THE WILMINGTON" DISPATCHFRIDAY-AFTERNOON,-AUGUST X 9 J 7, , :y.v,lM jv , V. t: PAGE SEVEN- i i i ' i, i i . i in 'i -ii - ' HSj ," " - , 1 ..".'.l' 1 f ' J'. 'J.'"" ' mi lr. il - in ii i nn... li i 1 l. t LL ' J I - i - - 1 t - .1. .ii . - i .. . r?. 'r-:v-': r.Hc mJi;: ? t f u, j i . ' , ! . , . i ' . . . , - ; - ' - 1 " . - . ' - -. , . 1 , t . . , bms ts faw warn t:. - usajI ; i -' 1 - - ' . . iaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' . : s i TjciTjK- qf i w . ( L! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Fiery Eczema and 3kin Eruptions Readily Ym SacessfuUy used for fiftyyjears. Eczema and similar, skin troublei f0ffl from a disordered, impure con dition of the bloody and they can nrtiv be cured by giving th blood a h Ugh cleansing.' and- removing rnm it all traces of impurity. - This is why S. S. S. has been used l0 successfully in hundreds of. cases Si Eczema and other skin .eruptions. This wonderful remedy is without an eqal as "a blood purifier, being prob ably the oldest blood medicine on ihe market. It has been "sold by drug gists for , fifty ;jyears You are invited . to write to-day for 'complete :- and iult. advice "as Xo the treatment of yordr "own case. Ad dress, Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. li , Atlanta, Ga. 4. 4 PONE COLLEGE SPOftf i - . ofnDOCn TUtr vir a TO DAY'S SCHEDULE, J o v-ri: v l4ew York, Afc. a.o.aij:the,coi lege sports affected. by the war none . J- . 4 Hotels arid Resbrts ... NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelnhla at Cbicktror New York at Cincinnati, 4 " ousiou ax fiLiauurgu, Brooklyn at -St. Louis, ' All clear. " ir-Ji ).. hotel at the safest and H-iv resort on the South. Atlantic Coast 1 he SEASI MOTEL Cer 20,000 teing spent on Electric trains conned - siTZLt K. C. Write today ior new. r-,;, im.. . . Mfu)ns fine DhotO- graphs , ot noxei , ' iree on reqjueau 7 E. L. H1NTON, Afanare - C" . AM EftJCAN "LEAGUE. . Detroit at New York,' .rain. Chicago at Philadelphia, rain. St. Louis at Washington, cloudy. Cleveland at Boston cloudy. SOUTHERN LEAGUE... Little' ' Rock at Mobile, cloiidy. -Nashville at Birmingham, qlear. 1 . Chattanooga-at Atlanta, cloudy. "Memphis at New Orleans, ; (2) ' clear, A. AM ERICAN LEAGU E. . has been bq completely eelipaedaiiin tercoilegiate .rowing. - This summer, for the first time In years the famous Vnftraen ? nn ttifi' Hudson - and .' at New London . have failed . . ta -.witneBs the J nf tho arrnw-llkfe flhells or Cho 1 to the cheers of the thousands of spec-1 tatora assembled to witness , the great aquatic derbies.' , . It Is interesting to recali.neverthe- Iessr that today is the sixty-nrth lrtn ilflv of ' fiitprnnlleeriate rbwinfir.v which W Che oldest of all American college aborts. Tt - was on -this date in 1832 that the student crews of Yale and 5 Jiarvard flrt - met in competition on 1 5 meaiaieiy oecame pupuiar uuu tur my txral teo.nAiu thpreafter aallatics can tinned to reign without a rival. j . nowing is sun me moi importani 1 1 major sport in those institutions , of 1 v i . , t -1- Ml . "... .. Results. Yesterday. At. Philadelphia 5; rCleveland 4 At Boston 1; Chicago 7. A New YoSVs- sTLouis 3-1 I learning where adequate, facilities ex At Newyork Ur? fct,.MUlS d-l. j. . AmftT1r v,',, mnf,t ntnminmi of th colleges and universities tnat. nave been active in, the sport . in recen years are harvard, yaie, . uorneu, Wrightarule Beach, OTEL First Stop Or" WrightevUle Beach, N. C EXCELLENT FOOD " ,' :,!