I If I If SECOND SEOflOil PAGES 'bttf- .r'-vyUVvl N ' -7. 4 - ' i THREE SECTIONS. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VqCxXHI. NO 175. "WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULYf 15,vl917 PRICE 5 CENTS' ... . J. A A J) A A X 'L x t .a. . JJ . . '.'...-. . & ;'irvv - LUMBERTON.: 4!A uAl nr.P a f - i bf 4i 41 4 - fr 4 4 4 NEW BERN. f BURG AW. "V. . , . ... , WALLACE. v WARSAW '- X . '-. CHADBOURN. - 1 J SSSf BSSISSBM. - 'Ill n an I 111 I ! I if M V,4 t i - I a. : i . . .... i, awavaai vruwuin, wJ i Lsr- 1 luviutiu. JJLll I,tl7l. t ' - - ; f V v 4 J f : ' jeW Bprn, July 11. Mr;'and'Mrst John Garrell have gone to Wilmington to visit relatives. , - f lMrs. E. H. Wood and little son, Ernest, have gone to Kinston Yislt relatives. - . y : jlr. and Mrs. C. D. Bradham have gone to Montreat where they will spend some time. " Mrs. C. G. Maxwell, of Reidsville, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Guthrie, has returned home -" Miss Minnie Walnau has gone to Washington, D. C, where she 'has accepted a position in the Quarter- masters Department. . . Mrs. L. L. Land and sons, Masters j William ennetn ana james is.., of- Mr. and Mrs. I. S." Bowen, of. WU Raleigh, visited Mrs. J. K. Land here.mington, visited Mrs. W. J. Bowen. this week. Miss Oliva Hardy and Miss Eliza beth Clark, of South Boston, Va., and Miss Charlotte Clemens, of Durham, are guests of Miss Emma Louise Kehoe here. Miss Daisy Edwards has returned from Beaufort where she visited Mrs. Frank Perry Miss iaura ia,ne nas gone ior visits in Norfolk and New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. George "T. Matthews ... r X 1 a ... I ant! children nave returnea rrom toona, Pa., where they visited rela- tives. Mrs. H. C. Edwards has returned to her home in Durham after visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. Hibbard here. Mrs. Mabel Stevens,. of Athens, Ga., has returned here from a visit in Beau- fort. I Miss Katherine Richardson ha; gone to LaKe junamska to visit; friends. r ' FREEMAN. t 4. 4- Freeman, July 13. The continuous rains have at last ceased and the farmers in this locality are busily en gaged in laying by their crops. Rev. Mr. Beck preached at Cheerful Hope Baptist church Sunday. Quite a large congregation was present. Miss Minnie Hardy is pending tMajSJLIX-i week in New Berfffiv W guest of Ur- sistp, Mr nu-.n Cooper, are guests of Mrs. N. H . sister, Mrs. Owen Reeves. Capt. James A. Roberson, of Ham let, is spending a few days this week with his family here. Miss Eva Mae Fuhr has returned home, after visiting friends and rela tives in Vineland'for two weeks. Mr?. Sallie Hargrove and daugh ter, Miss Annie, returned to their home in Wilmington Moncay, after being the guest of Mrs. Hargrove's brother here, Mr. Richard E. Carney, for a week. Mrs. William B. Grice and little son, Master James, .are visiting rela tives in Orinne this week. Mr. E. J. Grimesley went to White ville Tuesday on business. Mr. C. M. Carr spent Tuesday in Wilmington, attending to business matters. Mr. Marshall Carney,of Wilming ton, was the guest of Mr. Joseph R. Carney here Saturday night and Sun day. Mrs. L. H. Thompson, of Whiteville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Walker. Miss Minnie Mae Byrd spent the latter part of last week with friends in Bolton. Mr. s. Troy, of Bolton, was in Freeman Monday. H 4. t 4, f t - MARIETTA. t Marietta, N. C, July 14 Yesterday 'as the opening of the tobacco ware houses round here. Tobacco sold so high the farmers are jolly and happy, aespito their hard. work and loss of sleeP. A party came from Lyons, Ga., yesterday in automobiles, to spend a hu with relatives and friends, Mr. Mr.,, a. L. Page' and Mr. Henry go. Wf have not learned who the other.