1 v t ' i -v si J 11 " V 1 . i, M',t . i. 4 1.1 ! IS? ft' Si? 4 U8 a it - Ti'tB t I - & ill:! it WW "C" v' si ; t lit J Sttf I ?.; a V If .it;.' i I 1111 i f ? s 'I .i r .'ti '-'fi i PSGEFI IR THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH THE WILMINGTON DISPATCHgRIDAY AFtERNOON; - JUNE 22, 191 7. Hotels arid ResortsT Published, daily and sunday BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES: Business Office 176 Editorial Rooms 205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. BY MAIL: Daily and Sunday $6.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . .?3.00 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.50 Sunday Only, One Year $2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Daily and Sunday, per week 15c Or When Paid in Advance at Office. Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months. . . .$3.50 Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1.75 Entered at the Postoffice In Wilming ton, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. SOUTHERN TEXTI LE ASSOC! Al TION. Foreign Advertising Representatives: MacQuoid-Miller Co., Inc., New York and Chicago. FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. For Russia it is either participation or partition. Have you cashed in to the war re lief fund yet? Your mite is nation's might. needed to make the Kings are, of course, deck, but not on deck. still in the Guns on an airship are no doubt the modernday parachute. The arm of the law in New York ev idently needs vaccinating. What the country wants is less rag chewing and more food chewing. It is not a mere metaphor to say in terest is now high in aeronautics. lYilmington extends a cheery greet ing and a big welcome to jthe South ern Textile Association, one of the most vital of all organizations not only for the South, but for the country, as it represents an industry that is essen tial to the nation. It represents in dustry that not only makes crops profitable, but gives employment to thousands of people, thus enacting an important role both in the field of production and in the sphere of employment. This industry . is pe culiarly.- important to the South, as it means taking advantage of re- . . j .t i s sources, ana, m tnat way, aeveioping the South. It has brought the mill to the scene of production, thus com bining the two with splendid results. The advance the South has made in this way has been remarkable, and the step seems to be quickening; not lagging. This has been due mainly to the enterprise of the mill owners and to their . able management and management, too, that has weathered the storm of adversity, surmounted obstacles and overcome discouraging circumstances. It's true the reward was worth it, but human nature is not always' ready to bear heavy burdens, and sometimes gets so disheartened as to quit the fight. The Textile Association is compose of fine business men, .progressive cit izens, and it is not only a pleasure but an honor to welcome them, and hope that the stay of the delegates at Wrightsville Beach will be both delightful and profitable. .WHAT IS YOUR DUTY? THE LESSON OF IT. Why tickle the food sharks? Why not tickle the palates of the people? Just at this time of year it is hard to get "het up" about a coal shortage. The old time candy pullings seem to have been supplanted by the tango parties. Speaking about having a high old time, what's the matter with the price ol cotton? The date for Spain's entrance into the war is still undecided. It probably will be last month. Among: other things those wbm an suffragette pickets are strengthen ing the Darwin theory. Wilmington undoubtedly is going to reach the $40,000 war relief goal. The home stretch, ; both as to time and amount desired, has been reached and all indications are that success will crown tne great enort in Denair oi humanity that has been put forth by Wilmington. Besides other amounts that the city has contributed, it is de sired to raise this forty-thousand dol lars in order to help the Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A. and the relief work in Syria and Armenia. The different needs were blended, so that work could be concentrated, thus being stronger, and so the campaign could be conduct- led in more scientific way. Wilmingtonians have , generously given of their means to maby causes i within the year but the call now is beyond anything heretofore. It is dif ferent from all other needs and it not only possesses strength in that hu manity and the good of your country require the money, but it possesses one thing that must appeal to every man, and make him realize he should make sacrifices in order to contribute to the cause. It is this: You will not go to the battlefront; not that you wouldn't gladly do so, but there is something that prevents your going your physical condition, your age or, may be, your vital work at home or dependent ones. In that case, do you not think you should give something to the funds being created for war relief, so that the suffering of your brothers who do go to the front many never to return may be less; so that they may have some relaxation from the mental strain of the battlefield; so that men and women in foreign lands, hundreds of thousands who are subjected to torture because they are Christians, may be aided? The work is not for government, as a govern ment, but for individuals, who are the government. There is a difference Ask Grandfather Hell TeH You hundreds Of Thousands .Have Kept Their Health By the timely and periodical use of a GOOD blood tonic. The best time is in Spring or at its approach. Preserved health means a vigorous and happy old age. During 50 years S. S. S. has performed this, service for millions. Cleansing the blood lightens the work on your liver and kidneys. You feel better and live longer. At your druggist's. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. S.S.S. Preserve Yours The only conclusion to be reached in thp rasp of the verv forward and . ,. . . .. . ..j that has to be observed, and it is ea indiscreet suffragette sentinels around ' ,TT... ,t j iiy recognizaDie. lour pan, your uu- the White House grounds is that there I J 6 ' J . , - - ty is to give financial help. It is need- are fool women as well as fool men. 3 & it Ti , A . i . ed by those who plunge into the thick It does not change the merit of the! 3 Last Call for Schedule B License All interested parties in this schedule, who fail to pay sanje before July 1 st, next, will be required to pay pen alty of 20 on and after that date as per section 89 Laws of 1917. GEO. C. JACKSON, Sheriff tin ifiiuuM IU The most popular hotel at the safest and most attractive resort on the South Atlantic Coast The SEASI0RE HOTEL WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens June 1st for the Season Over $20,000 being spent on improvements. Free from flies and mosquitoes. Good vater. Sound and Ocean fishing, sailing and bathing. Electric trains connect beach with W liming ton , N. C. "Write today for new lllustrhtcJ booklet giving rates, recreations and photo graphs of hotel amusements, etc., sent taSsSSN. tree on request. E. L. HINTON, Manager Wrightsville Beach. Pi. Some Congressmen have the wrong idea of sound sense. That character of sound does not mean noise. But wr SiusF admit that we have never labored under the impression that Newport, R. I., was other than naughty. Those Senators having the audacity to attempt to block the food bills evi dently come under the head of shin ing brass. It may also be that you can't teach an old dog of war new tricks. How ever, you can kill the German auto cratic canin Tammany: Hall is going to make an other political fight in New York, and the pacifists Xnjght do some good work in that fieloV1 I Mrs . Pankhurst is - in u Petrograd. Probably there to tell the Russians that discord and breaking up " furni ture at home doesn't pay. Trust the word of assurance of Rus sia's activity1 in the war by the Special Ambassador vibrated violently on the seismograph in Petrograd. Mr. Hoover believes in solving the food problem by evolution, which nat urally prevents solving it by revolu tion, as they did in Russia. Those Swiss authorities needn't worry about the demonstrations against ex-King Constantlne, because Constantinnas grown used to them. After serving a term in the Federal prison in Atlanta a Los Angeles man says he likesHhlTcfty and will remain. A plain sign that the sentence didn't convert him. It begins io look as if militancy about woman suffrage in America is confined to. those who are against and not in favor of, as was the case one time in England. Wonder what Senator Gore, who has always shouted "Me too" to ev erything Colonel - Bryan has said, is going to do now that, his idol has come out for the food control bills? woman suffrage cause in the slight est, though it may impede its progress, in that it is not always easy for the public, that is busy, fretful and often thoughtless about certain things, to separate the wheat from the chaff. That is the regrettable part. Too oft en a meritorious cause is handicap ped by some of its advocates, in that those they would convert judge the case by personal feeling; measure it by behavior of a few individuals, in stead of assessing its value by the many. The action of the women pickets at the White House Was not only a very indiscreet thing at this hour, but car ried no argument. Neitner are sen sational methods required to Impress people, rhexe are times that some thiBg! of the ordinary may be deemed necessary to attract atten tion; that it may be thought neces sary to indulge in something drastic so the public will be brought to atten tion. But this is not so as to woman suffrage in America. The cause is progressing rapidly as it is, and the best thing to attract attention, to im press upon the male part of the pub lic the merits of woman suffrage is be ing accomplished by the women in the splendid work they are doing for the country at this hour. Not only work that shows patriotism, that is calling for sacrifice, but that is demonstrat ing, in large manner, the good judg ment, the business capacity of the women. It has often been said that women in considering vital questions would be governed by impulse, rather than by sober thought, and yet many big things have already occurred and are happening that show the capacity of woman to think clearly, to act with out discord and bring about big re sults in smooth way. Many things upon which the people of the United States differ politically wiir be to the fore in the years to come and this difference of opinion still has a right to exist, but it is de cidedly unpatriotic to air these dif ferences at this time in manner that will provoke friction; not friction so much through difference of opinion at home though harmony is to be de sired but particularly in sending the wrong impression abroad and in pro viding a fertile field for those traitors at home who move around in disguise, ready to take advantage of any squab ble to cause dissention in the United States