OPiSTfllS i ("romartie has returned, Mrs ttxktnxtlke m....' - umtc oi; oiut me,., 4 in me citv. visiti-nsr H tT - a ,l,, n: Mrs. for v. iili i'ricnds. r. Hart left this morning sburi;. where she will spend -'. 11." ks with relatives. i r II Hill, of Maysville, spent . ,,, nod in the city yesterday, I- i route to Freeman to visit 'fce Mr , 1. turnt.t i. ., i Mrs. B. P. Plaff have re- Mr. from Washington, D. C, v have been visiting friends ,v,! weeks. -X- -X- c. lloeutt, who is at pres in Lumberton, spent the ,1 m I lie city yesterday with j. t n hi'iinswicK street. Mr. W J, Copeland, qf.No. 707 South Fourth strfiijt,V .; . . Friends of Mrs. J. F. Parkpr, of Wal lace, who- underwent a serious opera tion at the Harper-Tankersley Sani tarium Saturday, will- be pleased to learn that she is rapidly improving -X- Today's Raleigh" News and Observ er: "Mrs;. Thomas A. "Wortham and two children, Richard and Lillian, of wiimington ape me guests of Mrs Thousands of Visitors Will Be at Wrightsville Beach Dur ing the Present Week Convention week at Wrightsville Beach starts tomorrow, and Wednes day will see four conventions sitting at the famous resort at the time. Thousands o people will see the glo ries of Wrightsville during the pres ent week and the English language will be exhausted in the speechmak ing and discussion of tjhe all-important and interesti Henry Cabell Bentley on" Salisbury to come before the business sessions organizations that XHEAXREI ,,. ;nl,i Mrs. I. C. McAllister, of returned to their hnmp ,,,,, nFtpr snpnrHne' spvonl ,hi IlKMI.i" " o ,v, hr'Mher. Mr. G. H. Swain.- ' .V. -i -v- j,. i , i u I,. Cumming, chief engi i in I'.uantanamo & Western in" v ....err ; xk. h'"' . . , i i hi MT-ii. (l! ' i Muifi hiiu iuia. vvaiser , f '..1. i. J. oil AiaiKt'l SUfCl. T3!-'i' I.milo Page, of Audubon, left : . T"l ! 2. T T i. ,hi m online; lor my r-oini, va., wnere i 11 i. ... .. Oi n . ini .-.1 mr y P Vi XT1 T .h Namours Company. it. -V. nr .iinl Mrs. J. Buren Sidbury have ,,;!, il from New York City, where ijliy pi !i! siuue Hint- vvime ui. oiu- j: v iooK a l'Ubi-&i rtuuitic: ctrui stj in ol children. -X- -X-. I': . will be pleased to learn that 0:i tin1 sic This cotk!;; ion or ine young aaugnter 0 I I (. 1 I I ilUU .UIO, X. 1-1. JLJf Wll, .JL v;iii!ovili' who is at the James Walk- ff H'pi' al. is very much improved. s. sieps of the Academy of Mu vt ning at S o'clock, the lovers 1 IL . k i of songs, jiarticuiarry me songs 01 oia, riilearht-r 10 sing again the songs that jjvd'arfrt them. All interested and rift attended last Monaay evening, are invito! to he present. Mis Alice Noble, of Chapel HiU; l!s Julia Hyde von Ebenstein, of (hoo'wini'v; and Miss Kathleen Wil- iii. ;' llyaitsville. Md., and Mr. J. B. FMiioi. of Atlanta, are here for the (h:a-"ilson wedding Wednesday civrnoon. street. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Announcement of the engagement of Miss Catherine Russell, daughter of Mrs. F. H. Russell, of this city, and Mr. B. R. Reynolds, also of this cityi is made. The wedding will take place in November. Both Miss Russell and Mr. Reynolds are well known in this city.- LAST OPPORTUNITY Housewives Should Get Beans Tomorrow Announcement was made early this afternoon by Mr. J. P. Herring, county farm demonstrator, to the effect that ,the Central Market at the Castle street tabernacle, will in all probabil ity be flooded with beans tomorrow, and the housewives- of the city are urged to bear this in mind and make a special effort to get quantities for canning purposes. Mr. Herring states that while it may not be convenient for the ladies to do any canning to morrow they should make sacrifices for this once, as in all probability the bean market will not amount to a great deal in the future, as the farm ers are preparing to plough them in to make room for new crops. This, Mr. Herring says, will prob ably be the last opportunity the wom en of the,-cityv: wilt: have to get beans in quantities and they should take ad vantage of the flush condition of the market tomorrow. An additional can of beans will mean that much of an increase of the supply of foods conserved. N Some Drum. Mr. E. R. Pickard, of the Queen City Cycle Company, claims the honors for having landed the largest drum fish of the season. The fish, which weighed 42 pounds and 2 An important meeting of Circles Noa. j e8Koflaft 5Tfon; 7? after land tf or Firth Avenue" Methodist a foute at t reens Inlet yes- chiirch will he held at 4 o'clock tomor row Hi'tt fnoon at the home of Mrs. Bcpe l.ncv, Xo. SI 3 Ann street.