A. WEATHER-FORECAST f;;;;.l eoitio;i A. North and South Carolina-i-Prbb- biy local thunder shower tonight and Thursday. ' J V p FULi: L-EASEDWIIfE-SERVICE 'V. V0L XXIII. NOHj5: W 1UV11INU 1 INUK 1H (JKUUfNA, WUJjNfcDAY; AFTERNOON JULY 25; JW PRICE FIVE CENTi I T -?- In -rr ;:- :: ' v FULL leased WIRE SERVICE i-mW lV: B; -mP- ? V:( : ' U 1 l ISrollt ll lil II o luliLJi-iffi rwliliiiwl : r .. .: ' . : - ' niinniARi innmrn nrrnnr nrnniiimp nrrnnr urnniiiiiui uli uiiL uLiimniiu ; . ' HON. E. J, JUSTICE DROPS DEAD." . v ' (By Associated Press). ' ' San Francisco, July 25. Edwin J. Justice, of Greensboro, N. C, ' special assistant attorney to At- h 4orney General Gregory, dropped dead in his office here today. He 4 had been on1 the coast for two 4 years prosecuting the government' 4 oil cases under the Tatt withdraw-! al act. Justice was formerly a 4 member of the North Carolina 4 4' 4 YFIVE KILLED ON - AMERICAN1 SUB. Ati&THREEMUkl 4 Legislature " 4- - - . 4 4 4 4 4 4 v MUZZ Partisanship Was Suddenly Wiped Out on Floor of 1 House. - ' " CANNON JOINED WITH DEMOCRATS As Did Otlier Republicans hi Votine For Conference Re-I v port Conferees Not to j Agree to Senate Amend-' - LE THE BIG AGITATOR Russian Government to Shoot or Isolate Nokolai Lenine. ment on Joint Body to Han dle Food Situation. (Bv Associated Press.) Washington, July 25. The Admin istration Food Control bill was sent to confVrenco in tho House today under a rule without 0 record vote: Opposi tion which developed- yesterday disap peared. . -" Tli.' House conferees were instruct only Ho disagree to all - (By Associated Press.) New York, . July 25v Information that the Russian provisional govern- ment has decided to terminate the apparent pro-German activities of Ni rkolai Lenine,-the radical Socialist I leakier, by arresting him and many of . " I7 Pf.AJ i'nis followers, has reached the Rus4 J et Reports hrom .FetrOgradjsiail Informatfon Bureau here. Thes? , Are Not at All Pessimistic advices indicate Lenine probably will j vAbout It. TEUTONS CAN'T PUSH STRONG OFFENSIVE .Admit Haven't Men to Spare For Attack, on Large Scale. French Make Brilliant Move. Senate amendment to. debate . a joini be shot if he is convicted as a spy working in the interest, of Germany, but that if not convicted he will be isolated during the war. .So far as information received by the bureau shows no evidence has been uncov ered in Petrograd to confirm lira statements implicating Lenine as an agent of the Geron general staff. News dispatches of recent date have variously 'Teported Lenine to be un der arrest and to have escaped to Kronstadt disguised asV jailor. ;v . - 7' v. - 3. 1 , . .. - .... 1. . - . 1 v.. ' ' . T - -t t "1 j . . 1 1 ; , - : f fnl II 11! Jt; I H III I W aHa ar m-m a - " h ana m Bi BKBa a; - B .al a a a w aaaj n E at - 1 f J 1 i in . if fl ii n h jiii- i i m ii : il v I I i' . ini n i ii ii - ti ii ii . ii ii i.i ' ii ii-ii ii iri ii in ii : f' j 1 1 i i ill ,'Ajii ii u. m - juj r uuy RAGE BETWEEN 1 (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 25. -An explosion 3resterday on the submarine A-7at Cay itePhilippiue-Island; lulled five and in jured three of the officers and crew. Cp" - "The dead, as renorted torlav in nffiril A Lieut. Junior Grade Arnold Marcus ; Macfomsts Mate, first I i . fill I '. r ' - . : v t i . . : . . ciass, nv n..Lang; vaunners mate, seconja claps, U. Hopewell; Chief Electricia, J Curry ; Machinist's mjate, A. Kunz. v Following aie the injured1 ; , . Burns on the waisiahd arms, Chief Electrician -Scharlin, Fireman, second class; AM. Jacobs ; Machinists mate, secqnd class, J. P. Hixon.. , , f The cause of the explosion from a preliminary examina tion appeared to be due to thp ignition of gas within jthe ship. The cause of the ignition of these fumes has not been reported. National Guardsmen Assem- blincr Todav,' Throuffhout - r ' r OK: 4 ftftlNS LIRE -x- -v- - w SEVENTEEN BILLION FOR i - WAR Fl RST YEA R. , - - (By Associated V Press. ) Washington July 25. Amer- -x- p -X- ica s war ere In Action at the Front at Krevo and; Suffered Losses. STATES H ON FOB FIRST PLAGE (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, July 25. The Russian Women's Battalion, raised by the twice-wounded girl officer, Vera. Biltch- 'kareff, jvas in action on""the ' front at' Kreyo yesterday for the first time. They are., reported to have been sue- i n 5 11 n fiAr TifViiili Tvi1t3 '-fail congressional war xpedieQi-f not to, end nnUi t . apttfoxt.!00?-- bef ore the revblulB mlttee. disapprovea'by the President, mately the line occupied by them lastj cpmrnanaed Respect throughout has years before General Brussilloff began v"-.. v? his bite offensive jnomtcs.and scientific problems won Despite this extensive retrograde ;im, W Ce -In j01011 of . . .... ...... I Snpialissts and scienTists alikp. Tn win- T-Yi mrom on t nnvarinor virtiiollv ill' rnii r " was presaged by this action. Thf fmht against sending the bill to conft renco without separate vote on the amendment,' to which th Pres ident object::, begun yesterday by Re publican 3. -..der Mann, completely flattened out. Thirty-one Republicans joined 138 Democrats in voting for the previous question on the rule, adoption of which eliminated all debate, and only 101 Republicans voted, against it. On the motion to adopt the rule Demo crats cast a solid affirmative vote and less than a half dozen negative votes, all from the Republican side of the House, were cast. Senators Gore, chairman of - the Senate Agriculture committee, ar ranged with Representative Lever for the lirsi meeting of the conference to morrow morning. Before the rule for immediate action was brought In Re publican Leader Mann had refused unanimous front between the north Galician bor der and the Carpathian foothills, the tone of both official and' unofficial dis patches coming out of -Petrograd is not pessimistic. y There is apparent confidence that the disorganization in the ranks, in- nection with his believed pro-German activities documents declared to have been found recently in the records of the former Emperor Nicholas' depart ment of police are regarded by Rus sians - as ; , significant. These docu ments show, according to information a v . j v,v,;- i here,- that while a Socialist named duced by the machinations of the ex- 4r41i, e 0!o, ,n,5i MahnoyBky was leader of the Social , " "L"Z 7, 0" ? Democr-atic faction of the third duma, ... . , . , y, ,A ... , ' about 5 years ago. he was on the pay mill V. o ilnnun tolm Hnolf with n n1 , .vk " J w. " -X-J Will uc autvuc4.Lcnjr utaii tvalia u.uu firm front again be -presented to the enemy, For one thing, the Germans, by is not yet Jbiown. The Novoe Vremya correspondent: . at the : front reports that thfe" women behaAred ; in an Exem plary way, 'gaining the respect of the men soldiers. . X- ica's war bill for the fiscal year -l cyl, Tv,m i- Tk:k will total $17,000,000,000, Sena; ;tlLap!1 Jryin? t9 pee Which Can tor smoot told the Senate today. 