vy. - . r i" l'wji In in i iiiiiffilit 5K? - a2f;i4i- Ti r "" -' - - s - - f .-V- -v- - 4l I ; ELKa Ta GJyE. .MILLIQN .TO tifid wmmmom . . w : H ' COTTON, im In (brder? to catbuiheruieV' and a Mi&tL. dOiWrhe. ! til 11. 1 1 111 delegtesTCb eariKUcnvenj; KlWyH11 names of : thpae-who registered in Wil- ill' (if Tiwi'mmnuimK sad: imm-4m i --t-. u ,-, MnianWvctJunty nVteFmfselec i i lv-' draft act havo been ; posted. VA tu uusiueHs xuuay witn . UMLfTjoen- f tagT the names are. arranged- according to' tiuk pi tne oramr. rjoage, session. f inc? 6-rTcrnuieu c ; system';; ur seria.B tne of. de mattemtO be teMMkfr 4 ..it snoi sotaa wfio Registered M have Vbeeom ic ranv. . ..: v- confused arid have 'pot', beeri able' to r,uuu;oTO7Tor . warv tenec:; iTie l ? fty1A886eltea:Pres) '' ::"-1 . ; u , ::;tc gpATC 1 0,1 9 ,7.- IlifH . wfcttiJ! . m-.w -. ! "'W :' ' . J - -y- - - .- - , -, tiiiliii It t0 have Deen Preuy.-ve r f!&Vmi$ v.tS See""-" justed on There er ' a decline W S pbliits, was ess covering mna WdelOsM: : : : WaliyrunmMedtdb 5? worked off Mdertjfc .iiine arouuu Tt.siv: ,, , ,. .;. -; tlc krt u5 ..u. tnnrhincr .26.07. Jaiia,.?Jftriv F hofnrp the end of thefirnt -waders pi'ODauyr awiuwug tur- frioal situation. ... . u!t' ,otton market close High. Low. 07 nn 26.60 Close. 26.78 rSer" 26.57 26.21, 26Y4& 'anuary Im oC cft 26.63 NEW YORK SPOT. New York, W-- teady. spot nmct, ..u : rrT77rrt -M NEW ORLEANS COTTON. vaw Orleans, July 10. The contlni- d drouth in the western belt caujdd c of 16 to 21 points in the cotton i.lrt Clllll " --' " X" 7 J. ' "r- I' WMUUUO. KTIHIM'- . ' Lrket here around, the :openl?ie W&ill: 5,20(0) ome liquiaaiiuu tumijjie uui, rauo fcredictions oi ram luf end or tne nrsi nan noar or ousr" 5 points tier yesterday's close. . ;; v;haiM NEW ORLEANS SPOT.. vow Orleans. July 10. Snot cotton Let and unchanged sales on the spot L.. l.Lo tn arrive nnno l.ianrf AMI. tary 24.50; strict goodTSrdlnary 25.00"; lot middling L'&.&u; strict low miaoiing- 25.69; middling 25.88; strict middling IW; good middling 26.25; strict good Diddling 26.43. . Receipts 983; stocks 201,416. ;- , LIVERPOOL COTTON: Vr Liverpool, July I0.-Cotten4 Spot toLffil feed request; prices -10 points hig American middling fair,. MiXki' 'Aul middling, 19.55; middiini. 19.2&T 5LSL government crop re, middling, 18.80; gwktSdtawili, sufflcletIy Uncounted 1.15; ordiaafy, 17.35. Sales, 000.1i?W -151?-.... , , vi Limg 1.600 America,,. Ljl.!feenK.WS Receipts, 9,000 bales, including . $.,000 American. Futures. 10 points higher; ' J5tK b; July-August. lY,90? Septem teober, 17.27; October-November, 185; December-January. lUO Jahu:1 w. w. :f"Y toy-February. 16.20; March-Aptir, M; May-June, 15.86. . ; The market closed steady at a net wvance of 24 to 41 points. High, Low. Close. My 26.00 25.57 25.91 Ictober 25.65 25.19 .25.48 December 24'. 