' THE.7ILT.iINGi 0 J DlPA'iCH, ."Ji I - ."""J -""V -- "at V 1 4 ft it . .4 m n -irvi : a - ,1 S ' ' . Ill I , J ' it-- Jl ... a. - , ' ' lr- 4 ' . ' ' III I 1 YOGKS v ioz - a vv ear is I 1 v.'--v- : v HI- Ullie Russell H; Mr. gVfe ; .a visitor in the cUy day. ; J' ? U - - ; Mrs. F. D. Sellar, of Teacheys, wasj , . -Motehetf , , visitor in the city .yesterday. L'tnf Charlotte; were WJ-Unfck 1 tnAfn of r!hr1otte v ..''- -raa'tnn vfKitora veaterday, . - ; r - Mrs. C. C uryan, .01 , . . a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr.Bertha HdtV3neteBdAN. j ' ' i iin 'r xnects to leave shortly. fof a stay Miss Dollie fS'g'.aT Sberton wit friends and rel .was a visitor in the city yesterday, ; . r f t. ; Miss-Donnie Maxiara 01 ""' M d Mrs il, Srown and Mrs. - Spent a period in the city yesterday. aMrs. frfij were ylg. 'Mrs Paul Marsn'bu?n r iting as in . the city yesterday. Orton Ho friends an J relatives at Richlands. tel guests. 'Miss Viclori? 22 &tS " InterefiJ , Froiri.tlre Rfesortr I Vas a visitor in the city yesterday. omej several days in the city MissVlema Paris-' of Greensborois a recent arrival at the Oceanic Hotel. Mrs. mli Blae. of Sloop? Point 'with friend9. was a visitor m tne cuy ye-a,. . RbWn of BaU. , RnsRboro more, aul, nas reiurueu w wt :ww5":---.v.--' Hfiss caroiyn m--",-", t woaIta in - thfeTha Seashore. k - in th city w tniwr iuuu46 'v t JCOlvluwj - Danube"- ( Ji Straussji Comic Opera . Selection, "High arc .1 'art '-'.- - - . . . - misr uarne rteee . ana misa uene lnierjnisKion. , ... ? ?.-, Bradley, of Payetteville, are guests-at March, !ATrangesA'- (MarJjtiCosta) the Oceanic Hotel. Oertjaper,' - i concert . Pjece, "Uaflinage h Victor Mrs. Jaclr- Clay, of, Bessemer, Ala.il Herbert).. is a Wrightsville visitor, stopping at the Seashore Hotel. . Mrs. H. Cr. McCall, of Bennetsville, S. 1 C- 4s : aBeich . visitor, a guest at , ipeht friends. - : V Miss Murel finders is spending tlie I city with relatives. Mr. andzMrsulX Tt :Thoina'a,i f Mul- 1 Mr r r. Morris ' for several months leu,. Gai 4?.; on the beach for a pe- mders is spenumsj , rWlvens BanK.-.Has ae.riod. guests at tha -Seashore Hotel. week-end with relatives at ;rrnn Wth the Home Sav- . tMT and Mrs..- Ralph--Boringof Eliz I abthtown,: N. Q., v are. on j the beach J.: Haynes. -51- -f " ' ' i Mrs.' Geo. Gornto left last night for .feaefle Haynes to spend the week-end with friends. I'" Mr T. a7 Whitish, of Wrightsboro, was in the city yesterday, spendingf Johnsm has returned to the day with friends. . herssummer nome at Aghton after a h . J; ,...., niaa-ftt atav here with friends. She l"fL2WirS. 'rSK W accompanied, home ty M. JCK cepted a position with the Home Sav ings Bank. Miss Sudie Nelson, of Morehead.for a period. Seashore Hotel guests City, passed through the city yester day, en route to Florence, S. C, where she will visit. , Finale, "Havahoja"- (Ifugo Frey). N 'Star-Spangled Banner." Optional.) - , . , r Wight, R:45 Ocloek. . 'Gejn,,'prStephen Foster (Arr. by TheoMjThani). ' . . ' Melodies' from V the Operetta, "Miss Springtime"; (R- Kalman). 4 - . s Saxaphone; . Solo, "One '.. Fleeting Houry, (Dorothy Lee). , . .. ;.. Grand Selection from "Madame Butterfly; (G. Puccini). . . " '-intermission.