ail:,,,.-.r:Jfl;,-ii'i: ?' i m 1 --. .-Tj. v.. '(':: v' .V- , ;.s:-ft 1111111.-1 LU lr: uii t . . , .,...4,;.. i;-,,i,,Mjp.v:'-i---,:T ' -write lot tree nartlcuiarei-to rXSO- I,tAv-- ft, sf,- t? . - -j f, --: v -"-i-- imn I Dt DIID in VVILL UL I UULIU Pilllliist Preliminary to Drawing fffl'M ' Men For Big Army Now . Being Staged. " ' (By United Pres.) .-. ; ty.V Washington, July 7 The last pre ii4iminary before the draft law. calls rff:vthfe nation's young men to arms was .yVry Vbeing rushed to completion thrqugh : v , nbtlt the country tonight. In the Ca,Vh Ital' 'the great Federal supervising or I 'W- ganization is ready and waiting upon :iV ; ': the States. -Prom 12 States final reports reach 'ed the Provost Marshal General's of flce that every preparation was fin jished. They are ready for the draft. In response to urgent appeals rrom General Crowder to expedite forma- tinn of local boards, other States tele. graphed assurances that they would be ready soon. .'General Crowder is straining the 1" resources of. his organization to stage I the draft lottery within ten days. The next day after every local board has assembled and affixed the rea in se rial numbers to the registration cards, ... . . 1 the draft will taite piace m wbsuiub- ton v a scheme for drawing the number of men for the-first levy was laid before Secretary Baker uc--. today. -f: Under this scheme small numbered slips of paper will be placed in little gelatin capsules and' thrown into a big glass globe. On the day of the drawing they will be pulled out at random. Each number will draft the men in every county and city holding tpe ,ke,,T" r-mber. ue numDers are to correspond to the red ink serial numbers now being affixed to the registration cards by local boards. At the request of President Wil son a committee of prominent men is being picked to watch the lottery. It will be a public affair, In a message to the boards calling J upon them to finish their worK at once, General Crowder said "every ' day lost now means a day lost in the r organization of the armies of the United States" and this means thou sands of lives Following are the States that are I ready and waiting: Rhode island, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ten nessee, . West Virginia, Wisconsin, Vermont, Arizona and the District of Columbia. HOOVER ISSUES HIS FIRST LESSON TO HOUSEWIVES (Continued From Page One.j Printed on each card are oover s rules, by which you can help Uncle l. Sam win the war through the kitchen ' Summed up, the doctrine i3: "Use Tess wheat, meat, milk, fats, ' sugar and fuel. ''"TTsto mnro friiito vpp-ptahlps nnrt foods not suitable to be sent to the a camps or firing lines. "Buy food grown close to your home. This reduces the food distri bution problem and gives the railroad? more facilities for war materials and troops!." "The rules are simple and easy," said Hoover tonight. "Any one can ; follow them. All of us must.f Win the war by giving your own dally serv-( ice. ' ' S "you can save wheat by having one wheatless meal a day. Use corn, oat ,meal, barley or rye bread and non X wjieat breakfast food- Order bread 24 "hours in advance, so your baker won't over-bake. Cut the loaf, on the t&ble as required. Use stale bread for cooking and toast. Eat less cake ' and pastry. "Save the meat by eating beef, - .mutton, or pork not more than once - a day. Substitute fresh vegetables . and fish. Serve smaller portions. Serve stews instead of steaks. Use all left-overs. This means moat ' enough for everyone at mtsonabie prices. "Save milk by using every drop;! give the children plenty, but use but-' ter milk and sour milk for making " cheese and cooking. Use less cream. "Save fats. -We are the world's greatest fat wasters. Butter is essen tial to child growth, use it on the table but not in cooking. Fry fewer things. Soap contains fats. Don't' -Make your own washing soap at home . out of saved fats. . "Save sugar. 