v. "- ' ".' . , . , - 5'-''- - '" --' '1 1 J 1 i 3 r i c J- r - I p " " - ' - - ' . . . L--:. J - , - J.. T- L.-i .V - -f--L-Ar- - GERMANY SHOULDN'T PAY CENT' SHOULD GET BACK COLONIES ,r; (Continued from Page One). IN PRISON CELL ; (Continued ffpflf Page One.) f or military. The same principle of unencumbered freedom in its run sense.' he says, should prevail in re- -eard to ever DOwer.and nation. : Mot nniv must' French territory nov occupied by Germany be restored--to Pronto hp saVS. but- on ' the other colonies, which haveJ 'ttrtkit'-nMiinied bv England Portugal, Belgium and Japan should be return ed to Germany. a ; The more difficult question of Italia Irredentia, the Pope thinks should be examined in a spirit of conciliatiori and fairness and that a special conr - aideration into the settlement should ational aspirations. . Likewise does the Pope hold tt'8t the complex questions involved in rer adjustment 6f. the Balkan Jstaies should be considered in the same spir it of equity and justice. He has espe cially in mind Armenia, the Balkans .and Poland, and the intimation con veyed is that these questions can safe- Jy be dealt with Dy aireci aipiuiuauu exchanges between the belligerents once an agreement is reached upon the general principal of recognition o national aspirations and justice. SECRETARY BAKER TO THE NEW OFFICERS (Rt Associated Press. 1 Washington,, Aug. 1 14. Secretary Baker today issued the following mendine the work of the men who have filled the officers training camps and noting the patri otic motives that have prompted tnem to make sacrifices in order that the nation should have officers. The state ment said: "The War Department feels no small Dride in the commissioning during these days of thousands of young of ficers who have passed through a pe riod of training as thorough and in tensive as it could be made by men of the regular forces. "Two thoughts I like to keep with me as the men come from their camps throughout the country. First, their selection and preparation has been ac complished by means .as far remove J I . - !ii l I dv Dersonai lavunusui as uuuiu ws devised. Secondly, the thoroughness of the training received by these men will mean that those who will be chosen under the selective service act will properly be instructed and led so as to insure a maximum of effective ness and a minimum of casualties." NEW RAILROAD TO COAL FIELDS (By Associated Press.) . Newport News, Va., Aug. 14. It is reported here that Rockefeller inter ests jtvill build a railroad from the Northern West Virginia coal-fields direct to Newport News as soon as possible. This is to be an emergency road for coal only and is to be built on" account of conditions aris'Iflg "ou"l of, the war. ..I James A. Somerville, who has just returned from a trip through, the vaT: ley of Virginia, says that many per sons of that section have already sold property to be used as a right of way for the railroad. He says the inter ests who bought the right of way said that' the terminal was to be at Newport News. The Virginian Railway taps the southern coal fields of West Virginia and this road is on tap and this road is to tap the northern fields. GERMAN SUBMARINE TAKES CREW FROM SHIP (By Associated Press.) WashingtonT'Aug. 14. The crew of the American schoner A. B. Sherman recently found abandoned at sea,, has been brought into an English port and reported to the American consul that their vessel was attacked by a German submarine on June 26, which set all hands adrift in a life boat. One American seaman was shot in the foot during the attack The sub marine took off some provisions and the crew supposed the schooner was then to be destroyed. Instead a pass ing vessel found her afloat and took her safely to port. r ain rSoehtf tstMr Volfe said.. ttuiWhe" "Hepublicaii. : Sq cialismij I late preache'd; socialism.: But I; have not: beehvjpreibht I have been 