I COTTON. - - . ' on Spot Norfolk Spot . gannah Spot . . . . 24 5-8 ... ..26.00 m . V. 24.63 ..26 1-4 .Mi v o. mere was . ... in iv. AC" . itir. In fh'o rnttnn moK nil auu " "1" . re ed Ket at neeu r-nneninic today. Private . . ... . developed 3 Kiel Lnts lower J4 0 and Janua -mi-ins wires thp holiday which en- 'llth 'j the bearish sentiment that tfwr. ,.,0,i toward the end of last prices were 48 to 93 wifh October selllTiEr it Points ' , innuary at 24.24 on the call decline of fully 280 to 294 i l'PPPn . IllKil 1 US. Ilf "weather map failed to show ahy eaii) much rain AS susv hpre nt"ii.T v - Wei . , .,,.-oQ rpnnrts anrl tho Hi. te . ..hofkpd bv coveriher short- cne with thes market ,, otter lllc; v v a. . m nf 20 or 30 Doints th- She niiddle of the morning. The 10 , .i- was very nervous and unsettien. ,ii:fioli tMul 1 ..... .. ,,1 Wnchinptnn nA '.ea. ..0 iniini; the probable progress JfJoJ coniroi legislation ' Tilt1 COt Ull Jiiaiivci. a-iuocu oicttuj. High. Low. Close. 25 . 17 24.69 24 . 82 July October .. December anuary March .90 .06 24.75 24.20 24.20 24.26 24.50 25.00 24.55 24.67 24.75 24.94 New quiet; NEW YORK SPQT. York, July 5 Spot middling 25.45. cotton, Country r; : . . .30c P8-16 .. .... 6070c feJmPd .. ..s..262Tc N C. Shoulders and Ribs. lb' . .2526c Pdrk, per lb. Cubage, (ipo ibso "Idea. Green . . . . Wool, ftee-of bur. JV" Corn, bushel .. .. .. - Bee's Wax. . .. " gaid Hid,. ; Tallow ; V . Wool, clean .. .. Wool, burr .... . V .' Cantalounes, crate . . . . Peaches, crate'-.. .. .. .. . ..kl5c .. ;.$l.50 . ....20c it td 25c . . .,.$2.05 .. ..32c ISc ...... lie . ....50c . . ..4Ec ... $2.2o . . .$2.25 I STOCKS. i , WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 36. Rosin $4.70 and $4.50. Tar $3.50 and 16 cents. Crude $3.50, $3.50 and $2.50. 'New York, July 5. (Wall Street) Resumption of trading after, the -holiday was accompanied " by general firm ness' in most of the leaders and decid ed strength inpeculatfye Isfeui-s mb !tor again proving the exception. Equip ments and shippings were in fair de mand with gahisi of 1 to 1 1-2 for Bald Win Locomotive, Crucible Steel, Ma rine preferred "Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies,; Ohio Gas and , Sinclair oil. To baccos' supplemented their gains of?the early week, and Industrial alcohol rose four points. Rails and metals were fractionally higher with United States Steel.- ' " ' Spirits Rosin . Tar . . . Crude . Receipts. ,16 .82 .47 .17 mcva ORLEANS COTTON. t Xew Orleans, July 5. Cotton lost 64 74 points in the first half hour of business neif wuaj, uuuci unuiuauuii and short selling encouraged Dy lm- proved crop- reports irom me Deit ana ihp claim from Texas that the west generally had received complete relief (rom the drought. The market was barely steady at tne decline. The cotton marKet closed steady at a net decline of 33 to 42 points.- High. low. Close. . .. 24.05 23.60 . .. 23.90 23.44 .. 24.03 23.65 . .. 24.16 23.83 SAVANNAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah, July 5. Turnentine. firm 37; sales, none; receipts 849; ship ments, 530. Stock 21.783. , Rosin firm,, sales none; receipts 2,- u; shipments z.ibi); stock 67,211. Quote B, 5.20; D, 5.25; E, 5.35; F, 5.40; G, 5.45; H, 5.45 to 5.60; I, 5.47 1-2 to 5.60; K, 5.50 to 5.60; M. 5.85 to 5.90; N, 6.75; WG, 6.60 to 6.85; WW, 7.05: July October . December January . March .. 