r.u I., "I! -. Leather forecast v v.--. 'a - wiiiiisiii . y thunder showers : tonight v and. , " ' . 1" F U L L L E A S E D WIRE 5 E R V ICE XXIII. NO. 183. Wilmington; north Carolina- mon day; afternoon, july 23, 1 7. - i. -f - r PRICE f JVE CENTO f1, V -! ! '' 'J . , , . . . v '. ' . lf EXPLOSION " IN NEW YORK v-' THiS' AFTERNOON. ' - ' .v J"'('M, !:,1 i A p XNew xorK,. Juiy-za.-r'An expio- v j-fr sion on a steamship pier, at the. ' K foot of West Twenty-.Third street . 4': and the blowing yp, of ; manholes 1? along the water front r for five f blocks this ariernoon - called out ; 4--iire, apparatus andambulances : vAI. Eomon QL AAiii- ' - , . - . . ; - NEXT eOIRNOfl & mi i inn iiiinii in -i '0imM i i I'iit i U II I -: -1 1 III ts- II II II 111 ' 111 i jr.J.k! .:WJfc-f..i. 1 1 1 1 I 1111 II III! II IU I II ' '. - Z-- 'ii -v'- w. w.. . w ?;. , , Trir: rrr ON IN FRANCE H nu n K H s :.:.:v. "w1:. -1 I 4illi,MfcW...Wlliy,l.. -..4 ,,,, ; : - . , iAnd J That's the Hon. Jim Pou's Idea of Politics In "-General 'Unlimited Powers Given War Minister Kerensky to Meet Emergency DIFFICULT TASK LOOMING AHEAD landate of Powerful Factions Is to Restore OrderBoth Western and Eastern Fronts Claiming Attention Germans Attacking Both Lines . .. - . SHOW BECEIPTJ After Slump of Five Months Revenues Take Bound Upward have been i CTntPfl the Russian nrovisional t government, under Premier Krensky,l IVlAl XJr t tilD ILAK w M in pranitif with thp sinister fTr threatening to wreck the new Russia, Commission Makes fUDllC rve- born oi' the March revolution. Tht- grant comes from the most' powerful representative body in th " Ijiation, i he Council of Soldiers and ' Workmen's Delegates, and peasants of all Husia. assembled in Petrograd port Showing Increase In Revenues South ern Roads (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 23 After five The title of the ruling body, the months oi decreased earnings, com- 'Govpinnient of National Safety," te-.Par with a year ago, returns from calls immediately the famojis commit-. all of the railroads to the Interstate tee of miblic safety of 1793, formed Commerce Commission for May made in the crucial period of the French'... T i-aOB t nat , T it tt- t i public today show an increase In pet revolution. With Kerensky serving J not only as premier, but as minister l revenue of approximately $3,4o5,000 of war and marine, it is- apparent that' and an increase of $1,100,000 in rail vast powers are thus lodged in the way operating income over May, 1916. hanJo of this one 'man, suggesting QperaUng revenues totalled $345, those of a virtual dictator. I . . . ThP maTiiijitP nf thi iminmittPP i5!:773,079, an increase of approximately to and task tnce tion gime. It is evidently ono - however, erating income was $92,079,548. after with which Kerensky, concededly the taxes and tincollectable revenues have strongest man to be found for the Den deducted. An increase of- ap- task, is willing to grapple -with all his, . . , nnn t ' widely ,-ecognTzed force and ability, proximately $2 4 00,000 m the railways The war situation for th- moment ;ltvt, 1 demands consideration chiefly at the ,two poin concentrated their main military ef- SOLDIERS WILL - CONTROL COUNTRY '4 4 'if 4 4 v 4 4 4' Colonel Cox Has Not Yet Quit j the Bench -r Would Ex empt Soldiers From Poll Tax - ii im rv m ii i n UnilMSO ttl IHUIV 1 , A VI i IIII II I - 1111 Jill 1 1 1 1 I J :unutnDbu uui ' President! Said to Favor The ; House Measure on the Food Control - ; MAYTAKEHAND IN THE FIGHT ' (Special to The Dispatch.) -Raleigh, July 23. Poll tax exemp tion of all North Carolina soldiers is lexpected to come from the resolution Make Dashing Raid on Ger man Trenches and Take Po sitions and Prisoners Reported He Will Bring His Personal Influence to Bear Upon Senate Members This Week (By Associate" Press.) ' v Washington, July 25. President Wilson probably will bring his per sonal influence to bear ort Senate and House conferees on the Foqd bill to accept the House provision . for a TD SHOOT ALL ;;s)dn;tcW EVIDENTLY HAlTi'C.?