vv Ck'- -VT-V i nr iv v n i r tn i nr v 1 rt. .,.!( t 1 lliiiiWSSIte , ill n most : attrac&irc m "Cr-f I I gntl a44.N.OnBd.,i,; lijing'fd bathing. ytf; " clv"ni TA-fiL! T9fflnea.ti ram AruJf ."Iht'tfli 'Ji.'iWS. iLt- --'.sa JH-;;r graphs of hotel umutements? etc.', ' aentjjjr -' - vf j 4tjtV ow. roomiest.- - .' " ., , .,, m - -Jrrrrrrr:S1r ,- rn III ill II I ''M I I " I I . , --y. - J u Tlgjfcy y y' - OCEMIC MOTtff i 1 1 rirsitopurr r - , r i I wngnuvme oeajpn, 11. v. ? , v j v 151 J J EXCELIi,BMP TOO Concert in Lobby by full Lumina Orchestra every day from 1 2 till 1:30 P. M. and tf: 30 nintil 8:00 P.M. . Boats for Channel and from Oceanic Hotel Pier, Reservations, Rates and C. E. HOOPER, Mgr. D CHICAGO M Make your sumiper tixm Chicago thoroughly enjpyjby aBB AUeceofrimodatfons, co conveniences,, pleasant surround ings and excellent service wUhqul extravagant expense. q Large airy : wel-f iiriiihed f oooifjs with. , bay windows iffordir4o;: views of grand old Lake Michigantwoblocliay, ci'overioiojioe of the'inostfamwatto at prices wit-Junlre l Convenient U&to& lines pass .Jd9sfIvated one bloek"iiway.s These lines run to the ibusinessr shopjan . n4 ; theater district in ten minutes, and to the-varibus parks, gplf, tennis an$ other recreatipn ground V .....-..5..2.. Hotel Lezinston. Chicasrd Zk:M f Please mail free folder with u lnrormauon of accommpdauona you caawer, persons Abont Aha -Wy'hf '- a N am Address. v .? . Ocean Fishing. Start Book! Aes WB D I" a a - -a..- views of Hotel Lexington, ' .BSS.: ,9 mm.. o a o 'en: I - : n it- Better Thah ET' v fiemodoled and Eap'. CAF Special C& :'JHfMM 1 : J WiimlnaUS, Cz Wilmington's Beft JotMASti, jan Plan one block from Wrighta ille Baach car line. F, W. ARMSTRONG, Prop. ABSOLUTE LY F.lR EPROOF L eisea iNEWYiOK 500 ROOMS 400 BATHS iom, wtttt adjoint- btb JSnJitoa. parlor, . Vedroom Iid bub tS.M atnik upward. Special X)Dnbeoit, SOenp. Table d'Hote Dinner $L00 np ' iCafe attahe4. . To Keacta Hotel flhelgefs. . From Pennsylvania. Station, 7th A venae Orand Central, 4th Avenue car south to .. 23 rd. Street; . Lackawanna, Erie, Rpaalng, Baltimore & Ohio,. Jersey Central and LeblRb Valley R. R. Stations, take 23rd Street crosstown car east to Hotel .Chelsea, . , .. -Principal Steamship Piers, Foot West 23rd Street, take 23 Street cross town car. - ' . WHITE FOR COLORED MAP OF : NEW. YQiK. HERALD SQUARE HOTEL 34th ST- OF BROADWAY NEW YORK EypRYcomforfand conven ; .Jence, On dirept car litres from all R. R Stations and Ferries. Two minutes walk to the finest shops and theatres. ROOMS: 125 with priVlege of bath $l.SOper day - 75 with private shower bath $2.00per day v .' I $0 yflQi private badi" $2.00 and up Club Breakfast '. Special Luncheon 25c up . 60c Dinner a la carte at moderate prices J. Fred Sayers Managing Director THE ,Y i rvii il - rl I . f. !i -i V '' V i'-'-r. - .." - . ' u- f .: " 4 . OPPOSITE CAPITPL ano union station R t '- AolV1 Hew 4 8titfri;Mofr . fin6vraed Br its Tilli aenccand Mste '" ' ' ' ' L-J-m.i5: Wayrresville, the Itocfeifes ami iJSarf&g sammelt With.thp Bt Tabfe m Ibe - rrvUoi.tv niarn rini.i - Ttf n n'A - nmiispmpnt Danlnfir. JPlafrlnff. Horseback loir, Fixbt-.cJ.ala oSehestM .32hksbcial life For reservations and rates, -write to --'" f. O, DUNHAAf, Proprietor, I 3,000 Feet ra.in. . . -. : ' '.. 