ymmnmmmmm Market lt i COTTON. wiln)inSton spot (Ijp. m.) Open ..19.90. " .19.47 Jul7' " " ..18.41 0c'obtl ; 18 45 LOCAL IWtKET6,; . .19 JEggs i, .H..:: ? --. Butters i?nw-C(Siihtrv . ' ; ; DM.in7i.i;? 's f iy ' naua-: were - me strung leaiures n!38&2&& 'Wto 40c the ppening of today's market, lead aS r5!e . . . ,to 65c ' ing :issuesi;advancing between 1 and uuu,ljce v, ..IOC to 43c GuIneas.ftpie0;,r,. . .35c Beef . .15c SweyPptaltoettshel . . fci$k09 Irish.pQtatQeis ack . . .. $7.50 .ianwj popn i?021 ' 4 11 A.M. 19.65 19.26 18.17 18.22 P.M. 19.56 19.15 18.03 18.10 "5 yy .w trxprKi apru - zu vyau : ireet;. 25c Raila J were - the strong features at .25c to 40c th ooenine of ..todav'ss market. , lead- -0 8TOCK8. ' vork. April 20. The cotton fft, cimved renewed weakness today. The opening was steady ,NCr. n advance oi o io .yuxuts ui rei vuB ijvwornia. . ..sp u' ino'"vv r w 5 '"""Tji. t .,v fr" nff rieht after the call Bananas. 74S.tranp.h.. . v. si a n oaa iik.$4.00 atter tne can tsananas. 7. tnnch P"1- ntinnpd eood weather in J Lemons. f anc off!Dsoutli and renewed rumors of f Apples barrel the &uul"- I Pnrlr. sV" before the ena or me nrsi nour, i vru, per pusxte dhniit lKJ ; - ...$4.75 in Liverpool to covering hedges! -Peanuts, Virginia or private . in in,t cotton sunk, which . was . Peanuts gpanlsh afu4t likely to refer to a vessel IWopls. . ..... .', , Vhnut two weeks ago, but not re-1 Beeswax .. 0Sl duv ,.,.tol.j TlniiMaHnntirW TTlrloa active and general on the early Sine here and stop loss orders of Way attriDutea to tne the first notice aay. .12c ...... vC . $1.40 to $10 ..60c to 80c ..$1.25 ;to $im 2c 2 pdmts oh', the provisional freight in creasevgraiited. by the Interstate Com mercev3ommission, which stimulated promirient-industrials-and. specialties to higher levels. Most of the trad ing was in small lots. United Spates Steel proved the exception on o'ffer ing ,of 5,)00 shares, at substantial fractional! gain. Reversals became quite :;general before the end of the first half hour on the renewel of to $6;Q0 -weakness in New Haven, with 1 to 3 point, declines ih American' Tobacco, United States Rubber and Malting YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. f::,; NEW YORK, COTTON. May... July . . October . December January . High. . ..20.05 . ..19,64 ...18;51;, ..18.55 -...18,57 19.80 19.41 18.30 1837' IBAi , Close. 19.B0 - 19.41 18.30 18.37 18:40 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. May July . . October . December January . High. . ..19.00 . . .18.81 ...17.95 ..18.00 ...18.08- Xow. 18.S7 18.65 17.83 17.94 18.01 Glbe. 18.186 18.65 17.82 17.91 17.98 " p , YESTERDAY'S CLOSE. Aliis-Chariibers . . , . . . . Aieri6ah Beet Suggar .. .. .. Ariferlcah' Can .. .. .. .. .. 20c-American Car and Foundry .. .25 91 1-2 45 1-4 66 vere n-oiikness approach of NEW ORLEANS COTTON. Orleans, Apru zu. tseiter ca- expected caused a rise Of the price of. cotton New bles .than j to 10 points m Green Salt Hides Tallow Wool, free of bur,- . .28c .19c .10c 22 to 25c OBERvfe cLean: WEEK". School Children; Expect ,ip Play port ant Part In Campaign. Arrangements for "Clean-UD and Za the opening call today, but ai- Famt-Up ; Week,' beginning April 30th, immediately the market fell, off .have been practically completed by a 'Canadian I"uru " ... ,1 T 4 I crriQio 1 nninmUtnn f t T,i 1 T 4.1, t ! i n C rncuui ctgcu uv i ama ill i up"'"" vJ-ijiiiaii.i.cc7 iiuiu. Lilt; nuuirjr . ticuu su jjaiuer At the end of the first half . Club, working) in conjunction with business trading montns , councilman vv. j. liraasnaw, in charge American Locomotive American Cotton Oil . . American Smelting . . American Sugar American Tel. & Tel . . . American Tobacco . . Ancbnda Copper . . . . . Atchison ... . . . , Atlantic ' Coast Line (B) Baldwin Locomotive' . . . Baltimore & ' Ohio .. .. Bethlehem Steel Pacific . . . under .Texas, hour of showed points. net decline of 13 to 16 of the street department, end a cam- J paign of publicity will be given the pro J r'"" r ' ject in the meantime in effort to arouse - i uiiu iulv;i ou Liic pcuyic tfcllLl B11UW UlcJU-t been the need of thorough co-oberation In the' venture. Even mules . have lwn to co-operate sometimes KICK together. Tl ..rkir nrlll inf IllffTlf' nTATl lUwIlj Wlljr nui ...w. , J ..,AMan "ffxH 1ofl1A f" ' the work together for the good of the community in which they Eve. Get in line with this BUY Ry and register your KICK against out-ofaown buying. Adv.! ; Mr, W. C. ("Jack") Lyon, of Ral eigh, connected with the State Insur ance Department, spent yesterday in city in conference with Mr. J. B. Huntington, chairman of the Rotary Committee, relative to the importance of emphasizing the need of fire pre vention as well as the sanitary and hygienic features 0f a clean-up cam- IN WILMINGTON rriOVenlent'Paisn- Mr- Lyon was pleased to find i iuc 1Uiiiiuii.icc uau cicijuuui) uuuci such splendid headway, Attractive prizes "will be offered for the premises presenting the best ap pearance at the close of the campaign. FT., 1 T 1 1 . J 1 ine scnoui cnuoren are expected 101 play an important part in the cam paigh. Councilman Bradshaw will have his forces lined up so that the removal of thev trash will be a simple matter and Fire Chief Charles Schnib- ben will have a thorough inspection made, pointing out the places of dan- Tan fiavA Jr Tl ger from fire Long, Straight Silky Hair by using .. 39 7-8 .. 99 3-4 ..1111-2 ..123 3-8 . .188 1-4 ..79 1-4 ..1021-8 ..112 ..54 .. 761-4 ..132 ..161 .. 83 3-4 .. 60 3-4 ..80 . 471-4 ..47 1-2 ..111 1-4 ..23 3-8 ...61 3-4 .. 45 7-8 . .27 1-2 ..164 ..100 1-2 ..UOl-8 30 3-4 . 104 .55 1-2 Girls Sf' EXELENTO QUININE POMADE which is a Hair Grower, not a kinky hair remover. It feeds the scalp and roots of hair, cleans dandruff .and stops falling hair at onceTand after using several times you can see the results. Try a box. Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamns or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write For Particular MEDICINE COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. w VXELENTO Chesapeake & Ohio . . Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul Chicago, R. I. and Pacific Colorado Fuel & Iron .'. Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar . . Erie . . .... , General Electric . . Gen. Motors Great Northern pfd .... .. Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central inspiration uopper Int. Merc. Marine Pfd ..77 3-4 international Nickel 411-2 International Paper 39 Kansas City Southern Kennecott Copper Louisville "and Nashville . . Liggett and Myers Lorillard Co Maxwell Mptors Mexican Petroleum Midvale Steel National Lead New York Central N. Y., N. H. and Hartford Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific Pennsylvania . . Ray. Consolidated Copper . . Reading Seaboard Air Line(bid).. .. Seaboard Air Line pfd (bid) . . SIossv ShL..teel and Iron . Southern Pacific,. , . .' . . . Southern Railway NEW ORLEANS SPOT. (-98913. paw6ossv New Orleans, April 19. Spot xruiet, and unchanged, gales dn the spot 202, to arrive none. Good ordinary 18.18; strict good ordinary, is. so, low mid dling 19.18; strict low, middling 19.37; middling 19.56; strict middling 19.75; good middling 19.93; strict good mid dling 20.11 Receipts 1,400, stock 345,861 bales. COTTON SEED. New York, April 19. The seed oil market closed firm. cotton April .. .. .. May June July-August .. September. . . October .... November . . Total sales, 44,000. ....15.4015.75: V . .15.7915.82 .. 