--H 1 BEEN UNDER FlRl Bv- 1 DESERT! TnConfinti pK3rt'f.EnthusiM ic Welcome Given 'PiTtif.:Mm-m t'fl'. Demoralization Js Rampant in f All the Russian Armies Grjfe.SouyeniFrom (By Associated Press.) British Headquarters, in France, Ju- of the Wake county bar, which has ! 23The Canadians carried out a nlaced this issiir. hftfnrp the ?nv m. daring and highly successful raid ear ing bodies of the county. ly this morning on German trenches f!nge f0?d administrator instoad of . tat . Portion or the southeast of Avion. After heavy ar-, StSI tionalouncn for Defense, whVch ! tilIery Preparation ttie raiding party,: hand in some of the other conflicting! has headquarters h-re. At a meet-! forced its way to the second line of , r.ections. ing Saturday of the local bar resolu- German defenses, along a front of 700 tions were offered for this purpose I ards. where it made determined as and further resolution presented in!saults on strongly fortified Gerriran which the local attorneys agree to I dugouts along the Avien-Herincourt make no annsaranop for men seek-! railway. According to latest reports STERN MEASURES TO MEET SITUATION Front (By Associated Press. - An Atlantic Port, July 23. Eleven American army Officers,, members a special oDmmissioni 1 sent to . France, as ' inviestlgatora' of army conditions, Englamj , and Belgium early in June, v.- mm j 1 i" '! te Jng to escape tbe conscription service, j most , these positions were renaered nn a "bone-dry" s3Ction. The Presi-jthe Russian front are disclosed in a They also agree to attend to the ' unienawe. r mdi uewiis are not yet i dent has heretofore opposed a con- telegram sent to Premier Kerensky, Dusmess ot soiaiers aunng tneir aD- j - "-o -' sence and-to make no charge for this oners including an officer were service. i, brought back by the Canadians whose The small attendance of the bar casualties were light. TIq aortirkTi rr ilio rv 1-111 o r tinn ia iprr ino nnoannTi or nnn-annpnranpp . .. . ; open, as, the bar did not wish to pass a resolution of such character without notice to everybody. But the State Council for Defense is seeking tu .u,n, - iCa Br.aj. ur, British reached the first line trenches heves that every patriot! lawyer left f thg Gemana turned a heav artillery to President Wilsnn i unrldrsstrinfl prefer the Senate prohibition section J forbidding manufacture of distilled liquors but allowing the manufacture i of beer and wine 5prd Goes Fbrth to Let Coun-! arrived ' here today on an American try Know the Truth and Then Act Without Mer cy Towards Enemies steamship : The ; officers decjined to say Just what their work was, - but itwris learned "i they visited , ; all the com? mauds' on the . - western : front,, .and : shrapnel-scarred steel helmets, .rhich ; .mericatir ;H. (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, Sunday, July 22.-The , thebf.OUJth t back as souvenirs. suiT The House put chaotic changes prevailing on part of ported - their admission that they : had gressionai committee to investigate , the provisional eoverninent and the the conduct of the war and there is council of workmen and soldiers' del egates by the executive committee and the commissioner of the provis ional government with the second at home ought to be willing to pro- mdnvu nr-icr i-nfii at tho f frknt S 1 4R ftOft i0O. Rxnpnspa -increased . an-1 iloiuic: vimri. uuiu m i.iv- i ujii. ,.; s-r. rr . . 1 ongnrnmanT .-. mi o r innirarpfi us willing, i ,i , i mk wmk ah am at a nr" at home admittedly' a difficult Proximately "41,00,000; reaching! neks to, finish the reeiment. vwhenlV SvLa"a -JX j-At- in the face of the Powerful JBAu.ggg-jij. . noth within ana witnoux .me na- '-. - . - . . unni,'A.;s'o0'hoan fmin.1 Tiopa and ' - AAiSli... .Tauway operaungs ox up-iwt- .