WEATHER S 5 .i..-y'!-; ' -. North Carolina Vodnesday. .,, South Carolina: Wednesday. .FORECAST tfiy" ill nnn mm 11 ' - -i t- "V. VOL. XXIII. NO. 205. F ULL LEASED WIRE S E R VI CE :WILJVlITONg - r : n pi li vi i PRICE FIVE CENTS T7 i ii r7 : - K7 I 1 4 4 4- 4V 4 4- 4? 4 "4 7 4J .':."' 4 '4 4 ,4r 4 -4 r ii r 1 I m Li. 135 n mm. i - m i P I 1 i 1 Inta Pope Benedict Makes Plea To The Belligerent Countries To End Great Worldwide Clash Appeal States Terms For Bringing About The End. -X- . -55- 4f -5f -X- HEAD'OF JAP. MISSION JUST ARRIVED. X- -X- -X- X X X -X- vr -A -X- -X- -X- WOULD HAVE GERM ANY GIVE BAGK BELGIUM AND OTHERS Alsace-torraiiie And Poland To Be Peace- iRhnie'Rll-i Problems Of fu official Reports Of Peace Proposal1 But Remains Silent-Entente Nations Suspect Trick By Germany '5K Plans Perfected at War De , partment For Their Depart-' ure at "Some Time' - 1 THE ENGINEER TRAIN FROM THIS STATE Enumeration of The Bodies of Troops to Compose the Di vision Time of Depart ure Kept Secret. ; T (By Associated Press.) Washington, August 1.4. Plans for sending the first . National Guard i I uuuya tu jiaucu nave neen penecieu i by the War Department with the or ganization of a division which will in clude troops front 26 States and jthe District of Columbia. - The States from which the National Guard troops are to be assembled are Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin New York, Ohio, ; Georgia, Alabama Iowa Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota4, Maryland, South - Carolina, California, Missotiri,, Virginia, - North Carblina, t Kansas, ; Texas,-;. Michigan, New Jer- ' 4 4-' DECLARES HAS GERMAN C FLAVOR. . ', ;:- . (By Associated Press.) Rome, Aug. 14. -Peace proposals made by Pope Bene dict have heeffdelivered to all the belligerent governments.. The Pope suggests restoration of Belgium, Serbia, and Ru mania and peaceful solution of the problems of Alsace-Lorraine- Trent, Trieste, and Poland, according to reports received from Vatican sources. It is expected the proposals will be pub lished today by the Vatican. State Department Admits Knowledge. Washington, Aug. 1 4. The State Department acknowl edges that it had received unofficial knowledge of Pope Bene dict's peace proposals before today's news dispatches were-received here. No official cognizance can be taken of it until the proposal is conveyed officially. Whatever consideration is given to it, will be after consultation with the Allies. v At the Apostolic Delegation all knowledge of the Pope's proposal was disclaimed. It was said the Pope had not trans mitted it to the United States government and did not expect to do so. The opinion was expressed that it would come through a neutral government. Withih the Entente diplomatic ... circle the opinion ' was freely and promptly expressed thatvthe peace proposal Was in sired by Germany and was an attempt to split the allies in a conflicting discussion of their war aims. Reduction of armaments; settlements of all international disputes by arbitration; freedom of the seas, and no retaliatory after-the-war economic struggle for supremacy, are the foun dation stones of Pope Benedict's peace proposals. ; pointed out that it is important to know whether the proposals came full-fledged from Vienna or Berlin, or whether the Pope himself framed Announcement that 'the Spanish Ambassador at Rome had transmitted Pope FV'iodiet's proposals to the Ital ian Rovernmont, and the opinion ex pressod at the apostolic delegation here that thoy might be delivered to ,lie Tinted states by a neutral, led to he Possibility that the Spanish Am-: wssaiJo,- here, Juan Riano, might convey 1 hem to the State Department. fhe KpaniKh embassy's only informa yon today, it was said there, had wen received from the Fresf. dispatches. Without WW (,W. ,r,,,. .U J- t. -".1 f,j v c: iiuitjllta, iu euicuic embassies were intensely, interested n the Associated Press cablegrams Associated advices of any kind from ' 4' ' 4- 4' CHINA DECLARES WAR GERMANY. ON (By Associated Press). London, Aug. 14. The so-call- ' ed peace terms have a distinct v German flavor. This reply was 4 4 given in an authoritative quarter 4 4 in London today in reply to a 4 4 question by , the Associated Press 4 v. in regard to the Vatical proposals. 