-' 1""" t J 4; : . - 4-.. . . . -'..w - ir. . . . . Concert in Lobby by full LuminaOrchestra, every day from 12 till 1 :30 P. M. and 6:30 until 8:00 P.M. ' ' " r'Wv-V.y--- Boats for Channel and Ocean Rshing; Start from Oceanic Hotel Pier. ; Reservation?. Rates and BooktefAddres - C. E. HOOPER, Mgr it - Standing of the Clubs. W. L. Chicago s. 63 Boston - . . 59 Cleveland . .. ... .54 Detroit '..52 New - York .... 50 Washington . . . . .. .42 Philadelphia".. ..a5 St. Louis ':. .. .". '.'139 Pet. .630 .615 48 - .529 47 .525 46 .522 .429 .376 370 - ) 37 37 56 58 63 NATIONAL ; LEAGUE. ' - Results Yesterday. . At Cincinnati 2; -Brooklyn 6 ! At Pittsburg 3; New York 7, At SL Louis 0; Philadelphia 6. At Chicago 6-3; Boston 4-4. , Standing of the Clubs. r?' .w! L. New York .. .. .. '..60 Philadelphia , . . . " 48 a Tj-hiIh- . . . .52 Cincinnati 54 49 Rrooklvn . . . . . i . .46 46 Chicago . . , . . . : . i 48 Boston 4.. ... . . ..39 Pittsburg . . ':. . . .31 30 40 46 50 53 64 PctJ .667 45 ,531 .524 -!500 ,490 .424 .327 3,000 FeetUigh n ,P Switzerland of Americain Waynesville .C.," Jjje Highest Town East of u,Mits aui a leaalug summer ivewifc. f Hotel Q6r4ori WitV. fk R.f TkU ; triA Mountain Country Throughly modern hotel. Hot and JrnUblSMt c IJimMncr: KMalntfL HiirfleDftCK .iuuiKji -."1 -.1 ri. c a,, . . ' - trr- MAriiiA jfMinrarH h.i. i.iin uui usa For v ' l"clasH orchestra. The social Uieoi i:.uj - V. o; DUNHAM, Proprietor, Wayp tiho. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. , At Milwaukee 3; Minneapolis 2.' At Kansas City 2; St Paul 0. , At ' Louisville 10;; Toledo 2- ' At Indianapolis 2;-. Columbus 3. u. ; SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At Birmingham 3-6 r Nashville 5-0. At Atlanta 4 ; Chattanooga 2. . Others postponed, rain. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. ' At Buffalo i; Rochester 6. At Toronto 5 1 Montreal 10. At BalUmore 3; Newark 0. , At' Richmond 4;. Providence 1. BOSTON, WELCOMES , BELGIAN MISSION ,! Boston, Aug. 3 Qn the third anni versary of i the ruthless invasion ot their country by ; the Germans th UlCUlUCi a ui iuv yj -o Tieaded by Baron M6ncheur, arrived 4a Boston today- and were given a wel come that rivaled - in ; cordiality and enthusiasm the receptions recently ac corded here to the French and Italian missions. ' "The program mapped out, for the first day of their .visit, begin-, ning with the arrival in the city early, this morning, was calculated to keep the distinguished visitors exceedingly busy. Following breakfast, at the Cop-ley-Plaza Hotel the party was receiv ed by the Governor and council, at the State House. , A visit to Bunker Hill Monument was next" oh the program and then came a trip over the historic route to Lexington and -Concord,, with a visit to the old home of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Visits to Harvard Univer sity, Boston College, the Museum , of Fine Arts ana tue ruuyu wm w wjmb included in the . afternoon program, ' with a.pnblic reception in Faneull Hall andv a patriotic demonstration on "Bps ' ton Common planned for this evening. J" t' ' 1"1. . "' 1 ' ' t.: !" lights Scheduled For Tonight."