- - March, "Cupid's-Patrol'' (NeiIM ret) : . : .. , Mrs. John W. Bouey. of Wallace, re-1 Two ISJegaic Melodies alter xsorwe- turned to her home last night, after " gian Poems : (a) "Heart Woyuls ; SDendine several days at Wrightsville- (b) "The Last Spring" (Edward 3? ft "J1 ' fi Thl u.of stirfineifessf fabric, ittyummm and variiy, inisr aisiJiay unc ui ucsi wc nave ever inaae ana as to " price : Why y oa rauldh t tegrn to Bliy ' trie1 material and have them made tor the price we ask tor the garments ready made : Real Scotch Zephyr. Ginghams with pleated skirt. Lara, collar with viruffle edge wide self beljf. new pockets, an all. arounil dainty, "high class dress $5.95. ' White Voile Dresses , trimmed with bands of colored broidery,' very dainty and neat. Priced $4.95. See them Monday. em- Dozens of others. r Beach. for' AShton, where she will spend the week-end with relatives Mrs; . M. F Hiriklln And Charmine daughter, Miss Frances, of Chester, S.f (3), Gypsy Dance. Grieg;- : M ',. w -i-s.i. SUite di Concert (Edward German) . U) Valse Gracieuse; 2 Souvenir; ji: ' . Mrs. E. F. Mallard, of Shalotte, was ;i atisitor .in the city yesterday, return- ing to her home in the eevning. - . ;v ; Mrs A. C. Boyce left last night for Burgaw, where she will spend some time with relatives and friends. V ' '-i 'X' -T' iljvtr' and Mrs. A. T. Walton left last night for Burgaw, where they will v spend the Week-end with menus. . ... Mies Eva C. Jones left last night : for. IJose Hill, where she will spend ; the week with relatives and friends. '.. JUiss. Retta Bullard, of Stedman, . returned to, ner nome, tnis morning i-- after spendingth -week in the city r with her sister, Mrs. A. D. Watson. , t , ; Miss Nannie Etheridge returned j to her home n Raleigh yesterday evening after a pleasant stay here . with friends. Miss Leslie Davis, of Norfolk, who has been visiting here as the guest of Mrs. C. M. Williams, returned to Sanderlin and daughter, little Miss fc, are beach visitors, registered at Eleanor. The Seashore. DOCTORS ARE COMING Mr. and Mrs. P. N.: Fick, of Macon, f Mrs-Joe Rosenthal w'ml--xkli'ri;:4'M1tf AnUfrir Ga., are here to visit Mr. Fick's moth- .daughters-Miss E. Rosenthal, of Golds- er, Mrs. P. N. Fick, -no. zo& souiq doto, are beacn visitors, registered at Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Fick. mp- , The Seashore. r :j ,; tored to Wilmington and en route ( spent several days with- Mri; Fick's j ...Little -Mis Mary Graham Smith, of Meets at Oceanic. Wallace,' has returned to her home, after spending several days at Wrightsville Beach. .her r home yesterday. r ' Mr. and Mrs. C.-M. Battle left yes ' terday afternoon for Wallace, where mother, Mrs. George Cutter, In Hen- dersonville. The following from the Wilson Times is of interest: "Miss Esther Garris was hostess to a number of her friends yesterday aft- pmnnn at a 'character tea, from 5:30; Wrightsville Beach. to 7:30 o'clock, in honor of her guest, Miss Annie Mae DeMent, of Wilming ton. The guests represented witches, clowns, Red Cross nurses and Colon ial dames. :'The . best character . represented was a Red Cross nurse. The prize, , a poem in booklet form, 'Texas a Para dise,' was presented to JMiss Martha Draughn. . "Refreshments were served hy Miss Fabra and Miss Edith Garris. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Spivey, of ML -1 The semi-anffual meeting of ' the Third District Medical 1 Society, em bracing New -Hanover, Columbus, f Pender, Onslow, .Brunswick, Duplin, Jones and; . Bladen counties, will. be convened at the . Oceanic Hotel, Wrifhtsvile Beach, Wednesday of ;thls Olive, returned to their home last week and the .attendance Is expected night, after spending some time at-to, be very good. The last meeting was. held In the Victoria theatre build ing in the fall of. last; year. Five : of Mx. and Mrs. J. A. Qavis, of Ken- the eight subjects to he discussed .will ansvllle, returned to their home last be handled byWilmington physicians. nignt alter spending a period on many, 01 me suujec f e tuuumuu!u- Wrightsville Beach. . Jed at.;tbecP.reseat, put will ..prove, of intense interest, to.tpny sician, regar Mrs. George Berkley, of Philadel phia, Pa., returned to her home this morning, after spending several days at Wrightsville Beach. less of what they may be. Following is the program to be, carried out: .!.:. Hypertrophfc Pylodic Stenosis Dr. Thos. M.. Green, Wilmington, N. C. . . 