'We use three times as much pery person as our allies. Use less candy and sweet drinks. Do not stint the use of sugar in. putting up .jams and fruit. They save butter. "Save fuel. Coal comes from a dis- tance. Railways are over burdened hauling war materials. Help relieve them by burning fewer fires. .' Use -: wood when you can. -- ."Use perishable foods. Fruits and '. vegetables we have in' abundance. As j a nation we eat too little green stuffs. V Double these and improve your health. - Store potatoes and other roots prpp- erly and they will keep. Begin now to can or dry all surplus garden stuffs . "Use local, supplies. Patronize your '-. local producer. Distance means mon .y Buy perishable food from the j neighborhood nearest and thus save transportation. ' , . - The first girls' high school in the ' " ?TJhited States was established in . 1826. ( U.Ten thousand women are employed r In" the printing and binding trades in . 'England. . - '' Martin Luther was one of the first f-To' advocate the employment of women ' ' - as teachers. . JOIN THE iENGINEER TRAIN NoWb TORCED INTO AN UNDESIRABUE BICH bF Tirffi $EVICE.t THE ENGINEER Washington, July, 7. To investigate trade condiUons in Argentina,; Charlia Lyon : Chandler,. South American agent for the Southern Railway, sailed from New York for Buenos Aires today oil the steamer. Vestris. He was' accom-: panied lay a party representing South ern cotton infll and lumber interests. This is the. first delegation of its klnd to go from the Southeastern States to South America with the object of ce menting friendly trade reiauons pe-, tween the two contihehts. Two months will be - spent in Argentina. tnanaier expects to reach there early next month. ' ., 't;' EXHIBITION FIRE PROVED TOO REAL 03y United Press.) ' -New York, July 7. When New York fire fighters today gave a demonstra Hnn nf fire fiehtine on a specially ;pre- Dared building in the New York City nniioira atnrUiim. for the benefit 01 ino Russian war mission, thei flames got beyond control, spreading to the grand stand. The crowds' fled and the fire men extinguished the blaze before any damage was caused. SOCIALIST PAPER BARRED FROM MAILS (By United Press.) " Philadelphia, July 7. A newsless newspaper called the "People's Press" appeared in this city today. It is a Socialist publication and was denied the use of the mails after printing an article calling for the repeal of thj conscription law. The paper is edited in this city and printed at Reading, Pa. Subscribers .today received copies containing no Jnews and some advertisements. RACE FEELING RUNS HIGH IN OHIO TOWN (By United Press.) New Comerstown, Ohio, July 7. tace feeling ran high between blacks and whites here tonight and officials were on the lookout for trouble fol lowing the capture by a possee of a negro believed to have shot Alva My ers, a watchman. Myers condition is serious. The negro was spirited to another town. Six hundred negro la- borers were recently imported here from Alabama. Annette Kellerman, the famous aqu atic actress, is said to receive a salary of $2,500 a wtek. The Minnesota Federation of Wom en's Clubs will hold its annual conven tion at Mankato in, September. Women cannot vote for delegates to the Indiana constitutional convention next fall, according to a recent court decision. Women gate tends are employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad. " In Norway, Sweden and Finland women are 1 frequently shipped as sail ors. ' . ' WANTED Immediately 300 white and colored men to work in new Pot Rooms making iluminum. 8 hours per day. SteaCy employment the year round. Wages $14.00 to $20.00 per week, with in creases granted for every six months continuous service. Fine houses. Cheap rent. Free gardens. Fine boai ing on lake. . Apply Employment Bureau, Tallahassee Power Gompany, - Bacfin, N. C. SPECIALS MESSENGER 8ERVICE. For this service we use ths Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and 4ulck time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night let tergrama, cables, etc For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph. PLUMBiNG WORK OF ALL KINDS, Rapalr work a specialty. H. J. Mc Cartney, 310 N. Front street, Phone 716-W. 6-6-tf IF YOU WANT A HOME NEAR 20TH atfd Woolcott Avenue, Caroline Place, see us Monday. Have just completed a five room Bungalow; all modern conveniences. ' Will - sell cheap and arranere terms to stilt purchaser. James Owen Reilly, Fire, Insurance and Real Estate. 