5? . Oet lVien in Dervice First. MEAN WHILE DETAILS BEING WORKED OUT instead of the l;226,0O0,O00 he - estimated yesterday, the increase -X- resulting from an additional $50,000,000 for the shipping 4f board, $2,000,000,000 for' the Al- lies and $175;O00,000,. in the ex- -3f j 55- ecutive departments. N ,Xi i r ! i i i . .iiNo Inrormation at-Hand as y the Big Country. WILL SOON MOVE TO ; THE REGULAR CAMPS . x Yet About Second : Draft Being Necessary Within The Year. roll of the Emperor's police. Presumably leader of the opposi-i tion; and elected by the workers to i The "Command of Death" is tlio of ficial title of the battalion raised fcyj Mme. Butchkareff. Most of the re cruits are from the higher educational academies or secondary schools. Some married women wtere accepted, but none who had children. Most of them are between 18 and.2ELyears of age, of good physique. The girls car ry the cavalry -carbine, which is pounds lighter than the regular army rifle. riwhlnfiterjul hBTi ace' be tween the-Stages ,'for the honor ot be ing the first ; to call iheir -quotas unde? the selective draft bill was. on today inearnest. Calling; tip mien for phys- Confirmation of Lloyd-George J,?, - " J. .. . e Meanwhile, details of the machinery Qmes r rom Vaerman ;for actually calling the accepted men Sonrrf " into service and sending them to their ;. J mobilization camps are being worked (Bj Associated Press.) jout.; Provost Marshal General Crowd- Copenhagen, July 25. premier ed has already ruled : that the claim Lloyd-George's skepticism regarding of the army; attach to any feglstered men as soon as the local selection Chancellor Michaelis' good faith, his; board has posted him as .accented. g ' doubts whether the chancellor's re-j From that time on, unless exempted. Seven TToilsand Men- Ton K aay- Yfii, nave more ce- ' Other States Respondingi 4 " )'. - I .. . - I." ... Washington. July -U5. The second " increment of National Guard troona was caiiea into tue U' eaera service tn.r a- All iwnnnn f.ftm ' tlnl. a . XT m Rhode Island, Connecticut, Jsw JTer sey, Delaware,,: Maryland, District pf V Columbia. Virginia. North and . Smith Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Montini, Wyoming, Idaho, ' Washington ' "atf4 uregon comffan unar-rresiaent . vu son s recent DroclamatioEL nreto&ratory camna to b r iauinned add r faiitfittfed v. V . To.r w '5 represent '-them, he was in reality, ac thir own admission, have, not the aing to this purported evidence, men to spare to prosecute a sustained . . ' v " offensive on a large scale on the east ern front. The British and the French are keeping . them too busy and they : are too apprehensive of acting, for the Emperor, as an agent -secretly r paid to confuse and disrupt the,, opposition. Russians here recall that Malinovsky at that time was ader Mann had perused' C . 7" , known as Lenine's duplicity is said to consent to send thepiU to, some extra forceful stroke in the west . faaVe nnened the provisional Amid thunderous ap-'.to transier any great governm ent's suspicion . that Lenine conference plause from floor and galleries Acting Chairman Garrett, of the Rules com- Erittee. offered the rule and denounced those who were delavinc actions The demand for the previous question foN sky will find it possible it is believed,' mated here to number tens of thou troops from the Franco-Belgian war area. . . For another, the Russians have big reserves of men, and Premier Keren- and his followers are in one way or another connected with theGerman spies knqwn to have invaded Russia since the revolution, rnese are esti rspidly from the Iront ranks