'preacaipg ;th'eiW6rd. A About neV thtrdaf fti'M made-up; i of prophecy about S&fSAwM'p I nave been ; preaxJn. ing f oaoTearl that : it is , coming; have beprac&fog a- great deal ? since UVmm Vwasinevitablef: have known; pyer : since last yeaT that it was 'bouhd to'cpme.' . j v ' ' Brother ilWWf eJia asked gently ' If : for Germany. n.yes, I iiave," he said. Mar .people:: aris Germans, ; thoughs I have not:l':S.ypathl2.edr'wlth'-":-JinpiBriaI Oemanjv Ii ayenjeen;.; opposed .tQ the tmijteriausi pj .uermany. i uave exbresseo!';' mysefttevarably to Jer- many. Thei Gr?pta;ns.. are. away ahead of the? w6rld;hevnate only 3 illit-' erates -4n -1 O0b;lots ; better, than het4 in , the routiiBUtf"I;haVe not been, preaching ;sedltioh All :tliat I hae said . was that there wasn't any heed of this war, that it is an unjust .war .and could , have : been "prevented. ' I have said that . and the people have been ' agreeing with me. They haVej not thought . I . was seditious. They knew I was preaching the Word.' had preached. If' often and told, them that this was wWdiiif up things; that Jesus was coming back to reign and the devil was to be' put down. ' I be lieve it, the Word is full of it "- ' "I don't Quite follow you there," Mr. -Wolfe's interviewer said. "You mustn't think I am trying to confound you,v.but if the Bible is onethird, nronhpev- of this warr if vOu have seen that it was inevitable and looked for it 10 years; if it is the beginning of the millennium, how could it have been avoided without violence to prophecy arid how can you call it an unjust warfrom your own country's angle?" Brother Wolfe cracked his first smile. He declared! that .' he had not recently made any remarks in , favor of Germany and had been true ta. the: country- of . his birth. Aided by the suggestion that the . prophets did not advise war, but merely foretold it, Brother Wolfe then dropped easily iff- to his favorite; place on the bench and went on with his conversation. - If he had preached Germany, the Scriptures are Germany. . If he had preached so cialism, the Word is socialistic. If he had knocked, the government for war ring . on Germany, the" Word was his authority. ; If he had foretold the war, the prophet-- had beaten him to it. ' Brother Wolfe's disposition to play a joke on- the- Infiinte by heading off a war which' a' f 'third of the Word" had declared inevitable, was on a par with Zimmerman's cession of . Texas, Arizona and-New Mexico to Old Mexi co. ' "' ' "Regarding Jis infamous your pro posal to create dissension in America at this time by working for repeal of the methods .for conducting the war I tpVwJjihv.itJieatln.iif ;mmjttedV,' declared Ularence Foe today in a red hot telegram the" People's Council, of America, "and believing all such agi tation can. qnly strengthen the Kaiser, lengthen th , war, and destroy addi tional American lives, I vote absolute ly against Jgivingr you the use of pur list for spreading pro-German ' propa ganda, although you sugar-coat your real purpose, by advocating other poli cies I approve." ,Poe believes there is a' "deep laid and systematic effort to mislead the farmers, of. the: nation as to the pur poses of the war and arouse opposi tion to its conduct. "The latest move, is made by : the : People's Council' of America,'. DrivPoe says today, "which 1 1 . hi. . l i : . . -1 - . : aiung wim uuvocaung sucn popular im policies as meeting, the cost of the war by taxatioi) "of wealth,' and 'in ternational '. organization for the mainr tenance' and, 'an early, democratic and f . n -,M ESSEN1ER SERVICE. Fpr this ssrylce wt usfr ths Pet tal.' Telegraph Cable ; Cornpanya mcttengeraw 'fhiy will call for, your 'I'ade-Jnihetjaatne? manner and quick tljrne ae" they hew cover the ;clty f OHreleorama,- nlflht let teegramaV.taWea,:etc-j,::': 1 For "further '' Information ae. to ade call 176; ; but for tefegraph ervlcer; call "P iy BY' READING TH E$E LOCAL ADS s : your isearch for . a furnished .room ' 'shifts ; from .'"anywhere" to". "Some- . where;' you look at iooins that- arje - satisfactory: as tojrice and loca tion, aud select from these the ones 4 that suit, you best.' Thus f a short y search serves you' better than a :lo!ng oae 8 1.2 3t J . FOR RENT; FURNISHED ' BED Room Grand Theatre Building. Ideal ' for geatlemen.