:1 -? '- t it'-. : t THEilLMlNGTON ntfiPATrH; FRIDAY AFTbbk'jtfrfctt;.! 91 7 ' PACE'THREp Market andWeaiher News COTTON. . STEAUIty OUlS.lOraEWSPf EBS 1 LOCAL MARKETS. " .253-8 .251-2 .i5 3-8 Nw York, June 22. The cotton privet was yery quiet early today vi'tli fluctuations irregular. The open ing was two points lower to nine points higher with October selling at is and December at 25.32 after the call, or within a point of last night 'a dosing figures. Offerings were very lidu. however, and the market soon sreaoMed up on covering and local buy- October rainea to zo.su ana ue- 0 ember at 25.50 or 19 to 23 points Ijove last uifiui tiusmg iigur-. a private oable from Liverpool said the trad was still awaiting developments' iu London, but that the president of exchange hoped a plan might be placed, before the directors Monday for i e opening the market, for restrict f(j trading. , , Fifsident Shutt's action' was taken under the following resolution adopt e(j iv the Board of Managers: r u:i t the president be requested to adiiit-- a- letter to all members to dear contracts for future delivery, drawing their attention to the seri- nu Hiiation existing in the. cottom trade, due to shortage of contracts, an,j violent fluctuations in price and requesting all members to use ex treme caution in the acceptance and execution of large orders, especially when such orders emanate from par jie? not directly connected with the cotton trade." Cotton closed very steary. High. Low. julv 26.33 25.30 October 26.23 25.18 December.. ..26.38 25.32 January 26.45 25.38 .uarcn .... ..26.47 25.51 Closa. 26.33 26.19 26.36 2Q 41 26.58 NEW YORK SPOT. New York, June 22. Spot steady; middling 26.55. nnttnn I t tlu"'! NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, June 22. The near months in cotton opened at a loss of 4 to 5 points on this market today under liquidation, but the marKet, im mediately braced up on talk of a squeeze in the July position. At the end of the first half hour active months were 10 to 15 points above the level of yesterday's close. NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. New Orleans, June 22. Spot cotton, firm. 32 points up. Sales on the spot, 2.543 ; to arrive, Good ordinary, 23.50; strict good or dinary, 24.00; low -middling, 24.50; strict low middling, 24.69; middling, 24. SS; strict middling, 25.07; good middling, 25.25; strict good middling, 25 41 Receipts, 1,696; stock, 196,666. Cotton closed strong at an advance of SO to 106 points. High. Low. Julv 25.36 24.42 October .. .. ..25.50 24.38 December .. ..25.70 24.62 January 25.84 24.84 March .. .. ..25.98 25.00 Close. 25.33 25.46 25.65 25.83 25.97 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, June 22. Cotton:. Spot, in moderate request. American mid dling. 20.13; good middling, 19.75; middling, 19.45; low middling, 19.00; good ordinary, 18.05; ordinary, 17.55. Sales, 5,000, including S.500 American. Receipts, 6,000 bales, including 5,600 Americans. SUGAR. New York, June 22. Raw sugar, firm; centrifugal 5.96; molasses 5.08; refined steady; fine granulated 7.50. The firmness in raws imparted a steadier feeling in sugar war futures this morning and prices at midday showed advances of 1 to 5 points. Closed steady and one to six po.ints higher. Sales 30,750 tons. July 5.02; September 5.21; December 5.12; Jan uary 4.88. COTTON SEED OIL REPORT TO MAY 31. Washington, June 22. The cotton seed and cotton jseed products report of the Census Bureau for the period of August 1 to May 31, issued today, shows: Cotton seed received at mills, 4,461, 402 tons; crushed, 4,369,760; on hand, -May 31st, 105,971. Produced: Crude oil, 1,351,628,558 Pounds; reeoii,- 1,182,138,505; lin ters, 1,278,768 bales of 500 pounds. On hand May 31st: Crude oil, 68, 732,344 pounds; refined oil, 324,455, "li5: linters, 142,660. x Imports: Oil, 8,990,279 pounds. Exports: Oil, 139,732,356 pounds;; cand and meal, 497,873 tons; linters, Wilmington Spot . Chai lton Spot . . Norfolk Spot .... 