and re-j,s place them with the hosts of depend- ' - nicrnwrDrn m able' troops which Russia still pos-j oLiAii&'UIOUUVtKilU 1IN sesses S MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL The inherent strength of the en-j 1-y.': ' i lowed (luickly and threw the "Repub licans into ihp ereatest astonishment. Heated demands were made by Rep resentative Campbell of Kansas, to know if ii was the intention to pre vent (ieK:i!e Tt i-ac lio was fldvkflli t' R'Mildieans were hurriedly ordered i tente position in the west has just into their tn vnt rainit fhp. ceived a fresh illustration on the Previous (MiesMon but when 31 ofhAlsne fronV were me -urencn nave in many Long island towns was rusn- theni. including former Speaker Can- Just emerged victorious m a long-: ed to Long Beach, a fashionable sum non, 'voted with the Democrats, it drawn-out struggle, with the Germans mer resort, today to fight a blaze in wan n,vu.. n,n'f mr.o roir'Q offof the possession of the important the million dollar Hotel Nassau. The ight were useless. SHIPPING BOARD BEING REFORMED In Full Swing Today Follow ing President Wilson's Action Yesterday. tor auty in .jrranoe.v , r ; u iiie icuiaiuuet ULiUie OtttltJ lurvtr 'will 'hp itfl.lrAn "Jn v A ii cm at K wVion thW , ...... " - wmVm - . . . n W , V, . . ikA bill draft; clause of the National JDeferis Act 'will be- applied to the entire f orc'$ knd the guardsmen wM cease to hay V anv connection with -'the Btate authori- ties for the period of; the wah' V ? ,f t The first increment; which includes y the New York and Pehnsyi vania dlvl- sions, was called ou July . 15,' and has , been held at State armories" for pr liminary equipment ' -or started south to the training, camps.. After August , K thpre.will he Tin ? feonRtftHtlfttml ' nr... , other legal barrier to, the inimediktv transportation r of guard organization - to UTance. . . -j . ; - : South Carolina Troopg Assemble. 1 : Columbia. S. July : 5. Units tttc me aoucn uaroiraa, national uuara not already in' Federal service' asBem-. A bled at their respective afmpries to : day in accordance wttb art oVdef Is sued some aays ago py. the adjutant tion and corroboration from German disibution Tlmong the 16 canton-the 'mbbillztionr.willbef''c(pleted:v; in thp rnwfnir frankness of ments, General Crowd er said today, w"en iroops assemoie av ureenv , in the growing tranKneSS Ol a kv i vHle fnr J nprlnd nf training Thii ply to the Reichstag resolution really . he will be subject to military law and means what it preknds to mean, hls,th articles of war. Failurj to appear , , , , . -. when called will bring the military belief that the reference of. peace pro- forces of the: pr0vost marshal general fession, statement as security to in search of the , missing man and he frontiers, capable of being extended will be tried for any violation VorTreg at to'cover the absorption SS gium and any other desired annexa-ed men m be first; assembled in their The (By Associated Prss.) sources criticism which the defunct "Zukunft signedj ag far as practicable, to duty might envy. Ut was declared yeBter- tne laW requiring that they be as day that Chancellor Michaelis speech with troops from their own State, and, was ambiguous and open to two Inter-. tne iocation of the 'nearest canton pretations which LloydGeorge men- ment to reaUce the transportation tioned. It was added , that the , policy pr?Diem ag much aspossible. . of silence of political aims inaugurated No information has reached Gener- Washingtn, July. 25 Re-organiza-!by