1: ....... rMi iniLiii. ' - - : 1 - 1 1 . :-: :. -:ri r:.;, r.v -. - - t - i ; I i J J 1 TODAY'S SCHEDULE. 4 v in We Make AWNINGS To Order , For Windows and Porches 0. W. PolvogtCo. SHOES For the Whole Family At Prices Ton Want to Fay f.K.J .Fuchs&Oo 128 S. Front St. t. F. Wood, Inc., 1-8-5 Princess St. Tictor-Victrolas Phone 476. ft " II Day or Night Phone B B Expert Watch and Jewelry REPAIRING "They Stay Fixed H, J. Culclasiire Bunting's Drojr Store. ANGLE FOOD and Assorted Brick ' ICE CREAM Dally WARREN'S PHONE 488. ' A.O. CASH WELL Iock and Gunsmith LAWN MOWEBS Repaired and Shar pened PHONE 711 2nd and Market Sis. For the Best In Everything Op tical See DB. MILES W. MALONEY Wilmington Op tical Co. The Greatest Type Whe el Ever Manufactured lie " & " .... .3&M aw Special Terms and inducements to readers of this paper. Send for Catalogue M 7. The Blickensderfer Mfg. Co. 709 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. g A National League. Boston at Chicago. New York. at Pittsburgh.. Brooklyn at St.: Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. All-clear. - American League. ' Chicago at New York (two) rain. St. Louis at Boston, cloudy. Detroit at Philadelphia, clear. Cleveland at Washingtoio, clear. Southern League Chattainooga at Atlanta, .clear. Little Rock at Mobile, rain. Memphis at New Orleans, cloudy. Nashville at Birmingham, cloudy. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. y At Cincinnati 2; Philadelphia S. ' At Pittsburg 3; New York 7. At St. Louis-Brooklyn, rain. At Chicago-Boston, rain. Standing of the Clubs Philadelphia .. . New York .. .. Chicago .. .. .. St. Louis Cincinnati . - Brooklyn .... ... Boston Pittsburg Won. Lost. Pet. . 28 15 .651, 28 16 .63 . 29 22 .569 25 22 . .5?2 -23 29 .442 .17 23 .425 16 24 .400 . 16 31 .340 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. At Washington 7-1; Cleveland 5-1 (second, H innings, darkness). At Boston 2-2; St. Louis 0-7. At Philadelphia 4; Detroit 2. y At New York 7; Chicago 6. Standing of the Clubs. t Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago 33 17 .660 Boston 30 16 .652 New York 26 20 .565 Cleveland 26 26 .500 Detroit 21 25 .457 St. Louis 19 28 .404 Washington .. .... 18 29 .33 Philadelphia 16 28 .364 IN THE MINORS. Southern Association. At Nashville 3; Atlanta 2. At Chattanooga 4; Birmingham 3. At New Orleans 3; Little Rock 0. At Mobile 5; Memphis 4. South Atlantic League. At Charleston 1; Augusta 0. At Columbia 5; Jacksonville 0. International League. At Rochester 1; Buffalo 3. At Toronto 1; Montreal 4 At Richmond 5; Baltimore 6. At Providence 5 Newark 3. !?M8SrW V Don't BnVy Beautiful Hair. HaVe It! -Don't envy the woman whose hair : falls in soft, shimmering ripplas that seem -to take yeaTS from her age. Hair of this beautiful kind is possible for nearly every woman. Treat your - hair the-Porapeian way and your friends will immediately remark, "How soft and beautiful your hair Jooks.' Pomp'eian HAIR Massage is a parambrliguid. Not Oily. Not sticky. Will stop Dandruff . and Scah Itching: To get quick results, Toll the scalp the Pom- eian' -way ' (carefully described in booklet enclosed with every bpttle)3The massaging of the 6calp wakes up the roots of the hair; to ne5VX life. This massaging also opens the porestof thecalp to the wonderfully stinmlatittg liquids in Pompeian HAIR Mas sage. Dandruff and Scarp Itch ing disappear. Your hair. wifl become and stay heaithy.Vrig orous and attractive. v Pompeian HAIR Massage cannot discolor the hair. 2)e lightful and dainty to use. Get a 2sc soc or $i bottle TODAY at the store, and provw to yourself the quick resultg possible. MEN have applicationa fti barber shops. ' . J Made bv the TTlaMwJ mVm bf the famous Pompekn 3bfAS- y NIGHT Cream b sAat. 7 P. Y-4 -7-" American Association. At Columbus 6; Louisville 4. At Toledo 0; Indianapolis 6. At Milwaukee 