WILMINGTON DISPATeHSUNDAgMORNINGj ClliC CLUBS; nniMn rmir 4 k-e Men are ' Fq -, ' v 4x. vi i ;-. y.a. --JS Doctor's Orders WKich Al-t Craven County; Makes iQfos ous Report Railroad Di it y i ii i-'S'--- hdeavsp itoi Meet 'Grisis.tin Prussia With An Electoral ways'Mean Good Health It f 3seec;ti4ri Mrst tbey Be Presented' in Fall by rectors to -Meet, 1 V? . ' 1 i u ' 3 -- ixerorm. picKoutsPwy a healthy, sound, man, and ihen' ibepm&' ftim ; live right, 1 ,Sprial to The Dispatch.) ;;.l oW Bern. July 14. -According .to WIgTJ0. h0My 14 . ri . .Berlin, July; 13 Relayed ) Via Iitm don, July : J4.erjtaapy has : settled otfe of !iBflfitain her present feis;A;tvJinj av lnew $ elecrai systelfor'Pruiai 'f. : - ' v " ' repor dubs in Craven county are mak- jn'inA vn i ever .attempted efforts now than.has ever KKM ning cause so muiindigi ing S In en the case- and,' in ' '&i&iV ot e ,-uousands of. cans of vegeta-1 which niZJViF. Red Cro8s;.;.,to, in nf ' " .. i i . " . iwmcn Henry P. T)aviar.ti d Ipg" y e?ura to: the Hvies of thousands ioft i fruit are being put up for A S?1 Cross Tfieiftrlcal Itlu11' PW' 6(5tober wheS the.j, theatrical 'seaadtf will be in Sit wbichfjttey -mf oe? intee- army, withj but the hard.grinding Cental "worry:.44 '...: . , -M -j - ' i. ? . i ccn:uuni)iion , during a. e.f : wjnter f Therelains 3nhe parliamentary J cbntrovrsettienient o the Reicft eage jne nerves, or -uue nours, ir .to months- :.v. i- .r::-yiv Tl,e ci;anibv?r of Conjnierce's actip . .pouring 30,000 cans 'for.-melabera nidyk fitti.ro niaa - i regular meals, dissipations and excess? Ww,r'"::r e3 e folks stand up under. And wUS r 6' ;vuw " is planned to 5o?Cv v w-T- t4r" . a healthy start, they get bard as nails; Ed 08t tOugh as shoe leather and full of pep! f ti,0 x l ubs m yen ftejpea out stage, a - huge nation-wide theatric ot ' n,l made it nossible tertheMW-iJii oto;8Cut aweweu han. inl otioro-v rpservft . siren eth and 'J5 '-'rt K : nrnnnnnv nnnoTd lit IWINb nut;.! I -V5 M Al '...3' UNtUySlbltlJI n --- i a n r n n ji Li lili- -.v . .. - t ' ? -. I drills .ani . exereise Tejgulanrmeals arfd tney romit air?fhe fanea-pstries that stidhi'vit is addli ftiilHtijiififitnliin mm lilll n 1 1 1 1 : 1- ', : 1 1 P I i mmwm yet ,e" . " ' s Z " '1 l e entirfi .iovPii tluit me iiisLr ' ivn brfore the sea close. one willThave 10" tiZmV WPierund4 AH of theactors 1Sftc??WbW salarie?:;tor the : rr will ho a foatiirn o oil iu x , j . ''' ?-.W horse i:uiu6 V, luo sreai numane task of the Red cf the fairs on the. .Eastern Carojina gs Dy-paHng Steiar bricea r fbcuit and horesmen from all-over tickets. -fnifWVm fPf lhe country will be in attendance at l; go' aoeuchork' a, theied lhe .hhu.. ftm--Mr-K Oroas.Jaidotagigp without the active Mr. Parker accompanied by, Presi- suppprt or tne tneatribal profe8sion. ;at Liyue nu,, m .Wvwww.M,r xne people engaged jn thiswork have . , . , - 7 . . - V o V. J AAA , , c i.irrvinirAiti Tnp rflpinc Tir. a 1 :... maue iui .wo "-. " r-r.."" -efer eieruiinnient. , , ?ram- : , . - i The tfea)wca)preibL i'i living iiip Announcement has bea made that to its reputation and the movement: 4s tlle stockholders of the Atlantic and already well.under way. with the able North Carolina RaUway Company will direction, of Mr. A. L. Erlanger who hcld ,heir annual meeting at More- baa beep. appointed National chair hpnd City on August 2 and at that man fiKri.HtfT iiv Mr rkoi. They Pick You and I woud have a, diif ererit: coarse w fftuation ? Until e..