.A- THE WILMINGTON DISPATGHTHURSP AmFffi 9; 1917.- Market Rei X -X- COTTOTT W'ilnui on spot 25 1-8. suot 2o 1-8. ion spot 2;.J 8. Sav ;iu:iali h spot 26 1 V Tli'1 lit-" v;ii' lull Tex;'-- Jul'"1 ami not Tin1 i VoiK. July 19 With the excep . n inporavy advance of 10 ;,, StM'tfiuber ccnc? nets, the ,,; ,,:.;( ( opened rather easy to il I, pricts 6 to 14 points lower. it ions, uue to many pn- pos Will r V ,.,; reports and to the western f,',r. .-iisi. which predicted show jn ' ;,,iiihcast Texas. In fact, it . . iicral opinion that all the ' . j 1 3 1 ,1 1 mi Hi socuons nau ueen re ;t loast for the time being. ,,, ,, nrfc'd selling pressure re in ,i:elines to 25.16, October, IttuemDer, representing a ,1 l!) to 24 points. . ion market closed steady. July perriiil"' JanRir-v ;l;U-(il . High. .26.80 . 25.80 .25.15 .25.15 .25. lit Low. 24.84 24.64 24.67 24.87 Close. 26.50 24.85 24.66 24.67 24.82 quit' NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. (..( York. July 19. Spot cotton, lii-iiiimg, -b.vv. W W f vLOCAL MARKETS. ? ' . . WHOLESALE PRICES. , fZ? .t32c Butter,, per; lb.., r Country .. ' :30c bpnng . chickens, apiece. V. . v2540c Puddle Ducks?, apiece. .. ....60Q)55c Guineas, apiece . . .. . . .... , , , .85c rteC- -v-'-.. - ..12 13 kt . oiaioes Pei-bbl. . . ..... .$5.50 : X' ndms. pound .26((27c N. C. Shoulders and Ribs, lb ..2&26c cjtbage, (100 lbs.) $1.50 Hides, Green .. .. ; .2c Wool, free of: bur . .. .'.55c ....... $2.20 32c 18c lie 50c .45c to 50c . $.Zo Corn, bushel Bee's Wax., .. .. salted Hides.. .. Tallow Wool, clean .. .., Wool, burr Cantaloupes, crate Peaches, crate .. ' v - - ? STOCKS, v New Ydrk, July 19 (Wall Street). The short interest continued its ag gressive tactics at the opening of to day's market, virtually all the lead ers receding from material fractions to a point. Industrials of the several classes which comprise the war group w,ere. under greatest pressure, . al though standard stocks, including rails, were not PYemnt Tip awaro A . . XT y - ' w i Mi vy xs Hudson falling 3 points. United States Steel yielded a point and cop iers eased with motors, oils and the more active specialties. Some initial recessions were increased before the end of the first half hour. 1 IflMITS GUILT OF THE WBDEES WILMINGTON NAVAL STORES. Spirits 36 1-4. Rosin $4.60 and $4.40. Tar $3.50 and 16 cents. Crude $3.50 $3.50 $2.50. ' NEW ORLEANS COTTON. v oil. .ins. July 19. After show- !,i ninrv sreauiness unu a rise the near months on today, cotton fell oil in the extreme west- and ot 5 1 oiius on lW oiK iiiiu'; her. ,,!! i:U'i'' rain ern in-ii, :nul private accounts of . "v t; , ro)) improvement as the result himsiure wnicn recently nas At the end of -the first half i Cotton 8. Spirits 25. Rosin 107. Tar 169. Crude 17. Receipts: uisiness the trading months 22 points under yesterday s Of II'-1' full. n. hour were li to The co! ton market closed weak ner decline of 60 to 70 points. July October December January . March . . at High. Low. Close. .25.25 25.00 a24.66 .24.45 23.80 23.80 .24.40 23.78 23.78 .24.42 23.97 23.87 .24.53 23.92 23.92 NEW ORLEANS ,v Orleans, Juhr 19 firm. 2" lu-ints up; sales on the spot, 9 hi lvil: to -arrive. 1,066. Good oAlinary Strict si.