2. Caesarean Section, with , report (Those present were Misses Virt hamv Ala.,,left last night for Old Point ginia Dance, Caroline Farmer, Nan-Comfort, Ya.; after spending some nie May Collins. Elizabeth Sugg, An nie -Draughn, Mary Swindell, :;Pearl Swidell Beatrice Amerson, Lucretla Wortbihgton, of -AydehL'ljllian' Pag0, thev will visit before returning to;nf oBston. Georeia Green, of Wilmine- their home in Raleigh. (ton, Mildred Sadler and .r Mrs. Guy jbeach for several days. i i Driver." Mrs, Sterling Lanier; s -of Blrmlng- .of cases Dr.- Chas. P.; Bolles, Wil- 3. Subject Unannounced Dr. Cy rus Thompson, Jacksonville, N, C. 4 time at Wrightsville .Beach. ; . Ma and Mrs..-J..F. Glenn vand chil dren, of Atlanta, are. registered at the Seashore Hotel Subject Unannounced Dr. S. E. iMiss. Ruth Dooly, of Waycross, is spending a period in the etly with friends. She will visit in Richmond -before returning to her home. C Miss Helen Marshall, of Richmond, Va., returned to. her home last night, after spending several weeks in the cfty with relatives and friends. i . ! ;a Mrs. Helen Swain, of Charlotte, y passed through the city yesterday ea route to wasnington, u. u., wnere sne will spend some time with relatives and friends. . - i. Mrs. James W. Jackson, Jr., of Wrightsville avenue, has as her T charming guest, her sister, Miss Vir i, ginia Diemmer, of Augusta, Ga., who h. Will be here as her guest i-r aeveral days. i'-J.;" "i,The following appeared in recent v issue of the Wilson Times: . "Misses Martha and Annie Draughn .. will give a Gypsy tea Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock at Wiggins Mill, in ; honor of Miss DeMent, of Wilming f ton, guest of Miss Esther Garris." . . v t. .... "w v yc , . I Capt. and Mrs. Warren L. Jones re- turned to the city yesterday from ; Kenansville, where they spent sev- -efal days with Captain Jones' mother, Mrs. Julia S. Jones, who. quietly cel- ebrated her 70th birthday oil Friday. , : jf rs. rJones, in spite of her three-score -Ind ten years, is active and. enjoying w Remarkably good health. Koonce. Wilmington, N. C. v. BubfWtTda1inbud40ri, L. Thev will be on thp ryan,. ouesu j?errjr,;. v. Wilmington, N. C. Mrs.X F. L. Armfleld and daughter. 7. Subject Unannounced-Dr. T. V. of Payetteville., returned to their? MS?Sui : q"vi,iii rr t p home this morning, after spending r-sS wi5ffS?nJr several days at Wrightsville Beach. I ren Sidbury, Wilmington. ,N. C. WILMINGTON GIRLS FETED. The following clipped from The Wil son Times is of interest v "Young's Springs was the scene off Mr. and Mrs C. W. Walters and' a most enjoyable occasion last even- Miss Annie Walters, of South Boston,! ing trom o 10 11. wnen aiiss :wiiarea va, are spenumg a penua on tne Sadler charmingly entertained a num- beach, registered at the Seashore Ho ber of friends at, a Gypsy tea, in hon- tel. or of her house guest. Miss Georgia! Green, of Wilmington,, Hundreds of persons are expected The guests gathered at the .home to spend today on the beach and the of the hostess on Green street, and j riving about 8 o'clock, and immedi- ear service that is to be given on the motored out to Young's