t-L'-K ,vr ; .V ' -THE WILMINtlTON DISPATCH; THt AVAFTERNQON. H yv v 7:'v - , ' . " i . 3 h.'--- 1 t H -J! i; ! : .. mm m tfe n Ml Ml if. t I .41 1 i .V '14 lit .1 "t,. jl 1 r i - : ft -ta rm . 9 U iVt f4; f At If J: 2 i '. 1 1 9 nil iV : !liil!MlH E B RATES i; K U U rn liH U Hi ; ;M : - Hill LbIII Willi uiu Great Enthusiasm Troops "I- Reviewed Flags Presented Pershing by President Rv a sanitated Press.) Paris, July 5 All France celebrat t ed the Fourth of July. Paris turned out a crowd that no American city eyer surpassed for size, enthusiasm and profusion of Stars and Stripes. . A battalion of the first American expeditionary force about to leave for training behind the battle front had its first-official review in France and was the center of the celebration. Everywhere the American flag was flying from public buildings-, hotels and residences and from automobiles, cabs and carts; horses' bridles and the lapels of pedestrians carried them. The crowds began to gather early at advantageous points. Rue de Var enne was choked long before 8 o'clock yesterday morning, when the Republi can guards band executed a field rev eille under General Pershing's win dows and all routes toward the In valides were thronged even before Pershing's men turned out. About the court of honor where the Americans were drawn up 'with a de tachment of French territorials tne buildings overflowed to the roofs. All around the khaki-clad men from the United States were trophies and sou venirs of war; German cannon, aero planes, machine guns and. many ap pliances for burning suff coating gas. Behind them in the chapel separating the Court of Honor from Napoleon's tomb were German battle flags, tro phies of the Marne and Aisne besides Prussian banners of 1870. " There in the chapel before the tomb of Napoleon, General Pershing receiv ed American flags and banners from the hands of President Poincare. The enthusiasm of the vast crowd reached its highest pitch when Gen eral Pershing, escorted by President Poincare, General Joffre and . other Jiigh French dignitaries passed along reviewing lines of the Americans drawn up in a square formations. Cheering broke out anew when the American band struck up the Mar seillise and again when the French band played the Star Spangled Ban ner, and Pershing received the flags from President Poincare. GERMAN RESERVIST GOES TO PENITENTIARY (By Associated Press.) Boston July 5. Warner Horn, Ger man reservist, whose attempt in Feb ruary, 1915, to destroy the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge across the St. Croix river at Vanceboro, Me., was described by Jiim as an act of war, lft here today in charge of Federal officers for Atlanta, to begin an 18 month sentence. Horn was convict ed in the Federal District Court of il legally transporting dynamite on a passenger train from New York Vanceboro. to FUNERAL OF MR. MILLER. Remains Arrived From Waycross, Ga., This Afternoon. Interment. The remains of Mr. J. A. Miller, formerly of this c.ity, but for the past few years a resident of Waycross, Ga., who was killed when mashed be tween cars at that place on Monday, arrived in the city shortly after noon today, and the funeral service will be conducted at St. Andrew's Presby terian church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The interment will be made in' Bellevue cemetery . MAJOR GENERAL WOOD INSPECTS CHARLOTTE SITE (By Associated Press.! Charlotte, NI C, July 5. Major General Wood is spending the day here,, inspecting local sites for an army cantonment. He was guest . of honor at a luncheon at noon given by the business men at the Southern Manufacturers Club. This afternoon at 6 o'clock he will address an open air mass meeting and tonight he will be tendered a banquet. - In order to enable him to attend the latter banquet and get back to Charleston tomorrow morning, a spe cial train will be' run from Charlotte, leaving at 11 o'clock tonight. SPY REPORTS WOULD STARTLE THE WORLD DECLARE OFFICIALS. (Continued from Page One). passed by foreign censors. It deflects incoming cablegrams at New York to Washington, where they are censored aftdturned over to rep resentatives of the press associations and newspapers, to whose New York officers the cable messages are ad dressed. The Associated Press8 ac