iJTinu vVri tiff irin fill-1 SlPTnlx fc' tJlli a iilllflfc i y 7 ? ' J? Mrx na. Mrs. -? . B.a ' S-'H ,-.-.hii p1..;.- ; n ;JT'ii,S lirMmtLvo. held its VemilaiXweeklv meet-. r tt ESI .Illllll I I 1 VT V, . .y. - XX ... X U U U 1 ft 1 I Cll : ; Tlav motored ' to Raleiffh. where they week here..-' r v. Mrs T D. Warrei and little daugh-. Visited ! Miss Estell Ray, a 'student -at: Mrs. " saville; of' Richmond Va,', is "sua1 tef Kthe v byterian ' ,haye Returned from Ednton where Meredith Cpllege. : .... ;a- guest at the home of Mrs- Rblsad - ingi Sunday, instead --jpf -MondajJ,. a ter haye . jTV TWtorUliA'. W. K LUMBERTON. 4, Hinnant, of Beauftrt : passed througl I Mr; : ana Mrs. 4 . a. xaaums nave Covington. returned to tneir nome m warning- through- ton after visiting here T New Bern this week en route to; .ffcvand Mrs. John Lamb, of John- )Hpw . sweet to retrospect the past, ThV mirthful days of yore;- f Anhai Clement organist' Afters an ex PHV xo inmKv tnat. mey :--vi ..,... 11 ; iiL. j ' Liiia1' '"'j.Wiil" come-Afi-flfn nn mnybf Miss Etta Curtis, of Boiling Springs, talks were made by Mrs. Nick Southi is here to spend the summer with her erandj on Vhat Christianity Has sister, Mrs. B.-P. Falls. 1 Meant to South America," and Hon; Miss Genevieve Randall has gone Geo. R. Ward, on "The Comparison ; : i : 1 ; 1 1 4 1 i l iGoldsboro where they are visiting rela-v son City, Tenn., are guests of Mrs $ :'X Lumberton, May Mrs. Robert,", Hester and dau-hter. of Miss Floy ButleV. who taught school;? Charlotte to attend the music fes-. Between Christianity and Catholicis . . fennmari ami two rhiidren. or unerew,- . r : T, ,r- af- MoniHit M n riiirinff- the na.p.r. nvu. " ' ,Lexingion, tvyn are guesis m mr. iniu ; -. r , S. C, are guests at tne nome m mr " and Mrs. Irvin Jenkins. nam Mrs amtp ijhth:im . miss, niut: . wmcuey antt'Miss aiary vyaru art? i- ,w,.v. "-. . ! . - j Miss Gertrude Worley, of Asheville, ! In South America." A beautiful duet Mrs C L Ives Mrs, C P Brad- vacation, r ; ;of Shelby aro guests of Dr. and Mrs. and Jennie Clement. . The eetmg MISS . UUia 1 urner is a gueBL ui xviib. r. rttus. . , , f . 1 v Mri. J n ; Coffrvr lia arnne tn 1 M. CUTTie. . !.. The'SpHng; of life has passed away: : - Myv. hearts not light and free, As .Vhcii- f talked the shady lane ' - With-lovely HattieV . , , Is the guest of Miss Lula May John-1 m1,tinir nf . wrvmen filub Mr; and Mrs. J. P. Robinson have Silr City where she is a guest of hn Friday afternoon Miss Madge South- teon i in Durham , , tgcue to "W;ettdell, K. C,, where they daughter son Mrs. M. D. Powers, of Hopewell, Va., is spending sometime here visit ing ralatives and Jriends. Mrs. Robert Meador, of GreensDoro, .1 iVn UAAl.rm' tn in niirKnm . ' gene to wenueu, w. .u waerc mej .uaugmw, rivirs. u. a. uruutis. , eaauu ivas iue , siuuiuwb i9io ' Mrs A Wade visited friends in wl" resiae m tne lurure. : j iirs. j. xiuett, or , uanuLitj, mi louug auies uiuuiumciy -iuu. Afo-ehead City this week j MrS. C. R. Aycock and children, was among those in attendanpe. at After the usual social hour, a dcliciou.s Miss Marearet Lewis of Plttsville 'liave returned to their home in Free- the Presbyterial last week. j salad course, , followed by black cof- M,i ic. ' anpndfnf few' dav in the mont after visiting Rev. and Mrs. .D,. Mrs. W. DeB i McEachin,, Mra. H . 1 fee, was served. The invited guests j i-i . -l.cil 11 lid 1 tlL uc;i v. , . v v . vw.dj luxa; j . 1. . . x. i vyitvyt a.