fSSoHER FORECAST j ; V W. Q, &&.t &?&,&?'i .1 ' 7 f. f1'7"f;-3 - Vfi FULL LEAS B'DvJKJ RE SER V1.GB 1,5 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA; FRIDAY AJFTERNOON, JULY 27 V9t7 : PRICE FIVE-CENta 4i '4 ', t y , - - GERMAN SUBMARINE DE, 1 stroved; '(By Associated; Press) r t - v ? .--"'f . A' v'Vi; V-V; 4 - !V: I ' " ---- -- - .TT"" . "M.aaas.. . aBBaggMaggj 1 i i 1 ti,,i. ii 1 i - VOL. XXHI- - NO. 167: ' i, ,o V. y i ; ('i,rC,;'-- - - - - . . - - t . , rilJIlll, h I. I r I II II II hu MiUv. j. ' 1 -. 1 flhi" U'!: Government Agents Arrest Man In Iowa un oerious.-. Charge : I i HAD BEEN FORMING "HUMAINI1I LAViUto . . -' ..-. Said to Be Deserter from the British Army and- rnce Placed on His Head Land- , . r- r rtti v ed in rrison oy wiricers , Aifsmmns MADE EW ATTACK .Cossacks Fought- Like Tigers In Defense of Sereth Line . . . . ,: . ' v ' x .,..'T . s----.v . - . v "C ft--. .-L vj", .. marine as destroyed 'JThttfs4ay 4 on th French 50asjt ."west of Calais , Thex undersea -boat went ' j ashore' and i the;creWiii:able - to froo c-hcr, opened sthe . KaBoHne tanks and setrflre totlie vessek, -VThc members tthe crew BEGGE& INFANTRY s 5 NOTTO DESERT f Order to Shoot Traitors Being Carried Out-- Battalion . , Lipn of Death" Has - , Been Formed 1 4' AiREttlT'FOR THEIR EXCHANGE tBy Associated Prei.) Petrograd, : July:' 27. Accounts of the" battles , in Galicia which have r reached here say the cavalrymen j " fought like heroes, Cossacks co-oer atJne wfth""RllSini1 nH RrltloV. mntnw Ratification of Compact Made . by British arid i German "v . Delegates -,. i mi mm mm&Ai ' 1 1 ' ; T- i M ,..'tv reached the jBhoriiichire ey GxeaV Britain Explains Most f were made prisoners, V ; - i . rrr a i -"-- : Effective MethodtFor Do CO-OPERATION JS DEEMED NECESSARY . Public arid Police ; Must -full f Together Great Trouble From Neutrals .Has j Been Experienced" 1 - London, July .27 Thei agreement carsdefended the Sereth line as long1 reacnea oy tne , ijrsn ana uerman iy an(1 the policer according to op m i as the least hope remained. It is London. .July, J2 (By Mail). The mostfeffective' method f'of v combattl the German espionage ystem in the United States is -to be - found in'. cot opera tionbetwoen: thp: public seneral- i a i. ; . . . Cruisers Made Onslaught i bn jported" that- ; artillerymen on their British Line Of .Drift- a impiorea me intantry to save ' Qw.:. . their guns, but that the infantry did Via ui. uucuia x (Itv Associated Press.)" nnvpnnort. Iowa, July 27. Daniel? H. Wallace, one of the organizers in Chicago recently of the. "League - of Humanity," composed of men r.nd women who si vied themselves as con scientious objectors" to , war, was ar rested here today by Deputy U. ; S. J- marshals on a charge .ol high treason. He is to be taken to Qttumwa, Iowa, today for a hearing. Deserted from British Army, not heed them: J ' (By Associated Press.) general ornuonT's orders to shoot Ottawa, 1 J uly 27. An attack by traitors and marauders are bein car- ried out. iiThe commander of a gren- three Austrian cruisers on a line of British drifters-employed in guarding antl-submariffe nets in the straits of Ontario on "May 15 s described in a London " dispatch to Reuters Limited Ottawa agency, j The account of ; the engagement follows: !i! "Tbe drifters in eight division of about: six boats eachwere formed along a line running roughly east amlLpent. pf their officers. ' .i, .Air A member bflfie Du Eiacn carried a crew ,oi. west. ten rhicaso. Julv 27. Daniel H. Wal-1 lace, arrested