15.75 15.82 . ..15.7715.79 15.7715.78 15.4115.42; . .U14.8114.83 $10 is the price ytkt must -pay iot Pyrerie M&y 1, $8 is the price td day. By buying today you save a $2 bill. . ' ' N Don't ay "I'll put it off"; TH6se are dangerous words. One day's delay in getting Pyrene for your autpmoDiie ana nome .may a lite. , EGGS AND POULTRY. Chicago, April 19. Butter, lower; creamery, 41 l-2(g45 1-2. Eggs Receipts, 30,835 Cases; un changed, r ' Potatoes Receipts, 34 cars; un changed.. i-y--r?-ff'.-f'-' Poultry Alive, unchanged. 43 1-8 Even ; mules . have ; I been known to ooperate -they sometimes KICK together. Then, why will intelligent men , southerin Railway pfd and women often refuse to work together for the, good of the community in which they live. Get in line with this BUY IN WILMINGTON movement and register: your KICK against out-of-town buying. -Adv. Studebaker Corporation . . Tennessee Copper Texas; Co. tfnion Pacific United Fruit .. ., .. .. United States Steel . . United States Steel pfd Utah Copper . Virginia Caro. Chem. . . . Wabash pfd B Western Union ...... ... Westinghouse Electric i ..225 181200 .. 441-2 . . 87 1-4 .. 581-2 .. 56 .. 94 .. 39 3-4 ..128 3-4 ..103 1-4 .. 53 . . 29 1-2 .. 94 7-8 . . 14 .. 31 ..51 JV 94 3-4 . . 281-2 .. 58 ..85 .. 16 5-3 ..210 -..137 1-8 ..132 3-4 .111 7-3 ..117 7-8 ..111 . . 42 3-4 . . 251-4 .. 961-4 .. 49- New York, Aprilvl9:Britter easier, receipts 7,915,. creamery, , higher than extras 46 3-4 Ao 47 1-4, creamery extras, 92 score, 46 to 46 1-4, first 45 to 45 3-4. Eggs Steady, receipta;,22,237 . Fresh gathered.' extras 37-12 Jtreshl. gathered storage picked, firsts'. 37 tb 38, fresh gatheredJarat.3i:o -361-2; Cheese Finn, state; fresh 25 3-4 to 26, do, average to 25 1-2. Live Poultry Steady. Fowls 24, turkeys 20, dressed very firm, chickens 23 to 31; 'fowls 21 1-2 to 27 1-2 turkeys 18 to 34, AT ALL ELECTRICAL AND'AUTO " JS " ' . "-JNfcw : s trp p ly: a n d 3 h ajr n warb iOHW&tt" " 3VSi SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah pril . 19.? Turpentine, firm, 461-2; sales, ; receipts, 160; shipments, 96; stocks, 9,249. . Rosin, firm; sales, ; receipts, 332J shipments, ; stocks, 94,228 Quote: B, 5.50tt5.55; D, E and F, .5.60; G, 5.65; H, 5.70; L, 5.721-2; K, 5.75; M, 5.85; N, 5.95; WG, 6.00; WW, 6.006.05. New York, No. 7, 101-8 esh specials 80A, 'j , 8 20 fancy 25 1-4 5 'm' Jmy COFFEE, April 19. Coffee: Rio Futures, steady. May, St. Louis, April changed, dozen 1. SN' 19 Poultry, . un- except. springs, $6 to $8 a Turkeysfc.2023. Butter CreaSneiyivtihchanged; Eggs Firm, 35?!vt SUGAR. New York, ApriJ 19. Raw sugar, easy; centrifugal, 6.46; molasses, 5.58; refined, steady; fine granulated, 7.50 8.J0 nominal. , Even ' mules have been known to coperate-they sometirries t KICK, together. Then, why will intelligent men and women often- refuser to work together jf or the good of the community in which they live. Get in line With this BUY IN WILMINGTON movement and register your KICK against out-of-town buying.- Adv. commission house' selling owing to the easier feeling in the spot market. The list rallied partially later on buying by trade interests. - Closed c., i ii; ia i SLeaay ana iu it points lower, oaiea points early under Wall Street and 6,700, tons May 5.29; July 5.44; Sep- tember 5 :52: - TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO -HAVE S OME CENTS A few cents saved here and a few there soon make a dollar and a dollar saved iii these high cost of living days is not to be despised. ' ' You can save many a penny by buying your supplies from the Royal stores. We have no special prices on a rew articles as we offer a saving on our full line. It will Pay you to call and inspect our goods arid prices, which are the lowest in town compared to the high quality of our supplies. Hundreds of others are saving by taking advantage of our offerings. L Are you? al Grocery GompV . Mb and Red Cross. -lthand Market. Roy Phone 74. jPhone 70. DRUGGISTS PLEASED WITH KIDNEY Ml E I have sold your remedy for the past fifteen years and have sufficient confi dence in it to ,give it my personal rec ommendation. I believe it is one of the best medicines of its class on the market today and I find pleasure in selling it at all. times. Very truly yours, KAMINER'S DRUG STORE, F. V. Kaminer, Prop. Nov. 4, 1916. Spartanburg, S. C. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You.-. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bin&hamtoh, N. Y., for a sample Size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Wilmington Dis patch. Regular fifty-Cent und one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advt. . CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Apr. 19 Wheatrices. ran up swiftly today abut 8 cents a bushel. Trading was active and excited. Ureencv of demand fromexporters and millers seemed to be tbe chief I basis of the new upturns, dyicesj any immediate large shipments from Canada, tp United States markets were not to be realized "anol that shipments from the United States ports to Europe were to be pushed"; to the utmost. Opening prices, which ranged from li 1-4 lower to 2 3-4 -advances with .jMay at 2.33 1-2 to 2.5, and July at 1.92 1-2 to 1.97 1-4 were followed by advances to 2.40 and 2.05 1-2, respectively, but then by setbacks of two cents or more. Corn, like;wheat?,eoaredito new bigh levels. Sellers were" "scarce and the chief influence was the strength of wheat. After bp(?niifgl-8v off to 1-2 up, the market ascended four cents or more above yesterday's finish , . v Advances in oats resulted, from the bulge in other cereals. " The chief buyers were cash houses. Provision traders ignored!, relative weakness of the hog market. : All packing house products sympathized instead with higher prices of grain. Wheat Open. Close. May 2.231-2 2.40 3-4 July 1.96 1-2 2.05 1-4 Corn May . . 1.42 1.46 July 1.37 1.411-4 Oats May .65 7-8 .661-2 July .. 64 64 5-8 Pork ' May .'. ..37.35 37.30 July ., .. .. .. ..37.00 37.20 Lard May .. ..21.00 21.02 July .. . .. ..21.25 21.22 . Ribs July .. .. .. .-. - ..19.95 20.07 September 20.05 20.17 Mere - "V - We throw ."'every ... Safeguard around toe compounding tof pre scriptions at this drug store. We are guardians of the pub lic's health. Can we protect yours, i w , , . j- Ask your Doctor. JARMAfl & FUTRELLE Phone 644. MUNICH BE, INSURANCE COM PANT, .; BavarmJ Germsny. ' Condljtlon December, 31, 1916, as Shown by Statement Filed. Disbursements To Pplicyhold- Amount of Ledger Assets De cember 1st of previous year. . 19,01704,46 Income Fro'm Pollcyftoiders, $7,643,068.92; Miscellaneous, $36650.80 1 Total 8,009,919.73 ers, 4,660,538.73; - Miscellane ous, 12,804,688.28; Total 7,405,227.01 Arfsetif" 1 Value of Bond aod Stocks $7,100,166.06 Deposited In Trust Companies and Banks on Interest .. . . .. 2,352,181T Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent . to October 1, 1916. .. 109,648.64 Interest and Kents due and ac- -. . - crued 89,406.65 Total.. $9,ft51 ,463.53 X-ess Assets Hot 'admitted.... 524,388.96 . i i Total admitted Assets .. ,. ..9,127,07.87 Liabilities. Net amount. of unpaid losses and Claims .. .. .. .. .. :. 11J92.418.00 Unearned Premiums .. ..$5,882,509a Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or ac- crued ? . B00.0Q Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, ceunty and municipal taxes due or ac crued 12,$00.W Contingent commissions, or - A other charges due or accrued. . 25,000.00 All other Liabilities, as detail- ed in. statement ... 215,000.00 Total amount of all. Liabili ties except Capital Surplus ers as regards Policybold- $7,428,017.1: $l,699,062.ejr Total Liabilities ..$9,127,079.87, resist! WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 46 1-2. Rosin Nothing doing; Tar $2.90 and 13 cents. Crude $3.60, 3.60 and $2.60. Cotton Tar . . . Receipts. 