- . ivwww4-w. . a . v . Whe;,latf I . toiqk A her ; lily hand To quit my; native shore, A Hot tears stole down her pallid cheeks As she stood there in the door; And as I met her sorrowful gaze Could sadder moment be? My poor heart bled Awttti every beat To leave sweet Hattie Lee. E THE SITE Representative Weav sists in Pushing Pfer" BiltmoreasTir:aAms 1 URG amp banning.) (,avcr (By George H. Washington, D. c. gressman Zebulon to urge upon the War f)(.!vM-'millUlJ acceptance of the sii, H more as a training '. " d! or enlisted men of u,o . ' ,or -n expressed his confi.io',,,,, ;,a.n'1 tnmg material will ,,,, " efforts. If we don't siu-r,, UIS is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . ' on T n rla,1oQ hvt Miss Minta Russell has returned Effie McRae Tand Miss' 'Julia Stewart Islet Southerland, of Petersburg, and 'returned from a visit to Clayton, N. to her home in Birmipguam, Ala., af-.'ar - attending ;jthe. -...inusic. festival in J. W. Carroll. Irvin Jenkins. - Miss Iva Pearson, of Duijn, visited c friends here Sunday. j .Miss Elizabeth Copeland, of Kins- r Mrs. T. E. Petty and small son.i ig a gueat of MIsa Bess Hyman. have returned to their , home at Hen-j Mrg Henry Moore, of Beaufort, is derson after a visit at the home of jft guegt of friendg here. . Mrs. E. H. Gorham and little child, Mrs. Pettv's Darents, Mr. ana Mrs J. A. Thompson. X Mr. F. A. Crabtree has returned from Atlanta where he visited rela- tives . Mr. and Mr3. C. E. Jones have returned to their home at Lattimore after spending sometime here visit ing relatives. B. G. Suitt. or Green- tef visiting friends and relatives here. ; Charlotte this ;weekv x vX? x' -1 It was discussed and decided that Mr., and Mrs. R. E. Herring, visit-j Mr. and Mrs. E, I. Hilburn and the club would try to interest the ed in Wilmington last weeix idaughter, Miss , Irene, of Atlanta, Ga;, t entire town in Red Cross work, and Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver, has returned j arrived this wieek to 'visit Mr. . and i Miss Charlie Westbrook was instruct to her home In Mount Olive after Mrs,. J. R. Jordan, Mr. Hilburn has ed to write for instructions, ... etc., so visiting relatives here. j returned home, but Mrs. Hilburn and the work can be begun as earlyas Miss Mary. Daniels, of Elm City I Miss Jordan ; will spend some time possible. ' visited Miss Mabel Bowen here this here. . I The home guards are drill'ng rcgu- weeK. I james ana akih-sb i larly, and great interest is being tak. t, a 1 Miss Mary HUDDara, or iayetieviuef myuie nave gone to imgw iu:jti iri f,,,,;,! :jit;uL lilt; ieuk wcciv-cuu w iiii itnaa ivt- a. riau. Maria Kerr. . j Miss Louise Barnes, of Freemont, x is a gueat of Miss Martha Davis Alder- . . Tim wm,l wo frT, t"'ei,n fW tx"aIning camp for infantrv ',.'''!! "" " nv.v 4.Uu vuu 0u.i, . at tne site offered . sPec .within thP ,10v , Across the saphire sea, r.onfin n,D xx-..' a TA 11.. 1 . ,-A A,.- -,! Will I'lllM... out uio pieas;ng HigniB, uie aauor a take advnntio- r 1 "; v onnrro " 1 HH' I',,..., tlinitu rtfFr. .1 j.- " ''Villi. I . .. 1 " ' nuit.. Ne'er turned my mind from thee; of Morehead City, are visiting Mrs. Jane Meadows here. Miss Myrtle Koonce, of Trenton, is friends. and men of the Engim " till!! "Mh,,-. ( '"rp.; back To her I longed to see; And every night I ' dreamed dreams ' Of my angel, Hattie Lee. a ih: A rwi oil low vnxr rhnu nrnto fl ntir . ... 1 I ' v w CI 4 V J I 1 1 Ml I M i . i h . 