-.;.ul ordinary ;. .... Low i:.:dd!ins Srric: low middling Middi;;! Strict middling Good middling Strict crooii middling Receipt?, 374; stock, 189,922. SPOTS. Spot cotton, .24.37 .24.37 .25.37 .25.56 .25.75 .25.94 .26.12 .26.30 SAVANNAH NAVAL uiORES. Savannah, July 19. Turpentine, firm, 37 1-4; sales, ; receipts, 471; shipments, ; stock, 25,844. i Rosin, firm; sales, ; receipts, 1,107; shipments, ; stock, 77.798. (Cuba Cane Quote: B, D, E and F, 5.10; G, 5.15; H, 5.20; I, 5.25; K. 5.30; M 6.20; WG, 6.70; WW, 6.80. American Beet Sugar .. .. ...90 American Can 471-4 American Car & Foundry . . . . 74 3-4 American Locomotive 69 1-2 American Smelting & Ref'g. ..1011-4 American Sugar . . . . . . . . 122 American Tel. & Tel. . . 120 7-8 Anaconda Copper - 76 1-2 Atchison 100 1-2 A. C. L 1111-2 Atl., Gulf & W. I. S. S. Lines 106 Baldwin Locomotive . . .... 68 Baltimore & Ohio 72 7-8 Bethlehem Steel 'B" .... . . 124 1-S Canadian Pacific 161 1-2 Central Leather . . 84 1-2 Chesapeake & Ohio 59 1-2 Chicago & Great Western (bid) 11 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul 69 2.-8 Ch'go, R.I. & Pac, when issued 36 Col. Fuel & Iron .. 47 3-S Corn Products 34. 1-8 Crucible Steel ... . 79 14 Sugar 40 7-3 LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, July 19. Cotton spot, moiv business; prices unchanged. Aivtei'iean middling fair Good middling . . . . .. . Middling Low middling Good ordinary Ordinary Sai'.i-, u.ooo American. Ree Anirriran. Futmvs unchanged July July-August SppTeml;''r-Oetober . October-Xovomber . . Df'C-iVibf-r-Jiinuary . . January February . . M:Tb-April .. .r0.68 .. ..19.3H- 19.00 18.55 17.60 ..17.10 bales, iiicrncmg 2,500 .ipts,-4,000 bales, none ..17.90 ..17.65 . .17.02 . .16.60 . .16.05 . .75.95 CHICAGO GRAIN. Wheat Open. July 2.26 Sept. .. .. .. . . .. 2.061-2 Corn : ' Sept ; .. .. !. 1.61 Dec .... 1.14 . Oats ' July 69 1-2 Sept. .. .. .55 3-8 Pork July 40.40 Sojt. . . Lard July ' Sept 20.57 Ribs- July . . . . . . . Sept. ..' Erie 5.70; N,;aeneral Tlcctric Lreneral Motor Great. Northern pfd. . . . Great Northern Ore Ctfs. Close. I Gulf State Steel 2.40 HI. Central (bid) 2.10 Inspiration Copper .. .. Int. Merc. Marine . . 1.617-8 Int. Merc. Marine pfd. .. 1.14.3-4 (International Nickel .. .. l'lntewiational Paper . . .7J) 3-4 'Kansas City Southern .. .56 1-8 'Kennecott Copper .. .. Louisville & Nashville .. 40.40 39.65 20.20 20.45 .21.47 Mexican Petroleum .. .. Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific Nevada Consolidated . . . New York Central . . N. Y., N. H. Hartford Norfolk & Western (bid) (Northern Pacific LO.61 Tin- ;i!j.av am all fixed prices. 21.22 21.40 . Ohio Cities Gas The Prince of Udine, who was head Pennsylvania of the Italian mission to the United Ray Consolidated Copper States, has resumed his duties as a; Reading captain in the navy. iRep. Iron and Steel .. !3 I-j S. A. L. Pfd. (bid) .. .. ; Sinclair Oid & Refining Sloss. Shef. Steel & Iron Southern Pacific . . .... Southern Railway . . j Southern Railway pfd. .. . Studebaker Corporation iTenn. Copper Texas Co Union Pacific United Fruit U. S. Ind. Alcohol . . . . , U. S. Rubber .... U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper jVa. Car. Chem tVa. Coal and Coke . . Wabash Pfd. "A" Western Union (bid) .. Westinghouse Electric . . i u uuu VJUl U I I Grows Long, Sots Silky SUGAR. Xfv York, July 19 Raw sugar, firm; cem rifngal 6.G-4; molasses 5.76; i-HtihI. tirm, ir points higher; cut lo?.:; 0.1."; rnished 8.90; mould A, 8.15; cubes, S -10; "XXXX" powdered, 7.85; poTvdeiM.l, T.SsO; fine granulated and diamond A, 7. CI; confecti6ners' A, Xo. 1, 