V sr. .. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH; SUNDAY MORNING," JUNE 10, 1 9j7. '-."' DArP TTTr 1 vJ , J - ' METE RIGH 1 ' vK : I niiininh mifiii - I rtifthr- nnnmiuiir III nut I III ri'dtDV i.h n.au 11 111 1 1 mi h uu .r 1 r hn fhi n I UlllUiiuu nun uiimiu uuiiiiiiui. iuiwiii I I tnhp Tiir rni 111111 f wiimmp niiul " ft ni li Aiifffc liim lura ml uuluivm : ffiiim i.p nun hnu mm u win I f V OTHER GAMES Yfcl trtuT. v 4 4 ' Southern League. At New oripans 9; Atian 2. ,i ' At Little Kficlclj; "Nashvill'fe 3. ' At Mobile 3; Birmingham 6. Ac Memphis 3; Chattanooga 5. ! 4 MINOR LEAGUE NOTES. 4 4. 4 4 4 KIND' OF IRON Won From Senators Detroit, Cleveland and Philadelphia Other Winners. - AMERICAN LEAGUE. - Club. .. . Cincinnati . . Boston New York . Cleveland . . . St- LrOtilS . . . '"Washington tila!tlphia . Won. .:..32 29 . ..24 26 ....19 . ..17 . ..15 Lost. 15 15 20 24 25 29 27 Pet. .680 .659 .545 .520 .431 .369 .357 Reds Beat Dbdgers and Pirtes Also Lose Philadelphia and St. Louis Rained Out Club. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Boston, June 9. Spencer's double, followed by Ehmake's sacrifice bunt, aad Young's single, gave the Tigers the only run of the game. Score R. H. E. Detroit .. .. . . 000 000 0101 7 0 Boston 000 00 0 000 0 9 1 Philadelphia 25 14 New York . . 25 15 Chicago .28 20 St. Louis ...... ..24 20 Cincinnati 22 27 Brooklyn . . 15 22 Boston 15 22 Pittsburg 15 29 Pet. .641 .628 .591 .545 .448 .405 .405 .340 WHITE SOX WIN AGAIN. Washington, June 9. The White Sox made it thre out of four by win ning the final game of the series here, 5 to 4. Scott and Harper were facked out of the box. Score R. H. E. Chicago 121 100 0005 11 0 Washington .. ..200 100 0014 10 3 Batteries: Scott, Danforth and Lynn; Harper, Gallia, Shaw and Ain smith. Umpires, Morriarity and Evans. Two Good Games' of Ball at Robert Strange Playgrounds Yesterday Afternoon. In two good games of baseball at Robert Strange playgrounds yester day afternoon the W. L. I. took the Dodgers' measure, 6 to 4 and the .Giants swamped the Immanuels 9 to 1. The last contest of the afternoon between the Soldiers and the Dodgers was by far the best of the two. Cor bett, on the mound for the Infantry men, allowed but four hits, while Yates gave up fourteen. The hitting of Twinning, for the Giants, was a feature of the first game. Consecutively he pounded the horsehido over right-field fence for home runs. Boswell, twirling for the Giants, held his opponents to three hits during the nine innings and was never in trouble. The score by innings of the games follow: Score by ufnings: R.'H. E. REDS IIKFD nnnRFRR I W. L. 1 UU1 121 1UU G 14 1 Cincinnati, Ohio, June 9 Schneider ' Dodgers 020 000 0002 4 3 won over Cadore In a Ditchers' battle I Summary Three-base hits, Huhn; today, defeating Brooklyn 2 to 1. Chicago, June 9. The Giants step ped on the Cubs 4 to 0 here this after noon. Score: R. H. E. New York .. .. 000 200 020 4 5 1 Chicago 000 000 000 0 4 0 Batteries Schupp and Rariden; Demaree, Prendergrast and Elliott and Wilson. Umpire Klem arid Brans-field. The Waco champions certainly are living up to their naffle n the Texas league pennant scramDie. From the Central league standing it may be inferred that Richmond, the infant, member of the circuit, is not yet able to walk. : ;. The Texas league has been reduced jto a six-club circuit, Galveston and ! Beaumont having thrown up the sponge. The Anniston team had won 13 out of 18 games played and was leading the Georgia-Alabama league when the organization flopped . Frank Isabell is president and Bob by Wallace manager of the Wichita team. A slant at the Western league team standing will show how the two