.1 a.!-:":- I ;CflNTIlEO:i : BE fHAPRFRSIVF! FflR RniUFFRFNRF ! JFFICIJIIV (lPFWll mmMmBmm. Bond" m 9 ..I I'.s, -f . .T w w . w w w aai W a i - - W J I I Vll tKwSa W I a . - t .. -.a. . - . i .,r .. - FflR Y nlFn fl tM Inidalbance at Lumina Toifl (L TTptf 9k A TTtST COURT TW Bishop Darst Will Institute Rev. D. L. Gwathniey as Rector of St. Pul's. - '''' ' :i:.-! i h t Rev. Duvat - L. Gwathniey will: be Instituted as rector of St. Paul's Epis copal church at the-ll o'clock service tomorrow ' morning fey the Rt. Rev. Thomas Campbell Darst, bishop of the . r-T .1 " 1 ;'"if Wf j AiWed blocKaaers ana wom-i an Charged vim i vnepK Flashing Go Over. rOMAN MUST PAY ALL rllLl K A I'M I 1 I PIP I I Vi I i . . tnu " wr i opese, pr iiiast Carolina. The serv- " " ' i ices will be of an imnrfiKKivp ndinrQ fnunsel For Four Alleged Vy Parishioner is urged to be touil . . , , i m attend an . a Tha ttiin .i-n.J glockaders Ask r or Keduc tion of Bonds But Re- quest Was Denied. aitorn, hese ha'.uess ir:ivy n abnormal docket--one teaming with interest shrunk to lilliputian dimensions in Recorder's court today n an im-redibly short length of time, fniinwinc a bit of speech-making by s individuals on whom the hand of the law had been laid, is conclusive evidence of the j,u,jl toniaiufu in me win auagc ui .iiort horse is soon curried, court hvii!: in st ssion a very short -period, wli reas it looked like an all-day af f,;r v hen it was opened by Deputy Sheriff Ilarker. The more or less frivolous eases disposed of, held ab p!u:oly no interest for the curiously inclined ones who had assembled, etiioi interest being centered around the trial of Mrs. C. S. Whitney, the Tcun woman who is charged with is suing worthless paper and who ap pears to be badly wanted by the au thentic? in other cities. The ease charging Sam' Kigfl Eli jah Todd and Herbert Steljes, white, and Richard Suggs, colored, . with blockading, was continued until Thurs day of n xt week upon request of AVoodus Kellum, Esq., who has been retained as counsel by two of the de fendants.' but his request for a reduc tion of tthe bonds was denied, Solici tor Burton objecting vigorously on the grounds that the State was ready to go to trial. Recorder Harriss an nounced that he had no intention of reducing the bonds, which were orig inally set at $1,000 each. King, who was arrested, according to the officers, at the plant while it was in opera tion, continues to remain in,, jail, hav ing teen unable to raise the required bond, and the negro, Suggs, bias been unable to furnish sufficient bail to in:-ur: his temporary freedom. In asking for a continuance Sir. Kellum wanted the cases .to go over until Wednesday of next week, but Solicitor Burton suggested Thursday,! in view of the fact that the evidence in the care charging Editor Taylor, of the Duplin Record, with inducing a girl to ent.er a house of ill repute, i? to be heard on that day with indi cation.; that ' the trial will require practically the entire day. Klv.s. who is charged with block ading, will be defended by Public De fendpr Jones, the county paid attor ney having been assigned to look after the interest of the hapless man hy Recorder Harriss. Mrs. Whitney, who is being held on charges of false pretense the allega tion being that she passed worthless paper on two of the furniture housesJ of the city, and who is wanted, in .both South Carolina and Charlotte on sim ilar charges, was not in court, al though the cases against her were slated for trial. Her- attorney, J. C. King, Esq., asked for a continuance and after Recorder Harriss had fixed her bond at $200, Tuesday of next wwk was designated as the day for disposition of the cases against her. Tno additional warrants were served n tier today, they having been sent "'-re trom Charlotte. Mr. King told the court that he had only been... re tained, and had not had sufficient time as yet to discuss the case with ",s diem, and while Solicitor Burton "pressed the opinion that tne mat ter should bo attended to today, the continuance was finally granted. , .. Mrs. Whitney waived examination b(fore Justice W. A. McGowan at 9:30 0 dock this morning and was sent on mpr to tho Recorder under the origi nal bond of $1,000 required by. the magistrate. However, Recorder Har "ss was of the opinion that a less iamial bond would insure her pnce in court and clipped $800 