. " 1 k ... . i WEATHER FORECAST North and South Carolina Prob- ocai thunder showers tonight. Fnmnn ably fr- -v?.:.T? F ULL LEASED W IR B E R V I CE -' - ' V JU ! VOL. XXIII. NO. 1 79. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THU RSDAY AFTERNQ JULY I9 1 91 7, : : 1 PRI(FTVEXNKi RUSSIA m n rfv 1 La Officially Asked by Allied Na tions to Take Part in Conference. BALKAN SITUATION TO BE DISCUSSED For That Reason United States May Not Participate Not a Prrcedent, However, a3 This Country Likely to be Present at Future Meetings. (Itv Associntsfl Press.) Washington. July 19. The United States has neon omciauy invited by the allied governments to participate in the intv i-alliod conference to be held in Paris some time thi". month, but has derided that for the present it will not be necessary -3 a.o part in such meetings not directly affect ing this country's part in the war. It was officially explained at the State Department that while th; : course was to be followed at present it was not to bb taken as an indi cation of a permanent policy. The Paris conference was stated in the invitation tqbe largely mili tary and upon the Balkan situation. The United States has no direct in terest in that question as affecting its own war plan.'., it was dialed, except as it reacts on the whole war situ ation, it is not deemed necessary for this country to interfere in mili tary and diplomatic questions with wh.ch it has no immediate concern. PRISON SENTENCE OF SUFFRAGETTES L ISSUE 'S CAPITAL IN THE SCENE OF BLOODY RIOTING For First Time Armed Cos sacks Are Used to Patrol the Streets. HOUR w mm DRAWING W' X UNDER THE "D FT NT01 President Wilson Will Try to Straighten Out the Difficult Matter. TO RECOMMEND WOMAN SUFFRAGE To Congress For its Action Prominent Lawyers Employed For Defense. Xeverthei.ss, it is realized that as ajduct of ,, the case. (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 19. Counsel for the 16 suffragists serving 60-day sen tences at the District of Columbia workhouse for picketing in front of the White House, were preparing to day to take an appeal in the case un less President Wilson intervenes. Dudley Field Malone, collector of the port of New York, has retained George Gordon Battle, a New' York attorney, vet. undisclosed, to aid him in tho'nnn GREAT LENIENCEY SHOWN THE RIOTERS Efforts of Government to Pre vent Further Political Dis cord Crisis Ap proaching. (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, Tuesday, July 17 (De layed). By an agreement between the soldiers' and workmen's deputies and the remaining members of the cabinet, the question of replacing the retiring ministers, as well as all ques tions of policy, has. been held in abey ance pending the suppression of the Bolskeviki element which for 36 hours has kept the city in a turmoil. Events since noon today serve somewhat to clear up the anomalous situation growing out of the apparent reluc tance of the government to mobilize its forces to quell the turbulent minor ity and radical elements. The gov ernment evidently considered it un wise for the safety of the city to op pose them with violent methods until it is absolutely necessary. The government adopted the same course with: respect to the Socialist Lenine some weks ago, realizing that the movement had little , sympathy with a majority of the population and decided it better not to martyrize the Maximalist faction or to run ,he risk of precipitating a serious clash with the possibility of far-reachirig conse quences. ' There is little doubt that the gov ernment has enough loyal support easily to suppress an uprising. There were, already signs tonight that pres sure willb.e exerted. The Prebyjen sky regimfciit, which is known to be faithful to, the government, made its appearance on the street and although no clash occurred, it stood in appar- l ent readiness, to. fight 4f , necessary. J&1 '(By Associated Press.) Washington, July9. At 9:30 o'clock tomorrow-morning and a committee room of the Senate office buildina have oeen nxea as tne time and place tor the war army drawing. Secretary Baker and other cabinet officers and members of the Senate and House Military committees will witness the drawing, rrovost Marshal Ueneral Crowder counts uodn nnisnmg in nttie more than an hour the entire process, which will fix the order ot liability tor appearance befbre the local exemption boards of each man of the ten million registered. WORLD WAITS TO HEAR AOM BERLIN; FIGHT RAGING ON and Infantry Operations Hold Forth, GERMANS CONTINUE ILa! setihnunt of the world