V '' l ;: v ; '1 ' 'I "i I. "i '4 3 J' 1: 4 V K -VVJJU. tiiUl X : RICH Mi NABBED; BONDS REFUSED OLD GRADUATES ALSO POLITICIAN; BY SUBSCRIBERS FLOCKED BACK I Virginia Republican Cursed the ragand the President "of His Country. (By Associated Press.) niVhrnnnrt Va.. June 6. John t it7 nrnmltifint ReDUblican, business man and widely known poli tician, who was arrested at Coeburn, Wise county, yesterday, on the charge of cursing the President, the United States flag and the Democratic admin istration, is a former memDer 01 me Craven County Halted in Road Building Man of Many Aliases. (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, June 6. J. M. .JJall, wealthy alias Frank Sargent, alias lester ' tit; i;nn VU o rrrwi-n rxtlnav namK wise, anas ixu.ii. uvxu uiuv who was placed under arrest in this city several weeks ago on a charge of being a German spy, and who was later held on charges of larceny, is tn hfi allows! to laava the county. He I f 1 Ml O nrirtt . t t rvuaotas Wo was was iounu jtuuiy m raveu ouycuui THphard Evelvn Byrd, who is now,'"s nuuocs ui uCUv,u.nu6 Alumni Day at The University A Big Success Some Fine Speeches. (Special to The Dispatch.) Chapel Hill, June 6. Old graduates by the score journeyed to the Hill yes terday to take part in the exercises of commencement which marked Alumni Day at the University. Eight classes, those of J857, 1887, 1892, 1897, 1902, 1907 and 1912, held meetings and all were present at a delightful luncheon. Judge Francis D. Winston presided over the ceremonies. Major John W. Graham, of Hills- THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES naI and suspended sentences to-.boro, and Colonel Robert Bingham, of uuneu auv toiu ift mnnthc wrP nlfloftd on him. i Ashfville. class of '57. were the first . riio wqc cnpnirpr iv i i v w. : - i - wibunci r ;f"""j 'r 'T i with the understanding that if he PvrH will it is exDected. aDDear in court to prosecute him. , Mr. Litz has been in the coal min ing business with Congressman C . Bascom Slemp. and is reported as be- ti? a millionaire. He has a wife and two children. $OLL OF PATRIOTS ' GREAT IN ANSWER TO NATION'S CALL (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE). tration totals will exceed expectations. The day passed without disorder of any kind and with but few arrests. The threatened opposition to con scription in the mountain districts of southwest Virginia failed to material ize and the mountaineers were report ed to have registered in large num bers. Negroes also responded readily to the country's call, in spite of propa ganda spread among them by German leaves the county and stays away these sentences will not be put into effect. Hall comes from California and has served a term of five years in the State prison there for larceny. The board of . trustees of the New j Bern public schools have decided J that the adoption of a military train ! ing course in the local schools is the j proper thing, and hereafter the young sters who attend the schools will have the benefit of this. - Prof. Frank L. Ashley, the principal, who has had several years of military training, will be. in charge of this work and it will be taken up immediately after the be ginning of the fall term. Claiming that -they were not legal, Spitzer Rorick & Company, of To ledo, O., have refused to take Craven county bonds to the amount of $275, 000 which were awarded to them sev eral weeks ago by the board of com missioners, and this action on their part bids fair to put the county to considerable inconvenience. The money from these bonds was to be spent in the construction of brick roads in Craven county, and if this money is not forthcoming the com- 57, were the first to speak. They received an ovation. Among those who took part in the morning program were . Dean Lucius Polk McGehee, '87; Hon. Walter Murphy, '92; H. G. Connor, Jr., Wil son, '97; R. S. Hutchison, Charlotte, '02; Senator C. A. Jones, '02; Holt Haywood, '07; J. J. Parker, '07, and C. E. Norman, '12. Other members of the class were in troduced and spoke briefly. R. D. W. Connor, Raleigh, was elected president of the alumni. Many made short talks at the alumni luncheon. The class of '07 presented $1,000 to the University to erect a suit able flaer Dole. i The trustees hold their annual meet ing tonight. ' lip v- Country Buy a "Liberty" Bond through our Government M Bond Club. War $1.00 Per Week for 50 Weeks Buys a . .