counts of the Fourth of July celebra tion in Paris were among the dis patches thus deflected and delayed, v It Is understood that George Creel ;is . soon to visit New York to make some different arrangement. The press associations and the newspapers were not notified in ad .rvance of Secretary Baker's plan of de ' fleeting incoming cable messages .to Washington. ' Leonard M. Wallstein, New York ' commissioner of accounts, who has " been conducting Mayor Mitchel's inves- 'tigation of police laxity in the case of ' Ruth Cruger, was orcered by the Mayor last night to discontinue the I inquiry, as a direct result of Governor Whitman's instructions to District At ;torney t5wann to begin a grand jury , investigation. JOIN THE ENGINEER TRAIN NOW BEING ORGANIZED IN THE CITY AND ESCAPE CONSCRIPtbiN. BY SO DOING YOU HAVE THE HONOR OF VOLUNTEERING, AND WILL NOT BE Bi101111 BRANCH OF THE SERVICE. THE ENGINEER TRAIN AFFORDS GREATER CHANCES OF PROMOTION THAN ANY UNIT OF THE ARMY. JOIN AT ONCE. TROUBLE FEARED n n AT ARIZONA MINES ninhe. Ariz.. July 5. Deveiopmenrs were expected today in the tense situ ation brought about In the Globe-Miami Copper mining district by the strike of 7,000 miners belonging to the Metal Workers Industrial Union, an Indus trial Workers of the World organiza tion, and the International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers. Serious clashes between striking miners and 300 citi zens who cleared the streets twice yes terday were averted only by appeals of Governor Campbell to the miners and the guards to disperse. Governor Campbell expressed the belief that Federal aid would be need ed to prevent trouble. Whether the Governor had asked for troops was not made public. Troops Sent to Scene. Phoenix, Ariz., July 5. At the office of the Governor, it was announced lat er that 400 troops from Douglas had been ordered to the scene. It Is un derstood here that these troops left Douglas in a special train this morn ing and should arrive in Globe late this afternoon. There are at least three thousand strikers with arms and the entire armed force of citizen deputies is about 300. WOMAN ACCUSED OF MURDER FOR TRIAL Boston, Mass., July 5. Mysteries of an unusual nature remain to b0 solved in the case of Miss Harriet A. Varney, described as a hospital af tendant, who is to be given a prelim inary hearing in court tomorrow on a charge of causing the death of Mrs. Pauline Keyes, wife of a Boston real estate operator. Mrs. Keyes, 26 years old, and a bride of only a few months, was found dead in her hand some apartment in Brookline on June 19. Death had been caused by two bullets fired through the head. A revolver was found on the floor be side the dead woman and It was at first believed to be a case of suicide. Subsequent investigation by the po lice, however, led them to discard the suicide theory. Miss Varney was connected with the case when it was learned that she had been known to members of her family and ac quaintances as "Mrs George Keyes." Later she is said to have been iden tified by neighbors o fthe slain Mrs. Keyes as an ' unknown woman who had called at their homes ten days be fore the alleged murder and inquired for a minute description of Mrs. Keyes. AMERICAN TROOPS BEHIND THE LINES (By Associated Press.! Paris, July 5. The battlion of Am erican troops which paraded in Paris yesterday has gone to the permanent American training camp. ' The other units of the first expeditionary force, which are now at a French port, wil leave shortly for camp instruction. It is expected entire expedition will be encamped by July 15. Major General William L. Sibert will command the camp. CANNING CLUBS ORGANIZED IN DUPLIN (Special to The Dispatch.) Warsaw, July 5. Miss Lucy Cobb, county demonstrator, spent Tuesday night in Warsaw, en route to Kenans ville, from Rose Hill and Teachey, where she had organized! cannSngj clubs with good membership. Mrs. Jesse Fussell was elected president of the club at Rose Hill, and Mrs. Sloan of the one at Teachey. Miss Cobb also reported having given a successful demonstration at each place. CAROLINA SOCIALISTS ADOPT RESOLUTIONS Charlotte, N. C, July 5 At the convention of North Carolina Social ists held at Winston-Salem yester day resolutions were adopted calling upon the government