:1EAGELJEN. THE -WILMINGTON DIZPCH, SUNDAYS MORNINGr JULY 1 5, 1 91 7. I rounds Sold m i Lumber- : tbh?s Twd War ehousesr- Illlfi ' .. f r-'-v - ' - - " - - " w - - , ----- , w. . ..-- , .-.'5 ."i., , -. . ' ': - - ; 1 " 1 ! 1 N 1 "f 'Mz Wm iigpplii ! flf Scuppernonf Irapls? Fertilize liberally, to the greatest yield. Keep your vineyards up We will heed an untisual aniburit of choice Scuppernong Grapes, at good prices", tBis year. The grapes will be received i Wilmington, Plymouth, I okay; Medbc bfier points and the juice shipped to New York City. Advise us of ybur possible yield. or pressing at it. e- -4.4 (Special to Tbe Dispatch.) w " t Lumberton," July 14. The iLumber-ton- tobacca market opened Fridff with fine sales stiid high, J)nces, abotit 100,000 founds: being sbld in the two .warehbnsdsThei f arijaers!-all :5 sehl irne Hn Pleased with their returns, ome belnseven ; astonished at . the good :: jceMajiyi. stories Of easy .uu&ccu ijioney' were , heard . on-the str.eets last night. ,. One was that a 16ad' of tQbtcto so poor that "the grower had been, advised by a tobacco man not td brings it to town brought him over $100. Several loads brought in after 'the sales had begun" were sold on the wagon at fancy prices. Two'" warehouses are being operated there'" this year. : 'The old warehouse, ;re-ehristened The S.tarV is' . under ;the management' of xE. O. ("Billy") Bransford and T.JiVNoblin. - he new house, , the . "Banner," is : under the management' of CLA, ID Eakes, ;came kere from Greehvflle. : The tobacco crop is good through out the county, according to reports but other crops, ' especially corn, are and- has made a very good impression 'were shipped from ; the . Maxtoh sec tloti this' week and 'tae farmers there say the crbt will be rather short Crops appear to be better around 'Lumberton than in any other section of tha. county. " A large number of Lumberton vounc men are planning to attend the sec: ! ondh officers' training camp at Port Oglethorpe. It is understood trat a dozen-vhate-already passed the local ! physical examinations and , filed appli cations -"for - the course. Among the lot are threer married men. Several Lumberton boys are attending the ;first school .now in session at Ogle thorpe. . . a , ... fcB- 1 . 1 ... 1 r 1 i II fIIIi L- t I LU-S Vj L XJ A U V - J ompany Incorporated, Norfolk, Va. X r.-.x - - r J sAt-E OF XAND. -tii of Nortn CajroUna, v v (lConntyof New Hanover, .'"- 4:Vw J.' "In 'the Snpferlor Court. Oty- of .WHmikgton ; .. . .t m... JiF .WSfteheat!, Henry TThltehead and . Row: Sprnlll.- .Under and by virtue of the antboritj and pirwfsr. Tested in me as commissioner, In a ttatir deetee life above entitled actlon trtnedby hia Houot W. M. Bond. Judge fcrealdine atrthe'ADrtl term of the fiUDerior Court' f6r New Itandrer C&onty, I offer for r sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at-the Court House door of New Han. over County, at Wilmington. N. C, on . ' Monday, the 3rd day of September, 1917, 1 at twelve ociock, to'aatwry tne judgment . NLHI HhM Kh :-t! Int (inAnbt Vivid Description:!-; Given of the War Work in France, With Sidelights. A one week's term of Superior court for the trial, of criminal cases came to an end this morning. Judsre W. M Bond, of fidentdn, has been presiding and has made a yery dgoo impression by the manner in wHich he expedites business. A number of important cases were concluded during 'the week and the county's good " road forces increased, by a substan tial number. One of the hardest fought cases of the week was that of three negroes, charged with breaking into some stores at Rowland. Blood hound evidence played a big part in th prosecution.