-rt--- . . .., 4QaM- -Prpii -v Eastern roads as a group show a ts where the Germans have ' decrease m net revenue compared with May. 1916. Their operating rev- forts-thP yielding portion of the Rub- nue crpased $16,000,000. Expenses sian iron, in Eastern Galicia and the hwAeAvner; mSWT section of the French front near 500;00' leavin ne f Zee Jm. Craonnp - erating approximately $4,500,000 less In the former war theatre there is than in May, 1916. Net operating in little sign as yet of a change m the for Ester5 r.S .fVni if temper of ibe disaffected Russian'794, as compared with $42,661,404 m troops sufficient to bring about an ef- May fectiv re.'.i.stance to the Teutonic pro- Southern railroads maintained about gress which threatens" disaster to the the same average of net earnings, as Russian arms. !last year the total for May being $13,- On the western front .there is a dif-t 272,494, compared with $13,359,345 a ferent story to tell. The desperate year ago. Operating revenues and ex onslaugh? of the crown prince's forces penses increased in each case approx are being met -with gallant resistance ;imately $7,000,000. by General Petain's troops and such ' The biggest gain was shown by small lots of territory as have been Western roads whose . revenues jump gained by the Germans have been'ed $22,000,000 to $139,169,370, while dearly iaki for, expenses showed an increase of ap- Last night the German assaults proximately $1,000,000 more in taxes were renewed on the California and than last year, leaving net operating Cassemates plateaux, for the mastery income at $41,633,260, as : compared of which colosal efforts are being put with $34,911,046 in May, 1916, an in forth. Some headway was made on crease of approximately $6,720,000. both these elevations, but General Pe- ; : : tain's men aro rlinp-inc hravelv them: both, although driven out of first "iine trenches. The Germans atacked the support trench on the California pla teau, but it was retained by tlie; French in its entirety. - Today's official reports from the Galician front are little if any more jncouratring than those oLihe Tast few days. Whilo pffortK-jrrfT beins: made to restore order among the Russian Cutting Off Exports to Neu between the stripa and the Zlota Lipaj Js being pressed and additional : vil-( -a-13 iidvu oeen occupiea Dy me xtru-ions. iThe Wake division is taking its cue!sneus from Dr. D. H. Hill and James R. Pou, j members of the State Council. j AH the signs point to Colonel Al-j bert -Cox's -complete-regiment whenj the men are called into service oni .Wednesday. Colonel Cox garnered quite a number of recruits at Sanford Saturday when he and Governor Bickett spoke. " Colonel Cd.x took the regiment with no reason to believe he will favor such an amendment to the bill. House ' prohibitionists declared to- one o; the most dangerous to fight lUay they would fight some of the army, on the southwestern front. The nvAr for hpnmn tnp first iitio rrpTi?np! : .. j .v.' . ....... .. ' - , ijtiiaie iiuuui uiueuuuieuiH iu iuc are numerous brickyards through pood bill uncompromisingly 1 regard which it is necessary for assaulting Iess Qf appeals for speedy agreement. troops to force tneir way. . Avnen the Drv leaders look to makinc the bill nearer in form in which it left the House bone dry for the duration of the war. . ) fire uponc them, employing larger gas CI T JOIN AFTER telegram announced the. inauguration of stern measures to combat disaffec tion. 1 "We unanimously recognize that been, under fire. They confirmed cable, reports of th? enthusiasm with which the"A.merican soldiers .were received by the French""' people: and as one officci expressed it: "We a?e mighty proud of the way V our bqys sized up. alongside the sol' diers or whom they are now allies .''A' "The French - peopje are wonderful ly impressed with" , the' "Americall' game of baseball," 'the officer said.' They pee in it something