? -v, v." - " 1 T -r . . ' THE. '. WEATHER FORECAST, North and South .Carolina Gen erally fair toni9ht a"d Frjday. FULL, LEASED Wilt SERVICE VOL. XXIII. NO. 186. Wilmington, iorth caroun a, thu rsd ay fternpon, juiIy6; ; 1 9 til7: - 1 K t - PRICE FIVE CENTf. r N GER MAN' STE A M E R S 8 U N K. , (By 'Associated Press); Amsterdam, ; July : 2 67 Two 4 r German vessels have been sunk v 1 1 ' and two Germair steamers have .laacu xv ' uugiauu uy . ri i,itn T f- THROUGH SITE destroyers, according to, the cor- ; respondent at . Texel, one of the" ' BYisian islaBds,of the Amsterdam 4 - : v - - ' "I -J mi. eoitic;: 1 ,K v. :(. . ' RlfH PYTHinHS WILL LABOREiiS ARE M UKW- V UJ , P-'JlL-v I IIHILC .LflL.IIUIUL.ij Preparing Fo New Method , For Registered Men to Keep Track of Status. USTS WILL BE Y SENT TO BOARDS Physical Condition of 'Men Will be Passed on Before Dependency is Considered. Affidavits to be Made. Bv Associated PresO Washington. July 26. While- local selection boards were at work today assembling men-of the selective draft forces, officials of the provost mar shal g nt i al's office began pre -ring anew publication-to be furnished le istered ni'"n with an easy method of ntr (i-.ir-lr nf thir status in thftir ACtrllib it " . . . . districts. ' The new list will be issued with cross reference by number between the red ink and drawing numbers. ' It will be possible for those supplied with the lists to inform any man al most instantly in what order he was drawn when he furnished his red ink pumber. Presumably these lists will be Dlaeed the selection boards' headquarters so that registrants may find out quickly where they . stand. If the master list is used for this pur pose it might be necessary to read over several thousand numbers be- fnrp a registrant could find his own. utline of the process to 1 ' ' t .. being prepared The only thing registrants wno ex pect to be called in the first draft can do now is to watch, the selection board headquarters so as to know im mediately when their names are post- ea. ino uiuc wuen . iiity . aic w ir ort for phv . cal examination will be j shown at ih- same time. j Even the Question of dependents! will not come up in any wayuntil a report on the man's physicarondi tion shows him to be suitable for military service. When that has been received: the selection board will be iirepnrod to receive affidavits on dependents the prospective soldier has. The forms of the affidavits will be shown by the board. i Similarly, forms tor applications for exemptions on industrial grounds or for appeal from the ruling "of the se lective hoard will not be available un til the tim for their use comes. Tha purpose of this plan is to avoid the piling up of documents and to provide that the hoards will have before them at any time, only the popers of cases in process of hearing. That is the only v.-ny, officials believe, in which rapid action can be assured. CONFEREES ON FOOD BILL START WORK (T'.r Associated Press.) Washington, July 26. In their first session today, general sentiment, ?n a preliminary survey by the conferees of the food bill was said to be for disposal of the prohibition question first, in order that the finance com mittee may be advised V)f any Taction hkh may affect revenues in conec tion with the War Tax bill. It also agreed i0 hold night sessions. It was announced that nothing would be made public until the bill is virtual ly complied at least and that all of the 11 conferees were 'Solemly pledg ed" to sr-crecqy. Declare their MAIL TAMPERED WITH , fH.v Associate Presa.) Washington, July 26. Representa tives achuseiiK, who have been atzodds with I we Ht '31 office Department told 5 a i o, Kbcomn5? today ' tfa? W entlv tho:,. r,a k0o nor,Ad ir transit , D A from Postmaster General Butl.son introduced in the record to- .inie.1 and promised full investi-1 "p. nn attention was paid ,-to, accusa non.s of "discharged employes," but an excf-ption would be made in thiscase, TO take UP DRY i MEASURE NEXT WEEK vijoe., . tP,y Associated Pross.) res! m'ton- July 26. Leaders rep-. th K the wet and dry f actions -kr o muay agreea ; 10. consiuur. 