bid big timers must suffer. So far the Nashville champions have not been able to get near enough to the Southern league leaders to give the top of the line a battle., The Virginia league and the Georgia-Alabama league are through, pas timing for the present at least. Both leagues have disbanded. Otto Knabe, who has succeeded Bil ly Smith as manager of the Richmond International league team, is playing second, his old big league position. The Lincoln club of the Western league has gathered a likely looking bunch of ball tossers this season. Al ready the club has sold First Base man Griffen to the Athletics for a fancy sum. Unless the other seven American association teams find a way to stop Indiapapolis at an early date the Hoos iers will be so far out in front by July 4 there will be no stopping 'em. No minor league in the country has ( two-base hits, Rhoades, Kelly; Stolen ; anything on the Western association Score: R. H. E. Brooklyn . . . . 000 001 0001 7 0 ! Cincinnati 002 000 0002 5 0; . Batteries Cadore . and Myers; TOO MUCH COVELESKIE. New York, June 9. Coveleskie was invincible and shut out the Yankees today, 2 to 0. Score R. H. EL Cleveland .. ...010 000 1002 9 0 New YOrk 000 000 000 0 5 0 Batteries: Coveleskie and O'Neil; Shocker and Walters; Nunamaker. Umpires, Nalliri, McCormick and Con nolly. - . ATHLETICS GOT BIG END. Philadelphia, June 9. The Ath letics won two out of three from the Browns during the -series ended to day. Mclnnis' triple,, with Bates on, Schneider, Eller and Lingo. Rigler and Orth. Umpires BRAVES SCALP PIRATES. Pittsburgh, June 9. The Braves won from the Pirates in the ninth in ning today 6 to 5. Score R. H. K. Boston . . . . . . 020 003 001 6 12 2 Pittsburg 000 230 0005 10 2 Batteries Tyler and Tragresser; Carlson, Grimes and Wagner. Um pires O'Day and Harrison, t bases, Hayes Batteries, Yater. and Griffith; Cor bett and Burnett. Second game R. H. E. Immanuels .. ..100 000 0001 3 3 Giants 001 232 1009 10 1 Summary Home runs, Twinning 2; in the way of furnishing a tight pen nant chase. The eight teams have been racing along with only a hun dred points separating the first and last outfits. Something like 400 points separate the first and last teams in the North- Old and Youne Need More Iron, Food Eaten Nowadays . Has Less and Less Iron. Nature r Provided Acid ' Iron Mineral For Sick. From the Great Lakes' tri ' the Gulf of Mexico, is .iron, put there that man. might stiffen the backbone of ships ; build lithe skyscrapers and locomo tives. This Is the iron of the builder and of cannon and shrapnel which fciUls men and ruins teeth and stomach. Then off to one side, nature depos its iron for another purpose and it ia called "Acid Iron Mineral." Unlike commercial iron it has been protected through thousands of years from ele-' ments, water and air, by a casing ofi marble-like rock and clay. Acid Ironi Mineral was set aside by the Creator for medicinal purposes, in one great deposit not far from the world's great est commercial iron ore beds. It is the only deposit known to exist in the whole universe. Acid Iron Mineral possesses wonder ful medicinal properties. Three forms of iron, calcium, potassium, magesium and sulphuric acid blended and propoi tioned exactly right for the treatment of stomach, kidney,, bladder and blood complaints. So perfect is this natural compound no chemist" has come for ward to claim the large sum offered to chemists able to make Acid Iron Min eral. Some of Nature's secrets are be yond solving and Acid Iron Mineral is one. Where chemists employed alcohol, syrups, etc.. nature needed none to make Acid Iron Mineral. Pure as the rippling brook. A-I-M is Nature- Elixir. No man or woman in need of a tonic or troubled with improverished, im- I nure blood, rheumatic complaints, ner vousness or loss of vitality should lon ger be weak and half efficient. A I M, tested 30 years, brings back color and sparkle to cheek and eye. It helps tomach, kidney and bladder back to normal. Get a bottle at your druggist. 