-All niembtTs arc urged to be m attend ance. N . All nioinhcrs of the Lydia Yates Bihl. Class arcJnvited to attend so cial ni. sin- to be held at the resi dent- nf Mr AT T T1t1- KT. Af1 ....... . . x. i i. in , iiu. Xonh s coih1 sffeet, tomorrow even- ms ji , ( i ClOCK . i .V. JS. I terday afternoon. '4- '" "-""' 4 PERSONAL MENTION. or tne various will have hundreds of representatives in attendance. The ice of convention week will be broken when the Hardware Associa tion of the Carolinas is convened in the assembly hall of the Seashore Ho tel tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Delegates to this convention are ar riving today and among those regis tered this morning were Mr. N. W. Thorp, of Monroe, and Mr. E. G. Ridge way, of Charlotte. The Bankers and Red Men will be in before the water is hardly ruffled by tha Hardware men. The Red Men iffill assemble for the initial ses sion of their convention at 8 : 30 o'clock in the evening in the assembly hall of the Oceanic Hotel and the opening session of the Bankers' Asso ciation of the State will be held thirty minutes later in the auditorium on Harbor Island. The opening session of the North Carolina Building and Loan League will be held in Hanover Inn at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and the sessions will exted through Wednes day. Social sessions will be held at the beach during the week by delegates to the mid-summer reunion of the Scot tish Rite Masons of North Carolina, the business sessions of which organ ization will be held in the Masonic Temple on Thursday and Friday, when an unusually large class of can didates will be initiated. The week will be closed by the Southern Textile Association, one of the largest convention, that will be at the beach this season. Their sessions will be held in the assembly hall of the Seashore Hotel, Friday and Sat urday, the opening session being set for 11 a. m. Friday. -Social functions of the Land Own ers' Association! which will hold busi ness sessions at the Chamber of Com merce, will begin tomorrow. It will be one of the biggest weeks in the history of the beach that has enter tainded scores of conventions and thousands of visitors. The managers of the two hotels, Messrs. Hooper and Hinton, of the Oceanic and Seashore, respectively, have given out the information that they are. prepared to take care of all the guests ai.d every visitor to the beach will be assftired of the most SCORE VICTORY Court of Appeals Overrules Receivership Action Taken Recently In Mass. , Grand Secretary -Henry E. Bonit,z, of the North Carolina Royal Arcanum, received a telegram yesterday from Supreme Regent C. Arch William, in Chicago, informing him that, the Royal Arcanum had Avon the famous "Ho bart" case and that the Federal Couf't of Appeals 'had. just decided that the United States had no jurisdiction in the receivership case, and that the Court of Appeals, had directed the j lower court to dismiss the proceed ings which wrill end the matter. Grand Secretary Bonitz, upon re ceipt of the telegram bringing the good news, immediately wired all of the North Carolina lodges, which will convey the tidings to the 3,600 mem bers of the Arcanum in this State. There are about 300 members of the local lodge of the Royal Arcanum who have received the news of the action of the Court of Appeals with much satisfaction. , It. will be remembered that' several weeks ago Judge Aldrich, in Massa chusetts, threw the organization into the luvnds of receivers on a petition of a member of the order, who held a if 500 life insurance policy with the Royal Arcanum. The action of the judge was without any warning to the officers of the organization and it came as a thunderbolt out of a clear sky. It was stated byrand Secretary Bonitz this morning that it has been recently announced that