1ift'aLur xj'.npnard's' national prohibi araendment7next vk. it w vaa planned to begin debate It w i M,,uuun Tuesday ana voie on ag r ' " -"ay. Senator Sheppard has a lin 'lcoePt an amendment fixing "H of six ycarg j arhicl the St-4l?S limit Ct uon the amendment .. ihii' ert ire suggested, by; leaders mposnaeQiny- , , - f- GREECE LOOKS TH FflBSUPPflflT Elxpects Continuation of Help In Working Out Its Destinies. ' , VENIZELOS GIVES OUT AN INTERVIEW No Longer Has Greece a Royal Aiifocrat Ruling By Di-. vine Right, He As serts. On . the (By Associated rreH.l Athens, Tuesday, July. 24. eve of the assembling of Parliament Premier Venizelos received a corre- spondent of the Associated Press and made the following statement:" V li . , f. - The re-assembling of Parliament, which was dismissed by the arbitrary action oi uonsianupe, is xne iorinai resumption of democratic government and' the ruleof the p which the United States giVes a con- spicuoiis example. No 'longer have we a royal autocrat ruiing-by the, divine rigUL oi Kings iuiu uut rtfsijuiisiuie i-u the people, but rather a constitutional monarchy in which authority is exer- cised within" strict limits. We look . . . , - A. to the United "States for continuance of . powerful support in working-out our-own destinies. .Greeee is now ' aligned with the Entente Allies. Rela- b - . V . tions.'with the central powers nave been broken and a state of war act - ually exists, as Greek troops are fight- jing against the Centralpowers in m cedonia. A formal declaration of war was made by. the provisional govern-fh Academy will start at 8 o'clock ment, and it is unnecessary to renew, sbfirp and it, is hoped that the attend it. anco will be good. ' "The increase of the Greek army, "the musical program in detail had and co-operation with Serbia .wilt re-not been completed early this after store the Balkan forces to their'lJrbp1' nbon but the program in its entirety er role of defenders of tire iritegrit jr will s appear in tomorrow afternoon's of the Balkans. France and .tiie edition of The Dispatch. other protecting powers are .leaving m ' iis a free hand and all the allies res-!- ognize Greece's position :v ax sover- eign and independent nation. j- . ry,! it yM1 iJ' j horecast lhat Me Will neaa American Army Engineers At Work Ihere. Washington.. July 25. me possjDH- ity that - Majoi-General Goethals -may 6" lu vt nm,w nncrlnoora a fnrflfiast smftne t.M GOETHALS MAY hn fri roiiBinr bu iu fMm develoimients C which have oltow'".. tavefc.teSn J Sent Wilson's, reorganization of counterfeitod photographically fC ihfnnin board. - V . by .'the notorious pass bureau, of T'he general's wish no taKe up ac- - - . . tive service at the front was forempst; in his mind -when the; preftidenr call- . ed- him- from, tne reurea nsr orpine army , tojkjfc u l shipbtlUdlng gram. The probability that;he would (be assigned to service at the rl rent bas been recOgn-od ever since it be- - fe apparent -.that he would ;leay. the fleet corporation. ; rfDCTJDATTAlTnM vPP nrrt CDA to'TA MR! in p " OFF lU bPAKI ANDUKU ' : j i SDecial tv The ! Dispatch.) ;rfr ? . . riK Vf r Tnlv . Piirnnnnt to orders receivca irom me war ve- nartment yesterday., the first: battalion of the Second Infantry .North : CarP-t h!na Natibnar Guard, Ieaves. here at 4,v n it has been officially stated