68 fenuary 26.01 25.58 25.84 Starch 25.99 25.82 20. OQ EGGS AND POULTRY. New York, July 10. Butter, firm; receipts, 15,002. Creamery higher than extras, 39 3-40401-2; creamery extras, 92 score, 391-2; firsts, 38'l-2 39 12. Eggs, unsettled; receinta. '2OJt06. fresh gathered extras, 3t38;-.frM gathered, storage packed' firsts, 3 381-2; fresh gathered firsts, 341-2 251-2. Cheese, irregular; receip'ts, T.332. State fresh specials, 2424 1-2; do. iaverage run, 23 3-4. Live poultry, firm ; no prices' quot-I- Dressed, weak; chickens, 18 g fowls, 1825; turkeys. 18432. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, July 10.-The cotton ed oil market closed easier. Spot, 15.20 bid; January, 14.80 14'82; Februarv 14 80)11 Q1- .Tnlv. 15-2a bid; August, 15J91520;- S'ep tnber, 15.1315.14; October, 15.0T 10; November, 14.7814.80; Decem H 14.7914.81. ' sales, 50,000 . barrel.,; ' ' ., - '' v. COFFEE. New York, July , lO.-Rio . Cff U, December, 7.87: '.7! LK. THE SA?KORB It' . r- v - ..V. - - W :-.;-3:SiKF:?;.S v.M:ffei "4';.( -i.i4.-.i..4i." ;". iiiisiiil mmmmm tfcKter4R! NAVAL 8TOiM&S cents. udNotitaiA Doing. Receipts. .- v .....2(i ... v6' ; ' ' t t . i w-. .... ... . . , STOf r , ..avaattaa, : Juty iQurpentiiie; h nrm, - a 3 1-4 ; sales, felpta 18, 10;.. stOC : 23.604 !' oiin. flrnr nnati Mii.sWesiSsteisK, 73.860; L; Chltstet!t"T. . Kltiftiife fLfts r fe; " K 1 o I'Tii, : :&6t &206:25; WG; 6.356;B0; CHICAGO. GRALN. ;o.r.t0i'ci4';trligtl, deyelbDed in the corn market today ie government ercm-W- .. t? .ntA :-:Tteaifer 0 orivioa xtfefi construed Ssmot so promising as'-hMffiS '51 'i.ili.'Av - .ii ji i-L.it 1 j. Qt:.Beee Xgrpjajg. QUt of the., parlia iiieHtarV 6if iari "ih Berlin' Pit Offer ings ; hre Wr (julckry absorbed Opening prices,' which ranged ; from 3-8ce'crlrie. to -Sc advatice, wtth Sep tember at 1.54 1-2 taYL55 3-4 auid De Ciniherv4f.Llfi and 1.17 5were -followed By- a siaB-: upturn all arpuud to well "fr ZTZVX - - V ' ' izrri - i..ri"rz, t; Jlf J Va f ' i JiSh!ff 03 July and r" i , ;v -s ' . w - . ... I, J"-'Zg. "' on. hogs- had only a' transcient depres sion ffect. Reports, of .strenuous opposition to certain sections of the Food Control bill 'In the Senate led subsequently to something of a setback in wheat prfeeai; The close was easy at half to one cent net aavance, . wim juiy ai ZMTZ atid September 1.91 WHEAT Jul .... 2.03 2.03 1-2 1.91 , 1.57 1.21 .6612 .55 3-S 40.60 40.27 . 21.10 21.32 21.85 ; 21.92 j. COJRN 4 sept. Dec. . . OATS Jily- . . Sept. . PORjC - July . . Sept. . LAREh Jujr . . Set. .. RlBSr- .' 1.54 1-2 .1:1.6 .64 3-4 . 54 1-2 20.90 21.07 Sept. 21.57 V. SUGAft. New York, . Juiy: .-10. Raw : ; sugar;-. L'oiii: prerifneair 6.53: molasses. 1 5.45r retmea. steady r line grunuiatea, r7KATison - Vutut-A!) AftRfi(t -fower UHoer HrtiiM6tiAti . hivt lftttf:fjiiiviued- ob ri-a fair . demand irom snorts, ana uuoaai intereists;'n"oo1pcea--- Were ? niif:-fcHfcV' .:, v .v-t:- ,---s . j - Closfd? steady ratftiited to 3 points higher;, sales, 3350; Septem- Kin'TWiiiMf.!a0toiftry.' , m ttttleinnQjWttiOiv threduejitbniat reported k the United, States Steel: ..goi-kdratfon ter. June ahd nioira yilii- eafft iiwoflt taking. Raiis fetn!4 helt jiiskaad tobaccos supplmeated eaFl Atneripaa Beet . Sugar . . . ... t 11-4 Aiaericaa: Cfv. . . ... ... .. 