50c and $1.00 size bottles. Advt. STARTLING DIFFERENCE IN DRAFT FIGURES. WRIGHTSVILLE BREEZES i ii I ! I 2- ; i Items ol Mrs. J. Williams, of Raleigh, is a guest at the Oceanic Hotel. Miss Irene, ; Graves, of : Raleigh, registered at the Oceanic Hotel... is Hulso. or a,,, Ga., are Seashore Hotel guests. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey C. . 'New York City, are guesis ;.t n1(.'sP shore Hotel. ' Mr. and Mrs. Burt ; Brown, of De troit, Mich., are Oceanic Hotel guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Jones, of Bos ton, Mass., are registered at the Oce anic Hotel. is at will W. C. Sanders, of this rity the Seashore Hotel, when- ul spend the summer. r; Mr. .D. L. Sinclair, of X:,nford , end at the Seashore. Miss Katherine Kingface, of Atlanta,' Ga., is a guest at the Oceanic. I Mr. and Mrs. F. J). Lrtlioo and Mr. and . Mrs. P. A. Wells,, of. this Miss Helen Letheo, of ( lmi lotu- ;iiv city, are guests at the Oceanic for spending a period at thr Kc.vhnr.' Hn the weeK-eni. iiei. Mr. and Mrs. William Hull, of Westminister, S. C, are guests at the Oceanic Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel II. lVii;n vii childr en -have moved to 1 1) Sfa'-hov. Hoter, where they will spend the rl mainder. of the summer. Mr. J. W. Ballew, of Charlotte, Is an Oceanic gust. H. F. Hanks, of' Miss Cora Thompson left this State, is at the Oceanic tor a tor santord, wtiere she will short period. eral days with friend: nd '.( v- two-uase nits, nunn, uavis, uosweu; , western league race. Running at bases on balls, off Parliam 1, off Bos-j their present gait, Spokane, the tail- well 0; struck out, by Parham 4, by Boswell 8. Batteries: Immanuels, Parham and1, Gerdes, H.; Giants, Boswell and Twin-i. I ning. t! enders, probably will catch a glimpse of the leading Tacoma outfit in 1919. CARD OF THANKS. (By United Press.) Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Springer, Mr. i Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lyx li, of Duke, and Mrs. Louise Einstein and Mis3 ' arrived in the city last ni;),; to: pond Dorothy Einstein are Oceanic Hotel several days at Wriglit.-.vill.- E.ath. guests. . 7 m ' Mrs. L. E. Harrison, of Mount niiv Miss Gladys Kmgland of Montgom- haJ arrlved in th? city f0 (j " ; ery, Ala., is an Oceanic Hotel guest. , riQd with fricnd3 Miss Jessie Dooley, of Memphis, the, 1 The two principal beach lintel-, Are slowly ninng ana mere are many Hundreds of people . spent -yester- guests at the various cottages. TVse day at the beach, but the crowd is not added to the large number who Ire expected to compare with the throng living there mak Wright: ville pret that will be there. today if the weather ty heavily re-opened, even thi , early. is favorable. Tenn., is spending a period at Oceanic. Saturday's Charlotte Observer: "Mr Mrs. James P. Moore and Mrs. A. li. UOStin. OI AtKinson, reiurneu io QH Mft Armand de Ror-set Mverr;anl Washington, June 9. Startling dig-J their home last night, after spending the jatter's mother, Mrs. K. S. Steel:, crepancies between the number of men come time at Wrightsville Beach. , ft Fridav morninp lor a ten davv who registered for war service and the number the Census Bureau esti mated would register, were revealed tonight when returns from more than one-third of the States were announc- trip to Wilmington and Wrightsville." gave the Athletics