-. V;,.ri. yeL Mn . a. Town3end and two chil n. :;iifl Mrs. Townsend's mother, ' TA- . of Dunn, spent last week JJ iion.o of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. wiivr-r. ,vir. Townsend came fof inem Sunday in his car. v '";r.!;y was a big day for the m i y h;i n reunion Theyhad.Bery-,d m 1 he church and dinner spread on t tfround at Lake View. Thia btin sr n arer the old Ford home than M )p0nlp wpre tYtarc frnm far and rif-ar. it was a very pleasant oc casion. Mr: W. H. Oliver, of Raleigh, is 0!iv(TS '" r mother-in-law' Mrs. Janie L;t Sunday was Children's Day at Swamp church, near nrt?. There e',fl iO-odfi children in the exercises ""Miss Ada Henley recited a'-, beau 'Ui : ction appropriate to the oc hion. and Mrs. W. M. Oliver and Anno Page sang a beautiful "se- H'Cuori. Mr.s. Kennedy am: daughter, from Mr? "rtiWlv---e. S. C. are visiting Kf-nnndy's sisters, Mesdames'Ja- t Prof. Jenrette went to Chapel Hill, school t0 atte-nd the summer n m. Rogers was a Fairi Bluff is mi' 1.. , . hieraay. "dij visitino- u , .. Burgaw, July 14:-Miss Jeanette Moore visited friends in Wallace last week.' , 'i:f;-:' .vjvvVf ' Miss Lottie Brown visited friends In Lanvalle. last week. Mrs. W. I. Taylor and dauehtpr j Mildred, were Wilmington visitors IXUS WeeK. ; . :' Miss Mary Williams, of Bannerman, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Williams here this week; y v . Mrs.xS.; c; Carr visited her son. Mr. Clarence Carr, in -Rocky Point this week. Mrs.-W M : Brown and children visited friends In Linvale this week. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Vann and chil dren, of Wilmington, visited Mrs. J. :Dr. J. W. Keister. Mrs, Caldwell and W. Bowen . last week. I infant son, will spend the summer Mrs. Cora :Tarnage, of Prmville, is' there, a guest of her parents, Mir . and Mrs . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gilmore visited J. B. Moore. .relatives at High Point this week. Miss Mary Lou Brown, of Wilming ton, visited her narehta. Mr. and Mrs. ,j. k. Brown last Sunday. . Mrs. Henry; Beatty, of Tommahawk, visited hei mbther, 5 Mrs . Millje Me - K ' - . Al-:Cullen here this week. Misses Maggie Williams. Sallle Harrell and Mrs. Henry Beatie, motor- ed to Wilmington this week. Miss Ada Bordeaux has returned from a visit to relatives and friends 'in Wilmington. ' ' r.rs. Rayttnond Bell hafc returned from Wilmington where she under- went an operation. Mr. .and Mrs. G. T. Morgan. - of Hamlet, visited Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. W, L. Vann. "' f - ' ,:' V : . MOyjSIT, pLIVE. , ' 1 . . . Mount Olive, July 14.--Mrs. Eli2a- beth Robpfldsboro.Js a guest OI MI'S. K. A. King- .1 Miss Genia Casey, of St. Augustine, Cobb, near ' Wilson. ? a t 4 iir. ttUU XVII a. iS. J.. xajiliu djicui ' the last week-end with relatives in Rocky Mount.' Miss Lucile Winders, of Faison, is a guest of Mr. and Mjs. B. P. Sum merlin. . ' r Miss Lula Orton, of Saulton, is a guest of Miss Rffby Parker here. Miss Bessie ' Hale,1 of Louisburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hale. Miss Alice f McGee' -has gone to Chapel Hill to attend summer school. Miss Frances Johnson is visiting Miss Lucile Knox in Rocky Mount. Miss Lucile Sutton, of Norfolk, Va., is a guest of Mrs. T. W. Sutton. Miss Denize Meade, of Goldsboro, is a guest, of Miss': Annie ' Flowers. ?; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Watters, ofi CLARKTON. Goldsboro, spent last Sunday with Mr. . and Mrs. F. F. Butts. 