$ . $2.00 Per Week for 50 Weeks Buys a . .$100 BoJ $ 1 0.00 Per Week for 50 Weeks Buys a $500 Bond Subscriptions close June 1 5th, 1 91 7. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Corner Front and Princess Streets, "Strangler" Lewis Loses. San Francisco, June 6. Wladek Zbyszko, of Poland, took a flying fall and the decision from Ed.( ("Strang ler") Lewis in a two and onehalf hour wrestling match here last night. agents. In some sections, particularly around . missioners are going to be up against Danville. Va., the registration was so heavy that the supply of cards gave out early and more had to be supplied. Few Slackers in New England. Boston, Mass., June 6. Such figures as were available today indicated that there were few slackers in New Eng land. The estimate of those bound by the law to register was exceeded in many places. In Boston the registration was 75, 567, as against an estimate of 74,435. Seventy-nine Massachusetts cities and towns outside of Boston reported a it, as the work has already been con tracted for and started and must be paid' for. The county attorney claims that the bonds are legal and declares that he will take the matter to the Supreme Court and show the Ohio concern that their' claims have no foundation. Several days ago it was announced that Dr. R. D. V. Jones, of tins city, who is a surgeon in the United States navy, would leave within the course of a few days for France, having been appointed as chief surgeon on a fleet of fast ships which were to be sent The statue of Sequoyah, inventor of the Cherokee alphabet, was unveiled today as Oklahoma's first contribution to Statuary Hall at the National Capital. total of 201,955; the estimate for those to Europe. It is understood now that places was 190,475 It probably sdit-be several days before some of the more remote counties of Arizona, New Mexico and Wyoming are in the hands of the governors of those States. Developments anticipated today in cluded action by Federal authorities against more than 100 Russians near Phoenix, Ariz., who refused to register because of religious scruples against war, and a further effort to register Navajo Indians near Flagstaff, who also refused to enroll. Action of some sort also was expect ed to be taken against a small band of Utes near Ignacio, Colo., who re fused to be registered and who went into the hills threatening to burn the town as they left. On the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, June 6. Registra tion under the selective draft act' in the Pacific States, Idaho and Montana exceeded the estimates made by the provost marshal general's office at Washington, the partial returns today indicated. The response for registra tion was enthusiastically heeded in every city and hamlet in the far west. Except in Butte, Mont., where cit izens last night attempted to mob an anti-registration procession which re there is a possibility that Dr. Jones will not make this voyage, at least, not just at this time, and it is possi ble that he will remain in the United States for several weeks. Dr. Jones is one of the most able surgeons in the navy and has been highly praised for his excellent work by the heads of the department in which he is located. FOOD TO LAST TILL NEXT CROP So Announce Heads of Depart ments of German Govern ment After Conferences (Rt ApsorJntPfl Prss.) Berlin, (Via London), June 6. It is officially stated that at a conference between the Prussian House of Lords and the heads of the various govern ment departments, it was decided that there was complete assurance that the food supply was sufficient to enable suited in the troops being called to , tne country to hold out for the remain- . a . . a iu 3 in xi 1 suppress noting, me western, states uer Ul tut; crop year ana unui tae con-1 conducted their registrations without elusion of a victorious peace. Allprob-I special incident. Fifteen were arrest-! ms connected with the matter of ed at Butte as a result of a demonstration. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "s.da.n in the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let. tergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." GOOD LOOKING MAIDS AND WID OWS having reasources inclined to wards refined bachelor 45, owns small farm. Address Route 2, Box H, Four OaksN. C. 6-6-lt-j PREPARED FOR YOU PURE AND clean Dixie bread, 10 cents the loaf Liberty bread, 6c the loaf. Made in Wilmington by modern methods and under strictly sanitary conditions at the Globe Baking Company'3 Reno vated Bakery- The cleanest bakery in Carolina. On sale at your deal ers. Buy it now. 5-19-tf UNREDEEMED COLUMBIA GRAFO. hola with 15 double side records. Good as new. Regular price $35.00. Unredeemed price $14.50. Charles Finkelstein, 6 South Front street. Phone 645. 5-24-tf MIRROR CHOCOLATES JUST IN Friday, "Pronounced the Purest." Chocolate Brownies" plain and with nuts. Chocolate Walnut Cream Fujige for the ladies. Fresh Cris pettes and Goobers. All P. K. Home made but Mirror's. Little P. K. Candy Store, Royal Theatre Build ing. 6-l-7t SAP PINE TIES WANTED DELIVER- ed at our wharf at Wilmington. Spe cifications and prices furnished on application. Also tie cutters and teams, and good contract for party with auto truck or tractor. Address or call Tidewater Tie and Lumber Co., Wireless Building, Wilmington, N. C. 6-3-7t THE MOTTE SCHOOL OF SHORT hand and Typewriting, day and sight lessons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief instructor, 507 South Fifth street. Phone 1924-W.V 4-29-tf LUM.INA FINEST PAVILION IN THE SOUTH OPENING DANCE of the Season SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 9TH MUSIC BY THE LUMINA ORCHESTRA The Tide Water Power Co. IF YOUR BOY IS CALLED TO THfc service of his country, it may be many months before you see him again. Have you a recent photo graph to remember him by? Let us picture him as he is today. Foltz & Kendrick, Photographers. 5-18-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly! in spare time; experience unneces sary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars. Na tional Press Bureau, Room 4199, Buffalo, N. Y. 5-14-tr. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD AND kitchen furniture at sacrifice, am leaving city. Apply 518 Church street. 6-6-lt-j FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, RIPE TO- matoes, cantaloupes, watermelons and strawberries. Quick bicycle delivery. Cromwell & Co., 605 North 4th street. Phone 1262. 6-6-3t run ncn 1 runnisncu otui room, Grand Theatre BIdg. Ideal for gentleman. D. R. Foster &' Co., Agents. , 6-3-5-7 PLUMBING WORK OF ALL KINDS, Rapair work a specialty. H. J.' Mc Cartney, 310 N. Front street, Phone 716-W. 6-6-tf WANTED COLORED GIRL FOR general house work, who can also wash and iron. No one need apply unless experienced and neat, with good references. Good pay to the right party. Telephone 309. 6-6-2t public feeding were thoroughly dis cussed. ' The conferees formulated regula tions for the crop of 1917-18 and con sidered all possibilities of food distribution. Expectations Exceeded in Middle West. Chicago, June 6.4-Registration un der the conscription law in the middle-west exceeded expectations of Fed- umuiciiH, incomplete returns today w . indicated. In Chicago, for instance.! COME TO AMERICA uuuipieie unoniciai returns show that BELGIAN MISSION TO 309,024 men registered, while the most liberal forecast for the city was 300.- 000.. No serious disorder was report- (By Associated Press.) I Washington, June 6. Belgium will , send an official mission to the United ' ed in Illinois Nphnslrn f wuM lOWllOlIl . v m, j .WMi W WUKrfUU UA Minnesota, , North and South Dakota, former minister here. It will arrive Iowar-Missoiuri, Kansas, Oklahoma, within the next three weeks. Texas, Indiana and Michigan. The! Belgium regards the United States nearest approach to an outbreak was as ner great benefactor and is eager in the mining districts of the Michigan 1 to express her appreciation in the most peninsula. National guardsmen were whole-hearted way. called upon to patrol Negaunne when agitators, said to be Industrial Work- ers of the World, attempted anti-con-J OVER THOUSAND IN BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags, burlay, scrap bagging and twine. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Virginia. 6-3 su we lOt THE YOUNG BOY RIDING A BICY- cle who picked up Hamilton gold vatch, open face, 18 size, at Fourtn and Chestnut street, this morning, will please return same to Dispatch office and claim reward. 6-6-lt LOST SUNDAY BETWEEN WIL- mington and Lake Waccamaw two inflamed 33x4 tires on metal rims, in black casings. . Reward. Return to Dispatch office for reward or 'phone 2085, City. 6-6-lt FOR SALEONE SMALL HORSE and one large horse in good condi tion. Also two second hand buggies and harness. We will sell this out lit cheap as we have no use for thera. The F. E. Hashagen Co. 6-2-7t FARRIS' HOT SUPPER ROLLS "Saves Hours In the Kitchen," "Honey Bread" is the "staff of life." Phone 626. Farris' Bakery. 4-19-1 m JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF Iver Johnson Bicycles. Coirie early before they are all gone. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market street 4-6-tf LIMES, LEMONS, CALIFORNIA Oranges, Fancy Box Apples, Cab bage, New Potatoes, Onions. Full line Soda Fountain Supplies just re ceived. Send us Your orders. Bear Produce & TMerchahdige Co. (Whole sale) Phones 452-453, Wilmington, N. C. 5-4-tf WILMINGTON OFFERS THREE THOUSAND FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICE How many DOLLARS will we lend the. Government for their care? Liberty Bond offers the only means by which we can directly aid in the support of our men. t gjj THE NINSON NATIONAL HARRISS SERVICE' MEAN 6 PROM Ises Lept. Quality InNprinting, let ter heads, etc arid multigraph type written circulars any quantity. Type writing and Notaries Public. Har riss Typewriting and. Advertising Company. 5-4-mon-wed-fri-if FOR THE BEST RUBBER HEELS call 896. O'SuIIIvan's wear longer. Price Bros., experts shoe repairing. 309 North Front street. 5-29-lm AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly, In spare time; experience unneces-, sary; no canvassing; subjects sug-, gested. Send for particulars. Na-i tional Press Bureau, Room "4199, ! Buffalo, N. Y. 5-14-tf. FOR SALE ONE CAR LOAD OF PO- tato barrels. T. C. Morris, East Wil mington. 6-6-lt scription argument by means of a par ade. The parade' was broken and the 1. W. W. headquarters searched. Sev eral rifles and sabres were seized. WANTED ROOM OR ROOM AND board with use of bath in private family for the summer by young business woman; must be reasona ble. Answer, Miss "H," Care this paper, giving rates. 6-6-2t-j From Rocky Mountain States. BRUNSWICK COUNTY (By .Long Distance 'Phone to The Dispatch). Southport, June 6. Official reports made today show that 1,070 men reg- WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON WATERMELONS! WATERMELONS! Carload just received averaging 18 to 25 lbs. Bear Produce and Mer chandise Co., Phones 452-453, 19 Market street. 6-5-2t SANDLIN'S "DEAD SHOT""lS FOR sale by the following: E. V. Evans, Leland, N. C; ;A. S. Kirby; Phoe nix; S. F. Williams, Leland; Navas sa Grocery Co., Navassa; Barnes Drug Co., Maxton; J. L. Young, Lex ington; J. T. Lowrimore & Son, Win ter Park; Sanders & Raynor, Ninth and Walnut streets; L. Larkins, Seagate; G. H. Rogers, Seagate, and others. Don't fail to try the "Dead Shot.'' It is a bed bug and insect destroyer and furniture polish com bined all in one. 6-2-7t-j uBtwaoaus 31-2 NO TAXES Write W. B. Cooper & Go. Wilmington, N. C. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiiii iiiiiiiiu WANTED SLAB WOOD, CORD wood, shavings and dust. Qole price. F, O.