to take over control of means of production and distribution, protection of the nation's food supply, confiscation of food stuffs held by private corporations and speculators and the taking over of railroad and steamship lines. The convention also declared against profits being allowed on supplies sold the government. Trial Tomorrow Morning.. Bishop Keithley, colored, was ar rested by Constable John H. Davis yesterday on a charge of injury to personal property and will be given a hearing before Justice W. A. Mc Gowan tomorrow .morning. SERVICES SUNDAY. Archdeacon Noe Will Be in Bruns wick County On That Day. Archdeacon Thos. P. Noe will con duct the services in Brunswick county Sunday, two in the morning and one in the afternoon to which all are Invited. He will conduct services at Fort Caswell in the morning aj 9 o'clock and there will be morning service and holy communion at St. Philip's church, Southport at 11 o'clock. Afternoon service will be at Lennon's schoolhouse at 3 o'clock. An old type of British torpedo boat destroyer has struck a mine and sunk in the North Sea, it was off! cially announced last evening. There were 18 survivors .from the sunken craft. The largest safety razor company in America has a woman as advertis ing manager. - THE YOUNG MEN GOVERNOR TO SPEAK Will Meet With Food Conser vation Commission - - 1 "T- Thomas W. Bickett will meet with the members of the New Hanover Food Conservation .ujmmi sion in the office of the Board of Edu cation at the Court House this even ing at 6 o'clock and every member is urged to be in attendance. Knowing how the Governor feels relative to the. food question in North Carolina and the country at large what he have to say will be of far more than passing interest and untold good tn result from what he will have to say to the conservation ists of New Hanover. MANY ENCOUNTERS WITH SUBMARINES (By Associated Press.) Paris, Tuesday, July 3. (Delayed) The Ministry of Marine has statistics to show that during the month of June French patrol vessels nad 31 engage ments with enemy submarines, while French seaplanes fought 8 battles and shore batteries 3 with hostile U-boats. In the same period 12 merchantmen were sunk by torpedoes and 2 by shell fire, while 7, which were attacked by means of torpedoes, ana 13 by shell fire escaped. WANTED Immediately 300 white and colored men to work in new Pot Rooms making .aluminum. 8 hours per day. Steacy employment the year round, wages $14.00 to $20.00 per week, with in creases granted for every six months continuous service. Fine houses. Cheap rent. Free gardens. Fine boai ing on lake. Apply Employment Bureau, Tallahassee Power Company, Bactin, N. C. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we ute th9 Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let tergrams, cables, etc For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." $20.00 BUYS A TWO CYLINDER IN- dian Motorcycle. First comes is the first served. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market street. Phone 862. 6-20-tf "SPECIAL PRICES ON GARDEN Hose" while it last. Competition Brand 60 feet, $3.50; Shower Brand, 50 feet, $4.00; Red Chief Brand, 50 i feet $5.50. Wilmington Hardware Co., Phone 417. 7-5-tf L O ST BETWEEN SEASHORE Hotel and Lumina a linen envelope containing money and papers. Lib eral reward if returned to D. O'Con nor, Cottage 514, Wrightsville Beach, or to room 405, Murchison Bank Building. 7-5-7t THIS IS FUDGE WEEK AT THE P. K. Candy Store. Five kinds just made. First lot P. K. Smocks. Assorted flav ors Chocolates. All grades and kinds. P. ; K. Candy Store, Royal ' Theatre Building. 7-5-7t- WANTED 40 COLORED LABORERS to handle cargo Saturday morning. Clyde Steamship' Company, foof of Castle street. 7-5-lt CHAUFFEUR WANTED RELIABLE, Good Mechanic and repair man Wants steady position where real work is appreciated. Address "Chauf feur," care Dispatch. 7 5-3t GEORGIA WATERMELONS FINE car just received, averaging 22 to 26 pounds. Come down or phone. Bear Produce and Merchandise Company. Phones 452-453, Wilmington, N. C. 7-5-2t. FARRI8' HOT SUPPER ROLLS "Saves Hours In tb Kitchen," -Honey Bread" is the "staff of life." Phone 626. Farris Bakery. 