at Davenport, la., to--ten ana one smau gun. in one case day, according to his own statement, rthe enemy appears to have acted with and that of fellow-members of the chivalrv towards the little craft, isiir- League of Humanity," is-a deserter f ns nt At nl tlU Sir from the British army. .According to s " - r 4 - ' ..... .i ..' . a- vti.m. Qnfl VTy Hlttrtltiir the flarr iha ' no- lftva an oaiciai oi me league, me iJinusa ." government has set a price -upon Wal-j must abandon their ; vesselsir, This lace's head. - j lcmiser approached -to within', l6o yards Wplbce claims to . have beej ,6 the Gpwanlea and ordered her crew thr i , of the-most important t9itaJc?vtc iilheoats. bet:--, .. t'.o .vctern't front to; Eu-'Mplisr.ratt; i shipping tbe net roue. '-e.-M ..-ii aii"t-tuc i, uuo "t oniia4 r ' nrrtorjiip rnn mpn iinan i HeOTflXhaoiietteTi'Sftr! FAVORABLE REPORT:, twfiot Army ON THE ALIEN BlJJhu' T . ' V . Icruisei" Dasssed out of ranee. The! s ? vtBy Associated tess.) aeiegaies , ai mejr reenj -conierenco j icns expressed to. the Associated at VThy: Hague rcgardJoirithe ;xchang pres by high officials of Scotland 'Of1 and; treatment of cvil andmilitary . yard v prisoners, has ben-ratified by both 1 - . : governments, according tO a -state-lJ50111 th. nrst days of the war En ment 'made byJames VFjtisjMan iloptj, glish police find military agents who UnionistmemBer for Sheffield, in the havo had :to do. with the gathering in House of Commons. r -i. ' : , v. The agreement - prides, that: di- of German es 4 have received rect repatriation be resumed, that the sses of information from citizens qualifications on medical grounds'- for ' regarding suspicious persons, and repatriation or internment in neutral ' through this co-operation have, been countries be made; mcrlentent and!. ohlQri . ' l -ii..-r . . . . " that the more: seriouslv ill and wound- imi Uuuair- Sr? J?SI??:' .?ePA " Wee per-led now interned in Switzerland shall abl . and . dangerous; persons who aSndleD r7 T maKfi roonifiwr others.-. - Srntianii vnr? h-ia Had MneiHoNM. S Si - ' q In addition to those sent to Switzer- the-, men ? rode r their bicycles. Somei.t- . . L,.i , , nn k.tt,nJ w. on -i bind, ..Holland, has agreed to accept ZZTZ; li; 9r. J 7,500 persons, while all commissioned rmLhrr; tok k, -i ' non-commissioned officers, A member of the Duma who has re-twk..; wi. turned 'from the Dvinsk front states Yh that af tet VRussian shocK . battal 1,0 n.M4 w--tbiOreK-Sball he eligible for intern-i i 7 mfept ft . neutral countries. Holland positions, it was-' discovered m sev-, taF. Jir J. i. t. i;.iv. adier division has been removed f or refusing to fire on deserters. The "fifth cyclist battalion "tbttght eral instances that signaling to the agreed to accept 6,500 of these! i nas -ftgrei - ' . I . ' iUC JJULLU ' KUTCiuiur;uc. Will - IU1" nwasoing on .rom cne tus-frr s.OOOrcivman pris elW artWerymen and - mechani-I tays m pref- for attempts to escap e deathto giye an exampieof tttilitary hMWot v - valor? FIIST MAN ACCEP JY iGowanlea then - proceeded to the as- " WAsington, July 27. Harry Chap- rence tf the race riots which occurred sistance oi me Daaiy oamBgea Leon-t v ' .-too um, quu. ui uerBtjeetpiuttr dia, which "had four men killed andfWWte House . police guard, is the first the Ohio -Natio thr wnnndPd. MfianwMIe. the re-t w.uie wuuio iu wv? auuepteu ior in this country, was agreed , on today by the Senate Military committee. 