'BESIIRHSDRHSLIUP TOOTEffi MAvRf - is THIS ALL XOU HA.VE FOR OS FOR 1 f lv OKTV 1 "l V T WHOLESALE PRICES. Eggs xrr i . ...doc uner, per ja, country .. 25 to 30c oprrng cniCKfens, apiece., ..86 to 50c Grown chickens, apieca ....55 to 65c Puddle Ducks, apiete 5055c Guineas, apiece . . ,.sfcc ?f e' - "... ..12 to 14c Irls Potatoes .. .. (bushel) ..$2.50 V ams, pound 26S27c v. ux- jiaeTs ana Ribs. lb. I tt-v . -. . rone, per id. ... .. Cabbage, (100 lbs.) ... Hides, Green . . . . .. . Wool, free of bur. Corn, bushel Beese Wax ; . . . Salted Hides .... .,i.ou. . ....20c 22 to 25c .. .$2J00 . . . : 30c J9c Tallow Wool, clean ...v Wool, burr . . Cantaloupes, crate Peaches, crate. .. 50c - iuc $2.25 to $2.i.5 . . $2 to $2.50 ' WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 40 , Rosin $5.00 and $4.80. Tar $3.30 and 15 cents. Crude $3.60, $3:60 and $2.60. Receipts. Cotton l Tar ;.- ...43 Crude 2 SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, June 22. Turpentine, firm; 38 3-4, sales () ; receipts 911; shipments ( ); stock ( ). Rosin Firm; receipts 2,536; ship ments ( ); stocks ( ). Quote B, 5.40; D, 5.50; E, 5.60; F, 5.65; G, 5.70; H, 5.75 to 80; I, 5.80 to 5.85; K, 6.00; M, 6.05: N, vvvjr, o.iU, VV VV, D.3U CHICAGO GRAIN. '"lva6ui uuuc -i.. v ucai iuua; showed decided strength "which was Chicago, June 22. Wheat today associated more or less with reports that arrangements had been made to increase commercial vessel tonnage available for shipments to Europe. Opening prices which ranged from l-2c off to 10c advance, with July at 2.10 to 2.13 and September at 1.78 to 1.78 1-2, were followed by a moderate rise in the September delivery, and then a slight reaction all around. Forecasts of unsettled weather had a bullish effect on corn. After opennig 3-8 to lc higher the market scored sharp gains all around. Oats went up grade with other cer eals. Provisions averaged higher, influ enced by the strength of corn. Opening. Wheat July 2.10 Sept. ...... .. 1.78 Corn July 1.53 3-4 Sept. 1.42 7-8 Oats July 62 1-2 Sept 52 7-8 Pork July 39.35 Sept 39.55 Lard July 21.60 Sept. .. 21.77 Ribs July Sept 21.57 Closing. 2.10 1.74 1.55 1-4 1.46 3-4 .6 3-8 .53 3-8 39.80 40.10 21.65 21.90 21.85 . 21.95 COFFEE. New York, June 22. Coffee No. 7 Rio 9 7-8. Futures steady. September 7.76; December 7.84. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, June 22. The cotton seed oil market closed Arm. Spot 16.50 bid; June 16.45 bid; July 16.51 to 16.55; August 16.46 to 16.47; Septem ber 16.45 to 16.46; October 16.35 to 16.36; November 16.13 to 14.00; De cember 16.03 to 16.05; January 16.06 to 16.07. 1 . Total sales 28,000. STAGE OF WATER. -X- Stage of water -in Cape Fear river at FayetteYille, N. C, at 8 a. m., yes terday, 5.3 feet. The present author izatiojft in the bill for 9 training camps is to be ex tended by the measure to include 26, each to be established at a cost of about $1,000,000. The New Zealand Government has fixed 40 cents as the maximum retail price for butter during the next three months. XESSUt- WALKED IN MNf SLEEP LAYbT HHT AND ATE ENJERY THrs, lh THE KE-BoX- dt THE WAY YOO WORK- THINK YOU ARE ST1 LA- ASLEEP ! . : , ' STOCKS- 3f 4f New York, June 22 (Wall Street). Rails figured to a greater extent than usual at the firm opeiidng of today's market. ' Reading and lehigh Valley almost immediately rose more than A point each and other coalers gained (liberal fractions with New York Cen tral and some of the transcontinentals. flfinprfli T?.ontri ,nt ron;0, t . . . . . .:5- were strongest of the equipments, ris- . ....15cing 1 to almost 2 points with United states Steel. Renublir. Tron. r?nTnrarto Fuel and American Can. General Mo . ' tors led its particular group and Peo ples Gas and Ohio Gas featured the utilities at gains o fmore than 2 points each. .Industrial Alcohol was conspic uous among the . high-priced special ties at an advance of 3 Doints. Metals and oils were little changed. American Beet Sugar 94 American Cna . , , . 