'i-v . St. Louis at Wfew York, ci6U4. ; ; ; Cincinnati gi Saston, cloudy. ' ;; vl)iiladjj6ila Chicago, cloudy. f$evrYqT at gtrpjuig, fclear. - Waaijingtbn' at Dfefrbit, cloudy. .pjO$jtpn at Clg cloudy. e;Otleaasai?MfHlleai'. Birnighafe at einUs;" clear. Mobile iiiChattatg;Sctfcar.' Atlanta at Littl Rock, filear. Al: Detroit J; mmmi. . $&r Detroit JO r 'Washington 2. ( At ClelMd;4; Bospn . At Chlc&ga S;TPhilalelphia 5. At St. LxjuIs Ij-NeVTxirk 2. Sta riding pi: Pet. .622 .532 .5Q7 .500 Chicago .. Boston .... Cleveland . . New York . . Detroit . . Washington St. Lpuis . . x Philadelphia .. .48 ..42 . .36 ..37 ...n ., .30; r 37 ?3T 41 47 44 .431 ajrt 380 .NATIONAL XEAG LIE, . Jesuits Yesterday., ; At Boston ) ; Cincinnati 4. ; At Brooklyn-Chicago, w.et grounds. At New .York 3; St. JUoujs . 2nd: New York 3; St .onis . At Philadeiphia-Pittsburgh, lain. ' Standing of the Clubs: Won!'1 Lost. New York .. ... .. ..46 23 Pet. .667 v. Bdnds Based on the Prosperity of America Tffi 1&S prtgage:Scrial " iffeM E 8 1 a t e Bonds, based pa feebme priodncing jwoTjctifts loeated ii gpovrf ing aectioiis of the greater pities of America, are an ideal ..investment for in come. They are safe, at tractive in yield; and un shrinkable in vatne, '. ;UB loa4is are limited to hfgJbi grade, improv-. ed properties producing an tncpmc jpmBcient to tafes care -of these .serial pay ments pi principal yell as the interest charges, t T T will be to yottr adran A tage :to investigate ; tiaese -bontJs, whose soundness is unque8tiofiaHe and "whose income ryiel&;$fc:$yfi'$ speaks for itself. ESTABLISHED 1862) ' . INCOILPORJTEB 150 broadw;at, new YORk CUilcti, Philadelphia, Bcjstoa, .Bochwter. ncunatjw JJftrojt San. waciao, , HlltMaiKiUg, Kuaai ktt, ZtaytP, . Thirty five years without 16m to any investor Gall or Write for Circular Wilmington Correspondent American Bank & Trust Co. WILMINGTON, C ,4 EUROPEAN Pl-AN i without bath ' r ;wf Vp Roca ptr iijr $2.00 srith bath . -.U Roonw !Oi ' : : W. T. KNlQHTt:Waiger wi'irt iMV'i'-'- ;! t.-' - N?G? 4"faTortte TOW Mountain enld water in ' every ardoi Continual Riding, s'leimfs, Aorottw at Wafasviaie7entri be Qoraon. J I , . .atSr?iWe.'c5ss Wayne vUle. H. C. 6 v'3,4&. ... .m : j f .4fej Bosto ,X . . . ..? .- Ameriian Association, , At MinapoW&' 2j wauke 1 ; w ; ; At ; Colwnjwis Oj ijb.sWUe' 4. ' - ,j y- At St. Pa8r'4 r.JCaiuas City JP. (Only ;thri6ei Bjtayed.) - ' : ... -;'V , Ajt lsrhjojrf, ? n. At Rochester 2; Montreal 1. At Buffalo 9 ; Toronto 10.:. At Pr,Qvid.enQ6'9; Baiynjorfi 2. At 5tetjh(ts 3- 0irm4nham 0. At Little Rbck r Atlanta 3. At a&hvftle 6; Nejjejtns 6; (it innings, arkries.) ' . At Chattanooga' '.MMyile 3. : ' NEW YORK A Y-BY-OAY. (O. O. Melfityre), t ' M M Special (3oirespondn The DIs- patch.) New York, July lOir-This : is the time' bf year ?when' Brpaflway is sup posed to be deserted except for the chorus girts and their patient broth ers the chorus' men. .Those who ) have limousines are . lolling, about iii'ioin the Berkshires or, the White: Moun - tains or we mouniain lastnesses oi &unl .i3 .si- 3T 4"!.'I;:r Hr;, '' ticino uum .iwuyiv ittuinjr yai ilea from KnoxvilTe and other points keep Broadway; from. being' deserted.' Every train' drs&brges.l-Jts '9'upta Wide-eyed biilf-&Wners whp' want to be thrilled and dafte Miss Manhattan to thrill tifenr. iThefe is the hopeful miss from Syracuse, romahUc to her tor tne respective years iyib to laoy, finger tips,-who has brought with her inclusive, show ; a, decline of 21.4--astory-that shfe read" before the High l-2 .8 15.19,316.7 16.1 22.6, or School club and got it reprinted in an .average decrease of 15.1 points. the school Journal. She has brightened it up for the auspicious moment ; when , she will swoop down on some dyspeptic "editor and have some of the romance Jolted out of her by his bombastie attitude. Bat Broadway isn't sucn an uninter- esting place after-all. i strPlled from Columhus Circle to the Fiat Iron building the other" afternoon. The first person I recognized was JJewolf Hopper bowling along in tiufpn car, his h&t htt, and an opened-at:the-throt tie silk shirt, flopping in the breeze. He looked as though ' Broadway was all right for summer, v Down along" Automobile Row ''.there seems to be much activity. : At the last moment many have decided that J they - cannot go througn tne torrid weather without a pedestrtan annoy er, and so the salesmen are showing Jthem just Why their : car is not only the cutest but the best.. ,.; - ... ; - In wane shop I saw George N. Fr- ish, Pf the National 'eairig Com- pjrny. I used to lcnow. him, years ,-ago roe befoj-e; he ;pd money.;: Intldentaiy I h fidvsr. beoDle are always knowing him, 'whettand it has cost nim some Udy sums. " " v He had Jyst: blown into . the, village from National, Nevi, and not one -61 his cars had arrived the poor-thing. So he was out before lunen, picicing up one, It was a simple litae contnv-., four or flvft thousand. Down-' in front of the -Winter -Garden. George Monroe, who jever goes near the Chicago stock yards fbrjrea - dons of his own, was fanning himself with a palm leaf . fan. He was taiKing to J. J. Shubert very earnestly and perhaps he is lust loitering about un til the papers are Sighed. . In front of the . KnleseThocker laities B. Logaav who , lives there and, nh p owns the nlkcei tpo, was get- tirii' Fnto -a low-neck hack; It Stfuek j me' that it must not oo very muu w. a ' hardship to ; uve ai ine ; bpeker the 'year -around." -And yeta ffeW mpments later the 'man ho W6rks: under Maxfleld ParriSh's paint ing of "'Old King Cole" told, me that R3gah spends very Httle of his time in New York in the summer time, just hits in and "out as it . wei-e. ;'; "r ? Across the street' in front pf ; the Broadway theatre little Joe -Weber, a cane pn his arm, was ..talking ; ' to none other than Mr: Lillian' Russell who ih private is Known asieauum- Mt the' Pittshurgh-jeditbr. ; Both Weber, and Moore could leave town :iaw or average as stated the ppgj tf thev wished ' put ' they " evidently i tlon ; of , cottpn appears almost appal firvd tiie xjity jcbmforiabfc ' ' llinS- Jjiem. of, these circumstances :; Down a bit further in frpnt pf tne bid KaiseThSi-it5 is the : ppited States restaurant:' nbw thete 'waS an tater ietivf ' ffrniiB' Which .. included Bud Fisher' Oliver -Mbrifecor $raqfc: Tin- ney. Effingham rmto a.jaame, uv table wateVand pave M.allen. ., ! Th" wer . In" thelj- shirt ' sjeeyes, but' apparently nnmlmJfjil P-fel fate that 'm them in town. Tipney has a sjiminer pllc at t Preport, L. I; To be fashionable' he balls it Free-. port-Fr THE HIGHEST; GOOP-. ROOADS "MEETING ON Colorado Springs Colo. June 10 Thef iigHs gotidfroads meeting ver iA i-Tvtiw llnite -Stafesv-will ,: bi staged on 4lie snmmft ;bf;Pikb;3Eeak : when the ; midsummer: gal'rihg- pf 'the 'Pikes Pea' Qcei$$- tb-Oceai" - ftig'way'-V