4-17-3t-j. WANTED CONSIGNMENTS POUL try. Eggs and Strawberries. Write for quotations. : Theo. H. Tecklen burg, 105 Market-street, Charleston, S. C. 3-3030t-j FOR SALE SEVERAL CARS STAN dard brands flour; several cars horse and mule molasses feed. Wire if in terested. F. M. Huggins, Lumber ton, N. C. . - 4-17-3tj. . ' WANTED COOK STOVE. MUST Bt in good condition. Address "Stove," care Dispatch. 4-l9-3t HIGH PRICE OF COAL BEING INVESTIGATED ' . BRITISH COMMISSION - (By Associated Press. Washington, April 19. The State Department announced today that the British official' party coming to dis cuss the conduct of the war is con stituted as follows: Arthur James Balfour, foreign min ister; Sir Eric Drummond, Ian Mal-( com, mraisterof parliament; C. F. Dormer and G. Butler, personal staff; Rear Admiral Sir Dudloy. R. S. De Chair. Fleet' Paymaster Vincent Law-' fort, Major-General G. Bridges, Capr tain H. H. Spender-Clay, and Lprd 'Cunliffe. governor of the Bank of England. REAL HAIR SAVER .!f You Would Avoid Dandruff Itching -l Scalp and Baldness, Use Parisian Sage, f-. What's thejuse of being bald? WJbatfs the sense in deliberately allow- ,Vlng your hair to thin out or become . 'gry?- You dont want to look old be ; fore your time.,. Premature baldness Tand gray-hair are largely due to hair neglect, while a frequent scalp mas v . sage with the PARISIAN SAGE (liquid ;V; form) notnly saves the hair but helps ! ; i 5 it to retain its natural color and lustre. To-keep-youthful looking you must : . i give the hair proper care. "PARISIAN --;. SAGEJ is a-scientific preparation that rlfiupplles all hair needs it's just what f-vWhrvoot -get a large bottle from .f R. R. Bellamy's Drug Store today? It's : v " jaot expensive ana money refunded if Wilt does' not stimulate new hair growth. euro dandruff, stop falling hair or itcn V ; f n." ; scalp. - It ,will surely make your hair, appear.xnore abundant, bright and - beautiful i Be sure' you get the gen "uine PARISIAN SAGE for this is free . fronicstIckIness entirely harmless, and , ; Is a rSost refreshing v and delicately ' perfumed iialr invigorator. Any drug--1 gist can "supply; you, . . . (By Associated Press.) Washington, April 15. The Fed- j eral Trade Commission's investiga ( tion of the bituminous coal industry continued today with several of the leading operators of the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia districts tes tifying as to the causes of the prevail ing high prices. j Operators who testified yesterday air charged the price increases to the failure of the railroads to supply suf ficient cars. Tie hearings here prob ably will be concluded today. FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE centrally located. Interior newly kalsomined and painted. Terms rea sonable. Phone 1240-J. 4-18-3t-J FOR RENT 6 ROOM COTTAGE ON Masonboro Sound, Sea Breeze Park. Plenty of. land to farm. $10.00 per month or $100 per year. F. A. Bis singer. Masonic Temple. 4-19-3t-j IF 1 OTHERS FAIL TO DELIVER your meats on time for your meals and give you the worth of your -money, Phone 297, Peoples' Market; 4-i9-3t WEI DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's Newsstand.5 10-7-tf SOMETHING GOOD ALL THE TIME at The P. K. Candy Store. Drop in and see for yourself. Royal Theatre Bldg. 4-15-7t WHO WANTS A PRETTY BABY Boy? Heis about two months old and will be given for adoption to re sponsible couple who can furnish references. Write 100 W. -Clay Si., Richmond, Va. 4-15-7t-j ITHYPTOPC XVtglasses XV 'THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS Afford a comfort which la appre ciated by those who want near or for vision in one pair of (lasses. They keep yoor eyes yonnr In looks as well as In usefulness. No line, seam or hump to blor. the vision. a' - . EYES TESTED FBEE DR. ViNEBERG MASONIC TEMPLE. . 3 COOL -KITCHENS -AND- (SAS-RANGES GO TOGETHER Full Assortment on Display at Our Show Rooms, Euj Payments. Discount For Cash. PH28W TIDEWATER POWER COMP'Y. PHONE 28 9U ' JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF Iver Johnson Bicycles. Come early before they are all gone. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market street. 4-6-tf UNREDEEMED DROPHEAD SINGER ' Sewing Machines all in good condi tion. Price from S"f .50 to $18.00 at Charles Finkelstein, No. 6 South Front street , Phone 654." 4-1-tf FRUIT1 FRUIT SHIPMENT OF Spanish Oranges just received. Na vals, 20c to 30 ; Lemons, (20 c to 25c; Grape Fruit, Tangerines. Larg est stock of Fruit in city. Willmores, 25 South Front Street. 4-19-2t-j DEMOCRATIC RUSSIA : STRONGER FOR WAR (By Associated Press.) , Petrograd (Via London), April 19.