-w i. - -' A- v.:; IimYei aiprr il ina Aair from. I I -, 1-1. -x: , -. - -:i - : i . .'v. "' QlZZUNC hot litoI jg&eete baked! BvertepiiigrCiritHe o doesn't hela Take a tib; Go 6 breath from ari iceberg; arid ncfe-" got a ceftairi tang, a ceitajij invigorating snap that just maizes foix realize that it's la 'good tftfle world, Mfer ail-eyen7 in ' Bojiir own judje! ThcreVfe h$ Institute for PEPSI-Colaresent the suggestion. KW'l mW X XXM : " yy?i ... Shad 1 W . fc'.SBI: l'.,r; ' It i Ift'P.L-- S. Purce6uar.cbpijat-J f life a - (? W- s s ccicf Phb9tle and flsvor- VJ r-'l II' ' R' ,ne tVs PEPsi-coii. 'Ib & Si lg' . 4 II: SW myetery in its recipe; jMBt.-a h W -xiSW -lr f jSI 1 1.1 ' a 4 ' Proper blehffljjjj of ingtedj- B.Pir "' VTl 11 Kli - mobeveraiw, as beneficial T '. S -HiW, .P -. WRdl' of drink ypa .- v , " g Si-CJtSStii. f MSB VOuJd toeke at heme if you t . . b. . .-.Ctrl' r- vm. laar n v.tb vi bwi . I HOHERZOLLERH STOCP w f! .. ..s .. (0. 0. Mclntyre). 4- nn mil tiirnrtu n ik a i ".. 4 ' HtLUWf ; 1 mAHK TODAY'S SCHEDULE. 4 4 11 r-ti -r . . . . 1 - si. jjOuia.at.i'ittaDur.eh. ... New fork at Brooklyn. Boston at Philadelphia, :. All dear ! ' pihjbaT: gcliedulpd.'. American - League. iphicago' ai Detroit. " ;. Cleyelapd at St. Louis, (two) . Philadela a Boston, (two). Washington' at New York,, (two). All clear. 4. , i L.arge bottle, f J. ?ntivii. r. fCs'l it . Southern League. New Orleans at Atlanta. ' Birmingham at Little Rock. Chattanooga at Nashville. AH clear ; only three scheduled. :'V ..." . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Games. At New York '4-4; Washington 6-5. At Boston ; G-6; Philadelphia 3-2. At Detroit. 3-3; ' Cliicagt) 4-4. At - St,. Lbiiis Q-2; Cleveland 2-5. Won. Lost. Pet. r Chicago 47 24 .662 Boston 44 25 .638 New York .. .. .. ..34 32. .515 Cleveland !.37 36 .507 Detroit 34 .35 .493 Washington 33 39 .491 Philadelphia... 25 41 .379 St.; Louis v .'27 44 .380 X Rational league. Yesterday's Games. At Philadelphia 5-2; Boston 3-4. At Chicago 0-10: Cincinnati 2-13. - At Pittsburgh 3-1; St. Louis 4-4. At Brooklyn 2-0; New York 9-5. Standing cf the Clubs. ALL HONOR TO THE GALLANT CONVOY Today ;!u Kaiser and his Military Council know., that American soldiers caiK&on !t tie : horizon:F t?e:an Dutch. Now everything is wrong wit' me, but before this guy come on the horizoc everyt'ing was right wit' me." . "What do you say to that?" asked GorreepondW of The Di3. the court addressing the ; somqwhat "There ain't nothin' much to say, "Judge" was the answer "except, that if it'll do any good, I'll get off the horizoni" (Special , patch.) New York, July 5 Now the St. Denis Hotel, another of Broadway's gastronomoic landmarks, is doomed. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 41 22 .651 Philadelphia 38 27 - .585 St. Louis .. ..39 .31 .557 Cincinnati 40 37 .519 Chicago -..38 37 .507 Brooklyn 29 35 .453 Boston 25 37 .403 .Pittsburgh 31 45 .318 the early fifties was the most popu- on him. areon Fivnt h soil ready to battle for Humanity and Freedom from Autocracy. The 'neliible" American army, so termed by the Teutonic authorities a :ew kvcks apo, sianus reaay 10 snow ineir memo, iiistoiy win repeat itself iar hotel in town. ii the wiy mar future, .the Germanic federation finds today the British army it stands at the corner, of Eleventh it hte gate, oi Luis, notwithstanding the order of this "modern Caesar," given street and Broadway opposite Grace 1-2 years a-o. to his troops "Drive this contemptible little army into the sea." church. For many years it has strug- As i'astor Franeke, a well known German preacher, said: "He who does j gled against the sweep of business otWi'-e m iii.