48 3-4 A m oHpqti foi St lVinn1tir IK 19 American Locomotive (Ex.'biv.)71 American Smelting & Ref'g. .. 107 3 - American Suffar 121 1-4 American Tel. & Tel 122 1-2 Anaconda Copper 83 Atchison . . 101 Atlantic oCast Line 109 Atl., Gulf & W. I. S! S. Lines 112 Baldwin Locomotive 66 1-4 Baltimore & Ohio 73 1-4 Bethlehem Steel "B" .. .. .. 1411-8 Canadian Pacific 161 Central Leather 96 Chesapeake & Ohio . . . . . . . . 60 1-2 Chicago and Great Western . . 115 5-8 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul 75 3-4 Ch'go., R. I. & Pac. when issued 351-2 Colorado Fuel & Iron 52 5-S Corn Products 33 1-8 Crucible Steel 83 1-8 Cuba Cane Sugar 43 5-8 Erie , 26 General Electric 160 1-2 General Motors . . 11 R 1-4 i - - - - )Great Northern pfd. (bid) .. ..107 ureat Nortneru Ore Ctfs 32 3-b l Gulf State Steel 128 Illinois Central (bid) .. .. 103 Int. Merc. Marine pfd 83 3-4 Louisville & Nashville (bid) ..".125 Mexican Petroleum 96 1-2 Midvale Steel 62 3-4 Missouri Pacific 29 7-8 Nevada Consolidated 23 7-8 New York Central 91 N. Y., N. H. & Hartford .. ..38 3-4 Norfolk & Western 124,1-2 Northern Pacific 104 Ohio Cities Gas 132 1-2 Pennsylvania 52 7-8 Ray Consolidated Copper . . . . 28 3-4 Reading 97 Republic Iron & Steel 91 7-8 Seaboard Air Line 14 1-4 Seaboard Air Line Pfd 38 J-Sinclair Oil & Refining 49 7-8 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron 60 Southern Pacific . . 64 Southern Railway 28 Southern Railway Pfd. (bid) 55 Studebaker Corporation 85 Tennessee Copper 17 1-2 Texas Co .212 1-2 Union Pacific 137 3-4 United Fruit (ex. div.) (bid).. 136 !U. S. Ind. Alcohol 164 7-8 United States Rubber 61 United States Steel 128 1-2 United States Steel Pfd 117 3-8 Utah Copper 111 1-2 Virginia-Caro. Chem 43 3-4 Virginia Coal and oke 70 Wabash Pfd. "A" 49 1-2 Western Union 92 Westinghouse Electric 52 INTO FAILURE Of Police to Find the Body of the Cruger Gfil to be Made (By Associated Press.) New York, June 22 A thorough in vestigation of police activties iu the Cruger murder case and failure to find the body of the slain high school girl in the cellar of the motorcycle repair shop conducted by Alfredo Cocchi was begun today by Leonard M. Wallstein, city commissioner of accounts. Or ders for the inquiry were issued by Mayor Mitchel yesterday. Witnesses summoned to appear be fore Commissioner Wallstein included Mrs. Marie Cocchi, wife of Alfredo Cocchi; Acting Captain Alonzo Coop er, Detective Sergeants Frank McGee and John Lagarenne, and other po lice officers of the fourth branch de tective bureau. Cooper, McGee and Lagarenne, together with Detective SHF IMPOSSIBLE. IN THINK XOU HPvD BETTER OlSCRE r3 RUiHT INVESTIGATION Reports Made at . Luntheoti Today Show That $29,1 2 1 Has Been Subscribed. Reports of the various teams com posing the Red, White and Blue Divi sions of the War Relief Fund cam paign, made at the luncheon at the 1 - a. mis arternoon, snow . n,f , to tal subscribed to the "?"tou?iLube i2?il21;. " ' ""J iuiwriuuUB Ul iue u,uuu sei , rrrnl i for the goal. The today's reports of the three teams were as follows: Red, C." C. Chadbourn, $4,400, total $11,512; White, H . Lacy Hunt, $1,457, total $S, 261; Blue, Dr. C. P. Bolles, $1,282, total $8,348. The divisional flag was won by the Rifd Division and the team flag was won by the workers headed by Mr. W. M. Cumming. Much enthusiasm is being display ed by the workers and the closing l-4!days bid fair be hot races between 4,lut; iyaiUS- wux s uemg uone lDy the team of ladies headed by Miss Nancy Anderson. Talks were made today by Hon. George Rountree and Mr. W. A. Hunt, of Henderson, bro ther of Mr. H. Lacy Hunt, president of the Y. M. C. A. Closing Out Sale begins Saturday. Wilmington Shoe Co Advt. YOUNG WOMAN Attempts