4ft 1- 4iicGa;& Foundry. . . 763-8 AtttiaB Locomotive . . . . . . 70.- .Jncal Smelt. & Refining . . 1047-8 injeriail Sugar . . ... . ...... .1181-2 Afr4j?a tel.t& Tel. .. .. ..127$: ajcadai Cbpper .... . . . . 7M sttiso.v W- ...... 0ft.l-2 Hle Ceast: Line .. .. .. ..110 . lQultWW.1. S. S. Lines.. 1041-2 LBiftiinLocolhotite . . . . . . .... 70 7-8 Bajnaei m om . . .. .. .. n 3 8 dMia stt B" :. : i-4 liaaaian? :acje". . . ... . . .ip f-s Central-Leather; (e?. div.) .... 891-2 Chesapeake; & .Qaio . . ... . . 69 7-8 CHi fr Gieat. Western (bid) .... .101-2 h.r Paul . ..... 70 3-4 i Cm. ' JL-: & Pac when.. issued. 301ra: : eol!oram.rFtiei;&roB (ex. dir.) 50 1-8 Corn Products . . Cnicible Steel ... . . ;., Cuba Cane Sugar '. i . General E!Iectric (bid) 361-8 851-2 42 i - '251-8 ' 'itrr to r.v. ' - Motors .1151-8 103 3& 1-4 X - ai Atk tSclnlS ; : v; : : ? : varai 60 1-2 28 1-8 84 7-8 40 . 33 5-8 215-8 44 .stuBuuc int., Mer.cMarihA Pfd. . . . International ; kickel .. .. International tHper . . Kansas City . Southern . . . knneeott Cbpper Lo,ulsville and Nashville .. . Mexican Petroleum . . ... Midvale Steel c. . . . . . .. . iifesouri Pacific .... Nevada Consolidated liew. York Central ... . . . . . N..H.;& -Hartford . . . Norfolk - and Western . . . Northern Pacifie ; .125 97. t2 611-2 31 1-4 23 881-2 3612 ..120 . lOO 7-8 ,0hio Cities . Gas . . ...... . . . liO 7-8 Pennsylvania ; Ray Consolidated 1 Copper . Reading . . Rep; Iron and SteeL .... . Seaboard 4Jr Liiie (bid) . . 52 1-4 28 . .. .95 5-8 Seaboard Air Ltire pfu; (bild Slair . Oil an Refiiiiig ...... 44 Z i Slois. Shef. ..Steel and Iron 50 3-8 Southern . Paeific. Soiiihern Railway Southern Railway pfd (bid) . , Studebaker Corporation .. . 93 263-4 54 60 1-4 FTexaa Co. ... J... c' Union Pacific .. .... .134 5-8 132 J United Fruit (bid). . . ' U'- S. Ind. Alcohol . . . i! WCe States RubbeF .1571-2 601-4 ..1261-2 t .omjuw oiccj I pnited States Steel pfd . . 118 f yirgfcia Caro. Chem. . . . Virgrnia Coal - and oke , Western Union WCATHER REPORTfc '" ' -.- Tanpratur. 1 a. iyeATHER 4 : T i Atiam ; ..pi ciuy 82 82 12 88 80 90 92 96 74 80 8'i 92 78 6 60 72; 66 58 78 7 78 60 60 68 66 0 0 .40 Ashevllie . . ...clear I tenarteatou . . .vavxj i Ohanotte- -. . . .ciear 1.4 umsu . . . . wuivj Galveston . - .pt cldy Jacksonville, .pt clay 0 o i .22 0 1 N. Orleans clear i N. Yrlt ..raining ! Ptttabjir .. ..cloudy ISt Louis .... .. clear au8inais reaciea large.iracuonsin THERE CERTAIN ITf IS; A L.OT "TO '.ie v OOWT4 HKRE;V- TO IN VEIGATirr r rivri tan Also .