- All were acquitted. The county auditor reports that per sons who have never listed taxes be fore have been coming in. - This is a result, of several having Deen fined in court this week for failure to list. , vMr. J. V. Williamson left .Friday afternoon for Charleston, where he I has accented a Dositlon in the Naw wuai genuine, love, what disinterested I Yard. - lesacrtficeil; . a , L ' A 10 per cent quarterly dividend, the largest ever, declared of the'.Na- . Ji.nuna me morning 01 tne cnarge, iionai uotton Mm, was declared at Eamon continued. ' "Of was it the I. ttis week's meeting of the " directors. inight afore? One: lost! all count of L; ?S!itCT'..was4 elected ?Jhe . , siutauuiucio meeting iu suixeeu uw. time......Kore came down the stairs B. McLeod as president. An addition 'or the billet and he stood beside me I to the mill has Just been comDleted. at the door. . i Local bank directors held meeting this week and declared regular divi- lm glad you're coming, up with us, dends. The National Bank of Luni- Eamon' he says. 'It's nice to be go-Derton declared a semi-annual divi- WhyYoaShbiild Brink :;j PEPSI-Cola ' Pore cafte sugar, carbon-, vatjed spring water, fruit juicea : cid phosphate 'and Atv o 1 1 n-rthat'a. trbr-coia. imo mystery: Iff its recipe; just a propcr :0 ;dellghtfuj, wholesome bwerage.asbenenclalas .ft is refreshiagr a ifivig i'oratlnii.lt, U thiratf . 'quefnehing.' Some people call it a "Liauid Contec- t4bn!i;irii the Sind bf drinS? you- would make , and home iihey flashto get that precious glass of PEPSI-Cola, the best littl0 drink that ever tickled the taste of, a thousand tots. PEPSIia is a mighty to have In the' ice-box wheil school lets out. For little ones' enjoy it just as much as vvn-ups;, and it has a food ? Value that helf)s stay that growing appetite .ttfll- supper-time. Be yoiir Own judg ! There is no substitute for.PEPSl-rCola--resent the suggestion. : - Kepiome orrthe ice at home for ? your family or the guests that drop In. At ell. .founts, 5c -or your giocer will send you home a crate. Qmsmm - ... at m ' .- m m ; . - m -m. m a m. -.-1 b r m w- :-. ing across with you.' obtained in the said Action, all of the foi-1 (By Patrick MacGill, Written for the "But I'm going with section 3" I dend of .3 per cent, and the First Na tional, qpex cenl, "You're not coming with us then, Eamon", he says. "God! I can hear nrmiJn ' united Press.) ; says to him.' "The sergeant Has de- SSShitcS outt for duration n0w and d0 tailed me for No. 5." , and more particularly bounded and describ- 1 not care a cuss; ed as follows: There's beer to spare at dinner time Beginning at a point In the eastern line &nA afters now for us: . .'STStSSi.-Bnt if our butties still were: -out in 'him.now. and there was such a look eastern line ofv Dickinson street with the Flanders raisin Cain 'm his eyes. I could have caught him tSniJiS.tf'.yre'd weather through with; them we.inmy arms at that: moment, Just as inson street sixtr, six m) thonn ' knew on bully-beef again: " nedrbeen a child, and kissed him.' eaBtwardiy.tnd parallel with Kankin street Tho nlH awoa ta I "I saw him aeain in the trench iust 1 fLSSli grublit was skip with the old before we crossed ttovtop. 