iron the bond required by the justice, ir. kirig stated in open court that a "ond would insure her presence in 0Urt, as she had less than that amunt of mnnov whethf ,- Mr. Whitney is the young worked" the beach a few ago, claiming to reDresent an 'man who uavs imanaKf , has not been determined, . lf ls hintod that she also used js means to collect money. In fact. quest 'i' to the orphanage upon re- Owi ... a At 4. hh i .vuuiig woman ana mat ennfi!! ?f'f'n her since arrest and was indent that-she was the woman. man CHS" ('haring Mr- W. T. Co . young traveling man, with pass-Pcor,his-rhecks to an amount in his 1? f disposed. of today, tin,,cJa; er for judgment being con- ent of months upon the costs and with the lerKtanriiri-, n i i oi oe taken ud. The father-o ' the ;une man fated that With k:.. ill endorse m attendance. The public generally ia lnvnea 10 attenq tne service. x While Mr. Gwathmey has been ' in charge of the church for Ta consider able period, being called here from Waynesboro Va., following the' ten derj&cig and acceptance of the resigna tion of ReF. E;vdeF. Heald, Jr., as rector of that church, -he will not be officially instituted into otfice until tomorrow. Since coming here to as sume the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Mr. GSvathmey has inade many friends, and his work as rec tor has . been all that could be de sired... The new rector is well qualified for his work, having been educated in one of the leading universities of the country, where he acquitted himself with honors. His initial pastorate was, at Waynesboro, coming here from the Virginia city to take up the work at St. Paul's." Weld Meeting yesterday. Wilmington Will Keep Step With Red Cross Campaign In the County. Short session of the members of the Tied Cross. Campaign Committee, of which Archdeacon Thomas P. Noe is chairman, Was held in the Murchison National Bank Building early yester day afternoon looking toward the openjng of the campaign for $100,000, 000 to be used for ! war relief in re sponse to the, recent call of President Wobdrow Wilson. The local commit tee will keep step with the campaign throughout the country and announce ment of plans for the campaign 'will be made public at an early date. Members or" Nortfi ' Carolina Sessions Will be Held' at ber of Commerce Dele gates Will Begin Arriv ing Tomorrow. f Initial "Dance at Lumina To nightMusic By Kneisel's Orchestra -Oceanic j PREVIOUS SESSIONS , HfcjJL If, ORiQLKwrll be the burning aon tonight ,of the iAlthough the curtain officially arose op the 1917, season ,at, Wrigljtsville Beach this -morning, the main event of the day, other, than the . ogtx- lag.f the Oceanic Hotel this morning, T For the. first, time in many years the members of the North Carolina Pine, Association, which includes own ers of. large-mills, buyers and sellers of lumber, of North and South Caro lina, 'Virginia ah'd Maryland, wil hold their monthly conference Tiere on ton day and Tuesda qi nett'keek. Tne members will begin to arrive in, the city tomorrow morning. Between forty and sixty representative lumber men are expected to be here. On Monday morning the membars of the association attending will hold lights at Lumina, the people's pleasure - lace, and the initial dance of the sea son which will follow,, From now un til the firs$ of September everything at popular resort will be in full blast and a season 'second to none that has been enjoyed in the 'past, years is ex pected by those who have made a study pi thematter; . Hundreds . will Journey to Iiumina tonight to either Witness ior participate in the first daace', music for which is to; be ' f ttristed' by. Director John F . Kheisel's dfchestra, which arrived yes-" t'tday, aaid1 which will make it's first boW, to the public here tonight. Under the supervision Of Mr. W. B. Schuler, who is to have the general manager ship of Lumina this year, the ball room has been patriotically and at tractively decorated with the flags of Button Show your patriotism by lending to your Government through purchase, of a bond. Exhibit your pride in having bought a "Liberty Bond" by wearing a.'Bond Button." We furnish them free to customers who have subscribed. an inspection conference. They wiUtne Aines, urn uiory predominating, make a tour of the local lumber terlWMBg In spick-and-span shape ritory, which is being arranged