LEATHER FOICAOTPi North Carolina: Thunder shoW rc Sunday; Monday, rfajiyf except Towers near the coast.- 5; ...V Luth Carolina: Thunder ahow- t i 3 ers Sunday; monaijr, k Tair.r FULL LEASED ; WIRE SERV I CE r'- v. -A.. -v. '-,-. V0l.. XXI 1 1. NO. 168. WILMINGTON, NORTH CARQLlhUN ."i V. f---stii. f::, - M. A m. M W ..K. M M W M- - A ft. 4 'I-, t 1 - . , r'" . " - - - , Vi ..r. j.i?v A.-'-w:. f- . With Gum Women Hurry to the Firing Unm d L lh-p, ! GalilAlfifiCBflFTpEIHG PBOSEi I IV Jy - lV ri V VV J) 1 1 I A Heavy Casualty List , Among Many Germans Allowed to II Wllf I 1 IK I II 11 lf 11 I ! Ms W M " .-li.ZiliS: Women and Children in Remain With Swiss Lega- , Vllaff U UV : -f S: ;.. f: - District Attacked. " tion Told to Leave '. '..A: ,' ' ' ;:-W-i: k5?iJ-rj PF T7 3 TTX 1 r1) rTTvTTT A IT the attackers rihuation tuc a IflflTB B O nslf ) y f PAID PENALTY BY THREE ALUES I U U I jf 1) w'! IV) V l Jl tflV J Seven of the Airplanes Because of Atrocitieso Bel- fl I U Oi l l 1 11 v flll iTtHl "1 Ud 2S O UaO ZJi :a-WaflaiJd Brought Down in Aerial gians-Suppressirig Certain ; U U I II; II ;W U . I II UF M 11 MP ".- IMf Ka Hl' Uy..SJi Battle The Cry'1 For Newspapers Germans s . -r-;z'fZ':; ' "vlV. ::'"' "1 . J : " Renrisals. Foment Labor Trouble ' " - f . - . " ' ' Ar llSx-S :l , HI MH H H 1 1 Mini NIL I IIU1IIUI I iuii Details of Gigantic Plct, rected From Berlin, Are Re vealed in 'Frisco. FEDERAL GRAND JURY Di-i - ROUNDING-UP -SLACKERS IN KANSAS CITY. -' . - (By United Press). Kansas City. Mo., July 7. One . RETURNS INDICTMENTS, hundred and fifty-two men and rested here tonight in a round-up .": of the down-town district by thir- j ty-five policemen. ' ' PART OF FOOD BILL Took Advantage of American Hospitality to Plot Against the British Government Wanted to Stir Trouble in India Details Are Unfolded. N SENATE (Bv United Press.) Sail Francisco, July 7. Details of an amazing conspiracy, directed from Berlin under the guidance of Alfred von Zi minister pitality of the United States in foment ing a revolution in British India, were revealed tonight in a statement by United States District Attorney John W. Preston. Preston's revelations followed return FIFTEEN THOUSAND GREET NEW ARMY (By United Press.) New York, July. 7. Anarchists un- Out of Whirlpool of Amend ments it Adopts Anti-Dis-tiled Liquor Proposition PRSIDENT TO SEIZE ALL LIQUOR IN BOND furled white banners, demanding the release oT Emma Goldman and all po- iimitermaniK-aerma& . . , LJ-. : J ann RrtiinVo fJufrl pm ' duHner ithe rcB?! MiDoftation' rroniDiteQ,-iXrfio- r, io xase aaYaniage ui tue uw 1 :r- vr-i-Y i r 1 test Elxpected in Cpnfer- tion 6f the Bnssian commission Idhighl The Garden ;'waa ahiaie with red for the reception. . The only' break in the color scheme was a large flag of New Russian-blue; white and red. East side Russians', who had been exiled under ence With House. (By United Press.) Washington, July 7. Out of a whirl pool of amendments tha't involved the the old regime, flocked to the recep nf nlna Inri.f rf. i t.lon. mentrchargtnrcorspi a! The speakers for the greater ;part ' Senate in one of the biggest legislative revolution in India, j were Russians. Fully 15,000 attended J miitips Of Senate history, the prohibi- About half of these are at present the recepti6ri; At mention of the name tion section of the Food bill was steer- wnnout the 3unsiiction or tne umiea - " h ' . ed to dry land late today states in Europe or tne irar nasu i """j vj"VjV" The significant part of the plot, said.1 . : . .., . . : " Preston, is the fact that it was begun HOBOKEN'S SALOONS Dy uermans more man a year ueiure, nry fCT?T lVl- 1 JLIt ,LJ3t-S the Outbreak of the war. Evidence proves conclusively, he declared, that agents of the Wilhemstrasse were pre paring for the time when the German empire would be at war with England. His statement follows: "At the outbreak of the European war the Hindu leaders and the local perman consulate and attaches of the imperial German government came to gether and immediately began to form plans to carry out a conspiracy .to in cite rebellion in India for the two fold purpose of attempting to free India and to aid -the Germans in their military operations. "A campaign among Hindus on the Pacific coast was made and