more than mm If'; l . f 1he situation demands extreme meas- sport and the-almost unanimous ex- ures and efforts, for everything must be risked to save the revolution trom The House drys concede it may be catastrophe," the message reads. "The impossible for them to restore abso lute prohibition or manufacture of pression 'is thai, the way 1 they -cafe throw the baseball ' will make them great, ilghters when it comes to hurl- ciose commander-in-chief on the western.' ing hand-grenades in front and the commander of the sec-1 warfare,". V beer and wine, but they hope at leastvond aVmy aoday have given orders to M ES RHE POST C L D to set in a section giving the Presi- dent, power to limit or prohibit their production. Mr. Smbot's redistillation amendment also will be subjected to attack because it would not affect liquor coit of bond. ' , just a start made and in a few days ; . . r - l Ml l D 1 "i. I! he has made a great showing. The j Provost Oeneral Makes Kuhng h '4 C4 4 CHARLOTTE "MVrUOSE HE .CAMP.- V - f By"' Associated Press) Charlotte. . July 23, fire on deserters and runaways "Let the country know the truth. t' Let it act without mercy. Let it find enough courage to strike those who by their cqwardice are destroying Russia .and the revolution." Referring to the threatened disas; tei the elegram- says IMPORTANCE OF irenctt mi Mi THE CORN DEBATE ". (By Associated Prens.) ',;..V 1 ndon. July 23.-i:The : importance i ; that the Eovernment : attaches to th. v ; debate qni the Corn; Pyoaucjtion-'hilV it" ' ,lf, oinrp thf. draft trrms were announced ; vasmii6iuuf juij iwr6fp-w uauuuc Viw -SRfifJtii lu u iiinder the selective draft law re not for 50,000 guardsmen ana regular lr iiZ ?J . . , , 'eligible for voluntary enlistment in army regiments instead- of a Unttlthe Aar Department ruled on.the regular armyN or the . National ramp for 26,000 guardsmen alone, me rigui iu euiui any mm- ui-luic jGuard atter tneir names have been as originally stipulated, the camp tne exemption uoarus uu uien worn it looked .very doubtful. Many ara now drawn for the service and they will have some option in the service done. ''Colonel Cox's retirement from posted -by local exemption boards as will be removed to another city. ' summoned for examination? This announcement was authoriz- Brigadier General Crowder, provost ed this afternoon by Major Kil- marshal eeneral. Dromulgated this rul- bourne of General Wood's staff, ing today to make definite the status who will await the arrival of Col the bench did much to persuade young i . - th reristratlon lists who onel Edward R. Ladue tomorrow men, some of whom are not required !now may desire to join the regulars morning before final decision is ot ,complte Wiscjganization. i : Theitl.farmjrlp sniritfor the offensive has utterlrlr of: years; after W?!9! 11 o loWIkfen to it a tatementxme Hweraj!T?m., r; i wnerera . tne request jVif :--r.? i to attetid ; - Js trebly , unaer v. t : lined and a division on the minimura . p ; orders of their leaders'and -they neg 'fWUip porters even replying bv threats - and shots. Some elements voluntarily evacuate positions without even waiting for the approach' of the -enemy. "Cases are on record in which an order given to proceed .with all haste, to such and such a spot to assist com rades in ' distress "has been discussed for several hours at. meetings, ami re inforcements consequently have been delayed several hours. The troops abandon their positions waee of $6.25 a eek. it is proposed t6- ; V I pay, farnYv labbf ers , is declared' vitalr Supporters - ani?i;6pponeits of V$. measurihotn ; prqtesp to- Denevet uiaj danger ; will be averted.; ;.':. ..i .. .': ,y ; french cRbais t)k :7 WAR FOR AMERICANS and Qtx v may uesuo iu juiu mc icumia v uiui mug - . , - KnriS. July 20. iue.f tcuvu viwovi t. .Sll I. , c.,Vi nnM " ' . . . ,i .1 ... l 1 A 1 ,rj.a Tc' "" . T -- ; -.