-cabinet is f whTfhk volunteer system Js - sprndi m:,refpiisjy fthft committee., fit Jirfgs 'ont too man ufifoJtle announced in tBe Kaiser's rescript Mk 'Me.hfy pigout thcrSi projides for, eflual,, secret and , direct . jf mMd W tne V selective suffrage.' According to,Uberai leaders 154 urpd ,1 hbjaeitO rPla iwi.beaeftt,.quallyl2tiie, tUssie and orry urryV arid, scurry niiHipnaire;,, and, c beggar, civi?g Sg;.to earh a 4i'yihg,lvnfit for,one ?e ::(- j-d-V'M, ! reason ot ahotheH W pais the examir KPitnertOj Prussia ghaj? been-: th4eaar ! nation No wOMtsfline of us.'don't ingfState?in..is influence on. the' Gerr ; ekrft : much, feel like. .working, iciuch. msp-- empire.. :. . ItS.olitifcs have been , ia. don't enjoy muen''tlie'iasurM' reactionary. r. Teynpw being ; arid life, that the youngerj or healthier nATTin)riltlTai1 olfrimiorh nofi1io11w Dunn . j - - . . . r. 1 . i . . -J'. " -- f ? -V; 'l riljiesSlli(5bin DoMd- derJosjtpn Wallops St. ce. sia's influence is against such a move, as proved, by jtne . f utipus, opposition to reform ot. tne conservative, press Thre is Something Wroig Wlth Us, tiet's begin toning up the rundown systenj, speed up the filtering vital c man f or tM Th df r ton v Mr rowi. time a number of very inporanl ma .jQTerpfe most able Jhe ters are to be attended to. afric.; managers tnrohghbut the ijnii- These meetings are looked forward vi sf foi iiUVoSlriaS'-AfAkS to with a deal of Interest by holders -fc'xiffi oe tfielr ,eritre, receipts "on of stock in that company and are al- this dayto the Red TOSa wavs largely auenaea. It is generally understobdCthat the orsans of the stomach and digestion. Crown is determined to carry out its 'Let's ge't some Natural, Medicinal Iron reforms regardless of opposition. for our kidneys and blood. Letts take Although on other questions the Acid Iron Mineral. All the druggists denraUng.. of;. Germany is not yet have it. , Itris economical powerful nd solved, the l movement is advancing. ' fibf a,f: all' bad to take. The beauty The Chancellor's. v repeated confer- j about it too,' is . that it coritairis io K!aB:i wW Farfm,?ut: jnemoera vis aicoUQl wnica . .eyeryooay . Knows : in- Club: New York , Philadelphia St. Louis , . Cincinnati . GhicagO. . ... . , Brooklyn . . iSostori . . Pittsliurgh , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won . ,9 39 .. .. 43, .... 46 . 43 . . 37 . . .. 36 33 Lost. 26 32 .37 : it 40 38 -43 52 Pet. .630 : . . . . ' X : a!. -' tt ' .1 M -'i h- . j.. -i .-t-..'.'i.l-; ' '. WashinMri land's Winning Streak Wilftiirigton Hiiiyi; Jnfdnti tf Inrantry AIMEHfeAMCEXufe Club Chicago k -Won. to. Pet . Team Takes Another Frohi 1 . -Fort Caswell Regulars . ) 5481 Boston .371 .529 .51& .493 .411 .306 jurea; '..theft kidneys, digestion, nerves. iThe , ealcium sodium, potassium; and .' sulphuric , a 1 cid which , analysis SAVE EARLY BEETS proof of his earnestness, according to officials,, . -".' ,C-T.hje reform in the .Prussian system f ii i bears upon the entire constitutional sunnnrt nt ih'o'c toV. St? lSro-iw., I U.fo Pi the. empire; The German peo-; shows is in Acid Iron Mineral, in Just ... fcUHU.6WS : i .1 A A , A. .A. 4 , , ' t AT- . scope.jof