... .. i f I - r ; , . k , . . . - ' . . ; . , .- s -..-'.'.. . - , .... .............. -,'.. .!.'':. , ' . toMecUT ot W personal opliBon ,,f ,. .;. , . ; f.- --.jV'W, , ,. fTedHas CatarS JJedl- :f I -if- WILMINGTON. DISPATCH iSSlLwi'-.' . . -powerwltorcesiniIT6 ii&tt . i' !-- archistsA.wawii oe-.wnen we come - 4;., . , ' tawiu rrhoSVt h i 'tit i s J 'tl' it ' bT.b. cucn nAiLYANDSUlfiiAT .(.. by DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. V. . .e empi04 Wa.time to more out,", snouted Emma Goldman jester- TELEPHONES:' ' Wntaito & cWtr d be more day as she was about to start to begin General MaWnrti Office -:, Ai ..,1," hr '... ' Anta-.nd aaying a two-year. sentence in the grlmprison S ;:'kvi8 ta that wuUtioni atefferson City. Mo. .Thls;declara Editorial oomsl.. '."v ' ? "205rave- sotnr Hardwick may say will tion alone should assuage all compas " FULL LEASED WIRE 8ERVlCE7i not. preVeJht sending; troops to -the gion that may be felt for the "obstrep r 'batUefront, but. what. he does say may erous female: and her equally as vie ....;'ol ; ..S6.00 Wn rhaAmore lives will have to be ,iou8 companion Alexander Berkman, uaiiv uuu ouuuoj - - - - - - - -.., if t -t i n- Daily and Sunday, Six Months .. . $3.00 j crffi - fc ' reason of discord and DaUv and Sunday, Three Months. 11.50 ;atttriuvo v Bunday Only, One Year. ........ .12.00 lack of cooperation, nurtured by him. DELIVERED BY CARRIER: n . understand this? Then, Daily and Sunday, per week....... 16c - Or When Paid In Advance at Office. ww does , he seek without prpvoca- a ann4 nn'A Yur S7.001 2 4. X 5 V . ' . ' . 2 dav: Ste MonOis. . . .?3.50ion W with netting to De gamea, " we i. . . . ., , . " j to stir trouble by mawng spreau- speecnes, inat rw j uvt Daily and Sunday, Three Months. $1. Entered at the Postoffice' In Wlljnlha Ion, N. C, as Second-Class Matter, . j Foreign Advertising; Repreentatyet MaCQuoid-Miller Co., Inc New Tbrk and Chicago. j. t t ... .. . S- TUESDAY, iULY 10, 1917. ' When a fellow gets pickled he is naturally of sour disposition. We are unanimously in favor of Old Sol ' poshing dein clouds away. ' . General Pluv. seems also to be con ducting something of an offensive. What this country needs are more aircraft and less hot-air craftiness. . Instead of taking up arms the Em peror of China should be taken up in arms. ' .1 111 temper may not be contagious, but it makes those who come In con tact with it sick. ' Not only his crown but his block is apt to be knocked off by General Haig on the western front. , f " 'Emperor of China Leaves Throne." Perhaps, some arch-enemy held out a nursing bottle to him? Hoover may not be able to solve the food problem, but , he is the only chance left to the people. ft The government has deported Schaafhausen, and we trust it also forced him to carry the name ; with him. General Scott reports he is enthus ed over Russia' new offensive. He 'hasnl'ariyttin))n every other true ; American. Friends of Jog Alphonso, of Spain, want to run hhn"for President. Un less all signs fail Alphonso is going to run all rights Why not send Oie prohibition lobby to France and England whenever the governments over there get divided or obstreperous? By' staging a little revolution' of their own, maybe Roosevelt and. Gqm pers were trying to make the Russian mission feel at home. - .-- Paris says "interest -centers in the Champagne sector." News from " Washington is to the effect that "in terest centers, in the beer section. But Alphonso, of Spain, can take it from Colonel Roosevelt that this bus iness of giving up a job 'to run for election is not what it is cracked UP to be. if Nick Longworth says prohibition of distilled liquors will cause the .price of bread to be higher on account of less yeast production. In other words, it wont rise: to the occasion. And who would have thunked. it? Would any one ever have1 thought the. day would "arrive when the; debonair, genial Jim McNeill, of Fayetteville, would stand forth as a champion of water? . . 