4r ' Mr. C. B. Kornegay, of Wilming- A , A ' , ... ton, spent last Sunday with his sister, L0111' July i47;rMIl anirs' Mrs. S. B. Taylor: . W- Pait were Wilmington visitors Mrs. Sallie Kornegay has gone ta," unaay. Wilmington to visit her daughter, Mrs. H. P. SwinsonT " r Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Westbrook and daughter, Misses Fonnoe and Estella,' of Pink Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. C Fanelty .labt week. Miss Lancelot Jacque, of Smithburg, Md., is a guest of Mrs. DeBrutz Eng lish. , f ." FAYETTEVILLE. W p-iivitleville. July 14. Mrs. F. A. ! Montgomery, of Wilmington, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E . D. Orrell, has gone to Charlotte to visit. ' "" ' ! .Mrs. Bessie Andrew Carroll and niece, Miss' . Vema,' McDougald, or Greensboro, are . visiting frienas ana relatives here. Miss "Fannie Waiters, has gone to,! Wllmineton to visit friends Miss Stella Anderson and Mr. Mar tin Barker, ; of - High Point, visited the Misses liarrlss here this week. Mrs. W. T. Devane, Jr., and kittle; h'tel--. Virginia -'and: Vernell haveGrote. returned- from ah extended xisit in; WvTi v ' N' J ; r ' - kxtaa nMir : pm me. 01, w usoii. auu . Mr Carl Ogburn, of Winston-Salem, are' guests "of Miss Kathryn Reynolds at a house party at Lake View. Mrs. ' A. E. Dixon ana aaugnter. Miss Elizabeth have returned from J Goldsboro where she visited her son, a visit withTVIrs. Crawford' Cooper in' who ln JtheSecond Regiment. Oxford ' ' " ; ' ; J RMrs. J, S. Hill and Miss. Thelma Lieut;-A. A. McKethan, IT. S. N.'.HilL of Wilmington, have gone to is visiting his relatives here. u-A-a. HUske ana aaugntep; miss Welhemina .;aref visiting ' relatives in . , lrc. ll Durham; . - Missv Margaret, Cotton is with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Currie on Wrights; ville Be,ach. tIv, MnsiftV Chestnut, i ofl rifnton is a guest of her parents, Mr. j and &&- Ld Mrs ' J .' arKcr. Tnuaiath Robinson Is visiting relatives In Linden. - ; I Miss Aldytb Wilson, of Tarboro, Is a euest of Miss Sarah Howard Prior, visit friends. , . '; Lumherton, July 14 -Miss Gladys hnrrio 1 'rZTXi tte ae solemnized in the Presbyterian 'church home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boyd. T , . . . A , , - .Miss Mattie Perry, who had been Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, a visiting relatives here, lias returned marriage, which was of unusual in to her home at Marion. , . terest to Wallace and community, i.:Rev. .B.rH. Morrison 'and son, due to the high esteem and affection ftBa?ZlT Cit, TUn "e to which the contractionparUes are guests at the home of Mr. Morrisons . .. :.. - brother-in-law and sister,. Mr. and 1 Mrs. W.J. DuBois. -DrW.- McPhaul has returned from Bay Minette, Ala., where he visited relatives Mr. S. R. Fenegan is visiting rela tives, in Dillon, S. C. . Mr. J. P. -Newman visited relatives at Leesburg Sunday. Mr; S: F. Caldwell returned FridariDy jardiniers' of daisies, and before from Pulaski, Va., where he spent a week at the home of his father-in-law, U. S. Page, chief of police at .Mount OUve, and Mrs. Page are visiting rela- tives here ' Mr n. a Martin nf p.i0rh viaHa his brother, Dr. J. A. Martin, hereiand Mary Susan Carroll. last week. " Mrs. L. M. Barnes has returned to Maxton after a visit of several days.MadeR SnnthAriand. thin nohAn- th at the" home of his brother-in-law and i sister," Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Wishart. Mrs. Mary C. Crabtree and daugh ter, .Mrs.-FG. Whitley, are spending several days at Wrightsville Beach. Mrs. E. T. Bennett and. small son, Robert, of Elmira, N. Y., are visiting Mrs.