2.1 v THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, TUESDAY .AFTERNOON, APRIL 24. , 1917. V.A." PAGETHREB - s Market Rf COTTON. a t I ,'. ..' L . . j ' '&M . .11 nninis Jr - mn 111 ' .:., nt the close last night. f?KV attributed the late rally erpool to trade-calling. kembrr fjary . . A bnn" : ufW YORK COTTON. 'h k Vpril 24. There was a e Y b fav liquidation at the e3' , ,i,p cotton marKeir toaay ' 41 ! .19 1-4: Eggs 4, J Butter, t t&i tfouMry . i iWI5c V... 19.25 Spring Chickens, aprece . ilZZQtdkQc . 19 3-4 Grown fchickensapfece 46dc tO 5c ruddle ducks; apiece . -y. iO ttf 45c Guineas; apfetre?;... j735c Beet.. ty. 4., .. .. .:13C Sweet Potatoes, bushel Mft! y ; 90c1.00 Irish Potatoes aack .v..'... .;$7.50 ' Ni CHamsV fcound . . . ; v. . . . 20 21 KCr :Snoulders!anTt;RibB1b;; .17 18c Oranges, California; ....$8.50 Oranges FlorldS .&v. v;?if.S1.00 at a decline of . Bananas; X&Xmit&:W4M uciuviis, iouv; ! ing be the first May notice Poriu ..hiiP the locai stocic is a cppttipH to Tip. a Its11131 'Pts for sale and after steady poinif aCUc niu" " I j -.jV '-Ji- r .into net lOWtSl. M.aj -vyii- . ; 15 points "- ,. t, ift1ft -lifti ilte yi 5 (jeclined to 19.37, July to 19.10 October to 1S.05. seemed selling herp; to be further Liver- ..S4.75 .$4.2$; td $$.00 ' 4 M 8TOCk8. e, Florida, nound uorn, per busner y ,yir.j.i,14(gii5 12c lere.; .... s0me Gf the May wesUrreeiiT uvnre nr .IlilV clllU AVitw T -r-. .orp LKl i i- : . . IdesGreeff?:;.' .-; . . ;20c Peanuts. N. :Gt& '. '...-'.-'kftiK f n i sn ers l market steadied shortly . peanuts, Virginia ..y . .80c to 90c ,nd the maiKi T.,i- Pftaritafs: SnnntsT 1 n t ti poll on coveruiB- auvx -r-- -.-r . . T..u fi.iu ffrrpries rallied to abOut last I wpol t . . i. Vivy 32c vde!!l - t fibres, but May was igBenwa . . 29c c'u , "f,. ti,p advance, rulinc ! "7 iaes 28c u 1 " otton ober ember .nary rlosed very High. ..19.66 .19.50 '...18.48 .18.56 .18.58 steady. Dow. 19.36 19.10 18.05 18.17 18.22 Close. 19.62 19.471 18.46 18.54 18.58 NEW YORK SPOT. inril 24. SDOt. Mine. lf-OJ- Tallow Wool, free of bur, ..19c 10 c .. .... 22 to 25c WILMINGTON" NAVAL STORES. Spirits 46 1-2. Rosin NotJiing doing. Tar $3.00 and 14 cents. Crude $3.60, $3.60 and $2.60. Receipts. Cotton .... .... SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. quiet;, oavannah, April 24. Turpentine, firm, 46 1-2; sales; ( ); receipts, 268; shipments, 248; stocks, 8,911. mcw ORLEANS COTTON. ' L JTY1"1"11' saies ( receipts, NEW OKLCM'o n 667: shiDment.s. 914: Rtnclrs oa aai A nrll zi. dcllci xr ' , New uneaufe, Quote B and D , 5.65: in. K.70r K 7ft 'Chicaeo. Mil. and St.. Paul .u Hue ranseu a hoc ui o.y w , ---- ' - . ' Ulrt" , f thoVM. 1-2; U, 5.75: H. 5.82 1-2: I 5.85: K. points on . t imnrnvft. 5.90; M, 5.95 to 6.00: N. 6.10: WG. met by heavy selling based 6.12 1-2 to 6.15; WW. 6.17 1-2 to 6.20. favorable weatner report -jmsfrom the census oureau snow-- EGGS AND POULTRY. somewhat neavier nmu New York, April 24. Butter, un- this last season man expeci- changed.' Eggs Unsettled, receipts, 23,515; a nnn At the end ot tne nrst uhil uum . . .t rf ninnthc iuoi'd business ine iiauius iiwun.o , in points under tne iasi yucta esterday. cot- on the NEW ORLEANS SPOT. pc Orleans. April zi spoi nniPt 12 Doints off. bales 1,181; to arrive, ou. ,d ordinary -i'-03 ct good ordinary ls.iy middling i.o i low middling . . . 