'The site offered l.v m .. . . """S. DHL. nPP R Itrrm ."Mlcr. sweet : "J T"r .vunsis,s "f i,,n, men. The olan of ti, ... " ... .... u ;). , appear to c:.n ,-, , , J'r- man. Jefferspn Family Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. B. G . Suite, or Green- j ' -T1, 71 ; i-' X,,, , A , v., 04... iat Ders 01 me jeiiersuii lauiiiy iu awer mii:'"V? a?" :r;0 nf Mr. I which the writer of .the Dedar. a enMt nf VIr an(1 mpm. pnrv TiAr. A" ;;r "lation of Indepdence and third Presi-'", 1 most famous representative, have ar 4 4 Suitt's mother, Mrs. F.ick i vin Miss Mary Herring, of Baltimore, i3 v p M-p.-i Roimond Waddell, tier-- , ; . , r : , . i pome - irirfiu 'kii'i ii iii.iiir.iii v iiiti .v-- - a a r i t n i . - .row as guests or . 01. denersou nan- nm srent Friday in ayeeyille dolnh Kean. The principal features Mies Roberta Coble and Mrs W D. of thg reunion p,,ogram will be a lunch- ' a yilkinson, of Laurmburg cpent the eQn and . Monticello, the his- I 1- n A hern -iric-Jt-ncr CI t th( linTTIP Of - , ---uu "v -- " tone nome or xnomas Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. McNeill. ; T - - T T ITn r.r- TJ AT TVfr. Anifstp.r. J. D. Proctor. J. Q. Beck-! j Miss Ruth James is here to spend Miss Lila Reade, of Timborlake, who has been visiting her Bi3tors, Mesdames F. J. Powers and Lafayette Scytherland, Jr., for some time, and ; Miss Ruth. Williams, left Thursday for a 1 Richmond, to enter the, Johnston- C S i ' f 4-' I Wiliia .sanatorium, wlicre botli. will Goldsboro, May 5 On Friday even-' undergo operations for appendicitis. Mr. .Leonard tsrewn, ot near Mount I CJLU Ut'J. Ill I ' : I t . ' jtho men in groups of ;,iUt Two long, long years have iiuted by JO.OOO. and because w,. ln-v,.!, '''! i f-inrif i cv(. i ar.i.t. ; ' l w" b iuiu hi Sinco last we nledeed the vow: No letters ccrao, no words of cheer, mav ose out- ii our vi GOLDSBOR&. To cool my fyvered brow. I've -written oft, "but never yet. Has answer come to me; "Hilt m., fi wijr UIIUI"ltiaU(l(. the 14 camps for rcsi rv. "'"lilV fi Hut will devoto the first innm!, But still I can't believe she's false ' military training and Him ,', My gcfntle. Hattie Leo. j tp 1,M r;nrli,.s of ;.,- : , , me time with Mr. and Mrs. Henry i.nff et the Christian church occurred j.eonaru Brown, ot near 1 ,-pno of the most entertaining features ' Ohve, who has been in school lof the season, the . occasion being a- lhia -Past, year, and graduated v., i: k. " i n - in . .i ii, I i pik i here i 1MJ y"1 "uw lilltu iucu ovawiu aevoto tne ba an c d last ''Va reaccaa ma uear uiu yui, to studying onginoc 4 t the Christian Sunday School. . Re cently a rod and blue contest was held' MOUNT OLIVE. and the blue won, therefore the reds j Wilmington, after a few days' visit to had to entertain them . The church relatives m town, leu unursuay ror Magnolia to visit relatives. Miss Lile Herring, of Burgaw, is ', instance the ensriixv r . .i ' lllllH :i'l!);- dilli,.,,!,;... HfTl . Ml" xae engineering vu-p (!!;,,., .,. ,, nrobablv he divided . ' 11 . . .... -. . i i j " - 1 1 : . i inur - , . t. r -i t -r . ' I ii r nriii nTron in rnn r.nmp run . " ivir. ana mrs. jonn ti. KWinson, or i " . nve groups. i ne land ;ii,nm .. . , , . . , wo-.ir frrm thr. Hiu'i nrhnni hi" Where Hat and l were vont to strou reception given by the httle girls of efrcm ho school, ha. .e I've "not forgot, the Christian Sundav School. Re-'-lUineu lu Ul" 110,U( ! , A, .. . , 'Ti3 said that Pmg Bodie, the Ath- S 4 was beautifully decorated and niceiy i.