-I, mt-iii. vvui ii man, supplementary to examinations sent to 4: lotte business men claim, mat v a aistance 01 seveii uuuuicu DtD Neftel of Larchmont.'N. Y., antain Annur r ierr.ner nas reurun-, recruiting officers by Adjutant uenerai 4. they will procure a tract ui t ed his' supply company to full j McCain as follows: ' land necessary twice the sipf strength and he can give the, govern- . ft registered person has been that already leased, for the camp ment something new on advertising. b , ite Captain Fletcher does not believe he called for military service by his lo- l could have reached .the required num-ical board and directed to appear for bef but for the advertisements put in physical examination he ceases to foe T ' : the State papers. He found it neces-' eligible for voluntarily enlistment. rrm MIQQinM sary to turn back some boys who I The ruling of General Crowder was DU1CH MilU . - came to go into his company. necessary m oraer 10 esiaDiisn ueu- I U tUML AMtMt A ADMITS APJIERICA iwiii nmiiwT 1 if ILL UUUI1 1 1 - ' , . - ;' ;. -: - " ' " Colonel Cox has not resigned as judge df the Superior Court- and Judge' Thomas H. Calvert, his succes sor, has not been commissioned. It is fully expected that Judge Cox will do sbi however, no matter whether" his rfefciment is raised or not. The cajotiel has not said anything about it, bufie date of his resignation, is; fnitely the time when a registered manj was to be considered as falling within this prohibition, uenerai urowaer (By Associated Press.) I Amsterdam. June 23. me Minister held that posting of the' name of a'nf Aericulture and "Commerce has ap- registrant by the local board at its pointed a commission of three to pro headquarters constituted notification. ceed to America tofi'epresent Dntch in to the registrant that , he was called tprests m connection with American for examination and thus set the pe-j exports. The members are: Engine? ricd when he would be no longer eli-. Vanselbe : Honvenvanoodt, ex-vice. trals Will Cut Off Ger many's Supply iTtv A sawvfu f HH 'Prpsis.'l Toward the norfhen end of the Rus- '.' T,onon. Julv 23 That high Ger Jan frfin, the situation is different. c0mraand had based its calcuiaj missifins have taken the offensive 1(1 Otlf'Tlfil 7111 -n. fmn miloa 1pn 1 i ' 1 j' u, gay t nu iuAxv. vw- innVH fhr this week. In all nroba-lKible for voluntary service. Prior to nrpsident East Indian Council, . and bllit he will retire the first of Au-lthat time, even though his name may, Van Vollenhoven, director' of -the gust. . !be among those who will foe called m Netherlands Bank. ' Cblbnel Cox leaves the bench withjthe first quota in any district, a regis-', . . great feluctahce. He admits that heitrant may be accepted ior me regular j urxpppri TA flJT long files of deserters, armed and un- McMurray - of MadisOttj Wis.botn; " armed, men in . good, hea 1th and vo- AmeTican field . gerrice. : , Thf bust, who have-lost air shame and .J - . f the courage andC feel they can act altogether with im- J . indTing wounfe , ed jwhile under fire. J 7, WOULD EUMINATE 3 ALL WAR GRAFT .1,;:.' ' I' Si Freauentlv eiftire units desert in this, , ?aV ' manner. .'-3--N . . ' GERMANS OCCUPY CITY OF K- TARNOPOL.-, " r likes the job and he started off so well that he regrets the abbreviated career. The bars in the several towns where he has held court have been kind to "him. The Supreme Court has befett good to his rulings and left ; all as lie made them. Judge Cox tried the Riley-Stone case the last tiine it was up. He got it back on a ! reversal from its first non-suit. An-! pher appeal is pending. ' But Colonel Cox's friends do not! service as a voiuuteei. i PIAMiyinlf: FfIR ! (By Asociated Press.) London, July 23. The occupa- 4f tion by the Germans of the city of Tarnopol in Eastern-Galicia is hv T?pnfprs Liimited. V X V-4x j -.- i'( t x .' PDATFQT AHAitNST ' r t. (By Associated Prtki.) V . Washington, July 2tTo permit proseoution of war contract graft;' it nnv he discovered.