Springs, ar-fSea Coast Line insures all that trav eling will be comfortable both ways. ately entered into the festivities of -Surf bathing is expected to be the the evening, consisting of ; dancing order of the day and the restless Al and games. . ?: "The dancing pavilion was artistic ally decorated with Japanese lanterns,; Patriotic Parade of the Second Regiment Yesterday WiK mingtori Well Represhted lantie will be used as the background for the biggest number of btiehtlv colored bathing costumes yet exhl.b-! (Special to Tie, bispatcB.) " " which, mingling with the entrancing i ited at the South's most famous sea-; Goldsboro, N. C, July H.-rr-Gnlds-,..n;.'nf hn vu..in mon o ,mAnr. I fhnrp rpsnrt. - iboro has been crowded with. thousands uiuaic ui iivuiua, luauc a yjuuci-i - r . - , v-.J . . ui viBiiurs j.ruiu an iai i ui lug oioio today. They came to witness tne pa triotic .parade given by the Second Regiment shortly Jafter 42 6!clock.'The 1 ful scene as the dancers fluttered to I and fro over . the large 'av.jJil. I .Recent arrivals at the Oceanic Ho "After the dancers had become ex-j tel are: Messrs. J. F. Thompson, Oz- haimfed fsunner was , served and en- ? bum Stafford, flrpenahorn Hunrv f! invpd hv nil After Hatlsfviner thpir rMirrrpii i,nnfTi)io tfv pi v pvowJllne of march, began at Camp Royster, appetites the guests wandered down1 er, Baltimore. Md.;' K. B. Taylor. RfcnJJU8 out84,ihe, to the sbrine and all Dartor hr the mond. Va M. o. BArrfweii. St Tularl tnroiiEh-lle.rtacipai stiwts.'.to-'-:tbie splendid water in an old-fashioned Mo.; O. Battle, Tar boro; N. B. Joseyi ceatro;erfttfeee.gent1.-wa re; gourd, after which dancing and games 1 Scotland Neck; D. Hi Washington; 1 viewed ,by G OverrQrS JMcketf. ' v The were again resumed. , 1 Chicago,. 111. ; W. A. Tyler. St. Louis, Oownjor ;: also .. ;addresed the troops Mo.; C. L.-Be veil, F. D. Williams, Fay racucany, even' iown ana cuy ui The Correct Corset Means Grace - and-Sdppleiiess. 1. . 1 1 v'Vr? v. K. Every' woman -is innate1.-ly-j.frAittefnt .blithe ; and nnn1a A nnnrlv ftttlnir fir- ' set '-prevents this grace. A- Correctly fitting corset de- . velops it. : We -have the ftorrec$ "corset ror you mar t ani-ne that will flit youi - perfectly and comfortably , : giving you the grace anr suppleness of - carriage, that every ' woman should 1 : . have. . ' '-: . !fiey are moderately priced too and the service of our expert 'cdrsetiere is yours" for tne asang. Cool Grass Rugs; Specially Priced 1-: (;.., , '.. Some .1 one-of-a-kind;. 'resultin from early selling, ideal for porch es, summer homes, bed rooms, din ing rooms arid lawns, strongly tvoVetf and very durable attractive colorings and desirable patterns. , If you II come7 in early, the chances ' are good for finding a rug that will match or blend with som you al ready have, ' - REftpy .FOR-.woRic;- City Exemption Board Is Awaiting Receipt: of . Order. . ' It was announced last night by members of the city .exemptionfr board. the gentlemen- whot are to pass on the merits of tho argument that will be advanced by Uiose claiming -L exemp tion from military service after:, hav ing been drafted by. the; selective draft system, that everything was ; in readiness, for the executjeu of ,any orders that - might be issued by the Federal authorities. The preliminary work . of the exemption boards, both county and city, has been done care fully and correctly and absolutely, no hitch is expected when, the machinery is set in. mqtion Man of Mystery Will Be Seen at the Rpyal All iThis Week. Wilmington, amusement lovers have something . novel and also ; weird on tap this, week in the , coining of the celebrated. Fayssoux the cpzy Roy al Theatre, where this, noted artist, assisted by a strong, corps .of enter tamers., will hold forth all . week. . ..The offering is 'not only , one weM worth while, tuf is 'one. that will startle the ! folks of the city. Fays soux is known as the world's; premier hypnotist and his feats in mental tel- . L?' .''J 'Ji!J.' -. . A. rllCROGRESING NICELY, Building of Initial Ship Will Be Begun mi 4n tany uate. worK is progressing rapidly on Ok city's:, newest industry, Messrs. Cust man apd McGown's shipbuiiams Plait many workmen having been brought nere from ... Philadelphia to assist ii building the ways in preparation to the) construction of the initial ship tnat will be. built, by this concern The property, which was leased froa the Chadbourn . Lumber Company, ii which is located near the Quwi street plant of the Chadbourn Con epathy re- jhbt ohly mysterious ..but ; pany, has been cleared of ail debris wonderful. " 'He will, introduce a num- ber of his most startling acts upon the streets o Wilmington. and leveled under the direction of Mr.. Cushman. ' Work on the initk: ship wilL be started at an early date. ?j.::,--.ii.--.-r.- It Wrightsville Beach "At a late hour the guests depart ed for the home of Miss Sadler, where each declared her a Charming hostess and wishing for; another such occasion at an early date. , . "Those enjoying Miss Sadler's hos pitality were: M f sses . Georgia : Green, of Wilmington; Lizzie Culpepper, Lois Lindaey. Rachel and Gertrude Good man, Gladys BissetU .Temple Battcra, Bertie Uean3, Nora Farmer, Lucile Rodgers, Myrtle Boyles, Bleeka Har per. Dorothy S tailings Isaac etteville; H. R. Cooley, Richmond. Va. ; T. Mclntlre, Gastonia; W. R Lipscomb, Richmond, vVa. , Eastern North, Garoiinn was repre sented here . Wilmington was well represented. This was ,.the7;last .par ade given i by the regiment before de parting for. a divisional training amp soon,- vuy i.i-iia30 v It is next to impossible to estimate the number of persons who enjoyed the pictures flashed on ths Lumira screen during the week ending yes terday, but it is sate to predict that R.v s c cooeland V AT EBENEZER CHURCH. Will Times Today. Preach ly on the Lumina screen, the manage- ' .ii C'Zh0 .H.'oin. rr,or rJr i. ?,u of the services will be special music BATHING CAPS, SHOES AND SUITS Fqr Women and Children wkrre wash skirts Pre-Shrunk Parasol Gloves and Silk j . ,,c-r-...--;,-. MAVIS Toilet Requisites. i"i,.-. ment advising . that , tney . think this TP KfiviPS . mantra i-tctr. , ,. , , jiiiwb -imTCiiji Tavlor and MessM ib T .rtTT uFS me wees negin- ToJay atr Ebenezer Baptist church, layjor am Messrs,.rQDr.Bi.Witl. tottorrow . evening's -show, f , "2 a n nminnd n n in Str rklflrtd Uneh ftf-fc w; a i- - colored, Rev.vSUQ. Xopeiana, u. ,M, ley, .RusseU Griffin, Wey Mer,fSScS Seer Clem Jovner. Tom Bissett. Jeff- Pitt-!wim T!nmo. win n. "t the following services; At 11 a. m., man. Macon Williams, wniard Prid-UJTi TTZZtf: .rTCJJT P. m., and 8 p. m. Pertinent features I een. Paul BurtonL- Tom Burtrn. J "D. Taylor, Jesse Webb, Jesse Sadler, Ja cob Williams and Walter Ellis. '. "Chaperons, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Boykin, Mr. and Mrs. J, ;)L Har per, Sr., Mesdames A. T. Pillar, M. A. High, H. M. Rodgers and W. C. Sad ler." , Vr ; - v"f,Ezra,A.,CarteriReT..Cpjielana is ,re uow - i Warded as v.one of his denomina- Among those registered at The Sei-l"on'8 ruIi shore are Messrs. C R. Pyburn, At- f 0ns wi 1 S ioto- t t. nMn UTinn xr,' iilnterest to the members and friends MARRIED YESTERDAY. At the home ofMrs. K. C. -Shaw, No. 211 Walnut street, Miss Grace F. Corbln, of Winston-Salemi and , Mr. f Patterson B. Nelson, also -of .Winn Salem, were married, yesterday after noon at 2:30 o'clock,' Rev. M. -T.'