23.99 23.72 23.90 24. OS 24.22 NEW ORLEANS SPOT. New Orleans, July 5. Spot cotton steadv i." points ott. sales on the CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, July 5. Soaring prices for corn today told quickly of continued scarcity of supplies and of urgent de mand. Opening quotations which rang ed from 7-8 off to 5-8 advance with July at 1.60 and September at 1.49 3-4 to 1150 1-2, were followed by a sharp general upturn to about two cents above Tuesday's finish. Wheat and oats rose with corn. Ad vices that wheat in the southwest had been adversely affected by hot winds during the last week, were against the bears and so, too, were assertions that the North Dakota crop had suffered spot 3,324 bales, to arrive 321; good i l VT y UttU,08T eu ina y 22.87, strict good ordinary j frS?1!:."? opeomar 3-8. down ,9 97. mv mirtHHnir 99 7- tr,vt inl'to 1&c UP. W1- J--7 nominal and Sep- .94 7-8 .481-2 76 70 . 1051-8 ..118 . 120 ..79 1-4 ,-rl00 . 108 ..10'4 ...70 3-4 ..69 5-8 ..1351-2 ..158 1-2 ..93 1-8 ...59 1-8 ...11 ...66 1-4 American Beet Suga .. .. American Can .. .. .. . . . American Car & Foundry . American Locomotive American Smelting & Ref'g . American Sugar .. .. .. American Tel. & Tel..-. .. . Anaconda Copper ... .. Atchison . .... .... Atlantic Coast Line (B) .. Atl., Gulf & W.I.S.S. Lines Baldwin Locomotive . . Baltimore & Ohio . . . . . Bethlehem Steel VB" .. . , Canadian Pacific .. Central Leather Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago and Great Western Chicaeo. Mil. and St. Paul Ch'go, R.I. - Pac. when issued 33 1-4 Colorado Fuel & Iron 50 1-2 Corn Products 331-2 hlo StPpl 86 Cuba Cane Sugar Erie . . ...... General Electric General Motors Great Northern pfd Ex. Div. Great Northern Ore Ctfs .. Gulf State Steel Illinois Central inspiration Copper . . . . Int. Merc . Marine Int . Merc. Marine pfd . . International Nickel International Paper 35 3-8 Kansas City Southern 21 Kennecott Copper 441-4 Louisville and Nashville 125 Mexican Petroleum 971-2 Midvale Steel JJ 3-4 Missouri Pacific . , .. - Nevada Consolidated 23 1-8 New York Central 87 3-4 at His3diCrsi Street y.K Rekrcjence ; Earjy .This iUifnMifli : .- Many friends -will. 'regret to learn (t)f the death: of jIr. Ricbard Heflry Lee, aged 68, ; which toccurred ; tfts Ms home No. 311! J.-!aiedGross strdet, this - morning r at ,1 : 30.-. ; Mr . Lee's illness vas ) not f of ;long duration ' and ckine as a distinct" shock to his many friends.' ' : .'fii:?: , j The remains .will. be taken to Clay ton, N. C, tomorrow morning at 81 40 o'clock - and r the1 ' interment ill be made there in the afternoon. ; Mr. Lee was a mechanic by trade. SlILliiUI'tli.ill.: ILL COTTON CROP FAMILY ROW IN COURT. Petitioner For Peace Warrant ! Taxed With The Cost- After" hearing the evidence in . Was case Absurd to Predict- Cropf FaiT ure, "Says riterCoii sumption May be Reduced (Special to The .Dispatch.) j Greensboro, N. C, July. 5.---The cot ton firm of Thompson and MtiWen" has issued the following interesting letter on the cotton, market oiitlookr "During the current cotton, year we have issued five general market letters in which M. C. Styron, white, asxeu for which have been so ohenomenallv cor- a peace warrant against His 18-year-old j rect in forecasting the unprecedented step-daughter, Miss Lula Mydye, tried; fluctuations of this unparalleled season before Justice G. W. Bornenlahn, this that, candor nomnela ns to confess to morning, the magistrate decided that ( great good luck, while still trusting malice prompted the request for the that an unbiased and painstaking warrant and taxed the petitioner, with ' study of the situation ttay have been' tne cast, auowing me young wuman iu ; responsible, at least in part, tor tne go unmolested. Public uerenaer Jones ; accuracy Of out prophecies i appeared in behalf of the defendant that went free. IN JAIL FOR