Association as"-! Umhia' fnr' ft two-dav session fhtefe'st is 'grvei; tpf ?he nieeting bw ir fH f afe" that r a majority of own cars to tne Buiftniii .v-" "Sentinel of th'a Cockles" over tne new' Pikes Peak -automobile road, the highest in JbeJSforlil- -j; , On of r the important matters to come before the meeting will be the report of the tmmi4ee -ati. .western (ktensibn' of 'the highway, from 1 XJta T through Pacific I si'Ti1rfes pftk ffcean-tP-Odean : High' i way iwlli haye W W'eent brptnki ikt'ibn 'frbm cokst 'to cbasf along fts j thft delegates .H' 4rfe their InteresfiriiQueatiori Raised : U-Lan; It Come Back? -;Charlo CJuj 10v I5in ; itifestgejter has., (een bt ibis city. ' ' -r, ' . - ;7B4vjWjial? have been known to cpniie Jak so haye corporations a'd njany commercjLal enterprises sick j hniriaisity comes bacK, regaining health and strength but it is atare exejeptip for sick" v(egetatiotn ; to re cover and soi it Is with weakly cpt-, ton' plant. , " ' ' ; ; ! "rfere are ' aoijae figures to prove it .caniPJ. ' They are taken from the government records bearing on such matters and fully confirm the fact that it is a very .unusual, thing indeed for , cotton to regain what it has pnee lost, even under the most favorable circumstances: "Cotton Crop Conditions for Eight Years:-;.., ... :- .. .. ,, May 25th. Sept. 25th. j fiyear 1916. 77.5 56.3 IMS 1914 1913 1912 1911 ... 80. 74.3 .:. 79.1 ... 78.9 ... 87.3 ... M. . . . f 1.1 60.8 73.5 61.1 69.6 71.1 65.9 58.5 Ji909 : "The 1916 Condition Report issued hy the Census Bureau May 25th , (first FePr was vlo aeptemner .zotn we last report) for 1916 was 56.3. Lpss from May 25th tp September : 25th, 21.2. ; --: . -;;. ,., '.'Prpni he ;reporjSi . ftlve- -at a glance a sjiiarp deterioration occur red to the growing crop each year, ill the deterioration ; for. tnis year equals the average J5.1) for the last eight years, , we) wilt hay e. on Septem ber 25th, a condition of only 54.4, Which would' practically; mean . a crop failure. '.' ' ! -:" . '.. , Can cotton . come back? Judging i by figures for the past eight years the j chances are decidedly that it cannot; jLast year (1916) at this time accbr-1-, ,ing . to Wafihingtoh we started out with an indicated "yield" of ., 14,200,000 bales pf 500 pound's: eachi.- exclusive 1 of liriters, the season ending with an in-, dicated crop of only 11,400,000; - exclusiij ive" of lintersi- which means a 16ss of i 2,800,000 from the original estimate The:fl917 outturn, based also, oh the goveruiuent i uiy repurt,' mificai.es : xor tms year a crop of 11,600,000, exems iye 6f" llnters. Suppose, we lose from In0w on in the same probrtiph we lost latyear Say 20J)0 would5 mean a startMnK Smkllv croo Mf anbfroximaf el v 8:1 800.00 0 .hai'eS for the goti Qf c 1917-18 If 'Only phe-half 6f this, amouhtr is u lb&t say 1-40O.O00 balesf he - crpp would be ; 10,000,000; Although aUtconditlpns point to such a calamity:, happening, let.' us hope the" maiii'xj "..,111 C : J.JLf. ijl 'chjirafeter as to createa mfraculptis improvement tb theJrgrdWing plant xteyiewing . preseni cunuiuons anu forecast prospective ones .as a .re- Is a- serious' pne,; and those Interested in' the trad $ should supply. "'the;ir - needs' " at once; THe yery . maximum crop, to my mind. wm. prove to pe not. over lfli5(w,t)0o , for 1917,18; wUb, the chances againBt , it reaching these figures. " If te