'By Associated Press.) Washington. July 27. Favorable re port on Sena or Chamberlain's-resolution to empower the- government to draft alien citizens of countries now mnine rmisers had onlned 'a devas- t war against Germany,: but living, to tine- fire nn th center of the line. "The - crew ., of the Admirable, only abandoned their vessel after her boil- Senator Chamberlain received -a let- er exDloded and her wheel house had ter from Secretary Baker spying that been shot away. -be would not recommend fayorjibla "The Girl Rose, Cora T: Haven, and action on the resolution; but would - gclby - were not abandoned by their not oppose its passage. : crews until they foundered under ; I them. The crews of tho v Gafrigill, MAJOR GEN. WOOD .(Bonespoir, Christmas Dayand British ON FAQTFRN TPIPi -rown reiusea 10 leave uaeir ; vessels yJLS tLJJliLMV I S.mM a-B-an whM nutrnnp-ofl nnrt under hroad side fire from the enemy, and brought them through the action." V,y Associated Press.) Chattanooga, Tenn., July 27. Maj southeastern DeDartment. accomDan-i O Wl lAnivlJUi LArLL 1 EAJ- jed by Major Eric Wood, of the Brit-.: TO STRIKE TODAY an army, visited and reviewed a"j troops at Fort Oglethorpe expansion, - (By Associated Press.) na training camps yesterday. Gen-j Chicago, July 27 Two thousand ral Wood left Chattanooga today for , nve hundred railroad switchmen em ployed r in Chicago "terminals are .-ex- "e east. ?lajor Wood in an address to the cadets explained the organiza tion of the British army and the co operation of all branches in an ad- pected to strike at 6 o'clock tomor row morning, according to an an- nminoement made fndav hv Prank yance trench to carnage fire' on the ' Hasler. of the General Manaeers Con nor fighting lines. . j ference committee. l v The railroad officials said Jthe strik nal Guard and a crowd - a. A: . a c or nesroes are noi jooKea ior, ioaar. service '- in ; the new national armv. .nol . William r. fve. 'commander of having-: passed his physical test and '- the Tenth regiment, has- ordered waived alt claims forxemptjon. Gil-,1 squads of his men t to continue thei fegirilenti -ihe 203rd Winnipeg Rifles, was established last night as ' a pre aS4' i was Aboard a transport ready to . caution against further disturbances, sail when, his parents intervened and' Although the city" is nbt under martial ha ftti State. Department secure bis! hvw, the military has authority to pre release on. the ground that he was not vtot such Idisturhiinces as occurred of :ftge.7l- . . . i yesterday when a score of negroes re ceived a severe beating at the hands of the soldiers whom i they are al- ttnritn rvnrr.irmtorrw lesced to have continuously insuuea SUJrcJlELnt - since the" guardsmen were' first quar- V vy " ' , tered here. v 7" By Associated. Press.) j , - tiuenos Aires, 4 uiy u z .a sugui SLtdto EARTHQUAKE carthqualce': was felt, throughout the country. last night, Quakes Recorded. , New j . York, July 27 Earthquake shocks of varying : intensity continu ing pearly two hours, were recorded ROBESON'S BOARDS v AWAIT THE LISTS fSoecial to The Dispatch.) : ( Lumberton. July 26 Robeson county's" two exemption boards weije; still waiting today for. the, master list Race Riots Broke Out Again In Chester and Tvvo Pecn- N " pie filler! ' " 1: (By AzsQclarcd Press.) - '' Chester, Pa.. July. 27 With armed guards patroling a large area of. the Better Condition Said tdr"Be . : ' Prevailing Jriv tKe RugP: ?: GO VERNMENT TROOPS v r SUPPRESSING-RIOTS: Ames - r: osiirun in t . uic v,cst . . . JCHSjng, j; iviaac., ;; .irongcrrrr? " j tonterence in' raris a