.Ply-ler, pastor of Grace Methodist church, officiating. . , ; ' yr;; The - ceremonyK which ,wasf. Of a tableaux effect, was witnessed by only a few friends and relatives of the contacting, rcouple. For . the . nuptial event the bride was attired in a travY eling suit of gray with; accessories to match. . . ' ' Immediately following- a : luncheon served after the ceremony the rbride and- eroom boarded . asouthbound train for their honeymoonv. which wiU be 'spent In several cities.' They will D. Dial, Columbiai .S. B Washington, N. Cr; F. W, Parker. Ral 4teigh; P- D. Hokteny ;4kvr Winstea4, lnow iiyHa r toying. Charlotte;; Raipi(.ftr..:.iMiriAiic; H. Reid Separd; BostojnH. B. Thompkins, Louisville, Kj4 George, Bramgart, tAJt-. lanta: R. E LBrbwjn; aid' H. Brown. Jr., ChadbatilW.vA: Smith j J. Hood, J. N. G. oodf i ikvejani Ohio; J. W. Tybn- J4i?Mporjf, Bennettp yllle, S. 0; vl;:f; i . .; . COjM0eRT8ATMUIMlNA. The Kneisel , Orchestra will render two concerts , atr L,njmina tdday, the initialW mPf ,.,MWP at 3:45 o'clock, ittd te 'mweca&Tji the evening at 8:45T0e:. fonoingpjtfgrams wili (aeov;giTinjnaus; make their future: home in .Winston-1 (Sirff SJ Ultanfe, v j j' Saleni. v ; M t i?0S -tttiful ' i: 4 4 . .. . , . , , ' . PERSONAL MENTION. - ; : , .c. ; ' - 'i Mrs. C. E. Wessellieft last night for Norfolk, Va., on a business trip. : T AUCTION 8ALE..OF MODERN ICE ; CREAM PLANT; On Wednesday, July IStrf inst, at 12: o'clock jioon bnijthe, praises, at 13; Princess r street,rWilmington: - North Caroliim, I will sell to the highest- bid 'der for ..cas'nv a pdeA.Icp; j CreaqtiV Flanfc.'eiielpylg. :IWC3$l!l?nt.' to: seli;$iurer'jibtt . ThfaiifrfVftW4; sfflfinWhnkl iSefitoftmiltv Marcelihe'lto secure at a bargain, a good business ! l With art omtaMtahaA crnsivo tifif- Lost 3hord' -ronage, I tattoAlte etfuipped plant , which cdn :be ; used anywhere. Blue J,- Feltott 'iH-TntttAdt7a.Mt'- wwmm Apparel Take advantage of this opportunity to profit by the many tempting items that have brought crowds dur- mg this sale. ,.f' e- If' Men's $6.00 value Palm Beach Suits.- Reduce d ......$3.50 :to . v $10.00 value Men s CoolCloth Suits, to . . . . J . 7.- . . . Reduced . . .... .$6.98 WffifteiiSi Footwear Reduced Thsniartest'of-'iani quality shste to b founl here now--styxesthat youll iiot oniy admire, but that will give you splendid serviceand.fas'shQe' prites-go now, very reasonably priced For instance: WHITE CANVAS PI HIGH ACE?060t Ladies' yWhite Canvas lace boots, high or low heels . .$1.98 to $3.43 White Canvas Puinpsr-" covered heels . . . i..- V...$f.25 to $2.48 :IvadieWhite Buck Oxfords, $5.00 5 values. Special at ; $3-43 White Canvas Slippers, rubber heels and soles,? $2.00' values, ,. special at .... .'.,,fv. . . . . .$1-W Full line of White Tennis Shoes and Okfords. - MEN'S STRAW HATS REDUCED! - AMERICAN FLAGS. "All 2.50 Straw Hats . ..... . V. . . . . vy .7 ;$1.2a y 3x5 feet . . . VI'.' . .V. ....98c to $13 au i$2.io fgtr!kats.'v.i;. feet ..?..'l. ; ..i..Vv,V. ...s--2-tl? Alj $1.50 Straw Hats;. ;, . . . . . . . "i T . . . t ? j,-;-;jl.7!o Mejt with poles and fixtures, complete. . . .$2-50 I I- y -v -sSj - - Ji " 'f . v.- ! dl&llNo Fih St&eU Car Fare Refunded oh Purchases of $2.00, or Over,' in. ,.-:. f ' -6 . . II It : ....... . 'rf . '.-.4 , .... ' rf. Mr.!wir.V'4ii-ci.;.lv-.

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