the plan and. in 'carryi3e -it I Pe-..winienseiy...aniexesiea. in . xne vae rjgni proporuons neip ine appe-rte, ter are ritostly confined to parliament ach-., kidneys, liver and bowels' and arid the press. V , i with the wonderful effects to com? ; ':' ' I from tne three . forms of iron in it. Yesterday's dispatches gave the set, a,.Bpiettdii.Mc;irBtem-liiii text of the Kaiser's ' rescrint. buttine ser .aw -Rioqu punuer, wuicn is econom? rbfiiThittpA hAs hppn appointed," . Oomposed oi many 'of the Washington; D. 34.-Juiy 14. For greatest . .leaders .in ; .the theatrical earden owners in the northernmost world? arioT wili'iriciudl' 'itfarc -'KiaW, sections of the South who have more David Belasco, Lee Shubert, George beets of the early crop than they can M. Cohan, San H. Harriss, Henry W. a?e in the fresh form and an abund- SaYa$VTJvef'Moc$ ' Charles Dil ance of glass jars or tin cans, now is iingham; A"rthur Hammersteiri7 Ffe- e to can paDy oeeis, says ten? aegtield, Marcus Loew, E CtolAo TlowvartrniOiAi' rf A O'Y ill... ' ( n.i. tim tx " L'' .. (United Pres.) u ". New.Yprk, July 14. New York wat loped the Cincinnati pitchers for ari 8 to 0 victory in the first game today, but;3uccjimbed to the heavy Red bas in the second, 7 to 4. 1 :., 1. , FIRST. GAME: . : V --.Score: r v:,: ' R.H.E. Cincinnaii .. QOO 0Q0 000 0 ' 5 1 New York 203 10 OOx 8 IZ 0 Batteries Elier, Ring, Mitchell, and Clarki ,.Salie and Gibson. . Umpires Harrison-;and O'Day. ' :;: .; .. , SECOND GAME. , . -' - Score: Cleveland. . New York. Detroit Washington Philadelphia St:. Louis . r iit' .fi"; , 51 r'"--;30. - ft 48 ' 36 .. ... ....45 ,38 33 $7 . .. . .40 39 .. ..S3 45 . ....29- 46 31 60 -': - "1 ' 1 " '':!."!: i : -n. J v Holt'B h6aaa : runrtover ?' centerfitld fence ! with twt). men: oi .the . hises; ' at Robert Strange playgrounds, " yes'ter G2 8 ' day afternoon, is , what won the ame ,615 f between the Fort Caswell regulars'ahd " jfj; for the latter, The.nnal score was-4: .513 .63 .41S to 3 and Second . Baseman Hol'A . line - drive, which landed a in j Ann .street. r Pnited Press.) St ieame after the Fort Caswell team had .3(83 'scored, two runs iin.ari ,'earty ; ifanijig. i M1 : t A t A. A A ' . A a. " j 1 nevvumingion , iigui. inranxry team , .j Detroit,; July 14 The Red Soi ! Sam's reeulars. . ; . . . : . , , I Timers todav fr7, " ? 1 baseball -fans Witnessed te, ; Contest . ngers, ipaay. 10 1. , , ;; . , . .. WRith waa tne fourth between Man- Score: .Ri H. Ea I flfror" finvlrtr'fl t.lirht TriffltifrvrnenV dVirt - Boston- .......7:060 030 IQQ: :9c : Engineer 'putnam'a .spldiera. The ae-" ijeirou v..;....,auu:yyu uoi 1 4 Vries.now stands 3 to l in fayor of the KrtMlOQ wl Q ira stiI Acmatir Tlrv 1 1' a J a .111 k v riiA Mitch O'Lbughliri arid Hiideprand.. I eateries: -Aiays-anu Agpew.j Bft--Jpcal.bbysrsv A fifth game,wll.be play V'?) ;w.i w;iii aiiiii .0 utuiie. wipires, edftt BoiJthpor.t;..on i j . ii. lndia-nsi Lucky Streak Bnokftft.V .i ! - Cleveland. O.: Julv..l4.