1; Minneapolis. At Kansas City 5; St. Paul 9. Heavy Sentenpes on Manager McGraw. (By Associated Press.) New- York, June 14. The punish ment of Manager John J. McGraw, cf the New York National League Club, for striking Umpire Byron at Cincin nati, June 8, was yesterday fixed by President Tener at 16 days suspension and a fine of $500. McGraw will be el igible to play .again June 26. : ; NEW YORK DAY-BY-DAY. (O. O. Mclntyre). ((Special Correspondent of The Dis patch.) New York, June 14. The Smock Colony in Washington Square is try ing to minimize the number of fancy dress dances in the square every week. They think one is enough. For the past four weeks there has been one every night. Many of the younger set simply paint themselves over with gold paint like a steam radiator and then buy ten cents worth of cheese cloth for drapery. So many of them adopt this form of dress that it was rather start ling at the "Masses" ball to see one ady in silver paint. ' At about 5 in the morning Charles Hanson Towne, the magazine wag, turned td-the silver-painted lady and with a yawn, said: "Darling, I am growing old; silver legs among the gold." And the lady giggled right out loud. iBut do not think for a moment that all is frivolity in The Square. There are dozens, yea, scores, of the Little Groups of Serious Thinkers. When they are not going to fancy dress balls they are discussing Renoir's influence over Willy Glackens and knocking magazine editors who have no appre ciation of art. Grce the average one of these groups of black coffee and two dozen cigarettes and they can solve every one of the world's problems at one .sit ting. But they are all workers in the crowded vineyard of art. They laugh at the. man and woman who arise at 7 a., m., work hard all day and have bank accounts. What, says Washington Square,' do these poor souls know about life The Pocket Playhouses have come to stay. At first they were laughed at by the Broadway managers and now they are shouting in the news papers that they are a menace and weeds in the theatrical garden that need uprooting. The truth is that the little theatres haivevbrughtfresh air into the arama and opened a field" of dramatic- litera ture that Broadway never would have entered. The little playhouses lack tne crass commercialism inni real menace to 'the Broadway thea- AMERICAN fHlCLESCOS5P ANT H MILTON P. .BURNEYV manager of the Claridge Hotel, Times Square, New York City, says: u Wliee I imd 'iSxgw '-vAer a mental strain dtaew Adams P sVa epsin Gianni ancl sootliing effect ,ff&t -refief. Its ft&s nerves is Iemarkalble., on "business-manscgum i THE BBS o 1-i ri-g Peppermint a v or tors laughed and tapped their heads significantly. Yet this quiet little Russian ten years in America with one fell stroke has practically killed, the dances of shrugs and shirxs and bunnyhugs and made the interpretive dance a part of social life. New York is sufeited just now with charity and war . bazaars. i'qtmerly these affairs has Maurice and Walton and the Castles and the modern dancers as the star attractions; Now' they have Greek, folk interpretive and other artistic dances to lure the ' crowds. ters " " - " When Louis H. Chalif erected a tei storv atudio ' buildine--rCOsting- a -Jialt million to be devoted to the . artis- ivertising, a toothpaste in a Broadway I have never played goif but I heard two men laugh so heartily over this joke stop a Fifth Avenue-bus that I pass it on so that it may be appre coated by golfists. . , ; . ; That was a fine drive made this afternoon" said the "First Man. "Which do you noleah?" asked the Second Man. . ; "Why. that time you hit the '- ball ?" r Seen around the tow: A moving van owned by a man named Bumpus. A Broadway snakesaneer' knitting for soldiers at a RdHCross tea. A crippled woman with, tiny flage pinned on her crutches j A than ;with a blood red silk shirt and V