by Ior tne opening Mr. R. A. Parsley, of this citv. who is one of the large mill owners of this section of the State, and wrho is an enthusiastic member of the asso ciation At Lumina, the bath-houses, lunch stands and cool drink fountain opened this morning and will continue in full oneration durine the summer months They have been renovated since, last On Tuesday morning the associa- J y1" and are in charge of competent tion members will gather at the Chamber of Commerce at 10 o'clock for their regular closed hour confer ence. There at that time all interest ing' and important phases, of. the lum persons. Tne surf at the pavilion is already proving popular. The Tide water Power Company has engaged the service of Mr. Charlie Linquist, an expert swimmer of this city as life ber industry which, owing to the war,Sard and he will be on duty during conditions, is subject to quick andiDa"iing nours radical changes, will be thoroughly discussed. The business men, particularly the Moving pictures of the latest make are to be shown nightly, except Sun day, at Lumina. This will prove a ASSISTING MRS. KING. Fund For Her Benefit Is Being Raised " at Court House. Generous hearted persons yesterday afternoon 'were seeking to raise a fund for the benefit of Mrs. Sam King,' of Meares street, whose husband is being held on a charge of blockading and who is left . with several small chil dren and no means for providing food for them. The effort to raise a fund for the relief of Mrs . King was started by Sheriff George C. Jackson and all of the men in his office contributed toward the aid of this lady. In a statement given out Sheriff Jackson asks that anyone who can afford to do so . will contribute toward the relief of this unfortunate lady in dire circumstances. CONFERENCE ORGANIZED. The father Of the the city, and he Th.. up. ir; in anyone hnldiner a check . C3 IT- , . signature could get it an'! would lose nothing by of Mr. Strong Talks Made Negroes On Thrift and Economy Last Night. : Negro. Farmer's Conference for the county was organized at the Court House last night, following close of meeting, which had as its keynote, thrift and economy, the object of which was to interest the negroes of both the county and city in food con servation and .curtailment ,of waste. Large delegations of J negroes . , were present from the outlying districts and they were addressed by Messrs. W. A. McGirt, J. R. Eddy, J. O. Brown, and Prof. John D. Wray, Dr. H. A. Parris, Dr. G. D. Hazel, and Prof. D. Cv Virgo. The following were elected officers of the conference that was organized. Robert Lofton, president; Middle Sound; Archie Freeman, vice presi dent, Myrtle Grove; Hezekiah Miller, secretary,, Middle Sound; assistant secretary, Rev. McRae, of East Wil mington; treasurer, . Joseph , Pickett, Kirkland. An executive committee w:.'H chosen as follows: Dr. F. V . Avail t, Prof. D. C- V;rgo, Dr. H. A. Parris, and farmers to co-operate with them are Thos. McLaurtn, Lewis Hines and Wm. Nixon. The meeting further organized a county fair association, with Dr. Avant president: Rowland Freeman, vice-president; Professor Virgo, secre tary, and E. ,G. Story, treasurer. The fair executiv committee is composed of Dr. ParrisV chairman; Prof. Wesley Jones, of pep4e5T county; Gilbert Hol land, of Brunswick county, and Geo. F. King, together, with tne onicers named . , The colored farmers present showed heartr willingnfcs to do jeverythng bossfble in the 'food movement ana were highly pleased with the meeting. THIRD ONE. IS ;GIVEN Mr. Pembroke Jones to Main tain kri Ambulance. Wilmington's third ambulance for service in France has been assured, sufficient money for its 1 purchase and maintenance for a year having been provided by Mr., Pembroke Jones, of Wilmington, and New York. A check fqr $L600. the.. ,gifV of Mr. , Jones, was turned over to the president of the local Red Cross chapter through Judge George -Rountree yesterday, with the request that the ambulance be chris tened the "Alice .Dickinson Memorial Ambulance," in memory of the aunt Announcement oi ;ine Trn ps ung oy , ,--7 t.:', M'at ii i I n v i i n 1 1 i . z z A i - fri tt ii I iir Liiii u " r h Intention ot mucn,.rejolcmg Jn-tt.Jnta-.of 5 ''"f nd was checking local. Bed ""Ptf-r. and a r . i ankfrs Dv rt TnnVoro. nf tne Kill, ncouiuuvu . CP,T sitorium, stated'thatlie drafted, signed and forwarae tor. 