- Bennetts brother-in-law, and sis,ter, br. and Mrs. H.; T. Pope. Mr: J. H. Barrington is visiting relatives and friends in Waycross, Ga. . Mrs. C. R. Davis, of Elizabethtown, is a guest at the home of her parents, Rev and Mrs. G. H. Biggs. Dr.) and Mrs. F. J. Garrett of Rock ingham, spent Wednesday here, visit ing at the home of Mrs. Garrett's ftrrkfhoj gnil slstan.law Prnf and Tut W T AlltoF fiiimn HXr. H . vfm ftor a , Mlas Blanch Redmond has returned td Norfolk, where she is attending Qf Vtnrant's hnanital troin'ntr anYinnt after spending a two weeks' vacation here at the home of her father, Mr. ohn Redmond. Miss Edith M. Courtney, ef Balti timore, a guest at the honfe of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. A7 Sharpe, is visiting friends at Clinton, S. C. MIsb Mildred Mclntyre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mclntyre, will be married to Mr. Lee Prather Stack, of Norfolk, Thursday evening, July 19 at 8 o'clock. 4 ' Miss Isabelle Currie visited friends in Rockingham last week. Mr. "and Mrs. Joe Burney, of Ashe- J-i-'.F.-. L. Winecoff. : MIbs Kate Monroe, of Tar Heel, is spending the summer with Mrs. A. L. Currie. v.Mrs. C. L. Clark spent a brief visit with her sister, Miss May Wil liams, In Charlotte this week. . Mrs. O. L. Clark, Mrs. G. L. Clark, Misses Cora, Margaret, Louise and A lira Hliirk. and Miss Aueusta Currie 'have eon e to Montreat to spend the rpfrnsttnriar nf t.hfi summer. Miss Virgina Pugh who has been visiting; Miss Amanda Clark and Mrs. R. .K. Craven has gone to Madison vllle; Va., to visit. 4! t 4 t t 4 t t r 4 1 CLINTON. 4. 4i 4, 4. Clinton, July 14. Miss Florence Williamson has returned from a; visit to relatives in Faison and Newton Miss Lucile and Irene Tart have returnea. rrom unison, wnere tney vis- kcu -uuo. Mrs. D. C. Page has returned to her home in New Port; News, after visit ing her' father hee. Mrs.'E. M. Rogers has returned from raison to visit aiter visiting ut j . ut unu uwo. MfB' Walter Ri Mrsi; Walter Best, of Goldsboro, has returned home after visiting friends hero: ' . ;. J Miss Mary Martin Johnson has re turr46d td her hdme in Raleigh ' after visiting relatives here MrndMrs. W. J. Norton, of " v. v ." . wuvu wu.j here." Mifis t Blanche Harriss,' of upper Sampson county, is visiting relatives here. .v ; f . : r j J Gregory, Is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs , Gregory, Wallace, July ' li. There was neld wen Miss Anna Clement he- came the bride of. Rev. Leon M. Hall. The church had been beautifully decorated by the many, friends of the bride and groom, in the long leaf pine and palm, the state emblems of the bride ; and groom,, the latter being formerly from South Carolina. The altar was a bank of green, relieved this there was an arch of ivy, planted midst ferns,-pines and palms. Preceding the ceremony, Mr. Bruce Boney, until recently, of Park College, Missouri, ' satig ; most - beautifully, "Queen 1 of the '' Earth," - by- Pinsuti, "Tf Tur? mtf " iera aaa TT"i 7 tT It" kT 8 t Little Misses Dorothy Robinson, An- nette Boney, Mary . Wallace McGowen To the strains of the wedding march , from 1 . Lohengrin, rendered by. Miss firat nf thA bridal nrtv ontorod these being , Messrs. Albert Clement, brother of the bride, A. L. McGowen and Westbrook Murphy. Next cahie Miss Margaret Hall, exquisitely, gown ed in white net, wearing a white pic ture hat of tulle, with a yellow rib boned crown, carrying an arm full of gladioluses, with Mr. Geddie Je rome, Rose Hill. Then entered the lit tle flower girl, Catherine - Clement, niece of the bride, dressed in white organdy, carrying a basket of daisies, with the little ring bearer, Hugh Mc Gowan." Preceding the bride came her only ister, Miss Jennie. Clement, beautiful in white crepe de chene, wearing a r white hat, carrying Kil larney 1 roses'."' The bride,' never more beautiful and dainty than now, enter ed with her brother, Mr. J.' B . anarwasfetuntrerrine-arcn ny tne groom, entering 'from tjie vestry with his best man. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, of Durham. The rng service was us ed, Rev. W. P. M. Currie, pastor of the bride, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left on the north bound train . fof, "Durham, and from there t Roguemont, their future home. Mrs. Hall is easily one of the most popular and best, loved of : the young girls claimed by Wallace. She has taught in the Clement Graded School here and -has" been very acfilve in; church work. She is a mos lovable character, and truly can it be said of her as Mr. Boney sang, "In Every Heart jShe Has, Fashioned Her Throte. Being very intellectual and accomplished, she has used her every effiort for the advancement of her church, school ad town, therefore, the entire community grieves that this, her home town, will not be her future home Mr. Hall is a young man highly esteemed and popular with all who are fortunate enough to know . him. He graduated this nast session in T. Q. Hall, of this place, and is warmly welcomed by all Wallace, whenever he visits here. The many handsome gifts and pre nuptial affairs, besides words, attest the popularity of the bride. x The Out-of-town guests were Mr I and Mrs. J. B. Clement, of. Augusta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Clement, of Goldsboro: Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Clem ent, and little daughter, Catherine, of Charleston, S. C; Miss Min Farnor, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Mid dleton, of Warsaw; Miss Mattie Bryan, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mrs.' Allen Powers, of Hamlet. 4. 4J 4. 4. 4- LAURINBURG. 4, Laurinburg, July 14. Miss Ida Hall, . of Beulahville, has returned home after visiting her brother, Mr. B. S. Hall. . . Miss Tom Stewart has returned from Hamlet where she visited friends. Mrs.. J. F. . Ray: and. son, James Pierce, visited relatives in Charlotte this wee'k. - -' Miss Mamie Herzog, of Bamberg, S. C, is a guest of Mrs. L. B. Sargeant. Misses Pattie James and Katie Mc Lean have returned from Wrightsville Beach where they spent a , few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Payjor and lit tle son, of Pillon, S. C, visited the home of Capt. J. M. Paylor Sunday. Miss Agness Elliott, of Cumberland couzty, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Peter McLean. Miss Flora McKinnon has gone to New York " City where "she - will - take a special course lit Columbia-University.''-" . - ;-..f ' Misses Mamie and Lula Lewis, of Raleigh, and Lillie Baskerville, of Charlotte are guests Of Miss Berta Covington. ' ,. : , ' :). 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Pi Smith and son, and Mr. Joe Mlddleton, andH family, have returned - from a .Visit to wrightsVnie acn' , Wallace, July 13.The ' Christian Endeavor Society .Mqnday - evening was led by Mr. John :' Lamb ; v Miss Madge Southerland, organist Papers oh the subject were read by Mrs. Nick Southerland, Miss: Rutn ; Wil liams, Mrs. R. . C. Williams,'- Miss Grade Croom and ; Mr. - Bob - "Arm strong. ' - ' . ,' . Mr. Frank James had . a :- rery pain- i'ul. accident Tuesday at the Camp Lumber Company. ' While rolling a LOpO-pound wheel it slipped and fell, crushing his foot. He was Carried to Wilmington . .1 for Xray