Ucf-' termined; UneWiU; fNqt. : V;U I Tt,'l Vio Witts! a !L tansm js. vrushed v v ' v. ...r. j 1 - . - . . . . . . r t, '. ' k- cuy, quiei was restorea nere loaay, , ;: ..v..";-.i '.v-y ;j--j,r .; .; after another outbreak of raceriot- t f Jf;.Nvavy::vri ings which, exacted a toll of 2 lives TEUTONS vyiDEN GAP, and caused injury to 'scores ofper- Scotland Yard has had considerable trouble with neutrals in the-cnipioy of the German gbvernmeht and thh English police feel .that' this menace isv one winch the United. States .will have to guard against: A - v Since the entry ' of .5 the . United States into the war English officials and officials of the United States. De partment of Justio . have been cloSe ly ; co-operating along these "and other related lines and the American agents have C been furmshed ; wijEB mucbHnf ormatiom hotdply r regarding persons, -but ;ba ;.ameihdsf9l' catching those ""who ire -Svofklng tpx jrun. cgscoianaxarn nas,ine- great feTntTf-theArnTea f eeis'tKat they t would . probabibe ible to 'accomplish mucli mQfe-if $6yV had power .to act in. emergencies. ' : ;f Scotland Yard is intensely ' interest-J ited away, by the police to- the Media sons, both white and negroes. The the disorganized Russian Unes in" local authorities were at first unable Easernvlalrcia has been widened ' ' to cope with 1 the situation -hen riot-; indirect, tfltf ending- s)utheast ing was resumed last night, but with ward "toWftrdW Bttkowinabort. ; . . , XT , rs a t der-and.Ni'esuiting . inv the capture the assistance of National Guardsmen, .....vviMnA-.w Aw; n was restored after midnieht ' -I I German' advance botji northtnd";- ed in the work that is being done; in the United States to discover, how the Gerrrians found ; out "when- American (iestroyers were due in English wa fers and how .thoy discovered the lo cation -bf the: ocean rendezvous trans ports bearing the flrst American . con tingent. ( ' Obviously, theH English official says, German spies are in a position to' be come r familiar . with the most secret of secrets in Washington and ' they are anxious to render any assistance thpy, can toward -wading tuem out., There is a gertefil jfeeling ih Lon don that the Bxe'ctition "of the first .spies- caught would go far , in the United . States fr rowaa persuauing others, Germans as well as neutrals, that such work is extre'mely " hazard ous and very likely to. have disas trous results. '" . - ESCAPED MOB TO jail. The other-victim was a negro- Mayor McDowell . announced . early today that the situation - was under control and no further outbreaks were four 6(1. ",: i ' While the .riots -were the direct re sult of; the killing by negroes of Wil liam McKinney, a ; yoting white man, officers declare the .importation of a Tho nATT. canfinn woo rnncH rFf " """'"--V v.s,v guards were stationed in positions td slackening fii:peaceof the ..Rus- ' uni-a :.-:r-- i ; Helri ; for the idisoreranized sec A jslhHhAd 'arA ihsnvi tiad Ififilba" -hrOkenJ'.! V . ';-Mtft." "ftnohsil 1 -n jef :T iivlahroj of Joseph , McCannr white, ? at tne ou?-1 gaiBi ia this regkh SixRmorei ci m - - - ' : . . i w : & una t. a,uu . maavljl j - : uaauwh v w r v fallen"" -into RumahUtf hands. "in . ; retreat hereas, far; ts .the n(er mm filmy f . - 1- :,fi . s? : - . ft. At. St At- 46- . Desmte ,ait tne uniavorapienews 'sian war theatre,- thee' are,oicasl6tt'; Af-T.A(n;A lohnrorB' frnm 'k,1Wk' Vi -rr ITT " :rw. eSed much -SSSS- report "a somewhat better situation' a f the .: froht, probably, - as; the results o: ; me arasiiu iubjujuibs w: icdwp - vw.wv . pline which the: goverhment has' au thorized in the reestablishment ' - ot field courts martial t eitid the re-imp sitjon of the : death ;p ehalty. "... V - J . -j . : -Similar stringent Vmeasures ta . PSr ' a ' 1 ' Am. n m. fi.AM A trograa ,- aiso apiieur w c . ill-feeline . 