7.50. Futures opened-firm- and at noon prices were 5 lo 8 points higher, on buying by lading trade interests. Oentten-cn : I am scudioe " my picture tc let von seo wKat your SXELENTO QuinAfe Pomade has done f nr my hair. Itkss prown lo28inch lm aud ij cry thick. er,t and siiky nsul 1 cau ik.w fix my hiir any way I want to. J t i :i tho best hair grow :r iii ilia world, LAUI1A EiJCS. Don't be fooled all your life by tain some fake preparation -which c!aim9 to straighten kinky hair. You arc just fooling yourseli by using it. Kinky hsir cannot be made straight. You must have hair firsU Now this EXELEMY0 2S! is a Hair Growe? which feeds the scalp and root9 of the hair and makes kinky nappy hair prow long, 8cft and silky. It cleans dandruff and stops Falling Hair at once. Prico 2Sc by mail on receipt of stamp3 or coin. ' AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE m Write for Particulars W rvn rMTO MCDICIK: CO. ATLANTA, A. , 25 51 114 1-2 104 7-8 33 1-4 115 103 53 28 . S4 1-2 . 38 1-2 . 33 1-S . 211-2 42 126 7-8 93 . ' 59 1-S , 32 1-8 . 217-8 . 8? 3G1-8 121 101 , 561-1 . 53 1-1 26 1-2 94 1-t 87 1-8 . 12 7-S . 28 43 3-S . 52 . 93 1-8 27 5-S . 56 55 3-S . 7 1-S 186 135 1-2 134 -Z 157 3-S 59 7-S 119 3-4 118 7-8 102 40 1-4 . 66 . 49 . 93 . 48 3-S . Philadelphia Man ' C6nf esses He Killed Goal .Operator, (By 'Associated Press.) . ' -Johnstown, Pa.,.. July. 19.-r7George C. Tompkins, of Philadelphia, held in conection with the shppttog., to -death of Edmund L. Humphries, prominent coal operator, his wife, .Mrs. Carrie Humphries, and their 15-year-old son, Edmund I. Humphries, Jr., on a coun try road near Carrolltown, this coun ty, last Sunday, confessed to the three murders today, according to an nouncement by the police. The con fession was made in the presence of Jailer Edward Knee, of. the county jail, and Tompkins' attorney. Tompkins was a member of the Humphries automobile party. After the shooting he went to the home of a friend and declared that-the party had,been held up by three masked men. He maintained that the tbree men had killed the members of the Humphries party, but he escaped by falling to the ground near the auto mobile and pretending that he also had been shot. Qpnflicts in statements made by Tompkins caused the search for the highwaymen to be called off and a coroner's jury investigating the mur ders ordered Tompkins held for in vestigation. Monday he was formal in nhnre-pd with the murder. Evi dence against Tompkins was consid ered only circumstantial prior to his confession. STORASE PLANTS Fdr Supliesj-E& -An . Abroad JMiist be t- oecu r PGETHRED . .. i, ,, . Jri.re (By Aesocted" resfc.)i i i- b - -Washington, Juijva&jjnjpprtance oframple storage facUIties at or near seaports to accommodate great, stocks of supplies for American iorces in Europe was emphasized today; by the National Defense -vpquncil's storage committee. ' -r. - : . . "Expenditures in excess of $50,000, 000 for terminal storage areas at or tnear the seaboard will undoubtedly be necessary," said a committee state ment. "Not a moment should be lost in providing these facilities. The equip ment which it is necessary to provide for each soldier going overseasi amounts to aDout 5 1-2 tons. This storage- load will be put upon the na tion before the end of the year. -We must handle it, but to do so will re quire carefully designed and equipped areas probably 2,0000 acres in extent. They