v i H ;!' A p:7oY7;757777fe DISPAtCH, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST ,i . ;- ' mmmimmmm V-;, ate 7' '.,i7'i'-";;r'77 ';;M";"7' 'M"7' ,.v j- ' 9 ' ..I . w vesterdaY. ' ivft is ienaihgr a perlo iu, w&3 a guest in t"c . T"7.;r; IXint: K hhsines tieetingj -i-;.r. r v:.-i- :-7,:77 7-7r77r;7.7 - 7: V. . v;- ;7 :'' ' ; . . 1 -r-i " 9hWIZ members: are frienas. ! IsSMr' and Mrs. E W.nderBan 1 Charlotte, spent yesterday in the city Bith.irienda. . y v ' E. E., Sniith: and children, joj here for a stay -with n v A; menas 'ciom', 'S'S$Mjs8 ::Annle' Hendrickson leftist Inl'or Baltimbre-td enter tracing " at Johns HopkinsHospital. , .. ... I'ilisS- Trudie Masoi left lasr: night I $ ! Burgaw, where she will visU ifeds..and relatives for .several days. !?UV.-V ; "iirs' Lilly Shepard and children left V-i fCi-Tit Jr irmir Oaks, where yrged-:toperpresent;;v;;;fg;, i mg m. A : TouchberryV, of Sumter, S C'left' tnis afternoon- for Charles f'nCg c where she will visit, friends League . ; tSey will spend a period with friends. 'Mlss -Bessie Canaay, 01 itind. : is spending a period injhe city, with her sister, Mrs. i. a- ard. ; ' , niil x i iTcrtrp Perido ooworck objectibeingiW ine current periodicals to . the soiaiexi ested in this work, are invited to at- tend: the meeting; jk ? H -7 , ' 7 . PERSONAL MENTION. fMrs: W, M. Nelson, of Rocky Potot. 1 returned to her home last night, after Sdine some time in the city with I .llriendS.7' v - !'5i'3Mri. Oscar Vinge left last night jor -Washington, D..C. where she will kfj-SeBTawne time with her 'm ' I .Mrs. E. Poizet. t '-v,M;.' -. . . ' ; . 1 1 i Mrs. j H. Barnhill and children left "thSorning for Atkinson, where they ! lvro PInt-nhill's UUCle, Mr. wpiiviaii. iio. 1 : ; V John Barnhill -vw .- ' ' ' V ' VMrs. Hill Humphrey, of Jackson . Hille, N. C, returned to her home yesterday, after spending some time . - lit-the city with friends. v(-,. - :Mrs.-; George- Greene left .Thursday : lor Athens, Ga.. to attend the funeral ; .or her sister, Mrs. J. H. Epping, whose A death occurred Wednesday. ; .- - -hyifQ,. w. D. Brownr of Suffolk, Va., route; to ner nome irum 7 wfiere she has been visiting relatives. -; . r i Mrs! x Rosa Baldwin, of Whiteville. . passed through the city yesterday; en ' route to Suffolk, Va.. .where she will rspend-some time with her daughter. :"':.u7x , .... -i rv7iwtDa Tah ThomDsdn. of Jackson- . j. .-.. . H. Hutaff. just Dacn. GREAT MEREST iiitiii 1 ! 5 viile, N. C, passed through the city , vpsterdav ea route to Bedford, Va., ! . where 'she will spend some time witn i' Ui ... - VMiss Florence. B, Wrjght, df Boston; f who was called here because of the - - ... m oiotaT fho late I Mrs. J. -S. Crowley, returned to her A hom& yesterday. ; , - ' ;" .' -j ' - - ' f'The Epworth League of Grace Meth- i f odist church will hold : regularmonth- ly -meeting at the church this even- 7 ! ink at $ o;clock. A full attendance iS urgently, requested. 7 r . - " I Tiir, and Mrs. -W. B. Partridge and I children and Mrs. M. E. Partridge, of ' -MJ;; Airy, returned to their home this , morning, after spending some time in : the city with friends. --k::-'i-y'- --' 7 ViStu t w Scott and daughter, Miss Lucille, returned-tQ their home v tt vtAatnn tmUv after a pleasant' stay -here with Mr. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs.-B. II. Scott, No. 121 South Eighth 7 T street. :"7 :7M77-X "U.frbiafta- No. 4 of Fifth Avenue Meth , odist Sunday school, will give a musi cftl social at the home of Mrs. R. C V Fergus, No. 404 South Fifth avenue, this evening, beginning at , 8 o'clock. A silver offering will be taken. NRe- -' iMShments are to be served and it is 1 hoped that the Crowd will be Jarge. - ; 1 ' from 'a business trip to Baltimore, was utitii with the atmospheric condi- SUM Here, and while ivtot- ing that.it was piemy mington, made it plain that the suffer SnaUed here. by the heat could not be compared with that undergone by persons in Baltimore. - . , Rev H. -W. Koelling will conduct services both Sunday morning and evening at 11 and 8 o'clock, at the Topsail Presbyterian church. , a rt ttRiiaer: traveling State au ditor,' reached the city yesterday and will spend several aays nere up special license taxes ai iu office ' " - ' - .--"'" r CapL L. Clifton,- Coast Line conduc tor. Ifeft yesterday for Washington. ntpw hrork and Baltimore, where he will spend his vacation. r -v-- Mr. John J. Blair, gupennienueut 4 city schols, who taught drawing in the Sumtner School r at Chapel Hill, during the session Just closing, ex pects to.be in the city from August 10th to 15th, according to a communi cation received ; at the office of the Board of Education. AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. . The Dispatch gladly makes room, for the following appeal from Mr. J. F. JMeares, of 211 1-2 Meares street, and hs hAcnme a laminar ugure he offers his wares for sale on down- street corners. , j 7, ' .,1-7 -7 - "Please patronize tne 01a ounu iuu .and buy; .your lead pencils and fancy ohewiag-gum fromi.him, sovaa ,Jto , help him along. 7. . 7 . 77 .1. "Fnr he is in need. He is trying, uie Military r' PageanV Will M spiringSpectacliAddress' , by General Metis. 7 l!''";7 ? ":X- '- , :7l"-i 7. -,' I - V vThe TPeople of liningto, are not t arranged ' v for -; tomorow " - afternoon, when at 5; p'elock ;the! city's military a fid' naval 7 units: escorted, by -; Mr. and Mrs.' FciD: Southern, ot Ral ghSreT)eachi$itors,;registerfed at the Paris Cottage. r; ? .7 77 : MS7 -fcJ.-tlv: Morehead, of Durham, returned to her home yesterday, after spending -some ; time( at; Wrightsvllle Beach ' -A.C ' -itf. ' 77':77 - :7'w7-v 8 7- " " '.-. ; ; Miss - Mattie . Prevette, - of North Wilkesbord, returned to her-home this morning,' after spending some time at Wrightsville Beach. 7 7- 77 ' -S. Mrs Thomas W. Rouse and little son, Thomas, Jr., of Wallace, turned thPir. home last night, after spend- ing some time at Wrightsville Beach:!0ny greatly' intirestedbut are en ooi v nrovided for the 6C thusiastic over the patrioUc pageant 'members of the Naval Reserve Jorce. rnbw encamped on Harbor Island, who nTMA . the . arterial services at St. Johft's Episcopal church last evemuK-( other organizations,. ,wia : bu Thev left Camp London aij;w u;a great paraae.7 ' xne cuiyttuic ,om were announced in yesterday's Dis n'atch. ks was -the : line of march agreed on at-ihat time. . 7 However the line was -'changed, slightly this morning and will be . as follows l Up Fifth sttfeet (the ; fight ot- the parade will rest on' Fifth on . the for mation it the W.,L. I. armory) to Red Citoss, down Red , Cross s to Front, down Front to Orange, up Orange to Third, up Third pass the reviewing stand, at the city hall, to Grace, where the procession will counter-march, re turning to the city hall, where v an address will be deUvered by General James 1. ' Metts. : commander of the North Carolina Confederate Veterans. There will also be on the reviewing stand a number of Wilmington's oth or nrominent citizens, including Dr. James Sprunt; Judge. George Rountree, Mayor P Q.iMoore,7Mriugn jviac tdo fni Walker Taylor. Judge ,-W. P. Stacyv Messrs.. John