ex-Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hbll- al powder indicating that there will New:Vork, July 25. Fire apparatus Partisan ORDERS ANGOLA flames were confined to the basement tion of the Shipping ' Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation was in full swing today "'following. President Wilson's acceptance of the resigna tions of Chairman Denman and "Major General Goethals and the end of the row which Jong has delayed the ship building program. i The Senate Commerce Committee first South Carolina regiment has begin in Federal service for some months and was not affected 14 V the recent. mnnn nr i :nmni " v it, win "liiiv it ia now stationed at" Catap,- Sevierl at 4 Greenville. .-. r' Warlike Scenes Jn Rlchmomi V; 1 . 1 iX;.; Richmond, : Va., i July , 25-.Moldliza.- ': ticn of the first battalion, nl-st Virginia weg and continued by Herr Michaelis be any neSd to summon a second draft had laid the German policy open to in addition, to the 667,000 men now that dubious repute which ' Lloyd- cailed for. during the present vear. George criticised. .' i Estimates to cover expenses of the Infantry, caused warlike ''"scenes' h6r His picture -of German parliamentar- secoud increment I have been, submit-today. The battalion vknbwn as; th4! ' ismT under the formula of HerrMich- ted, it was pointed out, because all Richmond Grays, numbfers 600 men., aelis may be distorted so it was de- these expenditures must be, made in Lieutenant C. F. Morgaijand -C. tSC? claredbut it contains, enough truth, to advance of a call, to have equipment! Elliott,' of the - United '-.States.-' arm: serve as a warning io. the German and quarters ready, or the funds must i have charge of mustering in the," m6n people. J :be actually on hand when the" call is ; Other commands await inobilizatlbtt.'; The Berlin Tageblatt . - re-print- the made.x ' v - The: Richmond Howitzers- a famous, o??i full text of Lloyd-George's reply" to. with physical examinations actually . ganization;, and ' squadron '."A'.. flJ'sj; the German Chancellor, explaining m progrefes, the record of the .draft; Virginia cavalry, formerly -the -Rich,-: hieru orrnuna in the Craonne reeion Yesterday's brilliant attack gave and pUH bf th lower floor, but spread Quickly recommended confirmation of General Petain's troops renewed posto the boardwaik.,and destroyed a sec-' Edward N. Hurley, of Chicago, as the eaaairtxi in ilmtist romnlfit.fi measure 'tlnn nf-this trnotnrfi whiVh nnrnllpld new chairman, but action was delay- OFFICE DISCONTINUED fof the slight-afea gained by the the bathing beach. ted on the nomination of BamDridge' a. .g aQVisaDie because remark- during the war between the States be- mond Blues, are.already in the Fedeti Crown Prince m nis cosuy series oi Hundreds or, patrons tied from thetVulu ur m.Bm"r vrL?"lx able errors of distortibn and omission comes interesting. At that time: 25.77 al serviob. , v -.fl.Wj. attacks. The French even pushed hotel and were sheltered in cottages, jceed Captain John B. White. en" jin the sense ' desired -by the govern-per cent, of the men called wefe re- Mobilization had: stimulated recruit beyond their old line at some points. Several Women were slightly injured. ators Wadsworth and Calfler, oi Kewment crep(. intQ summaries of earlier; jecte&'for physical defects. There . is ing. Young men rushed to recruitibs) This morning came tne test or tne The -property 'loss was estimated at . 101.1 enue&teu iw.