war Is X reached, the voice of the United ic national committeeman Tr6m New States will have to, become increasing-' Jersey, and husband of one of the prisoners, declared after a long con ference at the Wnite House that the President had been "deeply shocked at the whole affair and on learning the 'circumstances, has only one! ly important in its attempt to secure a just peace which shall free the world from causes of future wars. On that basis, the government is exam ing the various plans of reconstruc tion suggested and will, when it deems the moment j'ipe, suggest equitable adjustment. This time, however, is thought not yet to have arrived. As yet few details o the Paris con ference have be-n received here, but Anthony suffrage amendment to the was1' rib: douBt yln- the mmds ofthfr people of its attitude In the erent that the anti-eovernment aemonstrauon Crown Prince chose a front nearlv a Russian Drive Has Lessened half , mile in extent where the French ( occupied a hillock to the east of ,Gauchy. General Petaln's ' forces jwere taken back at first by the inten I sity of the drive and yielded some 'ground in the first line. They rallied ATTACK THE FRENCH mans out of the greater part of the - .occupied positions. Making Strenuous Efforts to' f"u Petr' c1ontin- . - - j - - ues troubled, out the provisional gov- Kegam Lost drOUnd Mar- ernment apparently has decided to tial Law Prevails "in Petro- take Hold with a firm hand and have j D . . i g- it out with the ultra-extreme elements grad nrovisional ijOVern- which are keeping the city in a tur- ment Takes Hold With Firm moil- Martial control has been estab ti j , lished there and drastic measures liana. seem to be the order of the day. " . I Meanwhile the cabinet council is While the world today is awaiting considering a proposal to transfer the with' keen interest the declaration of fseat of government to Moscow to re Germany's policy which thd new Im- move it from the scene of turmoil, perial Chancellor, Dr. GeorgMichaelis, and it is also announced that the gen- is exDected to deliver In the Reich- erai assemDiy oi wprmen, soiaiers stair, the military forces of the b el- and peasants will be held at Moscow ligerents for the moment are 'engaged ( "to prevent interference from an ir in infantry operations of major im- responsible section of the Petrograd portance only along the front in isast 5 v!v ;,.; i.;: l m m w o it L i; . ' - T" " m . -mm . mm mm .. , mm m mm, m i Tv , u urn uw U fll HIU it ; I yy UilVU U ' 1 ', : 1 17 SllNiZED Provost General Crdwder Out lines the Complete ManneVf Of Draft. . ... r.Ji - '-' .j"'-.' mm ern Galicia. Reports from this, theatre of in tense activity has indicated a lessen ing in the speed of the Russian drive. There has even been a recession at one! oolnt where Austrian flSd-Cetman fray in an effort to stop the Russian on rush which was threatened to roll iud the enure Austro-uerman lines took a more serious turn. Theregi-1 frQm Galicla-down through the Ru-! garrison The sinking of a German submarine by a Russian destroyer in the Baltic is reported from Petrograd. Indications of an awakening of the opposing armies in, Volhynia, jiist J.m mt i mt 1 Jj ' mJ SffUSfS affect the. diitUipn ot forded byN the Gerntkn -offittal tate-4 tha foet w i.im,'.n .- ment was cheered by the crowds as it passed. . . It met several groups of marcning manian mountains and plains. Otherwise, the French front 'ipent. Extensive ' raidSngr cfperatrons are reported to have occurred north west of Lutsk, in this region. The Germans announced the taking of nu- Imornne. Russian ririsnnpra Thprp al- ' 1 I i V in: so nas Deen an increase m me aiui northern France presents the most thought, namelv. to straighten out BolskeviklS. but in no case were We , . . fflotllMO nf mmonarv intpr the matter." soldiers molested by thenl. The regi-j d without an effort I M V T f 1 . mf mr A possible outcome of the situation is a presidential recommendation to Congress of the proposed Susan B. it is understood it will discuss the whole Balkan question in view of Greece's active entrance into the war, which changes both the military and the diplomatic situation there. The Saloniki campaign Is known to be one of the subjects for discussion and it constitution. Although the President has consistenly maintained that suf frage is purely a State questiofi, friends of the Administration are urg ing him to dispose of one of the na tion's most distracting war-time prob lems by merely directing attention of is presumed that the advisability ot, congress to the suitrage