rT i J fVift J : '.i';. W COTTON. t-. Ill J t f lit I ?HU I J IJIlff K II I? v 1 111 t 111 IlllU.t I K g wew ftH-raw-y w ww! ftowf , T . " aU spot "... r..tnn soot . r ' York May 26. TKefe ,.. ni realizing h the QQttol d 1 tdav. Prices: dp enfeS steady . o nf 9 to iu DOints, witn an it" x i aifi f1(tnhflf at ;easn ' Vnrin ordef s an legal 358- 01 This seemed the result, of i.. hnvinff ore erois"-t in bv the strength of 0, l anrt reports of an. easier tero,Hn. risks. . rpce r v,rtWpvf:".wtth July Offerings -sooji Vinw eas; :,nrt October to . 21.20 be 1 thL,,ino of some 6 to 7' points -nPt '. ' hut a great' ' fiaanY' Smm , . eppmprt to be reach- hTrinc and thp early buyinas tf h hv bullish coods trade spring; cwciwrajufiectr. .itl in tov Sweet PotaSfe&j 1U&viStJc$i.oa lrfsu x-uutiues. sacs . . .'v; , . , , Ofanges, California V.ui, . $3.60 Oranges, Florida .V . ; :4.'. 'L .f4.ftrf Bananas, 7 bncH .7iifl.0 to tlOO MllUVUSt 9.(-0 &ppies. Darrei ;.. ; .94.25 to $6.09 Pork; per' Ib. v v . . . . . 15q Cabbage, Florida, pound .. t2c; Hides, Green .. .. .. .. . ,.,20d 1 a..26(3l2Tcl JprnrouraP'' jji' ' ott- Dec Jan " March High. ..21.72 . . 21 . 1ft . .2V9 . . 21 . r0 . .21.70 Low Close. 21. S5 21.56 21.2V 21.29 21.34 21. 6 21.22 21.29 21.34 21.52 NEW YORK SPOT. ix afi. Cottons SDOt vpw it" . . ? .,rv ORLEANS COTTON, y MtiJ . . . ji: ' closed steaay ai , uovumw 2'6 rWanStreetl .- weeK-ena sessidft was less ok "accsufit orther abselic of nlany tttelf s.;iMaf ketf yielded little of its recent eaiftC noweirer, united . States again7 claiiM inififeaershif atelnifinifiii'' at l$3f 1-4; an oVtef-nfght "gain bt 5-$c. fIn dependent Steels and the promraeht I eouiements and coDjjers" also advanced ffoia fractions td over a point,, equal gams bemg: registered, b, shippings. Texas company advanced three points and . General; Motors .2 3-4. Rails moyedifihv narrow limit's on very small dealings. . Specialties were' fea tured by corn products; which rose a point ton. heavy accumulation. Candidaifes For WK Commis sions Split Honors With ': !!TnoseJor piolmasr Wool, free of bur, .. .. ..... 22 to 2d Bees Wax Salted Hides .Tallow Wool,; clean, Wool, burr . . 1 . 29c 19a lOd 25o , WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES SpiritV .. .. .. vt .1 :v'.; 41 Rosin ... ..$5.15 and $&.35 Tar - .$3.30 and $3.15 Crude'.. .. .. ..$3.60$3.60 and $2.60 Qottdnf '. . v.i RECEIPTS, . fotton of 3 to S point: July Oct. Dec Jan March High. .21.27 .20.70 .20.81 .20.83 ' .21.00 Low. 21.11 20.54 20.65 20.7$ 21.0tf v Close 21.14 2t5 20.64 20.T4 ' 20.S5 mcw ORLEANS SPOT. Vew Orleans, May 26. Spot cotton! sfeadv, 13 points up. Sales, on. the Inot -193, to arrive 52r--" sPLd ordinary 19.81; strict good ordinary 20.31; low middling 20.81; S low middling 21.00; middling n 9- strict middling '218; good middling 21.56; strict-good middling 21.74. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, May ' 26:-;otton es change closed today and Monday. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, May 26. The cotton cprt nil market closed easy. 5nnt and Mav .45,40 Did Julv 16.4516.46 August 16.38 16.40 September 16v4216V43 October '.