prpgnbsicatipn proves true, we are likely, to have . prices fpr . cotton unheard-of by this generation; . Iti would not be . surPrising to sell; firsti cpt m America a:.5W cents per pound. li;seems i we arb destined for a veri-' (able cotton famine all jayer the world on-acpuht of America's shortage.. "The government makes the prelim inary acreage (of date jbt July, 2; 9.17) 300,400 acres, .In; round figures UgMst 36.00u,OfOd:1ast feh (1916)-or a decrease in its first report of some 4 per ;cent.';frpmviat year. jTaking, in to to ihofe or jess aicfeWge . that ' wilf' Be abandoned jtwhloh is the ibase every year) for' aiyfets; and isnndry ' reaspns the oil weevil "menace, the greatest enemy cotton has ever known--the general ftetiJpratipn ho be expected from dif- iicrfsnt causes and according to. the theE0- witf "be rniuch activity ahd'cpm- ii.etitton among skills, y dealers, specu ators arid planters in the buying and selling of. cotton. Prices will fluctu-i ate up . and down most violently and one must haye: a-strong heart and well fortified financially to withstand the drastic changes in the market, but in the end supply and demand Pnly will rule and will rule supreme. Govern ment interference may close the Cot ton Exchanges of the world, but dur ing these' rejuvenated tfmes will not prevent the cottpn raiser coming in to; his own;' for tfe alone will control the situation; his crop will' be a, small one hisprice will be of fiis own nialf ing. . ' ' : "On March;-15 1917, my letter, in .The Charlptte Qbserver predictjd May and Jyeotton- in New York would sell at 25 cents per rbuncL? This; price not only has been reacned:. but passed - rMay WtfM soft atJ 27.i&?.uly 27,28. f ?m now of the" opinion before Jaa- nary I915;;;eyery .month on the New Yjjrk 'Cpttpil Exchange will be qupt: fed' at-! 3.0. cets or higher) and before next sunjoer- cotton in Charlotte will he' bMrigihg 40 cents per . pound if pot 50" cents. If the law' of average holds good this- year; .arf it has" in the past years the first figure- of the c lSt7-18wm be hitfe " ; ' Warning- alnat violation of . . - the maximuni 'priie A agreement f estab- associations of West Vlrgfnla" bpera- tors. - ft was: nnpupcjftS thaf thn Ut there had bbeix no Violations o far l-tSiaat, Mni'wiy inaugurate ii gh .steepihg car line between Wil , . t , JT . .(IT . - TTW ; anu. Agnevme, via- riorence,;. indljotiffabia,; in' connection- VlthVtne! Southern Railvray , System upon the foliow4ng daily schedules : y , LV. WILMINGTON 3:45 P. M. 5:S0P.M. LV.efcaahiurri Ar. Flo'renop '.', . , . Lv. Florence '. . .. . . y. Sumjter jv . ..i 7:30 P. M.; .... 7:53P.M. . . . .9:25 P. M . ...10:50P.M.- ....il:50P.iI.- LvJ CoJumbia . . .... Ai1. SpaHanbiir 3:20 A. M.: iAr. try6n'i .i.T ... v4:50A.Mr 'A . GV,i.,'o'' '- ' rt.-R a n f . iajuuua . . . . .... j . Ar. Flat Rock . . , .; . . . . 5; 35 A. M. Ar.v HendersPhville ... ... 5:50 A. M AR. ASHEV 1LLE . , ; '-. ? i . . ;7 : 00 A. M." Returning: teaye Asbeville 4ii0 P. M., arrive Wilmington 12:50 noon, " v This Sleeping Car service, which, -will be operated until Sept. 16tht wtjl afford comfortable accommodations-for passengers visiting the MoXmtaina of North Carolina. ' ' The old established through sleeping car line between Wilmington and 'At lanta will be continued via Augusta, -in connection' with the Georgia Rail road; upPri, the following schedules: ; LV. WILMINGTON . 