- Apply "D.'R. Foster &vCo7 Phone1 1220. , 7-22- su tthu IF YOU WANT RESULTS; USE MUU tigraph ! facsimile typewritten : let vters they "get there." r; Our print ing commercial and job-work, is , of the, best quality rquick service.,' En graved stationery, , cards, etc. Har ' riss " Typewriting - and Auver Using Company. 7-19-tu-thu-sun-tf . F5R" SALE -TWO GOOD MULES At reasonable prices. Apply to R. A. ' Burnett, Supt, New Hanover County J RoadsPhone Nrt 1599-J. 8-10-eod 7t FOR" RENT TO RIGHT PARTIES at Greenfield Park,v Bungalow Ice Cream Parlor and Drink Stand, . Oyster' Roast, Fishing and Bathing Privilege. Address, Greenfield Park Development Co., Wallace, Ni C. - 5VVOULD LIKE TO TALK WITH YOU about the three stores 126, 128, 130 Princess street, Garrell Buildine. F. A. Lord, Agent. 8-14-2t v i"i,7?ivvxvv t1" y'S: i ccst -owe - oirtrr Ami i nnnr a ; v?;; iiui vy mi rac v IL, 'THEN CONQUER WE MUST, WHEN OUR CAite V " :: ; ITISJUST. AVSE I A war not of our seeing has been thrust oupon u8 rThePeyles Savings Mank, in common with the otic citizens of pledges full support tcT Government Ur Our national policy is upheld in by one hunrlmj lion Americans---this means:might. - - f Our national wealth is greater than of anv ntU tion-over $220,000,000,000. " er n J Oqr tanking reso $30000,000 OOfl this means strengths. ; ' r Our stability will endure. , i & THE PEOPLES' SAVINGS BANK 4 ' Comer Front and Princess Streets. II WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of I88U9 wnea bo requested. Phone your order to Gordon'! News Stand. , c 10-7-tf FOR RENT -103 80tiTr IGHTH street $lM(T:uatontji.4; Apply J. T. Gordon, agent Phone 745. 5-29-tf Fl NE HORSE FOR SALE rSUITA ble" for, buggy or deliv6ry - wagon. Will sell reasonable or will exchange : for" lights used automobile.- Address "Excellent Traveler," P. O. BoxllS 8-7-7t-j MANY FREIGHT CARS ORDERED SOUTHEAST (By Associated Press.) Washington, Aug. 14 To , facilitate the prompt movement of grain and food products, Us well as munitionsT the car Service commission, of the railway war board, has ordered the immediate distribution of nearly 21, 000 additional empty cars among, the lines operating in the South, the Mid- general peace - in hamiony with the principles outlined. by) Free Russia,' exposes its real purpose when It pro poses 'to" wgrlk; for the repeal of the conscription latvsV-'i 5 1 Military i'menrareauthority for the rumor ; since the retirement of adju- ant-Generals B..-.S- Royster and Col. George U Jeterson that Colonel Peter son will become f colonel of a negro regiment and General Royster brigade tcommander'. ' '. ", ' The resignation , of ; these military men last 'Weelf and v the appointment ,of Brigadier-General Lajwrence W, Ing the administration of Governor Craig,- had much' more of political in terest, in it, than the surface indica tions justified one's "indulging. Since Governor Bickett ; has recommended Major Joe; J. -Bernard's appoinlnlent as property disbursing officer a warm fight is expected.. The Peterson-Young feud is of common r knowledge. ; The -f.wo do npt ; mix. , i General Ydurig'a friends ascribe the General's failure to land high in the Federal service dlewest and the Southwest. This makes a total of more than to the fact tha Colonel Peterson,. who 100,000 empty cars ordered, moved in . ranks- high in that division, was not the last two months from one railroad4vohserved in ahy enterprise looking. to to another, regardless of ownership;-the elevation v of Geheral ; i YOung.' to. mobilize in various parts of the Abroad: General Young fared badly, country a sufficient number to handle 1 Colonel Petefrson well. At home Gen f;he abnormal government and com-' eral Young; 'gets -.; the "commission of mercial traffic produced by war con- Governor Bickett.. 