-ucio,. ; declarations from the opponent camp no reason to expect, it is' said, any, stations throughout the State today,. tq (By Geo. H. Manning.). W.'isiiipgu.n, d. C, July 25. The "0StCiric llt.rinrlmoTit hao nrrlprfiff the i,o li.fi if.f .t Ans-oia. Onslow coun-i German reac!on U ws directed upwards -Df $30,000, ty. an.l si,.in.-.r vnnAr. Mni.iT n against the ypositioris . recaptured by, ,??-... C .ii.o.iinnA July 31st. , - V Xj the. California plateaii. , SAYS' GERMANY ON ... Uin,i (, Angola win go to Maple IthougJ delivered, after a violenM ftp Hn n y Hill anri mf,;i ai MnniAl bombardmen.y -"is entirely:; futile,? 1 rlKILorl ULXAJr V 1UKI oy nas oeen prominent m ine progre- supplied by the semi-otli- material' increase inahat .tactor..: . Join. the colors.; sive party m i,9wiorK. auiuiuira. MpWS bureau. . The Kreuz - Exemntions for industrials - sim; s Hill. WONT LIMIT WORK CBy Associated Press.) tion leader .bowdver, exbct nosen-- - r ndr flrQ. of the radical pa- ilar reasons, as well as xemptionsevlUVr Will ous opposition to mi. oiuy. , t kuehtv modified but did not re- cause Of de'nendenbrelatives- entr. rt M; -Boston, Acting -fJhftirman . Brent oaaysp stements about ie goVern, unexplored field. ; U , -'sand onereanis resignation o.uE-,iae . i-eir .ol. ,,v xrninHai dectar- - -' - ' 'Vr :. - Mized Mn ! m m a M Go To Charlotte. ' w -n 'n utoi n-lllvv p? the French retamingy their won ervcmnA afifl nnnsolidatinfif their srains. j Conenhaefin. Julv 25. Renlvinff to nrag a oiinnnrf-fr nf Chairman Denman. I me yutil oi wtti xvuasjaii icucai m - ' - " " " . j , .- Oalicia is traced in today's German greetings of pan-German meeting Ad- . Senator Calder said the fact that .WT.Tir, mnrrrn frfp.vioi otatomont rpnnrtine- thfi norii- tairal Spheer, commander of the fleet, he and his colleague had asked that rJiKorilfHVj. V lOl 1 JC4-' 'pation of Tarnopal l)y the Austro-Ger saId heiJiopod the German people, on action on Mr. Colby's nomination be m fn,,Pli whirh down" near the the threshold ; of victory, would not J withheld for the present- did not nec- essafily mean that a fight against his , . Mass.. July 25. Forty thou-c. vNauonal: Guardsmen ' were.iinopi-v ' the New . England ; States to- i day; preparatory tQ being drafted intd" SUBMARINES f oufprence will not be limit edyfurther sohth have occupied Stanis- i.aika rt to s action last week.' 4A1- r"'iuf'r Lloyd-George has al- . . . i a... appointment would be made: The (By Associated Preas.) Paris. July 2&.: General Persh- -Brit- mahd-of the Department the- North- ;, i IcK cdllnro arrliriiKr lioro nrl'.V l P3f.t RBlfl that trftnsnOrtntlOn tO-thtf.. - .... i xv " T w... - - - . . . . 1 . . , - . . ' - - . J. XDU DfibA&WA J , (..lit A w " ' J .- -T T " . T , ns. ior one tnmg if , lau ana iNaaverna. ine lasi-nameu vjuw l ntrv DUiij o , j" -'v.:oi' -.-..w iHg, atcuiuuuicu Uj, uiai .w i ffiio claim to. nave Deen, amonttiraiiing camp ai, juaanoue, w.v.,1. Hoar the air after the; town is on the edge of the Oarpa-1';. 0r pAMlllTfnN IMPRnVFnomo mqmr3es nn , POvcai; yesterday 'visited the -1 rencn ironi., crews of vessels-in thf'VieTnity, t , - i stanumg ana .waeuiei l r.v AsnpiatoH Pro - - cman forces, whicn aown near .hiK- "', ' Tlin lnWo 'nf - thfl r Tlnlactai. ora nnoHntr TliipsnPT; null still --u co);,Jrenf.0 nQt be limited i 1-Trinot'. . no s,;o,w.. 0 chancellor Michaelis. it.:. 4 Oil- .-. .yy J u iVJillUl, lUill. , ' es, sho"ld issue a joint statement n. - i.'HiH-a ni rsenin so tnat i wner lly 'renounce its future (Continued on Page Eight.) THE FRENCH FRONT, I ATTACK nU. S. SKIPS, (By Associated Press), Halifax, July, 25; i 4 the, Federal . service, y Sev.eral;, th(?u l. DID sand men already, are .in the-services , v 1 ;lne others gatnerea . at armoris;. ana ; y-K temporary camps .