H. Kenly, W. H. SprunUrHCr-Mcyueen, j. Taylor and Maj. A. E. Waldron, U. S, A., with ; the; Cape Fear Confederates in uniform. : ,-, w , 'v The committee" having the parade in charge, reqhests that' when the pro cession moves Along Front street that all automobiles.be off that street, so as to anow iu tiuoo... -- right-of-way and aot obscure the vis ion of ttiose on the street. The street car servrcCWiirmIyIJibfiducX ed so as to allow; free movement of the parade and an unobstructed view by the ; spectators. -7 - returned on the 10:30 car. Mr and Mrs. D. R. Hall and chil dren, of Atlanta, and . Mr. Hall's niece. Miss Foy Hall, or JtJinmngnam. ; on the beach for an extended visit, guests at the Paris Cottage. They made the trip 4 from Atlanta ,in Mr. Hall's car. ; f TJktfi arrivals at tne uceaaw nuiw include: T. B.-Stickney,. Englewood, N. J.; Miss M. Bullock, Miss A. Bul lock Wilson; Mrs. J. H. Marsh, Chas. G Marsh, L. Marsh, Miss Caroline Marsh, Fayetteville; T. P. Gray, Lum berton; Mrs. M. Drake, Norfolk: A. J. Houser, Winston-Salem; C. E. Farley Toledo; G. B. Copeland, Rocky Mount; George E. Mathias, Philadelphia. "The Franchise," an American-Mu-lual drama with a thrill in every flash, a railroad drama with some, stirring and spectacular action, will amuse, entertain and delight visitors at Lu mina .for tonight on the open air screen where ocean breezes keep one cool and happy. "Guiders," a roaring Falstaff comedy with inimitable Or rail Humphrey in the leading role, is another big feature on iuiiib" 7' i;s7"v L.:"'7'iWi 1 r f ? Valued FromN v. 77.?77t . ?-li'.v;. JJeDartment. . -leB's rndlgo' Blne Overallsalt Bizet t-: -.. -5" , ft Mett'sBlue Cbambray Work HWrts .VVf.. 't 7.oo Dress Shh-tsrbeatttifol ratefe ;?f yat?.rj?..v 7 6oc Dress Shirts, all sixes; at .ii , JJ : ww White Snort Shirte;; all sizes, at ; Men s 53c4 Black . LisleJIoser seconds ; ; .7r7 . Men'9 25c Wash Ties, at i .18o These Cotton Fabrics Would Make You Think Cotton Was 12 l-2c. 7 on. ifanchester Galateas, alfshades.vat . . . . . .19C 4 . ... J .. .16 X-e .. ... '..! . 7 l-2c .....15c iv-...,9 l-e .... o7tT T?onrtr nrpss OinfirhamsT 15c value. 32-in. Fancy Dress Ginghams, HOC values . . . 2(?-in. Simpson's Light Percales, at ... ... v l-2c Colored Voiles and. Tissues,. at ... Yard wide.Blue Chambray,' fast colors,.at. 3G in, Medium Weight Unbleached Shlrttutf 30-in. Bleached musuu, ai.-. r - 27-in..Sort liengtns 01 Aiiruu bu ii ii $2.00 liong Cloth, 12 yardsto Bolt, at,;.. ... 10 yard Bolt 27-in. Bird Diaper, at..v ... v1.- 36-in. "Voiles, 25c value, at ... 35-in. White Gabardine Skirting at ... i.. ' '"iTl 9c Silk and Cotton Crepes, 3C-iu wide, at., iM.in Afprooristed Table Damask, at ....s 85c Mercerized Table Damask, 72-in. wide, at 'STi r?fAn Thi Damask. 35c anality, at .19c 1515 Mercerized. Table Napkins, per dosen., 18x18 Mercerized Table Napkins, per dozen 20x20 Mercerized Table Napkins, perdozen ,'.$1.1J Little fNotioT LittleBut vi?; -: Less Now Than Usual. ; 10c Paper Brass Pins; at .f i V 10c Brass Safety; Pins,' at . i. . 10c Harem Dressing Combs, at 25c Oiuo Dress Shields y. , ' 5r Paper Stfeel Safety;Plps, at ... 7 25c White Ivoryj Dressing Combs . . . ". 10c. Barretts, ; at . 7 77 7 L'adies' and Children's 5c Handkerchiefs 75c7.PackageBEnyelopesy at .7.7... ... ... ' S5crBox Paper all tints, at,.'.; . . . . . .... . . . . . - 5o Kound?Can TalcumPowder,' at 10c Violet Talcum ; Powder ; . - 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste 7. . : . .: Pebeco Tooth Paste, at Infants' Colored Sox small sizes only, a? : - Ladies' 25c Gauze Lisle Hose, black or white Ladies' Long Black Kid Gloves, slightly soiled... Ladies' Long Black Silk. Gloves, 1.25 value, at . i?Rlin Jet Head Hat Pins, black or white, 2 for. . Steel Dressing Pins, paper ; , 25c Hair Brushes, at.,. 