1 y. - . . , The arrest of a negro in New York City; caused a riot. Evidently the ; New 'York Evening Post has about as much influence at home as it has 1111- t. 'on the buth; With its fool and rabid advice. ' KjgiBj, but out of tune with patriot ism At, tbis jtime? . , a, v There is no occasion to talk about not do about sending troops to the battlpfroht. The power doesi not rest with, him to de cree, nor will his advice 'be sought The power has been delegated to oth ers and men of expert knowledge will decide the time, place and numbers He cannot prevent anything by his twnrMiA and . he cannot serve his country by stirring trouble at home; playing to the fanatical, or bambooz ling the weak-minded. It is one of the disgusting things just now, that so many people who do not know what they are talking about, who have no power to do anything, are braying like donkeys. f THE THOUGHT IS -SPREADING. We took occasion Sunday to com mend and recommend the spirit of Richmond merchants who; have decid ed to curtail their delivery service, so that the -may be saved, unnecessary expense and , in saving-this cost give the consumers the benefit of lower prices. The spirit appears to De con tagious. Now the merchants of Ashe- ville show, symptoms of the reform, which is aimed to help the people. But as we have always argued, it is a two-handed game, in which both the merchants, and the buyin'g-public must play parts. The latter must obviate the demand for so much delivery serv ice, which will thus remove the bur den of competition of that character from the shoulders of the merchants, who, in -turn, should eliminate the - . " . , uuuvvui,. j , ... " 1, .... , . xx . T - - j,. ;,. " Unnthv w lanannv art A o H tiinnAn on T in. carnate of Christianity. It is a breed- , General Wood need not go to ." , . . . . .... .- .- iTance to ngnt as long as there are cantonments to be established. - v "There "is also, unfortunately, no "law against the weather man watering stocks. . ir -if" " "A- inated cost by selling -Vthem cheaper articles and commodities. : "The Asheville Times interestingly. profitably , discus'ses the. . question and takes f the same, view -'as does The Dispatch relative to the part the con sumers must play and the too frequent tendency of the public to be derelict to its best interest by ordering toomuch over the telephony agd forcing deliv ery of packa'geB which could easily be handled by the purchasers. Says The Times: "Asheville merchants have open,- -ed a subject of deep importance the ' unnecessary expense of handling merchandise. Just now, when every home Is feeling the increased cost of living, it is im portant that both consumer and dealer strive to cut away every possible item of cost. Asheville. -people can materially aid the merchants and incidentally assist -themselves. . . - . Ct The point at issue just now Is .. the cost of the delivery of grocer- ! ies and . other merchandise. If the Asheville merchants can work 4 out." a system of one or two dellv eries each day and positively re fuse to make ? what is known as special deliveries. It appears ' that the overhead, expense of selling,, goods could be materially decreas ed. .' " Customers are to blame: for the condition that exists. The bouse- ' wife finds 'It" ' very v cbfavenTeht 16 step to the telephone and order a loaf of bread, V a spool of thread or a paper of pins and - the little article is handed to a delivery boy and rushed across the city the