18.88 dling - 19-07 ct middling ly.b bd middling Kct good middling 19.62 J eipts 4,b7d 3ay,bUi otton closed very steady at an ad- fresh gathered, extras, 37; fresh gath ered storage packed firsts, 35 3-4 to 36 1-2; .fresh gathered firsts, 34 1-2 to 35 . cheese Strong, receipts, 5,189; State fresh specials, 26 1-4 to 1-2; do. average fancy), 26. Live Poultry 'Steady, no quoted; dressed, dull and chickens, 23 to 31; fowls, 21 turkeys, 18 to 34. New York, April 24 (Wall Street). Special stocks Were the strongest featur.es of today's early dealings, ad vances ranging from 1 to 1 1-2 for equipments and munitions to 2 3-4 points for Ohio Gas and almost 4 boints for Industrial Alcohol. Cop pers also recovered in substantial de gree" from, their heaviness of the pre vious day with pronounced improve ment in motors and shippings. United States. Steel rose material fractions and gains of 'a fuli point were scored in associated industrials. American Tobacco's advance of 5 1-2 points marked a partial recovery in that, stock. Rails Were featureless at ir regular changes. Heaviness of local tractions relieved the dullness of the intermediate ses sion, Interborough preferred losing 4 points, the common 1, Brooklyn Tran sit 1 3-8 and the Third Avenue 2. Else where prices were little, changed from the noon hour. Allis-Chalmers . -. 251-8 American Beet Sugar 911-2 American Can . . 43 1-2 American Car and Foundry ... 65 American Locomotive 66 1-2 American Cotton Oil - American Smelting 97 1-2 American Suerar 110 1-2 American Tel. and Tel. vy American Tobacco .. 187 Anaconda Copper 76 Atchison 102 1-8 Atlantic Coast Line (bid) .. ..1131-4 Baldwin Locomotive 52 Baltimore and Ohio. .' 75 7-8 Bethlehem Steel 130 Canadian Pacific 159 3-4 Central Leather .' 82 1-4 Chesapeake and Ohio 59 1-2 .. 79 7-8 Chicago, R. I. & Pacific Ry 2nd 45 1-2 Colorado Fuel and Iron 47 Consolidated Gas 1111-2 Corn Products 23 7-8 Crucible Steel 59 3-4 KEL0IIS ; ill oiliiL .- . k .. - -- r :'-. V Air . . SAFE ARRIVAL OF ( WARSAW PEOPLE BOOK COMMISSION FROM CHAUTAUQUA FOR FALL FRANCE ANNOUNCED (Continued from Page One.) Greek Persisted in Strangling When Falls Were Even and k Was Disqualified. Fritz Hanson was awarded last nieht's match with jpnn; Kelonis art Sumter, S. C, after each bad won a fall, the referee disqualifying the Greek when he persisted in attempting to use a strangle hold on the Wilming ton .wrestler. Hanson did not know the identity of his antagonist when he left for Sumter, but after reaching that city was informed that Kelonls was the man he was to meet. According to information received here today, Kelonis won the initial fall of the evening in 35 ' minutes with double arm lock, and Hanson took the second in 20 minutes, the Swede using a head scissors and ankle grip. The third fall went over 20 minutes before the Greek was disqualified and only then after, he had been warned re peatedly by the refeyee. Information is that Kelonis appeared to be running on his last leg and preferred to lose by a foul rather than be defeated. THREE WORKMEN ARE BLOWN TO BITS (By Associated" Press.) Birmingham, Ala., April 24. Three powder workers were instantly killed when an explosion occurred about noon today in the Coalburg plant of the Aetna Explosives Company near here. The cause of the blast is not known. The three victims were lit erally blown to pieces. Several work men are believed to have been in jured. Officers of the company have ordered an investigation. Cuba Cane Sugar 45 1-8 Erie . . . ; 26 3-4 General Electric 162 3-4 Great Northern pfd . 109 1-2 Great Northern Ore Ctfs . . . . 30 1-4 Illinois Central 103 1-8 Inspiration Copper 53 1-2 r i j - A prices weak; Int. Merc. Marine Pfd International Nickel . . International Paper . . Kansas City Southern 76 1- 41 39 22 bee of 23 to 33 points. High. .18.93 .18.70 .17.89 .17.86 .18.10 Low. 18.60 18.35 17.49 17.58 17.72 Close. 18.89 18.66 17.86 17.94 18.05 spot, LIVERPOOL COTTON iverpool, April 24. Cotton, good middling, 12.57; middling, low middling, 12.27. Sales, 12,- bales, "00 for speculation and ex- Receipts, 16,100. Futures clos- teady. 1 - 12.21 June 12.11 August ' . . 12.00 ?ust-September j. 11.84 tober-Xovember . . 11.47 member-January . . 