a registra tion was procured of those who were willing to take part in, the, revolution. Emissaries were financed by the Ger man agents here. "Soon thereafter what is known as the India committee, an adjunct to the German foreign office, Berlin, con sisting of 7 orj prominent Hindus, had gathered there in contemplation of war. Prominent among them was Hat" Daya!, a fugitive from the United States since March,- 1914.. "Opera lions of the revolutionists in the United States -were directed and controlled by cipher dispatches and by messengers sent direct from Berlin. The finances were received from Hip same source B' United Pre8.) New York, July 7. Knights of the Brass Rail, of Hoboken, N. J., are trem bling in their shoes. Hoboken's sa loons may be closed' following the re fusal of the saloon keepers to clpse sa loons within a stated distance 'of the United' States depot. The Senate perfected and adopted a prohibition section forbidding use of foodstuffs for the manufacture of dis tilled .liquor, but permitting manufac ture 0f light wine and beer. Besides this, the amendment forbids the Importation of liquor, directs the President to seize all liquor in bond 200,000,000 or 300,000,000 gallons and to pay distillers the cost plus a profit Of not more than 10 per cent, and sus pends the tax on distilled liquor that (Continued on Page Two). WOMEN OF RUSSIA DON UNIFORMS AND GO TO FIRING LINE Legion of Death, Composed of i Four Hundred Women, PRISON FOR UN-AMERICAN AMERICAN. J Off to Front r (By United Press.) nrTCPMINPH TO IVY Columbus. O.. July 7. I?r. , " T OR DIE FOR LIBERTY Pembertbn B. Stickrath, of Marl- etta. today was sentenced to 13 f. !,!' !,FiS Il Have Sworn to Battle For the penneuuary uy icucim UUCvy Steers Strickrath ' was found ij euiltv last week or making (By United Press.) London, July 7. Germany's most pretentious air raid ' 'over ."-'London made with 20 aeroplanes early today brought these results: Killed: 28 men, 6 women, 3 chil dren. Injured: 74 men, 30 women, 37 chil dren. No material damage to the city. . Losses to German aerial squadron: 7 machines downed. Although .the number of aerial pi rates is larger than in any previous raid over London, the actual losses in-killed and: wounded wjere far less than those of the raid of June 13, when 16 aeroplanes killed fSTand In- jurea in ionaon. . - . ' This time more' Londbnert sought refuge in cellars, heeding appeals is sued after the last jraid,' when the greal Pcsuaftyijjisui -4im& .; caused U&- lairds tajttj lng'into the. streets to , see the raiders. Today's raid was also different from that of June . 13, in that, the Germans ' flew very low over the city, careless of a storm of anti-aircraft shells showered over the- heavens. JJuring the previous aerial t-murdering excursion the enemy planes were al most invisible in the heavens. Today they were plainly visible when they descended for the bomb-dropping over London. ' Of the 20 machines which ,partici pated in the raid only 13 returned to Germany. No sooner, had the enemy been sighted over the Isle of Thanet, pff the Essex coast, than word was flashed to the vice admiral at Dover. He sent 5 . British -flight squadrons aloft to intercept the raiders as they came for their killing: Three of these British planes en-J countered and destroyed one aero plane by driving it down into the sea. A second patrol squadron drove a second Boche down, flaming from in cendiary shells. Another was forced to land on the beach at Ostend. Forty miles off the British coast some British air-fighters met the en emy retiring. High in the air, above the sea. and the coast line, the two squadrons battled, wheeling, twisting and turning. Here again the British flyers were .victorious. Two of the enemy were .sent crashing down into the sea, and j a third, bursting in flames, was pre- CipiiaieU 1IUU LUC livci -otucmu Not one of the British tiyers was injured , in the fighting either over England, the sea, or the Belgian and Holland coast. The raid occurred at 10:30 a. m. The day was slightly hazy, favoring the flyers. Streets -were fairly well crowded over that section of London, where the bombs were dropped. Sud (Continued on Page Four.) (By United Press.) Washington, July 7. The United States may join England