- a w- H m W I m. spiam Matter By ; i - Brother i RptkWans. f Once;;? again there :is to he a move ment made ' for a . modem ibridKe' unit ing Wilmington and Brunswick . and the- Wilmington KOtary Ciuo is to oc cupy '. the f ronWitie trenches in . the 'fight. ; At' the regular semi-monthly meeting and luncheon held 1 at the Voune: Men's' Christian? 'Association 'Tuesday : afternoon . at f 1' o'clock . the matter: was thoroughly ; discussed and Rotafians Marsden Bellamy, Esq., : J. ft; Willfems and' Cr-W. Polvogt. were appointed" a- committed to investigate; the"-; opposition; - that has . been vregrs-r tered against a Abridge-' over tne-uap;e Fjsair. rlvri at' Wiimtngtbn and to take ftnatfeoa. necessary wunr a-view ;ai s neeessary With ; a- view : ofJ Having1 1 connecting-' Hnkv between New Hanover and Brunswick cbuhtlies ; erctedT The 'coinTntee was prdnj- ised . tne unamuea support oi every mberof the Rotary Cliib, ; : ; Wrhin, '-. the bridgeX matter 'camC lip ;tariin:W. D. Mac3iSKaTb''6. the 'Board of County, Commissioners, war asked to tell tho club' why it was fthai the peopie; Of . Wiimlngtbn;" afe 2fe& - ale to get favorable faction oti" a ?fie ferry Or; .a biridge. ". RtAifan hMacMiilan. in a ; comprehsive " talk unon tne matter, eipiaautH ai lie .Pwas opposea to a iree ieri:yK out was heartily in lavor or. ine oriage. . 124t. I Rotarian MftcMiilan, in his talk, ex .1032 j plained that it has been estimated by Mr. A r. p'Brifn. ivu engineer, ana Mf. : W.: W. Love,, of , the" -Wilmington Ifori Works, that a reinforced concrete bridge, with a 2O0-fbot double leaf lift, ean be erected over the river at Orange street for less, than $130,000, and that the bridge and the necessary approaches would cost about ?i5u,uuu; together with ; the purchase Of the present ferry would cost approximate- fy $200,000. Rotariatt MacMiiian statea that he believes that . bonds for this amount could be floated for 41-2 per cent., and that the - yearly interest on the bonds and the , cost? Of main- tairiance would , not exceed i $12,000. ; Regarding the free ferry; proposition Rotarian MacMiiian, expiamea tnai tne I costs of' a suitable ferry boat has been esUmated at $15,000 and that floating 913-4 docks will cost $10,000, making $25 .12 1-2 00O in all, with a yearly maintain .28, ance cost of $18,000,; .which ;wouid in dicate that the bridge would cost less I in the end. Rotarian IMacMillan also stated that at; Orange streetthe bridge could be so elevated that it would clear the dummy line tracks arid give ample space for the small harbor crafts to operate under the I structure. , I It was also explained by Rotarian McMillan that he understood that the Seaboard Air Line, .which company was opposed to the bridge when it was advocated before, would not 421-2 again oppose it. It was further stated 68 that former Harbor Master N. I. Wll 93T Hams, who before opposed the bridge at the Market street site on account of currents at" that point, favors the bridge at Orange street. . Rotariari Bellamy stated