cost of delivery ., being far , more thkn the profit on the ar ticle but must be met ; by an In creased nrofit on other goods sold by the . concern. The system : jsy . entirelv wronsr unfair both $0 ' the- dealer and the customer. For ' fristancer' some .".people do,, not fol low .the system, but buy their sup . , pliesIn a Jump , and ; Sometimes , .'carry . . their .package-, and yet in , the nature of things are forced to pay the ame prices charged, those t i who -j enjoys i' the privilege of . (Vphpne, oxder. and .delivery' w -4 VshiaVille-lmerchants 4 will' do . tia make air earnest effort to " ; chattfee. the order, of things" along : : this Hne yist ji. . Something i wrong with the laws of " OjUr-,. country. Jusuce is, not .being dpne. Here .Emma-' Goldman and Al eiander Berkman have been sentenc- V ,ed to two' r years m prison. They should have "been given life terms." , TJp in New York vthe United Sing' m'grica . cannot 'afford to be otjier 'than justly- genjerous with : the mothers and . wives ' and aiilh drejo ::: of 'soldiers., No , soldier ,; ought to .have to face death In France knbtringv dear ones are in , povertyvat home, .that is not ! what this great' democracy wants. J --Columbia Record. ; : Absolutely. "The mental anguish of who have,' at last felt the heayy, hand of the law.' That is compassion tor the anarchist; not pity for the Indiv idual, of course, as the heart always grows sad when man or woman-com mits crime. But there can -be no compassion over, the penalty Inflicted. It was just; it is not only deserved by these two anarchists, who have run amuck for so long in America, In sidiously ' sowing seed of lawlessness in the minds of those who haVe not as yet learned to understand America, and those who naturally want crime to run rampant, that they may profit, but democracy is entitled to protec tion against this brand of human .-be ings, as well as protection against au tocracy. Anarchy- believes in a state of lawlessness. Its idea of personal liberty is stretched to the extreme that harks back to the primitive days, when all men; were laws under them selves and It was survival of the strongest physically. It does" not be lieve in collective government, and in that way it is akin to autocracy. The latter, of course, believes in govern ment but of hereditary, select type, in whch the privilege of high birth shackles ability that may come from lowly birth. Democracy stands be tween these two evils. It proclaims law, but only law as created by the majority of the people. Anarchy wants every man to do as he pleases and which would at once turn the world back; to a realm more barbaric than the dark ages, because men are shrewder now and there are larger groups and they are closer together. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman stand as sponsors for this type of savagery, ignorance and sin. Consequently, they are a menace to democracy. v Their removal is neces sary for that reason. Anything that menaces democracy is not in keeping with the ideas of the majority of the THE! NEW REMEDY , NOW KNOWN AS IRONIZED PAWAW,V, r IT; SOOfrfEtTTH ERVeS; ; TRANS FOJRMSf WCAKi ANAEMIC MEN " AND WOMEN. INTO PERFECT -fi STOMACH. ABJD.INO . i f '-'JTi : it -.' SUBURBAN ' . v Truiy a Heaven-Sent Boon, .s ; Greater? and?giater.? grows the PUf lie interest- itii&&xme&7ity& ized -Paw-Paw: , Druggists say ' they, never bn.ji'a -'imCjforthenew remedy. : People who have ; been un able to retain, f anygolids in. their stomachs ' now r declare that they, can eat a heartv meal without any dis comfort. 4 The most; marvelous effect! Lv "Center" of Ironizeds Paw-Paw . is its wonder-1 6:15 A..M. f ul curative power , upon the nerves.. 