7-8-lt-J NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF FROST Ice. Cream Company. ,You will coii- fer a favor upon us If you will either telephone No. 120, or in some man ner advise if you have on hand any of our Packers or Containers, to be; . called for. Pertinent as to whether or not the firm will ' continue busi ness, I am requested by those inter ested, to say that negotiations are under way, by which the Creamery under the sam naMe will very likely resume, operations at . an early date and continue to serve the. public in the same .manner and with the ex cellent class of goods, as .heretofore, , . J. Felton. Head,vTrU3tee. . 7f8-lf - writ o free particulars " to ' J. ' Leonard, (former government exam? Winery Kenois Bldg.j Washington;, &j "SERVIC E- EXAMINATIONS ; ? Wilmirigton odni ; Women desiring " Clerkships,- PostOfflce 4 or . ,G6eru : ment. Departments, write; for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, (former Government k examiner) Kenois ' ; Bldg., , Washington; , 7-8-lt-j v u - .- for - .SALE -ONE LARGE DRAFT Horse. Joseph D. Smith. : receiver. Call phones 342 (J. G. Wright & Sons, J? ai Estate and Insurance) or 1232. - 7-8-tf " . " "Yl"; FOR RENT IN DESIRABLE NEIGH r- bbrhood, close in completely furnish ed bed room, all modern conven iences. Suitable for couple. Apply 618 Chestnut street or Phone 10&1-W. - 7-8-it - . WA NT E DEPOSITION WITH OPPOR- tunUy for advancement by young j business man. Experienced?: as bookkeeping and salesman. Address; "A. C." care Dispatch. 7-8-3t-j B ELL & CARN EY, BLACKSMITH S 'and Wheelwrights, Racket Store .Alloy, opposite Front street Market. General repair ' work. . All classes of hlacksmithing. Give us your work and be pleased. 7-8-7t-j FOB SAi,E FURN ITU R E OR WILL exchange for Ford car. Can be seen Sunday or Monday at 522 South Front street 7-8-ltrj FOR RENTNEWLY FURNISHED and freshly painted 10 room cottage. Ocean Front, near Station 6. Rental preatly reduced. Apply Mrs. S. A. Schloss, Cottage 607 or Phone 7637. 7-8 It LOST IN THE SHOPPING District,- July 7th, old fashioned brown Cameo Brooch. Design, deer and trees forest scene. Suitable re ward if returned, to Mrs. H. G. Pow 215 Walnut street, Wilmington, N. C. 7-8-3t-J IF YOU HAVfc ANYTHING TO SELL, you can sell it through these col umns. One penny a word will find a buyer. 7-8-ltj THERE ARE MANY WITHOUT A position, there 'are many positions without competent men and women to fill them. You can connect by using these columns and going on rrcord as open for a proposition. One penny a word is the small cost 7-8-lt-j WHY NOT LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC tomorrow and bring out some of tohse old articles which is no value to you. There is somewhere a buyer for: the article which you have forK sale. Advertise in these columns at l one penny a word. 7-8-lt-j GOING OR COMING SEE CHARLES Fienkelstein for a good Leather Suit Case or Trunk, No. 6 South Front street. Phone 642. - 7-8-tf FOR SALE LOT 1, BLOCK 9, FORT Fisher Sea Beach. Best Ocean Front corner lot, with business privileges. Will sell for less than cost. Address Frank Barry, P., O. Box 586,v Mil waukee, Wis. ' 7-7-7t-j WANTED A WORKING FOREMAN on my 15-acre dairy farm, one mile from the city. Six cows to milk. A 'good home and salary for the right man. J. H Hinton, Wilmington, NV C. 7-6-3t BAGS WANTED 8ECOND-HAND Bags, burlay, scrap bagging and twine. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. Richmond, Virginia. lOt-Sun. and Wed. FOR RENT OFFICES ON 8ECOND floor, In Peterson & Rulfs Buildins. $5.00 up. Possession given at once Apply at Peterson & Ruirs. 