4 4 The; opinion' was expressed 4. 4' that the inspiration for the peace "4 i move probably- emanated from 4 4 Austria" and was in the nature of 4 Fatherland Should Only Tielol , Captured ' Territory, ariq ; Join m Disarmament. 1 sy, .Tennessee," Oklahoma, Nebraska, 4 more definite propositions, from 4 -qoiorado, Oregon andthe pthexs from L the central -powers "to- the alUes. the: TO.strUttdf;qolif4 I JikiMrf! announcement," "under- t'tM-e heading ffli y .''.- f . 7 ' :, 'i? t "Composite -National Guard Divisions" 1 - " ' ' "S-"-7 " "y ,V (By Associated Press). London. Aug. 14. Reuter's Limited has been officially inform- ed that China has declared war 4 upon Germany and Austria-Hun- 4 gary, the declaration dating from "41 10 o'clock this morning. 4, Legation at Washington Advised. Washington, Aug. 14. Official 41 notice of Chita's declaration of 4 war on Germany and Austria- Hungary was received today at 4 J the Chinese legation in cable dis- 4 patches from Peking. 4 Franklin County Preacher Ar rested For Preaching Trea son Against United States MUCH POLITICS IN GUARD MATTERS Gossip as to Appointments Made and to Come Poe Denounces People's Council of America (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleieh. August 14. Rev. H. 4 44'4 4444444 4 1 Wolfe, Christian preacher, is occupy- 4,ing a common cell in Wake county jail, charged .with puipit utterances that savor" of sedition. : Mr. Wolfe was brought to Raleigh Sunday by Deputy Marshal John B. . I Sturdivant. The United States officer ;- (By Associated Press.) ) went over to Governor Bickett's coun- , 'Juarez, Mexico, Aug. 14. Jose Ynez j ty heard Brother Wolfe expatiate Salazar had been killed by a small j and brought the gentleman of Teuton fnmpr chipf of staff to Francisco Vil-i ic extraction back to Jailor Jordan. GENERAL SALAZAR 1 KILLED BY HOME GUARD la; was shot and killed at the Nogales ranch,K a short distance from Ascen cion," ' .Thursday. A-nericans arriving here today from Csas Grandes said Salazar had een lilled by a small When Mr. Wolfe , was brought here Sunday he turned -oyster and gave Commissioner Nichols nothing upon which to work. Marshal Sturdivant thought the gospel preached Sunday was more comforting to the Kaiser band ol home guard who were organ-; than onybody else and after the serv- ice took Brother vvoite by tne arm. Yesterday morning the minister was little more disposed to talk but finally broke a few remarks. -Jailor Jordan introduced O. J. Coffin and The Daily News representative as "Daoer men." ' "I's nothing to say ! to them," Brother Wolfe said, . "and ized .to protect the Csas Grandes dis trict. - r " .fhe story told the Americans was that three jpf Salazar'a -men were mis taken : iov raiders by guards at the Nogales ranch and killed, and that when the leader went o see why his them in the light of an understanding men were detained -a like fate befell! he may have acquired of the minimum him. .His body was recovered and; not-coins to to them demands of the Central powers. - t will be brought here f r burial. " Sal-r "Do you suspect this as the work The entente diplomats agree that azar's family is living here. i of seine enemy of yours who is trying the peace proposals did not come froiri - . , to get back at you-by using" the gov- any of the allied capitals. So far as J; a trCr'rfc : ernment?" Mr. Wolfe was asked. Great Britain is concerned, it was .FRANKFORT RAIDED i yes," he replied, "that's "just what saifl. there has not been any intention! V . DV AT I f CT AIRMFN I think it is. I tiont Know anyDoay of departing rrom tne ouumes ais- closed in the, public speeches of:PreH mier, LIoyd-Gsorge ana foreign Min ister Balfour. ; The extreme element among French Socialists have never Composite "The following organizations of the National Guard have been selected -to compose' the42nd division: "T)ie ' following-"; numerical designa tions have r"been assigned: : V. - , -'Division headquarters troop, to consist of the second separate troop, Louisiana cavalry. "The ' division machine gun battalion,-No. 149, to.