- B. Wilmington ana quantity you cxn ship. Independent 3 Ice Co. 6 4-7t WE SELL fO THE NEW YORK LIFE IS KOBE JHAN VI TEARS OLD, AND HiA- Admltted Assets S86Q.BRM41 Legal Liabilities 78,J.M Ke serve beld for Dividends and con tingencies 188.762,411 No other company In the world can make aucb a showing'. Om 23 million dollars will be paid In dividends In the current year. It has no stocks or Industrial securities, no stock-holders, has over 2 1-2 billions of Insurance In force; ana la owned by more than a Million Policy-holder who are the Company and who alone receive the profits of the Company. C. I DICKINSON, Arent. Phone 859. Princess Building IMMUWaX LAWN MOWERS All Steel, Non-breakable, Self-sharpening, Ballbearing with single screw adjustment. The "Ottumwa all steel line presents a great improvement in Lawn Mowers ai the pressed steel construction means Lighter Running and Longer Life. " They are Guaranteed to Satisfy. We invite you to fc spect them. CAPE FEAR HDW. CO. FOR RENT 103 SOUTH eiGHTH street,. $16.00 montn. Apply J. T. Gordon, agent.. Phone 745. 5-29-tf COAL Gordon's 10-7-tf KDeDDer' Col " June 6' Governors f istered in Brunswick county yester- date of issue when so requested the Rocky Mountain States today, day. The Government's estimate was Phone your order to 745. Gordon's dwaueu returns irom the counties on 1,243, but the shortage is accounted! News Stand. me number of men who reeistered for by reason of manv jryatexuay unaer tne selective draft act. iing recently left the county to work Philadelphia Exceeds Estimates. elsewhere. Philadelphia, June 6. Registration in Philadelphia exceeded the govern ment estimates. Because of the slow rote of registrating aliens some poll ing places did not complete their work until long after midnight. The total for tfte city was 172,502. These, were subdivided as follows: Asked exemp tion, 2J$23; those who are married, 78.483; - single, but with dependents, . 35 50; -aliens, 38,306. Lumina Saturday Night opening dance of the season. Music by the regular Lumina Orchestra. Adv CARD OF THANKS. MRS. DELIA, TAYLOR & FAMILY wishes to thank their many friends for their kind expressions of sympthy, in the death of her daughter, Sister M. Anselm. 6-6-lt-j OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per full set. Single and par tial plates in proportion. Send by parcel post and receive check by re turn mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 6-2-to-7-17-j UNREDEEMED ONE CABINET Style Victrola worth $100. Unre deemed price $49.50. Charles Finkel stein, No. 6 South -Front street. Phone 642. 5-20-tf FIVE DOLLARS REWARD FOR THE return of a 22-inch single frame blacK bicycle, stolen from front of resi dence on South Seventh street. Cement tires fire stone non skid. New rim on rear wheel, black with'S red center. E. A. Shands. . 5-31-tf And I Builders' Supplies j TYPEWRITERS - RE M I N G T O N, Monarch, Smith Premier and Rem ington Junior. Rebuilt and second hand machines. Cash or terms Ren tal rates: $3.00 month or $7:50 quar ter. We repair and rebuild all makes of machines. Remington Typewriter Company, 17 Princess street. Phone 878-J. 5125-lmo. We Solicit STORAGE I W. B. THORPE & CO 1 shands grocery, fourth and Water and Ann Streets. Tiim A .-.11 ltA Aah cranAAlvM 1 SS m L- 789 Nun a frill line or rresn ernrpriPn 1 m Prompt delivery and courteous ser- H rnone vice. 'Phone 630. 3-26-tf &nmHiinii!iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiii!iiiiiiiiniimiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimuif Vudor Ventilator Porch Shades Only Shade -Woven With a Ventilator For Sale Only By C. W. Yates Co. iMmHiiiiiiHiwiiiKiiiiiiuiiiiuiHukiHiiiimwuiuotsssa HE INVISIBLE BlFOCAlS Afford comfort which U lUd by tboM who ' w or for tUIoii ! p glass. p Thoy keep yonr eyes look. ft. well 1" n,e,n No line, seftin mp the vision. YES TESTED DR. VINEBERG MASONIC TEMrX- 1 , m DO YOU REALIZE YOUR a DUTY SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIB- ERTY LOAN. "Every bank in every town and city in every State in the Union will receive your subscription and deliver your bond. You will re- AMERICAN BANK AND ceive interest on every penny you part with ; the Government will likewise receive and use every penny of your money in furthering the cause TRUST COMPANY of humanity against barbarism, rreedom againsi outlawry and oppression. If you now falter or hesitate or evade the responsibilities of Front and Market streets. Wilmington, N. U - V- u

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