the Supreme Council of the Arcanum had decided to pay all policies of members of the Arcanum who will enlist or be drafted into the service of the United States in the present war. roiirfe.ons of treatment. Many of the I visitors will stay at the cottages and Mr. Earl Collins, of Maysville, spent J , nni, tn Luraina and all last night in the city with friends, re-t will quit the beach with the feeling tui?J?S?18 the time spent there was well Rev. J. H. Hill, of Maysville, spent several hours in the city yesterday i and enjoyably spent. raies win i I with friends, returning to his home late in the-afternoon. The crew of the Norwegian sailing vessel Perfect, 1,088 tons gross, has is 'arrived at Yumiden, Holland. The ship ' Copenhagen. Mr. Cameron and Mrs. c'iint i In- resrular canning demon. !i .M1" ch?l tomorrow j Manaer Ghristy Mathewson mini j io i o ciock. . veee- , i i.; ... i ti, f ..,. , . Keeping nits neus Kuuumug ai nit; , was wi ueuut'u cimi oumv. j. . aie secured for the cannme i , . .7 - -s...,. - . tv nrnt w ,i. . , . . . ifloor oi ine iront aivision. n ine neu crew are iinti tciaus. u. ,u. c.-nirai market and some areT,,., v, nn 3 nf v,t from P,ahia for i,i,on TndiicVi'ioi llurr"Ley may be able to break through OB'trstinn is under the direction of fte National Special Aid. : MANY ATTENDED FXPRr.lftP.es" Th" ' t . ic s hold at thp nolp-nrloi Bapn t jjundny school yesterday morn-! m? tor thf ciiiklren were attended byj fn umr umIIv laree number of nersons and V.fr (1 , vprv pninvahlo natnro 1 1:. :'fH"M-vfly rf- f,'M ri' i Celebrate Bunker Hill Day. Boston, Mass., June 18. Not in many years has Boston and vicinity witnessed such an outburst of patriot ism as that which marked today's cele bration of Bunker Hill Day. Although the day was not a legal holiday, prac tically all the business activities of the city were suspended in observance of the 142nd anniversary of the battle that began the American war of inde pendence. The patriotic celebration centered, as usual, in Charlestown, the scene of the famous fight. A big mili tary and naval parade was the leading feature of the program. Major James Bourke, of the army medical corps, shot and killed himself at his home in Washington Saturday night. He had been suffering from a mental breakdown. He was born in Iowa and was a graduate, of Rush Medical' College and of the Army and Navy Medical School. Manager Bailey, of the Royai, de clares that he has booked for, tbiSi week the rip-roaringest, rollickingest, funniest andSbest musical tabloid or ganization that has ever visited the city. It is a new one for Wilming ton and Mr. Bailey is expecting great things of it. Don Nichols headed the aggregation, which is ..known as the Nephews and Nieces, of Uncle Sam. It is : widely advertised and? pro nounced one of the best in the busi- hess presenting tabloid attractions. - v Comedy and music will reign su preme at the Royal during this en gagement. According to today's an nouncement by the management, there will be "-"miles of smiles without a blush," and that ought to mean a thoroughly good show and at the same time a perfectly clean and wholesome one. The corps of comedians carried is excellent, according to- advance no tices, and as for -beauty, the young ladies with the company have been taking prizes at beauty shows since they were babies, which may or may not be a good while. Unless appear ances lie, however, or are misleading, there will be optical attractions at the Royal this week surpassing any for many moons. All that is asked of you is simply that you be on hand for the opening bill today and judge for yourself. FIVE-PART MASTERPIECE AT GRAND. "One of Many," the five-part fea ture screen drama, which, presented by Arthur James, will be seen at the Grand theatre tomorrow, with Frances Nelson as star, is a great moral panto mime. On the screen is flashed the story of the struggle, the sorrows and the regeneration of Shirley Bryson, the little manicure girl whose love for her mother blinds her eyes to her duty to herself. " "One of Many," which has been written and directed by William Christy Cabanne, lays bare the pit falls that beset the path of young girls who go out into