- 'RfebresetttatlvB j Clark, of Florida, , today introduced a ' ; (C 1 Vbill to suspepd the operation 'of th; ; 4 ,ter peace is declared., OUT EXTRA FEES -(Bv-Associated Press.) Washington. July 23. All customs pniiectora-were ordered today to dis- ' continue charging extra fees for clear ing vessels Sundays, nonaays. ana - . , c i Ali: Nn- nht which recently has been on the United States and Allied INa- AGREE ON RULES 1 WOMEN pickets i noi.toin conn arts the urac lucre ttse . ui t 1 - , j tin it was said, apparently origlnat- ing from misconception of the law of' think" a" sudd on abbreviation of a po-i r i . a 1913, amending m. certain .esptAts end vrra"cc vjCLiing ixcau.iui run; nract lltical career will mean an They are sure that if the young j colonel gets back from France the! people on this side will remember tions-on food supplied which America In an im. .,4 . n0n0 n has. : been sendintr to neutrals became ' i,i- .. HUH tJlUl Ul lUG UtH"" . ,, ' - - . ' I UJUi. "n1 noar Krvo and Vilna. incident- known, according to' the Daiiy Mail, James"' H: Pou, who lias done so aily umnnriir. mnro thnn 1.000 Ger- tho famnnc! onepph of Werr ! much ' w"ar SDeakins;. has been hinting O " . v i. . ' .IU1VU5U llll. illlliu 1, 1 ' t' v I . , . - ... , erican Airmen Part They Will Play practices and fees! tion Reach.Agreement On Ship Regulations Washington, July ,23,-rThe National r Association Opposed - to; Woman Suf-v frage today mde public , a - letter . from-Mrs. -Jaa. W,-Wads worth, U" president, , to President .Vilsod, prpf , testing against the picketing of . th ; White House by suffragists of : the; Woman's Party, and declaring': that f the 16 pickets were Justly sentenced to 60 days in the wofKnouse. - Eight suffragists oV the ; woman; , ntv took un their posts .besides, the gates ot the White . House again , to day. They carried banners ; ..wiin. . quu-, v r- iH" Wash;ngtbn, July 23. Regulation cf ng from 80me: of ' Pesident;WH: ; ocean steamship rates between the; -neecne8 to Congress but attract- . . i .. ' : .111 . . (By 'Associated Press.) Paris, July 23. Plans have SHOl Al iUUJItKD v unHcd states and allied nations has I'" e. attention;-and one; speCiil AND WERE LYNCHhUjbeen agreed upon in principle Dy ; tne ( - an easiiy pregerved order. v been ' man -'., vxxxu&ii i . -. 4 . n . compietea ror uriusmg-.uu.; awwiwh T.rnirrnd. Julv 33. !!; !TTCar i Eer, noaa orthe Catholic Party :-- -"-"i aviation ...forces here, under a single' ts of -motor- car d ed upon bv evtromir and iTre the Reichstag, made before a se-, p" 'onies right out and says that ' direction, working m conjunction .. soldiers shot at a 4 inalnfLK ,cret session of ;that,foody . thSfo war will rule the I with other m; itary uni Aerop:ane on the - no -v,lopment of the Russian The newspapers referred to this ad- country another ff-hJ-;itwo"clas, tactical and strategic. 'ftlie rat - " 'dress as bomb sheir' Hcrr. T lu ny ITX,: I The former will operate , withm a ; vft, vora nf the as Amerfran anu rinn gumii(w- i .... ' - ....llvrr Virt-'l Negotiations are now piwucuiu6 " J 4.' -",. , -( - .' lr-PETrtOCiRAT : 4 K i PRE88EO.' ' 'V ! ..li-'-i REVOLT SUPPRESSED, (By Asociated Press);. Hi Lorn ijn ki-i rn:x:.L. r..H . . . m. a .. c u.m.in num.. hereer remarnea tnat aiiauugu aiuw-i- vfu,s v. uiava tnoiro Hon. .ThIv-9'! A onAfti1 In- " ... . ruu .wiuna, CaI oF,.:ition was carried out by us ica's entry into the war is ot little, the w0rld afe. for democracy will last n-i,, south of Avion " saVs Vc- military value it was important. owing raake the iolitical world secure for :u- Office report on Tue.to the extent to which Germany was 'Sinn iront operations, uui dependent on the neutrals iorviooa : c hP,i their-objectlves with n , 'tHav snnniies. He said that IVOOtk little 'inV Prison, in v. : nil P5irktnrr1 o nnmhor nf - "I'v-"' u " " - . , -l.vl.U- 1J or whom 51 have already America naa aecreeu umt sue woum ts tn neutrals a5?