- uivme Mission or uermany nad. better bang nimseit, ana upluwu uui une me um asiui, . uif bther nnsy than tomorrow,". So say we all of us! and end .the war of murder j continental, bd atrocity. Wha: is needed now is Preparedness, every American man and.womaa.is ly to "do their bit." Those who cannot fight on land and sea. can render lia'aable aid by joining the Red Cross, making munitions and tilling the soil. In thf momentous period of our national existence we have arrived at the question Unit should interest every human being How can we prolong- lifoi It is well that we do not know when the hour of death will come. The fact is we are actiiif? as though we expected to live forever. When men are confront ed with the truth and brought to bay with facts and conditions from which there is no escape, they begin to realize the responsibility they owe to them- j The high death rate of New York : hotels would be a maiter for concern' Willie Collier has a negro servant if it were not for the appreciably on his Long Island estate who had higher birth rate. The St. Denis .in I registered when . comer dropped in IN THE MINOR'S. . Hhe business center move from Canal We m;;st give to the. world the best that is in us so that we will find plea3-; street far below to Fourteenth street lire in tloin;,' ; or others, in relieving the distressed and upbuilding sood morals j : but. ho has seen no further. For and good r.ov. rnr.ient. J Jim will never go above Fourteenth' . .. . i ao mnn or woman is efju.ppqd for noble deeds wno is a ayspecitc or wuo suiri' is suffering from any form of nervousness and anaemic conditions of the blood. Indigestion, stomach troubles and impure- blood weakens our minds. dwarf our capabilities and limit our possibilities. ' ronized Paw-Paw Remedy will do more to brighten the world, to dispel gloom, to make happy homes and strong iron bodies, than all the medicines that have ever been compounded. The evidence we are publishing every day shout!' be conclusive nroof. thf r is no guesswork about these statements, they come from. your neigh bors, from people vou can rro and see and from people you are bound to believe. Now is the time to begin taking a tonic tone up your system and pre vent vonr vital organs from becoming disordered or badly affected, so you can mee the exigencies of tho moment with calm intrepidness. A system that is overworked or run down requires a harmless stimulant. selves, to society, their families and their God. Ashland and Morton it could not Stand the strain. Eleventh street at Broadway after the sun goes down is like a deserted street, in a small town. There are rows and rows of buildings that are hot occupied. Very few. lights." can be seen un til the pedes train, reaches Fourteenths street. Old Jim, the negro doorman, fa mous among St. Denisi patrons all! oyer., the world, will also retire When the St. Denis closes. He has seen "What branch of the, service do you prefer the infantry or cavalry?" asked Collier. "I dunno, Mister Willie" was the reply "just what 13 the difference?" "Well in the infantry you go afoot and in the cavalry you ride on. a horse . " " . The negro scratched his ; head . "Well I guess I better ..go in x tlie in fantry. In ca&edey- orders- a re treat I doan', want , no;, horses gettin' Southern Association. At Atlanta 2-0; New Orleans 7-2. At Birmingham 1-14; Mobile 3-4. At Nashville 4-1; Chattanooga 8-2. At Little Rock 0-6; Memphis 4-2. South Atlantic League At Columbia 15-8; Augusta 3-5.