-r-Washlnel-i.n 5"' broke Cleveland's winning streak, of ground during the : game. and. i a neit ; tf; Thufsdav .of fihis T week. . when a picked team of the. City League will cross . bats . with ;, the , Cas ; well A'rtiUerymen., ; .:. :- ' ;:. Collection, was taken , at the paH Jj?'TA - ' JiZ i 1 7 games by breaking even in a double $um" was realized : for,. the . local 1 Rijsd . - - - w . yw . w v, noqiier nprn I '111 M V . . into effect at once the pronuncia- meritp. .'which he ' issued, on Easter- April 7, promising election, reforms. cal and.Just .fine. : . Whole families take.it with jsfonderful results, A half teaspoonful in a glass of water is 4 The above dispatcn indicates ; these ' dose. It goes from two to ten times tmin trk nor. ho hv hoot a aova wnr. m 1 ' x -m the United States Department of Agri- AlbeeVMrirtin " Beck, Alf Hayman. A. I ?rdr? have .been confirmed,;, and, put ?fJS ti t.tA,i n miii n.ii . nto force at once Heretofore th e rt ViH,,'. r"i"v :: :- culture. H. Woods, .Gomstock, Elliot: and GesL From the standpoint of quality, only Selwyn anv.Co;, ., Jofiu ' ' ' pii ' 'Wflliams, young, tender beets should be canned, and Sam Schibner. Sort, putting uniform size together.; Outside of New York other rnmmit. In preparing beets for boiUng. be 'tees are being formed, .composed of Germany's voting careful not to cut the Stems off. too theatrical -leaders In their respecUye! - many 3 iVWng cioseiy or 10 ureaii luj jx- territories. ? T&ese- committees andl win cause loss oi juice wijnccum- local Red .Cross, authorities: will co panying loss of color and flavor. Boil Operate 'in " making the undertaking a until three-fourths done, peel, pack nation-wide success. The following js hot in layers of three or four, fitting Partial Jiat. the managers putside the second layer into the spaces left oI New York who already vbluri- in the first layer," and repeat. Over Peered their services:' -with clear hot water. Prnrss Stuart, ,. t-ls,yi .A-y., .--2-;. ; jars 1 hour ztlll& minutes under 5 pound sfearef. Do not; -ttn,"K!iT'U:' V Sr: t , V: allow cold water to toucii the beeta L Fr, 8tQnr Charles Br-Rich, John after they have been-cooked. i n in frtroa at rn pp Hprptnfnro tho GerriUri: aUthnrlties havi, held elector fhti . the ..danproua alcohoL Ypur ral changes should , await .the . epd otff- U1. the war because of the absence at i size bottles now. . the front of such a great portion of !; t -. It is i bottledt tested And. guaranteed population. If the early crop of beets is p-0un: Hiint hut inrc nr Mtisi-ari Tirtt ivailai Sainuel F. Nl id. ocuotei ana meir eiaii. : xonL . . Rapley. and For Washington,v"Hajrry W. Rap! r For roStiiklynf C. Teller ble, the surplus young.:beut3 may be dried for winter rise. - Select young, quickly grpt tender JJ?S : . . vveroa. beets. Wash, peel raw, slice about i ' For Pittsburgh, S, Nixon and his one-inch thick and dry in the sun, staff, v. "".TV over a stove, or before an electric fan. 1 Fr Rchester and Syracuse, M. S3. The dried product may (be packed jn ; Wolff, i ... paper cartons, inl DaraffinVd paper For Springfield, Mass., D. O. Gil- bags, baking-powder or coffeV eyas, more, 1 a! !' n'rf i - iSr 4 or other cantainers which wilt exclude moisture and insects ' '. 