-.16.40 16-41 November .. ......... . .16.1216.15 December - .16.14 16.15 Total sale:-, 48.900 barrels'. ' . SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. : Savannah, - May 26. Turpentine firm, 421-244; sales, ; receipts, 373. - . Rosin firm. Sales, . ; receipts, iW)4k ' ' ' ' ? Quote; B, 5.756.00: D, -E and .F, .75 C.0& ;. G," 5.92 1-2 6.00 ; H, 5.95(g) 6.06! I; 6.05; K, 6,00; M, 6.00 16.05; N, 6.006.10; WG, 6.00 62.20; WW, 6.00 6.30. TEL SPARKS - - Americin Be6t Sugar . . .. : American jan . . . . . . . I American Car i& Foundry t American Locomotive : . Amer. Smelt. & Refining American Sugar Anaconda . Copper .... . . Atejiisdn . . i . . . . . Atlantic Coast Line .'. .. Atl., Gulf & W. I. S. S Baldwin Iocomotive . . Baltimore & Ohio . . Bethleheni Steel "B" . . Cana'dlan Pacific . .' Centrai Leather . . .. Chesapeake & Ohio Chi. & Great Western Chi., Mil.. & St. Paul. . . 94 : . . 74 1-4 .. 73 5-8 ..1061-8 .. ..HQ .. ..122 7-8 . 86 1-2 .. . .l(Jl l-2 Ill Lines. 109 .... 64 1-4 .. .. 71 ; , . .... 136. 7-8 . .. ..1611-2 . 951-8 .. .. .. 59 1-4 11 .... 72 2 Thy Makfe' Advance' To ward i ' i 1 riesiet-arge iumoer 01 ' Prisoners Captured. - - -w " sugar; New York, May 26. The market for suear futures was auiet today, , but the undertone, was steady and closing prices Were. 1 to 6 points net higher international Nickel on scanerea covenug wr uver mi lmemauuuai rayci week end and a little buying by lead- V Kansas City Southern ing Cuban interest. Sales 5,950 tons, I Kennecott Copper Cht; !L 1, &'Pac. (when issued) Colorado Fuel & Iron Corn Products Criicible Steel .... Cuba Cane Sugar . . . . . Erie . . .... General Electric . . . . . General Motors "..-.. . Great Northern Pfd. . . . Great Northern Ore Ctfs .Glf State Steel . .. . Illinois Central ibid') . . Inspiration Copper . . . . hint. Merc. Marine .. .. Int;;Merc. Marine Pfd. . r (Special to Tbe irtpatcft. .... . . Wake Forest. May 26, Candidates f6r" college diplomas split honors with candidates fbr army commissions to day when, at the closing event of the Wake "Forest commencement, degrees, were conferred oh $8 young men, ai-f most half of whom are seeing arduous service at "the Oglethrope training camp. -Tlie effects of the war was never felt so keenly, here at least, as when the shattered ranks of Che senior class filed down the aisle to receive their diplomas from Dr. W. L. Poteat, president of the college. Not" alone in the senior class' "has the call to -service Struck the under graduates have been shot through with tHtf'-vnimitPfcr Roirit. " MahV of those who have not already been summoned If to OfflethrotiR for training left colleKe immediately after examinations were completed, either tb enlist or to pre pare for enlistment. But while war smashed the college commencement vigorously in its ' at tendance, the enthusiasm and interest never was stronger. All the events Of the finals have been of high order. They reached one climax after a thrill ing oratorical contest fbr the A. D. Ward medal, when the medal was awarded to J. B. Edwards, and an other high note, after the conferring of academic degrees when .Governor Thomas W. i BickeltV aiumhus of the college, was honored with a degree of . . 79 1-2 1 The exercises were opened fby pray- er; and six contestants spoke for the 25 meaal. It is noi sirange in view 01 Rome, May 26. Vi London The Italians hate captured 3,500" more 'pris oners on the Carso, says the war office Heavy fighting continues. The Italians made important prog ress in the cbastal : region in the direc tion of Triest. They carried trenches from the mouth of the Timavo river on the Gulf of Triest, to a point east of j Jamiano and,also the heights between Flbhdar and Medeazza. . The Italians also made progress east Of Boscomalo in the. region of Castag rraVizza north of Tivoli and in