examination, and it was found that it was not as serious as first thought. . Mr. Bayliss .Webb, of Dallas,- Texas, who. has been visiting his sisier,-. Mrs. John Camp,-for several days, left this past 'week ' for his' home. His firm, with whom he holds a very responsi ble position, gave him "a short leaye of absence to go to visit his parents in Fort Smith, Ark., but he. could not restrain from "slipping" over to Wal- lace, N. C, to see friends Roy Sellars, the young son of Mr. arid Mrs. Tim Sellars, living near here, while in the woods of the,. Hilton Lum ber Company, came in contact with a woodman's axe, and was badly cut. The bone of his elbow was entirely severed. He was rushed to .James Walker Hospital, Wilmington," where he underwent an operation, and is now being treated. v ; Mr. andJMrs. John Forlaw, of Wil mington, are spending Mr. Forlaw'a vacation with Mrs.-Furlaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Southerland. - The home of Mr. " and Mrs. B. F. Pearsall . was visited by the stork a few days ago, leaving a ftne , boy, B. F. Pearsall III. Mrs. McCoy Southerland and chil dren of Wilmington are visiting her mother, Mrs. L. B. Carr. Miss Ella Mallard, of Kenansville, is the charming guest of Mrs. D. L. Wells. Mrs. John Carter and son, John Henry,, of Warsaw are yissnng her parentst Mr .and Mrs; C. E. Hussey, A revival will start in . the Presby terian church Sunday to:-he conducted to "be in charge of "Mr.'B'hice Ci-Boneyi who has been with Dr. -McClure for the past week in ' Rose Hill.i , i -i Miss Ellen Rose, who' is traveling in the . interest of a scholarship to Columbia University, is ' at home for The South 's SURF BATHING Lumina Has 40Q Bath Rooms TCJI.. " 71 eml the iB;;tiM THE KNEISEL The Best Orchestra Ever Played at Lutnina AFTERNOON 8:45 O'CXOCK. March of the Cownst "Marceline" .. ..... ....... .. Geo.. Trlnkaus 2. Favorite Old Song "The Lost Chord".... . .'. ' . Sir Arthur Sullivan 3. Concert Waltz "Beautiful Blue Danube" .. .. .. .... .. ...J. Strauae 4. Comic Opera . SeiectM- 'High , j INTERMISSION. 5. March "A'rangesa" . . . 6. Overture "Orpheus : . . .. . 7. Concert Piece "Badinage" '.. 8. Finale "Havanola'f.. v "Star Spangled Banner.' (Optional.) Special Children .'' Chadbourn, July 14. . Miss. Nell Koons has gone to, Wilmington to so in training, at the James Walker Me- mortal Hospital. Misses Anneiia Lnnon ana weiuejartha Best, and Julia Jones, . ana .. ; i Lewis were Wilmington visitors this week. , . ' '.' . Miss Mary Brown, of Winston Salem, is visiting at the home of Mr. J A. Brown. . v Misses Lena McDonald, Eunice and Montice Boyett have returned from a visit in Council. - Mrs. B. H. Harnley has returned to her liome in Lakeland, Fla., after visiting here. ' ' . the week-end, reporting much suc cess in her work. ' Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cavenaugh have moved into the' house on Railroad street, formerly occupied by the fam ily, of Mr. Frank Boney. There was a successful canning demonstration Dy Miss Lucy Cobb Duplin's demonstrator, Friday, in the shady back yard of Mrs. Sion Boney's home. Mrs. Allen Powers," of Hamlet, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Boney. Friday night there was given a concert under the auspices of the Red Cross Society. There were several musical numbers and recitations ; fur nished by talent from Rose Hill, for which the society was truly grateful. The concert was in charge of the ways and means committee Mrs. Leslie Boney, chairman; Mrs, R. C. Williams, Misses Charlie Westbrook, nuth Wil liams, Susie and Madge SoutherlanA and Mrs. Graham Smith. ; A nice sum was realized from both the door re ceipts and the cream sold. The ush ers and the girls who served the cream wore the Red Cross surgeon's uniform. Rose Hill will not organize just yet and will work) with our society. z.Myr . j :WfpH' M N Leading Re creation Pavilion CONCERTS Afternoon and Evening BY V I Program- ORCHESTRA ' NIGHT . 