'V.',' ; " v Beets dry more quickly ard uniform ly if cooked three-fourths dorie before drying. " For Newark, M. S. Sohiesinger. For: Cleveland, A. F. Hartl. For Detroit, B. C. Whitney., For Columbus, Springfield, Ohio and Indianapolis Lee SL Boda. T . : For (Chicago, '. Harry : J. .' Powers and his staff. For St. Louis, Melville Stoltz. For Cincinnati, John H. Havlin. For Louisville, A. A. Bigelow. For Atlanta, Louis Haase, , . : ""For Denver; Peter r MpCourt. ; ' For Memphis and the-Texas cities, Albert Weis. - -. - , For Nashville, William A, Sheetz. For Biriningham, R. ; S. Douglas. For New Orleans, Thomas C. Camp bell. For Salt Lake City, Geo. D. Pyper. For Los Arigeles, Wr T. Wyati. For Sari Francisco, Cottlob, Marx & Co... and Homer B. Curran. For Seattle, T. T. Hood. For Portland,. Oregon,. Calvin .Heilig. For Hartford, . H. C. Parsons. For Trenton, Montgomery Moses. I For Grand Rapids, Harry G. Soni tners. v by the : Ferrodine r. Chemical Corp., Roanoke Va. (Lessers of the only nat ural medicinal Iron Mineral deposit ot it. kind in the world.).!. Your drug gist has it or will be sent prepaid, on receipt of $1.00 Advt. . Batteries Toney and Wingo: : An-' derson,:; Schupp, Middleton Perritt , and,. Rariden. Umpires rO'Day and Harrison.; ; ... . ,.v .. P.h'liltes Still V.'&llpptiift, Cross,: tori: which organization's beAe- WTticjnv r a ri7 ' .';. nt th o tram a uroa nln-iroi 'At '.V acore: i. ; . . t. 'ii.i JS. yluv 4ai-w,.ioir5M over iue. powu Washington. . , . .001 001 1115 11 X town streets ,apd to the playgrounds.. Cleveland .300003 lOx 7 9 In the procession .was the. Coast Ar ( ; Batteries: Gallia,; 'Ayers ; and Ainf- tillery hand .whhh i.WUl,'. Untnn n'..v, nTi,ir Kail team ' trrvm itia gini nnat frit tha ' V 2S1y4rTll!uShp?n! 5 Umpires," Dineeri Ud McCormick. ; . event, ; and - the: ;First.. .Diyisiori , North ;" SECOND; GAME. j f Carolina CTaval : JAlUm, Jn.; command T : Score: , s - s ' f . ,. R, HvE. opeuLrenry -.Jusf Washington C. ' .OOi) 300 0003' 9' 0 prior to the parade' thi.band gave - a . Cleveiari . , ; ...000 .000. QOO-Hd 3 0 ; concert, in. frppt of the postofflce.. : ' : -Batteries; . Harper and Henryj f ,,'At the playgrounds, . for the benefit - .' Coumbe,' Kle'pfer, Gould .arid Billing? Qf tile Jarge. crowd. of fans, the sailors and O'Neil, Umpires. McCormick and jwere put through a number ,,of ,njan- WOMAN FACES MURDER TRIAL WITH SMILE; By Dnlted; I rfcs.s.V... T Boston,i JjUly. :14.-rMiss ..Harriet;; A. Varaey, indicted for the murder V of MrsCPauline Keyes, who was shot to death iri; her "Brooklyn home June id; today faced the long wait before she is ." tried): wth . tu jsmile. T?iose who have watt3ied the": girt 4 Since her ar rest are wondering what is behirid the calm smile that conVes to her lips and quickly,", ad (is; .what the story is be hind the , calm expression the : young Phillies managed to lose the . first game and. f succeeded: in. toeing, the sec ond contest yhen.hey riiet the Cubs this, afternoon, ..: In the second contest I the Phillies tied the score in th6; ninth and then - Umpire, Rigler decided that it was .too dark for him to see what the playerjs were i;. doing..'. ,, ; FIRST GAME;" .; rV, Score: . R.H.E. Chicago , . . . . . 002 180 000 3-12 1 f Philadelphia . , 010 010 0002 6 0 Batteries Hendryx and Dilhooner; Oeschger, Mayer, Berider and Kiliiferi Umpires-iRigler'arid .'Emslie; ": v :'. : SECOND GAME: . Score: . -" R. H. E. Chicago' .... .. 010 100 1003 8 0 Philadelphia :", . . .? 