that " in his .opinion a vote would have to be taken on either1 the bridge: or ferry proposition, but he stated that he thought that the question of whether thi ! government would allow a bridge, the cost of a structure, arid" what point it is toi be located at, should he tbofOTighly lobked into. Others to speak in favor j of the ; "matter were Rotarian S. M. BbatWrtght and Dv C. Love. . ' ;' ... ' ". ' . committee, was, appointed to make plans' for a gathering Of the boys ' and girls, of the countyl to bei beld in .the city at some filtuVe date, at which time the young folks could tell the Rotarv Club Whit they are doing in the way of ' raisiril crops and live stock. Rotarians J. n . jaconi. uouia Shrier, W. I. MacMiiian, Will Rehder and Milton Calder were named on the Comittee, ;,.. - .; i , 'sunrise and sunset; ' '4 ' tf " : V. Wednesday. Suit riles ..... . y '; -5:0$ 'nsta-;.:.,;v. 7:216. , I v do ifiilplL VC till -Wfar eeri iallwko registre4 ' hav thii? names .69 ? the -'lists? which arfe : the samer wtttK sfeVeral adtiitiohs, asM : :Uue ttyVpredupuoTlCatiolrtt "wa atideen yecesia?sl t? re-p&iifc' theiriV especially athe 'system is butt a lutiuer ui - guYernmenxai . aetanj Wheibtheinnvgs;. are dtaTOt jth boarda of registration of Wilmington anaf Cbutyllt;.make''theni"puhtt .thereaftex;nalthey.-.'ar notUEed. ;.The. names of; those drawn will he publish eat "in the- newspapers'.': ! : LEAVES FOR ASSEMBLY; ; Df..: Hurt j fflt Attend' : Viigift Seaside Assembly.; Rev. Jno. Jeter Hurt, D; D;, pastor of the : First BapOst churaad-president of the North Carolina -Baptist e&s' AsdeiilWyrYxpcii- Iea&-foV: marrow for gfniai. Beach ;; to attend the sessions of the Virginia Seaside ' As'eiribftr; of 5;hl'ch ' Organiatfon: lie is -'Mi director. la speaking o J the North Carolina Assembly : Dr.' Hurt says hfr is:- merethan; : pleased" wtth toe sRowiae .maae mis year- aaa goes tp the Virginia meetig with the con - do Wtt- sjpnassr. What has beep aceomplishedl v ivbvu tuui yyvimi5 at Wrightsville Beach; along these ,v ' S$a ga te b u se of Wor sh i p , b a m a g ed tcM . BvV..l CiftU.n lVllon I A bolt; o Mghtnlng ' ripped 'a few boards fbm the gable end tf the Sea gate Baptist church between 12 : 30 and r&'tlidck this nojrnln according;" td re-' ports reeema ifr W'ci;- although it is not thought thatr the damage will i' .excess, oi $,15. ; -The - church., was; struck during "the height : of the eiectrir dal storm' thaif'swept the cit'andsuv: roundra district early this m&rhte. STONEWALL INSTALLATION, Officers : Elected for the: : Ensuing Year Installed Last NigRt. . At... the., regular meeting, of Stone; wall. Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias last night at 8 o'clock, officers recent ly elected' to"' serve during' the ensuing year were installed. -; ' Addresses ; were made by J; :A. MeNorton, Esq., and Mr. Garland B. Moore. 