and France m retaliations against Germans , ijn the three lands. Stirred by German spy activities and by fresh German atrocities gainst Belgians, officials hinted very Clearly tonight that reprisal may be undertaken. This startling revelation followed official news that German diplomats, left behind to aid the Swiss legation, are being, deported . at request of the State Department, while Americans at the Spanish Embassy, in Berlin are returning here. V- Just how far the retaliations will' go was unstated.. There is" no mis understanding, however, -that the temper of " the three 'governments Js .growing uglier, all the timeUn view HOOU ER HIS FIRST ISSUES '6EGennany'a ihsidicii9meJhoJdsiCi "The conspiracy took the, form of I threats against the life of Presi- various military enterprises, all orl dent Wilson "ii'f h had for their object the sup- annealed puuing ot armed rebellion against tne British government in India. "Arms and ammunition in large Quantities were purchased with Ger man money and men were sent to In- '3. Milifnrv DTnoKtinna worft nrelH" zed and carried on from America and Mam anrl Tnrlin Tt tant thAwiiole wnspiracy was a well defined scheme o erf ate a "revolution in India during Jhe war, primarily for the purpose of jorcmg England to maintain large bod s of iroops in India that otherwise wouia have been available for use against (ierniany." The nim, indictments include Fran 0PP, former German consul general nerp: Ueut. Baron -Wrmm von Breck- en and e. y. Van Schaack, respectively ".udiy attache and vice consul here; oinr Chan(lra. Hindu, editor and.rev- 'utionary leader; Franz von Papen, orrnr miiiiary attache of the German chl . y al Washington and Has Tau- , husband of Mme. Gaski, famous prita donna. -; -ry Cause of Democracy Ful ly Equipped and in Good Physical Condition They March Forward Great Demonstration in Petrograd PERSHING MAKES Petrograd, July 7. Their faces grim APPEAL TO;HIS SOLDIERS and set despite the grief of tens of The case will be . . , nci.uer John r 70 U rp o f o i uuar . dirytovn M v T.ii-r n Tnhn n. ler. Sr.. tho wnrlH'a flrat and t04yOrllionaire, will be 73 years old (By United Press.) 1 Paris, July -7.-Major-General Per shing Issued his first general order to day to ihe American expeditionary army contingent - on French ' soil; Tt was a plea to his Sammies to return France's gratitude with perfect ' de portment during the . time they: are fighting for democracy. : j Especially, te American commandr j li'TnAAAoooinr that tll'A er warneu,, wa. i. ucvcodi; women of -France, bearing the heavy burdens they how do, be treated with profound respect ' ; In his way? and in full observance thousands of mothers, fathers and rela tives, the" first regular woman's, fight ing force in modern history took train from here to the front today. The force was the 400 women of the Legion., of Death. Every one was sworn' to do or die in fighting Ger many. Every one wore the full Rus sian .linifprm, trousers and alU and carried ; the regulation Russian army pack Weighing 60 pounds. They had Bftct Jflced every womanly attribute to join. In fighting for democracy. Even thelf-halr was cropped close.. ; Thli womanly force, carefully drill ed' In, "weeks of training, looked every inch true soldiers. Their! physical condition was excel , j A;tm:'w&.rtd" t.h?v behaved Hk real sol- of France's laws, , rersmng ne u"'', teklng Relatives American respect for the French arm-Iw-eptbu not. the departing, legion- ies would be best expressed. The or- aires, - They ; piled into the rough box j-i: nh.aiMii'-fthfl necessity that cars: furnished by the government as Prican 'soldiers '-respect. private 'theirtrwp. trains with the same de; ;nn,rfv ' ' : - fc (vJontinueu on Page Two ) VATICAN DENIES CEli 0EMAI1D i Refuses to Withdraw Cardinal Mercier From Belgium and Relations Become Strained i (By United Press.) . Rome, July . 