the world to grapple with modern conditions. Es pecially it flays those who take the attitude that a rich man can do no wrong; that youth, beauty and inno cence, are fit commodities to be sold over a counter or across a manicure table. It is unsparing in its denuncia tion of those parents, who, secretly walking in forbidden ways themselves, display hypocritical anger at the short comings of their children. One of Many" preaches in plain terms the doctrine that "they who sow mus't also reap." The National Board of Censorship, after seeing "One 'of Many," pro nounced it a profound moral lesson, and its entertainment and moral values were described ,as of unusual strength. V - steSIife ' ' V ' ' '.' v For vS.ii miner. W e a r Made from the sea son s newest Gabar dines, Poriets, honey comb, basket weaves and piques, wfch large sport pockets finished in an unending variety; of styles. v j ..Some with belt, oth ers finished with inside belt and sheered top. Large pearl buttons are predominating trim mings. it i You'll find these skirts unusually attractive and the prices just as inviting Let us show you. i L Bern Williams Comp y n NUXATED IRON increases strength of delicate, nervous, rundown people 100 per cent, in ten days in many instances. $100 forfeit if it fails as per full ex planation in large article soon to ap pear in this paper. Ask your doctor or druggist about it. Jarman & Futrelle always carry it in stock. gotten up program; 'Hit in detail and everv I jimiiiir ,- containod on it enjoyed to the j :. a ii. CTTOWAY-BROWN wedding. S T flnitv plliirfh TrViilo A li nn t ' 'v.'Hrw of last weekf Miss I M.ryn- (Hiowaj, -daughter of Mr.: r 1 II ru c its. i t"V. :illf! 1 r- T T" pi ; f'"'nr. ."Miss., formerly of thisi u'"H' married. Mif,s Ottowayj '''!'. bis) Wfidnpsdav tn mppt hpr1 Wv city. , n WRIGHTSVILLE BREEZES Items of. Interest rrom the Popular Resort. n This Store Sells Garments made by Young Women's Coat ana ouurlakers Remember This Store is Headquarters X for thing Suits, Bathmg Caps and Shoes, for Women and Children A.D.B ROWN 4 iack Cat Hosiery. Mr. and Mrs. J. -L. Clayton, of Leakesville, returned to their home this mornihg, after spending-several days at Wrightsville Beach. , While the crowds at the beach yes terday were fairly large, the weather was a little too cool for surf bathing and, considering the immensity of the crowd that went to the beach, the number of bath suits was woefully small. The surf was unusually rough yes terday and,, while the experienced ones, got much pleasure from riding waves, that was poor consolation for the novice, who was slapped down by the nntrrv breakers on numerous occa sions. 'The under-tow, however, con Isidering the roughness of the surf, 1 was not in -evidence to any great ex tent. From The i Monroe Journal: "R. S. Blakeney, president of the Bank of Union, andIJon. J. J Parker will leave here Sunday, for Wrightsville Beach to attend .the' nieeting of the State Bankers', association there Tues day. Mr. : Parker will deliver an ad dress before that body on- that day. Mr. Blakeney is president of the as sociation." ' Yesterday's Charlotte News: "Mr. and Mrs. W. W- Watt arrived in the city yesterday from Silver, where they hflvfl a beautiful home. They made Ui.-. in fhat-r nar and WP.re aRCOlh- XI1C CI 1J - jpanied.by Miss Mary. Bryson, of Web ster,-; a-pretty ,na auraeuve jmss. oj. twelve, who will go with, mem tomor row to Wrightsville."... TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS. 55- - Former King Constantine, of Greece, is reported to have arrived at Messina, Sicily, on his way to Switzerland. The German admirality is showing no haste to publish statistics for May. No estimates of them or even approx imations have yet been issued, though announcement of the million-ton re sult in April was made May 6 and the figures for March ' were published April 13. The delay tends to confirm the impression that the May -statistics will show a f-.ansiderable falling off from the April figures. The Aero Club of America an nounces that it has addressed a let ter to Secretary of the Treasury Mc Adoo, urging that all subscriptions to the Liberty loan in excess of $2,000, 000,000 