TRIAL. "Naturally we hesitate1 to risk the disruption of such record, but we: be lieve so strongly that the present price of cotton is unwarranted and our . rea sons for this faith seem to us so con- Probable Cause Found Against White, vfncm'i that. desDite the nateht nr'oba- Boy Charged With Larceny. bllity of even a higher level temporari O. F. Justice, small white boy, was iy we are compelled to take our stand tried before Justice G. W. Bornemann here and now' on the bear side, by this morning on a charge of larceny which we mean that within tire next and sent on to the Recorder's court six months we confidently 'expect" to wiiere disposition of the case will be ; see cotton selling on American mar- ..41 1-2 ..24 .158 1-8 .114 1-2 .101 1-4 . 30 5-8 .125 1-8 .103 ..61 5-8 ..26 3-4 ..81 5-8 ..40 23.37; low middling 23.87; strict low middling 24.06; middling 24.25 strict middling 24.44; good, middling 24.62; strict good middling 24.80. Receipts 61; stock 202.323. ( tember at 1.84 to 1.84 1-2. the market ascended to 1.86 1-2 for September ON THE BOURSE. Paris, July 5. Prices were irregular the bourse today. Rentes 60 francs i: centimes. on Preaching at Hallsboro. Rev. J. s. Crowley will nreach at most cordially invited. STEADY INCREASE OF EGGS AND POULTRY. New York, July 5. Butter firm! Creamery, higher than extras, 39 to 39 3-4; creamery extras (92 score) 38 1-2 to 38 3-4; firsts 37 1-4 to to 37 Hallsboro, Sunday morning at 11.3-4. o'clock and Sunday night at 8 o'clock.! Eggs Firm; fresh gathered extras, The people of the community are, 37 to 38; fresh gathered storage pack- ' ah ioto vk tn vk i.v irnn catntrpn CU, 1X1 O I O JJ 1.1 .v - o1 firsts 34 1-2 to 35 1-2. Cheese irregular. State fresh THE COUNTRY'S MONEY I run 23 1-2 to 23 3-4. Dressed poultry quiet; chickens 20 (By Associated Tresis.l f'i !to 26; fowls 19 to 25 1-2; turks 18 ;o Washington, July 5. The .average ok m tne united States -'Hr $11.01 ncher today than he was three years 8- Total money in 5 circulation, "Own in a r-hart in the .Tillv Federal Reserve bulletin, has risen from $3, 0,000,000 on June 1, 1914. to $4,742, WO.OOO on June 1 1Q17 Tlie nlrnnlfl.. ion wealth per capita in 1914 was "4 35: in Iftis ttK aa- in iqir t?tQ . ' and in June 1317 was over S45.86. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, July 5. Cotton: Spot in limited request, prices unchanged, American middlling fair 19.78; good middling 19.40; middling 19.10; low middling 18. G5; good ordinary 17.70; ordinary 17.20; Sales 3,000 bales In cluding 2,400 American. Receipts 2, Wi bales, including 1,600 American. Mures unchanged. July. 18.00; July-August 17.75; September-Octob er 17.12; October-November 18.70; December-January 16.15; January February 16.05; March-April 13. S7; Hay-June 15.71. The above are all fixed prices. , WHEAT July . . , Sept. . . CORN July . . OATS July . . Sept. . PORK July .. Sept. . LARD July . . Sept. . RIBS July . . Sept. . Opening. Closing. 2.09 . 1.84 1.89 1-2 , 1.60 1.62 1-8 . 1.49 3-4 1.54 3-4 . .' .66 .67 5-8 . .551-4 .56 1-4 40.45 40.15 39.95 40.00 21.20 21.20 21.45 21.45 21.87 21.72 21.80 21.80 COTTON SEED OIL. . New York, July 5-The cotton seed! , SUGAR. , ! market closed steady. Spot 15.70 New Yo1. July 5. Raw sugar, bid: Janmrv 15 9() tn 15 21- Jnlv easy; ceniruugai ti.it; moiasses o.ds; r fiQ ir. 7--.. inanct isfto m retined steaay: nne granulated .tu, 15.66; September 15.55 to 15.58: Oc-.to 8UU N. Y., N. H. & Hartford .. .. Norfolk and Western . . . . Northern Pacific Ohio Cities Gas .. Pennsylvania Ray Consolidated Copper . . Reading . . .... Rep. Iron and Steel . , . . Seaboard Air Line (bid) .... Seaboard Air Line pfd (bid) 35 3-4 .123 1-8 . 