000 ,200 0013 10 1 Batteries Carter arid Wilson ; , Oe schger, Laverider . and . Killif or. Um pires Emslie arid Rigler. v Dineen. .1 . : .! .White. Sox. BeatYanTts.; Chicago, : juiy. sl4 The White Sox beat the Yankees 4 to 1 in the final euyers in the nature of an exhibition ; d.riil.:v The vb"and, in the,'' grandstand, rendered: riusic between the innings dyiririg the game.. ' . :": '- v: Hoit. r whose home run drive, ; with , game of "the series j. here, this - after- tworin pn -the baseswon the game : tiojon,: ni?tkiri ;ti 3 out -:pt4. ..lFir;for jthe IJght; Infantrymen, also track-: Class ; sti.ck i-WOrk by: Fetch put yhl-i m? yu . Vlt ttIlu Piayea . Bieaiiy ; cago to the front. : Score:. game? at the keystone T sack. : Orr: R. ''Hi E twirlirig.;iopr the' regular soldiers, came New York . ... . .000 000,, Q01 I ; 8. ,2 W. tora snare pi ine, nonors: Dy smaBn- Chicago . . . r.;.002 020'00x 4 8 ?i ing;, out, a. home run pverj the;. center- Batteries: Cullop, Monrpe , and Nit j.neid ience anq stming : outv men. yni- J xiub oases wpriE? empiy-. ynen .. riicner n-w w. A a. v. i i .. aJmx.m c.- ' .-. .1'.,'' namaker; ; Russell . and;, Schalk. pises'. Qwens arid: EVans.. OTHER GAMES. YHSTERDAY 4. ' Massey; ... v woman has worn throughout the try- For St. Paul and .Minneapolis, L. N. ' ing prdeals since j ber arrest, arid iri ScOtt .. . ,: .r. dictment The answer may .be re- l For Milwaukee. Sherman Brown. y.eated. in -her trial. : ' ;;;:. 4- PEC11LS ' F Boys' Clothing A good liriii of Suits from 5 ..to, j. 8, years of age are specially priced for this week." .. You should make yoiir selec tion for school. Clothing for Fall will me4h a big saving to you JSuitg will he high in price this fall. ! Hats and Millinery. There is no let up In this department; Oiif mil liners are busy on", new goods. A new lot of Felt Shapes in all cplors and all sizes. Hats made to orier on short notice. '. 5 b m'&mu -Mi. -W::- 15 Cents in sho'fplengthSi Wor ? - "LLi . xTt .ti - i ib-o it olaowhere. No such bargains are , 5 V shdwri tit normal times. This1 sale, per yard . . . .15c 5S6-in. ;SkiTtipg Jn Stripes.. on fiigm anu units., giuuuu. vvuim 28c p yard. Excellent Quality; to, per This: sale reduced ..19c ttUn oiir with dotted stHpes. COlorai Gold,, Lavender, Pur? ; pieV AakI4ght. Blue, Navy arid Green, per yard .......... .19c 36-in. CetosTin all the new effects. Stripes and Floral . from . ;. . .... .... . ... . 15c to 75c per yard -r72x90. Sheets., Seam, each ... 8-4. ynbieached Sheeting, per yard ......... ... '9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, per yard . . . ... ..... 104 . Unbleached Sheeting, per yard . .... .... . . 36x42 jmia w. Casing, hemstitched, each . . . . ., . f k 59c 3ic . 35c ... 40c ......19c A few more Coat Suits and Dresses at' tsar tMn COSti A fw nibre all Wool Coats in Popular Shades. Values up to $35.00 each to go in this sale for, Suits , xnly . - . . $10.00 ... IntfmatijonaJ" League. . , Richmond .0 ; . Rochesterv?. ;.: j. Newark. 3.-7;v;Bajtfalo.2-3jA Baltimore 15; ' Toronto, : 3-4. Providence 1; Montreal. 9 Boston .Scores Double Victory. . Boston July 14. Tyler and Rudolph today pitched Boston to" a double vic tory over St.. Louis, each, score being 3 to 2. .. The . Cards.: had . beaten, the Braves seven times , in a row. .Po. well arid Kqnetchy hit hard., for thevBraves arid Hornsby led for the ' losers; FIRST. GAME: :-. St. Louis . . .-. . . loo ooo oio 2 6 2 ; Boston ... . . . oil 600 10x-3 13 1 Batteries Ames and. Snyder; Tyler and. Tragresser. . Umpires--Quigley and Byron. 