must be in operation by Janu ary 1, 1918. "Both at the cantonments and at the terminal depots on the 'Atlantic seaboard it is essential that the stor age areas should be of a size that will permit immediate unloading of freight-cars." Have fed 200 t6ns of Biicktye Hulk ' " . ...... . - . I ' - ' I"": - t " - -I" ' f " . Foster 6s Fits, Tuscaloosf, Ala.; have fed -200 tons of Buckeye Hulls and are still feeding Athens., . Usersj like, thescr-rand there arc. thou sands of them have "proven" conclusively that Buckeye Hulls are not only the least expensive but the most satisfattAry roughage on the market. You are not ; buying "an untried product .when you - wrua your tursi ion oi : .. ... . .... ..... . i ' TMH V p lh ; -. -Vi?- I COTTONStEO HULLS v - UNTLESS You can rest assured from", the experience of many other successful farmers, stockmen and dairymen that Buckeye Hulls will meet your needs better than any roughage you ever have Used before. You can look' forward to your, roughage, not only costing- you much less than formerly but giving you better results; No lintr No trash. No wastes Nq trouble. : ,.r . . . ' . To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet t he hulls thoroughly, twelve hours before feeding. It U easy to do this by wetting then down night and morning for the next feeding. ' If at any time this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the huUs, Iry, use only half as much by bulk as'of old style hulls. ? . '. Book of Mixed Feeds Free -j ' ''('- Gives the right fbrmula-fwrevery combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fattening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives' directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to nearest mill. The Buckeye, Cotton Oil Co. 'Dept. J Little RocK Macon Dept. J -Atlanta Aagatta Birmingham Charlotte Greenwood Jackeon Memphis Selma 51: n .:. .. . n v. i ., -V DRAFT LAW TO GO TO SUPREME COURT (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 19. Justice Bran dies today granted permission to Em ma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, now serving sentence in Federal pen itentiaries on charges of having con spired to impede the working of the draft law, to appeal their cases to the Supreme Court from the District Court in New York. The Justice granted similar permission to Morris Becker and Louis Iyramer, convicted of a similar charge. Kramer was al so found guilty of violating the law by failing, to register. These are the first cases involving the draft law to reach the Supreme Court. LEONARD BACKING DOWN ON PROMISES New York, July 19 The country is beginning to wonder if Benny Leon ard was serious when he announced after winning the lightweight cham pionship from .Freddy Welsh thatf tie . would immediately Join some branch of the United States army or ii$vy, and that his fights would be agatast': only theJ-best men in, his divisjt)jft.'