A, 4 j-.- 1 J 3 --. '; 1 1- i 1 p 5 . . v .. 1 4 . - A5 Ij-". . &r"r' ........ ....... . . ..r i i f jtta-. w "V 11 1 tfrnAOTimn CS; Mechanical Engineering fc 111 I ' II ii V 1 I B 4. MMMMXTV! U - i - - J l' a I - : r E. ..... - 1 i . '!; r r I W V t AAA 4 s!-wy:v.:..'.iXVAVwoiMvwJwi mihwi"" 1? 5: -S-'- Engineering mrtCMmiatry.l- . character, energy and ambition may fit , anf racticallcuTsei5 af ofefi m Aghi - tfire; Horticulture; AftimaL'lABv .f Cto1 f Mechanical s and fecial,iallg faculty-v of , ; 64... thoYougW C0mpetnt; - instructors. V-iiwettveti &WMr i mgi Eighteen departments; . $0-. ;. iflBy features; l Large- Ltaryrfr Exc'elleht Athletrc fieldV' IJormi- tory, Rooms7 to 560 ' tuefifs. f - next- mAa& wm i .cJcigtii3mfe- h K5f if v?::::W: i 1 'r-rfniiini.iii J f f n nWmmpnt Sleuths are Not lt---v- 4-Jr t hie" fr-. ernment. secret seryico . . .mwio; : 5 ftdiftlTr: a-' close. ;tW.; thesef days , on ffie ; ;iter5otts off ;Epi anT ; feTfsi pecaxcHsts i;, .in; ,fhe XTilIfed Frfday the- 13th is no date to try should be elected president or me league. Second Baseman1 Goofiey s , of '-: the 1. ' As was the caseV'TasC year Yankee a team maae tne txtsz u"piei)iicner 15 snowing me way among Am- Western league, in a recent game lin-4guetwirler. it was Cullop ana now Love is at -.3-'. 5t A 4 . i aaw"'. : S.iS- 35f- iK: . .iff:' ' -: I M WW R m W W UMiM mWW-M- i. W. . 1 Corner FrontnStfarket Capital, Surplus and Profits . . h Total Resources r , r r r . 3 Streets Jfi. '- i:-. I' ii in I. II. .ooo.ao 3D nnnnr 3.000,000,00 Functions and Facilities fffihbiiitr Accept aicotmts of Accounts Certificates of t)eposit Savikgs Fund Loans Bonds Money fbr Travelers Cdrfiottite individuals, corporations aniJ firms. Special attention given to commercial ac counts. ' ' Issues interest-bearing certificates of deposit, payable on demand or at a specified time. Receives deposits from $f .00 up on savings funds and pays 4 per cent interest quarterly. Makes loans on acceptable security at legal interest rates. Always in the market for high-grade, well rated Commercial paper. Buys and sells1 investment bonds, providing customers with destrable investments at all times. Is equipped to buy and sell for cus f 6mWs accoant any s tocks arid bonds. Re fiaole i information regarding securities fur nished free of charge. Issues Travelers Letters and Travelers' ChcksaVailable in. ail parts of the world, . . Acts as Trustee under- corporate mortgages'. Slates.-' ...-tteeenx xipjB.i-f .w tn&vte bf Wtirf the West: ftave mdieated PerSdWiJt Trusts i Wills -! i 4 ? -h Ctiitttidffirt Miscellaneous Acts as Executor, Administrator, Testarrlen tary Trusfee and Trustee under agreerrient1; Gtfairdi-if df 'estates of" infants ; Committee of .property of incompetents ; holds and in vests pfmciptes of estates, i ; r' ' Writes 'wills free of charge for any persbn tvrKthe Trust, Company js masle the xec utorr Trustee pr Guardian. ;:, - Retains in its Will fTiles the wills of ariy tes tator nWg.tts Executor, Trustee or Agent -rrfree ,o ;all; charge. - v , r-f'V.-i.-.-r-T.- s as te6s ; hoirfg securities or cash under escp-vir i Consultation in arid ta1!.