1 The officers iristalled Were: Ghuriceior Coinmander R. D. Christ: mari;. .ice Commander, A. L. Coun cil ;..PrelateH. J, Southwell-; Master; at-arms, T P. Davis Inner Guard, J. D. Grant; Outer Guard,". P. L! Page; Master-of-works, J.' A. - BrOwn. ' ' ' ' SERVICE LAST ;,NIGHT. Re-A EJ C. Hardisori Held First of v Series' at Advent "Church." Rev. JS. C. Hardison, of Chariotte; arrived in the city yesterday, and conducted the first of aten-day series of evangelistic meetings at - the Fourth ' ' Street . Christian: : Advent church last night. The subject Wag one of1, intense interest and was lis! the large congregation- in? ;atteridaeej The meetings, will be jbjeltiieach night at 8 o'clock, arid : the general public invited to attend.- AT ST. MTHERSON. v t- r'-V -; - (By-'Aasociatfed Press.) - Atlanta: 4ifeOMerHiank ,sailors interned at Fdrt McPhersori . had no knowledge kot':' a hofe" befeu cM f in their wire- barricade, in the opinion of army officers, who were conduct ing ah iriv'estif ation today. The hole; which' was lrge enough for a-;'man tfr -pass-;:thrbuglif, ' wa; discovered 'last night.;" The bifficers' stated that they are certain- the'eutfirig jWas done, from the outside; buf without co-operatibnj of the' Gefrnans: . AJ serittnet detained' laethlghti BtilF was- held1' todayi liultj Off leers intimated he Wilt be-released.-The-olftcers dallied nameJ but it was. learned he is 'a native of Poland'. ::"'!:- -r.: f"" ':' ' i STAGE OFWATER: ' !' i Stage ot irater in Cape Fearlreir- at Fayetteville, .N C. at $ a. in, yesteri day, not "quoted ' r v . ' ' ; ; ! Final FrhohiMIlt Knery .:;,:;.;V.-.;. 4Ted contesti oi?th'e-fficiV.Gan" te tuler iwM di.Ccf garner? et tiyncnDurg, ; , vaw W 'Johft. "W.Steverisan. i'6f 7 FUltftn. i esutlojisf endorsing.: i, Pr,esi,- . tferif Wilso Iadonted.: hy . the 4 Benevolent and- if I F Protective Order of Elks In van-" N 4ti - Choice Jtor: tha next convention 4-r'brtyv.; alsd"' wks voted on - today .4. wi Atlantic -City vAridfASat d Wash,; laying claim for tbo- henoT, ' v'-t.,?. .. .1Lri AtTaritP survivors of the British steamer Path- eniaV torpedMdiV otSultfei BMs<emii severaT weeks : ago, - have arrived; at this port aboard a Britisli . steamer Four1- of theni,,J,,rAmefrieanS: have Been sent ; -NeW York; ;;i .The. J r rA: y vu'mc jj,.HHwnBa utw; ed up- by i trawler . and aVpaliQl.' boat', and taken to Glasgow; where boarded the veSSfet. ' The metf say'thePathenfavWas sunk vfeilit wain wbrkv - The? steames wa4 light. having discharged -her cargo' at an utbpeari portf'r ,:" ' ' ":'''h-.' were Journeying -mTougn.tasapp m fery-itpieftweir wenee6a to wait while anqthin woman: - was waited upon at. the glave counter.. , ' She was. bfaufifully" , dressed jier clbthek bespeakrag i wealthi nd,. 