issue. an advance there, aided by Greece's! President Pardons the Women. , forces, is the main consideration. Al- Washington, July 19. President ready the allies have more than Wilson today issued pardons for the 00,000 men in that sector, with, 16 suffragists who are serving a 60- Greeee able to add another 250,000 day sentence in the workhouse for as soon as they can be mobilized and equipped. NEW YORK TRQDPS III GO TO FRONT picketing in front of the White House. Secretary Tumulty said the pardon must speak for itself, and that the White House would have no state ment .to make of the President's rea sons for his action. Although all the women held out steadfastly against the payment of fines or acceptance of pardons, the husbands of half a dozen of them have been active in trying to bring about the releases of their, wives. Several of the women have small children at home. ment showed no disposition to inter-1 . R,rm!)t,(l tn ep,t fere with the Bolskeviki as long as gome Qf thev valuable territory their activities were no more aggrefr j. wrenched from tnem ln the sive. A heavy rainstorm dusk , offensive or- to make local in effectually prevented a collismn which radslsewhere pn the French lines, might otherwise have occurred. A Rew field w&g chosen for an at. large proportion of sailors and sol- gort , , h, the first tne aem-' .,. : Report That They Will be ini upe0n the issuance of pardons, lib Trenches rw November Causes Enthusiasm. T.y Associated I'rsf..) Aev oi k .Tulv 1 tsipwa from Washing r)n Uiat the New York Na- I'onal Cuard might be in the trenches 'n Franc,, l.v Vnvptnhpr Tntensifierl the wusierin-in preliminaries today of i.iiiMi men mobilized at the vari ous armori. s in the city. Plans for enti;.. (luard of the State to par iicipate in .., grpat send-off parade tt're n.-arinj; completion today. The P-Staic l i niments, it was said,, would fOballiv III' .11 Cnni.fnnllir tV "av of ti:. f.itv iT1 nrrtpr that tbev "'lif panicipate in what is expected 0 he ,. ,,f t?lft greatest mintary spec- T.(''"s '"'''i- staged in New York City, ne d;:i, 0f the parade has not yet Deen ,i,.;.i. .1 .... " "" u upon. aipLi U!) in nuln.. r A t 'iters r, 4...... . i 3. . ! i raining camp to us 1,1 at. I'ni-t iif.pi,.cnn n rte thic "UIHIjl.,- ,.,,1,. 1,,, , , - 1 v win De seieciea ior erty was no longer a matter of choice. Arrangements were made by the au thorities to turn all the prisoners out of the workhouse as soon as the nec essary documents could be dispatched from the Department of Justice to the workhouse, 20 miles outside of the city. diers who came to assist in onstration returned to Kronstadt. The cabinet situation today appeared as follows: The Deputies approached Premier Lvoff with a proposition to reform the cabinet based upon the Imposition of their own policies in the new body. The Premier rejected the suggestion and in' reply offered to secure the re tirement of the remaining Bourgeois members , and to permit the council to assume all responsibility of the government. This proposal in turn was rejected by the deputies and after a long conference it was agreed to let the matter rest as it was for the Present. M. Skobeleff, Minister oi iauur, spent the day visiting labor headquar ters and factories counseling moder ation to the workmen. Petrograd, July 18 Following the series of clashes between ' patrolling forces of the government and Maxim Ilists which occurred last night, the citv this morning' was quiet un der a continuous down pour of; rain. really sharp attack for some time m; lery fire in Volhynia, while the pro nounced activity of the tag guns along the northern part of the front, from Riga to Smorgon, is continuing. The Petrograd statement today shows the Russians again forging ahead in the Novica "region, south of Kalusz on the southern end of the front in Eastern Galicia, but meeting with stiff opposition. General Korn iloff's men have again forced their Divided Into Two Squadrons Each Commanded by a Vice Admiral. (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 19. Reorganiza tion of the Atlantic fleet has been . ordered by Secretary Daniels to meet new problems resulting from expan sion of the force to almost twice its normal size for war service. Details are withheld for military reasons, but the Secretary announced yesterday that the reorganization plan Involves the addition of another vice admiral to" the fleet and that Rear Admiral Albert W. Grant, now commanding the submarine force, had been selected. Admiral Mayo, the Secretary said, will remain in general command, with the immediate authority under him divided between Vice-Admiral Coff man, at present second in command, and Vice-Admiral Grant. The former is to have direct command of a divi sion containing most of the super- ureuuuuugms ana aesignatea as "Force Number 2,' while Vice-Admiral Grant will command the remainder of the fleet under the designation of "Force Number 1." It Is understood that the reorgani- SPLENDID METHOD f ; WlQ : is worked oiit A ? : fi i Local Boards Will Call rJF :f l . i wo nunarea rer Aent. or,: Quota at First: Call-How Numerals Will Apply to All tinn a- Tri pense Over Who Will 4Be 4 ' ' . -. r .