" jg 3 WEATHER FORECAST, North Carolina Fair Sunday; TCB Monday, ta.r ... South Sunday; VIII 1 H Mil Monday, interior. fair and warmer in the FULL LEASED ; WIRE SERVICE VOL. XXIII. NO. 108, WILMINGTON' NORTH CAROLINA, SUN, DAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS. nA i :; r J II i-as ii js ziija. casca ri.;,rii 20 MGES ftli: THREE SECTIONS. 1 1 1 J . j i WlLMING DlSPA ON A (3) JI -'Jilllfu:Ll Jl JLjJCg IMAM FIBM IM PI A (TIF OF EARHWtHlES Hindenburg's Desperate Effort j nn ft p - t0 Stem The Steady Ad- IMKW vance of The French. j I IlLULll I - MEN MOWED DOWN j BY MERCILESS FIRE j Of French Guns Clouds of Poison Gases Floating Over ; The Battlefields Fail to Re- tard The Onrush German j WEEK IN CONGRESS OF GREAT MOMENT West Greet s-Hero Of Marne Reserves Greatly Reduced . Consideration of M in Numbers. easures For Preparation For War With Vjermany. LL MAKE FINAL EFFORT TO PROVE VJUMTER IS SANE State Preparing For Last Big Play in The Noted Trial. OFINION DIVIDED AS TO VERDICT. Some Think Murder in Second Degree, While Others Think "Not Guilty" or Mistrial. fLi 0 ilfflACE WAP r ) (By Henry Wood, United Press Corre- With the French Armies In the field l THE SEVERAL BILLS May 5. Hindenhurg has all but ex- TA or fOMQirVFRPn hansted his reserves. Not more than half a dozen divisions about 90,000 ! -men are left him today for strength- .rood Control The Most Impoi- enmg his line or relieving exhausted troops out of the 43 divisions about j md.uuu men wmcn Hii weeits agu ae j. had massed in preparation for an an- noanced drive against the allies. The-I joint Franco-British offensive - ias I , - nnit t. v - forced him almost to tne limit of de- WashiTiertnn Mav K tVo mnet v. cnse- tal week of war preparations against Prisoners taken today gave this . Germany by Congress begins Mon news to French- examiners. Their day. During the week in both House mere capture was proof enough of the an(j Senate measures of tremendous greatest number of German army ; importance to the Nation will be muts the Teutonic Field Marshal has launched, either for final action or been forced to concentrate in efforts preliminary decision. w Mem me v rencn advance, jscores tant--Opposition to Grant ing Autocratic Powers To President. of different divisions were identified in the insignia worn by the prisoners. But others talked freely of the des peration with which their commanders faced the never-ending bombardment of the allies' guns, the ceaseless pres snre of infantry attacks and ever melt ins nail of their own gray clad sol diers. Hindenburg's vast concentration of tmops along the whole French front makes tho German lines literally de fended by masses of human flesh as much as earthen walls. French guns 'hat formerly leveled the earth away blast away great gaps in this hu man barrier. I saw something of this German wall, t thn extraordinary concentration of mf ji with which Hindenburg ia vainly endeavoring to stop the French, and ne bloody losses of the defenders in attack by which the French on Fri (lav wrested f,, j. j. positions from the enemy. lin . uiie one section of French offen 'Jp was capturing Graonne, I watch J another between there and Rheims make this gain. It was the third suc esstul French drive of the week. The "r kilometers of front approximate- -o and half miles was formerly 1- hv a sinle German division, S I'000 men- n Friday, however, "hPr n ri,rg put five whole divisions anin' defenders also poured an j- ' ana machine gun fire on the arm ,f an "density heretofore un Woached, and hardly a minute of loo'e , !nt by tnat they did not i-v.ouu gas. Conferees will report out the se lective conscription army bill. The i Senate Agricultural committee will take up the Lever food control bill introduced in the House this week. The House Ways and Means com mittee will report out the revenue bill, raising ? 