that the - men are to do duty in that city, but it is intimatet tnat tney wia re- main there untfl the ctohhienfr Grpenville i is in 'readiness for: the ar- rival of the North Carolina troops, who en in training in the latter cityV f ;"'0K ' The- first battaliohris ledmposed of . mandedihy --Major; EA.j Simpklns, ;;f v Splendid Program Has Been A i t" oi Gotten -1 n Tentative Shape By Committee. STREET PARADE WILL BE FEATURE Object is' to Raise Funds to bet Used in Furtherance of Red Cross WorkBig At tendance Expected, . - ' The program for tomorrow evening's i Pythian celebration at the Academy of Music, which has been gotten, into tentative shpe ' and which will be ' printed complete in tomorrow after- noon's edition of The DisDatch should r be sufficiently interesting to- attract '' sanitary inspector, manager .ofthea--0 nsfd ratified; many to the Academy The narade fter -and political leader, and.' DUlie ) and PjaE?. f uHher shap for the com tV u ,, t my" v TMcGhee- Pleaded Kuilty to consniracv '-nS of thls noted officer,' who is ex which will be held just prior to the . "e pieaueu oumy to conspiracy y t , u- (h irittpry "tinrt nf thP ,a v in the noted liauOr cases todav. took pecieu ner.e Ane latteiv part or tne xxxuwi im uu on an. eiaoorate scaie ana every y - thian in the city is requested to meet.:: Z:T "If at the Academy at 7 o'clock an" hour prior, to thejopening of the exercises, ior tne purpose or participating m tne street pageant and all DOkies are askH ed to wear palm beach suits and fezzes., '. . , . The parade, which will form in front of the City Hall; will mov down Third street to Red Cross, thence to Front, from Front to Market and back to the Academy via , Third street, arriving there at & O'clock. f "Patriotic Week" is being celebrat "ed by Pythians the country over dur- (ing the week, proclamation to the this effect having been issued by Supreme '.Chancellor John J. Brown, of Vandalia, The object of the week's celebra- tfon which is to be featured by the evening's meeting, is for the purpose of raising funds for Red Cross work PnWans hope that the collection, Which wllPbe taken tomorrow night, will ,be sufficiently large to make a worth while showing. The exercises at the Academy will bet opened with prayer by Rev ened with prayer by Rev. A. D, program will be thd singing erica" by the entire assent.lago"'and ffiTop' aaarr.ss" pn Thomas Ciimp- Dgjj Darst -The principal address of the eve'n- mg win De aenverea Dy Mr. ueios yv. Sorrell-Grand Vice Chancellor, prominent member of the Durham bar and one Q? the le(lding attorneys of the middle section of the State. Mr. Sorrel! will discuss "Pythianism," a fff''Te'J detar tp him antd ft whicU will be able to appear at his very Dj.;. 1 Collection will be taken by young Jadies garbed as Red Cyoss nurses and T166111 ose wi? Sin ihg of the "Star Spangled Banner' by-, the audience. The exercises at HOW GERMAN SPIES G2T IN 4f : ; i , (By Associated Press) - Copenhagen, July 26. Informa- ;tioh obtained here shows that more effective measures than are . now in force for supervision of Scandinavian liners plying to the United States must be put into effect if th naaaaee of num- i rt into effect if the passage of num- jk bers of German agents and cou- riers and" tho transmission of in- a. teUieence by German spies in ' 1 1 T4. JUL I Is -said authoritatively that Ger- -A , .- u - w yaso-iyi Bins umca.ua - o-x c , I quipping German agents- in ' 2"" . 7UT " Scandinavia passports. ThW- . ,itfa,in coma fnc-Vitrm aa Jf. m"1"0 " v " I fill UILIII-II4I1 V .