-inn' miUIoiT;"';Etf! "' (By Associated Presi.) Washington, July 19. Ten men are registered-In the United States for war service 687,000 Var 'i o needed in. the first call for the ;Na!i uonai Armv. : j- ,v b Who shall go first? 4 .- Thisquestion is asked, and; the meln ' ' i t by which it Is to be answered 'S$ 1: it;;.il: Crowder in an explanation issued be held, in Washington. The 'schX3a "v evolved is so simple that the drawii; the field of the great Hindenburg re- way into Novica village and are hold treat of last March being delivered ing their position there in .the face of just to the south of St. Quentin. The heavy counter attacks. N TEST VOTE T ON THE FOOD BILL Proposal to Extend Provisions to Other Articles Defeated in Senate. FATAL ACCIDENT NFArT BALE GH (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 19. Confinement of government control legislation in the Food bill to foods, feeds and fuels, including kerosene and gasoline, was. forecast today, when in what was re garded as a test vote, the Senate re- SCHEME LOTTERY TO BUILD HOTEL Tuesday's list of casualties, so far asjjected, 44 to 28, an amendment by oooortaiTiPd' vmnri8es 6 nersons kill- Senator Kenyon. of Iowa, to extend ed and 238 wounded. (control to iron ore and its products, Yesterday's disturbances were a rep- hemp, binding twine and farm imple- etition of those of the day before, ex- ments and tools. Implied endorsement of the Senate was given Herbert C. Hoover today, cept that they occurred at 2 o'clock in the afternoon whereas the first outbreak occurred around midnight. ,when the Senate, by -a viva voce re The manifestants were grouped i jectedi an amendment by Senator along the same part of the NevskyiReed, of Missouri, to have the Food Prospect. A number of stray shots : control bill administered Dy a Doara Three Persons Killed When Automobile is Struck by Seaboard Train. (By Associated Press.) Raleigh, N. C, July 19. Two men and one woman were killed and 2 other women seriously, if not fatally, injured, last afternoon, when Sea board train. No. 34 crashed into their automobile on a crossing at Method, a station about 3 miles west of Ra leigh. The dead are: H. K. Harris, Raleigh: E. B. Elam, Raleigh ; and Miss Alice Harris, Forestville. Those injured are Miss Elizabeth Harris, of Raleigh, and Miss Lena Luther, of Fayetteville, N. C According to an eyewitness, the au tomobile, with curtain down, stopped directly across the Seaboard tracks The train, running 50 miles an hour, j splintered the car and scattered the the. fteejt.ntow in European waters 'tin der Vice-Admiral Sims. . Af the Navy Department it was indicated yester day that there is little probability that either Vice-Admiral Coffman or Vice Adrmral Grant will be sent anroad in the near future. Vice-Admiral Grant will be succeed ed as commander of' the submarine force by Captain S. S. Robison, now commanding the battleship South Carolina. THE AHTI-EE1AKS IN AI!UNI1Y VXv.- r ;'V.;.:,,;:'Jf. ' " . i? It Charged With Being in Alli ance With the Entente Allies. (By Associated Press.) London, July 19. The Vienna cor respondent of the . Deutsche Tages Zeitung, according to a Reuter dis patch from Zurich, accuses the non German parties in Austria-Hungary of being in alliance with the Entente. "No German can doubt," says the correspondent, "but that an alliance or understanding exists between the Austrian Czechs. Poles and other non- Germans, on the one hand,, and France, Great Britain and Russia on the other. The recent amnesty de clared by the Emperor was the first result of this policy of blackmail and must be considered a victory for the anti-German parties." SAVE STOCKING TOPS AS AN ECONOMY. jm mm m, m i m n m m B n 1 - A A. A ... w Vt. a M were heard, ioiiowea Dy tne nnng 0101 nve insieaa ui uiree mvmuv . ' imjlTlt hftdlv mancled. alone the An amendment by Senator bhafrotn, . o ' , ' Aiat"0 nf fin vnrd. OI LOIUIUUU, UUlUUllZilUg ct Olll&lO iuuu I rifles against upper windows and roof tops ata seemingly imaginary foe. For the first time since the revolu tion Cossacks appeared and patrolled t . , I the streets. Companies here and 10. In the Town or bhelby 1 he there carried machine guns strapped administrator instead of a commis sion, was rejected by the Senate 63 to Promoter Arrested Plan of Procedure. SHERIFF RESCUES NEGROES FROM MOB .Ly, HIV A VOrininf T1- brov .. . In'! 