1,600,000,000 by taxa tion. The Senate Finance Commit tee will begin consideration of this taxation bill. The new shipping bill empowering President Wilson to take over ship yards and materials for constructing vessels will be introduced. Perhaps the most important of these measures is the food control bill upon which the Senate Agricul tural committee will attempt to reach some definite conclusion. It is in tended to amend the bill in some de tails, but to.be ready for prompt ac tion on it when it goes to the Sen ate from the House. There is every indication the Senate committee will not report out a bill until the House has acted on the Lever measure. "This bill is the most -powerful measure ever introduced in Con gress." Senator Kenyon, member of the committee, said today. "In im portance it ranks' second only to 1 lie. declaration of independence." The committee will begin work on (Continued on Page Seven.) CHICAGO MASSES GO WILD WITH JOY (By United Press.) Christiansburg, Va., May 5. When court adjourned this afternoon, put ting over, the Charles Vawter murder trial until Monday, the defense looked ; forward to a final big effort by the .'commonwealth Monday to prove sane Jthe man who shot Stockton Heth, Jr. jThe first witness Monday will be an j expert alienist, who is expected to tes- ;t-fy that. Vawter was sane when he' Uvrnfp th o "tnlr.i mv wifr anH net v mv I bill" -letter. Mrs. Vawter, for whom Vawter and Heth struggled, will spend Monday with her husband at the home of Prof. i Bernard Williams. She is recovering from the shock of her ordeal on the witness stand, when she told the de tails of her intimacy with Heth, the "fripnd" who stnnnArl nftfin at Prnf Vawter's home. j Although the defense is known to S IA STANDS STRONG AGIST GERMAN IU FOE Foreign Minister Sends Word to America That His Country is Safe. GERMAN INFLUENCE CAUSED OUTBREAK fear the effort to prove Vawter sane, ! Milukoff Abneased Trie Pnnle the supreme effort of the common-i i -p j t-l ol . anu i uriica i neir onouis wealth will be the summing up by ' ' I Commonwealth Attorney Lee. He will Y yfr yjl IT Jf f T T Tf IT'IT'D FT! handle the beautiful Mrs. Vawter with l t BE tJ MM J M J M 3 - ViJn ? X.XL'out Sloes, It is said, and. will argue . i that she merely represented collateral i ....... . Against The Kaiser Russia to Fight On. American Naval Consulting Board May Have Solved The Great Problem WASHINGTON HEARS THE GLAD NEWS Head of Board Believes Invent tions Now in Hand Will Set tie The Question Exten sive Experiments Made Edison Has Been at Work For His Country. People Wild With Enthusiasm BATTLE DEADLOCKED. ' (By United Press). l . London, May 5. Another dead- 1 hlN 1 HOUbAISD 1 UlLkKb lock on the British front develop- PAPK" HFYTFR PAVII ION ed tonight. 1 " Z1Z 4 4 Field Marshal Haig merely re- ported there was "nothing of spe- cial interest," but press dispatch- Af es showed a battle still raging with varying success first one ! fr side and then the other taking '4? portions of the other's positions. 4 "Th,e, air fignting yesterday," the British commander-in-chief v reported, "was in our favor. Six 4' German machines were downed 4 S by our air forces and four others 4 'J driven down beyond control of 4 the enemy aviators. Two of our 4 4 machines are missing." f i tvr i 'ueuLs. r rencn warrior ana vompan-, while the jury was inspecting the ions Given Great Ovation In Windy City Yesterday Press Correspondent.) Petrograd, May 5. "You may fell Vawter home this afternoon, one ju.i .nuau poyie iue Russian su ror shnwprt his interpst in the caseluatlon 18 w61i nand-" hv askiner mip.stion in what annearad 1 This was the statement made to- to be an attempt to disprove testimony! day bv Foreign Minister Milukoff. bv Mrs. Vawter regarding one of t'ae Tn man wh. within the past two timRs she said her husband found, davs, has held tho fate of the new Heth kissing her in the hall. The judge quickly silenced the juror. Principal attorneys in the case will Russia in his hands, meeting with stubborn opposition and triumphing over a sudden outbreak of workmen A, j tt .L t'stay here tomorrow, working on their i and soldiers, received me in his of and Heroic frenchman S. ' . . i,tfc fice only a few hours after closing I'speeches to the jury, which