'Rioting was renewed at noon today and a negro, Frank Meadows, who was shot may die He was attacked while passing the Chester; Shipbuilding ' Company's plant- in front ot." which many workmen . were,. grouped. Meadows ;ran and two -' bullets were: fired at him, , one bitting him in the Police were rushed io 'the scene, s'ut tey failed to find any arms on the workmen. ; . . . ' : TJ V here last night on the seismograph at Ko mim draft'.nd -final instme the XAmerican Museum of Natural His- tions before calling - up the first men toryy;; The general direction of the frtr. cpiontfnn Tt is understood that tremors "was southeast and the di9- thia has been forwarded from Raleigh lynched by a mob of . several hundred tance away, estimated at 1,000 miles, j anJ as this mail missed connection ' last week, after , being arrested, for I thp board expects to 1 : receive .. it; murdering. W. R. -Roach, a prominent elements. Reports pt,renewod'.ngliV ipg in the capital are t&ccompanied br5 the statement that gorernnient .troopgs BE SENTENCED DEEATHl MOBILE -ALREADY. . .: i 2!2!. SSZ&ZZSS: AT WORK EXAMINING Iwipii A ' ' ' ;tr; I Meanwhile the. Entente front else- , (By Associated Press.) i - , . Richmond. Va., .July 27 Albert Bar retts and his: sob, Aubrey. 17 years, negroes, who narrowly escaped being WARNED THAT RORDER probably - would tie up considerable 'VALTEIU-AIND SOON " ' Friday. When the list arrives an- farmer 6 Charlotte county, Were cqn- Pi i a nn Mm i 'citvu; government transponauon ana yex-' RF IW WR VlrF Ar A IN oiner-usi snaymg ine.uniw ui,.wuiiTUEieu.iiietwiis,-nu:.Deuicwvcu w UU AKU WILL T 1Kb Piained that it resulted from demands T- v each man registered in .the county Ldtevtav th. electrie chair. August ,31 ;. -.v - mV Associated PrP i nUt' appear before the board wUlJ$ Troops, were called out last week ,o WasbJneton Julv 27 The bie Ger-tprepared, and. then nothing rematna. protect the negroesy The ?layfs con J.E&&tJ?&SJj2A struck Mr. New! York:; when war was declared,: wm-'be ready for service shortly Re oeaiegea wiui mnuvreg uuui;wui.cuo ni8 iamec uvmpicicu mo. wum6. pairs have cost slightly less than- now. residing ute- eounty of stealing wheat; i (M)6 0oo ; , ing to -learn-theotder ,&t thoir ap- v t - :; More than ihalf the German vessels PeU-Sr; I "" , tXri-UKkK JLArJtC 1 0 ! nf thA -Rrnthrhood of Railroad Train An Atian " T:tot ,"oV .4 men ror a ciosea snop. - ....iui.iv, run, juijf si. iuajur A. Smith, u. S. A., military at fv, t0 the American legations In j-vmma and Vemzuela, arriyed here "toy on his way to Washington. Ma j w smith .suid he had been devoting, C . hMMir-r part Df his time, in the Jsl yo;ir to investigation -of ' alleged wman propaganda in the - twa coun to whk-h h3 is assigned.' 