the Plava zone. The statement says the number of prisoners taken on the Julian front from. May 14 up to yesterday is 22,419. b M 5 v 54 3-4 FIVE PRISONERS KILLED I ON GRADE CROSSING s v X 1 i r x y. y ft & ....w.v "5 S 4. j lei S-S'the war that four of the men chose I But there are etidences that quite subjects directly relating to the pres ent European struggle. Mr. A, u. Reid, of Davidson county, spoke on, The Ascendency of Southern Prin CiDles," Mr. J. Bunyon Rucker, of (By Associated Press.) Akron, O., May 26. Three men and two women, all from Akron, were killed late last night when an Erie passenger train crashed into the mo tor car oh a grade crossing at Man tua, 6., near Ravenna. Two others suffered severe' . injuries and another is not expected to live; FORD COMPANY UNDERCHARGES - ' - - - ' : ' n' -'t'" ' ""- (Contlhuea from Page One) i::-:-:-:.:-st N: 5C xJ J "1! til- t TTT 3 Rutherford, on "The Liberalizing In- an-eiif0rced service "following the erm in prison., The mdiOations that a great many are not taking the gov ernment's order seriously are numer ous enough to worry officials somewhat. May 5:04; July 5.12; September 5 . 21 ; December 4.99. Raw sugar steady; molases 5.08; centrifugal 5.96, refined iQtiiet; fine granulated 750 to 8.50. S ft. W i-VL WEEKLY' FINANCIAL-REPORT. September S.29. , (By Assisted Press.) .. , . "TfeW York May 26. The . Aftst , sig nificant feature Vf this week's active stock market was the widespread" evi dence Jof " af .teawaEening of public' ih terest.'1: rThis Vacs .most apparent in the 'demands for Indtistfial issues, United -States -Steel making the heW maximum of 134. With ; th AdVftMee- f dllOtcd values came- a . corresjEWiniinlg COFFEE. New York, May .--vouee ryj wgftgrt fnterest5 " :r Rio 10 3-." Wure3-quiet.;-ow;:H very extniVe prbfit-taking, which' ex ercised a little- deterrent effect Rails LbUfsrilre & Nashville . . Mexican Petroleum Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific (w. i.) Nevada Consolidated New .Tork" Central :. . . .. N. Y., N. H. & Hartford . . Norfolk & Western .. Uorthern Pacific . . . . Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania .... . Ray , Consolidated Copper . Reading Rep. Iron & Steel . . .... Seaboard Air Line (bid) .. Seaboard Air Line Pfd. .. Sinclair Oil & Refining . . Sloss, Shef. Stefl & Iron . CHICAGO GRAIN. . Chicago, May 26. Week-end 'even ing up of trades lifted -wheat', today after an earlv decline. Setbacks at the start today were ascribed to bearish estimates of the . total yield in the United States .this season. Opening quotations, which ranged from' 1-2 'to 2' cents' To"wer,! with July at 217 and September at 1.88, were followed by an upturn all around to well ab6vp yesterday's finish. Bearish crop prospects made the corn market average lower. De mand, however, was active, and there was a big general trade. After opening: unchanged to 2c higher, the market underwent a de cked sag. " "; ;;' Oats dea le rs 1 60k their ciie ; fa'rgely from corn. Selling,' ' howeVer, rwas less aggressive than in corn.' Provisions reflected the firmness of the hog market. Scarcity of hog re ceipts next week was predicted: .. Southern Railway . . ... Sbutherh Railway Pfd. ' . Studebaker Corporation . Tennessee COppef . . Texas. Co, ... Union Pacific United Fruit .... U. S: Ind. Alcohbr . . . United States Rubber . . United States Steel .. . United States Steel Pfd. Western Union Westinghouse Electric . Sales, 765,500 shares. MONEY. New York, May 26. Mercantile pa Per, 4 3-4 . 