-- ' . ,r.T t iletics' gardner. is everV bit as Rood' Mount Olive. Mav 5. Miss Annie .nrranpori hv 1h 11H-firirlR themnelveq. witn, ueo. Mtueuu auU in? x . natimar. OD y,Q wa r1lo ioVi0- t oi,-i' ' a. :. v visitinc Mrs. R. B. Colwell friottJ S f week thP outs?irts with the White Sox. But in Raleigh - - - .after which ice cream and cake waal . R1SS Norms Carr is visiting her Duart hou4 home of Hen W Ping should worry. He's hitting the!. Mrs. J. B. Oliver has returned from nerved bv the little ladies. The teach- ster, Mrs. McCoy Southerland, m kfrTpan and" Mrs McLean was the ba'n- and that's what puts the figures Florida where she spent the winter. ers, pastor and a few of. the mothers " i11110!11' o , x, . t i . JSfLtaeSSTftrlT 28. of - the pay check. Miss Julia Parrott, of Kinston, is a in addition to the members were in Mr. South erlan d an d Is le the most brilliant social event in the! First list of American league bat-, guest of Mrs R.E. Wooten. attendance. J'-. b"!fenXa m and M?f history of Lumberton, an event of ting averages published this season! Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lancaster, of The members of the Senior Epworth ueV Q7tiinH Rnecial interest in two aiates uwiugua ucaucu. oyeeiti.fi, ov, luuu, v,""i"""w uuuuaj ucaguc, . uunu d ... ... I . J ir T m tit .' 1 1 : . . . . i . . 1 A 11 to the prominence of the families rifAo the averages are the same they i and Mrs. J. T. Williams were entertained with a social at the! , Master Paisley Boney, Jr., left Fri- 1...- . xfl j t- a t 1 , -kv . , x.i, nav tor lirppriRnnrn tn nnri anmf the contracting parties, when Miss , might have favored Tyrus at the blow-1 miss cva uaieman, 01 uoiumoia, nome 01 miss uara Mae siarnng ; - "t . u , c ol. speui me last ween-ena wuu lviisses 1 nursaay evening irom 5 un 11. uuv-' w Alice and Elizabeth McGee. ing the evening many interesting ! we": , ,. , , e. TVTn r n r.n , . . iJz Miss Madgo Southerland, after a little Miss Elizabeth and Master O. of which a delicious salad course was G. Jr., are guests of Mrs. J. T. Las- served. Mattie Williams McLoan, daughter of .off. Plenty of time for Tris to take and Caroline command of the sluggers. If . . . . 1 . -1 1 1 A tne late Arcmuutu uuu v,u.iumv., 1, r , T F Hfnvtnn infom. ! Jrlirceil lVll-l-'-illl, ui iyxa.jt.i.w; v-n- the bride of Mr. John Irwin Sutphen, of Columbia, S. C. The wedding took place at 7:30 o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. H. G. Hill, Maxton's "grand old man," as sisted by Rev. Dr. G. "E. Moore housc, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Lumberton, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends, and was followed, beginning at 8 o'clock, by a reception which was at tended by hundreds of people, many of , them from a distance. This handsome home lends itself admirably for the staging of such an event and all tne decorations were the acme of simple elegance and grace. " The bridal party descended the broad stairway ip the following or der: Miss Bess McNair, of Maxton, and Miss Lila McLean, of XLaurin burg; Miss Martha Sutphen, of Co lumbia, S. C, sister of the groom, and Miss Leila Barnes, of Maxton; Miss Sallie McLean, of Maxton, maid of honor, and Mr. A. T. McLean, of Lumberton, sister and brother of the bride; Mrs. J. W. Irons, of Richmond, Va., dame of honor; the ring-bearer, Archie McLean, 'small son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McLean, and the flower children, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lacy Williams, of Maxton, and" A. Wilton McLean, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean, scattering sweet peas in the path of the bride, who was a vision of love liness in white duchess satin en ; train, her bridal veil caught with a bandeau of orange blossoms, carry ing a shower bouquet or vaut;y mica and orchids, as she descended