14 year-old son, Au la. Albert Who wit l;i:: iiiier! hunted over two coun- L,:,-Vri charged with the kill- I. nnnli o pi,.i(i i 'onuay, were Ing there and have posted cannon. The general feeling is that the decis ive stage between the forces of order 1 1..,. 'arm,.,. 'hi. at rr! ',!,'0" -from a mob estimated Canini,,.; I)y Sherin Perrow, of ftusth.. ' ('.0Un,y- The sheriff reached Ti-nA . lllr' Lilmnhpll noiintw 'onot 'I l 1 . - '1. A aers tr, ,lcinS'ng to take the pris-Kcelve ?35,uuu ncnburg for safekeeping.; scheme., . : , Bv Associated rre.s.) Charlotte, N. C, July 19 A man giving the namew George R. G Hs- bury wsCs arrested st Shelby, N. C.f vesterday on a chargd of conducting; an atleeed lottery scheme. The a.- and disorder , is rapidly approaching rest was made at the request of the!At a joint meeting of the workmen's Birmingham, Ala., authorities. Ac-, and soldiers' and peasants' councils, a cording to the police, (Salisbury had -esolution was adopted in reference a plan whereby he was to raise $150,-; to the ministerial crisis to the effect 000 to build a hotel at Shelby. This ithat the departure of the cadet min wa, to be raised by selling 150,000 listers cannot be made the pretext for ticket's at $1 each, each ticket to be depriving the government of the sup- p-ond for one day s hotel privilege, import oi tne revolutionary democracy. to their saddles, the men leading their isters. Meantime all power must be horses. 'concentrated in the present govern- ..; Petrograd, July 19 The general ment which must act in conformity staff buildings alid Winter Palace With the decisions ;reached at the last square , are headquarters for the gov- general congress. ernment forces which are biyouack-, No Demonstrations Allowed in Moscow addition, it is alleged each purchaser On the other hand, the resignation of of a ticket was to have the privilege the cadets make it imperative for dem nf qneesting a name for tne hotel, ocracy fo. re-determine its attitude re- rescued i and the person suggsuug me uuc selected by a committee, named ior the purpose, would be deeded -the ho tel building, tp cost $75,000, and 200 acres of land.' Salisbury was to re- for developing me garding the organization of power. Therefoyv reral assembly of coun cils of Av:rkmen's and soldiers' and peasants' must be convoked and such Moscow, July 19. The ro'cal" coun cil of workmen's and soldier's dele gates, after a discussion of the dis turbance in Petrograd, by a vote of 442 against 242, decided not to allow street demonstrations in Moscow. The Maximilists, which desired armed demonstrations in the city, protested that, the council was placing obstacles in the way of their participation in current political life and quit the hall. Another member , of the Russian government resigned today. The minister who tendered his resigna tion was M. Pereveizeff, who.; held the portfolio of justice. Five Hundred Killed. London, July 19.- A' Reuter dis patch from Petrograd says the num- assembly will meet:within a fortnight ber of killed or wounded in ihetwo hence to ; discuss the organization days of - disorder therfe Is " estimated J wnjcn-iT io re-piace tnev caoet nun- ax about &uu. t Miss Luther Dies in Hospital Raleieh. N. C. July 19. Miss Lena Luther, of Fayetteville, N. C, fatally injured late yesterday, when a Sea board Air Line passenger train struck an automobile at Method, died in a hnanitoi todav. Miss Elizabeth Harris, of thfs 'icity, the fifth member of the party, was senousry injured, it !. n-HS believed she would recover, E. B. Elam and H. K. Harris, of Ra leigh, were Seaboard Air Line loco- mutive engineers on leave of absence. Mr. Harris will be buried here to day, beside his father, whose funeral was held Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Harris is a sister of H. K. Harris, and Miss Alice Harris was a cousin -who had come to Raleigh, to attend -Jthe fu neral of her' uncle. SUBMARINE VICTIMS FOR THE PAST WEEK (By Associated Press.) . London. Julv 1H. Fourteen British ships of over 1,600 tons were sunk by submarine or mine in the last 'week, according to the official report