-. - y. ' U ' -! - .i - . T " y w w w v. . i -.iVi.. A mr0 UA.xrr. rNQRWECS HA . t ; - ; ,Rf?ArHFD AMERICA : ' S (Bv Associated Prpss.) : V An Atlantic Port. July 25. Th3 steaniship bearing Dr. Fridtjoff Nan- ii?n. the -Arctic explorer, and other 1 prominent Norwegians, recently' ap- Panted by their government as mem4?4t ; 4! : -''t ' ber of a special commission to the "W: DiiMAwiaNft' take .MORE United States on the food supply , nhrnnr arrived h ..t-. - " ; A DCT.DCD ATTETI TIM iCAKO UrtKA ltU-' JlN CDDlMmTIPI n Tnn A V :x Springfield, m., July 26. After a kriight of disorder. - incident ifitrike yesteraay oi one man pn-' J ' of lathers, cars , were: t'&P'ay. The strikfers',. nitfon ot :. their, union from interfering - with I wnich naa oeen torpedoed, ' the 4J correspondent adds, has arrived at Denhelder. , . - , ; fXJpchurch and companion ; Fined Thousand Dollars Each Carr Praised , , . t. .nn.'iTiu.'.i t - Jlaleigh, N., C.,v Jujy 26. Snerwood TTnnhnrfh fnrmer citv nMprmn na i n a i piaii 'ivr rt -i - uiiulu nil liiu ' - . i flnpa .iflflfl-,-,,, h "iQ f!:month, probably on the ?0st or 31st. ,""" - - ' , P.nvr cu uie to taocs wuitu- w ill I t'SUlL . Ill fines rather than . prison sentences. v""" Sengerand Norris, mixed up n the.'ing.by the Tidewater Power - Com-, wholesale deal , Judge Connor commended in the' highest terms District Attorney Carr, who, -he said, .had shown ability, sense, and devotion to duty which Judge Connor had liot seen surpassed in 30 voars on the' beucli. GERMAN SUB: SINKS NORWEGIAN SHIP (Bj Associated Pesg.) London, July 26. A German sub-: marine operating off r the Azores has sunk the Norwegian steamer, Han seat, says -a Norwegian Foreign Of- f ice "report transmitted by the Cen-; ''tral News correspondent at Coperi- fhagen. . -' ' ' ' - . The crefw of the teamer was saved. T IHflUSSIA Revnlt of LenmeBrinas Into ' - rj . oi' i T 1 rrominence OllCk 1 TICKS of the Kaiser. - . . s. (By Associated Press.) Copenhagen, July 26, The revolt of activities of his followers at the front brought into prominence ' the connec tion between this .party . and the Ger man Socialists and the' German gov ernment, ' to which the"" . Associated . - . frills Jill JltllBi4f- learned hemthatm .hJsnoono J tl t Ikflll I."! ilTi If I 111 U -r.f- n Fnrr ttelþe-eotie there at a Press repeatedly-referred--when theltrolley car wil1 be operated from the Russian '.'peace angels' were being j uanK Bunamg to .uw ;w?u sped homeward through Germany by s site, where the party will be met with the government. Petrograd dis-1 automobiles and carried over the site patches indicate an attempt to iden- j offered. The return to the city will tify agents wW. acted as media of 'be made via, Carolina Beach boule communication and paymast3rs. vard and the loopi following which Ona of the most,prominent. of these the party will proceed to WrightsvUle resides in Copenhagen. He is Dr. Hel-' Via the Shell Road. .Special cars will fand, known in German Socialist cir-' be operated to Mr. Sprunts i cottages cles under the pseudonym of Parvus, i where a dip in the surf will be en of Russian, birth. Tha Associated i joyed and a dinner served , the gen Press correspondent first knew of him eral and his, aides. j a a momh nf tha Pnnnnil nf Wnrlr. men durine the Russian revolution in i 1905 At' that time his name was asso-! ciated with rumors of irregularities with, the council's funds. He next appeared as publisher for XT ovim flnrlrv- uritK trViVrrv-Vi a hi an had -.t-i ji tri a r,nr.nrnn allied with the German SociHists an-i ; rose to considerable-prominence as a. writer. He was naturalized as a Gr-'.conaiuon ui tuxs utu , man during the war .by-special per-$ favorable impression on the general, mission of the German government.! A hj 1 -will t . . J..-X-, d-,,v- from . 