. -Since that announcement Leonard has fought twice against a "sfetup" each time. ' v "Ml IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH EEK-END SPECIALS AT w i I J. W. H. FUCHS DEPAMf STORE! Special from Our Dry Goods Section m i.tVj .' l.i Open to all Amateur9 Fox Trot Contest at Lumina Monday night. Advt. LAST STAGES OF RIGGS DISEASE NEW YORK, N. Y. The following distinctive features are observable in the treatment of riggs disease, by pa tients using pyorigg: The disease is promptly arrested. The color of the gums is restored to a healthy pink con dit:on in the course of a few days. Undue redness of gums disappears. In flammation, soreness and sensitive ness disappear. Gums build up and fill" out, receding stops. Teeth lose their yellow color. Separated teeth come together. Loose teeth tighen up and bleeding of gums ceases. Shrunken gums are invigorated and healthified. These are the results in most caset or using pyorigg, a new prescription specially for riggs disease, which comes in the form of a medicated mes sage ointment and is dispensed in original packages, price one dollar, at best drug stores, including Jarman & Futrell, in Wilmington. Advt. 1 Special Bookfold Percale in light a'hd dark stripes and figures fine for dresses and boys' blouses, per yard 10c 27-in. Calicoe in shirting colors, still at the old price, per yard ... .7 1-2c 36-in Percale in plain, all fast colors, also red and black, fine for dress ing and trimming, per yard 18c Boyr.' Blouse Cheviots in dark, styles a double service cloth, and makes a good looking shirt or blouse, per yard . 17 1-2c V SpecM 44-in. Whte Voile, 25c value, an ex cellent quality in short lengths, as long as it last, per yard. ....... .15c New 'shipment of Silk Mull, all col- -- orsi at the qldyice, per yasd,25c 36-ln. Genuine Hospital Gauze, for per yard '. .10c 28-in. Cheese Cloth for Hospital pur pose, a good grade, per yard. . .7 1-2 i. '-if.- EGGS, ETC. Xf-w York, July 19. Butter, firmer; rereijn.;, 10,;r,2; ereameryrlTTgher than extra;, :; j-4 to 40; creamery extras, &2 score. 39; firsts. 37 1-2 to 38" 1-2. Egirs-Weak, receipts 11,100. Fresh gathered extras 38 to 39; extra firsts,' 36 to :17; firsts 34 to 35 1-2; seconds, 31 to 33. . Cheese Unsettled. Receipts 3,829; state fresh specials 22 3-4 to 23; do. average run 22 1-2 to 3-4; dressed Poultry, (kill and weak; chickens 18 to 20; fowls 15 to 25; turks 18 to 32. Utr i lit? list eased off under liqui datinn and closed easy and 14 points wer: al -;, 13,850 tons. September, 5 5ft; Du mber, 5.30; January, 4.97; -March, 4 19 elective la treating unnatural discbarges; pain) ccs, non-poisonous and will not stricture. Rni pvpti in t tc 5 davs. Pareel Post If desired-Price $1, or 3 bottles $2.75. Prepared by THE EVANS CHEMICAL CQ., CINCINNATI, O, llRifl'ffl STAGE OF WATER. m., yes-' Stage of water in Cape Fear river; at Fayetteville, N. terday, 98 feet. Vacation Fund Starts JUI The Home Savings Bank Shoes and Slippers One lot of Ladies' White Canvas Slippers, sizes 4 to 7 1 -2, a pair ....... 98c $1.75 and $2.00 White Canvas Slippers and Pumps also the low heel Mary Jane style, special for $1.29 Men's White and Palm Beach Oxfords, all sizes for ... .......... ........ .$lU8 5 MILUNERY We are showing, values -.ss in Millinery. We maket a specialty of Mourning -S' Hats made to order bn short notice. If: , : ) ;! Don't fail to get your Cash Register Receipts. We Redeem same at 5c on the Dollar. ( i 'mmmm I J.W. EE 28-30 South Front Street. FUCHS' DEPARTPNT STORES V Wilmington and Lumberlon. m .y.tf 0 v MHMH 7" , ' -- ...-..... ik . . I ! c, atu a m, yes-;, , MiiMlilllllllMiljimi 111111 1 1 i I 1 1 Hill lIMlllMlMllMllil 11 111 11 1 1 ill 111 illMllliMlMllMflMlgSlliiltliliMlJlia M II f m w . -' r i i: - " ' . 1 : -i . . -- -- . - 1 ""."Z " " " " "'" " - - .... i 0 . ii nyi in ; imwwwp ;v . j-'?.. mi 1.' . 1 . .. t. , n I ' . P m 'I- 1:1 Of 1 1 . 1 ; hi