3:45 P. M. Lv. .Florence ;. . . 7:55 P.M. LV. Sumter . . : '. . . . . . ... 9 : 30 P., M. At: Orangeburg' . . 7 . 10 : 53 P. M. ArAugusta (East, time) . . 1:35 night AR ATLANTA (Cent, time) 6:10 A.M.. . Returning: Leave Atlanta 8:35 P. M arriye "Wilmington 12:50 noon. . noon. r . ,' .' . . Passenger -may remain- in this car; in the Union Depot, which is in the heart of Atlanta, until 7:00 A. M., it they so desire, and on account of the earlier arrival" of this train, and the use of. the Union Depot, convenient connections may be made with through 'Observation Dining, Sleeping "car Coach' trains which leave from same station for Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc. ' ,L ' For fares, tickets, etc., apply to ' T. C. WHITE, Gen. Pass., Agt., Phone 160. f:' Wilmington, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, v. The Standard Railroad of the South. l!lllllllll1lllllll!lli;::illl!!llllllllllll!i!!IHilllKIIHUIlIIIIIIII!iilL l a: L.STRUTHERS, I- Civil Engineer 1 ' -Surveying, Mapping v lans. . S g Phone 263-W; No 7, Pythian Bldg H pminmiHUinuiiauiiQiiDiijumiuyivJuiuiuainLiuiuinnTr ATLANTIC COASTLINE RAILROA6 rr,!;:,COMPANy,v X, ' '' ':; Office of the Treasurer. ' ' -. -Wilmington, N. C, June 30th, 1917. The Board. '; of flfrectprs of Atlantic . " Coast Line Railroad 'fcoxnpahy haade clared a dividend of ijree and one-half v per cent oh the Common Capital Stock . of that Company, ocrable at the office jot the Treasurer, Wilmington, N: C, on Tuesaay; Juiy ioth. 1917, to such stock- , bPlders' as shall ''be ;' registered on the ' bdbks;'o'th'e-CP.mpany on Tuesday, ! Jime 19th, J917, at' three o'clock P. M. . ' JAMES F. POST, i 7-5-,6.t" '", '" . - ' Treasurer. .1 v"- v ' ' ' . ' ' 1. - ' V SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Tb JTcorrMBlve Rallwr or tn KH.l . fUTlv Nov, 18th, me. u . ; . - . wiLMiNOTON.. No. it- 85 P. M. Train for Chirlott aid Inte'iue'Jbita -Polnta PUIMAN PARI LOR CAttJiLMmtlTOfi TO ; W'jbu4 - .:-...'.... y; ' o. i a, m. Train for Charlotte fttMJ . Intierwed lata Point.- SLEEPtNQ CAjl BBTWKMN WlLMfKGTON AND CHAHr 'hOett.- open at law M. for Paaaen flrttra,.'- ';-v-'?:T -" 'i A RBI VAX, OP TKAI AT.WII.AHKOT074 No.;,-r-j30 P. M.r-Train from Oarlotta andj. intermediate. Points. - PULLMAN PARLOB CAH BBTWEEN CHABLOTXB ANM W IliMJflv TUN.' ...-' A 51. Train from Ctaarlott jf A BRTWKffiN CHAftLOTTK iBU LDicrmeaiaie romtn. kikh SLEEPING TTIfl INn WILMINGTON. PASSRNilRRS uiv For detailed information and reierrationi, call pa t ticket Agent. . Ortoo Balldinr' H.' E. PLEASANTS;:t1. Ak Jimtf H. WICSTD. P. A RMalu d . j' : .' t& .V-W-iv Made; to ordfer pi Short Notrcv. We make Rubber Stamps that gives themaxirnum of service and Satiafactioji. Promptness with every order. . Send us your .orctera. . . UCVVIN POINTING CO. 8 Grace Street. . Phone 220. i:v. BlalE -. -Hrt' .'m . y . laaaure , Q-ivlnfl, Oiiicea, ' WeddlnjBf and Pprnmerclal . City livery Co. PJ0ef JI5 ar.d 4S. : , . (nilUII(llllll!ni!lllllllillIH!!IllllllIlil!!!lllIlllini!iill!!l!!!U 1 Ctyrilfied PjiWx Awmixv l - . "Lai Ift'itfnMM,! RttfrKli. ? I i Phs mm. .wiucnforoif. . o.: ij stamps AUTOS FOR 1 UiailHIIUIiiililiiiuiiiililiiujuliJMIiiinlMUiuiiuii'niM'mif i. TtilWIIIi-l)lll,y4IM)WIIIMMftll)WitwIIWM M1 'i 4 V Hi m A 1M ;t V XV : ) ''. r fH- '.r Si- vi i 11 .411 lit I .. . M -I i' V V I !. 1 1 !i '1. r. entoe. rouie, - . , . ,.-