- oVe any matter in which you, are. mterested, or write us and we will advise you" without cost. : si c rKLi BANCiVAsst: Cash. rrthra' rA ef. ' F"i ..Sis--' --'il . L. HENLEYj Asstek r m parlt Of yarious: anarchistic sTOups; who are king' "adyantae of , ;eond1 tfon.sristt$rpnTt ,thV war-to; fpread T While there are. known to be an- viVtiv-iiiv everv-' eitv of the. .United States, ;iVarttcuttfiy','tfipB"e' ; hayiniT; large : foreign population,, there, - are rerram ciuev w uiv.ii , iyi jro,? ? v served 'as ihe' chief American, centers fof th;e "reds" and '- it is fn . these crties that the agents or i govern ment afef keeping: a keen , lookout for the1 violent : stripe ; Sot murder - 5d vo 'eates;-. V-'--?;1 v"7 '-r . ? : 'iCepint 'ti ack ,'bf the anarchis ts &as afways been, a , difficult task, cltfefly LecHus pftheir liek of , organisation, frives'tigation has- proteii. : that ther is ' nO ;spteh v.-tbing -as' organized, an- as individuals or in small groups, and seldom,, nag. it Licen iouna . inai. any rlt connection ! exists between these groups. . . A . canvass of the cities where driarchism is known to have a foothold, shows that there are no evi dences -of other than temporary or racial organizations. v--.i AmOng the ; weji-knpwn centers of anarchism itf the ifast are Baltimore, Patersori, Barie, V.;. and fitch- burg,' and Lynn,' Mass. , In Baltimore the feeders are ttaifiais; in Paterson Uiey are" Hebrews in Barre. they are mostly . jtalians; in , itchteg ; they are Finns; .in. Lynn, they .are Greeks an(f" Sicilians, with some Italians and Jews . In. each of these cities anarch ism . is familiar and has been ; at one tirfie or another dangerous. New YOrk and Chicago, of course, include large grchips of anarchists in their population. The . New York po lice have always, managed to keep the anarchists pretty; wejl in check, though, despite their watchfulness there have been several bomb out rages in the metropolis in recent years. In Chicago the flood tide of anarchy . was reached .in the Haymar met massacre in 1886. The story of anarchism , is Inextri cably interwoven with.. the story of socialism. Under , the names of so cialistic or workingmen's societies, anarchists almost always disguise their clubs, and foreigners; who start tmf tn stndv sop.falisr doctrine almost invariably degenerate to. anarchistic t beliefs. The actual anarcmst is just about what the public believes Hhe so cialist to be; the actual socialist Is mild in comparison, while an anarch ist who becomes extreme In effect breaks aay from his fellow anar ists and becomes an individual, des perado or an irresponsible agitator. There are three kinds of anarchists, roughly speaking. Firstr there is the philosopher type, harmless nimseu, I l4l ' V . ism. " 'He becWes dangerous only when he begins to speaK to his fellows throueh his na'Ders. or from the' leq- ture platform pr the public horseblock. and then, througn nis very. mieii: gence and reasoning pPwer, wrongful ly applied, he incites other men to anarchy. . .. . v!ji Those whom he thus incites make nn thp. second class, who m?gnt well I be called "mob janarchists." They are the ones that organize, and the .ones that starid out in the Dublic estimation as.men to be feared. As a ; matter . off fact, they are least dangerous. There are as many CO wards among them' as arrinn& thfi averaee grOuns of citizens: they are powerless becaiise, while' their clubs are .COO small., to assert their independence, they are .tod large to work swiftly; or secretly to cvl purp'oses-. t . ... But from' these groups there fre aue'ntfy . springs .Up the, third-, kind of anarchist, dangerous and careless ; 61 roWSS(4u!nces. Inspired by the fhfei- no-ont snpakfir to a sense Of martyr- tdonV arid fix Apitch of desperatiori, and L onnrvrvrtari' hv t.hft . feelinc that iU th6 l-grdun' to which he belongs" he h fe -r .. " L'-j.