99 3-8 .124 1-2 .52 . 281-4 . 92 5-8 . 91 . 12 . 28 had. At present the boy is in jail awaiting trial. The understanding is that the watch the '' youngster is ac cused of taking from a lady at the beach yesterday has been returned to the owner by Mr. Tuck Savage, an em ploye of the Tidewater Power Com pany, and that although the youth may be guilty that no one has' suffered as a result. WOMAN GIVEN YEAR Six Months for Resisting Officer and Six Months for Nuisance. Estelle Crawford, a colored damsel, suffered heaviy in the Recorder's court this morning. She was arrested on a charge 9 f being a nuisance , and when she resisted arrest an additional charge was made against her: Re corder Harriss this morimijj gave her a year to serve on the county farm six months on the nuisance charge and six. months for resisting the of ficer. Messrs. Bruce Cameron and H. L. Kerfees were taxed with one-half the costs for engaging in an affray. I . B. Graiuser was taxed with the costs for violating the speed law. A nol pros was . taken in the case of Luther Moore, charged With assault with a deadly weapon. Jessie Starkey, a white woman, was tried tor disorder ly conduct, but the case , was left 1 open. Sinclair Oil and Refining 441-4 Sloss. Shef. Steel and Iron Southern Pacific . Southern Railway . f . . Southern Railway pfd . . . Studebaker Corporation . . . Tennessee Copper . . . . . . . Texas Co. Union Pacific United Fruit XT. S. Ind. Alcohol United States Rubber . . . United States Steel United States Steel pfd . . . Utah Copper 57 91 1-4 25 5-8 54 1-4 55 17 1-4 211 3-4 ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, Office of the Treasurer. Wilmington, N. C, June 30th, 1917. The Board of Directors of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has de clared a dividend of three and one-half Virginia Caro. Chem. 42 3-4 Virginia Coal and oke 69 1-2 Wabash Pfd. "AA" .. .. .. .. 48 3-4 Western Union . . 92 1-4 Westinghouse Electric 49 7-8 132 7-8 Der cent on the Common Capital Stock of that Cbmpany, payable at the office of the Treasurer, Wilmington, N. C.,'-bn Tuesday,' Jury i0thl917, to suSh stock holders as shall be registered on the books of the Company on Tuesday, June 19th, 1917, at three o'clock P. M. JAMES F. POST, 7-5-6t Treasurer. .133 .1541-2 . 57 7-8 .126 3-8 .1171-2 .1081-2 tober 15.46 to 15.47; November 15.17 10 15.19; December 15.18 to 15.20. Total sales 38.400 barrels. Sugar 'futures were ra?ier today on selling by commission houses, prompt ed by the easier feeling in the spot marlrpt At innn nrirPQ werp 4 tn S J points lower. i ' 8TAGE OF WATER. PERSONAL MENTION. r Mr. John A. Livingston, of the State Bureau of Markets, has return ed to Raleigh, after spending the holi day here yesterday. Dr. R. L. Carr, of Rose Hill, spent yesterday in the City attending to professional business. Capt. Thomas D. Meares, Supreme Master of the Exchequer of the Knights of Pythias, has gone to Min neapolis, Minn., to attend a financial meeting of the Supreme Lodge; Dr. C. L Pridgen, State Masonic Grand Master, and Deputy Gran.' Master C. B. Neweomb, installed the officers of King Solomon Lodge, No. 138 at Burgaw last night. . Mr. Frank Meier has recently re turned from Tampa, Fla. He states that eight wooden ships are being constructed there. J, Lieut. George W. Rappleyea, of the I United States Engineer Officers' Re lets at less than twenty .cents per pound. ' "We shall not insult the intelligence of our readers by a statistical display to make clear to them" that there Can be, in this country no dearth of cotton between now and the time