, - I f1 v. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH; WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. TUNE 6, 1 9 1 7. 4 N EW YO R K--rO A YJ5.Y-D AY. - ' ' r . (O. 0. Melniyre). 1 I - : V-'. ",4'-V. K 'r; -Hotels- and Resorts t P VlLfi fe- A?C6 WWTCR Wjd roi.,r.i-- i ..... m tug g. a The Corbett Co., Wholesale Distributors, Wilmington ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILLDEN RHEUIVIATISIVI WHEN YOU RECEIPT It matters not whether you liave had agonizing pains from rheumatism for 20 years or distressing twitchings for 20 weeks,' Rheiima is strong enough and mighty and powerful, enough to drive rheumatic poisons from your I body and abolish all misery or monsv a pail of our ice cream all worry t,ack. l,,-.it f.-vi" VAlir imostB will ' ...... . . GiiireireMuuriiL j D , K K Bellamy ana- an iruggihty sen mdcd. In its packing of -ice the Rheuma on a no-cure-no-nav asis for nm will keep solid uu wanxea. i not more than 50 cents a bottle, and en it is tiuie to serve it you can after you take a half teaspoonful once ivrtain that you are onenng tne a day ior two aays you snouia Know 5t refreshment or dessert known to that at last you have obtained a rem- Order by phone; the kind ana e3y that will conquer rheumatism. ... . j j n i jmty wameu iiiu wutru. , - thrmiirhmlt PHONc 1ai0. I A nioriri Phpiima hns rifTi nrpsorlhfifl by broad-minded physicians and has released thousands from agony, pain and -iespair. Aiyt. FROST ICE CnEAM CC, Wilmington, N. C. We Make the Kind That Satisfies." HALF HOLIDAY Our store will be closed every Thursday afternoon at o'clock until September 1 st. THOMAS GROCERY CO. Every , day the newsboys prove; I tnemseives better than ever. Perhaps you remember about the little news boy Who started a collection for an lady's glasses when they fell and broke in one of New York's crowded streets. Somehow that incident will always remain fresh in my memory, and iiow here's another little lad who has made a sacrifice. The other morning ail the papers told ;ah?ut a .lite, .fellow who meets the trains at one of the Hudson River towns and supplies" hisr regular 'cus tomers with . their paper. TUets 1s strong competition and ! one day's neglect of dutis might man a niim ber of lost customersi; ' - Biit this little ; lad -was willing to risk ' losing -his custbmers, and glad ly sacrificed a day's earnings in order to devote his energies in an other direction which he believed worthy. R. men of the surround ing country were to march tlie next week, and the town was unable to buy a flag to hang from the grand stand which they might march un der. The residents were asked to contribute what they felt they could, and 3 this boy was sad because he was unable to give with the rest. Finally his patriotic little soul could- stand it no longer, and for a whole day he stood at the railroad station holding a cigar box with a hole punehed in the top, crying: "Won't-5 you give something to buy the soldiers a flag? Won't you help Come- on now, do yer share." . Naturally nobody could resist his appeal, and by eventide he was able to take a goodly sum to the chair man of the arrangements, and on the day of the parads the old soldiers marched proudly under a beautiful "Old Glory," while a shabbily dressed little lad sat in state on the platform. Somehow such an incident arouses shame within one that they, too, have not made some sacrifice for thMr Just think what it meant for the little chap to give up an en tire day when he might have made money for himself in order to help purchase a flag for the soldiers. Oh, friends, I think it a glorious spirit, and I- believe that it repre sents the general spirit of our coun try. Three cheers for the little newsboy and may his tribe ever increase. N" r. .' - . TODAY'S SCHEDULE. 4. V 4. National League. Philadelphia at Chicago, cloudy. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh, rain. Boston at St. Louis, clear. New York at Cincinnati, rain. 'American League. Chicago at New York, cloudy. Detroit at Boston, cloudy. Cleveland at New Yorkj cloudy. St.: Louis at Philadelphia, clear. ' ' Southern League. Nashville' at Memphis,' clear. Chattanooga at Little Rock, clear. Atlanta t- New Orieahis, clear. Birmingham at Mobile clear. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. . At Boston 11; Cleveland 4. At New York 5-4; Detroit 1-6. At Philadelphia 3; Chicago 6. At Washington 2; St. Louis 4. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Chicago ........ 30 12 Boston . . . ... . . 28 12 New York 22 18 Cleveland 23 23 Detroit 17 23 St. Louis 17 24 Washington 15 26 Philadelphia 12 26 k Special Correspondent of The Dis- ' r. 1 patch. s New York, June 6, rlt is quite diffi cult for a dignified New York magis trate to keep from exploding With laughter at times but somehow they do it. No one has ever heard of one laughing on rduty. ' The other day a woman was arraigned in the Jefferson Market Court. She was charged with having raised a lump Upon the eye of the janitor in I the building where -she lived'. She was particularly awed by the solem nity of the court, and giving her ver- Jsion of the lump development address ed the magistrate at various times as "Your Worship," "Your Honor" and "Your Majesty," with obviously the greatest of respect. Finally the janitor, accompanied by the lump, was called to testify regard ing some specific details of the case. He could not talk English nd the court interpreter was employed; He listened to' the janitor's tragic story and began to repeat tile testimony in English as follows: "I waa in the cellar when I heard the dumb-waiter coming down ." For a moment the woman looked at the interpreter in amazement. Then she stood right up and spoke out: "Your Majesty, listen to that guy mangle the truth. Holy mackerel, he Wasn't in the cellar or anywhere near the house. I never seen that guy be fore in me life. There was no one in the cellar but the' janitor. On the lev- - I el, Your Worship, that guy's awful. He's raw." The magistrate turned his head for NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pet. .714 1700 .550 .500 .425 .415 .366 31g a moment and coughod and then rap ped for order. Yesterday's Games. At St. Louis 3; Boston 2. At Cincinnati 6; New York 5. At Chicago-Philadelphia, rain. At Pittsburg-Brooklyn, rain. Standing of the Clubs. AUSTRIAN TORPEDO BOAT SUNK BY SUB. (By Associated Press. Vienna, June 6. ( Via London). -An Austrian torpedo boat was torpedoed and sunk by a hostile submarine on Sunday night in the Northern Adriatic, it was officially announced yesterday. The majority of the crew was rescued. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 23 13 .639 Philadelphia ...... 22 14 .611 Chicago 27 17 .614 St. Louis ........ 21 20 .512 Boston 14 . 18 .438 Cincinnati 19 25 .432 Brooklyn 13 20 .394 Pittsburg 14 26 - .333; A well known Broad wayite was op cupying his usual position under a theatre canopy the other day when a friend sauntered up v.nil remarked that many of his friends were enlisting an.i that Broadway didn't seem the sama old 'place with all the familiar faces missing. "Yes," said the Broadwayite, "I know three fellows who are going." "Who are they?" "Myself and the two fellows who are going to drag me." IN THE MINORS. Southern Association. At Mobile Oj Atlanta 7. At New Orleans 6; Birmingham 0. At Memphis 4-1; Nashville 1-3. At Little Rock 4-2 ; Chattanooga 10-0. American Association. At Louisville 4-1; Minneapolis 3-0. At Indianapolis 1-6; Kansas City 4-2. At Toledo 3-5; Milwaukee 7-5. At Columbus 2; St. Paul 4 (ten innings). i 1 tpiwi ri. TTHnrin) is). Fa m 1 ie fi 1 1 if 1 1 1 1 1 1 ilia 11 11 1 1 v 1 1 - . 1 1 w A p Hi mm 1 1 ! y :i AT I - - : THE ' ROYAL L J THEATRE, JUNE 6TH. South Atlantic League. At Jacksonville 3; Charleston 9. At Augusta 4; Columbia. Copeland Townsend took a popular artist a beginner at golf out to the links at Great Neck the other after noon. After about an hour's play the beginner looked wrathfulJy at the cad die. "Look here," he said, "I'm tired of you laughing at my game. If I hear any more of your impudence, I'll crack you over the head." "All right," replied the caddie, mov ing away, "but I'll bet you don't know what's the right club to do it with." International League. At Baltimore 4-11; Providence 6-1. At Newark 8; Richmond 9. At Buffalo-Montreal, rain. At Rochester-Toronto, rain. Seen around the town: Women knit ting while waiting at department store counters. A Claridge house detective ousting some couch chameloins from the lobby. Howard Chandler Christy dancing the tango. Irving Berlin list ening to a cafe orchestra playing one of his songs. Fatty Arbuckle trying to dance with a slim young girl. A young man in horn-rimmed glasses working as a shoveler in the subway. A blind flower girl in front of the Metropoli tan looking up at the sky and smiling. a steel man looking in the Fifth Ave Inue shop windows while his chauffeur ! followed him in a big limousine. 