6 ; 55 I No better, ,remedy. was ever com- 7:25A.M. pounde4. for the . blood and liver; it 8:00 A. M. . makes good,vrich bloo4. which in turnjahd every, Jial . strengthens iarid"yitaUzesr the whole noiir thereafter nervous system ,, , .. r . ' until Everywhere you gp to some one can ;5;30.P. M;" be f ound who has-been benefited by 6 : 10 P. M. its usfi ir knows. of friend who has 6:30 P. M. found, the. desired, relief : all are pra:s-, and every half - ine it. and ttachv exDresses : surprise hour thereafter that cures of tbe mos. .stubborn caBes of indigestion, nervpusness ana sleep lessness, couldJ,bet brought about so speedily, - ... -Yes!,-,thi3,jemgdyha3. : caught the townDrjiggjsts .are busy answering questions, about this, newr and wonder ful remedy, They.teU-, you about the scores of people who haye been cured. Whether you,buy or not, get a taste of the new strengthbuilder. You will be gin to feelbetteV before, you leave the store. . Sold at Eivington's Dependable faVetfthv mtarrh sufferers for the iast thirty-five-years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for. Catarrh? 'i Hal VsCatarjrh: Medicine acts, thru the-BIood on the Mucous surfaces, expllling. the Poison from' Ihe .Blood and healing the diseased, portion " After you have taken rfall's Ca,tarrh Medicine for a short time you wfll.see a great Improvement- iA our genera? health: ; Start; taking 'h's'-Catarrt5 Medicine at once ahd.get d of tarrh . aena ior leBuuiumaw, Sold by till Druggists, 75C.AdVt. c ? 1! iluJ! aSi!Mif H"0 Sti vnM ; m.. - 1 la. m m SCHEDULE Drug sto-e. Ironlzedaw-Paw sold at 1,00. Mail orderst promptly attended to. "Eormulat on every botfle. , Interte prug Company,, Inc., New York. Adyt-,' er of unrest and crime among the ig norant and that is the worst part of t. " It is from those who fail to under stand that whatever heavy burden they now bear cannot be lightened by following Emma Goldman and Alex ander Berkman, but will be made heavy, that these two obtain most of their recruits. Others come from those who are against some establish ed law, but fail to comprehend that when Emma Goldman protests it is not with desire to change that partic ular law but to wipe out all law. For long Emma Goldman and Alex ander Berkman have managed to evade justice. Not unreasonably so, perhaps,, as the American government does not wish to bridle speech. Any man has a right to express opinion upon the istatUs of a law and ' has a right to condemn it and advocate re peal. Emma Goldman .and Alexander Berkman took advantage of this li cense to go to the extreme, However; to insidiously preach their dangerous doctrine. Yet they managed to keep Out of the .meshes until they bucked the selective, draft law; then they vio lated the law lay "advising people to .break the law; their advocacy and work were sich as to amount to con spiracy to thwart the law and in do ing aoj they imperiled democrotey; would really , have throttled the free speech they profess to believe in. If the: United States is whipped -in this war would not autocracy forbid -;: 'free speech? . .'. , Vv.f - ! '- , - r - SEAB0ARDTAIHL1N E in lnreffectSatufaayuhe 9,'1917. J ! , WEEK DAYS . Xv.jBcacH 6:05'AVM, 7:10 A.M. T: 40 A.M. ' , ' : 8:15 A.M, ; 'and every balf hour "thereafter. Until 6:4&P.M. - V6f20P. M., 6:50 P.M. v TrlSP.M. and every half 1 until ' nour tnereauer 11:00 P.M. until i- i2:ioa.m. ' ;: ..: iip.m. 1 Trniifl stonnine at all stations (on' request) may hi expected to leave, the Center and Lumina at tne t"rs xu dicated. . ' ' ' - v r The 6:10 express leaves daily ex cept Saturdays and Sundays, stopping at 3rd, 5th. Vth and 9th streets. Wil mington, Winter Park -Gardens, Sea Gate, Wrightsville and all stations on Beach. The Progressive Railway of the Sputh. Bulletin of Special Round-Trip Rates from Wilmington, N. C. LAKE JUNALUSKA, N: C ... . .