THWIIINGTOhl DlSPATCHf SUNDAY MORNING JULY i 1 9 1 7. JoS!yhnseball magaay Brave . team. M .-V PAGE THIRTEEN JE .: - o-- t.: 4 I:-;' l'.-' I? THE LAND OF THE SKY.:, V GRMS i .fl y , ia -41: v;'-ft--PV Wallacli 4 Reid -AND- Myrtle tmxftmii In Their Greatest and Latest Paramount ; Triumph " V : , ., "the woWlipiir A screen Drama That 4 Will Stir Ybur Heart to Its Depths, as You Watch a Magnificent Struggle Between Love and Duty., ffom :ite iuie mouAiaiilfair Unil I ieel like I could ;live and t i eat f or; ever. ;- "'A 5 ' Vs-v-. '? $ ;-ii-hursdayi l : amh to;;: beautiful 'Ashevilie . farewell, Ibut ! I; do want; to say that nature seems to have smiled upon this 1 beautjr "spot; as 'it- has upon nd otier that L haye 'sver seen 1 -T 'V . . ' w.-A ; v 1" The great Fayssoux,; known through-Twill inake. his r celebrated bliidfold vt t.. out the length and breadth of America drive' through the busy streets dtthe 4 : a th6 a, wnnflpr of thA a?P hs pitv iindpr the direction of a commit- -, is Surrounded by. flpwers, . .: , the Royal Theatre. Be there; itN is itee. of prominent citizen?, Adc T ' the Royal Theatre for an engagement hieh hwillrfinda: pMj6mceey.J of one week beginning Monday, dur-;then drive to the postoffice, nnlocK, ine sort.oaimy, air, ihg which he will present his wonder a box and take therefrom a -letter US fountains, f .,: ii,TrV4r a.ta Tiavo mvaHfipil InrenoroH -hv ,fhfi COfhmlttftfi driVfi to Ut 1 A pa.8t 'With them ally r V '-"'. i- thousands for several yeats "past. - the man to whom it is addressed, and! !Jr a home in ,the, mountains ; fayssoux has agreed to present deliver it tp him. advising htm before SX? t these hyrmoUc exhibitors to the -peo- is opened 01 tpe conienoi; me let-. -al; ,v" ;;.-fmiI1. 4tlo tSuS lo: ! ft Theatre:7Be Ftew Wtt ?Z, -Grahd:old:Pisgah,amtude , 1 1 Certified ? Publ'C AcrW i i j i ii i ii r-u wiiiiu i 1 1 1 iiiviii v i 112 r- v ti i ww - - ,; Wm. T,, Kennedy, of Knoxville, ;was nominated'' by the President yester-1 day to be United States attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, v AUTOS FOR HIRE J :Pleure . b.-lvlng; Oance . Wedding and Commercial i-v, V Phone 15 rd S45. ' : seen ona stage here or elsewhere, Fayssoux has appeared in the lead ing theatres of the country for several years and is well and favorably known . iat a distance of 26 miles it looks like eiifrf TOMORROW 1 11 J LIrJJi Ui MOROSCO-PAR AMOUNT FEATURE a - dark - thunder-cloud .''towering far TOMORROW. laboye those in close proximity to it. Wallace Reid ' and Myrtle. Stedman,lJust .to the south of it is the "Rat,'! a . . - " IrtTter i1ro iritVi -.a Ifival tnTV rlTh o ,-HAnil- in this city .where he- has ptayea a t uiai v u6 i uOW,nu. ?v . "andantfprb'-maenificance of the nnmvor rwf tiiTiPQ in thP vparq na?t such a pronounced success mr the Iy 811(1 supero magnniLance ot xne numDer or times m ine- years pa&i. x;J:a.ATirv!r.tirrmittdinfi'-?thlrf' rv 'Almost Hii shows are clean and high class in ; SKy-mwuu pruuucuuu x ,urHkeT:fte"be every resDect and the announcements Prison Without Walls," will be seen striKestiieDenoider fttumD witn won xJfxJ T mm: u"wuu.ciuciifc rraTlfq nT1 tomorrow in thp Mo- der. Mountains everywhere as far as that the Royal Theatre management at the Grand on tomorrow in meMo .l u it j , 0ithe Kuman eve has bPPTi able to arranee for these i rosco-Paramount production , "The me nmnea yision oitne numan eye n..,Te.?n aD.?, ? tlY . . 1 wnriinart" an imnsiiai and Ppittfiff can xreach. . No wonder i William Jen- exhibitions will doubtless be received i World Apart, an unasuai and exciting ; RrVaT1 it bnildintr mansion with much interest 1 story of western life prepared es- nmSs ryan is Duimmg a mansion wiui. muLu iuitjiesu i . tyarY, -h Tll1: rronrfn here. Thei people are contented and . Owing to fte length of. the enter-rom the storyJby Ge0rge MidMhaPPy believe that no other tainment there will but two Per-;dl produced under the per- Place possesses quite so many oharms. formances each day at 3.00 and 8.00 & direction Df William H. Taylor, 'Rhodeudrons grow, in luxurious o'tilbck. 