last nieht: Four " British ' vessels- under 1.600 tons i were sunk, and 8 fishing of one set of a thousand numerals and another of 11 will fix ; with , absolute equality of chance 'the order In whliftii every one ot 'the ien million ,regi trants . shall report to his local "board for exannatlonand subsequent - - jj emptionlfliach military ' service. , ' ''; iY'-l&' Since the . average -exemption di trict registration 'is ,000 and tkere :af 4,557 districts, Uie average, number of men listefl with each operation of thai drawing machinery : will be about 10,-i ooo. -: ' ; : - " i-r-'-General Crowder . fifinounces, also- that local boards will ? be " instructed: to call. 200 per centit of their! quota at the first call to - provide for. prob able exemptions. That means thatyfc 374,000 men will be. notified, to.. ap pear for examination f within the net .'few days. If more are necessary,. th&fv jwill be called for as "needed by :ttt local boards In the order provided for in the drawing. ."IX In some districts the ' 100 . per cenl:.'. allowance for exemption may ; be "too large and in others(too small, but th local boards will be instructed In : eV ery case to continue calling.: for tnn until the district quota is filled. Each State Governor is now- allotlng to' hla districts their respective . portions ct the State's quota. . ; In each .of the .S37l'acemption 'dis tricts among which .' tW ten million registration cards have ' been divided; the cards have been given serial num bers. The -number of registrants in each district varies Jrom about 185 in uio , ouiaucoi ituu uivia, iu,uuu lit tug ' i largest, so that the, serial numbers ipiY'nw be dealt with in the; drawing t rongA r' ! .i 5- . ' I . frrtm nn o tn hatmccti nlna - an1' tan thousand. '' '' ' - :.' In order to reduce the mechanical process and make it pdssible ;for i,tntt:v 1,000 numbers drawn, to reach every manin every district a so-called maK ter key has been devised. This wiwt be obtained by drawing slips number' ed from 0 to -10, which will be listed, in the order they are drawn to fbrnt the key. ' ; . ; .-!: ' Then will begin the drawing ot the ' numbers one to one thousand. Fpr the district with not more than one thousand registrants there will be ni problem to determine the order ; ot appearance before the exemption' . The number, drawn first. rlU (By United Press.) Washington, July 19 The old stocking may finally have some bet ter use than to hold hoarded gold and to cure the children's colds. The women's committee of the Council of board National Defense today discovered fix the man whose card bears k that $1,000,0000 worth of old stocking tops . serial number as the first to appear' aro-wasted every year by American' before his board. In the district vwlui" women and recommend that someoniy 185 registrants,' the 185 win be method of eliminating this waste bejiaDle for appearanoe in, the order In found. They say this waste should JwnIcn their numbers 'are drawn, arid ; not apply to silk stockings, as silkUrhen. a number higher than that atK hose should not be worn at this time.nearg the district, of four will nt affected. ..-rv' i -j: when thrift and economy are needed. JAPAN LENDS AID TO FRENCH PEOPLE (By United Press.) Tokio, June 20 (By Mail). Ar rangements have been completed here for the flotation of a $25,000,000 French loan, to be used in the pay ment of France's war purchases in this country. It is understood that these amount to more than $20,000, 000. At first France proposed to bor row $50,000,000, but Japanese bank ers decided against so large a sum. The loan will yield 51-2 per cent, to investors. - This issue will bring Japans finan cial aid to the Allies up to $135,000, 000. Russia in two loans has received $60,000,000. Britain was given $5d,- nno.ooo - last December, j and : now bet (Continued on Page Seven.) - '1 A t. sl V V: THE CONTRACT LET l y i FOR CHARLOTTE CAMP - r- . ., r (By Associated Press.) i f : Charlotte. 8. Ci Jul 19. The: con tract for the construction' work uamp ureene, . at cnanotte, at wnicpi; the New -England -National Guard dm-; sion will train was awarded yesterday to the Consolidated jEngineerlng COni construction - of about - 600 - wooden. ; , : ji buildings, including mess shacks, "stflj" 'hV- lV army ' engineer . is here;' going royiry yi property near theCcampltetaeletj'-yVtli additional land made. necessary by theV - p fact that an aviation graining neia wuv isestttiatediWtons.were ., "ISS AZlWoi 000. '.. established rtXa.,;: ' ' !- -- " 1 m -v ; " 1, ' - i T - - . T 'A ' 1 L -t r v . v it