'e young man for a long Jones. .. -rMa.&Ui three Tne .gut j.. -" tinip. u"1 (a sunm; ... ' ; ',rtU ?Iien rougni nospi- -Huia In the field the f ;: ? a?d .tt tins -ywirm- , nuie ne naa ever- neara . T of hi m hr !nS in trouble xu. ':" Tvfr. TTonrv Walters ins given ou ' llt rv in both instances LBn"' Good Music '-kV: having -5 rtlatji; local lumber mill men and dealers, are I source of amusement for many. The pleased to have the State association . regular summer half-hour schedule was meet in this city after years of con-1 inaugurated on the beach line by the ferences in Norfolk, Va. The off icers i Tidewater Power Company this morn- of the association are: Mr. A. R.ling. This will continue all summer Turnbull. of Bowden. president, and Mr. V. B. Roper, of Norfolk, Va;, sec retary and treasurer. ine majority oi tnpse wno reside at the resort each season have already moved there, and others will move there next week. The Oceanic Hotel, under the ef- FUND SLOWLY GROWING ! cient management of Mr. Charles ". . . ; I W. Hooper, opened this morning. n ni-ZU..i.- tOK IMany reservations have been booked Food Commission. j ahead at this popular hostelry and by next week, quite a few guests will have arrived. The Seashore Hotel Following is a list of additional , opened about a week ago and many contributions that have been made guests are registered there now and by persons interested in the life of.Capt. Edgar L. Hinton, manager, 4s the Hanover Food Conservation Com- expecting many more during the com mission, believing that it is accom- tag week. Practically all of the plishing a wonderful good in educat- J boarding houses at the resort have ing persons along lines of thrift and opened and guests are' daily arriving economy. The newer contributions, j from the large territory which the which include one from the county j beach draws its pleasure!-seekers for $25, plus the total of those pre- from. viously made, give a grand total of Three concerts are to be given on $59, this amount representing what 'the beach tomorrow by Kneisel's or has actually been contributed by per-'chestra. In the morning a program sons interested in food conservation, twill be rendered at the Oceanic Hotel The list of contributions follow: 'and in the afternoon and evening the Previously reported $20.00 regular Sunday concerts will be given F. J. Dempsey 1.00 at Lumina. Attractive programs will D. M. Mclntish 1.00 be rendered at both concerts. John Hill 5Brown 1.00 j Following is the program that will Miss Margaret Gibson 100,be rendered at Lumina tomorrow af- M. C. Marshall 1.00 ,ternpori and evening by the Kneisel Geo. C. Jackson 1.00 orchestra. S. Solomon 1.00 Mrs. L. Biuethenthal 1.00 Dr. W. T. Smith 1.00 Morris Lipinski 1.00 I. W. Solomon 1.00 Afternoon 4:30 O'clock. "America." March "Civilization", V. L. Schertz- inger. Melodies from "The Passing Show Everyone must do "his bit" in this crisis, The Wilmington lavings & Trust Company m 1887 110 PRINCESS STREET. 1111 nil 1917 I liiiiliiiiliii - Eal a s W. G. James .... 1.00 Df i9i6," Romberg an Motlzan. H. McL. Green New .Hanover, County 1.00 i . 25.00 1 Total .$59.00 MANY EXPECTED TO GO. Waltz "Milltafcre', E. Waldevfel. Overture from "Raymond", A. Thomas. . .r Intermission.'- March "National Defence", . J. B. Lambe . Paranhrase on "The Palms". Arr. Grand Lodge of pytnians vvin Assem- R E Hildretch. ble in Rocky Mount. j Grand selection from Cavalleria Many local Pytnians are expected RUStiCana", P. Mascagni. to attend the sessions of the annual March "El Capitan", John Philip onvention or tne urana ioage, iv. oi sousa. P. which will be held at Rocky Mount i June 12 and 13. . The initial session will be held Tuesday night convening it 8 o'clock, when the organization wiir be completed and the Grand Lodge rank conferred. The Knights of Khorassan will also hold their ceremonial and while Capt. t -ve .' 