35c Hair Brushes, at . I . . . 7 . . . 5c Box Wirt Hair Phs. at ..,.... : 10c Package Hump Hair Pines inn Ocean Pearl Buttons, at ... .;. ... 5c Fresh Water Pearl Buttons, at Large Size Roll Toilet Paper ... Spool Silk, slightly tender .-. ... 'If . . I'.c Zc ....l!)c 4 . ". . .5c .....4c . . .?! ....4e . ...rc ....1!) . . .ac- 5c ....19p ....49c 4lc lc .1 l-?c ....13c ....!5c : ...4C KC 5c 3c .. ..4c 2c Fancy Parasols at Less Than Half Price. t 14X0 and $5.00 Fancy Parasols, at $2.50 to S3.50 Fancy Farasois, at 4U.OU lO VI.W r uui'J raiuauio, at . .. fl Plain Black Umbrellas, at.i. ... ... ...11.29 . . . . .MSC ... v .- " -7- - . . ,. j -- -J-- -7 7.7, : - : ' .7 ; -'V :.' ; - . ..; -S , : llliilsitfi Recent arrivals at the Paris Cottage include: Mrs. J. D. McLaughlin affd A,oT.mino- Hn lighter. Miss Inez, of Fits niit r.n ? Misses Annie Adell and ai Miiirnw Vireinia and Bessie test he knows bow, to get an honest keg and Bruce Hamilton, of Florence; living, and yet he can naruiy m? Mf R F Iveg uttle daugnter, aiso otimifrh; tn live on by using every aa- . Mr anr Mrs. I. R. Le- w'antage and every accomplishment he Gete and children, of Centerville, Ga.; knows, and how do you tninK ue i D r. Brown and family, of L,aunn- getting along now, wnen ae ia J burg; H. D. Andrews, Mt. Olive; Mrs. making half as tnuch ak he was a year t Newby. Miss Lucile Newby, Jack- flP-o at the best. You know now u is 1 wtl . Mra r, k. Kornesay and with you. House rent is high and every g -Uve tning eise..inai we uc iv double what It was. look at meai, ior one thing; 78 cents a peck. Did you pvpr see the like? And the old blind Working Tor DuPoht Powder Co.; 'Both Gave Bond; Trial Tomorrow Morning HI7I nVFn' MFN HFRF' , supply.:for the urst baptist in BalU EtLLAJV iVIil. ' n.EIVCV 1 nihrp.ftnd.hawni conduct services at .v,:.. .. . ., rT ., - i. . I JiEIII-3 7'the Wilmington 'church Sunday morn- Rev. Dr.'F6ster ahd'Dr. J. P -ing and evening and also on the fol- lkVA UA Vicit ' -T ' ' lowing Sunday. - Dr. Foster is a form V Whyteliere OrKV ISlt v ef ,paStor of the First Baptist and left " ; . . - --'V - ' f ;. I engage in his present work. He is ' Former Wilmlngtoniansi 7who are a scholarly man and an eloquent greatly beloved and admired in this preacher. 7 He lis accompanied on his - : ,.., , : "7777"- ' f ' ' : ;.,7;-".; ' ill IfltllH ; irs r4 ' - i ' IEl 7 KS1 Late arrivals at the Seashore Hotel inhindet R. Irving Walker, Easson, mnn is still here among us, and has to Pn . w. C. Jones. R. S. Joyner, J. L. have something to go unon every dav. Burnett, Walter J. Newton, Farm How is It with you? He cannot toil villtJ. Katie A. Budd, Monticello Fla.; and work as did just a few years ago. w ,T Harner. Mrs. W. J. Harper, Miss He has been a hard? working man Genevjve Harper, Atlanta; - Harry in years gone by7 Now he is stone- gmith, New "Bern; Mr. and Mrs. M. Lr. blind. Let's not forsake him. Do by Middleton, Allendale, S. C; C. A. him as you would be done by, ir you Weefciy, Atlanta; J. A. Bauner, au- were in bis condition. If you will di- rQtfji N C4 G. B. Patterson, Maxton, vide with him as you would have every N . c . j. D. stalk, I. H. Smith, Nor bodv to do by you. if you-were in his inn r, Breeden and wife, Les- nnnfiition. he will have bread, every Low Q n v. r Fipmmine. William H. via nnrt of the work - - !,. vi v 