that the new crop becomes' available for spo tting purposes; for Surely everyone In terested in cotton must be awxe that such is an absolute fact and not a mat ter dependent upon -'contingencies either imtoediate or remote. "As to the growing crop it is un questionably two to three weeks late, but this is of no grave importance in the' Southern half of the belt and is far from being vitally important even , v . "..... ...V- V';i-'iv;r 1 ''" WaGt&bViCOWG orinnai Mr. JI L. AcHe; Cbthanf Al says that he would use Buckeye lixxlli ' at the same price as old ityle bulls becaUse Buckey Hulls are easier to handle, cleaner, and because 4io'oV-. waste tBem as they, do old style hulls. He believes that at least a third 'of the old style hulls art Wasted by the cows and in haadling. ii tj when wet; mitsojthoroughly and uniformly" with" the' other ibfjge t that the cowsean't nose emside. v Being sacked, they keep clean in the barn. Being copapdcncentrated, solid roughage; it is easy to measure them out accurately and mix thebi properly with: the other feed. - And yet ?wtthr aUeseatiVaiitag Hulls sell for several dollars per tn; fcss than old style hullsV ' r i: thoroughly .twelve Aoart. WbreVeeAf vv wetting them down night n4 morning for, he next loodtag,,'li ot any tin,. - this cannot be done, wet down at teas! thirty minutes. If you prefsrla uod toe ftuus drn use oaly half as mucj by bulk as ol old sri bub '; - "t i , aa Book q Mixed F eeds Fretr 4. Gives tbe right foraula for every combinatioa of feeds used fa the Booth Tells how much to feed tor maintenance, for milk, for, fattening foe work. . pescribes ; Buckeye Hull and givea directions for using them properly. Send for your, copy to nearest mill. t. i A XnsiH' uiuti Hralicssi cb' Uttla lock Mscm askl : 1 if if i,v AXLANTiCQAST.Ll HIE, The 1 Standard Railroad of The 8outh NEW YORK BOSTQN (Via Norfolk) . AfiMEXtLLfe N. n. in the Northern half, as the records of j wAYNESVILLe N C LAKE TO a A WAY,, N. C. Bulletin of Reduced Round Trip Fares From Wilmington, N. C. Subject to corrections and changes to conform tp legally filed tariffs. The first dates shown are'dates upon which tickets will be cbld at these fares and upon which journey must begin. - The "final limits is, last date, prior to mid night 6t wh'icri, Wilriiingfon , must be reached on the 1 return .trip,-: ' ' WASHINGTON .. BALTIMORE : PHILADELPHIA . . : . $16.00 $18.00 . . ..$&.80 . . . $26.00 . . . .$32.Eflr $15.0(3 Stage of water in the Cape Fear riv- serve, stationed at Fort Oglethrope, er at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 a. m., was in the city yesterday en route to yesterday, 7.7 feet. his home in Southport. No Wonder Towser Bites Don't let fleas torture your dog or your pets of any kind. For their eomfort and your own peace of mind use BEE BRAND INSECT POW DER on them. Just rub it Into the fur and the bugs will die very quick lv. Harmless to human beings and domestic animals. Bee Brand Insect Powder t an It into the mix. Flies and mosquitoes "die in a tew minutes. Will, kill ants, fleas, roaches, bed-bugs, lice, and bugs of every kind. Directions on package. Look for the Bee Brand Trade Mark. 2Sc ' BOc. Everywhere McCOmCKl CO, Bikinore.ii. :4 V- - the last twenty, years have repeatedly proven. In ho previous year through out the history of cotton growing has the plant profited by such perfect cul tivation as is at present the case, and While we have suffered from a scarcity of satisfactory fertilizers, this handi cap has been largely overcome by the exercise of all the ingenuity and en ergy which Southern planters possess. "Under these conditions