3fr 2; a. 3, HIS BIT. (By Thornton W. Burgess.) He stood at the teller's gilded gate; Feeble was he and old. His coat was worn and his trousers frayed And he shivered a bit with cold. He shivered a bit though the day was warm, For the blood in his veins was thin. And the pass-book shook in the with ered hand That he slowly thrust' within. "It isn't much, but it's all I have. And it's every cent my own. I want that ye shall take it all For a Share in the nation's loan. It's all I have and it's cost me dear; Got knows how I've worked for it! But I've heard the call and my answer's here; It's a way I can do my bit." Tbe old man fingered the parchment stiff The bond for his hoard of gold. A pitiful sum it seemed, forsooth. As a nation's wealth is told. A light leaped up in his dim blue eyes And his threadbare shoulders squared. There was strength of pride in his very step ' As into the street he fared. And wh shall belittle that old man's Bit? There is none can surpass his all. He gave of the strength of bis long lost youth When he answered the nation's call. And the heart of a patriot beat beneatb That coat that was ill of fit. Have you of your competence done a much? Have you answered and "done your bit?" Andrew Carnegie can be seen on I sunny afternoons sitting out in his !hijr vard on uiiner Fifth Avenue. There have been many stories of his health, but those who see him declare that he seems as fit as ever. He has been greatly depressed over his peace plans but every morning he is up early and accompanied by a companion goes for his customary walk around the Central Park reservoir. His step is steady and ho seems to take a lively interest in everything going on about him. Old Folks Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into old stomachs; rich, red blood into old veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a glass of this delicious, diges tant with each meal Shivar Ale PORE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Your grocer or druggist will refund your money on first dozen if you are not pleased with results. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral .Spring, Shel tpn, S. C. If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone CRESCENT CANDY CO. Wholesale Distributors for Wilmington To Discuss War Conditions. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 6. The an nual meeting of the National Confer ence of Charities and Corrections, which has "its formal opening in this city tonight and will continue in ses sion an entire week, is to be convert ed into a war council for the consid eration of the great social problems arising from the war. The care of the families of soldiers is on 3 of the important subjects to be discussed. Economv of food and the mainte-. nance of standards of living arej other matters to receive attention. Still another subject to be presented, by experts will be the farm's place in sociological work. Among the persons of prominence who are expected to participate in the conference are former President William H. Taft; Ernest' C. Hoover, Sir Herbert Ames, Dr. Stewart Paton, of Princeton University, and Dr. C. E. A, Winslow, of Yale University. i?fHTCrT.OSITR,TC OK MORTGAGE. By virtue of the pow;r ot sale contained , in a certain mortgage executed dj james Johnson and wife, Minnie, to the undei signed, Brown, Toon & Co., which said mortgage bears date January 11th, 1913, and is duly recorded in the office of ta Kegister of Deeds of New Hanover County, rfnrth Carolina, in Book No. 78 at Dage 588, default having been made thereunder, the undersigned win, on wonaay, me :uu uajr of July, 1917, at 12 o'clock, M. at the Court House door, in the City of Wilmington, N. C, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land