3-11-Sunday. tt. . SANDLIN'S "DEAD SHOT' IS FOR sale, retail, in Wilmington by the following merchants: Others will be added dally: Saunders & Raynor, Ninth and Walnut; J. R. Guthrie; Sixth and Ann; Vereen Bros., 801 South Front; J. W. Knowles, Front and 'Wright: M. Bordeaux, Second and" Dawson; J. Brown, Fourth and Dawson; Dr. L. B. Sasser, Efghth and Market; Mission Phar macy, No. 5 North :Front; Hall & Durham, 205 Market , 17th and Mar ket, Wrightsville Beach, Frank M. Ross, 223 Market; street; J. S, Par ker, Villa View; Wilmington jGrocery Co., Beach , Store. I sell "Dead ShotT to merchants wholesale only. Ed. Sandlln, Phone 1583-W. 720 Mar ket street, Wilmington, N. C. -, 6-15-eid 14t. DEAD SHOT THE WONDERFUL Bed." Bug and Insect Destroyer, . It also cleans and polishes Furniture of all kinds. Try a bottle today. Shake well before applying. The , Dead Shdt Co.. Ed. Sandlln; Manager, Wil mington, N. C. 6-21-eod-llt ' rj i ' v. ;; . . .. . MARFtY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, tme; best and most successful; hundreds rich wish marriage soon ; strictly confidential; most reliable: years ai experience; descriptions : free.; ."The Successful Club," Mrs. Pin-die, Box 556 Oakland, Calif. ,,:Xsjt-j.v - -- ?;; WmmiG MEN THE Ol AVIM'i FOR CHEAPEST INSURANCE Rates on dwellings with flues from the ground consult us. J. G. Wright & Son, Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Joseph D. Smith, Managei, Insurance Department. 7-1-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAYS - earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly In spare time; experience unneces sary; no canvassing; subjects sug gested. Send for particulars. Na tional Press Bureau, Room 4199, Buffalo, W. Y. 5-14-tf. WANTED 50 WOMEN AND GIRLS to make shirts. Good pay; steady 1 work. Experience unnecessary. Will pay while you learn. Furnished rooms to let to operators. Will fur nish railroad iare to out or town resi dents. Apply in person or letter to Wilmington -Shirt Co., 1309 South Third street, Wilmington, N. C. T-5-7t WRIGHTSVILL E BEACH COTTAGE No. S16, for -rent from July 15th, to August 15th. .Four "rooms With large latticed porch, shower bath, and ' gangway into the sound, $1.00.00. Ap ply to E. R. Pickard. Queen City Cycle Co., Wilmington, N. C. Phone 862. " 7-7-tf PREPARED FOR YOU PURE AND clean Dixie bread, 10, cents the loaf, Liberty bread; 6c the loaf." Made in Wilmington by modern methods and under strictly sanitary conditions at the Globe Baking Company's Reno vated Bakery. The cleanest bakery in Carolina. On sale at your deal ers. Buy it now. 5-19-tf : : : - 1 LAND FOR SALE SMALL FARM j . of 14 acres, 4 acres cleared. Peach orchard of 65 bearing trees, now full ' s of fruit. . For further information Address W. T. Simpson,- Castic Hayne, N. C. Box 96. 7-8-lt-j ; VALENTIA ORANGES, LIMES, LEM- ons, Potatoes, Onions. Complete line of Candy, Chewing Gum and Soda Fountain Supplies. Bear Pro duce and Merchandise Company. (Wholesale) Phones 452-453, Wil mington, N. C. 6-28-tf LOST BETWEEN SEASHORE Hotel and Lumina a linen envelope containing money and papers. Lib eral reward if returned to D. O'Con nor, Cottage 514, Wrightsville Beach, or to room 405, Murchlson Bank Building. 7-5-7t FOR RENTUPPER FLAT OF house No. 10 North 8th street AH modern conveniences. Apply on Premises or to J. H. Rehder. 6-20 tf CATTLE AND. HOG RAISING WILL be very profitable with Wilmington A Packing House Center. We have - an Ideal Proposition for a Cattle Man. W. A. McGirt. 6-27-35t RUN-OVER HEELS PREVENTED BY our new heel slug. Triples the wear ' of your heels, 10c pair attached, to new heels. - Price Bros''.,' 309 North Front. 6-26-lmo 8HAND3 GROCERY, FOURTH AND Nun -A full line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous ser vice. Thone 630. S-26-tf. GOOD POSITIONS ARE LANDED every day. There are many splendid positions open to the competent. A local In these columns will assist you in making a connection. Only one penny a word . i 6-29-tf "SPECfA vPRICES ON GARDEN Hose" ,, while it last. : Competition Brand 50 feet;: $3.50; Shower Brand, 50 feet, $4.00; Red Chief Brand, 50 feet $5.50. Wilmington . Hardware OT0 i t-ii- r tJi'r - J r V V .F A l v 1 'mite r m m 1 : -rmmm t. TJIiA','i,1':r;.':.,.'r." i - T tT4- I SAtlllllMMIIIIIMIHIMIIIllHlllllinilllllimitMIHIIIIIIH lllllltfli " IAJ. ET llUIilf. 1 i .? ; f . ' J . 