be accepted- and the surplus used for the construction of the huge fleet of airplanes "considered neces sary to obtain a decisive victory for the allies." . Among, those who experienced the horrors of the recent German air raid on-Folkestone, in which many persons were' killed and injured, was the Rev. Burris A. Jenkins, of Kansas City, Mo. In'u statement given The Asso ciated Press, Mr. Jenkins graphically describes this record-breaking attack and tells of his sensations during the rain of destruction from ; tb.s . sCzy. : , . fiM I IK, Mm 1r M5S2 4P w' II MADE STRAIGHT Colored folks are crazy about Herolin, the new dis covery which straightens out kinky, snarly or nappy hair, bimply apply a little HEROLIN to hairand 6calp,andl in a short Itime your hair becomes soft. smooth, silky and so straight that it can be' combed and brushed in any ctvlp. ffornlin crows lots of , new hair, soft fluffy, straight, thick and beau tifullooks and feels so fine and lovely that you feel proud of your hair and are the envy of your friends. Herolin also stops itching scalp and dandruff at once. ' SEND 25c (stamps or coin) for a big box. fflROLIN MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, Ga. Ton eaa make an easy living sell ing Herolin. Write for terms. AGENTS fi re VAUDEVILLE To New Yqrrk " and Georgetowa, S. C. NEW YORK TO WILMINGTON. S. S. Cherokee Friday, June 15th S. S. Cherokee. ... .Tuesday, June 26th WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. S. S. Cherokee. .-. .Tuesday, June 19th S. S. Cherokee Saturday, June 30th WILMINGTON-TO NEW YORK.'" S. S. Cherokee Sunday, June 10th S. S. Cherokee. .... .Friday, June 22nd CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO, C. J- BECKER, Agent, i Wilmington, N. C. Don Nichols Presents Nephews and Nieces OF- Uncle Sam In a Repertoire of Hfh Class Mu sical Comedy Playlets TWELVE PEOPLE Each a Featured Attraction. Musical Comedies, Carrying Spe- Musncal Comedies, Carrying Spe cial Scenery and Spetacular Elec trial Effects. milp:s of smiles without a blush All Star Cast of Clever Comedians and Fascinating: Girlies. GRAND R TODAY. Mae Murray In The Primrose TOMORROW. Frances Nelson In One oi Many" The Soul Story of a Struggling Girl. Don't EnVy 'Beautiful Hair. HaVe It! Don't envy the woman "whose hair falls in soft, shimmering ripplas that seem to take years from her age. Hair of this beautiful kind is possible for nearly every woman. Treat your hair the Pompeian way and your friends 21 immediately remark, "How &oft and beautiful your hair loolcs." Pompeian HAIR Massage is a pure amber liquid. Not Oily. Not sticky. Will stop Dandruff and Scalp Itching. To get quick results, Toll the scalp the Pom peian way (carefully described in booklet enclosed with every bottle). The massaging of the scalp wakes up the roots of the hair to new life. This massaging I also opens the porresoftne scalp to the wonderfully stimulating liquids in Ponreian HAJR Mas sage. DandruC and Scalp- Itch ing disappear. Your hair, will become and 6tay healthy, rig orous and attractive. 1 v Pompeian -HAIR Massage cannot discolor the hair. De lightful and dainty to use. Get a. 25c, 50c or $1 bottle TODAY at the store, and prove to yourself the Quick resolta possible. y MEN have applications" barber shops. Made by the Tellable makers of the famous Pompeian MAS SAGE Cream &n4 Pompeian NIGHT Cream A4t. 7P, fcffil : , We Are Pleased With OUR NATION WE ARE PLEASED WITH OUR CITY WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU. i The Hpme Savings Bank It's an awful thing to lose your hair ! One of the. first signs of unhealthy. hair W dandruff. You must get rid. of it or. your, hair, will .suffer.. HD. PmAUD'S HAIR TONIC has been used for 100 years by men and wom?n everywhere for dandruff, 'itdbing scalp, and falling hair. Use it faithfully and. prevent baldness. and at the same time make your hair beautiful,' lustrous - and 1 strong. Try - OPe bottle.1 - Ask your druggist You can Hest ED. PINAUD'S by sending 10c. to our American Offices fpr a littlebottle. Note how cure and fraerant it is. ' . i Par&merie ED. PINAUD, Dcpt M ED; PINAUD BLDO, Ncvjork . 4

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