it would be absurd positively to predict a crop fail ure, and there is not a little ground on Which to base the hope of even a full yield. "So much for the prospective supply. As for the prospective consumption it is apparent that American mills have for the present developed their produc tion to the highest possible degree, and it seems almost certain that under the operation of the United States Child Labor Act, to go into effect on Septem ber 1st, their requirements will be ma terially reduced. "Regarding, exports, they have fallen off greatly during the past few months as compared with the two previous war years, and now that our shipping facil ities are about to be taxed to the' ut most to transport our urmy and the. necessary ammunition arid supplies therefor, it seems a foregone conclu sion that the tonnage available for cot ton will show "a steady and rapid dimin ution. "' "Of course, our Allies are in great need of cotton, but they need men, munitions and food far more desperate ly and these needs must first be sup plied. So far this season we have ex ported less than five and a quarter mil lion bales; if to the same date during the coming' season we -shall be able to find tonnage for four million bales even that will be a marvelous accomplish ment. .. "Such being the case, though cotton in "England arid on the Continent may become so scarce as to bring, fifty cents or even a dollar per pound hy the same tokenit cannot fail to become burderisomely superabundant dh this side pf the Atlantic and so can hardly command a price here which will give to the producer more than a reasona ble return for his labor, if indeed that much can be obtained. "In .conclusion, we quote the follow ittg bit of doggerel recently received from a friend, for, despite its. lack of , elegance, it seems peculiarly apropos j The Progressive Railway of the South; Bulletin of, Special .Round-Trip Ratet th.,, 'from Wilmington, N. C. - LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C .12.J WAYNESVILLE, N. C. $12.60 TicketBiBW 21. 22. 23.' 2i. '25. Atigfist 2,3,' 4, 6. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18 and 19; limited return, ing 17 days following date of sale. . ROCK HILL, 5. Ci........'.....;$8.90 On sale June 1819, 22; Jttly 4, B; 6; limited returning midnight August 6tiW A8H ELAND, VA ............. .$10.20 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA ii...$10. On sale June 17 to 25, inclusive; limit ed returning midnight 18 days follow- iicneis can oe. ex- BREVARD, N. C. HENDERSON VI LLE, N. C. S ALU D A; N. C. . . . . . ... TRYON, N. C. ... ... ... Tickets on sale every day ,until October 15, good to stop over; limited return ing until October 31, 1917. " 1 ' ROCK HILL, 3. C :$8.90, $16.15 fWe 'data' of sale! . .$19.bu tended. - ..$15.00 . . .$14.15 NASHVILE TNN ,..v.v. ..$2Q.$0 ; . .$13.50 On sale June 11, 12,. 13, 14, 21, 22; July . .$13.20? 20, 21 and 26; limited returning mid- night lb days following date of sale tickets mfty Extended." rfcv BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. ... ..49.93 June 18, 19 and 22; July 4, 5 and 6. Final Hnat August 6. BOSTON, MASS ... ..$31.35 July 5, 6 and 7, Final limit July 20V ' CHAPEL' HILL, N. C. '. . .$5.65 June 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and. 18: July 3 and 9. Final limit August 1. RALEIGH, N. O. . . . , . . . .$5.55 Jufie 8, ID, 11, 12, 22, 23; -4 and 25; July 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Final limit July 3J.;. . . ; KNOXVILLE, TENN. ..