1.. . I " T ' t t w:ivicj rtnv and lioa win Diess you iuui uuim Ainmato w K. HiiiftrKe. uen-i . ATnthPr oca man. j. -. imai, the amount you drop in this old blind j n"ejaville; : C. R. Lyon, ' Baltimore ; M.j wiH furnish the 'iron-to be used in the servant's cud. for he is trying the best I Atlanta' Mr and Mrs. W. D.l atrMiiro: 7 7- ' he knows how to discharge his calling. jcjoom billy Croom, Mrs. M. H. Moore, "The contractor has stated that he Remember him when you are passing. I - 11o .lamoR Henrv Moore. Lt -nnmnlpt the lob in 60 . days and There is a blessing for every one, it ltlliI,t,tMr.. n Watkina Mlas Minnie Pu- it ic unrforstood that haste will be we wcrtof7ttinH!$:bear his bur- BiUmoTe:' W. J. Gately" and wife, made. so that the factory can begin dens. It will; be good for you w,wc p . Dr. J. A. Speed. Durham; onprations as-soon as possible. end." 4 ...w-r ;-v --r mt.h w. l. Morris. Jackson vlle, Fla. -..v -. MR. O'BRIEN CONTRACTOR. Building Faciory For Swift Fertilizer Works Irt Greensboro. The following ' is from yesterday's Greensboro Daily- News: ' . . - 'Work has been startea on me ivc for the fertilizer factory of Swift and rnmnanv: south df Greensboro, in the community of th other large fertilizer plants. The contract or me.uuuuiuB was secured vby A. ; D. O'Brien, of Wil mington, and w.hile--the exact, amount ftf tv,o nrlr to be naid is not known, it was estimaieu 10 uc ,ucinvu. and $50,000. The bond required of the .contractor was $28,000. f . ' "A local contractor, C, B: Hester, se cured the sub-contract: for the excava tion, a considerable. undertaking. Something like 20,000 yards of .dirt win navp to he moved. He has begun T city hav 6 returned Bor a . oner visit and are being given a hearty ; Wel come. They- lire Rev.1 J. H: Tester, D. D.. and .Dr. James v Pv Whyte The former is presidetit of Bessife Tift Col- leee. at j'orsyin; Aieorgia, auu me 1 PLAN SPECIAL SERVICES.; -' -r ibl mmm. m a ISiiiNlE Go to your wuivlawa new and e ;s amine tae shades. 7 . 7 I seci tficy arc specked With those tiny hole nd little raggea eracit : that do to much to iuar the loolc of i; jrpur Vyindoyw? la j ; :y. ..:-7 tfafiilCra2c of HANSON-ABERG TONIGHT. Members of Military units at si Hundreds of persons are expected! ' James' ChuroH Tomorrovy -" J to journey. down to Lumina this even A special service twui oe neicr m at. ine tri witness the scheduled ciasn.De James' church tomorrow, at 11 o'clock, I tween Fritz :HatfSon and - Ed .Aberg, consisting of a communion service ror the affail to be staged on the Lumina the members of the military units ii I ball room floor and 'which will be run Wilmington on the eve of their en-1 Dyv Gunner ; J. B. McGurley, of Fort 1 trance into the acwe service of the rcaswelL who is to leave at an early country, wherever,, tney may De cauea. 1 ate. to the. second.. Oglethorpe tram- This.. service is held for; the benefit f cdmD f for- officers. Because Han- n n Vin,n7nViai'of'Af . tho Qovernl ftf. I ; j vintm. mi inrtnn KofrtrA ganizations, the W. L. I., Troop C Cav-1 but never with any degree of satis-1 QuccesS Cro wns J ' Efforts Op olrv Maval T?eiPrvpR KneJneer. SUDDlV I nAl tnTiliyVit'a affnlr ia PTnected tOl" . : : . - . 