Suicide After Shoot ing Wife of Man With t Whom Infatuated (By Associated Press.) Waukesha, Wis., June 22. Miss Grace Lusk, high school teacher, who ' yesterday shot and killed Mrs. Rob erts, wife of Dr. David Roberts, for mer State veterinarian, and then tried to kill herself by sending two bullets into her boay, probably wilt recover, physicians said today. Dr. Roberts, who arrived at the house after the shooting, asked Miss Lusk why she had killed his wife. "I did not in tend to, but just lost my head- when she said I couldn't have you," she re plied. To Dr. R. E. Davies, and Chief of Police McKay, Miss Lusk said: "I am sorry for Mrs. Roberts. I hope my wounds are fatal. I never thought I could do it. I loved Dr. Roberts and want him now and al ways." Mrs. Robert went to the home of Miss Bianaca Mills where Miss Lusk lived, to keep an appointment with the latter. After reaching there she called her husband on the telephone and asked that he attend a conference between herself and Miss Lusk. When he reached the house, he found his wife dead. Miss Lusk locked herself in a room and resisted rrrest for an hour. When further resistance ap peared useless she shot herself twice. A number of letters in Miss Lusk's room were taken possession of by Dis trict Attorney M. S. Tullar, who; said that from some of these letters he was led to believe that Miss- Lusk in tended to commit suicide, but not mur der. One letter was addressed to Mrs. Roberts and another to Rev. W. S. Wescott, of the Congregational church, requesting him to officiate at her funeral. Several weeks ago Mrs. Roberts is said to have appeared be fore the board of education and to have asked for Miss- Lusk's dismissal, alleging she was not a proper person to be associated with the schools. Edward Dillon, have been relieved of all police duty and ordered to report to Inspector Faurot, in charge of the police investigation ordered by the mayor. Reports that Cocchi had been ar rested in Bologna, Italy, brought an announcement from the State Depart ment that no official advices had been received from Italy in reply to the re quest that Cocchi be held in custody provisionally. The inquiry conducted by Commis sioner Wallstein will be open to the public and before its conclusion it is expected that much evidence concern ing the white slave traffic in this city will be heard. Mrs. Grace Humiston, the woman lawyer who directed the search that resulted in finding the body of Ruth Cruger buried in the eel lar of Cocchi's shop, Is expected to be one of the most important wit- nesses. COMMITS MURDER REAT HEAVENS! 1 HOPE 01N RiHT AND THROW ht riASNT LOST HIS TEMPER' AND IS THROWN OUT OF TH1 V1HDOW ! q 6 iszczrv 'rotested Against by Repre- sentanves or American Newspaper Publishers' (By Associated Press.) Washington, June 22.-Reprefeenta-tives Of the American NewspaperPub lishers Association today urged re consideration by the Senate Finance committee of its decision to incorpor ate In th War Revenue bill a section raising second class mail rates to one and onerquarter cents a pound, and the levying of a 5 per cent, tax on publishers' net profits over $4,000 a year. Th-e association meeting here yesterday protested against special publishers' taxes not levied on other classes of business. A half hour be fpre the protest was presented, how ever, the committee approved the pub lishers' tax amendment. A dispatch to the Havas Agency from Athensvsajys ' former Premier Gounaris with' 30 other prominent Greeks who were ordered expelled from Greece, incluQing M. Dragoumis, son of ex-Premier Dragoumis, and once minister to Petrograd, embarked today. iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii!i;:MiHmitiiiiii!ittiiiiiiiim(itinmiiitiiiiiiiii i D. L. STRUTHERS, s Civil Engineer. H Surveying, Mapping , Plans. 