1 r : ditions. ' !Both - Peterson arid Young ? were More than two-thirds of the cars 'strong Bickett men,'.P6terson especial QXdered by the districts "that need Jy. so. He did his levelest for Bickett inm win oe suppnea Dy tne Fenn- ' ssampson ana tne, returns snowed sylvania system. the work done. General Young was a Blcketimaii ' as i was his brother. T-but the .Geherar asf not the apostle to the Gentiles. .type, v Noboly. einvied WANTED MAN TO .WORK .LIVE stock , and . automobile insurance. Splendid contract. Jas. M. Steven son, 302 Southern Building, 9 to 10 a: m. " , 8-14-3t FOR SALE LINE. OF INSURANCE with- good renewal account .already . established. Good terms, Easy 6 . write. No competition. "Exclusive," ,Box;415. 8-14-3t NEGRO ARRESTED ,', FOR BRANDON MURDER r (Bj Associated Press.) Baltimore, Aufr. 14. John SnQwden a negro, was arrested rn?tAtinap0l4 last night' charged .with murder of Mrs. Lottie May Wandon,' whose body was found in her home in Annapolis )ast Wednesday. The information that led to the arrest of the negro was furnished by Mrs. Spencer Murray,, a suffragist leader in Annapolis; -She was told by a negro woman in her employ that the later5s daughter, from a house across the street, had seen finowden enter the Brandon house on the day of the murder. N ORTH ER N IRI S H POTATO ES, O R angeeV't Lemons,- -Onions, : Navy Beans, complete line crushed Fruits, Coco Candies and Chewing Gum. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co., No. 19 Market street. Phones 452-453. 8-8-tr ,. '. - IF. YOUR BOY ,18 CALLED, TO THIS 'service of hie country, it may he many months before , yon see him again. :: Hateyott ft .' recent photor feraph to remember him by? Let us picture hirna he ir today; FoltC & Kendrick Photographer & 6-18-tf JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF Army Regulation .Lockers and . Trunks at a special priced Charles Finkelstein '-No. 6 S,outh Pront street. Phone 642. . ; : ?.5 it SHAND8 GROCEaV. FOURTH ND Nun-A f ull line of fresh groceries. Prompt delivery and courteous ser vice. -''Phone 30.- " S-26-t 5-PA8SENGER MAXWLL AUTOMO- bile . in iBrstclass r condition for saie cheap or. will exchange for iReai Es tate If interested apply; Queen- City Cycle Co,; 2.09 Market street 841-1 tt f IT'S G RAVELY IMPORTANT' THAT : you should have people work for you ; . whose efficiency . - is . undoubted.; . Bunglers can turn y our profits Into losses and it takes efficient wo rk folks to turn them again into profits Watch the , ads and advertise too. 8 !2 3t j . : . ' 5UFFRAGET PICKETS LOSE MORE BANNERS MECHANICS' HOME - ASSOCIATION 401d and Strong"- 54th series B. 6c L. stock, jiow ope. t Walkerv Taylor President; WV M Cummine. Secre- f Uxfi 208 Princess street 6-27-tf ex- Sun '.. - , TWENT Y.FI V E iOO LLARS 4. SA V E D by Taking a ScholarshIp- in The Motte Bxsiness College Jnc., before September lst on combihedcourse or Ten . . .Dollars saved '"On single course 'of .' Shorthand ahd Typewrlt ingi Phone , 706' or callf at College; 3rd floor Home Saving; Bank build ing, corner Fropt and Chestnut any day from-nine to One-o'cldckv Posi tion guaranteed. V 8-11-tf HELP WANTEDWE WANTr FROM 15 to 25 good intelligent - girls , to learn . to weave. Some of our girls -are making" $2.00 (to-; $2.50 per dayi ; " The work, is not hfird-and the work " ing cohditidtid are good.-: The ' boys f 'have togo to war and as a patriotic - duty the-, girla must learn to make -cloth to ,clQthe4hem... Apply: if pos slble in person. , Delgado 'Mills, W. . .A; Woods, superintendent. 