1 si " u.a a.m.m. - ' f 1- : 1 iav,iiuu Train and " Medical Corps, who are I be of more 'than usiial : interest. Both expected to Join in the service, and a .men are: in the pink of' condition and coraiai iiivuuuuu . i Ttcuu.cu. u w, rjotn ieei capauie : ui vuiuub i the communicants : of 7 any Christian WOrth , while exhibitibn. . ; churchy together with, the fanvUles of Like all Lumina amusements the af the men comprising. tne military tuhitsV fair will be free to the; public and the The service will' last but, one nour.v salt laden breezes that. sweep in irom Bishop Darst Will, be da cnarce f ot-the j tae Atlantic will lend ax "comfortable service, assisted. W vOther EpiscOpkl I ne- that would not i be possible ; in ministers, ana win mase a nye mmuw 1 thejeityv. . Because jt nas Deens quive auaress. r.'. . EFFECTS, IT LAST Pharmaceutical Chemists tq R Pnmilar Medicine ot its Naiispatinc and Dangerous ' n,ioi;t;00 Calotabs the New Name. a iHiimnh nf modern pharamcy that is destined to bless the whole world, timV since fans were treated an ex- Hfrom the, Kmg on : " rr; ST. J 0 H N'S LODGE. NO. 1 .-,7:x . .'A. P ANU A. IW. -v,' ,. j. :;.. .-r. be ;doubly interesting. ' Messrs. W. E. Hamilton andcW. H. RIvenbark, the latter a local man, were arrested early this afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Keen on warrants charging them with hiring and procur ing labor to be carried from;the State without having i paid : the required li- nao. of 1400. Both were released on a Tho will come ud .for liVA. 1 U . .. ' " - trial in' Recorder's court in the morn in p- both men having retained counsel and the issue will be fought out be fore the Recorder. Neither deny that thf.ii. visit -here was for the purpose of securing labor for the DuPont mu nition plant at Hopewell ; m iacv ad vertisements appeared in the daily press yesterday4 stating where the men would operate today and giving the wages that would be paid those who went. Neither man attempted 10 cjj under cover arid was surprised when notified that action would oe uwn against them. ; " ' - Mr. Hamilton was tne center wt j. pmnn of interested men under the shed at the union station this morning and among the many statements that he made . while signing ; slips which were given various persons 'was that his company would pay every wnue man who went at least $4.08 per day and would guarantee-all that went a job. One man wanted -to know if fa man with a leg and a half could get by and Mr. Hamilton mrormea. mm very candidly that he did not think so. Ho stated to tnose.assemDieu .wuuuu him that he did not want to misrepre sent anything in order to. get taem to go and that they could depend, on everything that he , had said. Those who told 7 Mr; Hamilton tnai m. like to think ' his proposition over were given slipsrlwhich he stat-. ed would insure them a job if they ap plied at any time within tne nexi- ou days. It is apparent that the indicted orotitimen intend f fiehting the b issue out, this belief-being; strengthened by j the able icounsel that . has been retain j ' Legal opinion differs as to;tnercon-, stitutionality of the proceedings instUi tuted .against these: two men. une prominent lawyer stated tna so ions no the men being -employed were riot under contract the agent could not be J molested, the idea being to prevent the breaking of contract between em' ployer and employ e.7 : f '" y 7 The - wages offered ; by ; the gentlemen- probably ; appealed ; very strongly to the" many men that were recently laid off by the city and told by Coun cil in open Bession when tney appeal ed there for .relief that the city, could visit by his family and they are guests of Mr. arid Mrs John H. Hanby at the Hanby cottage , on Wrightsville Beach. Dr. Whyte is also a guest at the beach, ! stopping , at the Seashore Ho tel. He - is a man of letters and a .me kww&zrz- t 7 i 7:? t S H)ri Foster comes especially to .sup- rAe" --.. - iv the nastorate of the First Baptist Baptist church andso it s fitting that church - during; the absence of Rev. John Jeter Hurt, D. D.. - who goes to he will address - this v class morning at 9:45 o'clock. Sunday '7- 7 ''"' ttCTED WINTER I 7 Vr BEST MML' r 7 V 7::7::7':7;7.;7:.b ; r 7The Corbett o" WholettJe Dibutor Wilmington . , .. :7'": "T'" - . : -7 -?:.