-lone , r-i .ii. - UUl J)C1 V" " c titr, V1' 0 r,idd the enemys' poi- ag thesb neutrals "exported to Ger- rm-Z lt ight ?th many: Consequently, Herr Erzberger R ',n'' ,n the nighborhnod of u.r aul(coii. T,.t . jj.i! i mm nprmanv would very shortly lose -- mm nuiieoeKe. ivaaluucll " , . m,. themselves and their friends VThe candidates for Governor have (Itv Assocwte.l I'ross.j neBoiwuuiw .w f Wahtn I x mi n M i . ' . nyiMmnn rr T 11 A snitl-l i nree uulu- tween i;nairmaii ucmuou, - res's'ed as sail-1 ning fooard and Counselor Polk, of the - - - x a. -l A4 4- rtl hvl group State Depaarimcnt, ueiBHtiru j steps of j president Wilson to represent the soldiers mvrninpnt, and British adnurality i . shots from omcials to devise a program to mw, nndon 4uly 23. Dispatches 're-17 ? sailants. Thehe- reculation effective, and . onng, -',vtkA ..hv the; Russian embassy . ; I - . i i tJt... mi, . . , 1.1 . . .tit !!!. 1 " " " " - . ' . . a ' - I .. f range of 25 Kilometres ana me nutei xmrd of 550 soldiers msnea .irow ,down" present .promuuive ic. .. f nerP; state that-the rising in Jfet-r : t ; within a range of 200 kilometres. i.imine and fired on the three men, FranCe and Italy -have signified their .- d n ay ,e considered asdeftt, ; p(. i The tactical units will operate di- who attempted to . escape, J)"t 'willingness to accept the principle. i iiely suppressed. The reglments. rectly with the troops doing preii mi- lvnched . by the crowd. . Fifteen Negotiations probably will -be opened . . . participated in the disturb- : nary reconnouermg, piusumg civilians wero wounaeci in mv "'jWith Japan upon uie hit" " ances are being disarmea Ana ma-,r ; :' ued the backs on the capital at! aviators and .tiTlt -! RaJeigb, Mt. Pou is saying. "They are runting away from Raleigh. The next ' governorship will be determined lishments. The strategy-squaarons in Eenr..l will operate indepenaentiy Th y will be engaged in destroying ; i the Japanese mission headed by Vice 4 ; Admiral Takeshita ext governorship win De aeterminea " j iwL,, anVs'mtv : & .. -t i xu ...;. Vrpmv defenses and attacking supply. T . . . in t rance or Vjrsrmany. uei- uie V n t-ntrtrlo'ii' ThPv w il AIRSMir P,ui who aspired to be Governor raise a ! bases depots and irh Tl wU t r HC Prison,,,,. "v"cwcf-c; AUU,uv?t" snimlv. The terrible behind .Abril 6 is ancient history. S'TthP enemy were kill3d and fact, he sanl,. nad to be faced that "''"Routs bombed - i'the military autliorities had entirely m"?vh' raidinK parties were ' ire ngured;on mW mnihana i vi hodir in ;authority could find an an- wuu cv.tv" " i tvin ennnHfnil fielltlnZ niiit--. j- r i Ohservme balloons wiil De usea y ciam miMQ WAR v AT THEWHITE f -Vff CT IDM ANY HOUSE. Observine balloons WpII. '-.T-re Cox is in the fourth Nargeiy a u .UJUw congrr' 5 1 -district and Congress man El. tdu, forotheV of James, rep resents 'it. Judge ' - Cox is alW in (By Associated Press). .-. ,; tj. i J that horpailPT. -UR w-i.t.wi names of no American, officers, ex- the wnue pept Major-General Pershing ana Major-General Sibert be mentioned ill banded, these advices report, and : the city is being patrolled by troops, : fj' Isolated "cases of shooting from; - windows ' have occurred, but,' or-; i-v der is being energetically: restor: : ed and all nuspecte arrestee, !.' tp1 Presar) ' ' Londonrjafj Siam hasclard r"'C 'Ti 'ft,; . I OOO aviation Dili wem, - Ti-stria, according tP a Reu. ;ther insuDorqinarion or ,ct. , , House toaay ior t-r- , f m Bangkok. Nine j agitation.. . , , . , f Vi""" '7 " o '.-'-'1 4 steamers; : aggregating . UU3i:' 4:x.v!' "'4c 4? ' ; ' Ml at 1 .15 at 1! :5 ri 4 if? r 1 ' swer' or give- any. id ea - trom . wnere (ContinnoH to- wt-i, ! H.thpRft su)Dlies weie ti news dispatcnes. c v v o come." .t .-(Continued on Page Eight.) 1

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