1 ': - J -3 1 nomas v. lvieaies eipressea uuuui. rawn as to his ability to attend aaded yes terday afternoon that should he re main away it would break a record of 29 years' standing, he having been present at every gathering during this time. "Star Spangled Banner." Night 8:30 O'clock. "America." March "Religiose", W. Paris Cham bers. "Prelude", S . Rachmaninoff . SnitR "An Indian Summer", M. L. WILL ELECT OFFICERS. Many Have Joined St. John's Lodge During Year Just Closing. The annual election of officers of St John's Lodffe No. 1. A. F. and. A. Dance of the Pumpkins. A Love Song. Twilight. Overture from "The Merry Wives of Windsor," O. Niclai. - Intermission. March "The New York Hippo drome", John Philip Sousa. (With Apologies to Mr. Sousa.) Melodies from "The Mikado", Sir Arthur Sullivan. Meditation from "Thais", J. Massenet. Solo for Violin, Mr.. Kneisel. m wiTL.be held on Tuesday nignt oi-i next week, and much interest is being ) Grand Selection from 'Il Trovatore", felt by the membsrs in the coming 'r Verdi. orchestras organ, Anvil meeting- curing me yasi yv,i ixtjr Master, Masons have been raised tin, der the direction of Master H. Allen Huggins. The total membership of the lodge pow is. 289. chorus. "Star Spangled Banner." PILGRIMAGE SERVICE TOMORROW ANNIVERSARY OF BATTLE. St. Will Be Held at 10 O'clock at I . John's Church Tomorrow. f rnij,. cAtwiVo will hp lipid fit Confederates Gained Great Victory 54,-.. Wa W, church tomorrow Years , Ago Today. ,, r :- 'in vinpir. Th voune iUUIUlUg Cl J.v v m . w c people of the . parish are expected to assemble, in the churcn tor. a service , Rer: Edward .Wooten, well-known retired Episcopal minister of this city, J - 1 v m. nlonofnn V o f KA VOQ T2 -Shn RS'of wprship and then. under a leader, ago todaythe famous battle of Brandy , v tJ a designated part of Station, Va., was fought between the ,2. e the sJymbol. Confederate and Union- rorces, ana tnal ;part of the structure will mmfi JblimXl interested are invit- ror tne iorui,i, "W?, 2- ' uA uft" feWd putnumpereaprcticauy . twu lu uub STEM AT GALL OF GOVT. Nat. Board of Underwriters, of New York, at Disposal of President. In order to more fully carry out the great plan of conservation of foodstuffs and manufactured products the vital need in war against Germany the United States government has accept ed the offer of the National Board of Underwriters Of New York, which has placed its entire system at the dis posal of President Wilson. The or ganization includes maps and diagrams that it necessarily has accumulated in its surveys for insurance purposes. For fifty years the National Board and other fire insurance organizations have been making investigations and surveys; accumulating and classifying records and working out engineering plans. The national emergency har welded into one compact and efficient body all allied fire insurance interests which, represented in the organization, are giving to the government mines of useful information and practical helps. It is understood that a movement is already on foot that may cause fire in surance companies to decline to in sure plants where owners neglect or refuse to enforce fire prevention ana provide efficient watchmen service. It is pointed out that carelessness now means destruction not only of property but the loss of food supplies, the great weapon that America must have ever ready. There is a feeling that in this time of America's peril and danger, anj property owner who is unwilling to safeguard his property is not entitled to the protection of underwriting in terests. so grave an individual re-. sponsibility should not be shifted by the mere payment of a premium of insurance. The earless handling of cotton at , compresses and warehouses will be watched and prompt steps taken to j see that the extreme congestion .at cotton centers, so evident in the past,1 is prevented. Immediately upon the acceptance of the Federal, government of the plans of co-operation, the Na- I tional Board organized a monster of- ' fice force to put its service into prac tice. The organization is today fur nishing a large amount of detailed in formation and aid to the government through its files, inspectors and engi neers. In order to be of the greatest as sistance, the National Board has ap pointed sectional committees .which will include the entire country and co operate with and serve the govern ment according to its desires. In line with this policy a southeastern com mittee has been appointed, with head quarters in Atlanta and Southern Man ager S. Y. Tupper, of the Queen In surance Company, as chairman, to. di rect the co-operative efforts in this sec- iion of the United States. . This committee has already begun a vigorous campaign for conservation of all food products and prevention of f fires m grain and