3 in a if "r n r 1 n n m 1 U I Ht LUUHL STATE FAIRS USED AS FOO DC AMPS UT0 "J Assocwteu pkubji. Bentati C. July 27. Repre nf 1 A : 1 . hairs and Expositions, in con non at Washington, have , tender Secr t ,he soverament .through, : the ami v of Agriculture the services toon fppllances of the State fairs as Drnrt .!ning caips to promoted food J "auction, food conservation, effect- "8 marVoti u . . ..... : '"""'B. nve-stocK Droanenon, more bPonsler emcient agriculture. . A. nutcftinson. Kansas, as X BOiOAfi effective In dealing,-with disorderly;' .if ; - (By Associated. PmM : 1 ; wher Is giving renewed -evidence ot ? Mobile. Ala. July 27,-ExamJnation 1 r.it. miiifahLf. of the . fitstuoto of menyundervthe a . mJ;zyf ,, V s - army draft plan, began last, night, Te 7Th r lie(j Conf6reneeu ftf Paris cuei - amimim6 , . ? x which was believed to nave been ae-. that tests showed .that- the ratio of y chietty talBaikan - affiirsVi;; those nisqualified physically for serv-, 4n,ll.ilJ wltn- - riwertr dftrtaration- one-fourth rsicauy ior serv-1 in.-A .with' rennwertrdernaration ice' among, Mobilians wUl be less than ' f united tourDog on; the part of thr A T IT! uu 1 1 1 tikefii have fbeen repaired and appointed- secretary pWofl;lhe;Vseas. HOODTO PRESIDE OVER HOUSE .it. WfJ&y - George ; H: Marinihg.) ' I CWhipgton, ; D.Cv uly v 27-Con-f I -II Kreuiau. ueorge nwu luuay . aeniea thftifttmor.that the Eostoffice Depart Many Interrogators About Draft Referred By sK- ( ( ing , tp Boards -V - ' - ' Washington, luly 27. Thousands of mfeiit intends discontinuing., any rural men registered under the r selective ; routes in his district. : Speaker Champ service ? law . have-been flooding the prqrpst "marshal vseneral's4 office .with questions regarding their, qualification for exemption; and on other subjects. The provost, marshal general today promulgated rules under which Tno questtohs. fr;om individuab3-or frbm lofc cal exemption boards - will , be an- Mm mm m m M Wk I M P : '- i II II I I lft I HI1 I II II II I I 1 i k H HHHU k H 1 1 1! K I IS U II II I 111 U UU III I u - fiim nr monern 111 1 1 1111 w n r r un intr 1 1 i as m - - mm m m M ms m mm iiiihh; hi miiiihii-ii TO BE BACK SOON :?fAcW?l Qerfe r Completed Today With Hec Hood 'today by -ukin.hlm-to-presldeA-''r-.....; , A1. y,- . vervteef House several days1 next P ii tiorfc o t Htirley As Chair- ''.-.-it Of-, ; : -r : -. - , .r presjAp 1 iiumson. ivansas, as cai exempuon . noaras - win , oe an bg ' of th association, at a meet-i swered by his office. ' 1 - ,' poipJL nPartmenttof Agriculture, These rules follow: SX.'? We 3, 0 it that the3e fairs annually j ' -, "l,4QuestJions . by individuals fihouid ty miii a,tPrid',sce of fifteen to twen-rbe askedof the local board nearest mem. f iixne uya.ru is uuauie, alter consideration Qi the relations and rul ings, to answer the question,; It should forward theuestionto the-Governor ; "21 Questions,? from . local boards shpmd never be addressed : to the pro: vost marshal, general's .'officer but in all cases ' should be forwarded to l the Governor of the Stater ' v-f .y. "3.4 tn no case will, opinions ; or rulings i be given on .Individual eases On tmAi j . . ; '. at.. . i' iji'j. aiiu smr.Rn T.nar. i iih manv 1 wns ready to set aside as to briJl'.r fair activiMcs as possible of f0 thf? eovernmenrs-programs o thr. n?nf,orvation and production to iLn '?,ion of tWs audience, and ln6 efToetiw?te.methods wverkir HenroC y ln national- measures.. Mth thr UveB of tne oepartmeni. Agricu ,' roval of the Secretary of Nation ' pointed out to . the, asso hich thV1 imPortant directions in - y t( Rprve the NEARLY 2 THOUSAND F t ,Br Associated Press.) : ? ' , - rtftnomtnT hu xii ' Washington, July 3 27.