! I 1 Marty, Cross vs. Albert Badoud,10 . rmnHa kr Fur Rockaway. -- ' " . , 5 ; Andre Anderson vs Kid Norfolk, l?r Aa ' a r TI11 train' ' - ! ' Bob Deverevs. -BilT 'Brennan, , 12 1 rounds at Plttsnew, Mass. - - Princeton, Pennesylvania4 - Annapolis, Syracuse,, Columbia; Wisconsin. Le land Stanford, California ; and Wash-' ington. ' . t ?v : "c', . " - V , .... Tri - NORWAY'S REGARD ; -, FOR KING HAAKON T .- ; --.-i , - Christiania,. Aug,; 3-r-The , forty-fifth birthday anniversary rbf .king IJaakotf was celebrated in the capital and else where throughout "Norway, todays with perhaps .more. genuine "enthusiasm than , has lieen display ed "by the lpe6 nlp on a like occasion-since the Dan ish-born king and his English queen werp called to the throhe in 1905-. fol- lowing , the . diasolutlpn s of 'Norway s union with Sweden. 1 ., ' : i - Norway has suffered frbm-the great riuropeau uuuuict ' us uayc an uiucj neutral nations and in certain quarters there have been evidences of dlssatis faction over ihe policy pursued by the government.' 'But the masses ot. the thankful that their country has been able thus far to avoid getting Into the maelstrom 01 acxuai wanare and to King Haakon is given a large .measure of credit for the success of the peace policy. The war has bound Norway, Sweden jatid Denmark- more closely together, the three kings have met and plalbhed ivi tHoir rights aa neutral coun tries, and this mutual need of holding jSS lOgeiucr lias i cauncu. , :..: jnonarcny more poiHimi ". 1 V : -1 -' 1 ." ..: ; : 4-' " 1.,- . f" 4 - - J jNineiy-mu y - . ; i Children out of i every hundred" write v A . , with their s Right Hand. ' ? ' ' , - A " , , . , ruey.'couiwu wivc .Tfc- . They . began the other way ana. nave never gotten out of the habit. - , v 'v, -, The Wilmington Dispatch goes into thp homes or wumingioniaun,' : " - t L.UW , WM . . . : . v - hunarea8 01 oxnera iwywuc , -1 - " . . It's kn afternoon -habit in the homes , - into goes. -. : - - i NO MATTER -i HOW 1-MANY4 ?f ' - PAPERS YOUMAYiHAVE. lN "s vrtiin. MnME . FROM JHE ' u" , : FORCE , OF rfAfilT ?Y.OULL . . . D P A n TH DISPATCH RST. , -C :You, have. Done, It For. iejirs And. ft ; Hr . comes so natural tnaC'ypujfyourBe;., :: ',' An -nnit PTPn thliilfabflnt it.-v .' ' T Jl yon read. any other paper, you'll ; , - read afters having -First BeMithft' w,Hi'..;'V v : mingtom Dispatch. v -V.1';'- V A5- " - Advertisers. It: has done teb for year'. , 1..V"- " ' .".".''.-- ,1, s'1' ' . """V, , ' - . . r-' ' . iV' 'I''.',' - - " . " - 'Pll , - n 0 . it . 4 . i - ; -; :. t .....:;.:.....:..;;:;:i:.w..;..;.;..i,;.;.....;.Vii 1 111 11 1 11 in 11 1 111 11 1111 1111 11111 1 1 11111 111 11111111 111 11 111111 111 111 11 muni iiiiiiiiiiiiuiim 1. . :" ' 41 f : , - - 1 1 i A v - rrrs ft" READ RilSII tfffVAV Ii effective fa trestrar palaless. non- petsonest IMM Bless, nan- pwiawnawa 2ml will tint arrlAtnra. ReiiBTea la 1 to & dart .'.Tr X e-" ' - ' ' ,-. 1,'- - ' . i- 1 I t-;y 1 in-." :,; . ..' :.: -i : if V. ' , ' 1 .... "' , . T ; N ' i Contest Starts 9:15 i i i ;--r- . - - -.--.-"j ' - . --' - . - . j ' i I..,, ii " ... 11 i I l! " 1 lUUil ! s. 1. Y ft ,i Jt. ia..: I. - - -tT &st Parcel Poat if desired Price 11, or S bottles 12.75.? tPrcpared by - TH3 BYAN3 CHEMICAL CP., C2CLiNATl, O. T (Mil t