may start Eyes Dim With Tears Monday afternoon or Tuesday. Guess Middle West Pledges Its 1 inS as to the verdict was the chief in- Support in No Uncertain M fice only a few hours after closing an all-night session with Representa tives of the recalcitrant factions The Foreign Minister revealed in anner. (By United Press.) Chicago, May 5. The workingmen of Chicago 50,000 of them this aft- ing about equally for verdicts of spc-jhis exclusive interview granted the ond degree murder and not guilty. Some predicted a hung jury. Today's evidence consisted chiefly of attempts by the defense to impeach prosecution witnesses. Chief attack United Press the nature of the pact existing between Russia and the al lied nations. "I will tell you they coincide with alL democratic plans of all demo cratic peoples," he said. They include plans for creating. hum; as a prodigality in sacrifice of lan life, in choiir. i "aP 1 """0 auu iu 6o iui ation qUent proof of German desper- r) III ihic tti. , . from th uuu oncers learnea later nbnr V Geman prisoners that Hin thp fir gt ,old his five divisions holding sto'n th ne trenches that they must B,u nn7 Frenfh "regardless of cost." barriPr- ?en the density of this human ThTp PPed the vance. trench never wavered in the Tinued on Page Eight). t I INFERENCE STILL NOT t i. AGREED. H Wo u-By United Press). Monai T0n M&Y 5.-Congres- dran conferees on the selective night ,army biu (adjourned; tof inf r. u 1 Monday without hav- inatint it? an asreement ellm- ate a, ?fferences between Sen- renrapLd"ouse bills. Committees and House REDUCTION APPROPRIATIONS For North Carolina Waterways in River and Harbor Bill As Drafted. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED TRENCH CAPTURED Berlin Claims to Have Stopped Advance in West and Taken Many Prisoners no awakening. Historic Dexter pavilion the plain people's stamping ground welcomed Marshal Joffre, Rene Viviani and as sociates with a reception that must have been one of the greatest of their lives. For nine minutes after the gigantic crowd spied "Papa" Joffre, the stock yards hall was a seething mass of shouting, flag-waving, crazy people. The hero of the Marne stood at atten-. to call on his wife. Apparently the defense was content with its raid upon Keith's evidence, which was seem ingly in a greatly weakened state. POPE ASKS PEOPLE PRAY FOR PEACE (By United Press.) Berlin, (Via London), May 5. Eigh teen hundred prisoners, taken oh the French, front, were reported in toi night's official statement, with more than 35 machine guns. "Near Lens and Fresnoy," the statement said, "weak advances by the enemy failed. The number of English prisoners at this point increased to 1,235 with 35 imachine guns captured. i "Fighting for the possession of Win-J terburg developed, but so far without (By George H. Manning.) ! results to either side. Wnshineton. D. C. May 5. The j "Between the Aisne and Brimorit f ontorod nnnn the tpstimnnv nf A. ernoon demonstrated to the French mission that the Middle West needs ! Vawter extended to Heth by telephone Z U.?L?I?eVa5j1Sting .the alities and races, and laying the foun dation for a lasting peace." It was the approval of this pact by the new government without con sultation with representatives of the workmen tnd soldiers that led to the trouble of the past two days. I Foreign Minister Milukoff im J pressed upon . me, however, that the ctuLucii uewiis ui tut! iigmtiiutiui ex isting between the allies were not his to reveal. It is true the agree ment was first approved. by the Czar as head of the old autocratic govern ment. But Milukoff declared they were not the Czar's secret alone and could not be published without the consent (Continued on Page Eight). tion, his face wreathed in a broad Vatican Makes Earnest Appeal to Nations at This Crucial Hour. Rivers and Harbors bill as agreed to bv the House committee today car ries an appropriation of $35,000 to I smile. Joffre has hae worshippers many times before but it wasn't long, however, 'before he grasped the .mean ing that the sinewed workers of Chi cago