7. Germany has de manded the recall of Cardinal Mer cier of Belgium by the Vatican, and the Vatican has refused bringing about jstrained relations between the Catholic, church and Berlin, accord ing to a story printed today in the newspaper, Informazione. u ' ' Because of hid intense pro-Belgian sympathies and his fearlessness in . espousing the cause of. the ' invaded ,monarchy; Cardinal Mercier has Jong been under . disapproval of the Ger man authorities.;; : ; His pastoral' letters have jaynrlaWy .been suppressed, -by the German mili tary ; governors! of 4 Belgium, but nev erthelessu have gained wide ;.; circula tion. Several times the Belgian car dinar has ' beentrepprted as' detained, i a prisoner in" his" cardinal's palace at urusseia. i . the i wratfr ; of ' the State Department were M. Bern and Chauffhausezu of the German consulate . in" NeWv York. True, the State Department explains, they "have " nothing on" either man or on other German diplomats but the department is taking no chances on the future, while at the same time it is admittedly heeding popular clamor to clean out potential German spies. Both men resigned and arrange ments were made for their transpor tation. About 30 other Germans, aid ing Swiss diplomats in the United States in caring for German interests, will follow them out of the country. ;The department explained that the Germans, as is customary, had been allowed to stay with the Swiss people, ho sponsored them. Germany re ciprocated by allowing Americans to aid the Spanish envoy in7 Berlin in looking after American interests there, but the virtual expulsion of Germans here means that the ' reci (Continued on Page Three).v TO HOUSEWIVES One Million Women - Have Signed Win War Food Con-, servation Cards ONE GRACES WALL AT: WHITE HOUSE .1 ells How War Can Be Won By Food Conservation. New and ; Unexpected 3 Driyisi - - : Launched: Which Nets . ; ' :T fV Big C6est:J;0"r '. ATTACK W AND CARRIED QlXn -r.f;f:- Many New Positiojis .Taken iti East While Teutons StriifM ! y gle to Repair Breaks ri-t&l fi Western' UileBerlin ' : , '; i ' sion.: Cphtradicls : GalicrattJJ 1 l4;tt iJ Vf 9 ' J,- - ', t , (By United Press.) Washington, July 7. Housewives of America, Herbert Hoover, announced here today that one million pf your sisters have signed "win the war food conservation cards." He -wants y6u to sign one. Hoover is the man chosen by Presi dent. Wilson to, get America and her! European allies plenty of food ind to see that they are taught not to waste it. He issued ; lesson No. 1 in food economy for you, at the same time he made the announcement about ' your million sisters. ' Hoover . has a card for you'. He wants it signed, framed and hung in your home and lived up to. Card No4 1 graces the home of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, at the White House. (Continued on Page - Eight). London; July 7.--WhUe Oermanj1 s hurle41reseryesepair;;v r-il liiC.hiiCTu4niiaesraun Brwf. .&-h nis wttssian-jegionsyin another 'driva - - at -a far diSfani i point von the : north- : ern-front, .ffbt'soljlal r.reportil :l showed, complete .victory - there! .'VM W - The newest of the Russian offensive 5 " t drives . is in the Pinsk sector; 26d i miles north, of: where 'the first drlvk :", : " 1 fgainst Lemberg:-was'v startejl J lai'. j!s;i' iBunday. Petrograd'; reported' to'nlf! j , that . the fortified !or6stv of l"Sianka,' J " I Hill 388, and the vlliages of Lakhov'' and Svenlstchl, had alL Jbeen swept 14 - ' to the Russians' possesslpn. f M6e. oyer, the " Important town of . Obidbr; had ; been . penetrated by the, drjv1 There the ; Germans. -Were i dpraUj? . massing their resistance and! tohiht . fierce fighting was in .progress therd. The new drive ,was .a.co-ordlntt'?, comprehensive and " caf eiuiiy,v': ti4 effort. Judging , from, all reports txf ceived here. Not only dld the Ruaalao artillery - and infantry co-operate to 3 ALL 1 -i . A' ' '"J the fullest ' extent, , but a naval' do- LONDON YE1 jLS FOR REVEN GE FOR THE BLOODY RAIDS Rioting Breaks Out ill East i End Because of Gernian Air Onslaught. SHOPS ATTACKED AND CONTENTS BURNED i Men and Women Surges in Streets and Shriek For Re prisals Parents, .' Whose Children Were Killed, Among the Mobs Police Reserves Called. Out." -. i -- '.;v.