-At Charleston 4-5; Jacksonville 2-3. American Association. At Minneapolis 4-5; St. Paul 3-7. At Louisville 1-3; Columbus 3-5. At Kansas City 3-9; Milwaukee 0-6. At Indianapolis 6-2; Toledo 3-6. International League. At Baltimore 2-8 v Providence 1-5. At Bujffalo 6-1; Montreal 2-3: At Richmond 2-2; Newark 3-0. At Rochester 5-2; Toronto 2-9. "STRANGLER" LEWIS DEFEATS ZBYSZKO For twenty yeara he has refused to see the glories that were beyond the s theatrical district, the Lobster Belt and the hew and splendid homes on Fifth Avenue and the ever increas ing commercial center of upper, Broadway. ' The St. Denis has 400 rooms, large and airy, but itjs devoid of.; hot or cold water and other coriven-j iences but despite this the old pa trdns continued to patronize it. HDD - -- t. . William Dacy was making hard go- I t-nc in 'HarloTn fmirt All lif ironized Paw-Paw lifts and hold you. Your druggist probably keeps it, but it j na tQ do wag to expiain the disap iedoe i. t j; ;s so(i jn Wilmington by Elvingtoh's Dependable Drug Store. pearance of a quantity of copper wire li onized Paw-Paw. m ice S1.00. Formula on every bottle. Mail orders I frrtni an anartment house, but he was promptly attended to. Interstate Drug Co., Inc., New York Advt. USINESS ADS TfinAV I HBBIlI i I I UUili i merely floundering. Finally he i pointed an accusing finger at Her I bert Kelsey, his ragged companion, ralso charged with petit larceny. t "Ynnr honor", said Dacv "there's the euy. Until I knowea nnn me life j was a clean slate, but ever since he Gentlemen: -1 - un sending "m my pictuVto lt jau fee -wlirtjrour tXKLCMTa Quinine PamBds liiu dona for tn hlr. Ithu rrcvra to 26. Inch! lomc aud is very thick, soft and tiHty nl IeB now-fix tiiy li.ii? any way 1 waut tJf ia.th bat hair grJvor ia tUo world, -lu'.tnji UAJlKS. Don't be fooled all ypxjr life hy ihg some fake preparation Which Crlaiflaa to stralghtea kinky hair. You are just fooling yourself by usiog it Kinky . haif cannot be made Riraicht. You ; must have hair first. Nowtlii QUININE POMADE is a Hair Growey which f eedthe scalp end roots of the hair and makes kinky nappy hair grow long, soft and silky, tit cleans dandruff and stops FsUtoff Hair at once. Price 2Se by mail otf receipt of stamps ex coin. AGENTS AVANTED EyEftyVSfHr'"': 'r WHt fir Particulars" " KXELENTO MCDICtKC CO; ATLANTA, w. Boston, July f "Strangles" Lewis defeated; Zbyszko in a -wrestling match at Braves field yesterday, win ning 2 out of 3 falls. Zbyszko took the first fall in 57 minutes, 45 seconds, with a head lock and roll. Lewis then scored with a body fail and front Nelson in 24 min utes, 44 seconds, and was conceded a second fall after a few minutes more of wrestling after Zbyszko had been tossed out of the ring. n'Dfug tdre. 109 Market Sreat i:Cor. IltlT &KaiKi street? Mi rlKi SOIIfiDR -Mr 1 H!l rUiiiw. feted erntiei CAFE aiidROOF. GARDEN in eonnwstloa . ;- xirflpt'Mttjr. Btates-Wthout XJ&tfir?1.50 With; Bath, W-Cfr tn4 up. FRANK KIMBLE. JVffi." HERALD SQUARE HOTEL 34U STV, OF BROADWAY .- ." NEW YORK ' . i . . ;,-.- .. y.-.y . -. J-.." -U . EVERY comfort and cpnveni ience. On duect car lines from all R. R.' Stations and Ferries. Two minutes walk to the finest shops and theatres. ROOMS? 125 with privilege of bath $ 1. SO per day 75 with private shower bath $2.Qp per day 150 with private bath $2.00 and up Club Breakfast ... - 25c up Special Luncheon. .. . ... 60c Dinner a la carte at moderate prices J. Fred Sayers Managing Director 0 1. EI ABSOLUTELY FIKEPROOF" Hotel GkeL eisea West Twenty-third St., at Seventh A., NEW YORK CITY European Plan 500.ROOMS 400 BATHS Ropm, with adjulnluff bath . $1,00 mud $10. " Suites, parlor, bedroom and bath $S.0O . ! .. : i . Ztpr4-upward. . Club Bretkfaet, 25e up. Special Luncheon, r.Oc np. Table d'Hote Olimer $1.00 up. Cafe attached. - To Reach Hotel Chelnea. From Pennsylvania Station, 7th Avenue ear south to 23rd Street; Grand Central, 4th Avenue ear south to 23rd Street; Lackawanna; Erie? Reading, Baltimore & Ohio, Jersey Central and Lehigh Volley R. R. Stations, take 23rd Street crosatown car east to Dot el Chelsea. Principal Steamship Piers, Foot West 23rd Street, take 23 Street cross town car. WRITS! FOR COLORED MAP 0 NEW YORK. ttrmt t t I .ww - - 1 it; rrfijirl nr- . r 1 ' - - - - v Tlift most popular hotel at the safest "and V.ffraotive resort on ti the South Atlantic Coast i ne SE&siiE