- be composed of the third battalion. Fourth Pennsylvania infantry. "The infantry brigades to be num.-J bered 83 and 84. - v j "The 83rd infantry brigade, to com prise the 150th machine gun battalion composed of - companies E, rF, and G, Second Wisconsin infantry the' 165th infantry (69th New York infantry); and the 166th infantry (4th Ohio in fantry), National -Guard. , "The 84th infantry brieade to com- I mtiHA 4 l-i ICIof in q nil i n a onin . Vo l-f a li"r companies B, C, and F, Second Georg ia finantry; 167th infantry (4th Ala bama infantry),vandthe 168th infan try (3rd Iowi infantry). ' 4 "The artillery brigade to be num ber 67th, comprises:: ' : "The 149th field artillery (1st , Illi-j nois field artillery) ; the 150th field artilery (1st Indiana field artillery);) the 151st field artillery (1st Minnesota i field artillery); and the 117Lh trench mortar battery, to be composed of the third and fourth companies, Mary land coast artillery corps. "The engineer regiment of the divis ion will be numbered 117th,. The first battalion will be formed from tho first separate battalion, engineer. South Carolina; and the second battalior. will be formed of the i first separate battalion engineers, California. :"v "The divisional field battalion sig; nal troops, will be organized from the Missouri (National Guard. Thai head quarters train and military police Will be Organized from the-coast artillery corps, Virginia. 1 The 1 engineer train will be organized from the North Car- THINKS ALL NATIONS: HAVE BEE1NT PUNISHED Pope Benedict Makes a Strong , 7. Appeal s That Peace May ,;-PrevaiIDbVs;'Not:'.Want ' Economic IWar to Follow I . Conclusion bifthe Conflict! V' BY LflFOLLETTE Concurred in by. Senators Gore and Thomas of the - Finance Committee PRINCIPLE OF BILL IN RAISING FUNDS Attacked on Ground TTiat It Does Not, Sufficiently Tax Corporatipris, Incomes, and War Profits. : ,. (By Associated lres.; Washington, Aug. 14. A minority report of the Senate Finance commit tee on the War Tax bill was present ed to the Senate today by Senators LaFollette, - with the concurrence of Senators Gore and Thomasi recom mending that . yar profits and big 'in comes be utilized as the principal sources : of taxation .in providing for the c6untry's war needs. ; Contrary to ' expectations, Senator LaFollette did not present a substi- f . (Bv .Associated -Pres. ' V ahlngton--Aug. 14. Jbe. Pope f ). porposairciialread tlyere:theka .dtnt6ir'lafrtaB powers ,in Rome makes something more" than a cplumn of large newspaper' typer.-" Al though special efforts are being made ;' i to facilitate its transmission ' to ? the , IJnited States, this may not be effected for at,:least. a day or two- vw-Ci'V"' Meanwhile however, an accurate out line of the principal . points .. flt' Hho Pope's communication Is in. the hands of the government, here and already has received thoughtful consideration. ' v In eloquent language, the Pontiff de scribes the terrible .conditions exist ing in Europe ; whrch he declares is headed for destruction unless the bel ligerents are" willing to' listen to the. appeals of disinterested friends . jtp cease a suicidal war. . Such conditions,' the Pope, feels amply justify - him )u taking the present, opportunity to. sug gest what may be, he,hopes at leas a " foundation upon .whii&h peace negotia tions may be, initiated.: v i i r.J'77'. At best, Pope Benedict's proposals are only suggested - as a rough, basis for such negotiations,; and hev realizes : that the details in'all ; their complexity 4 must be worked out, patiehtly and in a