4-19-lm GOOD POSITIONS ARE LANDED every day. There are many splendid positions open to the competent. A local in these columns will assist you in making a connection. Only one penny a word. 6-29-tf WANTED SHOW CASE. PRICE must be reasonable and Show Case in good condition. Apply 503 1-2 North Front street 7-5-lt-j WANTED 50 WOMEN AND GIRLS to make shirts. Good pay; steady work. Experience unnecessary. Will pay while you learn. Furnished rooms to let to operators. Will fur nish railroad fare to out of town resi dents. Apply in person or letter to .Wilmington Shirt Co., 1309 North Third street, Wilmington, N. C. ' 7-5-7t BIG BARGAIN HOUSE AND LOT for sale cheap. Apply at Rapid Shoe i Repair Co., 209 North Front street, f 7-5-lt rHlMIC THAT MF.VEK. nAFJfl!lt IH II TT. iMfc VI til THE BAUt 6MM?m OWN rS : ' I - ' FOR CHEAPEST INSURANCE Rates on dwellings with flues from the ground consult us. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Joseph D. Smith, Managei, Insurance Department. , 7-1-tt FOR SALE ONE FINE MULE AND one large draught horse. Joseph D. Smith, receiver. Phone 342-1232. 6-29-tf . WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of Issue when so requested. Phone your order to 746. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly In spare time; experience unneces sary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars. Na tlonal Press Bureau, Room 4199, Buffalo, N. Y. 5-14-tr. AN INTELLIGENT PER80N MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly In spare time; experience unneces sary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars. Na tional Pess Bureau, Room 4199, Buffalo, N. Y. 6-14-tf. FOR RENT ONE OF THE BEST most convenient seven room cot tages on Wrightsville Beach, North ern Extension and on car line, price $100.00 for balance of the season, possession given July 7th. Cottage furnished, Southern exposure an ap portunity for a quick renter. Apply H. E. Bonitz, Phone 1336. 7-3-3t FOR SALE AT CAROLINA PLACE, nice cottage, new, with growing gar den. A bargain at; $1,250.00. Small cash balance like rent. Address Carolina, care Dispatch. 7-5-3t-j STORE YOUR FURNITURE 108 MAR- ket street. Rates reasonable. Phone 632 or Apply, Piatt's 108 Market street. 7-3-3 1 BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags, burlay, scrap bagging and twine. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Virginia. lOt-Sun. and Wed. PREPARED FOR YOU PURE AND clean Dixie bread, 10 cents the loaf. Liberty bread, 6c the loaf. Made in Wilmington by modern methods and under strictly sanitary conditions at the Globe Baiting Company's Reno vated Bakery. The cleanest bakery in Carolina. On sale at your deal-1 ers. Buy it now. . 6-19-tf ; WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL CABINET style, $100.00 Vlctrola, as good as new, unredeemed, price $49.50. Chas. Pienkelsteim No. 6 South Front? street. Phone 642. 6-15-tf VALENTIA ORANGES, LIMES, LEM- onB, Potatoes, Onions. Complete line of Candy, Chewing Gum and Soda Fountain Supplies. Bear Pro duce and' Merchandise Company. (Wholesale) Phones 452-453, Wil mington, N. C. 6-28-tf 8HAND8 QROCEHY, FOURTH AND Nun A full line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous ser vice. 'Phone 630. 8-26-tf PLUMBING WORK OF ALL KINDS, Rapair work a specialty. H. J. Mc Cartney, 310 N. Front street, Phone 716-W. 6-6-tf FOR RENT UPPER FLAT OF house No. 10 North 8th street. All modern conveniences. Apply on Premises or to J. H. Rehder. 6-20 tf CATTLE AND HOG RAISING WILL be very profitable . with Wilmington A Packing House Center. We have an Ideal Proposition for a Cattle Man. W. A, McGirt. 6-27-35t IFOR RENT 719 CHESTNUT' ST. ana ouo oouin oin street. nauu u rooms, 2 stories W. M. Cumming, owner or J. D. McCarley, Agent, 208 Princess street. Phone 806. 6-27- tf ex-sun RUN-OVER HEELS PREVENTED BY our new heel slug. Triples the wear of your heels. 10c pair attached to new heels. Price Bros., 309 North Front. 6-26-lmo NOTICE IS YOUR ROOF LEAKING or needs painting? . Try Young & Gorman. Guarantee to stop all leaks. We personally do the worlc. Phone 431, 12 South 2nd street. ' 7-1-7 t-j WHO REGIST ERED ON FOR RENT 103 SOUTH 1GHTH street, $16.00 montu. Apply J. T. Gordon, agent Phone 745. 