light- i checkered suit trimmed in black raid. A. girl elevator operator in an office build ing. A woman to, a riding .habit wearing a moiiocleAS7cluo t)ear; ad Kfdancesrthe gUded dansant proprie-drug store." -r- ;gtate of North. Carolina, County of- New Hanover," In the Superior Court. service: of summons by publ,ica- TION. Georgia-Bizzeli,.et'!al. - .vs. Minnie Lee, 'Nix:.' GculJ Nixon, et al. The defendants abo.ve named - will take notice that-an action entitled as above-has been commented'' in the Superior Court of New" Hanover County, to have certain. ! mortgage by George Bizzell, George Joxoi and others to ."VV-.Sidbury marked paid' antv V. Sidbury is s seeking the foreclosure, 6r certain mortgages -to himself executed by George Nixon ahfd others ; and th& said dr--fendants flll-further take, notic; that they are required to :" appear at the next term of the Superior-Court.of-said county to be. held oa the 2nd -Monday 'in'.. September, 191 ," . at thecourt house in saiaj county, and ans wer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff, or the relief therein d.emandea-:will be rftntcd ' " "' . This 6th day of June 1917. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk of the Superior Court. " 6-7-law-4w-thu State of North Carolina, County-of New'Hanover. In Superior Court. ' , NOTICE. Carlie Faulk " ... s vs. Rbsady Faulk. . - The above j named defendant, . will take notice;' that -an action entitled asabove. ha been commenced in the Superior Court oi' New Hanover County, for the purpose" or obtaining a divorce on the grounds of adultery. ' '. That the said defendant wjlf further: take notice, that she is required to? appear at the - next term: of - Superior CoOrt , of. :.said county, - to be held on , the 2nd Monday t of September, 1917. at- theuourt. house -of said- county," in . Wilmington, ' North s Carolina. ana answer or aemur. to rne-cOBipialnt'in said action orthe plaintiff will applv to tao court for the relief deman'ded 'in 'the. saic 1 tr f - - - r --" - c complaint. This 7th day of June,"1917. W..N.HARRISS, Clerk of Superior Court. 6-7-law-4w-thu , : V " " Munvorv's PAW n --Ttv -tv, V-! RAW TONIC WITH IRON AND NUX The new remedy that IRONIZES, THE , BLOOD, LIVENS;jHE LIVER AND BUILDS UP THE NERVES. SEEXHe: IRON MAN IN OUR WINDOWJTODAY. .:. ELVlNGTON'S DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE --pliinZtrtKont : St. FOBECLOSUBE OF MOBTOAOR , nf sale codUID" in a certain mortgage executed by Johnson and wife, Minnie, to tbe m signed, Brown, Toon & Co.. ff cl mortgage bears date Jantjary in- . m auu lit uuijr teiurucu " ... pnUD'7- Register of Deeds of New Hanover tou North Carolina, in Book No. 78 at Pe tf default having-been made tnereunoer. undersigned will, on moduli i;v,h- rooii of July, 1917, at 12 o'clock, M. '.V ,nKtoi. N. C, sell at public auction, for ca the highest bidfder all that f"1" d i piece or parcel ol land lying, 1DeinRc (ia uate in the City or wiimin IHI in IPI1 Mllll HHNCflUCU do ...a . Beginning at a point in the fs'" M of Drckinson street 66 feet north from n intersection of the sam sireci. m(i northern line of Rankin street, ana running north along the western " uicamnou street j j.cci., fv..- . . w)u- ilnnlr an a 1 ov nr nnPn WS.V 1'' 1 .trhl left open by the original owner a fKJ thence southwardly and parai'' . tm said line of Dickinson street. 25 leei. castwardly in a line parallel yrtllfe.tV 1,1 luci u iiur vi &au.M , t M - nail the point of Beginning, same beinK v th po.ttrn ond of L,ot No. 4 in.lul. tM 240. according to the official P an City or Wilmington, xorm This the 31st day of May. WW-. c0- - - BROWN, TOON I ft 5-31-6-7-14-21. , Mortga.ec !iiiiiiiiUiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiniiiiinnii:iiiHiil""",,in Certified Public Accoun- 3 uiii;niiiiii;;ii!!iii;;;;;;:i;;:

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