their winning run' base for the team, in the eighth. f Score: R. H. E. St. ouis .. ,.100 000 0001 6 1 Philadelphia . ..001 000 Olx 2 7 2 Perhaps it is only a coincidence that To those many iriends. who were so Vernon is running backwards in the J tender in words of sympathy and so 1 ed at the Provost Marshal General's Pacific Coast league race and tha' kind in deeds, during the illness and at 1 office. Fred Snodgrass is playing second the death of my beloved wife, I return Washington . state showed only 50.9 my most fervent thanks and assure! per cent registration compared with Batteries: Groom and Severeid; R. Johnson and Schange. Umpires, Di neen and Owens. them they will ever be held in grateful memory. Respectfully, 6-10-1 1-(advt. F. P. PITTMAN. Oregon was more From yesterday's Raleigh New3 and, Observer: "Mrs. A. S. Root ana daughter have gone to .Wrightsville,- 1 Vi n W.T l ne llu will ue unii inii.v m "u 1 . l -J. nnn titi (nmnrrnu- U'hcn llie CUUVCUllUll oconun hjiiiv.ii.,, ....... Beach to visit Mr. and Mrs. W . V .J . . -- I . . J 1 the opening session oi ine i.auiwrer., The very splendid service that is be-, Convention of the Carolinas and Cor ing maintained between the beach and gia will be convened at the Seashore city on the Seacoast Railroad is in a Hotel. June is really convention UCUCI1 itIIU IMIIIlll ru.- vi census estimates than r. nnn ohnrt Th total litoprarulmogsnrp rpsnnnsihlfi for the unusually month at the ancy so far is well over 370,000 in .large number of persons that are ai- visitors will be there during this perl round numbers. . . I ready going to the beach regularly. .od. r 111 All f if If MI I AK IFli WF If M I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIM iinimiiiiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 fit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i i r 1 1 1 in ii 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti i u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ituul i 1 1 1 tlVt 1 1 1 1 hi n 1 1 ri 1 1 1 i it rt t ri i f 1 1 i t ri 1 1 111 1 rrt i ti 1 1 rff ti in iii i H n 1 1 imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiim I Seven Hundred' Milfion Dollars of Liberty Bonds to 3 (I oe 1 ;. ...ai . .. . . .i Sold and ONLY v?' -f- -r. FIVE PAYS -hi .-til ;Ji 'i v.... -f -it tr: - 1 .....:iS ."! IN WHIGH TO SELL THEM iiiiiUHniniiiffliimiiiiiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiinnnNniiitniH YOUR .NATION'S HONOR AND THE LIBERTY YOUR FOREFATHERS DIED FOR IS AT STAKE - J Um. V True American' Sltould Amwef uM Call of His Country Mofll 6kn-ySby at liberty Bond If You 't ight Your g r. i :c . . . t- jjjj iiiiiiiiiJiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiitiiTtitiif rtiitiif uiiiiiiiuiiif riif tiiifiiiinn iUNGEE SAM i r! ' YLrh? ; and-iIelip iend: the mm 1 1 - - 1 1 U "S ' . I WILMINGTON IS FALLING SHORT IN SELLING ITS ALLOTMENT. WILL WE LET THIS BE SAID OF OUR CITY ? : WE APPE1L TO YOUR PRIDE, TO YOUR PATRIOTISM. SEE ANY WILMIN ON MONDAY AND SUPBSCRIBE AS YOU CAN. WE WILL HLP YOU WITHOUT CHARGE OR WltHOUT iPROFlf ' " ' ' i HIIHIIIHHIHIIIIIIIHIHIIlllWHNIilllHIIIIIIinilimHIIinm 1 I w 0 The Ameicftii Banuid lrust. The Citizen' Bank -a:-:- I I I 1 W SF W Home Savings Bank The Murchison National Bank MEST V!- . -I" ti.-. At-':-. The Pebplet Sayings Bank ""T""T t-tfimmim. i..i.iMnnir.immiiiiiniiiii)n mirr .. "'J'lllUUilUUUUlllUlIllllllllllll Hie WilmingtonSavings and Trust Co "u min n mimmn n n n nn Hm jiiiiiuiiuiUilItlUJUiUUllJlUj x ' ) M,Mn,r..Mi....."H.ril.I(IrnIl7n!fmjlj IIUIIIIIIMItllMIMIIMIIHIIMIIMIIttlHOMHillH' .uMii4iluuilJlUUUIlllliJIHUIIIIIUIIIIIlUUIIUIUIUUIlWllllllllllUllIUUIIimilU 4, r I i I ? L. . . ' 1 t 1 1 1 5 -