$12.60 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. $12.60 Tickets on sale July 15, 16, 17, 21, FREIGHT.; Lv. Wilmington. ' . Lv. Beach. 5:30 A.M. 7:05"AM.J 9:30 A.M. , 12:15 P.M., 3:30 P.M. . r.pi. 7:00 P.M. 8:15;P..M. Freight Depot open.. dailyt. except Sunday,. from 8:00 A. M. uni l:03. P. wr oni rAm ' 9? 00 P. M. until' 7:00 IP. M. . - f r ' m r reignt Jjepot Aeiepuyuc.u. w ' N . .V . .. n lit 'a?WoIio Hbsoo seldom wears out it usually $es 4a11s to pieces. Cheap hbse can- riot lesti because it is made of worth less compounds. . - (. . SAW I t.'-v MUM BULL DOG 7-ply hose Iostelongest becavsa there is plenty of five rubber in it J ten Jacqbi Hdw. Co jijapi2 SOUTH FRONT STREET. 'H toiiiwiimimritijiim Lv. "Center." 7:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. arA avarr hnlf 22. 23. 24. ? 25. August 2.' 3. 4. 5. 10. ! hlir thereafter 11, 12, 13, 17, 18 ana is; umitea return ing 17 days following date of sale. ROCKHIllL,' 3. C .... ..... i . . .$8.90 On sale -June 18, 19, 22v July 4, .5, 6; limited returning midnight August 6th. ASH ELAND, VA . . I ; . i .... .1 .$10.20 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA $10.48 On sale June 17 to 25, Inclusive; limit ed returning midnight 15 days follow-; until 11:00 P.M. 12:10 A. M. SUNDAY8 : ',. ' Lv. Beach. 6:40 A.M.) 7:45 A.M. 9;16A.M. v and every half hour thereafter until 11:45 P.M. Local Trains stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to leave the Center and Lumina at the Urn js indicated. FREIGHT. Ing date of sale. TicKets an De ex- Lv Wilmington, tenaea. Lv. Beaclu 11:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Freight Depot open 10, to ll 'A. M. ; FreJght;Deppi;f Sunday Afternoons and During Otn-: er Periods of 'HeaVy Travel; Express Trains will be Operated Between Wil mington and Lumina Stopping only at f 5th. 7th and 9th streets, Wilmington, and all Stations on the Heacn. NASH VILE, TENN ........... $20.30 On sale -June H, 1 13 142122, July 20; 21 and 26) limited returning mid night lb days following diate of sale. Tickets may be extended.' BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C $9.95 R IDG EC REST, N. C. .'. $9.95 On sale May 31st, June 1st, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 27 and 28, July 5, 6, 13, 19, 20, 27 and 30, August 1, 6, 10, 14 and 17; limited returning midnight' 17 days following date Of sale. Haying this day qualified as 'Executrix 1 01 lift 1 1 LP KV i9.ffl of the estate of Lewis Philip Thomas, de- UOUISVILLb. IT 1 tlli ,n tn nHfv nil nnrtipa havlne executrix's notice; f - ers have protested 'against prohibition rWse ,rY aneP f i xJmw iw?hk.favhr othMdiaust nofc.be increajedby f Y; of the banes of thVpebple's serenity rPby ' ff!r nf -' is to hear a ganr,aoont aja. Bwging fe; ." V VWe Wonf 'Go iiome" unui.Morntag:Shose ,who,go 1 li-ror bawling ouV; with barbershop ten-lif wilL X . r r"" 'uiiZZu Rii -whateVegreat Emergency presents Jt- ( - 1 , State of North Carolina, .. . "'' County of New Hanover,' v , ' -V In the Superior Court. COMMISSIONER'S -SALE OF LAND. City of .Wilmington -. --. J. B. Elkina" and wife Louisa 'Elkiris and . Paul Caase Mortgagee. . . Under and by virtue of the power. Vestea In me aa commissioner, in a certain decree in the above entitled action, sighed ,by his honor W. M." Bond, Judge presiding at tne April term of the Superior Court for New Hanover County, I offer for sale and will sell ta the. highest bidder for. cash, at tr. Court House. door, t New Hanover County, on Monday, tne ara day or September, 1917, at twelve o'clock M.,-to satisfy the Judg ment obtained in the said action, all of the