the 'stairway on the arm of her brother, Hon, A. W. McLean. The groom en tered the hall from the dining-room on the arm of his best man, Mr. J. C. Copeland, of Columbia, and met the -itii. at the foot of the stairway, x'x from which to the altar the; brides y maids form:d an aide, giving a tab- leim effect. The bridesmaids were gowned in crepe meteor with tulle oyerdrcps. Mispes McNair and Earner in pink, Misses Lila McLean and Sutphen in lavender; . Mioa Sallie McLean, maid Of honor, in green; the dame of honor, Mrs. Irons wore her wedding t . r onrl all rrrriffl shower i' ; orcjsu jl iai.c , uiiu v. . v- bouquets of swoot peas. - . .37V-.1- thP receDtlon lOllowing me nrriiw the receivine line in the ''V- v arlor was composed of Mr', and Mrs. T T mo a, if . t V MCi-ieaii, ivii. .liiu ivno. uui- V'"x:pheb, ' Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McLean, Miss Sallie McLean and. Mr. Cope- f t? land. Mrs. Irons ana Mr. j.,uixon iLean and the bridesmaids. Others ifx'who assisted in receiving were: Mes :y ' dzxn.es G. G. French and Irvin Jenkins, x : taking guests from receiving lin ; to dining room; Miss Mary McNeill, of C-Uxuniberton; Miss Louise Purcell, of 'x Red Springs; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Var- v: x ger; in the dining room, where re TlCxfreshments were served; Mr. and X'Sx " MrS jj T. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. J. '.fx-A. Sharpe and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Gray in the reception hall and h "x" "brary: Mrs. N. A. McLean, introduc- ' ineto the receiving line; Dr. and " ' -V Mrsl C. W, Regan, of Laurinburg and i ;V.. Mr. and MrsZR. C. Lawrence at th3 1 sxfront door; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Good - wfn and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. Mc- rV." . Neiil' at the two porch entrances; Solicitor S. B. MQLieim,-.. i -a--ton, and Mr. J. Dixon McLean, ushers; XV ; and -Misses Agnes McLean and Cam 'V.inie McNeill, at the punch bowl in the W-0 pagoda, which was a most attractive llice listed with Japanese Jntenis. 5SCp rt Mrs SutDben left at 9: oO for - Atlantic City and New .York.; liouse guests here for the weddinf x nct t w Trons and Miss SlSbeth McCormick. of Richmond; VvrMiss Martha sutpnen, ui 7m7t -.lb': Mrs, Lacy Williams and dau ghter -'Mary Elizabeth, and Misses Leila - Barnes and Bess McNair of Maxton, t i M.agn nf Laurinburg, iHMUs DiTaia iiis. of Wilmington; il Mrs. Chas. A. Purcell, of Wagram. A number, of people attended the wedding and reception from Maxton, Red Springs and Laurinburg. and others from the same and other places and a large number of Lumberton people attended the reception. Music was furnished throughout the evening by the Grainger orches tra from Wilmington. by, in oldsboro Mrs. L. D. McPhail, of Rocking ham, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McPhail last week. She was en route home from Goldsboro where she attended the Graham-Bor- Mrs. H. L. Pope and little daughte? place, Hard by the old oak tree; But I looked in vain for the face Of charming Hattie Lee. ville is unexcelled in II" Illllll, 'I for training the iiipin,.(.- .... iUnnyj AJone different corti,.,!. ,.r'.i. I ' 1 un- Nujti ' nanoa and the Ki-rnr-h i , . " - - -1 ".Ml I .. ,n. J gineers could gain practical ru,,..