-:cW;7 ... t 7:.S'- -7;-, '7':' Mm ; i ' vEmfirgentXJommu- 1 7 nication this Friday afternoon' 'beginning ;a&7; 7530 b clock cime since ians -w ere iieawvv i . . - k.- m n n that 1 is the hibiticri.tonfeht's''affai is ;exriected to humblest, laboringman tnas tne 777,: .-rii,. 7 - -7 y- r nninion Of druggistu . wuw . " . r-.- :.rr- ' o-oloBa t tablet that s wfiolly lirce i"- ,t' "- ' THE SOCIOLOGISTS 1 KJ LJUJKVJf er are! absolutely SPEAKmG rAT BOLTON. 77 1 jectionable effects 01 .uie iuu-B1.,lc-v,' rfv : mei. ;r - 7 7'; r';,-: 7 r Party . WHlVLeave City ? in iMachrne Y An occasional purifying or tne sxs-. i f felvMri theMornlnd77 tern and thorough cleansing:of the liv hprnnnjire lexnectftd to I .sharp, for ; thej pul aWrid toraortow's speaking at Bolton 1 maintenance of health, and calomel is , .htt!vinJ"tq n Aug. 3-Thev South-j pofee7 of i cbnferringlhici! Congress ,will devote j 11. n..kTItMA :nmiAk I . . w HAMmAttAn 4 m . 4- 1 . 1 . T.m 4-1. 1 11T1 Tl I fH M Tl F Mil HI IH.l . ... . . f me Duuuiuc ucii w i or tne ijnamDer -ju vuuuucujc uJoi(smisuNow yiub --t 01 iviao itn ivimovi' 1 interest of ticir itraaiqanou b.iiu t are entireiyr remuvKu, . j , i.ll I . .. .i. i ' . XV. I i -.4 1 rio1ntaV .-"Brill htt i tiT DfPi?xi Afom. : ftTt i W ?V? y;:r!t1 -; i; .7 . . ntinOlM t r i n. u. uuuwh f j I . .T-jj 7T1'..r'7v ; ahdVfbt the f)irther7jmrpose ot social falsing; Eery; member of thecham-l 0f the new calomel. Calotabs, will be into-rrvMiTse una uhsl wisues iu .ii. TOnn. nrissiuiT wui .: iumu . w air i vast t .iHcreaeu..r . u" ""'v Masonic 'boys that have ehlistea.toM their part : in giving FREEDOM to an i o'clock , tomorrow morning . ana tne no taste . or , unpleasantness oi any; matiVind. k -. i 77.. !ferrv charees will be assumed 'by the tind. A irood night's sleep : and, you. : SUPPER WILL BE SERVED ar I chamber.! ; the. program' incudes some f wake next - morning? feeling fine; with o'clock by a special; Caterer oiHhe of the best informed men.ln the counJ Roof Gardensi This work wiU b given try on the tick and cattle question and in full by the Grand Master. ; pr, what- they will?, say i will :be . of ,para Claude.L. Pridgen.vhVv I & mount interest to the f Anriers.- , 5 c All Master Masons will .be given n Jis;i, ; A : : . , fJ , '777', ; ; 'most hearty welcome. J ; ; X.7 Wrestlinfl latcn. at;Lumina .v.-.-: :.7S ':a.' S; . HOLDEN, Sec'y. tions.--Adyt. . onight in. addition .to regular attrac- this, the last day of the sixth annual. session, to consideration 01 race reia- j ;nna -a morning meeting at Blue Ridge began this program, which "will j be finished in two sessions in AsheJ viile this afternoon and evening, ur. .Trtmes H. - Dillard. of Charlottesville, Eat wnat you please no uaugeiv v "? T"rr f Taonville Mlss ffllotaha are sold only in original fart ,G. Noble, of jacKSonvuie, miss.,i i ValotaDs ae soia o"1; " , wlll :Ubcu88 the nfluences of ; educa- tv. no Tfmt rinr Newbold. Raleigh. N.r t. is, to speaa thoroughly ; delighted with -Calotabs.V on moral: and Bociologlcal aspects r AdYt. - ' 7;, J - . - " -' the race problem. , 7, 1 ALL KINDS FOR MEN, WOMEN, (CHILDREN. There is com fort and ; style in "7 every pair. Big lot just receiv ed at i- f',. -i f. RULFS 7 7?v ligt;soe Store. ik