- Russia's allies need hare no fear that she will desert' the" alliance or weak en her resistance to the enemy, Prof Paul Milukoff, the foreign minister, said today in an address to the rep resentatives xt the French and Brit ish working men, who are now 'in Petrograd. "We understood that at the moment of the. revolution you might be afraid we would lose our strength for; resist ance," said the foreign minister. , VI beg you to .announce to your country-; men that free Russia -has become! doubly - strong through democratiza tion." . . HOSE 10c PER FOOT. BUY EARLY before price advances. Plumbing Repairs a specialty. Prompt service. Estimates furnished on contracts. . H.'-J. McCartney, 310 N. Front St., Phones 71 6-WV 4-14-tf SHANDS GROCERY, FOURTH AND Iifun-A full line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous service.- 'Phone 630. 3-26-tf LEMONS-r LIMES, C R U S H E D, . Fruits, Ice, Cream Cones, and a com plete line of Candies. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co.. 19 Market street, Phones 452-453. 4-15-tf TO THE WISE ECONOMIC HOUSE, keeper, we have Furniture cf all de scriptions at prices which will at- . tract you. Great big bargains in everything, Furniture slightly used, you can tell from new, come to see us, we can't and won't be undersold. Furniture packed and stored. Ster ling Furniture Co., 19 and 21 South Front street. E. H. Sneed, Manager. Phone 60. 2-21-tf STORAGE COTTON STORED and ADVANCES MADE BY W,B. Cooper 6G6. WILMINGTON, N. C BUSINESS AS USUAL" OUR BUSI ness is good, because we attend to ; mStySircSaet I"I!illIIIHIIIIIHI!l!II!!IIIUmiIIimilIlHIIinOIllUIIHHIg graving, typewrittmg, notaries pub lic. Harriss Typewriting & Advt. Co. 4-9-Mon.-Wed-Fri tf. WE SELL THE NEW YORK LIFE IS MORE THAN 71 YEARS OLD, AND HAS Admitted Awet. ... ' Legal LlabUitle. 7886,4t Reserve held for Dividends and con- tlncencles ... 138,762,413 No other company In the world can make such "a showing. Over 23 million Hollars will be paid in dividends in the current year. It has no stocks or industrial securities, no stock-holders, has over 2 1-2 billions of insurance in force; and Is owned by more than a Million Policy-holders who are the Company and who alone receive the profits of the Company. . C. It. DICKINSON, Arent. Princess Building;. ft II Phone 859. BOSTOr4 NATIONALS BEAT . PHILLIES THIS MORNING J FOUND KEY RING OF 10 KEYS with identification as follows: Citi- t zens '.National Bank, Raleigh, No. 827-, . Owner can have same by proying. property and paying for this adyertisement. 4-18-3t-j Boston; Mass.; April 19: The Bos- 4rtAAw-rrpi a n... ton Nationals won the morning game i ST.J n??0 REJAI of the Patriots Day, double-header from ff!!?a Jf? j?"e?J,or combmed- suit of the wildness of visiting nitnh- ni eXpfe ers . Rudolph-pitched well until the- F' :: Box 90' 4-18-tf; game wasfjcimcnea. . - The score:: R. H. E. $250 PER DAY PAI D ONE WOMAN ' or; man in", each town to dfstrihnfi r-nuaeipuia . wv wv uw-a, oi 'jrree circulars and take orders for Boston : i . .,;102-O30 OOx 7-' 12 1: f cbhCentrater flavoring in tubes Per A RixeyFittery.and Adams; Rudolph mahent position. J. s. ZiMipr' p.v land Gowdy. . , ::A.i.: . Chicago. : : . , 4-13-10-i OIL! OIL! OIL! FOR QUICK MONEY and big profits Drilling on our Vir ginia test 'well No.. 1 begins April 6th. This well Is , expected to be completed in 30 days. To be with the winners when oil is struck you will have t'bact quick. Stock today $10 per-share, may be worth $100 in , thirty days. "No risk no gain." A mtie investment now may mean Dig dividends, for years : to come,. Write today. Mutual Oil and. Ga3 Corpora tion, 601 Stockton street, Richmond, Virginia. . : . 4-4-14t-j CO A 1 Builders' Supplies J -1 We SoHcit STORAGE JUST RECEIVED SEVERAL CARS Canadian -Rutabaga Turnips,- Ap ples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Potatoes and Oranges, a full line or uanay. I s Send us your order. ;Bear Produce's ' " -y-" - and Merchandise jCo., (wholesale), p S D TUHD DC " 0 OA wiimmgto N. c. ? 3-is-tt j yg j, HUKr C & uil 1 WANTEDr-iS OLD Don't iooatter if broken -1 pay one WateT-MlCl AimOtreett to ten dollars ner aet.'-:Send by par- s . ,. r'v.:.'? v. r- eel post, and' receive chepkrjby, return . mazer, ivu .. o. uiu bu cci, man. II Philadelphia;' Pa. snjniiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiHiiJiiiiiiniianiin i 1 GET A KODAK without Letting Your ocket Know It. Ask for afKo -dak Bank and see how easy it is to get a real camera with spare dimes. C. W. Yates Co. llI!!l!Illill!!IIIIIIIllllllNII!l!ll!llHlI!llII!!IllilIIII!!niIiI!!ll!! J. B; McCABE & CCK Certified Public "Accoun- S , 815 Mnrcnlsom' Bnnlc Bldgw v S S Fhoa. 994. s - WIXJONGTON. 2. O. 3 uniiiiuiuuiuiiuuinuiiiiiiuuiuiiuiuiuiiunuiimuiiiuniui FILdD dm QDOQ. Molroo vnnr old flOOf look W A There's no polish better for yoor Furniture or Pian,o than No Du The price Is only 15c. wntitiipffly Phone 520. Cor. 5th and Red AUTOS FOR HIRE Pleasure i for Driving, Dane J ommcrci' weddings nu ww City Livery C Phones 15 snd 345. 1 I OFFICERS : 4 6 PAID r Thos. :E. Cooper, President A : MUtori Trust Ofcc t Chas. EL Bethea. Cashier. : V.' D K t A K l :M:JNa: Si.