-v By United Press.) . . London, July 7 Rioting broke out in the East End of Xondon tonight when the people took into their own hands retaliation for the bloody raids made over the city today by German aeroplanes. ' : ',t With 37 men, women and children dead and 141 injdred as the result' qt the German air piracy, the temper of the people was at fever heat 1 v Great drowds, mostly women, parad ed the streets of London, in the Hack ney district , of : the East ! End; attack ing shops bearing German names v . The fronts of these shops were de molished by the infuriated' crowds. Inr eluded in the crowds were men and women whose children had beefi maim ed : or killed by the . German bombs. At; two places the furniture was drag: ged from the shops" after , the " doors had been! burst in, piled hifeliiin the streets and: burned." :-' Police " reserves' summoned to. r the rescue partly 'stopped disturbances but attacks continued even after, they had arrived. 1 ' t BRITISH DESTROYER LOST. (By United Press.) : : London, Jury 7. Sinking of a British destroyer by a German submarine yesterday in the North sea was announced tonight by the- British Admiralty. s One. officer and 7, of the crew of the .: . vessel were, killed. ' ' ,, WHISKEY ON BARGE SEIZED AT NORFOLK .' II III M I l (By United Press.)' 'r Norfolk, Va., July 7. Foiwwlng the seizure of 70 cases, containing- nearly 5,000 pints of whiskey,' 7 men . were sent on to . the grand jury today to answer charges' of violating the Vir ginia laws, and may also be .held for violating the new Federal law, pro hibiting importation of whiskey Into dry States. ; :. ". T The whiskey was seized : on the barge, Sea king, which was raided by half a dozen policemen! headed .by Chief of Police Kizer tonight, -while the vessel' was! "anchored in mid stream. ! The barge had just arrived from Providence. ' " ' . V . Those . arrested 'were: . A. Ev' Snow mate of -the' Sea King, and. six others. Including Fred ,B.- Morse, .formerly of the police, force of Nbrfolk; Victor Downs,'-; a:; former ;c"N6rf oik detective; and, novr reputed fmaster; of the Mil dred Clarence, a small leged to be awaiting the j. tilla creeping down .the Dina .'-river. toward Pinsk, v destroyed mine ' bar riers. . - - " v - -v Elsewhere oh - the -whole Jiussiaii ! ! : fighting front the official statement .! !r. said three lines of ; Teutonic' trenches . ! had been occupied in, the regioq; of s Balkovmaniauv, but .' that relinquish ment was compelled by the- enemy ' ' counter attacks. , -. ; r ' ::-J Of the fighting arpuhd Gcor.-ttA ,' ; statement said :' ' j- ' - :, !j "';'!i i ' "The heights northwest of Prespyc and the villages ' of Lavrikovce aha ! ; Travptloki, east - of - Qodov, remained . ! in our hands after, a. stubborn battltf K throughout yesterday. . , Our prisoners " yesterday .were ! Berlin' offiical statements would not admit any advance by the Russians The German; staff claimed f'an ex- ! - -cee'dingly sangujinairefeat'bfRusff.;'' sians in Gallcia and repulse of enemy! , ' assaults elsewhere.-, v-! ' !: I'Heavy losses . forced.. (ihe Russian - . attack to pause," it .'was stated. i - - . . "Our chasOquadrbW attated'th retreating Russians .froml the,, air by - ! " long ! range ; fire and , also dispersed v ! bis cavalry? xBerlin's! yerslon 4K k-k 1 dared. "Later, a Russian attack to ' V the north, as far; as the ZlocozvArhp pol railway and attacks also between Battakov' and:; Zwyzyn and.' at f Brze any, Stanisla, ..and;-at r some v pointi also in the Carpathians were defeated everywhere. - Captured - - orders -la French show, the.: French 'drove 'the J mi:: Russians - to - the attack. Q u J-:u t : ."The enemy . attack ; oetween Kdn inchy. and Lawrymbwce came after a ' ' ; strong, destructive 4 fire , of- several v hours and 'was made' by Rnskiani deep ranks: The assaults were ;-re---' peated until the afternoon. All broke ' down in heavy' losses. The!" Russian! ! armored !motbr cars , vere usetsss "Unl; were shot to pieceft by bur flr."v i-w'-T-.- Tonieht's Ru8ian oflcial statement ' f detailed activity also, on ithe RumanUa, ;frbnt with the destruttioit of an Jirme X ;enemy ship on the . Danube, rlvertT Of -'the ; operations; elsewhere,, . PetrorM , " said: fjv .--v ''' vV r v- : V'-K'-A : E"Northwest of Stanslan-w prestrl back .' the ; enemy lo '. tbe' Jamlca-Pf 1 - 'chene sectorpccupylng trenches.'! .:. moved "forward ' in! tfce! direotlon'cf. scbooner ai4 Xlakhavce and Davmtatcnr occupyxr j , ;barge.j ; the latter and taking S60 prisonen.'f f , ; , ; i .1,' i' ? 1 1 T - 5 A-

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