6-29-tf IF YOUR BOY IS CALLED TO THfc service of his country. It may he many i months before you see him again. Have you a recent photo graph to remember hin by? Let us picture him as he is today. Foltz & Kendrick, Photographers, 6-18-tf CAMP AS YOU LIKE IT F6R GIRLS open June 30th. Concrete swimming pool, tennis, basket ball, dancing. Camping trips to mountains of note. Trip to Mount Mitchell July 16th. Miss Marie1 G. Dright, Little Swit zerland. N. C. 6-22-10t-j THE MOTTE 8CHOOL OF SHORT, band and Typewriting, day and night lessons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief instructor, 607 South Fifth street Phone 1924-W. 4-29-tf MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION "Old and Strong" 54th series B. & L. stock opens July 7th, 1917. Walker Taylor President; W. M. Cumming, Secretary, 208 Princess street. ' 6-27- tf ex-sun OLD FALSI! TEETH WANTED Don't matter If broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per full set. Single and par tial plates In proportion. Send by parcel post and receive check by re turn mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 6-2 to-7-17-J LOST NOTICE. A small yellow girl about the a&s of 10 years, wearing a checked dress with a red cap on, and with a small express wagon' with some clothes in it was seen to pick up a .bill of money, by. a white lady Mon day P. M. about 4:30 o'clock, about the time and place I lost a $50.00 bill neaT the corner of Fourth and Red Croas streets. If any person or lady gave their clothes to a girl of this description to carry to the wasn woman, will you please let me kno-w how I can locate her, to see if I can get the money I lost. Call or phone, Thomas Grocery Co., No. 293. d. j. Mcdonald. foinn lUJuvJ njiyj u i 7, B. Cooper & Co. Cotton Merchants Wilmington, N. G iiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiin 1 AS THE TEMPERATURE 1 I GOES DOWN THE PRICE 1 1 OE GOAL GOES UP 1 Don't wait until freezing weather. Put in your sup- H ply now. We Sell Builders' Sup- i plies. We Solicit Storage. Get our quotations on I Builders' Supplies before l , . in l H fully furnished. I W. B. THORPE & CO S Water and Ann streets J j Phone 789, liiiiiiiiKjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Our Regular Interest Quarter Deposits made with us up to. and including the above date draw Interest from July 1 st. It is to your advantage to deposit here and receive your Interest exactly three months from date. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Corner Front and Princess Streets. wmmA FREE MOTION PICTURES. Every Night Except Sunday Night i TONIGHT'S FEATURES ii SHIFTING Two-Reel Essanay Drama "THE SADDLE GIRTH Selig Dramatic Feature with Tom Mix. Get the Habit See Lumlua Movtee. Every Night. Your irasiness Friends ARE AMONG THE PATRONS OF THIS BANK ASK THEM WHY THEY BRING THEIR BANKING AFFAIRS TO US. THE MUBGHISON NATIONAL BAM 1 H : . LIFE INSURANut OTI A LUAUKT Insurance isn't one of the things you want to do with out. Better not put it off. But TODAY'S the day. To day, in your life, is the ONLY day, you're sure about Tomorrow MAY come-r-and MAY not. Do it NOW! insure in the New York Life. My company has a record of more than 71 years. C. L. DICKINSON, Agent, Phone 659. Princess Building. LAWN MOWERS All Steel, Non-breakable, Self-sharpening, Ballbearing with single screw adjustment. The "Ottumwa all steel line presents a great improvement in. Lawn Mowen ai the pressed steel construction means Lighter Running and Longer Life. - They are Guaranteed to Satisfy. We invite you to in spect them. CAPE FEA.R HDW. CO. The Doctor Prescribes the pharmacist fills the prescription. The recovery of the patient depends upon the skill, the knowledge of the doctor but don't forget upon the re liability and accuracy of the pharma cist as well. It's a time when the skill of the phar macist is just as vital as the doctor's . skill and don't for ire t this fact : We fill every prescription exactly as orders-and from fresh, pure drugs. ELVINGTON'SCl DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE " 117 North Front St. JUNE 5TH nd 5;' SHADOWS 99 Starring- Marguerite Clayton 99 Mlll'fl B f I I ill i nu Spalding Athletic Goods Bathing Suits, Bike Strap I Tr.; Rockets aw Balls and Bats. v uuor v eiiuu --- Shades, Kodaks and Films. Victor Talking Machines a Records. C.W. Yates Ci - I r 'j

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