11.37 uary-Februarv 11.35 SUGAR. New York, April 24. Raw sugar, quiet; centrifugal, 6.14; molasses, 5.26; refined, steady. Fine granulated, 7.50. The circulation of May notices, amounting to about 2,500 tons, was ac companied by further liquidation in the market for sugar futures. Prices at midday were 3 to 8 points net lower. In the late trading the list advanced on covering and buying by leading j Cuban interests. Closed steady and 2 to 8 points higher. Sales, 23.550 tons. May, 5.37; July, 5.51; Septem ber, 5.58. Kennecott Copper 42 Louisville &. Nashville 131 to 27," i Liggett & Myers .. .. ..220250 Lorillard Co. 185200 Maxwell Motors ' 47 1-4 Mexican Petroleum 86 National Lead New York Central . 93 1-4 N. Y-, N. H..& Hartford 40 Norfolk & Western 126 3-4 France by Germany. Marshal; Joffre is the only man in France since the close of the Franco Prussian war in '1870, who has been authorized to bear the illustrious title of Marshal of France, and this dis tinction Was conferred on him by " un animous action of the1 French ' Cham ber in recognition of his splendid serv ices as military leader. Joffre . was commander-in-chief of the French army at" the beginning of the war and remained in the position until. Decem ber last, when he gave place to Gen eral Nivelle, to become marshal and military adviser of the "government. In responding again to the call of active duty, his services are placed at the disposal of the American people whom he comes" to advise in the best way of organizing, disciplining, equipping and perhaps transporting to Europe the greatest army which the country has ever called into being. 1 The marshal was born in 1852 at Rivesaltes In the Pyrenees of France in the middle station of life. At 17 he became a student in the great French school, the Ecole Polytech nique The Franco-Prussian . war In 1870 found him a sub-lieutenant In the artillery defending the Paris fort. After the war he devoted some time to engineering works and these carried him into Indp-China, Tohquin, For mosa and Africa. In the Timbuctoo he led a charge which gained him a lieutenant-colonelcy and the legion of honor distinction. His thorough mas tery of military science brought him rapid promotion and in 1911 he was; vice president of the Superior war council, chief of the general staff and practically head of the army. In that capacity, he pushed the 1913 law for three years' military service, which is now conceded to have been the sal vation of France. ' (Special to The Dispatch.) ; Warsaw, April 241-rWarsaw has booked a Redcliffe Chautauqua, which will appear here early, in Ithe ,fali; Its guarantors are , a number of theVfare most business and professional men of the town, and no efforts will be spared to make Its coming a success' financial ly as well as a great benefit to the town, generally. i- ' V f. ...... ( ,. . r, ' "' Vice Admiral Chocheprat is a prac- German Considers "America" a Prayer tical sailor with a most intimate (By United rress.) (knowledge of naval construction and Denver, Colo., April 24 The Rev. nri1iT1flTin(1 nT,fl if i cafi hp .vW n a. K. b. Gray, vicar oi me lmmanuei Episcopal church of this city, con siders "America" a prayer to the Diety in behalf of the Nation. Although the majority of the mem bers of the congregation are of Ger man descent, the National anthem is sung regularly at the close of the service by them. And they didn't need the war to in spire their patriotism. The custom was instituted three months ago, when war was a remote prospect. COFFEE. New York, April 24. Coffee, Rio No. 7, 10. Futures, steady. May, 7.83; July, 8.02. CHICAGO GRAIN. tueago, April 24. Wheat values a decided upward swing today, uenced largely by unfavorable ad- regarding foreign crops. There re also reports that much Illinois per wheat was beine nlowed un tbat the winter croD in Iowa was ually a failure. Opening prices ch ranged from one-half decline to ke advance, with Ma v nt 9 31 1-ft tr and July at 1.98 to 1.98 3-4. were wed by sharp gains all around. heat Member. Oats 'ork Open. 2.31 1-2 1.98 1.75 1-2 1,19 T 1.351-4 .64 ' .61 5-8 Close. 2.40 1-2 2.06 1.81 3-4 1.44 1.39 5-8 .66 3-8 .63 3-4 ILard- Ptember ibs - Member . . 36.90 ..36.60 36.95 . . 