1 , . , .. SECOND GAME: I , Score; , , x " : .... R, H. E. t St ; Louis .. .. 000 000 020-2 12 l : eu. Leaau - Boston . , 010. 020 0Ox-3 7 1 -tfSZr nnSSS; K Batteries-Packard, Doak and Gon-I Sffm 4N?cStano?ga 7 zales; Rudolph and .Tragresser, ,Uin- it'an NashviSe ?"gE-7- i pires.-Byron and Quigley; ?: : tUM 3-1. r 1 Dodgers Cop a Couple, . .i..-. ...o,. ........... r . Brooklyn, N- Y-. July . 14. The Dod- ' KEEP VEGETABLES AND gers outpiayea tattsDurgn and won 1- CD 1 ITT IM CTAD API? - 1 1U1 - AT w m, wtvrvu Orr made his circuit drive. Fort. Caswell . Ab. R. M. A. Po. C. Whltey, lb., ...... "4 1.0 0 8-2 Mcpee, p.;;...: ;. ... 4, 0 , 2 p Barrett, rf., t. i Bassett, rf., . , . r Larimre,s ss., . . Moore, to., .... James, ; cf ., 6rr:.. American Association. , St. Paul 4; Louisyille p. Minneapolis 3; Indianapolis 5. Kahsas. City .9: Toledo 2. ' Milwaukee at Columbus, both games 'Burnett, c. If., 4? 3 0 0 0 0 6 i i 1 2 2 0 2 i 1 10 2 1 0 00 oop 1 2 ; 0 0 1 '0 0 2 0 ' 1 11 Totl W. L. I. 35 3 9 5 27 3 Ab. R. H..A. Po. E. postponed, rain. ..4 0 Hayes, cf., . . .... 31 Burnett, rM lb., . . . . 4 Holt, ;2b,v. ( 1 ghepfiard.. 3b., .. . . 4 i Rhodes, ss., . . 3 0 Snakenberg, rf., , ; 0 Corbett, p., y . . . . . 4 0 Bdlf -Ct' ,4 0 .Total 0 1 0 0; 01 1 t 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ' 1 3?. 0 3 0 0.14. 0 twice today.. 5 to 3. and 1 to .0, Hans f Wagner was spiked ..in . the . second game and-:xirv.H orit several days.. , t - . . ;.; . , FIRST .GAME:. Score.; . 34 4 5 4 27 ; 8 Summary -Home runs;, ' Holt : ; and - Cm- tnrn-haso Vilto Tlnlt , atr1jn ha a A . f.Shephard, Corbett (2); struck out ?f - Washington; -Dy- vCi.-jJuly 14. FruitS OrJrhntt 1 X hv. Orr a Kn ao nn 1 hall tiff j and vegetables well anay -be preserved orr L Umpires Messrs. ' Cook arid ftnrougn ireezing siorage in um pre-. Kite. . . . V r H Tft-vent- food- emergency oy.. concerns not t--r- - Pittsburgh . . . 010O02 0003 U 2 primarily engaged (.in, ooninprcial cot?produQts, howeyer, ipust be .cootid , Brooklyri' . ,., 000 010 22x 5 6 2 storage operations, say.. specialists . pr. . Witin a few hours after removal from Batteries Cafiaon. MammAnx .and the United States Department Of Ag-;the ireetinii temDerfttures. - .',. - iFischer, Schmidt; Cadore," Coomsand ricuUure. Many hptela, : restaurants I . Undoubtedly the ettensipn of .ithe' wyers. .. umpires js.iem ana wans- ouu . . . ; . w -.rr-T pracuee.vpy concerns naving ireezmg field. SECOND GAME : .... v ; . ? - . .. v. : : ; - with facilities for refrigerated storage Btora'',aalliihlA.' wmiid noin ;.ii . ' and pie factories and other large nseri jconsideraWevexte'ntl S'' Pittsburgh OOiToOO 000-6" ' i fi?d.itiyantagepns to s provide imilar tices were adopted generally, the can Brooklyn . . .. 010 000 00x 1 8 ft:; f6-6-' 'efF-?n-r!.-iSf ning;,of much'; f.oo4-.to ,be .heldr -pe- .: .;' Batteries Miller ...and - Schmidt; raw. materials or uwas i""? rlDd?;of,i 6 rtp- ; niopths eohld- be ob arouard atia Mvers TTnisJ of the large public cold storage houses ytated.. Tin earis therefore. couM M II MarQuard.: and , . ; Myer3. .Umpires Bransjeid' and Klein.