10 o'clock until midnight Gen- ! revolution, he ; devoted, himself Stol Unaniii'rnnTnTniiiiiriitihTia htwPMi thfi I . rr erman oc atsm Wen the Socialists . in Russia. ; Drl- HelfandU desDite his Socialist, nntorpdPTVts StOOfl Tiietl m TRVOr nr T . JT . ' Xr.r.' "1 "VC' j. " ' 12.-JUaIlClillUr - ocuuiiiuu-iiuiin eg, . and the German authorities, and was; permitted to travel freely between ! I UCl lUUiU tf.X J. 1l WJ Mm V . v .wv- r.cn a in. ! X' Viwr nn-t . "-v ...... ... .s-: ! al valuable German information,, HO-. tdtiv' ro ' trnvarn m n f 's nromisn to TT.ii" - inhdatn , fmm 1 hostilities nvth'e B.3t pending nego tiations. , DrV Helfand lias become jn dependently wealthy through various mirations durine the war. He is re puted to be several times a million--' aire' v '. . .. .. .-. - ? . ' I : , .. -- '.- ' ' : -i : .i THOUSAND PRISONERS (By' Associated - Press) Petrograd forces ca f sand prisoners r . - --.. - v . . ... T3vi!. the itea uross; . . ' - . .-. -. . f Ir. Tm!1T1 - IlCU KjIUOO. .. . ,. : . . . - . - - t v :l pturedv ih? TuesdS;and Mronn-; 's battle on.the -Ruanais manian front more tnan. a tnou- -r t , . ,uuj; --rj abroad. : " J; . : . ; -. tn th a statement issuea ioaay uy : iut w, r-..-- tWy atCtionS have : beenuname ip-raacn an '?:T"irZlWl259&'t ; i 1 1 jt t i o i aiv .Wa r TionsirfmenThe Bpecuon, ana Bccupycvp - : .t- u tir TiA Cposr reeard- ;.meer' uuww. Vy. - TSvtrfthousandrfs Preparations Beincf Made For . i - . r . the. Coming of General V Leonard Wood. COMMITTEES BUSY. ' WITH THEIR WORK Special Cars Will be Operated to Auditorium and No Fare ' Will be Charged Those -; Going Down. At tfrurr morning's: meeting , of the cantonment committer, of which Col. j AValker- Taylor is chairman, held in KiiiB uuiv;c, iu' iuuuwiuk uuiuiuiuees, '.namf d yesterday afternoon's meet- mg to prepare for the coming of Gan i' The ub-Committees that are to handle every phase df the work have been .-'.. thoroughly. Z IV: -mrITr .XT I J party on . cutting a road through ' the proposed site that will be about 3 1-2 miles in length,' and Ihe Naval :Re serves, encamped on 'Harbor Island, j'have that section as clean as a pin. i Everything is ; being put ii splendid (condition for thesjepming of: the fa- tuous onicer. ;ine yvinter rarK site, it is stated, is very similar to the rolling country - that Fayetteville of fered the government, the on:y differ- ionfP hfiner that: the sfte nftnrftd bv Wilmington is cyt by: a- ditch that drains the property, and makes the soil as dry as; powder. It is suffi ciently close ' to , thei broad Atlantic to dispel the humidity, ot the atmosphere; the presence of "whfcli probably pre j'vented the. selection of Savannah as jacamp sitev; . 'i.-. "-7': "Vy" . Ichar-lotte aPttears very much per- ; - tiirbied' aeeordiif-td advices ; ;rpceved Li! X. .V k t ! rt -vi ; n nnno wffA WO til " LI lilt! . W Utril vuai.iuiVo' txyyiznio ,v nu his presence in Washington very . bad ly, in view of the fact that the fate of the Charlotte camp has not yet been decided. ':. ' Th 3 reception committee will meet at the union station at least 15 min- i ute3 prior to the arrival of General 1 Wood here from Charleston and he i.will be carried by automobile to the iCape Fear club for luncheon, via ( Front, Church and Third streets. The eral at the club and the" party wilf then go by automobile to the Murch ison National Bank Building," in- or der that General. Wood may get , a !, birdseye view of the city. i : SpecialJ ' fUDll(?.. meeUUK Will U. UCiu ill VJir; "Harbor Island Auditorium from 1 8: 30 1111111 A" v- i,i- iiiTiuM,naB reocueu iu pumv wucic iuiiuciuiib m me aub i cgwu . i et -.iu the Electric Center enter i i.qu- o o'clock. Persons; going down on the j cars will not be . charged far ane. citizens as a whole are urged to make free use of these cars, as, the . com -nuttee js fx"v p5ibit?al tpriuni to in capacity, feeing that a .1 Wood J.p Sprunt's cottage, leaving by speci-,1. ni- 'Qw. fnri Vavattf. --Conunlttee on MUttary-Captains E. a- "X1 i . . Booohnv Xf Att n pRSchau.nv. M. Atkinson: Major C. . . ia '' - ' " 1 L-Pridsen. j "".'V-V Committee on Decoratipns of : PronJ . f h - T Harris. J. M. SPiky, M. u.