21.02 21.25 -.21.12 21.32 ..19.82 20.02 . . 20.07 COTTON SEED. New York,, April 24. The cotton seed oil market closed steady. Spot 15.25 to 15.75 April 15.35 to 15.74 May . . . 15.54 to 15.56 June 15.62 to 15.66 July 15.63 to 15.64 August and September . . 15.62 to 15.63 October 15.30 to 15.32 November 14.68 to 14.69 Total sales -. 30,700 Can have Long r , Straight;.', Silky Hair hy using EXELENTOSSi which Is allair GrtwrinlMaldfikjr hair remover. It f eefcrob;e sfcalp and root of haiiy credos '.dandruff and stops falling hair at bttcfe, vaa after using several times you eau see the results. Tfjr a box, ; Pric 2Sc by mail on receipt of stanips or coin. AGENTS WANTED everywhere Writ For Particotars EXELENTO MEDICINE COMPANY ' : Atfanta, Sa. , Northern Pacific 103 1-8 Pennsylvania 52 7-8 Ray Consolidated Copper .... 28 1-8 Reading .. .. 93 3-8 Republic. Iron &. Steel . . 78 1-8 Seaboard .jr' Iine. .. . . t ,prJ4 1-8 Seaboard "Air 'liine'Pfd. 'l '.v..r 81 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron 461-4 Southern Pacific . . . . 93 7-8 Southern Railway . . 27 7-8 Southern Railway Pfd 58 1-4 Studebaker Corporation 8 1-4 Tennessee Copper 16 Texas Co. 208 United Fruit 133 United States Rubber . . . . . ."57 5-8 U. S. Smelting & Refining 54 3-4 United States Steel ..1113-8 United States Steel Pfd 117 7-8 Virgin iaJaro. Chem Wabash Pfd. B. .. 24 3-4 Western Union 96 WestinghOuse Electric . . 48 General Motors '. . ..102 Midvale Steel 56 COLORED FOLKS HaveLonsr, Soft Smooth Straight Hair like pic ture by Using hero HAIlf DRESSING L THE QlY CUARANTEED HA1K STKAluttT&NEK. Heroltn positively removes Hsinilniff pttrM itchinv scalp and stops falling Hair. Just as a rood fortiflTor BAiirichaa Ua enil fiA HeroUll nOUTUtl- es the scalp and makes your hair grow 5 to 10 inches longar, and so softyoncancoinbitany style. Coarse, stubborn, kinky, nappy hair made straight, soft silky and longby applying HEROLIN HAIR DRESSING. Try it your sett today. Beautifully scented not sticky or gummy, but very fine and delightful. SEND 25c (stamps or com) for a big box. HEROLIN MEDICINE CO.. Atlanta, Ga. AGENTS wanted wkkj; -56- WEATHER REPORTS. April 24, 1917. Temperature. WEATHER at 8 au m. n n Si u ts i cn to o -4 i"1 Ash'eville Atlanta '. . . Charleston . Charlotte, y . Chicago iy. Galveston -. Jacksonville N. Orleans -N. York Pittsburg . Raleigh i ... St. Louis . ;. . Washington Wilmington . . clear . .cloudy clear ... clear .vcloudy clear . . . clear ... . . clear '.raining .iCloudy , . . . clear pt cldy :pt cldy .. .clear 76 80 74 80 46 74 74 82 72 70 78 84 82 76 46 64 62 62 40 68 62 60. 46 48 56 54 54 55 0 0 0 0 .02 0 .01 0 .16 .06 0 0 0 0 I V W : If V 4 SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Progressive Railway of the South. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rates from Wilmington, tt. C. ATLANTA, GA $13.95 On sale June, 15, 16, 17; limited return ing Midnight June 25th, Stop-over any point. BIRMINGHAM, ALA $18.95 On sale April 13 to 18, Inc. limited re turning midnight April 25th. NEW ORLEANS, LA $39.75' On sale April 7, 8, 9, Limited return ing midnight April 17th. NEW ORLEANS, LA .$23.75 On sale May 11 to lth, inclusive; lim ited returning midnight, limit extended to June 15th on payment S1.00. WSHINGTONP D. C $8.90 On sale June 2 Vo 7th, inclusive; limit ed returning midnight June 21st; limit extended to Julr 6th on payment 50c. DALLAS, TEX . . .