'nf thp Mornsro ComDanv - j prof usiou in the mountain fasteusses One of the most interesting features rvi won,, "v, and daisies look like a heavy frost on of this show will take place Mday h his thousands of ad- the mountain-slopes. I have " climbed afternoon at 2 oclock when Fayssoux .g gaid be tne fcest example ' Sun-Set Trail," and. inhaled the ozone " of young American manhood now on ? " , . the screen. Tall, Clean-cut, good-look- ureari vv nice is siarrea luuuuuviwijr ing and powerful, he is equally popular 'and Manager Cooley of the: Bijou, with both sexes, and with Myrtle theatre has - again demonstrated his Stedman, the two make a combination i progressive showmanship-by arrang of stars that would be hard to equal. to present 'The Fatal Ring," be- The majority of the scenes in "The ', ginning tomorrow, World Anart" were laid in the west ! "The Fatal Ring" has been acclalm- and were filmed in practically the ex- ed by those who have seen the first episoaes as one ot .tne- Dest meaiums ever' offered Pearl . White to show" her excepti'nal -historic ability, and it gives her an opportunity to do : more it is impossible to describe it in this ( thrilling stunts than those which eri- hripf ?narp ueareu ner tu uiuuou picture istuts. in 183, died at his home in Lynn, Mass., yesterday. - He was ,82 years old. tants. JUxtm SIS Hurehltoa Butk 11 3 Phone 99. WIl-MIarON, . O. U " EVENT 0F?THE SUMMER Of In Her Supreme Serial Achievement 'Tie FiMI Supporting Cast Including Earle Fox, Ruby Hoffman, and the iliainous Warner Oiand, "Baron Huroki" of "Ratria" act locality abouX which Mr. Middle ton wrote his story. (TJie story is unusually as to plot, anoso full of thrilling incidents that II 11 Tt is nPPdless to sav that both Mr. '-A series of three record-breaking Reid and Miss Stedman are given an White's ' credit.' "The Iron Claw opportunity to be seen to their best serials have been placed to Pearl advantage ! brought testimonials by the hundreds. Reid, who complains that the seen- I The summer before, "The Exploits of ario writers lie awake nights devising Elaine" kept the ticket seller busy hew methods of getting him killed, has , and the theatre owner worried .only two thrilling fistic encounters in this 'as to how he was going to take care production, one of them being espe- f the vast number of patrons who cially interesting as from a fight for thronged his doors. The summer be tho ropi it dPVPlonPd into a real fore that "The Pearls of Pauline' Ifight and it took the entire force at proved a fallacy, the statement of the Morosco studio to separate the many exniouurs way saia mai me wnrrincr factions. Tie whole incident could not expect to make money m is so realistic that it is impossible to i the summer time. "Pearl of the tell where the picture fight left off , Army" was ner latest success, tnougn and the actual scrap ' started, but it lit was not released during the hot is all shown on the screen except .weather. ' ww0 thp hvstandprs internosed. m "ine atai tmg- fean wane, i i i a. m "r 1 Others in the cast supporting the jWiio piays tne leaamg pan oi rean two stars are John Burton, Eugene Standish, is supported by the; greatest I Pallette, Florence Carpenter and least sue ever naa m any serial, war-; Pallette, Florence Carpenter and j ner Oland, who played the part of MPTir-o- a Psrmwq Baron Huroki in "Patria,"-is . the vil- iienry a. rdiiuw&. , u GREAT PEARL WHITE SERIAL. a woman of mystery, a priestess rro!t Hpmnnd thrmiffhmit the whose followers do her bidding. photoplay has caused Pathe to release Henry Gsell and, Earle Fox are sup- 'The Fatal Ring;,. the serial in wmch vvy, 1 . .... .mfllllll VI 1 1 FV Iff 11 111! " 13 , ; . l.i . ' -- 1 . ..... - 1 - -t i k a t , ,(.!'.?., - I ' f 1 ; . S , . . tf . -14 ,.' ... vkc: - 1 - hVM t iff' aivt- y l u 1 1 r i4isltolat w -Nil N MYRTLE STEDMAN, PALLAS-PARAMOUNT STAR. . Myrtle Stedman, A Pallas Paramount star, who will, he. .seen at the Grand , t tomorrow in "The" World Apart." ? 5ii" f TH EONE, THE ONLY, THE ORIGINAL ' ? " . . " -r v. J r look. for 1 r - - j- WONDERFUL FAY SILJX . r I " J ii i mmmmmmmm . it PEERLESS BLINDFOLD DRIVE While securely blindfolded he Will drive'a firy team through the crowded streets, fihding lost, stolen and hidden articles. The drive will be introduced on the principal streetsof the city, starting at the theatre at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. " THE IfGOMPARABLB F A MMXJt PREMIER HYPNOTIST .THE WORLD'S And Mental Telepathist in Wonder Producing Acts Which Will Mystify ,jiyiiitHli4 v"'; OWING TO THE LENGTH OF THE PERFORMANCE THERE WILL BE BUT TWO SHOWS EACH DAY AT 3 O'CLOCK AND 8 O'CLOCK. r. t....:hi;r?foU Drive 'Tomorrow in Front . of the ! ;- j 1 v . a y Royal at 2 o'clock FREE. .. ; ' - V ,., ;. " ! ' " ' ' ,ie, ! iiilr'feC. ' Matinee 10 arid 15c Pt Tffl? Matpe 10 an 5e - . - JKliiCSl. Night . 15 and 25c . ; Hypnotic Exhibitions : J ... , . Scientific and Refined. The Highest Class. Show of its kind in existence: Endorsed by the pressfpulpir and people. Nothing ever seen like' it here before. 'Come and bring the children. 7 BEST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IS THE PHYSIC Wonder of the Ae His Shows are High Class in Eye iy Respect. A FAYOUX AND HIS ASSOCIATES HAVE played Every Prin-; cipal City in Both Europe and America. : .-.:i-yf: 1 1 t '-.. ' .-,'...'" 'V.-. 1 f;,'. t "