-: Hnner. i. a - Williams. J. B. Rice. Herbert Blue- it.x.v,i j tj -iir tX7n11a t Uiemui auu; . !Vv- ; . . ,.-1 ."""Vr"- i--;r:- i. - Committee on ecorauonat uu tnrium and .LAimina- -Messrs. monu ., riui4,, -vv. r- ncuv-u, WOQllCOtt. . . f . - Committee in Charge of -Luncheon -Messrs. T. H. WrigUt and C: E. Tay - lor. , otnmittpo on AutomoDiies--i'ui uu Messrs. MacMillan. ; . h Committee on Ushering at; And . J UdltO - rium Mrs. Cuthbert Martin, chair.' v uonunirxee.r.in . : 1 -Tnd M Wtt cxnlained f the action T-k T iitnO "fAr I v f-il r TTLI - VVtHJIT- - w , . - V - OLii m1 0 iff :: 'ttlffiiliE; DEATH PEMLTY : . ftTitlfi FRIT 1 . -ww..m . Stands Resolutely gainst Ruin of State THAT O UESTION PARAMOUNT NOW Faced With Danger of Alter native of Sacrifice Army to Traitors Finland's . Head Resigns. . V v (By Associated Press.) v : Petrograd, ' July 26. In an interview today Premier'Kerehsky said the fun damental problem of the7 provisional government fay in providing for '. the immediate safety' of, tho" country; and the"revolutidn,. whatever ' the cost might be.' The government, he said, was - determined to make : 'a resolute stand against anything -which threat ehedVthe 'ruinv of . the . state, C" 1 " The. viremier. te.ted:that - Te-estab;i Ifrorifcwan ernment was. faced with . the alterna tive' of sacrificing the. army ;to.a. body of traitors- and cpwajds of having "re course, to the only possible means of inspiring . terror. . jv. : The provisional government, in cpm piete agreement with the entire army, took the burden of .heavy responsi bility, the premier explained,; solely in order to . save the lives of " heroes who were perishing in ithe execution of their duty for the sake of their country, and to remove: the reproach. threatening the good name of Russia, j i .' '-' , CANADA CAN BQRROW MONEY UNITED STATES (By Associated Press. Washington, July 25. Secretary McAdoo has notified Sir Thomas ; White. Canadian Minister- of Finance, that the government has no objection f to Canada's obtaining j& short time ji credit of $100,000,000 from ' private sources in the American money mar- Mr. McAdoo declined to state whetlv er arrangements for the loan had been made. It Is understood, however, that negotiations have been proceed- ing for some ' time between Sir Thorn- j mg Ior gome'-Ume, PeiWeeU.Olf JLUUUl-,' fas White and -New York bankers and progress awaiiea. ine couseiit oi me American government: ' ' '. : D l i.' v D-J i r?Meo frA VT Relation of Red tross to :the Various VJtner. wrganiza- tions In America. ' - - II 'A f .. .. .1 . T m . V:?".1J ",;r. 7:'i" i .s to teuuug aim . luimotumj, puiiso A-s'tTBiirone. according to an -announce- rn- anrin to nn .annoi New York, July ,20. The Red Cross!-where theGermaia were -repelled.:.; . committee on co-operation .will treat! 'Today's Russian official statement. -separately with each of the- indpen magnifies the extent; of the Russiittf , ft w"lse the inability-and rt tA rltirjil . Pniinril ' of . thA Allied . vuv - V VT w , ) - 1 war uenei .Ljnariues to reacn an agreement witb the International So-T fciety This announcement was made by Judge Robertas L5v3tt. chairman wvy-yYm.!?vrrrzrrr. . that In les3 i5;. ,T.,crt,v ti,0 AmTt..vesB.el was damaged during, the.. .week uuu "V w" r-y can Clearing iipuse at rarw. wo. be Closed to all brganizations , except . C, - J-V- r- 'l. Drastic Steps Taken - byeh eral Korniloff to Stop Ro-; volt in the Army" CONDITION STILL ?a: CONSIDERED GRAVE , . 