$15.75 Jiine 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 30; July 1, 7 and 14. Final limit 15 days after date of sale. Limits. may be extended. NASHVILLE, TENN. .. ... June 11, 12, 13, 14, 21 and 22; July 20, 21 and 26. Final limit 15 days after date of sale. Limits may be extended. ch Attan 6og a? ,TfeN . .$1 sio " August 12, 13 and 14. Final limit August 23. BLACK IViGUNTAIN, ti. C. .. ..i$l.9S R IDGE'CH EST, N. C. . . . i . i . U. .$9i95 May 31; June 1, 11,12, 13, 21, 27 and 28; July 5, 6, 13, 19, 20, 27 and 30; Au gust 1, 6, 10, 14 and 17. Ffnal limit 17 days after da'i or sale. LAkE JUNALUSKA, N. C. .. ..$12.60 WAYNESVILLE N. C...:' ;.. ..12.60 July 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25; August 2, 3, 4, 5. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, IS 8,;p ? ssp 1 1 mn ini.i -ej pub of sale. . . monteaGle tenn. . ... i; ' . . ! $20.70 SEWANEE, TENN. ....'. .. ...$20.70 : July 6, 7, 18 and 21; August 3, 6, 9, 16, 17 and 23. Final limit Sept. 5- r VJCkSBURG. MISS $36.55 ; Oct. 14 and 15." Final limit Oct? 31 Proportionate Fares from Intermediate j R I DG EC R EST, N; C. . i . . . .$95 on sale May 31st, June 1st, 111 1213, 21, 22, 275 aid 28i' July6,r 18, 19, '20. 27 and so, August l, 6, 10, 14 and. 17: limited returning midnight .17. days following date of sale. - LOUISVILLE,. KY, i . . . . r. .V. . i J$23.00 1 On sale June 19, 20 and 21;? limited ' returning midnight June 30. RALEIGH, N. C, .,$5.55 1 On Bale Jurie 8, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24 25, July 9V10, 11. ISf, l3i lhnlted retttrni' ing midnight July 3L-" - r ., . . ! CHAPEL HILL, N. C. $5.65 VI ini asa I Miah Wm We - f) tfVtf On sa;le.Jufle,ll, 12, 13Jl4.s16.16. 18. .$20,301 July 3, 9; limited returning midnight August iL' VICKSBURG, MISS v ......... . .$36.59 On sale Oetober 14, 15; limited returning-midnight' October 31i ' n -KN.9XyiLLr TEN,N.-. ; . . .v. ,$15.7; On sale June 16, .-17, 18, 23. 24.,80,tjTulr 1, 7 and 14; llmit&d returning' midnight 15 days following date of sale. Tickets wfil -be'extended;ft' ? : x MONTEAGLE; 'TENN ' . . : vi . ; .$20.70 CEWANEE, JENN ,...,.......$20.70 On sale July 6, 7, 13, 21, August 3, 6, 9. 16,. 17 and 23rdi, limited Keturnlng midriight: September t. - '. v For" iuitner Information, apply ' . r-Phonft 17& . H. E. PLEASANTS, . . T. P. A. Wilmington. N. C. Points4. l" For complete Information, ? reserva tions, etc. PHONE 160. :' rv. c.(whitbv ' ' ' ' Gen: Pass'. Agt . 1 W. Jl'CRAIG, "-"r ; , : , Pass. Traf. Mgr. - . ' Wilmington, N. C. , , ."I " In Hades the market for snowballs Is so Wild the Exchange .has been closed; There i. no one to gainsay the biddii.jr. To the Bu'Js there is no one opposed. " 'But in Labrador, Iceland and Green land , They are just throwing snowballs around! , The reason? Of tonnage to Hades There ain't a damned ton to be - found!" Boctbr, Murse,, Pharmacist! tio you select YOUR PHARMACIST with the sine' dlscrlihatlon used obs ' and nurse? . ... . i Getting the prescription ( FILLED RIGHT, is-, no les vital 'than getting the" right presgription. Your doctor, your nurse know us OUR SCRUPU LOUS ACCURACY, QUR EXPERIENCE. OUR REPUTATION V i "' '' '! ' ' ' Send yffur doctor's prescription to us and know that his orders art minutely followed 7 1 .- - -..'" ' 5 Jar man & Futirelle PHONES: 211-212.,, . v 107 Princess 8treeL "BRIRUBBRJIB (UP FAITIHIEEE VELL - VELL F T "iN'T tvE OLD FREND T HELLO - JS3- 0U StSCE THE O'D AVAt WITH t HE FREE LUNCH C)UVNTEH RjHTlN' I KNOW IT - NOl FATHER WOULD START A FiCHT WITHOUT REASON 1 WILL. VHEH HE F.RT DREw A V-f bC DO I - ,T WU2. AT A RAFFL F AT DlNT NiooRE-b inn i ,i lit .?ti 'i'y.wrj if 14- 1' -.'-,.:t ' t 4 M M hi. I mi mi .1 ' 4 r 4 Li W M I ! 1! Wit 4 I; 'ft : 'I V.1