- tody. Brlgadle y V General Clarence R. Edwards, -lft com-' rpady hadr been: arranged tor iiid that . CBy Associated Press.) . Santa Rosa, CaU July' 25. The con ; dition of Luther Burbank, who is suf- Incidentally one of the; of the transports which conyeyr ' it; was, probable the :Newy England battalions of French ed the first . American r troops to ' guardsmen would " be ;readyf to ledve , "1 1 s jjoace maneuver may every- SCORES OF WORKMEN n . KILLED. , ' ' 3 continued to ? show improyement . to- law creat- aTui reviewed incidentally one of the ing the shipping board provides for a niost famous ' minority' member.'-: : ,' t v - rTinsc:oiir. which fieired in the' 1.4th A . --v. j.! fni- thoTsATitK. tTv' Ancnikt snl y ' - . - - . rT llauuc,, su; lucj ,wcic ucuiui; ; w w..wrf --"r 4 .-. .. ' ". i ' i-.-a ' Tiit vain'an in Pans, -'lieneral-. . ' i .f " ' - . t........ ii umj i v. . . - - miormea . mat - viermaa . - suuma-t - v umhsm.. f . Pershing expressed hrgh admiration rines mae a pfincentrated attafck , . Jfashville, -Tenn 7uly 25: Approt- lit 1 ll.il - , .1 1 . ' .r A r. - ... . n; ir.v 1 GERMAN COAL SKIP TOR. PEDOED. 1 lies lution n'K)! ac,?opt the Reichstag resp-' tm" as a hasis for peace negotia- - (By Associated Press . . f . rrt A irT nf A CQ DHWI . are noorloA xhv th Al- JU Wa 1 1 fax' N S Jul V - 25.-i-Eifi:htY. ' f vi-a a-.mwm w tt - v-. - - - . .... - - . - J . 4- workmen were killed toaay m irHUtLt'tSiUtSiktL MAUL T tion? peace negotia-'i an explosion. at No.. 6 mine of the. . Dominlonr- coal uoippany, at in ew ,i: nis explanation, odd's The "Matin, I Waterford, N. B. according to nd-4 Philadelphia. Julyy25.- 'X- (By "Associated -PreSs Amsterdam, July 25 The . Han V' rtolshliifl PAnnrts that the German I steamshin Norderney; wifh "acar- - Rome, July 25.- 4 r- inif t a 1k.Tir Tf'E,rtJFC' rlAVISi:VrillVEt.tw withir, thfpo Yniipa nf thfi trans- . third Tegiments-of Infantry, the first' ports and witnessed heavy and F regiment ot field artillery, squadrbn iB' Associated Tram.) 4 ?hortSen .'-wilt continuous firing. The men were- of cavalry and a company of : negfp ,- Tiiitr v snnrLs-iunu wul uawwu -, - - . . - , - : Ul T MVi v - , - . ' . . - ..- . . '. 1 - I l 41 rr.MM eta TA , " ' vhT1 fft fsht after-yAugust oh v threes former uutcn yesseis r guarusuiea.v yuy tuie ; m, cuuwp. .,; new decree which had been taken over, by Ms in campV here.; The combanies pf - HEW. decree WUll-U r " .'al. , A'nlhar mi ta anioroA nf tholr hffllie Rtl- Tt' Aut'nfilftfAil.DMIlil V .... ..n, .... . r I . - . i , , . - . M. -The class eo or oai. - was torpeaoea in tne t -u u Peonu... "'ny aaaressea to tne.r vice rocw ru .,uvu.uuCJ. T..w.. uum, nu,w: V4'.0.'"co ' y7u-0? ntf W-minimnm height bv four inches It tne criusn government, aua wrB f .y . r;l r.rTljr: ti,. ' 'Jiewsn .1 .nifl Aiitrn-Hiin?rarv -Twelve iJQdies naoV Deen recover- containing-tne in auonai Army num- -r agruuuu uu u .V"-.-.-y -"7 -y - l,! fhpli -wfv to Earone. t- . lions. ' in. tne tist tue seexua. jbiubst , r'Hl 10 ri-k of RnMlan rev-k 'lbt noon. ' -- hers were drawn in Washington last Texel, Frisian Islands- "tag. 11 -ed hv thft Reich. ' I r ' " ' Friday, , is - to be addeii tothe historic - . . , ; 1 by the Ktfcai conectioailjendence -Hall.; 1 4- r 4. offsets 100 bOO. men whose height on tnejr way to rupe. j n ment. . t , (Continued oa Page Eigkt) - ,' In