'Twas the!, inson street stxtv i-r wi ft h. Rwpa.tR i last time. He was sittme all alone in I westwardly and parallel with ' Rankin ' Rut if mahnna was small 'twas Vho a corner of the bay. his head in his SOCIETY m I ft W Kh mi feet to the point of beginning, same being I 8ame for UH alI a part of ots 3 and 4 in block 24, according Same for the 'ole of the ole sweats. ton N IH? 1 wiy w 'nHma- ' (From Soldier Songs) This the 10th day of July. 1917. CHESLEY C. BELLAMY, 7-10-30dyg Commissioner. I ? Stale bt North Carolina. County of N-jw Hanover, , In the Superior Court. City -of-Wlteiiiigtoa- - VS. iJL-., Eamon Fadagh, any Irish mate, plac ed his glass on the counter and lit a r era raf to ' "Who 'would think that it was six- around. the sector and the months ago!" he remarked. "Six jwere ppm sanuDags. months. Time does fly here.. It went -you must buck up, Kore", t says. damned slow out in France at times." J "it'll be all rieht Arp'vnn mid?" hands and his elbows on his knees. 1' 1 41 "How goes it, Kore?" I asked. I HAMLET. . "He looked up and his eyes were jyi 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 4 4 4. 4, wet. One could see that he was think-1 in. The shells were bursting all Hamlet, July 11. Miss. Kate Keh- bullets uail has gone to Montreat for a sev eral week's visit. ' m VP MUSIC BY Under and by virtue of the power vested '"You mind the champagne in the bil J ?ii as commissioner, in a certain decree let, the singin' and the fun. But we W.Me .SS8f4nJ2l5SSi'b.? ifi wereaffaid-abit-ndwedid our best April term of the Superior Cojirtifor. New to hide our funk. Poor, old -Kore sit- 'God, I'll never forget the night be- He shivered and did not answer, i, w Miss Anna O'Brien has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. W. A. Robnette, in Hopewell, Va. panic MrM" MUM &na re the charge," Eamon continued, took out mv wator wtip drpw th! Miss Letha Terry has returned from cork and mit it to his lins. i Charleston, S. C., where she visited Si? toeth?h$&.t mIL'0.18 U.tin' on the floor, his fingers ;:funnin' cSrfJSsl ffiiSJ- over . the-boards,, and his face-Godl on Monday, the 3rd day of September, 1917. t was white. 1 felt sorry for him, SoSKJ tftA'Sffi; s? for.every one of 1 ttought of the touting , dAsriied ipiece. tract or parcel niSbts to come when good beer would 7' in:tb9-.-eo -:the -r&nndsbf many a cafe and SesfidKoTe pfffiSnsiS? bSjg maybe DOne 0f there t0 driftk !t' and described as follows : Anyway, we'll never drink better beer ifg nini!Lv -?oint inthe northwesteni with better men again." pJMl ' Eamon, paused,for a second and wen uo) xeet rrom the intersection or mcKea tne asn-rrom , Ms cigarette. I 'M?. and .Davis streets, and runninir recollecter! the attant nn tho Mi-H 'Have a good pull," I says. 'He had a good pull, and 1 couldn't friends. Mrs. Henry Nunally, of Virginia, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs; help laughinlafc him the way he cough- Irene Overtdn. Hnnft. urer me- uuaru,.iiu tu uoa:;ca auu uyiuiierea. i ne Dome naa run x xar. ana Mrs, uscar jjoiiar ana can on Monday, the 3rd day of September, 1917, it was white. 1 felt sorry for him, 'In it, not water. He stooped coughih' dreh, Of Sattford, spent the last week "eBrobtoihedin the j,aVflcKn i? for every one of us- 1 thought of the and a new light came into his eyes, 'end with: Mrs. W. J. Boyd and Mrs. j uwu, jca- uc oajB. J. lltt.L ' TV 3 vy v iaiu . , -. , ,'TT r! r"-'- ' : 1 h- I Rowland, visited Mrs. J. M. Page He got quite cheery, lit a cigarette iaat wepk and began talkin' and laughin'i just , Mr.