following ' described piece, tract or parcel of land,: lying, being and' situate in the City of Wilmington, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwestern line of , Third -street, between Davis ane Farsley streets,- and one hundred and fifty seven (157) feet from , the intersection- 01 Third and Davis streets, and running thence northwestwardly along said line ov Third street forty one (41) feet; thence northwestwardly in : a , line parallel with Davis street one .hundred ? and- flfty:-(150) feet to . an alley extended . sonthwestwardly from Parsley street to Davis street, known as Aubrey Alley toesUcej along the east .wardly line, of the said iallevsoiithwost- 1 wardfy towlrd;;Davis fstreef forty ne-41) ffeet ; , tlieiKfe In a sonthwestwardly " direc- ifyutaira. pacnjiei wun .. Jjavi; street One hundred "And, fifty (150) feet to. the begin nings same rfttflngift part; of lot i in block 321, according , to the official plaii of the city of Wilmington; N. - v xnn On sale June 19, 20 and -21; . limited returning midnight June 30. RALEIGH, N. C .$5.55 On sale June 8, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24 25, July 9, IO,-11, 12, 13; limited return ing midnfeht July 31. , CHAPEL JHIJJL, N, C. ...f ... .$5.65 On sale June II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, July' 3, 9; limited returning midnight August Z.. ' . .. VICKSBURG. MISS. .. ..... . . . .$365 J On sale October 14, 15 limited return ing midnignt, vctooer 33,. , KNOXVILLE; TENN. ;. ....... .$15.75 On sale June 16, 17, 18, 23, 24. 30, Jul; I, 7 and 14; limited returning midnight ; 15 days following date of sale. Tickets will be extended. MONTEAGLE, TENN .. ....$20.70 SEWANEE, TENN V i$20.70 n sale July 6, 7, 13, 21,' August 3, 6, 9, 16, 17 and 23rd; limited returning midnight September 5. For fuither information, apply Phone 17S H. B; PLEASANTS, T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. calms against the said estate to present tn nam tn me on or before the 20th day of June, 1918 or this notice may bepjead In bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make' prompt payment. " FANNIE W. HALL, 6-19-law-0w-tue Kxecutrlr. mmNTTDG GOD AST URIIE The ftandartf Raflroat of The South. r. ''A'ind .Departure of Trains at Wilmington, Effective July iiw'isJjLiC Arrivals, schedules and connections given as information, but mot 'guaranteed. - . , , 4, DKPAHTTJnES :No. 61.- -. . . SOW . A. Jf,A ; TO AND 7BOM 1 SfOO Ai It : 8:45 A. M. ' Florence, Columbia, Pullman Sleeperi, Wll " mington and Columbia open to receive -passengers after 10:00 P. M. (Joldsboro, Richmond, Norfolk and North. Parlor Cars Wilmington and Norfolk. No. 63. t :05 P. M. No. 55 1:45 P. M. i -JSo. 42. 6:45 P. M. Fayetteville, Sanford and Mt. Airy. Jacksonville and New Bern, Florence, Columbia,. Augusta, Atlanta and the West. Charleston, Savannah and Florida points. Pullman Cars WUming- ' ton to Atlanta -Via. Augusta and to Ashe ville Via. Columbia. ' -i.r i - Richmond, Norfolk, Washington and New . ' York,- Pullman Cars to Washington and Norfolk. ABBIIVAL81 No. 50 Mt 20 A. M. No. 40. 6:05 P. M. No, 51 8:00 P. H. No. 63 11:30 P. Mi No. 64. s tt:50 P. M, No.4I.' 9:50 A. M. -ir ' 4 f?3. t f 1 ' . . For Folder Reservations, ra tes of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. 'VvV-CRAld; T. C. WHITE, Pjasseooer Jraffic., Manager. .General Passenger Agent, ... " ',.' ; Vilmingtorr, N. C . l'lQSf COAST LINE HOTEU CAtfS. Rooms by thf j day, wee3k , orl month at reasonable rates. Jaeals at any hour 208 North Front street Phone 208-W. 6-C-lm EDocitor, Murse, Pharmacist - Do you select YOUR PHARMACIST wlthhe same discrimination used in goosing your doctor and nurse? ' - j JGetting the prescription.f' FILLED RIGHTls nO less vital than getting the right prescription. Your doctor, y'uKnyrse Enow us OUR SCRUPU-. LOUS ACCURACY, OUR EXPERIENCE, OUR REPUTATION. - v-v . c: ...... , Send your doctor's prescription to jus and know.that his ordera a.rfninutely followed? -' -. a 1 JJ - . .