8-13-7t. Free Moving Pictures Every Night Except Sunday Night 8: 15 VDESTINY?S BOOMERANG" TONIGHT'S FEATURE. "WHEN ADAM HAD 'EM' , Beauty Century r. 'Get the Habtt"-8ee Lumla, Movies Every Nlfht. GET 'THE IiABITSee- jLu miua Movies Evenj Night THE MURGHISON NATIONAL IK Capital $1,000,000 Surplus $700,000 ' - - I . i iliilii' i . I1!11.J 1 1"1uL.'-l-4i- -J-r--T-r7-1'1' .' .,' rj--1- n (By Associated Press.V Va8hinKton, Aug. 14. Suffragists from the Womans' Party headquarters attempted twice late yesterday to stal- ; COLORED Uon themselves before the White f for the House gates with banners addressed to 'Kaiser Wilson." A laughing crowd saw-the first banner that ap peared carried off by a naval blue jacjeet who "said he wanted it for a souvenir. Two others were brought Up a few minutes afterwards, only to be forcibly appropriated by civilian employes of the War and Navy De partmehts. TJiie President and Mrs. Wilson, on their way to FortMyer to attend the graduation exercises at the reserve officers training camp passed out of ,tljfJ' grounds as the second act SHORTHAND AN D TYPEWRITING is a necessity in the fculhess worlu. You had better: lealriS I now. ; Th Motte Business College, Inc.,' Home Saving Hank' building. Day' .and night lessons. ; Phohe'-TOfir i-4-tf ;Youhg to ; liis old posiUon held' dur-Jas Staged. They smiled and bowed to the crowd: BRITISH DESTROYER CI IMir DV CI TDUJI A DIME ' tu Mcuiues.ype'. j pooiy emvie ; yj SUBMARINE ifflckeUlhdicejbetyeen the-twV UNIVERSITY CANCELS ; FOOT BA1X SCHEDULE !'. i (By AsBociated Pre8B.), ! Chapel Hfll, N. C. Aug. 14. The Unlyersily of North Carolina has can celed, Its foptball schedule tentatively arranged for the coming fall, follow ing! a meeting of the Athletic Council, and after a conference with the col- leg authorities. In a statement ia sued In connection with this action of the university, President : Edward ' K. Graham said that the university feels that It cannot give the attention nec essary 'to the carrylng"out of a major athletic schedule this fall, and at the sameVtlme fully meet what it- cbii- .ceives iq oe us present , pmigauons with reference to the. war. . The university will off er coursed In military; training mbdeled oh the lines of the officers' reserve training corps cbursfes.v " ,; l. -- r:: c (By Asaooiated Pppis.T : ; . 'J W:&!4:H: -London, Aug. 14. A British destroy- ! 'MORI TitllHF'FI vv. MUUIV MJ U llilllC J II tilt c North sea. The captain, 2 officers and 43 men were saved. GEI COMMISSIONS QT7MT" Td DDICniU i I asningtonAUg.t;i. commissions OXLM 1 IKJ ri.iaJri ' I awards tufli& -iti-iVid Vnrt . T ' Ab A SUSPECT : nooWArky officers' v reserve cbjpsl . . ' training' camp include .the.. following: (By TTnited Preus.l V:1;- Robert - Charleston, S. C, Aug. 14 August';C.,-captaitf.;bt Bunstang, an alleged German agent; t Secohdlllutenanta i of ; ihfautry;? t who was arrested" , here yesterday ;R. (XCenheth G;Caughman?Cot evening aDoara a ' neutral, ship, wmcn ne was working in room, is said to have used' passport to , secure entrance to this R:t C.Edrdli. tiexfhgton; country; coming here ' from rSp&!n:'.;He'; V&itikjStii ;F.t---:'-H is being held at the county jail. - " 1 -WJli i ;BeBsfgnedto uty with the. j regular ; - army ivrfjecona r jieuieuanc .; ju- : on umbia;; Claude' Mi Tolar, Cedar Groves, the: ; ne vvkmfi.i '4 'H. .r'S? H Swiss t ;.; Second & lieutenant field ?.' artillery. Q; NEW YORK PRIMARY BE HELD NEXT MONTH New York, . Aug. 14.-Althoueh the -Tamman? ; candidate for mayor Is yet to be seiectea.- tne, aemocratic county committefe i today sent' out a call for the primary eiecupn on Septeniberi 19; The h nqmiatlngAcommittbe : of -v.Ute demoritiCiusion s committee; .is Cex nected -to.report' to; thiB full committWe of 170 ' tonight , when the Tammany sate proDaoiy ,wui joe announced. f ; - .The mayoralty -possibilities? ; hve been, cut' down to four. men. They ire." Tnos . v . umrcnui,: Tprmer presi dentof rthe board, of , education : WH- liam' -BJEHy son; former corporation oitnseJ t Sheriff Ifer .E. Smith' and Judge John. . Hyland, - s ,, t $rfr laborers Wanted for the Carnegie Steel Company, of Pittsburgh Pav; Lowest pay 1S.60 day with, advancement. Middle age men of good health only, . need apply. We 1 Buip vwry - s a ucauny." . x iausiut iu.