1-tJ-U. ' Z1IIIIIK1IUI1II11I1II1I11II11IIIIII1III1III1II11I1I1I1IIIII1I1II fill 111 L 1 1 ! f YOU HAVE TOE HONOR OF VOLUNTEERING, AND WILL NOT BE TRAIN AFFORDS GREATER CHANCES OF PROlViOTlON THAN ANY UNIT OF THE ARMY. JOIN AT ONCE. - r. I RACf RAI t I FOR RENT 103 SOUTH IQHTH : street, $16.00 montn. Apply J. T. - Gordon, agent Phone 745. 6-29-tf IF YOUR BOY 18 CALLBD TO THB service of his country It may be many months before you see him again. Have you a recent photo graph to remember him by? rLet us picture him as he is today. Foltz ft Kendrick, Photographers. . 5-18-ti THE MOTTE SCHOOL OF 8HORT hand and Typewriting, day and night t lessons. Leon L. Motte, official court stenographer, chief Instructor, 607 South Fifth street, " Phone 1924-W. 29tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY; earn $100 monthly corresponding 1 - for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experience unneces- sary ; no canvassing; subjects sug- j gested. Send for particulars. Na tJonal Press Bureau, Room '4199, Buffalo, N. Y. ' 5-14-tf, FARRIS' HOT SUPPER ROLLS "Saves Hours in tlw Kitchen, ' Honey Bread" Is the "staff of life." Phone 626. Farris Bakery. 4-19-lm OLD FALSS, TEETH Don't .natter if broken WANTED- f! pay $2.00 to $150O perfull setr Single and par- j tlal plates In proportion. .Send by parcel post and receive check by re turn mall. L. Mazer, '2007 S. 5th St, Philadelphia, Pa. 6-2 to-7-i?-J THIS IS FUDGE WEEK AT THE P. K. Candy Store. Five kinds just made. First lot P. K. Sraocks. Assorted flav ors Chocolates. All grades ' and kinds. P. K. Caney Store Royal Theatre Building. 7-5-7t' P(iTT(fiirr W. B. Cooper & Co. Cotton Merchants Wilmington, N. C. piiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii 1 AS THE TEMPERATURE I 1 GOES DflWII THE PRICE ! 1 OE GOAL GOES UP . s m' ,- Don -1 wait until freezing: I weather. Put in your siip- g ply now. ",;' ; I We Sell Builders?. ;Sup I plies. We Solicit Storage. . ... y- & Co ?Ur. 5UOt01 Dunaers ouppues oe,rore ordering. Thev re chi eer s fully furnished. i W.IB; THORPE I Water and Ann streets I . Phone789i &G0 I v fold through the, practice of consistently -saving a part of that which he earns -as he earns it. , cS- It-Is regularity in saving that builds character, creates .capital: and establishes credit, r ' il vWith : these three; qualitiei success is practically assured sin any field. v : 'v' - K '':'v ') '-- '' 5. 1 1 Free Moving Pictures Every Night Except Sunday Night 8:15 V TONIGHT'S "THE HOUSE OF ; SECRETS" , 1 .-'." L,'atMt :"Stinrreef Story "Wltb Trne Boardmn and Marin Sat . THE I - OfUNSON ' I,, MOWERS, RAKES AND REAPERS Just received a shipment of Mowers and Rakes. Let us have your orders early as the 1 suppy is limited. CAPE FEAR HARDWARE CO. a KM CLASSES i-rLJcr IMVIQIRI P BIFOCALS Afford a comfort which Is appreciated :W those who want near or for .rlsion in one pair of glasses. Hi? They keep your eyes young In look? H as well as In usefulness . ' Sj No line, seam or. hump to blur the ; vision. V . ' . " . - EYES TESTED FREE MASONIC TEMPLE. VAi if. i.eaaf ul business care er are , Increased a hund red- eopiea oaviEigs oaiuc Corner Front and iPrincess Streets. FEATURE8 r "THE DEATH SIDING" The Latest .Hazards of Heta Rauroad Drama "IT IS ALL WRONG" A Roardlnir Vim Comedy GET THE HABITrSee LuuiUia Moyies Every Niglit 1 n 1 siiessi ARE AMONG THE PATRONS OF THIS BANK ASK THEM WHY THEY BRING THEIR BANKING AFFAIRS TO US. " . . NT I0HA L M c C O RM: I C K Wilmington, N. C. LIFE INSURANCE ISN'T' A LUXURY Insurance isn t one of the things you want to do with out. 'Better not put it off. But TODAY'S the day. lo; day, in your life, is the ONLY day you re sure abou Tomorrow MAY come and MAY not. Do it NOWI insure in the New York Life. My company has a record of more than 71 years. ' C. L. DICKINSON, Agent, Phone 659. Princess Building. Spaldi Athletic Goods Bathing Suits, Bike Straf Lawn Tennis Rockets w Balls and Bats. Vr1or Ventilated ?oA Shades, Kodaks and Films. Victor Talking Machines afl' Records. C. W. Yates ' "It V t & '. . . If ft--- X V ,11!:

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