lying, being and sit uate in the City of Wilmington, N. C. anu bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the western line of Dickinson street 66 feet notth from the intersection of the said street with the northern, line of Rankin street, and theneo running- north along the western line of Dickinson street 25 feet, thence westwardly along an alley or open way 15 feet wide ; left open OJ ine orimai owner as a ngui of way to lots on either side, 110 feet, ' thence southwardly and parallel with tne said line of Dickinson street, 25 feet, thence ' eastwardly in a line parallel with the northern line of Rankin street 110 feet-to the point of Beginning, same being part of the eastern end of Lot No. 4- in Block No. 240, according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina. T?his the 31st day of May, 1917. BROWN, TOON & CO., 5-31-6-7-14-2L Mortgagees. The most popular hdsjat the safest and. most attracuVe resort on the South Atlantic Coast The SEASHORE HOTEL WRIGHTS VJLLfc BEACH, N. C. Opens June 1st for the Season. Over $20,000 being spent on improve ments. Free from flies and mosqui toes. Good water, Sound and Ocean fishing, sailing and bathing. Electric trains connect beach with Wilmington, N. C Write today for new illustrated booklet giving rates, recreations and photographs of hotel amusements, etc., sent free on request. E. L. HINTON, Manager, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. 'Beautiful Hair. HaVelt! Don't envy the woman whose hair fall in soft, shimmering ripples that seem to take years from her age. Hair of this beautiful kind is possible for nearly every woman. Treat your hair the Pompeian way and your friends will immediately remark, "How soft and beautiful your hair looks." Pompeian HAIR Massage is a pure amber liquid. Not Oily. Not sticky. Will stop Dandruff and Scalp Itching. To get quick results, roll the scalp the Pom peian way (carefully described in booklet enclosed with every bottle). The massaging of the 6calp wakes up the roots of the hair to new life. This massaging also opens the pores of the scalp to ahe wonderfully stimulating liquids in Pompeian HAIR Mas sage. Dandruff and Scalp Itch ing disappear. Your hair will become and stay healthy, vig orous and attractive. Pompeian HAIR Massage cannot discolor the hair. De lightful and dainty to use. Get a 25c, 50c or $1 bottle TODAY at the store, and prove to yourself the quick Tesults possible. MEN have applications at barber shops. Made by the Tellable makers of the famous Pompeian MAS SAGE Cream an4 Pompeian NIGHT Cream Adv. 7 P. The Standard Railroad of The 8outh. Arrival and Departure of Trains at Wilmington, Effective May 13th, 1917. Arrivals, schedules and connections given as information, but not guaranteed. DEPARTURES: No. 90. 3:45 A. M. Ex. Sunday No. 51 5:30 A. M. No. 64. 5:45 A. M. Ex. Sunday No. 8. 8:00 h. TX. No. 53 8:45 A. M. TO AND FROM ARRIIVAI.fl 1 Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk. , No, 91. I 1:15 A. M. Ki. Sunday Florence, Columbia, Pullman Sleepers, Wil mington and Columbia open to receive passengers arter iu:uu 1 . ai. Jacksonville and New Bern No. 50 12: 20 A. M. Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and North. Parlor Cars Wilmington and Norfolk. j Fayetteville, Sanford and Mt. Airy. No. 63. 8:05 P. M. No. 55. 8:45 P. M. N. 89. , 6:80 Iv M. Ex. 3'inlay No. 42. 6:45 P. M. No. 57 7:00 P. M. Tlx. Sunday Jacksonville and New Bern. Florence, Columbia, Augusta, Atlanta and the West. Charleston, Savannah and Florida points. Pullman Cars Wilming ton to Augusta and Atlanta. Fayetteville and intermediate stations. I No. 65. 6:15 P. M. Ex. Sun Jay No. 49. 6:05 P. AI. No. 52. 8:00 P. M. No. 63 12:20 P. M. No. 54. 12:50 P. M. No. 60 10:15 A. M. Ex. Sunlay Richmond, Norfolk, Washington and New 1 York, Pullman Cars to New York and Norfolk. No. 41 8:50 A Ciiadbourn, Conway and stations. . No. 58. I 9:25 A. M. I Kr. SunJay For Folder Reservations, ra tes of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, K. C. 11' itCf9v .ijvf Vf"ti J-SST'':? "V '-' '--J'' '':tf,11ttl- READ BUSINESS SPECIALS , . - .--..-' ' ( . . . .... . '......... t ... ' . " -"" 1 ' - .'V '.-.l" v: v. 1 i 1 it'- . . i 1 : A J il :1 A