'lot the . riiost part; ' 6o& 3t5aste44ut her fingers were eoveredwith' rings - an,d: about her neck she wore a large lav- alller, while hep wrisf Watch; "was stud-: ded in' v dtanidhd "chtpsr arid:. upon her; Other- arm- Was- another ; -Bracelet, , The young, salesgirl: wheP"wa4tejb up aav her also- showed an innate,.love. for jewelry arid she kiokel' admiHrigly at the. beautiful rmgs ;aa she;. fitted1 the gloves. HerhfctoH(te edH wtth v tinis.iehanjoring8 which- she had iprobahlyf. sa?ad';.weakly to buy in order to aatifyv" BeWcravltfg; t6ir iidoiimeiit.''- lAbout Wrf nelfibung ' 'string of pearl' beadssy ori eer' torm -dangled.;a taWdry hraelet. Jttierwlse she, ..Was dressed ? plainly n , a UtUe black -fropk with White", collar" ' anil criffs. ' ul vr ;Vi ' . - :; ;i :Mii&; let t er' ettsiaerfa bwk woman. aanv xa ube vuawwWif "Poor, little thingrsne nas, nci lasce at .'all, has she .? Just see; all the gewr "gawX :she wearBwtftti.?-'; -f Really,, it ' seemed impossible;- that this WOman, adorned to the limit her-. i selfv i should find-: it: In: her V heart , to: crrucise uue- wou- wtuj (,i.tvuj uv- o. sana .tlng. but 'handicappedrby, .a slim: pursev'-$ S.'V"V: :-';: factioriy Isn't CshWVdiTsheiiskfed. anli' I. wa& forced;, to rad'nilit fenle; as. -: j ;19ut; finally our flcttBtbnief . was suited -and sheZsaunteitedbfrvl the:' bejeweled:; sbop-Iirito -ttMil upori US." , , . -'? ;' ).;:Vr:i-;:vr' '-'f ; '(As. she Was trying tm jrofc glovee, she hunted; ' my:; finger tisten? irig. sparkUag; flhg& bu:t ; was p&inteC ibr. t ain'-'nriFfOttd bfi jewelrj and' seldom wear, any .IwftSt pH4 excep tlon a-Tplairi sVring'tf . "vDidi yM 'aMuM&iioi giams? she, skdhSloheipiplxlrifi Just .What anlTiessiilhehad 1 r "Irideed "we did." : mother ; answered sweeny. ".Bit. dn-'iyoUiilfe sh w.ottldave' beeaf nioj-pieirii .a with hal the mimber.gshei :wore? Somehow, r 1; was- sbr busy;; watcbingi her tmesiowrkle that seiWa'sii-vejj&tl ib lee' the Qttttjnte; bfUJ :gbmr NK?ue; haxl'.. her :'-.j-,"T : 'v..-.. ..r a - i. .-.jt- ermanrcensoT; nas. Kept -our or tne ;;'; newspapers lKe'speeChe"s,: before . the ":. ; er.paricy;- mwmcn pe "aiiacaea , GerTnaff admiralty and ; the -Pan- 1; : GeTman;an',ldea of the nature of his ;; : xsereirijfes to the " German 'submarine'1.'; )' campaign may be- gained from the ,!'' angry' comment of Count Ernst yon " ReventlDwinaval expert of the Tages ieitug;' 6t Barlin. . "The. Count ; de- : 'r iclares 'tbatl' iri attempting to - end' the jytbiaijiri campaign Hetr Erzberger an'his supporters 'are aiming at.de- U" , strSictiori "pTir the nation's "confidence "in-. Victory whicK depetidsv so" largely ''.: i;t&er;lsuhmarine,t..and4'of the pros- ; , .-. ..." '' " y (By. ABBOciated Press.) . . rv Washington,- . July . 10. America's :cenimisa.ian to . Russia, : -headed by its wOrk tir the' new democracy and sOon- will start for- , home. Adminis tration ! officials' expressed the. great- esttatfef action tpday over what had Deen accompiisnea Dy tne mission, which; ia believed to have, done muCff . . .. towara ..steauyiug. tue iiauu oi xvua- ! sitftrr Vtrovisioiial - .