- tion advanced to job( from ' 11 North Seventh street, Richmond,, Va. ?8-9-tf- . ' ' ' : WANTED For work on Cantonment Colum bia, S. C. 5,5 -tor eight hoursr' Bring receipt f orranspoftatlon t- and it will be. refunded you. Do ' - not waltto vrit? report at orico. WALKER ELECTRIC AND COMPANY Columbia, 3. C,- WA NTE D SEVE RAL M ORE; TO watch thewIndow.:; Excelsior Motor Cycle being reduced $1.60 each day. Queen City Cycle Co., 209 - Market street. . v' . . . 8-10-tf : LADIES' SPECfALI 60 fER CENT of the: covered,, heels on ladles', shoes work, loose. Our v new : metal heel seat: preYents their coming: off. .35c pair attached.; Price Bros, ; 309 North-Pront $je$t? : 5;y7:2-lmo; .. . - t;.'jj-yT . THE: YOU NG fM Ef 'OF TH E CO U N- try are beings lled'-tb .the colors and . their places . ; must be . filled. ?any good posltlbns.are waiting and mot; wiJI be from timeto time. Pre pare ybureif: by; taking business course, in ThexMotte Business Col $ege, mc.,hone pay: and night xjlassitidma'SavingBank Bldg. ;: 810-tf : -riX- WANTEOj cylinder -and, ro tary. pr4ssniBn TTneBanghman Sta; tioneryVCo..ltichmond,;vYai, 9-13-4t. mm WANTED ,1800 Bales Good Mid dling. , i r - - . ;1950 Bales Middling: 2240 Bales tw Middling AV. B.: Cooper & Co. 0; ; vi; AVilmmonviN C. good mahoook Waited at: once. Experienced and steady. Good ay to rightmin. Apply' -Paris Cot- tageWrightiville iBeach; Phone ' 7551.. tyf.rr'. 8-7-tf THE1 P EOPLEST; MARKET OPE N r again calllCastlejstre fine linse;" bt Ch0i6e Native .Fresh T?n6n. 2iifi6 Choice steak; break-i . fast tr 'UIpeJ'-' ?A?.'Vnii5e; froast t or stiefolrtamnfe Prfces". reasonable. . Promnf delivery. Fresh. Vegetables, T Ch(cken indj Eggs dailykPhOne 297. 8-8-7tj irf, L?.-.T.-,. : iiniiniiiiiiiiJiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUH OLD i FACfSEEETH ?r WANTED- y Don't matter fif:; broken. ,1 pay - $2.00 ; t6:;$15.0jiier:$3tv.S post. and receive cftekVeturn Mazer; ,2007s: Si jh Street PhllkdeK WH EN; YOU R BOY- Gpt S jlNTO TH E. 1 rrenches see Vo&v he, taker with Wni your portrait . He will treasure ' It bove ail the gold on eartbi , Folts It gv' Following the hot; days ; of ii ;Bummer comes ;-t.cold days Of p s . winter, f Is y your; 'coal . bin' jup- l S: piled? - Prepare s.t while hauling..i : P g.ltheV cliojeest.Cofd rate i ii s fstOve and f urnacev; Pnonejrour y S jforders.' Phone ?S9.";. I III Ui TiRiiiql I Water and Ann streets 1 Phone 789; El 3 just received shipment Glass Top Queen Jars, Pints," Quarts and Half Gallon Sizes. CAPE FEAR HARDWARE CO. . ', Wflmingtoh, ii, C, HAVE YOU HEALTH INSURANCE ? If some unexpected accident occurs to YOU and you are injured and unable to work, where would your ,v ii g 'expenses come from? How would you pay yout doctor and miscellaneous household, expenses? Thk is a vital and important question. Answer it to day by taking out insurance. Insure with y ! C II DICKINSQN. Blione 65 l - - -. ' Princess Building Ik it ill . . kriipwxacyhow somel r It's much eas or a hard story ahan cash.v: And: don't labor under any de that you are immune from Misfortune. Everybody hcallingllist: willbe visited , sooner or la , sh sn't liIono; with those who have a ban 3 cduttli 'the friendwhich asks no questions. r-Give.f j-...,. The Ho Savings Bank Wilmington, N. C. s We have several slightly used Todd s Writers arid Check Protectors, that we will sei Half Price. . Also Five Oliver Typewriters at a v gain, YATES COMP'V Office Supplies, I iiiuiiiiiiitiininiiii"nMiiii itiniiiir : Ftanitiuaiiiifiiiiiiiu r WitfmmiWlHtiWHMMHWIIHUHlHIIlfll'WHItH