-,,.,,, j in throwing bridges an.i , ,wn. I ctrolled to the graveyard near thojaross everv kind 01 sir. am i,u cot . able, and in the hilly t'Uitiry jut ' t n pro rnov wnn nnd oil 1 v v, a w j " wuiu II 1 1 J ill, v rain upon which to j.ra i How changed from day3 of yore! And cpied a green grave 'mongst the rest, I'd not seen there bafore. And when 1 read the inscription there I knelt upon njy knee; And bending on the marble slab, . Shed tears on Hattie Lee. mil:, ot t. ' iini d. periment. "if the War Deparlnipnt i;; h,, for the best Dossihl.. I country to train engine, is, Ash.-vi,: has the spot, and I shall (o mv t to convince the War Dejiarlmi'iit nit,, cials of the fact." Secretary Tumulty's Birthday This Fabrique person. jilayiiiR short is siliiwini; en". visit to Mrs. Allen Powers, in Ham- j let, has returned home. Prof. Z. D. McWhorter has gone to Washington. D. C. May 5. Secre- for the Dodgers. Eleanor of Lumberton who have' " "fc "v .V"-- iary lumuuy, wuu uas reueiitiy uius- siuerauie imung aoniiy ngni at tlie been visitine at the home of her Da-! lhore- He has a con wll ls SrowmS s'oined out as a patriotic orator of con-, start of his career in tlic h van! rent Mr and Mn T D Bacon re- J a large cr0P of Irish Ptatoes' besides . siderable eloquence, was congratulat- If he is able to continue with .v.na tuTed home Monday They were ac! ,he other crops and Prof - McWhor-. e(1 by many ot the callers at the White fair measure of his ,.re,cn. sh,,:,,, companied home by Mr. Pope, who came for them Sunday. Mesdames Walter D. Creech, W. H. ! ter has decided that he will summer assist in the planting. Lina ( House executive office today on tne the "Robbie Bobbies'' aro suit tu lmt I occasion of his birthday anniversary, foot toward the front. 1 T,T. Tiimitlfir itq a hnrn in Torcov Citv den marriage. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Partin. and Numerous wedding presents at- Mrs. M. E. McCullen. of Goldsboro Cobb. Jr.. J. D. Lanfeston and Missesl years ago anu always resiaea mi uossip nas it mat aici.raw sun lias tracted admiring attention through-! spent a brief visit at the home of Mr. Mary DeVane, president of the Golds-j Clubs, being held at Durham this that city until Mr. Wilson took him a string attached to Jim Thorpe out the evening, among the ones of and Mrs. Faison Lee last Saturdav. boro Woman's Club, Gertrude Weil, week. (to -seryeXas his secretary .during his This means if the Indian mak. od special elegance bing a flat set of Miss Georgia McCullen has gone to pnd Sallie Kirby are delegates from Miss Allie Freeman and Mrs. 'term-as governor, and later brought in Cincinnati he will return to the solid silver, gift of Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldsboro to spend a visit with- rela- this city, to the annual contention of Marianna C. Gariessen are visiting him to this city to act in a . similar big show next season for another trial W. McLean. tives. the State Federation of Woman's friends at Chapel Hill this week. capacity. - with the Giants. r NoH This is only a photograph of some of the shoes that we re build Do not XrVA x ; were every da3. throw away a comloi table pair of shoes because they seem to ycu to be beyond repair. Let ui tell jcu what we mean by "NEW SHOES FROM OLD ONES." JSS We rebuild shoes we do not cobble. We retain the flexibility of the sole. We use only the best stock. We employ only the best workmen. We call for and deliver shoes when requested. The difference between cob bling shoes and factory repair ing is worth knowing. Come and see. We Use The Goodyear System .H TIT J IT Ikm i ys v n f 11 f 1 1 v M iii N rr o off Shoemakers 111 III 111 GOODYEAR SHOE DEPARTMENT Prompt Service , -: Phone 533 217 North Front Street Quick Delivery J ; ' 1. ... .-'

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