-in - PHONES: 211-212. 107 Princess Strict. DELIGHTFUL PEROXIDE VANISHING CREAM If you are at .all discHminatingilthTaiBslcg: you, are: using, at . present, we suggfest'tat you gIv-ePerox-Ide Cold Cream a trial. Only 25 cents a;Jar and worth It. DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE f J 117 North PrpAt treet, , , . ; i'- Phone 12. 1 v.''iirbli wAWf UAuiry goods atthe c lowest market I ; B'uyrom usi ve carry' one of the largest and mcst complete Hn: of : Qroceris In the eityTind our prices are-always right. : .Give us a tjaL 1 our-business is always appreciatea. . . ,, --,"v .i. I V "Starts Fund Th6 Mbine Savings Bank . n. TP?? Summer Sfchednfe STEAMER WiLNfjhirpTON . Effeclve J un 6th, 1917.- ;ll' !? Px'ta VvT PAI LX,S.CH,EDULE Leave fWilmingtari- for Southport 9 A. M. and(2:45 PM. ri ror . Carolina Beach, 9 A. Mf il f. ,v. , . . Leave SouthporL 1:30 A. M, and 4:30 P.;;'CaroIInapeach 6 P. M. r SUNDAY, SCHEDULE. . LeavO Wilmington :fdr Southport and Carolina' Beach! 3 A 'W. and 2:30 P. M. LeavsliSOuthporfiftao A. M. arid liZttPm. Carbllha' Bfeacn 6 P. M. FrefghV wIli 'be deceived untU 8:45 cuxsions' to t3afolih4 Beach: . v : COUMISStONK'g . SAX.B. - - -FOftEitOSltttB AAL.E. f By t virtue iof the power r of sale, coutalaef In ascertain mortgage mado , by Thoma Payne and wife and Charles Payne to the Wilmington 9omstea&-&; Loan 'Association and 4ulywregl6terei In 'Book 89, page 11 of the 'eeords' of Newr "Hanover County, Tanlt' harinr been made In the payment of the debt secured , by j. said -mortgage, the undersigned will sell, io the highest bidder. at public "auction,' Tor-' cash." at the Court t House door in the City of Wilmington, on . Thursday,, the 12th of Jules 1917. at twelve o'clock, M., the following 'described prop- erty : - Beginning at a point In the Ecst- i ern line, of Sixth street. 33 feet South from f muni c .J TO AI-Tj IAND OWNERS IK NE.W BM OVER COUNTY DBAINAliK it 4.r that If la tae xuu win iaav uvtitc tun " - ift0,iH pose of ttfe Board of Drainage Commwajg ra nf Now Hanover County District Numbber Three, to issue for the payment of the total cobi - provements, moiuaing oiner t-w" --i the amount of Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00). These bonds are to draw per cent (6 per cent) Interest payable annually, and are payable m ten eQu'' stallments, one each year, beginning ii vm tha rint rf j!iue. AO ' owner in the District not wanting topi interest on tne oonas, mny uu - tne sotn day or juiy, xvu, iwrf County Auditor the full amount toTl his land Is liable, which said a""D" t be ascertained from the classification i"1 tiled with the Clerk of the Superior w and frorn the certificate ofMeJJ snowing tocai cost 01 iue 1 H jnaiDtii ance fund, etc. The lands on wnicBj; assessments are so paid shall be reij from liability to be assessed for nrnvmnti iinrl . other emenses , D"1. lands shall continue liable for an Increased assessments authorized under law. , - r W. B. PRICE, Chalrmi , Oscar P. Peck, 1 Oak wood, IX.50 per load; bjJ wood, -11.60 per- load; pine W $1.35 per load. All wood G.O..D. y ... the Southern line of Bladen street: runs thence Southwardly wirn naidjlne if Sixth street 33 feet; thence East - parallel with, Bladen street 165 'feet-:' thence North parall- ; i el with Sixth jrtreet 33, feet: thence West j parallel with Bladen street 165, feet to the beginning. The 11th of June, 1917. WILMINGTON HM RXTJUAD ASBUuia,riuK, A LOAN