Mm L WRIGHlIXE BEACH,, N. O. ' Opens June lzf, W itie Season OVer $20, 000 teihg spent on improvements. ;Free-f?om iliea arul mosquitoes. Otood ynter. Smind and Ocean fishing, filing ami buying. Electric trains connect oeacn wmi w uunuu , . N. C w rite today lor new . musTrawxi booklet fiiving fates, recreations and photo-- graphs, of hotel amusements, etc.,- sent Iriie on reouest.;. Wt' ; S, Wrightfiyille Kech, ... in my road." In one of the cheaper vaudeville i houses a song and dance team arriv ed for their first performance. They looked over their dressing room and the man strolled out to inspect the stage leaving the girl to dress. H Fbmtie top It Now ! The heat pi the sun dris pnt the ntnral oils of the scalp.":1 I)aiidruff increases. Scalp itching becomes not only unpleasant but even dangezoos. Tou can, wHit now Kttk :tradbe! Stop this itching v; nfilv twice a weeE a Bttle Pompeian on your scalp- Rub it in the Bompeian way (carefa de scribed iin booklet enclosed in every paejeage) aii yam scalp itching will stop. - r; EEIR Massage lan Stops Daiidruff-Hair Coming ChA The "success of Pdmpeosux Massa is it) the assagc idea. It is a treatment not meiely a tonic. The massaging (rolbing) of the scalp vrakei up the root3 of tbe bair to new life. This massaging also opens the pores of the scalp to the wonderfalb' nlaiihg liquids ; in Pompcian ' HAIR Massage. Dandruff goes. . Your ;narr will become andhstay healthy, ytgor ous and attracthre. Pompeiait HAlSf Massage is a clear amber liquid Cfjcst a .cream). Not oily. Not iticjr- Vy pleasant to use. 25c, 50c mxd $1 bottles, at the store. MEJt rjiare your hirt)r giVe you tretoeri- ami prt?re to yourself haw Trreyoscalp 'fejels ...hy..ij.. aj?-,. i&&(tozu , . . ....... Dnt &&&&& to ' lase Pbnrpetin HKIR" Massage-, tt' as matte: by the old and reltable makers of 'Pompeian MASSAGE Cream and Pampeian NIGHT Crtam. 1 Ohe BottZe Shows Actual Results: Suddenly a voice issued from the dressing room: "Say Al how shall I wash tonight for a low or high necfc gown " ,THE SPY .QUESTION UNDER DISCUSSION i ' (Bjr Associated -s:V Washington, July 5 The unsuccess ful .submarine attacks on the ships of the American expeditionary force hr.s revival spy rumors ia ra.e capital and will result in even more stringent ineasures if possible to cloak the move ments of military, forces from the ene my. The relief and gratification of offi cials over the safe arrival of the last units of the expedition is tempered by a manifest feeling of indignation that thS German admiralty was able to lay its plans, so well and to attack the American vessels in force. before they reached the zone which had been re garded as most dangerous. Discussion of possible spy activities took many angles today. Some offi cials were inclined to believe ihat tlie Germans must have had a warning of the definite time agreed upon for the crossing, but others discredited, any such theory, arguing that an attack was td have been1 expected as a ha;tura) consequence 'of" the general knowledisp that Was common property. Ieiig Note L First Stop On- Wrightsville Beach, N. C. ' EXCELLENT a FOOD Concert in Lobby by full Lumina Orchestra, every day from 1 2 till 1 :30 P, M. and 6:30 until 8: 00 P. M. Boats for Channel and Ocean Fishing. Start from Oceanic Hotel Pier. Reservations, Rates and Booklet Address ; C. E. HOOPER, Mgr. hotel: vA5HtNQTONPX. THE Orton Wttrrilnfitpih, U. C.r -Wilmington's Best Hotel, "Amerl an Plan one block from Wrightg vllle Beach car line. F. Wi ARMSTRONG, Prop. OPPOSITE GAPITOL arid UNIQN STATION - Renowned for iU Htgh' Scryice and Low Rates EUROPEAN PLAN Rood per Jsy $1.50 - withQUt bath - and op fo9ra p asy : ? $2.00 ' with bath i np - All Rooms Outside Booklet for the siking j ! 44 ' i - r I 1 1. -- .. :' .a s gV'..Mg.lj "'ti,r'. S a

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