- and Mrs. J. F. Seelv. Mr, arid the same as if he was at home in Eng- Mrs. R. L. Elwell of Blenheim, S. O., land. That was the- last I saw bf were recent visitors; here. tiipnni BftrthwtmMi. . " ..,,1V.uum i"wiea me atiauH. on me nign "wui. mcm iiiiiiULes i jvir. ana Mrs. a. ju. rrucneu nas re- ' Third, street forty o4i) feet- thnw Wood ln the Somme when, I,, found. afterwards I copped my own paeket. turned from the. Western part of the TawS?Jli?4ine':Al',- Eamon.' lying in a shell-hole near the '"And the -Corporal, too," said Ea- state where she spent some time. SSSl German "nes with a bullet wound in mon alluding to the N., C. O;, who had r Mr. arid Mrs. R, B. Terry and daugbV . from PasaMiTi jitrAnf. .fit .nori. ot.!Ti his ltine That he HitrviviiI '.It uro a. n. Charge Qf : thfi: Section. "Hi nriflp. wns Man.v ron nf yiirh Pnint enont - wlrdiyl . :, . ' : fc-l5255l"ft officers. i in his a brief visit here with Mr. -and'Mrs: wdiy:-towiraia&ivfa sireet:f5rtr.olBliv ' " were sucn grand Boys,-tnim-. v-.wy . iraye increased tne C. B. Terry during the last week- . tiki -tlher4ii..watothstwarrdri2; ish mates of ours," said Eaniony Iwidth of a his chest. And his songsend. a S-tSnr'Tt.i-f- know 1 never had leaning o-ifnd. recitations , always about Eng Miss Ola Harrison, of . Columbia, S. iSiXtt&lC wards them in civil lif e;-. TKey were nd and.her gloryi I never met a ck who ha been .visiting here has a, accordlaitcto:tle official plan -of , the Sassenach, I was Irish - you know .man so honest m his beliefs, so. full, gone to New Bern. - - This tZf1? 5 iatr your self- Us lrish people don't make .of conviction. I would like to see him . : i Whitiock - West ; MMMM: T -miiSrV.Vn friends quick at all. But when I met i. sVfrOewtoaloaer. jthim boys out in France, when I .'cattle again. He was one of the best."' " f ''.t:. . V' Eamon drained his glass of beer and ' . COA8TLINHpTfErCAFfc Rooms by. tbi day, week or imonth at reasonable rates. Meals at any h5ur, 208 North Front street Phone 208-W. 6-2-lm m m mm m ' . i - . ' 4 IUEG ' LLr IKtft:-.- Infc flnWnn -- " ...... . - - -.ior inim. And uoaj i! they i: were -aii?f. ' hk ' t - Vr.Mro it rL strained; he no longer had the easv f . .... . . . . : : .. T IT". " ."c"!ir- movements' of aix mtfc X l r r r iacne ana smoked pipes it might,. nave , -""""iT- v. 1 v- r been different. Just to think of thim lu c rus maKes siow' recoT u.fvxu uuttu 111. Ctll CBUIUIIUCV anuikm beer! A robin couidV drink more. WhlteviUe. July 14. Mrs. Robert, Sharp and Miss Minnie Sharp, of At- .'.What would you do if you met the ta, Gai,, are i guests of Mrs. enja- Babies, that is what they were. And German who fired at you?" min BuUer tOOr Knrs! Mo naoA tn nut his uni-l.-o v.- , Ju. i asKeU. M dj DOOr Kore! Hp iiaod tn nut. his unt form on so neat; his puttees with the 'proper curve, his trousers crease Suppose he came in here nowi' Mr. and Mrs. Mack Trawick and son. of Rowland recently visited Mr. "He?ll not comein here" said Tndmnh andlMrsi tit Hester. Hunicvbrushed: Oneof rthe Abst,? and The HighWood was pretty well 1. Mr. N: Tm McLean vand -Miss Etta arnon had blind -faith in all his i But if he did come in"; ?' P; Hester here this week. .., ; friends, the "old sweats", who fought jr . . . r I Mn and krsA. P4 McOorralck and j With hm-WWn?tielt deathhf H on pauseo 1 and .becape thought,: chUdren, nof Rowland,;, motored- ho?o 1 extolled them with pridahdrchanf' he did come in," he this week. v . : Pioned them with angry vehemence. nLV c. suence: "Y'd stand . Miss Flora Batdwln, anl Miss Mar What pride was his when, complying him . a drink seein that it has been garet Shangler. of Ashburgle, Ga are i - "Si .. .-"h -2- - .: J'.f . .rJF-' . TTI !T- . . . '"B ' -"'jif-rVfe ' . f'lT- ' ' 'ii-- - r-'- y : - TWO BOATS - 1 - Fare 25g Round Trip ; iiwifi;. ; ::; - wplfl Jill i Hi' :!- wun Q9 ma . . ,v .guests or Mrs, h Jackeoa. f v. 1 !-;' -cr'.