meant to convey. His solemn gray eyes clouded in a mist of tears. Chicago has worshipped its heroes in the past, but it is doubtful if any man will again receive such a wel-l I come as bowed Marshal Joffre's head, j Chairman Charles Dawes brought the crowd to its feet when he sounded the keynote: "The working people of the Middle West want to see this war through to the finish." After several hot speeches the party heights an attack by four French 'dl,l h?.fd away t0 "somewhere in Awn fliQnlrG f rw afnuf 1 Lllt vv (By United Press.") Rome, May 5. Pope Benedict to-! night appealed to the people of the' belligerent nations of the world toj pray for peace. He issued a plea to invoke Divine intervention for a just peace, asking that the month of June be set aside for such appeals. While the Vatican's statement was addressed to belligerents it laid spe cial emphasis on appeals to the peo ple themselves, urging their prayers. This is not the first time that Pope Benedict has asked for peace pray ers, but it is the first time that he has addressed his plea to the people themselves. Previous Vatican ap- IN FROM HICKORY TAKEN FDR SPY Arrested With Companion in Richmond at Request of Government. (Special to The tnspatch.) Richmond, Va., May 5. Charles D. Littman. of Hickorv. N. C. former- peals have been general. The PPf'8,iy connected with the recruiting de- . . , . . onnoo ie of RnpptnpiilflT interest lust I resistance on the part of our soldiers. me noon aay iuu l V"1:'": tv,o citatinn in Aus- partment of the United states army, . - x- -J! 1 ' " ' xt- !i T- T7-JIi nnMl n W. UWiJJlfe IU LXIC Oil.LlClCJ.WXl m complete tne improvements ut The object of their attacK was prov- s umvereiiy, w-r Vviai" D"'"l tria-Htingary. The dual monarchy is was arrested here hi. eek expect to report early next arp ,nnciP.ally the commit- soldier, , Veciae age limits for a. Vs ana to determinp whoth. A arTuei Roosevelt shall lead arm,, -j into iYance Fear river below Wilmington, and I ed by papers founC "ay our soldiers France and the Allies had. much for $85,000 for maintenance of Northeast, iror1 knnmeters behind their front which to thank the college men of Black and Cape Fear rivers. The 'line These objects were not attained, bill, carrying $zo,5ys,uuu, was auuyi ed by the committee today and will bp introduced in the House Monday. This and $100,000 for continuing I - ". V colleges and universities. the improvements of the injaaa,jjjj ' , 50Q . It was estimated that nearly a quart- waterway from Norfolk to Beaufort, ' several machine guns. er million persons lined the streets in are the only appropriations for i'?.: SJiw the loon to cheer the French mission. the enemy only gaining foothold in a front trench "East of Nuvllle,T the French, who Amerca. He cited the ambulajnce service, the aviation corps and the foreign legion as having been large ly recruited from the graduates from provements of North Carolina waier- pveniT,e were unahlp tAt the appearance of General Joffre's There are various items m me " : - . r . v.;i thrnn(rc Ways. lucic o.xc .o.xao ,QiT. fnrrr.Pr Hnfnat.. bill for maintaining the present warjvu." - , y i i rri t- : w i .'Mini nr;a.ni. .J J- iii.uiui t va&v early today, to- the greatest of the Catholic nations. ' Kether with a United States sailor, on Reports have been persistent recently complaint of the Department of Jus that Emperor Carl is facing an over- received a tiD that whelming sentiment among his peo- tlce wnicn naa received a tip tnat pie for ending the war. a German spy was accompanying ; I these two men on a train -down from LjfljY SPANNFJ -T ' j Washington. Nothing was seen of DECLARED GUILTY, tne, s?7 wnen the plic met tne!fin and the two men are still pondering got the tip. (By United Press.) where the department automobile the throngs went wild. terways of the-State. The Rivers anaj aaviOBt ine for tmw. QTn ,-r, HarHnsr thvsrh the Harbors bill-whicn tauea in me iasu u - -7-"- - . r wrr ",7- h at at five 1 . j - aaa aaa nnn. atv smaii earns, vm wuulci aiLactis cioseiv urawiu uuuw hubs, uumci duuci " t. I "-'""c- ' Coleman, Texas, May" 5 Harry' They were held for a hearing May 16 Spannell tonight was found guilty on the rharere of murnerme Malor M. . . f W M MB Wmm MR ?