& u- wwrf i . A tilt ti-Ait IT ffATVl'A rif 1 r" I I1M I It".- I (III I.L Kill '. to be killed. He Ts. not; a . delegate to tne . fionventipn ui ucip K i.vt Vi-e? h i a fpllivk. He is : ex-officio rep- resenMtve;rieeding ; no warrant but his own convictions a rree . lancer., ST this Jtype air .Cz'olgosz, , the . a's-,. sassin c.Pjresideht Mpinle'y ;pf this type als'O were Selig Cohan, who threw'' a1 bomb in .XTnSon Square, N. Y., hv&AA' XHo. wft6 a5ssassiriated la:CitMIic: ;priesT at ttie . aTt&r -iq a Denver chuTcn. ... . ; . Ttria Ans-v tjo.see that while inves tigation ' may 'find --a" seemfnfe ' 7cmtet - ahiro'hg ' scattered organizations, itttere Ua --' m&v ' nresentV danger, looming; larger, with' every anti-war parade and sociaHsty speech aeiivereo, un free American sand lot. ., ' " - For the'woman wno ;wsnes to ervy rfr Ass r workrooms offer!, what she i seem:The:.wontonhd rfr haVA lareer-- Dart in ' the ' great i YentsotheinnesanH. fASU&SM. M yuaaiuij y uuh , w, ? . of her home,- will find it in the ; Red Cross work roOms. A new interest m tui awaits tmmmmotkbmdift leisure and , light 1 tasks who5 will enr gage- IiTRed Cross rk,hii6;pere is also nuch ' that Ufie"; woman, pf. .lim ited vinfinS iand'tiet -ito- spare frbtt' h6medufies can ,d6 for.' tjie. Red Crbss;The Redroi: desires: (:the privilege" of 'l&ef vice Ji& riphe.jThere. is room for;. alI.;;Will ripu. join us? TfiiirsdA v one v hiiiidf ed and t'wehty- flVe. . took ' idvantdger'of .Jthis pall ;: tdi arms: at our work -rooms-B;?. on jjti-qiftT-tfp working on Tuesdayraf. Beach liniii',' Come flit the rpn. wtFjoT16wtng donations;; feceivd ;Vi : grateful LuauAo . . . ;: ...... . - j, i . i i .' -: . ; i, -. : WriflhtsyJUe, Bea6h Un'tlMjfi'y.Haile'' On; dozen .;ab;do One dozen ;roller hanaages .Fbtii dozen 4Mniinal bandages. 'JPwb dozen ' triangular bandages. ,);.Threiozen':t Sixteen wipes;., - . Ffuir: :-pn.vin'gular- bahdages. .linelltj.wff;hs icpver.i..,:. ; .....i Wrghtsvilfe,vSUrtd Unit, Mrs; Blue. Twenty-one . shirts. ' :. v;-'': Four bed . socks. St John'i. Mission, Wrs. Shepherd. ' Twelve bed shirts, , Six shoulder wraps. Four pafamas. ; ; : . ;, ' Six bed.sbcks.., . . . ; :. , Sixty-ihree linen;, squares. ., ? Qn& . tfpzeir triatigula;r, bandages. ',. Ma so rt Ijoro .t U nft. , . Orie .'plbz'jirfbuW " , be dozen. T; bahdages. Old linen. r Fifteen hot water bag, covers from. the Masonboro Girls' , Friendly. One. bolt gauze. ;' " .. oiie'.hpii.. outing... ',; ,.. ; CarPii Place Unit Mrs;;. Stbvall. Cpmplted'eit lshirt. EUghteen pairs Pf pajamas.1 ' Anonom6usiyr ;oe.boit -gauze. Mrs. Jas. O. Reiily'.l Old linen. Mrs. r. ;w. Gibson 50 cehfs. Miss .Anna 0avage,: $1. Dr. Geo G. 'Thomas, $100. ; , Mrs. Geo, G.1 Thomas, ' 510. Miss Emily Bridgers, $25. Donation, $5. Ke'sorfs .'