spirit, of coaoiliatiptt , by' . the ? belliger-" ents themselves ,?,,y, , -, -' Unqualified approval of President Wilson's plan for ; the; avoidance of future wars by some form, of interna tional organization .which shall havQ behind it the necessary power to en force its judments, Is - given 1 by - Pone Benedict,, who declares that along 'with such a; splendid-project must ga an effective arrangement for reduction of armaments to a point just sufficient for defensive - purposes or. to : carry out the mandates of the -world court It is inconceivable, the Pope, holds that any permanent place can be main tained unless the various peoples are," willing to gather armity founded, upon a recognition of national, rights. Any attempt to prevent free econom-""" I' ic action between the" belligerents. tute fpr the pending War .Tax; bill. He announced, however, that unless the Senate adopted amendments to'be of-' the Pope;point8 out would be disan- Texas trops. They will be known re spectively as the 117th field battalion, signal corps; the 117th headquarters train and military police; thev U7th ene:ineerf train: the l7th ammunition ; who is likely to do it, but if What I'tsahrand the H7th supply train. ,r fered by himself and his. associates, ai trous, mereiore,. nesays, tnere must substitute would be offered. ' ; be freedom of the seas In all that , the mu ,t. k--t term . implies. The 'Pontiff declares j. lie? in iixui it jr f x cyui l iiu.i gco . 1-11 a r it n x x A , . . - to all of the belligerents that there can ue noj thought now. of eithter Indeni- olina troops. The ammunition tram the bill as - revised by the majority L'will be organized from the Kansas i makes but palpably inadequate . pro- troops and the supply train from the 1 vision; for raising :of revenue needed ! nity Q reparation TfiYaR trons.- Thev will be known re-' for' financinsf the war- throueh the"' V ... . . : ' have been preaching isn't ; acceptable Amsterdam; 14.-S' Entente to the people, why my church would rnlane on Sunday passed over I n't continue to make me pastor. 1 r the Frahkfort-on-the-Main and dropped have" had 5 churches ana nave oeen chine 10 vears, nave been m tms '-'A' i juiiiun 111 Liin Liunucu ducclr. - practice prevents anytnrn .Q Freneh sovereignty, of Alsace-rYMqv from a German cltv. Four Der Ohio diplomatic Qll4 1. hut it wna anrmrpnt flt that, the peace proposal falls on unrereptive ears so far as the dipld- "latS lion. r,r, 1 rrv t" v-UUlCi 11CU. x lie emeu templated anything short of the re- Wording to a dispatch received here' State 11 years. I came here ' from cerned, it is said here,, tire gdv-iWCmded ernment would be overturned by the 1 qi Saturday Frankfort was raided people J.f it , consented- to' abate its dg-j by irf-iiumber of Entente airmen .who manrl : fnr i "TttiTiji irreilAnfa in volvlne . ncH covornl , hnmhs "Nr oti was Vio- rootnrflHrirv of th Austrtan nfOV-" ir5llo I - A fAv- inmatea of a hosnital I ' What college . LUV VrffcJ M. vvu w . . - y ,-, - ' " - " 1 M I insxxx nn thp. ' Adriatic to Italv. V I werp Atniured sliehtlv. One of the ! ed Russia's interest in the proposals, viator dropped 5 bombs in a wood as outlined, is very limitedoutside of to file west of Frankfort without caus- ing . any ; damage. ', ' - , ''t'lH'lisentntivpc! witlinut alfo-ht- ""'"'riMice of opinion, declared the ne7'A nrieinated with Germany, ua s Austria as an intermediary with 8t8n,ii..:. .Decause of the better ber eeneral concern for a speedy. Pir v' n (1 reat .Catholic em-7honorabie peace in conjunction with "ii the Pope. ' he'r allies,, by reason of the omission anv i "' was no disposition to ascribe; of any reference to the' Balkan ques- Bfno I- ,-"-,-lcoL UJ rope UOll, UUIBJUC JUI ocioio auu nuuiniui an edu cated man ; where, did. ; you go, to school Mr.: Wolfe was asked. r'I studied in Ohio," be said rather generally. : -''"' V.j ;::- "! nnrf flCMl. war onH flint- tho rkniia .. - . . ..v. "" "The sanitary train, ' to . be known .s the 117th sanitary train, will be1 comprised , of the first, second third,! 