- :. . . , : CMAL BUILDERS S ARE IMPORTANT MENees Fahrenheit untiiHhey are to b4 D JcdcC PEGPI F ; -By?United Press.) , , . beans, green ; Lima beans , beets, a- WONT HAVE TOEM ' WaimgtonJ parsnips, peas in the pod, . t . , v-;;! ; ; - , - , Nation r thai built the Pariama Canal i Budlong spinachr raspberries. straw (By United Press.) i'fr is building America's emergency, fleet hemes, cranberries, ... blueberries, ; Coumbus,; N M..Ju 44. Twelte : . , -. ' . . : crAndohapviao V Intra nr. orr. a a , iirran,a tllinnroii ""rnon wlrhAur'1 a". nAnn(nr''t with which most ot the. large cpmmu- released , tor. , more :extensiye use In i "c V v.v-f . 'canning-rooas which could be presery- ; The Jfresh-products should:, be stor-,e, in.rnrt nth or .W - 1 - - - . a . i 1 f X J -t'- if, .... eu 111 a teiuy uittiui e ui av w-10 u.c-. or steel ana wooaen pnipsio over- 6"wo"riv'"j irp"" t ' come the submarine, shipping short-lP!ulns vhd cherries are among the L W, W s .who have,, for three; days - x- yci lauaicD tuat (ui cau j . 11a 1 c ucvu ayi w u. wam. wTfir vvvtynu abiuo Shoes and Oxfords. This is White Week in Men's aniti Y:;Ljf&8'"-''".. f 0rd3 from 9Sc pair iip age satisfactorily in this way to. some ex-1 points Sol sa wed-oiT . shotmns. were "builder- of the :f canal," lwag" chosen tent the specialists' point" oat These; prepared .tonight to j spend the first; -Woneral manager of the Emergency; : - : ' . ; . r?., since they' were dfly- ;rsjj' it f as U. S. : Marshal of the Caftal Zone, eh, f roiri Blsbee, Arfz.' , Thursday . un- ' In addition, F. A. Brown, mechanic der. the protection t of, the United ' ly turned to the men who helped him rai engineer; : A. L, Be. ; j rarvo n the Isthmus - jirown a nrsi .assistant m euiiaing.ine; -..i-nuw .uy ine,eaerai govern- V..X T A A. V.AAAAA AAA.. . . . ..J,. i J'aaIa1' 1 X 1 , 4. ? '. Fleet Corporation, under the govern- ment snipping ooara, . ne just naiurai J.W.H 28-30 South Front Street. 'THe Store 'of Service." I tWlrniriifC. ' -T-- .V AjTiiJr;-" iSrt' i'i-i, w.i.r - to -.r . frtrm or Ti (of " I denoed in . emnhatic irmA that tba - der Goethals on the-canal as XJhiefj' Besides -tnese neaas oi me cmei reiurn, oi i. w. v. agiiaiors 10 us ' Admiral H H Kousseau. a onemoer m uauai uuw empiujcu .iu uucimu o , . .. 4 - ji'vwiwiuhuu, uvu"6 ia-auiu-tvi0: uthmiaii Canai Commission bie stretch of off ices on ; the1 eighth ing American citizens who want work when Goethals . was digging, the ditch,1 floor of the MunseybuiUiipg ip Wash- to come jtoe .Warreh. mining tdis- . a .tsantneral mattaeer ing but. warning: that I W. W.'s aro ki-' --ii A? r-iii-'2.' lU' . .i.U ..'.TT,i , man ' la Ulnatra toH Tiv nlmnat tint wanton -venm nnsfod nil nwr tn line uorporauon, acuug a weiuai uu . .uUv..a rf ...rA., v ,,.r ' riri,t , hntfor. 'i- .' '..s ti daily visits' from men pn . leave from county by .mejnjjer of f v Gbethals Oven has the'same private the Isthmus dropping into, nis onice all over the the Citizens' J Hi secretary he. haddownon the canalandpffer services on ;the to;hac y.Joiliiairi U. May who also servedj emergency fleet project ; ,. Jffuaa.. Protective. League, and they are ready ; to hack uj.its iprinsl with their shot- ;. ! : 11 ii ! ;: t; j'i . 1 .1 1 1 ,1 .f. ."i it." . 4 m , I"' ' . : i.'V-i 1 .':: ; V' 1 ;).' II 1 m 'ii; v:--. A i; v3: MM.r.im;opg " " mr-i iOo -William H. May, who also serveai emergency ueei yrujeuu . .. "vt:J; -w- :- - ;" i:';r.-: . - ' - 5.-.,.. ... . i "A -2.-i.' ;. iLt.'. n -. v'C-' 4 . . ' - ' v' 1A' ;n n -.iA,