at this time. In justice to woman suffrage, as a cause, as a movement in America, two ' things should be borne in mind : First, ; that as there are women in the ranks who would be sensational, so there are plenty of men on the other side who would be, and that however in discreet has been the action of the women pickets at the White House it has been overshadowed by acts of dis loyalty of some men in America; men who possess the franchise. Second. that these women represent but a small portion of the suffragettes and are allied with the Women's Congres sional Union, the tactics of which are not condoned by the big party of equal suffrage, it is simply a case of some fool women, who iwould vote, like of the fight, and it is needed by you as a patriotic citizen. So when the call is made upon you, do not stop be cause you have given freely to other causes, do not hesitate because you remember that you have been called upon many times within the year to make donations, but bear in mind that this is the paramount call of all; that it is different from all others, and that surely it behooves you to give a little, even by sacrificing, when you are not going to the front. There are many who will give their lives. What will you give? A FfNE SELECTION. What has become of the old fash ioned Republican 'organ," asks the Columbia State, "that used to sneer at Doctor Wilson?' " Cured of its hydro-j some fool me-who have been voting v, Ww.'tliA-rYVift - of noil raft, if or vpsfra. - .... - " . j UUUU1BV UiBWUJ www.f 1 J',: (. , 1 The election of Mr. W. B. Drake, cashier of the Merchants1' National Bank of Raleigh, as president of the North Carolina Bankers' Association, is an honor well bestowed. Mr. Drake will make a fine leader for the organ ization; a leader that will not only enthuse the membership by his charm ing personality and ardor, but who will administer its affairs in able man ner. Wilmington folks know, because they were fortunate, at one time, in having Mr. Drake as one of them. A Wilmington banker was also hon ored, Mr. Charles E. Taylor, Jr., be ing elected to the important post of vice president of the Trust Company section of the American Bankers' As sociation. Mr. Taylor will ably fill the bill. The only new vice president select ed was Mr. Erwin Sluder, of Asheville, another popular and prominent finan cier of the Old North State. Over run with Ants Ants are certainly bothersome. They have a way of getting into every conceivable place in which food is kept. However, there is a sure way of destroying them. Sprin kle BEE BRAND INSECT POW DER wherever they gather and every ant or bur that comes in con tact with it will die. Bee Brand Insect Powder fan It Into the air. Strr'Pmni S?e m a few minutes. Will kill ants, fleas. SSE--jSESq, roaches, bed-bugs, lice. ana ougs oi every land. Directions on nnVnoro Look for the Bee Brand Trade Mark. 25c & 60c. Everywhere MeCORMKX t CO, bUm, U. ssss. 'Ul Hl Y 1 n Third Annual Convention the- Baptist Seaside Assembly Wrightsvffle Beach , N. C. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES will be made fo:- the above occasion to Wilmington from all points in North Carolina, . South Carolina, Augusta, Ga.t Norfolk, Suffolk, Boykins and Danville, Va.f CHILDREN HALF PRICE Tickets will be sold June 26, 27, 28 and 29; and July 2, 3 and 4; limited returning to reach original starting point until and including midnight of July 10, 1917. For fares, schedules, tickets and any further informa tion, call on Ticket Agents of the Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South. geahig Hotel WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. NOW OPEN First Stop On the Beach Our Dining Room Service Unsurpassed 4 Write for Descriptive Booklet. Address C. E. HOOPER, Mgr. The North Carolina Bankers Are the Guests of Our City We Wish to Welcome Them and Present Them to You. The Home Savings Bank HALF HOLIDAY I Our store will be closed every Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock until September I st. THOMAS GROCERY CO. j See our ad. in today's paper, mmgton Shoe Co. Advt. Wil- J.B.McCABE&iCO. Certified Public Accoim- i ss ' Bwni sic Uii..iii..... . 5 UMimillllllUHllHUimiilHllllM IMPERIAL HOTEL Dining Room open to the public. Spe cial Dinner prepared for traveling men. Gome, see and be convinced. Dinner 50c Breakfast arid Sup. per 35c each. MRS. H . L. KIDD, Prop, and Mgr SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COAST LINE HOTELCAF E. Rooms fcy tho nay, week or month at reasonable rates. , Meals at any hour,- 208 North Front street. Tb Frorreslve Hallway of tn ltttk Effective Nov. 12th, 1916V depasture: of train sfbom wiiaungton. No. 15 4! :55 P. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Point? PULLMAN PAR LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAR LOTTE. No. 19 5 :00 A. M. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10.00 P. M. for Passen gers. ARRIVAL OI" TRAIL'S AT WTXMINGTON No. 14 12:30 P. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No. 2012:10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:00 A. M. For detailed information and reservations, call on City Ticket Agent. Orton Building. Phone 178. H. ,E. PLEASANTS,. T. P. A. - Wilmington. N. C . . i JOHN H. WEST, D. P, A Ralelzh. 2T. O. c ome to c li aroima B ecLCii A Resort of Recreation, Health and Safety Visit Grey stone Inn Enjoy the Excellence oi Its fcuisine THE NEW HANOVER TRANSIT COMPANY Phone 220. MADE TO ORDER TTifi iCinrl That PI 8 Graee Street LeGWlN PRINTING COMPANY. 3