7? ' No Sign.Yet of Yielding by the Russian Forces in Volhynia.' -, ' Silence reigns as to Moves; - oh Francos-Belgian - Front--' Not 4 French Vessel LbstrJ-v'' Such detailsof -the ;RussIai retreat r" in Eastern ' Gallcia as are nbwcOnt- ing toT hand do not tend to minimise ' Special dispatches report tkat'.;"tl;e -losses in heavy artillery will ;be; ttp- menaous ana express doubt as to thp ability of Tthe infantry of the Bdsslati eighth army to make, good its retfeat. : There Is still an absence of assurance"; that the -Russian commanders. Of v the . armi.es . taking pari'? In the backward ' movement have siicceeded in: getting . cations are not wanting, however? that r the profess is well under way. TbeW . , comes , through . Petrograd,. for., tin-s stance, Uie report that General 'Koi-' iloff's drastic measures' haveUnfcltuIed the blowing' to vpi6cesof anentire-'di' vision of . traitorous vtroops s tof-tbfc ' eleventh' army by its own artillery'.. : ; What may prbVei to be a jsavirig-ifc ture of the situation is the firmness ofi th 'Russian- ,carmi,es both, .to t2; , . ., portn(ana:e(3o ;iy eia- ot. tion of any yieldine tendenCi'etsr 6t thd Russian forces irt:;Volhyhhi, -just to ihe north of thaffected sector, while io the; south .Vtne ' Russian jiroops'ara'fei V only standing .fast so farfas heyf;ar4 J able, tbut are'copica'tiig Wjtby-'tbe ! -Rumanians in 'successful pffenslfb '; movement on .Ihe ; Moldavian : frontier." , r London, is 'WnK4iioajr4pb . rardinsr ' the situation, alone : th ' Franco-Belgian fron. ; It ; Is 14jeiajre.d in the uerman reports tnac; one oi ine . most Violent artillery "battles in br$. lory has (been In progress in Belgium, . ; even last night's supplementary. fer-; ' man ' statement emphasizing the con- tinuance of this heavy-firing. 11 that1 . the British perss bdreau- glvenant?to day from that frpnt, hOwe verbis that ' the report of a " successful raid.;, near ; Armentieres, v adding that . there tv "nothing dsepf special Interest" t? K , Although British shippirig. losseSv ltt creased slightly last week,, the. FreJlU" admiralty is able to 1 make, the. stttk- . ing announcement that; not a single: French , vessel fell victim to a subma-: . line during that period- Six: yessels were v unsuccessfully,-? attacked' ;.'t.h& . Italian marine report: is also -a favQrr' " able one, showing' the. loss of but two steamers and the damaging of , one small sailing , vessel, y : j 1 ' , L The persistence of "the ' aermanat:- I Verdun offensive, except that the pre increasing measure me xruwu pnuw, Jsent lacks the success which-attended' the 1916 operation in its earlier stages. U After a brief lull the thrusts were re-, , being delivered on: a front of nearly jtwo miles near the easterly end of -the Chemindes-Dames, between ;Hurtebts" and La. Bovelle. Vs"; 1 I The attacks ; on Hurtebise - f arm'y it? , ' self were broken : up, but further; wept .'certain elements ;0f,, the. Ftpnct rrpt , , line trenches . we're ' penetrated, by J tr . mans at' tlt price pf-wemendoi. .losses, in tne unampagne-aio;59erp jwas heavy fighting, tjermaa attacks i following a heavy 'bombardmentjn Vvtirinna'naria'rit thin :' ' frntlf ICVpT 4 .iAa of TneadaV and Wedneidar ,The Rumanians and Russians ; together capiuiea "H vww vy"?P ... 57 guns. - . ' . YJ Al!. pHlrO ; . ' , pf Tir ri trTiTTr nirrrCT''. Rome, July 26.--Two Italian steam- Tnrlin niidniffht !lul W 221 Rava ah Of- - - - - , terdaV.' f icial announcement isaued , y ster4J , ;V '-. i ''r'' ' ' ' -'''.''"1 '..''C ''-. . t"i JW " ' i. at "jS JltJt ' '.Ji. M. JX. ' w w ww ititc vr;-xr--ar. TT'-Tr.-Ts- tt-jf ,7rif .