5; sterling 60-day bills, -2. Commercial 60-day bills' On banks, 4.711-2; commercial 60-day bjils, 4.711-4; demand, 4.75;9-16; 'ca-- m.ps. 4.76 7-16. Francs, demaitd; -72 3 4; cables, 5.71 3-4. Guilders, de-: "and, 411-4; cables, 413.' Lire's, (mm, 7,01 1-2; cables, t.'OOl : " Ru, oip3, demand." 26 3-4; cables, 26 7-8. ar silver, 74 5-8. Mexican dc41arSi os 1-8. Goverhme'rit ' bcMde, steady. Hailroad bonds, irregular! ' 7 " Last Track MeL ' ''. Peoria, 111. Mav 25: Th last track oftt fin til after, the' wfcr in" ther"Ht- 'ie 19 circuit"' was"-'' 'stSged';fiilre"' td were . among, the very f e,w issues that failed to fpajticipate m tne aavance. The ' resfraint'hoWn' by this group may tfave'Wen eto disappointment at the delay Of action- by the Inter state' GoffinfeTCtr Confmisslon. more honeful view regarding the gov-. . . erwnentppliey of aticm An im, and Coke portanl factor was pTesented by the 7"Q". PfH A . .. . ...... . A I I 10 - couniry-wiue mieresi tvmi,cu m liberty loam - .Crop conditions also gave promise of., general improvement and money -'continued easy. Tht industrials jlayJbrtJ&biie ;bf their gafti Tas' sein " another ad vance of prices for fabricated iron an'd-s'leel. AH the ipittanf mills are HrtVAVt ' jiriead 'for the balance Of the year. Similar; nditidtas'yaily; to cbppei1 and btfisr base -metals. RYphansre on Russia' was firmer, but the Russianituation continued to engage the. serious -attention of . inter iiationar fi riaftclai Ainteres6s :y ' . . . r .!'! i i' :. - L v!, :' ' f '! S-' - : HEARING CONTINUED :: ON. FREIGHT RATES U-BOAT CHASERS TO (By Associated Press.) New York, May 26.-rThe ships that ..109 5-8 ...107 .. 35 3-4 ...129 ...101 64. t-4 2ff 7-8lfluence of the Present War," Mr. J .. 831-2 M. Hester, on "Americanism ahd .. 42 1-21 World Peace," Mr. Irving E. Carlyle, .. 39 if Wake Forest, on "Our Duty to ..22 ! France," Mr. P. S. Daniel, of Oxford, .. 4 1-2 'on "The Invisible Empire," and Mr. J. Blair Edwards, of Mars Hill, on ''Universal Democracy." Following the oratorical contest, de grees were conferred as follows: Mas ter of Arts W. A. Harris; J. E. Pate; . . $13-8,R. K: Redwine; R C. Tatum; K. M. .. 36 (Yates; W. F. Taylor. ..1231-2, Bachelor of Arts F. H. Bailey, C. ..1031-2 G. Best, J A. Bivehs, B. M. Boyd, . .1363-4!r. f?. Brltton. D. E. Buckner, C. C. .-. 52 1 Burrls. I E. Carlyle, L. W. Chapell, . . 31 1-2; p. S. Daniel. J. D. Davis, E. C. Den- . . 93 3-8 ton, A. Y. Dowell, G. H. Eaddy, G.J . . 92 7-8 e. Eddihs, J. B. Edwards, W. A .. 121-2;Elam. W. T. Foreman, R. J. Hall, .. 27 1-4 h. H. Hamilton, JT M. Hayes. J. M .. 55 3-4 Hester, R. Hooper, D. C. Hughes, F . . 63 Is. Hutchins. J.- S- Johiiston. J. H 94 Jones. W. B; Jones, Gl M. Kendrick, ..27 iv m MHrhll. C. A. Moseley. J. C 3-4 .TsioTOfon A. C Reid. Gebree F. Rit- tenhouse, J., B. Rucker, C. C. Ruse, W. B. Sinclair, C. F. Spaugh, C. H Stevens. E. R. Stewart, P. S. Sykes, .T. O. Tally. R T. Thompson, J. A IWard, G . F. Washburne, K. M . vvneu- ihpe. R. K. White. S. I. Whiteneaa, 57 7-8,ri it Willlnonn 134 1-8 j ; Bachelor of Science Walter E. Jordan. " . 11 i I- 1 tnoiM f Qpionro in Mpdicine JJUIUU1U1 SL G. M . Billings, J. C. Booe, J. H. ft. Booth, J. S. Brewer, H. H. Foster, J. E. Howell. J. D, Humber, J. P. Hun- ,ter, E.G. McMillan, D. P. Perry, W. IM. Strickland, T. M.. Watson, S. C. 