$52.20 On sale May 12, 15. Limited return ing midnight, Jun9 8th. MACON, GA. $13.20 On sale March 17l.h to April 7th, inc. Limited returning midnight, April 10th. For further information, apply 'Phone 178 R. W. WALLACE, C. T. A., Wilmington, K G much of submarine warfare .as any man in the French navy. Several of the devices which have proven to be of notable service in trapping these underwater craft are believed to have been originated by him. He is the one man above all others in the French navy whom the American navy general board is anxious to consult on the de struction of German submarines. Americans hold in high esteem Mar- iquis de ChamDrun, a member ot tne Chamber of Deputies, because he is a grandson of LaFayette. He was born in Paris, June 11, 1865, and after study ing law, he entered politics and was in 1898 elected deputy. He centered his interests on foreign affairs and has become, a' notable authority in that line. He is a son of the Marquis de Chambrun, who was legar adviser many years of the French legation in Washington. The marquis spent his youth here and married Miss Rives Nichols, step-daughter . of Bellamy Storer, ambassador 'to Vienna in m. simon; inspector or nuances; "ior. a long time was stationed in Mexico, trying to adjust the extensive financial interests of French citizens there. M. Hovelacque, inspector-general of public instruction, is a graduate of the highest French university and is a great admirer of American institutions' particularly the public school system. Surgeon Major Dreyfus is not the famous Major Dreyfus whose; case nearly disrupted the French army a decade ago. He was a private prac ticing physician at the beginning of the war, when called into military serv ice and attached closely, to the person of General Joffre, whom he has accom panied on every trip. JURY MAKES REPORT. or Death Was Result or Opening Leaving Open of Switch. Capt. John Wesley Hinnant, Coast Line section master, who met a tragic death Saturday afternoon when he was knocked down and run over by a clink er car that had been struck a terrific blow by a train Of coat cars which took the wrong track on Smith Creek yard, came to his deatfc through the leaving ODen or opening of a switch by un known person or. persons according to theerdict of the coroner's jury, ren-J dered late yesterday afternoon after; an exhaustive inquiry had been made! into the death of Capt. Hinnant. .Vari ous railway employes, who were near the scene of the tragedy, Were exam ined by the jury yesterday morning and afternoon. "' ' SUNRISE AND SUNSET. Wednesday.. Sun rises Sun sets . .K:99 .6:51 ompeian B e auti f i e ; To have hair that falls in soft shirrnnering ripples, -and a scalp free from deadly Dandruff, use Pompeian HAIR Massage. : Sprinkle, a little on the hair and scalp, and rub dry with a Turkish towel. You will hardly believe the result. Your hair will appear twice as thick, soft and beautiful, and, va r .ill u. j j v. .11 : ucai ui ou, uc aumucu uy au your friends. . If you should have Dandruff, you will .be stopping.it while you ari . beautifying your hair. Pom-, peian HAIR Massage is a treat ment, not merely a tonic The massaging (rubbing) of ,the. scalp wakes up the roots of the hair to new life. This massaging also opens the pores of the scalp to the wonderfully stimulating liquids in Pompeian HAIR Massage, Dand ruff goes. Your hair wilf become and stay healthy, vigorous and at tractive. Pompeian HAIR Massage is a clear amber liquid. Not oily; not sticky; Cannot discolor the hair. Delightful and dainty to use. Get a 25c, 50c of $1 bottle TODAY at the stores and give yourself the luxury of a treatment. Made by the reliable makers of the famous Pompeian MASSAGE Cream and Pompeian NIGHT. Cream. M the - rf- .fir. . . 'tL l tor: I STOPS DANDRUFF Adv. 4P Is it worth ten cents ? SEE ETHEL IN THE WHITE RAVEN - - TTGDUD fa V -AT THE fictoria Theatre And Half Save(the Babies! j Benefit Baby rJHilts Station (Sace donated by Fuchs' Department Store) 1 BVbtED VCMJR OFFICE TOOACY - II I WAMTED TO , TELL. fOU THAT a I'M WORKM FO' " A-STREET CAR. COrAPANY- I OlO ONCE -I TRED TO OPEN A. C VIISOOV Hi DOtS'T KNOW ! II I . - 1. S a 11 II I 4 - l . - . 1 I ID LIKE TO ASK YOU A QUESTION - OO XOO BELItvE im Ef TINCUP TO WE. A LADY A tEAT A CAR ? IIV I NEVER HAD AvtELA.T irsA CAR. 4 u tlr r i VI t .1 m j .1 I 1 . or , n'i l! it r-.i .

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