5 Phone 263-W; No 7, Pythlaiv Bldg fniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii'iuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiH j SUBURBAN SCHEDULE In Effect Saturday, June 9, 1917. WEEK DAY3 Lv "Center" 6:15 A. M. 6:55 A.M. 7:25 A. M. 8:00 A. M. and every half hour thereafter until 5:30 P. M. 6:10P. M. 6:30 P. M. and every half hour thereafter until 11:00 P. M. Lv. Beach 6:05 A. M. 7:10 A. M. 7:40 A.M. 8:15 A.M. and every half hour thereafter until 5:45 P.M. 6:20 P. M. 6:50 P. M. 7: 15 P. M. and every half hour thereafter until 11:45 P. M. 12 : 10 A. M. Local Trails stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to leave the Center and Lumina at the tinres iu dicated. The 6:10 express leaves daily ex cept Saturday and Sundays, stopping at 3rd, 5th. Uh and 9th streets, Wil mington, Winter Park Gardens, Sea Gate, Wrightsville and all stations on Beach,. FREIGHT. Lv. Wilmington. 5:30 A.M. 9:30 A. M. 3:30 P.M. 7:00 P. M. Lv. Beach. 7:05 A. M. 12:15 P.M. 6:15 P. M. 8:15 P. M. Freight Depot open daily, except Sunday, from 8:00 A. M. until 1. 08 P. M.; and from 2:00 P. M. until 7:00 P. M. Freight Depot Telephone No. 96. ' SUNDAYS Lv. "Center." 7:00 A. M. 8:30 A.M. and every half Lv. Beach. 6:40 A. M. 7:45 A.M. 9:15 A. M. hour thereafter and every half until hour thereafter 11:00 P.M. until 12:10 A.M. 11:45 P.M. Local Trains stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to lea 7 the Center and Lumina at the-timjs in dicated. FREIGHT. Lv. Wilmington. Lv. Beach. 12:15 P. M. ii ; uu a. iri. Freight Depot open-10 to 11 A. M. Freight Depot Telephone No. 96. Sunday Afternoons and During Oth er Periods of Heavy . Travel, Express Trains will be Operated Between Wil mington and Lumina Stopping only at 5th; 7th and 9th streets, Wilmington, and all Stations on the Beaoh. L ' ' ' i. iw ii.ii i mi i.ii ... i ,-. . .. irahii ii i ' ut . ; ....! 11 i The CofWtt Co., Wholesale j ' .. - The Standard Rallroas of The 8outh. Arrival and f Departure of Trains at Wilmington, ' Effective May 13th, 1917. Arrivals, schedules and connections given as Information, but not guaranteed. i -; - : DBtABTUBES: ' TO AND FROM ( AREIIVAXSl No. 90. No. 91. 8:45 A. M. GoldBbor, Richmond, Norfolk. A. M. Ex. Sunday . Ex. Sunday ' 1 Florence, Columbia, Pullman Sleepers, Wll- :No BO OA mington and ' Columbia open to receive ,. ,.' fi;8Q A. M. passengers after. 10:00 P. M. m f No.- 64. i . ... . T No. 65. " 8:45 A. M. Jacksonville and New Bern 6:15 P. M, fir. Sunday -v - ' . Ex. Sunday i- . t t No 48 ' Goldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk .and North. . fjo. 49. 8:00 h. SI. Parlor Curt Wilmington and 'Norfolk. 0:05 P, M. . '1 ' ! i No. 53 Payettevlllfe, Sanford and Mt. Airy. ..'o62" 8745 A. Bf. : : r-- 8.00 " M. No. 63. Jacksonville and New Bern. , No, 68 1:05 P. M. " 1 12sM P M, : - Florence, Columbia, August a, Atlanta and N the West. Charleston, . Savannah and No. 54 -bm Florida points. Pullman Cars Wllmlng- m tfso p m. 8:45 P. M. ton to Augusta and Atlanta. ti I . : at 6-80 p'm Fayettevllle and Intermediate BtatloM. dtu' am. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday i i .i ... -a . No. 42. Richmond, Norfolk, Washington and New No. 41. 8:45 P. M. Vorb; Pullman Cars to New York and 9.50 a. M. Norfolk, . " ; : : " 'I m 1' No. 67 - No. 58. 7:00 P. M. 0:25 A. M. Ex. Sunday Chadbourn, Conway and stations. ' Ex. Sunday For Folder Reservations, ra tea of fares, etc., call ;Phone 160. W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. ! The Greatest Type Wheel Ever Manufactured "p f; I." - . SpecialrTerms iaiul j iri&ucetaens,. to readers of this paper. ' v'-,';! V:i I m J t Send for Catalogue M 7. The Blickensderfer Mfg. Co. 709 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; Pa. - DVD YOO THROV HER TRONK.OOT? Distributors, WUmingtoa .,.. - ..f:rTr -i. g ... XEP-BOT IT HIT THE ice-.man::: m hi : K$ '-I 1 i !i 1 v .1 Hi t 1 ill if; i 1 1 ) . I. 4r I . v:-?H

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