1 tica. he sava - all' the hpllicprnta mut' UpOn. fimj4 f annant fha Inaana than tir sustained except in the matter of terri tory and beside these questions" demnity and reparations the' Pope, de clares there must be no continuation of taxation, has been placed AT 1 nMn. in. Knni. it-" Englan. has taxed her war profits 80 per cent. . without impairing her great authorities,- declared Senator La Follette. Instead,v her wealthy class- 0f the war by an . economic struggle es "were never in receipt of larger! for sum-emacv thereafter whirh would :and fourth ambulance companies .being incomes nor Were, her larger businssbe purely evil, v respecuveiy ine . nrsi. auumwuvB ; concerns more -nourismng"f Heavy ; This refers directly to the so-called panies of Michigan, New Jersey, . Ten- taxes, he' said, could, be levied on Paris., economic conference which was nessee ana',oaiaon--.a, me iirsi.,: teu-L American corporations without any ond, third -and .fourth field hospital ) fear of affecting I capital or crippling comDanies being respectiveiyth'e first i iTwinstrv. . ' 1 . . .. field hospital companies of Nebraska, (Continued on Page -Six) . but Vol.. Vienna accepting at their face proposals emanatinir from tlllt nn. il a.' Ti'Rq aiuiany we question ivh in raised as to the proper , the -future at '..P v attrac (Continued f leaving excluded any. question of con- S Ahr official statement issued by the French war department, on Sunday 'Said r that two French aviators flew Frankfort-n the-Main on Saturday Centra? resPnsi"bJlity between the solution? ai Powers and the Pope.- It was i - ; (Con trol of tbe . entrance to .the Black sea. ' and '"drp'tj Orabs m the city. - The However, the propbiltlonil to't submit Statement tiddeel that the raid was nJ to a ''peaceful f made in ; retaliation tor .tne uerman ome'i attention iav bombardments of ; Nancy and region Whv, I went to Oberbm Univer Ri'tv ut -didn't- graduate,". Mr. Wolfe replied. "My people are Germans, but tbey were born in this country, and so was I- v I am a' native of Canton, President McKinley's home t j t n,ooa van have neara or mm. iou " 4 - 4 ALLIES TO SEE K AfipTH E R : LOAN. s "From the income tax and the war progts tax,'' states the report, ''there can t be raised without subjecting the country "to serious financial strain and without depriving the wealthy even 4 , the luxuries of life, more than double . the amount . of the pending bill.' : . 4 If Congress were to .adopt the Brit- , ish rate of 80 per cent, on war profits, 4 Senator ; LaFollette, said, more than 'age Three) north of Paris. t. fRv Associated 4 Press) . i Washington, Aug;: 14.HCongress $2,-250,000,000 wpnld - be realized in a have! heardtoo, Of Dr.JVicker st my., f -MV -PBSKea . , . jo.021.000.000: cnurch,rn?r,Bea e 1 lies. , ; . . .. ; , -v 1 what my character is -: He wag asked as t to ; his politics. Ml. ; (Continued on : page Eight) . 7 l, i .cghtr $1,435,700,000 J a ' Vi V$l,155,100,000, and: 30 40 per cent., per cent. $866,- (Continued on Page" Three). " ; followed by one in Vienna, where the. effort was made' to bind the ; oelligerr ents on either side after the, war 'iov have, practically no commercial rela--tions with their enemies. L ' - On the important question of , the disposition of occupied territory and, the territorial' ambitions of the bellig-, erents, the pope, by, way of preface, ad-. mits that special cases might justify special consideration and still. be ad: justed in ; conformity with the ' princi: pies of equity and justice. But, as a general proposition,- he feels that a. proper basi3 for discussion W0u1d7 be the restoration at once of all territory now in enemy occupation. ': That would -involve liberation - of - Belgium, leaving gard to every power and nation. r (Continued on Page.KigVit.)' j M7y . . -'M ..:t v X.t ?7ii - ji

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