'Way, W. S. Woody. Bachelor of Laws A A. Aranson, J. P. Brassfield, J-.D. Canady, B. H. Clay a few men aYe in for trouble. The department hears that many have in- R. D. Black, -who js in Chicago , to assisT hl father, Oiieral ,-W. -Mi -Black, chief of engineers, in making the Chicago drive for the Third JRe-. Serve' Engineers, which is to be part 6f the diVisibn of nine engineering . regiments to be rushed to France. Mr. Blacli is expected t-ask thst thO cky of Chicago designate as the place of -training its jus.Uyi famous mu-; nicipal: pier, - which is . admirably; adap ted to' the p.urposev The naVylis' seeking 2,000 addltionalr doctors to furnish' proper medical care for the 250,000 men who will be in the djeafta m Purpose not mi.nri IL IS not Buyuuseu Liiai. lucj uuwoi- stand the penalty of a year in 3 an ana . 55 . 87 . 16 1-4 . 22 1-4 .137 1-4 .139 full war strength. In addition, J,(.0 hospital apprentice reruits will be needed in two months. The Postoffice Departhtent has sus pended the issuance of money order for Greece and the. payment .after June 1, of orders drawn fn that country. Day of Prayer f&r England. London, May 26;-WhitBuhday isHO be observed thrbttghoutr- England to morrow, as ar day, of united-prayer for the success, of the waijv, Impnsive , services will be held in St. laui and it is expected that members of the royal, family and leading repreBenta- Uyes.of. Jh, government will be Ul at tendance'. I i 5-1 - - - -..v. 1 iMiitiiuwiiitiifiMiiMimiiiiitwuHiiwf-iyiPwtii-piiwTTnffFffTT-iwii Beautiful Bust and Shoulders arc nossible if you will wear ctentiflca!ly comtructed Th dragKi" JKht tn uncoriflned bust eo. tretchej the. Bupportinftmusciea rna tne conronr oi tne ngure i itohw. F pit ihe htol back where It 0 lQBgs prerent uo mil duw irom tiaviny the appeamnce of llab- ry i- A O Ct IT TO V V ar&rglBK mustics mm cuii ui BRAiolHttO fl-.u of twc Bbtfuldcr stvinj a ftraccful line to tlte entire upper body. ri a.;;1m rni(rrTeabre frarments Imrtil- nab-cotne'in all materials an : Croi;s Back. " mi t Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etv Boned with Walohn, the rustless boninr-pennittiB- w,es.wJtA9mo BENJAMIN & JOHNESv l Warren Street. Newarky N. J . lias 11X2. S THOMAS .SftBVJtlH Thp eneaeement of Mrs. Thomas TftV AnriHf(T PiteSSlV. " .... WasKih6h. May 26;-PubIid hear ings1 bn the . proposed 15 tfperA cent, freight ' rate Iflcfeas; wefrd' cbntittQd tbdCy Dfbrthefnterstate -Cbhimerce Commission- witn ; executives vl vuc - . - . -w . iTl T M it r Carraway, u. u. iar.e,. ivi v. vj-i., ,. mi,m nf noted football ! i t n Tr,orrto t.t 1 vv weprton. ullv-'"" " " ' " r . z . l . ... 1 mm w I LU11. .J . 1 . uunaiu". o . 1 r. Voir. in Mgponn BE BUILT Ut blttXi H. B. Harrell, C. V. Haynes, R. P. Holding, E. O. James, R. B. Jordan, c W. Parker, Jr., Burgin Penhell, J. A. Stevens, Jr., C. C. Wall. The benediction closed one of the most successful years in the- history of the college.:. . . ' cs epnlhatloji xbf atferneyS Thl gifferat'trlnr f thcrSss;e aioinatteri'wa'-'t65'8n"bwJ''iK'at. the rail roads could nVeef ' the 'emergency from which they ask-relief; turning to the American government will build to beat the German . submarine and carry supplies to our European allies will be constructed of steel instead of wood, and the men who control, the output of iron and steel in this coun try have given their pledge to Major RATiPral Georee W. Gbethals to fur nish the necessary materials. Informal conferences were expected to be held here today by the iron and steel mahu- f Lctux6rs i General Gbthals' appeal for the; co operation Of