-Reorganiza orwro 1 ruyv woo v tWm-of the ishiDnii ' , UEF- ASWCUtea Frea V- ' .to1 tnrfo v i. Upward N7 HiiTlflv idetPhbHtbdi ship passed . throughr the u Panama rT "77T-. " ,-; . Shipping Board and the emergency fleet corporation was com- Boston, Mass. July 27 . -Donald , B. MacMillan, the Actic.' explorer, whd has been in the Polar;. tbuntryT. for the past four years, expects " to ; return horn? by September.iS next; according to ;& ietter' to H. v F Parker 1 of - this cltv. manager, of :his personal- affairs, made public today.. f The letter was 'dated : atEtaK on November 6 last, and is-believed to be, the first .direct word from MacMillan; this year,; alr though advices have .been, received In-. directly.. : i-V'. y'k:. GltGF. THEPJ1 "V- . - I- AG -.Xr '.;: v-" .V-Ss- .?- '':. .' ' 1'. 1. t''".r. . -r-v.V'-.. 1 entente powers not 10 .lay aown aneii;; - ill 11 n.l vn.vw V. n ' M.rillN I111L11 . LUB ' k-CUU CM. WTTCAO.Wai. k.p.4i "'."Ihiif ' in r' - D'ositidn where. UKy ' 1 nt itNniutin a. -oain-.'nr ' pursue a policy;;pf r Cruninal aggres; sion. K,:.. .-: -r-A , r 'h r?:'i . , Along -me wiiibh .iuui. .-up(; ! ;metarUiTv)nfl,'W:ts extremely-'; ' y 'olentiactivltyiriblnwnsity ot ; thtf - bombardment rowing more severe, ir- anything. " British infantrymen alsi are beine sent into v'lictloh although ' V rH':--?-:l'L-Jr':"ctt .not' aa vet on k lAree ScaleJ'' -VTii.'--; rnitreo'to r-oii . u ,.;uc . fighting occurred, southwest or :yyarne - v - . Ke-arrested . ? i ton s'ir;; ; . New York. Julr 27. Should Alex-, the village this moiTUnrr how ander Berkman, uis : Kramer and ( wherfahe Germans prrant2ed cbun ter 'thrust. Russian Cavainir ReuuiidEnemv.' Morris Becker, ..anarchists convicted of v conspiracy, to"; viofe.te the selective Aroft aet ho- ndmUt.pil'.t.n bail here Ito- . . - i j u-.,- Tot ao- Pron. iMrmnn lnrantrv on weaneBuav: in ur-. .'- ii. "tt- si j . ot.t . C!n.ama; romnn r' smif riWPfit ! Of-. ' MOnafitPTIVKXA. SOU5IERS SHOTAK? -pv PI m QIlFn PELONS ! arretted on other charges..: The three statement issued toaay;py tne viiu; i i nflnupniiarv alisuui. anu bijt;u. iuo -r . - . . t. , 1-'1U- P.-1 t S TO; w uv ju ;w - he-members as directors of Iftitai6 th number- was 78Tnd in fll JStv, '.:5R,r the number jras J,08. n fleet: eorporatiohr . elected . miral . Capps, general -manager ceed Major General Qoethals, named other officers as follows 34 1 1 1 1 '-.m III I ir.l Cl. - mm. immmm turns. bUWUm M i . j' . . . . - ' , . . a . m - l J . II A J mm mm. M M M a 7T hhmk' rii,p: Wererfiredfuhotf to- nnderndictmeM .. 1 . - . . 1 . - x - vtoMn a - AT.ninsinn ? iti rLiiiimiiiiiiin umn. xuo.u t ua imiuc 0 - cluu . vv-- ; Cday ;while they-e 'rr.. ; and Crewe X-night -beiore. ia.;srv,oow: o-au coicuu w ivw.o --- -e- - ,7 ... - m v v, " '"f"--". v 1 .v wx'-' Vomot. ami 'TtArtifAr-'f. are exrefted .$ toieasterly direction. ,. " , ,:.V;; be're-arrestecT snqum tney.iurnisn oaiij f'Uyiwi-, .--v., ; TV. - i - i. ' ' tt;r j .?A,...w--i. .:.iJi nJar, rnmoa' wpr ?flred- BDOn several .for violationor -the mtnmfrr. 'rrrrgK;: Emma Goldman.-whowas A,f, 41.. rTT 0uv v?vi r- ri.ri-:z--:r Th arrivfe - nere xoaay.-- uw aui rfataflyJui last nigM,b;h m A " 1m-4 'Mbam. mIimW . Ml-i.a . mm- . lnt vs. bUa H A . flTtfl TjTI V IinHUUfB iVI r-Tr 4 IIHIH1I IrH ' nrIl I. 21.:.,: HV LTUUUCU JLUrMB )M - w " . - A 1 we luaue.more.ai- marpavenoijci. wemcv- .wrwf .ur 8i- v 2T '"''-i i-e,Ahora -f:.: v.liaa begun to serve nee sentence. ; : 1 nation in ia nrp. the nrooerJocal board" - -.'V ' vtem0ther.Palzer Is M T 4mm.r(inn laws ;nir tftA RiiftsisTi horder the Russians ... . - - . . ' ... . ....... l a : . ..t'. Convicted retired a snort distance 10- new - vow c, .mp tiona. v , The . Austro-Getmans ' have - o- '. t-.v.v-v l . j. t - 77 . ' . - iere shel ' v..v " v ''"-'. :Vj' ' '