--governriient - by .- - - timely -advice and - assurances of . un- ; stinted . and .unqualified support from : :.: :vthe JJpitet Stafees. . ; . ; .;.-.. : ? It has been reported that the mis,-lC: sion will stop in Japan for an official caji- on the return trip, but there has .! i . 4 ; beeri nb announcement on the subject.. ; j : SlVl. iiiu j.,. . . " , The Middlesboro (Ky.) Coal Oper-, ;;V ators' Association today petitioned i , the- Interstate Commerce Commission t ; decreases in rates' on coal from -r r pbmts' oh- the Middlesboro Railroad y " to Southeastern-pointer i ; V i t- ' r ! ATLANiiU UUAal Line, The, .Standard Railroad of Tho South. Bulletin of Reduced Round Trip Fares From Wilmington, N. C. Subject'" to' ctrreetlons and changes "tb'COnforrii to legally filed tariffs. -The first dates shown are dates upon which tickets will be uld at these fares and upon which journey must begin. The "final limit is last date, prior to mid- . fritghlr-of which, 'Wlrmingtott must' be " reached-on the return trip. t v . , Washington ..r;r4 ;..f 4.i6.oa v BALTIMORE . V.Vj .$8.00 - , PHILADELPHIA ;;,v.r $22.80 . NEW YORK . .. . $26-00 SOSTOW'(Vik N6rforliV.'.1..;.$32.Sr ASH EViLLEp N. C . v. .$154)9 ?, WAYNESVILLE, Ni C. v. .,. .$16.15 , LAKE. .TQX A W A YieJL-4 V. .$15.80 BREVARD, N. C. U . .$15.00, v - ' HENDERSON VILLEf N.C .k... $14.15 v SALUDAVlC. . JV ..i ...$13.5d , rtnT&m.-;c.M:;'-. i . .$ia.2a : Tickets ;qn sale every 4ay until October 15, good' to stop over; limited return ing unUlOctoberi;' 1917. - . R A LEIGH, Nv C ............. . $3.55 ' JulytdlOjat. 12 and 13. Final limit -y. KNOXVILLE, TENN $15.75, ; June 16, 17, 18, 23, 24 and 30; July -L' 7 and 14. - Final limit 15 day3 after date Qf, sale ; Limits may be extended. 111; n. WU. 21 and 22; Juljr , r 20, 21 land 26; Final limit 15 days after date of sale. Limit s' may be extended" ; . CHATTANOOGA, TENN .$18.30 . August 12 13 and 14. Final limit , iuirust'i : :' .W- " .'i 'V; BLJCKlWOtUNTAINw N. C. .. . .$9.95 ; 11 .RIDGETCHEST. N, ; .$9.95 ' Mny:31; June 1. 11, 12, 13, 21, 27 and :' 2815, 6, 13, 19. 20, 27 and 30; Atf- gust I 6, 10;,14- and 17. .Pinal limit 171 v;' , . days af te" date of sale. , - . LAKE JtJNALtjSKA, N. C, .. ..$12.60 WAYNESVILLE N. C.v. .. . . i-. .12.60 LJuly lSlfi, 17, 2Li2, 23, 24 and 25i :y; August 2. .3. 4,, 5, -10.. 11. 12. 13. 17, IS 1 'Tip iau BiBp'ii uin ibujj 6i yn? of sale. . M 0 NT EAGLE TENNv ..- ... ...$20.70 ; SEWANEE, TENN. ..... . . . .$2a70 - v July 6f, T, 18 and 21;- August 3, 6, 9. J?17and 23;? Final'limtt Sept. 5- IJGKBBU RG MIS8. ;. . . . . ... . .$36.55 .hJbct UandilS.iJEi'inal limit Oct. 31. " -j rroponionaiB rarea irom micrmcuiiiia a'Pfnts.-1-." ' 's For complete- information, reserva t tlous.etc. ; ' , - . .. . ' . - vc . PHONE160. - - V- ..'." frt'vbfi't i f ; C. WHITE, :;iC:.-'r-;; :'; Genr Pass. AgL;-.' ; VK. UKAiU, y. . '.;.; ; Pass. .Traf." Mgr. ' - ' V - ::- ; WltmlWgton; w; C. v