8:45 O'CLOCK. . ; V i 1. " "Gems" of Stephen Foster . . . . '..'' . i . .Arr. by Theo.. M. Tabanl ; 2. Melodies from the Operetta "Miss Spring'- : time ' . . . . ..." .... . . . . ' .'. . B. Kalman 3. Saxaphone Solo "One Fleeting Hour". ;.. . r a ' '"' Dof othy Iio 4. Grand Selection from "Madame Butterfly" 4 ; ' . iO j pQcdml . "INTERMISSION.' ' v'ii 5. March "Cupid's Patrol" . 7! ; . . Nell4 Moret i. 6. Two. Blegalc, Melodies after Norwegian v, ; Poems: . - c . ' ,. A "Heart Wounds" ) ' M V ; ) V . Edward Grieg -. . B "The Last Spring" ) -' . ;. 7. Suite dL Concert . . ..... . . .Edw&rd German , ; ; -r-1. Ylse Gracieuse . ; , v , " 2. Souvenir'----- ''I 3. Gpsy Dance. ? , V..;.:;. -.:.").,.. 'sM Stleff Piano vsed at These Concerts ,' 'V '" Jinks .RFriml . ..Mario Costa . . . .Offenbach Victor Herbert y . .Hugo' Frey - Feature Monday Souvenir Warsaw. July 14. Miss Anna .Pierce was leader of the Christian JBIndeavps, ' i Societv at its last meeting: using- the?- 3 subject, "The Influence r of Utte.'i (Things," Misses Margaret Barden.V s Mrs. J. H. Carter, and Messrs. WH- liam Kennedy, and John. Hill, gave . readings, and. several musical selec tions were rendered; , j ; . , ;.(. ' '': The Woman's. - Committee .r of tt Couucil of National ; Defense iield ijaV meeting at . the school ' building .'last Friday mornmg uwmg w tuauso, i to be made in the manner. of .orwi ization of the cdunty the meettog etv V f for. next Tuesday; July 17th has oeen . 4 postponed until a later date.: i Mrs. T. B.l Pierce . has; returned' 1 rrom a visit oi sever: w . , son, Lieut C. X. -Pierce at Fort, Slc-; I Miss Annie vGarner- returned Tlies- ; : day morning from an extended ;yisit.;; to Goldsboro, Newport, and Moreheaa City. J-'yc v':, ..', Mrs. a. C. Loftln and- little grand-; ,. daughter, of Seven Springs are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Joel m. m-.V Mrs. Wehtwigrth Pierce ana cat dren, of Goldsboro, -are the guests ,o ; Mrs. T. B.; Pierce...; . . . Ui ',;. 6', ; Miss npiift Herrlnr. of Turkey, spent last week-endwith Mrs: R-aVV. HBettr'; Mrs. Faison Pierce returned j Sun- , , day morning', from Sanatorium, where ; i ? ; :, she ' went tc4 see; her nieces. Misses Noel, before 'their, departure for .their, iy home in Jackson, Miss. v. " J' '- -Miss Elizabetjt Moore spent last ;: week-end with: iMIss Bowden Loftln vr at her home to; Bowden; : . " .V." ': Little Misses Maiue rvevu .u,-.. . . nie Louise Prldgen are spending i the ; : weeki with relatives In Wilmington, r -' ; k Mrs:. Claude Woodwara ana . cnu , dren, Ralph and' Dorothy, are visiting y in Norfolk, Va. 'h i v ..,:;.', ' VM K Mfii. ' John B. Bannerman, of Bur- ; ; gaw was a visitor 'here the past week. v j being the guest . 'of her " aunts, -Mes- dames Faison; Pierce and J. C. IV Her . ring. "4 :v.H'V-Vj?' '' '::',.?. -i p U Mr. Noel Hudson; of Wilson, la snp.ndine some ; time with his grand parenfsv:rrii& v The veterin Clydeiian is the only Senator batting in the 300 set ' ; Bas-' ; (stealing used to . be! Milan's strong. at -present. . FREE TABLES Provided for Luncheon i 1 - St- i . ' ' 4 n-?z Ni rrVif Dance 5t " 1 i ' ; ! '''.;: 1 ' i 4 I ' : 1 I it-, i i- . i it-' -1 it 1 1 ' ( i V i J-;i-.' f. 1 "it visiting here Sunday. 1, '.- f 1' V t-

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