39 130 is dance music - you can t MUSICjhat jt lifts 79u, carries you along music that leaves you breathless and I longing for more: thctt 's a' Co . lumbia Record for the dance ! Listen to any one of these records arid ydiiil want to do something more than listen.' You'll want to get up and DANCE! 5815 ("THE MURRAY WALK. Fox-trot. Prince's Band. 12 Inch the 'GIRL ON THE MAGAZINE. 'Foxtrot. 10P I Princes Band. a u f OH! JOE WITH YOUR FIDDLE AND YOUR A5S14 BOW, YOU STOLE MY HEART AWAY. llM OneSfep. Princes Band. I EVELYN. One Step. Prince's Band. A5816 ( BABES IN THE WOOD. Fox-trot Prince's Band. 12 inch LOVE ME AT TWILIGHT. Fox-trot. Prince v Band; , Greeks rog Stor STATE OF" NORTfl CADOIINA, NEW HANOVEJt COUNTY. In the Superipr Court, -Before the Clerk. ORDER. . , ' New Hanover Transit Co., et al. , v vs.. ' ' " '. " N. -A. Currle, et aL This cause coming on "to be Tieard, and the final report of the Board of Viewers having this day been filed with this court. and having ' been duly examined. Is found to be in due form., and in accordance wits the law. and Is hereby accepted. The court hereby appoints the 27th day of April iyi7. at 12 o clock noon, as tne time wnen it will further consider and -pass upon the sam report. .. i. ' - - It "Is further ofdered "by" the court that a copy of this -order be .posted 'at the Court House door of New.' Ilanoyer County, and at Ave conspicuous places within the said Drainage District, and be published in The Wilmingtonn Dispatch, a newspaper of general circulation in the county of ' New preceding the 27th day 6f ApriL 19177" ?JT rW. Ni HARBISS. 4-14-2w perk Superior Court. BRBRHBDRHG (UP THERE OEb THAT 1 ! ySh L jOCIETT ;i)v. J m g ' U oo JONES -OUT f 4 uJ 00 - NEXT f WVl-U C FOR A RIDE YOUR WIFE O0LD OBJECT TIMES MUST t:el;L YOO ; mot TO BE So x Th'E SERVAfSTS If THAT SHCMS :vhat:xou KNOW AQOUT j societt: 7 1 VALETt Ot FER : . Mvrwp i . ' m mm . . i U. R. Manager, Carl Schrlner. Home Office tri U.:.S., Hartfofd, Cann. Attorney for Service, Jas. R. Young, In surance Commissioner, Italeigh, N. O. " Manager for North Carolina Home Office. State of North . Carpllna, . ' Insurance Department, -Raleigh, February 12, 117. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commis sioner, do hereby certify, that the above Is a true and correct abstract of the statement 4of the Munich Re Insurance company, Bavaria, Germany, njea witn tnis uepwrx. men t, 'showing the conaitlo'n of said Com pany on the 31st day of December, 1910.'. Witness my hand and official seal the -day and date above written.- ' JAMES R. YOUNO, Insurance Commissioner 4-18-2t State of North, Caroltot, County of New Hanorer Marian Florence Hedrlck vs. James Dawsen Hedrlck. . f- - m This Is ah action brought by the plaintiff in the above entitled eause against the de fendant above named on the ground of fornicatllen aid adultery. It being, made, to appear that James Dawson Hedrlck Is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, and cannot after due diligence be found In. this State.' This is therefore to notify said defendant to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County and State of North Carolina, to be held on the 9th Monday after the lst.Mondan.ln March A. D., 1917, thne and there to answer or de mur to. the plaintiff's complaint, .or Judg ment will be granted according to the prayer, of the complaint.. In WItnesa Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this the 22nd day of March, 1917. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk of Superior Court. 3-23-law-4w-2rl v- , 1 1 t It I i ! !:.v- I I'd V.! ft WW :Jl"ii I? i t V it ! r'.t i 1 III: I!! I r. .1 l 1 i't a i. f ' n1 A ' l.r (. r V n

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