--li'--'.. fir populj Itotela the - safest and resort on M Coast ' VttlGfirrSVILLE BEACH, M .6oetis': Juno ,1st for the SeJ vQvef: 2C.'1-spent on inptW ft Pt-Ia) frfnfn' ffiesTTfijld fh5stfuitoe8. Good 4 ' r''''PUhS :-and :Gfe6ari;.,fi8hirig, 8Qiimcj-nnd bait B ectridrauna crirteft beach vith Viisunjt ;T& C- nto4.tQaayi;(ior nev luustrafc; '".feSifci giv&ig" ..jlsi ; i-ecrcations and If . .hCarolina Caatx Club. bv. Mr. E Xt nrfcet Steirt 5 IEW. iftfv; iv I m eAFEafiiROOF GARDEN and Luneslieoas With Batn, i-pO and up. FRANK KIMBLE,' Mft' (& j to 4f ; " P to '.coueirt JUtfAroii her ;V album. , ;: . 4- S.- L. Galloway. - , 4 & t Your-'" uhhy faCe, and -lustrous eye, " Like ;the . sun which ! gilds; th ; etheV f And5 shed 'a Beain of Brightest hue. i ;-Tliv L rTnnlr hrhw ' reveals' fOJ all f May Fainne'erPleasure's sweet's ! Nor' Mis'ry; rouhd the'e cast !li pall. fc May haTcybh daysbe. thfhe . -vDweilmg ihi'eontntment : and" And'fwhen" Death's; arms" around thee twine HERALD SQUARE HOTEL 34 STW OF BROADWAY NEW YORK EVERY comfort and convert-"" iencei On. direct car Knes ' from all R. R. Sktions and Ferries. Twb tninutea walk to th finest shop ahJ theatre xodMSt ; x W with prrviTeg of Ba&5 ; 75 widi private shower bath r50' with : private, bath $2,OOand u& i 2Sc up 6 0c , Club Breakfast' t Special' Luncheon r k - - . . 1 . . . , Dinner a la cart at moderate d rices Mauaginir Dbrector r ;p-l. 1 ill1 fiM -!-;.f I Of I First Stop On Jt.,j ... . JfajT ' .;.." ..:.f t. v- . ' r ISWWghf sill JEfch, N. X. FOOD EXCELLENT Concert in Lobby by full Lumina Orchestic ery day from 1 2 till 1 : 30 P. M. and 6 : 30 J tr, . - - .- ; . .'...' ' t.ii. Boats for Channel and Ocaan Fishing. Star v V..r-':f: ' fir.!;'::. '-. : : ; . s fromOceanic Hotel Pier. Reservations, RatefS" and Book let Address . j G, E. HOOPER, Mgr. . . "IV -"1 : i't. .... ' .-a- -J"; pr. T-r TT" I .i-i! i wt iifiV- -a;- rr i t mil i ;,imuV$- -I, !m iii -in.- r,rt rs r lilt UI lifi la the Switzerland ef America i -iThe Land of tfie Sky ; WAYNESLLE; N. r ;? U .-r-- --s??:f 'Highest Town East of the Rockies LLEL'Nj c. ,;. Delightful socialeaftireCoritmuat amusement, including Ridihg-and Atrtomobtling1. ' ' Picttrresque locations The Hotel -fe sr-t.h-rtrrtivo'hhr rtrwtew hnns.;--ritft hot andcoH water m every n r or reservation ana rates, auuxesa j I - 'JrWif: "k.r 1S41... laic WILMXN6TON;V ; - . i Mte?nteUlate - Points PULLMAN PAR- LiOK CAB, WiXiMlJXUXUK iv ; JMr , T.OrTTl!l- . .. v.-. s'-.i .-. i' Thru -' - -Sleeper:" Hminkton, " At lanta, Birmingham; . . i . . 'hiitermediate Points; SLflBNCAR: " BETWEEN WILMINGTON AD CHAK-" . LOTTE.; ; Open at ia.oa for Passenv 4KBryAI Cit Ajr AT WILanWOTON No. 3412 :30 P. M. Train from Charlotte PARLOR "CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE Thru ; Sleeper, Bfrhtittgfiam,7 At- iaftta; ;WTTnimgton f 1 : . - Z No'204-i2a:0"A. M. Trata firom Cnarlottn " WILMINOTON. 2?SSlSCrERS MAT ! .REMAIN r IN 8X1EEPES DNTID Ttt For detailed, .littondattolr and rrerrattonav call tt , City; Tteke Aent-. OrtOn BaUdto H. B. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. 5 May-yor shme in fatrer fields ahove ioilir D. P. At Baieiih, C lit'.: .ii ft1:vff;: .-.;4?; irr;": - tilhiig Prescriptions More than1 merely a-business with . us it's a (P r . sion-ii (sacred duty )-wicn demands and gets our conscientious and expert attention "Yours for honest drugs and. accurately compound1 I -Any Article of Food that ought not to go vt0 twbomewilt not Ui":6utitiiMor0m- ! in A i i! i : - . ' V- '

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