the' iron and s,tol mahu- facturers rounu e.m.nuniai; uu ribfic response-, at the annual dinner of the American Iron and Steel Insti tute last night after he had told them that the proposal to build one tnou CONGRESS DEBATES WAR MEASURES fty Associated Press.) Washington, My 26. Congress con tinued to debate the administration bills, today in both Houses. No Other subject . connected with the conduct of the war contains such an intimate- interest for. the Ameri can people, ahd that fact was recog nised by the' nature of the discus- Dlayer ahd coach at Yale, to Marshall Russell, has been announced in New YOrk. Mr. Shevlin was a young multi milMonaire' of Minneapollis. Before her marriage Mrs. Shevlin was Missi Elizabeth Sherley, of Louisville, Ky., Mr. Shevlin died last year after con tracting a severe cold while coaching the Yale eleven. Mr. Russell is a broker of Winchester, Va., and a broth er of Mrs. Gardner W. Brown and of Dr. James Russell, chief surgeon of Roosevelt Hospital, New York. Mrs. Shevlin has resided in New York since the death of her husband. Burgaw Chadbourn . Clinton .. . . Fayetteville Goldsboro . . Jacksonville . . .. 7.50 .... 743 . ... S.75 .. .. 7.85 9 59 $8.90 Risberg's slump, taken on that basis, then ihust be given credit for the Sox shortcomings. But . it also . must be considered that neither Collins nor Jackson has hit a batting stride of any The first bill. DropQslng methpda to t 'irtf starter sttmulate production, is fist tmder obably will begin to shine again consideration, while th committees; the season is over. ' Jackson is afH't wdi on another hiTl to provide . ..,w,.i if ctortd w&lch. -tney-aBKi on wooden ships in 18 machinery or food administration to " "r " mSSIf ISSfth;' "is simnlv hopeless." h headed bv Herbert C. Hoover. slow last year. .$8.45 Lumberton 9.50 Mt. Olive . . . . .... . . 8.10 New Bern . . . . . . . . S.10 Pembroke . 7.25 ; Warsaw .. ..' 9.95 White ville" Wilmington . . Corresponding Ttatrs from all Agencies, .j. il to ' , ... ... : WASHINGTONV D. C. ':" . Account of the ,..... CONFEDERATE VETERANS Tickets will be sold June 2-3-4-5-6 and 7, Limited until midnight June 21, 1917. Extension of final limit until midnight July 6th may be obtained by deposit Of ticket with Special Agent and payment of 50 cents. " - ' '' !; 5 ' f"-' T Take advantage of the through train service of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE Standard Rallroad.of the South. For rates, reservations, or any Information, address any Agent, or W. J. CRAIG, P. T. M. . - T. C. WHIE, 0. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. . ; 5-10-to-6-3. it 1 - ;5-v mil r 1. ''fA f , " ow.&t.v, 1 1 hpir sirrDius iuzHiiiu ulwi i u - rR"Sl & SATINED WITH YOUR COMPLCXfOflt raJfee can of your complexhnr-i: . : aniyoujtcomfikxlDatXoiUjakexcTttf QHOOSe PORE AIDS, choose, CRCt jaYA ;je WRE. DAINTY. TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST fetTEAL . JAMEftC. CRA?Ci t.rr.Ttt i SJtttf, NtW TOW r VE' HAvk tOMe FlrsE Wt1rEP kAMB- TURNIPS EBTPCT0Eff1RieDUVg. HAtH rOFM ' .y Avt YOU 6A-t? p7 r M I IE -s-f- r 1 f-T7i f 1 WW:- iw-te V'"' T ''''' f- 'Tii TTi-ir r - i COME H6FE a mihute:: : - ' 1 '"Mil i V I " J IMIiiilBPiilfeilli WHAT'S :':,Mvi f ' t, ; vi- --vT-v-N-'.- I ..-;; NEVER MINb VIAT t IT NOW ? .-.7. .' : its) ft; .St) 0! i ;':1! 'Hi : fs. ;' m i I! till; 1 . ft -1! w at S .It . r 4 ' 1 V .'f 11 If. A a :,i . - ft 'if i! l! i. : pi i 'i '!'

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