-nSrS,hC.a Nortolk "to iiaufort X torerPossesSioi oAormer saw her coming' and reached out tol years. He had heen acquitted of the turning the. Norfolk to BjaMort m hHdred of their soldiers i anoent th dn flae-she thrust into! charge of killing his wife at the same ruced )Ms hands. . jtime Butler was killed. after it developed that they had 20 quarts of whiskey in their baggage. Littman, who seemed greatly wor ried after he was locked up, said that his wife in Hickory is expecting to J become a mother soon. J (By United Press.) Washington, May 5. Officialdom took heart tonight at the prospects that a solution of the German U-boat ravages may be at hand. While without information as to tho plan W. L. Saunders, of the naval consulting board, claims has been evolved, authorities said optimistical ly that the submarine menace will be ultimately overcome. , Censorship provisions, prevent rev elation of any details of Saunders plan. Saunders and his colleagues however, have been experimenting: with many means of combatting; Germany's inroads on commerce, and it may well seem, authorities say. that the solution is already at hand. Monday annivessary of the chief German U-boat outrage, the sinking of the Lsitania, with its load of pre cious human freight will probably find Secretary of the Navy Daniels and his advisers in possession of the scheme Saunders believes will thwart Germany's ruthlessness. The Saunders announcement was taken in some quarters with "a grain of salt," but the confiding said Saun ders is an able, discreet man who probably would not talk unless he knew whereof he spoke. If the Saunders' plan is success ful, it is sorely needed, for nothing like the number of submarines sunk . by the allies in the early months of the submarine campaign are now being destroyed, officials stated this afternoon. The reason for this, it , was said, is to be found in the great recent developments in submarine construction. The German submarines are now a type of warship more efficient than any which, were in existence at the outbreak of the war. The comparative immunity of the U-boats at present is taken as a most urgent reason for some active campaign-to destroy the "sea hornets" in their nest. While the potentially happy news of the Saunders' plan was coming in over the wires from New York, every government branch was moulding Its war work, and the British commis sioners were talking with National Council of Defense heads on the mat ter of co-operation. Foreign Minister Balfour, the Brit ish Ambassador, Lieut.-Gen. Bridges, and all the British army officers at tached to the British mission with the Council of National Defense this " afternoon met in the first of the se ries of conferences to evolve definite plans as to the part which the Amer ican army is to play in the war. The mission was reinforced this afternoon by arrival ol British labor party members Charles Bowerman, M. H.; James R. Thomasr-M. H., and Charles R. Garrett, Munitions. Incidentally it developed that a Russian mission is planning to come here and that a Japanese mission may come. Solution In Sight. New York, May 5. Solution of the submarine problem is in sight. . While the greatest inventive brains in the government service were con centrated tonight on practical experi ments for eradication of the U-boat menace, Chairman W. L. Saunders, of the naval consulting board, an nounced he was "hopeful" of an early solution. In this connection it was definitely learned that Thomas A. Edison, Jresi dent of the board, has been away . ' from his laboratory at Orange, N. J.," i for three days, working on govern- . ment experiments. It is understood " he has on one of his famous "work , Jags," which frequently result in as-M-f (Continued on rag Eight). v ,.-.'V v.. 1 III I. II it-'' 1 i;:S. 3 4 17-,' .-A hi4 .ft ' W - j' ill "1 ? f

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