cotton elevators. Conference will be held at once with the Governors of all the different States in the southeast. Agricultural departments and all interested prop erty owners will be given co-operation. Municipal authorities will be consult ed and efforts- will be directed to pre vent fires in grain, munitions, cotton and food supplies. Owners will be called on" and urged to do everything r v. Hotels and Resorts 3 The most popular hotel at the safest and most attractive resort on the South Atlantic Coast The SEASHORE HOTEL WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens June 1st for the Season. Over $20,000 being spent on improve ments. Free from flies and mosqui toes. Good water, Sound and Ocean fishing, sailing and bathing. Electric trains connect beach with Wilmington, N. C. Write today for new illustrated booklet giving rates', recreations and photographs of hotel amusements, ctc. sent free on request. E;. L. HINTON, Manager, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. is v. Hotel WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. NOW OPEN First Stop On the Beach Our Dining Room Service Unsurpassed Write for Descriptive Booklet. Address C. E. HOOPER, Mgr. r Tn , the M ght there were aqout au.uou Southern troops, in command or uen. t pi n. Stuart, as against about ed to attend. 1 .. . Cauikm'g: Vesseis. Mr. L. J. Thompson, of H. C. Thompson & Co., Jacksonville, Fla., VmwjmWGMilM ' " ' : J, i . The recovery of the patient depends upon the skill, the knowledge of thej doetor-but don't forget -mpon the re-' liability and accuracy of the pharma cist as well. A t hf hksived to commence caulking he Weflll Pscnpt. ms exacuy as tne . mi' "1" " twn schooner being built by the Wil-- aocipr oruers axxu uum 111 ' J-'J.- x TKftu Mvtv, nar-o-'mineton Iron Works.. Twenty fmFcavllri will be exnptoyed on the Fifth North Qaro-' mington or 25 officers. He states mat me ngut.ww. lasted all day and was . brilliant vic tory for the ; Confederate uavairyman Stuart.' in. tne xsgnt tne union iroops - Come to. LumlnaiToniflht an4"ni6y?hfi inusic vfcy ( Kneisel's 5 Or- druES, FUTfiEL to provide adequate protection against loss and damage by fire at a time when it is of vital necessity to conserve all American products and supplies. Uni versal assistance will be requested in the enforcement of wise and safe reg ulations "n the matter of fire protec tion. The southeastern committee also in cludes General Agent W. R. Prescott, I of the Hartford Fire and Southern Manager Milton Dargan, of the Royal Insurance Company at Atlanta; Presi dent H. R. Bush, of the Dixie Fire In surance Company, of Greensboro, N. C, and W . H . Palmer of Richmond . This committee will have charge of working out the best plans of conserv ing and protecting interests in the southeast. J. P. Morgan & Company have sub scribed for $50,000,000 worth of Liberty Loan bonds, of which Drexel & Com pany, ! the 1 firm's Philadelphia, house, subscribed $1O;OO0,OOQ. Every man of the office organization of the Morgan;, firm has purchased individually, the announcement added. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Hotel Gkelsea West Twenty-third St., at Seventh At NEW YORK CITY European Plan 500 ROOMS 400 BATHS Boom, with adjolnlnr bath 91.00 and $1.00. Suites, parlor. Vedroom and bath tS.00 nA upward. Clab Bredcfaat. 25e up. Special I,uncieon, 50c op. Table -d'lloto Dinner, ?5e up. t Cafe attached. To' Reach Hotel Cbeloea. Front Pennsylvania Station, 7th Arena car south to 23rd Street; Grand Central. 4th Avenue car south to 23rd Street: -Lackawanna Erie, Reading, Baltimore' & Ohio, jersey Central and Lehigh ". Valley "R..-R. Station, take 13rd street crosstown car east to Hotel Chelsea.' ; V' Principal Steam'shln Piers, Foot West 23rd Street,, take 23 Street cross- town car. . -WRITE FOR COLORED MAP 6W , NEW YORK. -. . -. SATISFIED WITH YOUR COMPLEXION? rake can of your complexion- and your complexion Drill take care of $ou nee nine aids, choose CREHE CLCAYa THE ( PAINTY, TOILET CREAM THAT HAS STOOD THE. TEST FOB YEARS. 4 Wakes the skin like velvet" 1 m5: .. x-. .;: i-stNo too ron Unas samplc ' -JAMES C. CRANC. :104 FOLT.ON BTHCCT. NtW YOJW i ill r -v I. v."-! m- .Hi ' J. 1 1 . : t I H Will k C5"1- v"iaei wrcuwvwv - . were ' rontedvsays fWWQviu. I. , 4 were, Advt, - .

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