FHE. Rather forecast FIIJAL EOITIOI North and South i Carolina'.' tonight and Sunday, moderate ; Siperature- ' - , ' u ; l FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE WILMINGTON. NOHTH CAROLINA. SAT I JRD A Y AFTER NOnM AUGUST 25' 1917' PRICE FIVE CENTS: 1EET0IHIF F ODD SOME BALD FACTS rTHIS BREAD MAKER DOE S WORK OF 100 MEN TUR "G OUT 6,000 "LOAVES : n Vnrn n rt f7n nn n n v rf "V ,-':';-V;:;':'vi ANHOUR. f'f '.rA-. - . . I P T Ml P Hi I j BlPirFBB;Jll!lflSTpTIO T Onen Office in Govern- ment tiuiiaing anu ucgm Work Monday. . , INTERESTING BOOK v - W'1 ... .rmrxrrn nntvrrn Mr Person s blue tJook on State Umces and vjmcers S'ew Lawyers State ment From Mr. Pou (Special to The Dispatch.) DoioiTh Aug. 25. Collector J. W. Called to the Attention of the American People by British , Mirii,ste.r of Blockade?; ' GERMAN ACTIVITY 3 " IN PRE-WAR EVENTS Shows Her i Determination to - Bring on Hostilities Deaf ' to All Proposals For Con -: f erences or Arbitration London, Aug. 25."I see . t'ney again .iiov 10'iav turned over to Henry"iV ; wltt,u&- u wimauy auou uuw BaiK) .. . .., England star tort . thP wnp remnrtBH Commissioner or wortn . T . a . trtv 7t rZ-VlT::" r Page i Lord. " Robert Cecil, mlniatpr nf hlrvrTr. Carolina, thrrr oftiie Dest rooms in I ade, in his weekly talk yesterday with i 1 J - T T 211 jje revpnu ounumg. in . x-a.5B . wiii come hei Monday to hegin his work ynth thf government, as director,: of (lie 100'.! I mm (ill 1 s11 111 "Willi uaiunua. He has announced his purpose to swat "liquor nnionr; the first blows dealt at the Teutons, whom Henry Page dis trusts with as much fervor as . doos Jim Pou 1 ne Aberdeen business man will charge in the govern: ment build ms and will conduct a cam paign wliicn is fipecieu iu uiuiej re sults, will make his own an nouncements as to his methods whoa he gets here. . - the Associated Press. "It is an old ,song, but . I , think the time has come., particularly in the Unied States,-when it is well to restate briefly the bald facts regarding the ' beginning .this great conflict. . " "Frankly, I do not think any one anywhere can honestly believe, that England began " the war. If any per son had arisen in a public assembla'ge in this country two weeks before the war began and asserted that in. a fortnight, we would be plunged into the greatest international conflict the world has ; ever seen, . the speaker would have been" regarded by every body as. a . dangerous lunatic. Our j people's -thoughts were the farthest 1 possible from war and our . statesmen - . .m'W niinttniirhni TIU-' Brilliant Feat in the'Capttire ot l i.:' j- UKin n"HXjqaHB tRWWW rjOT r9 r.YWiT-nwwuimiK ., , w . .''. .. I . H H J .., if n -pih.MTi-m,iF .. ... , .; I I 1 ,'. I" 1 111 fl I I I ? x : - KLLIIKL W L 111 II I L . . - . .. . ' . . v . t ' ; ;. . ' .. ' .. ' . Ill I I I I I I I I" 111 II . I W t - III I I I I I I I I IM H I I UUI Will. U 4.111 1 1 L. Tvo brothers, Ji and J. M. Garvey, have invented a portable mecham jaK bre&d m?.ker t that should, be a mighty big help in feeding the doughboys in the-trenche. Itr.-.-snvcatc friti;-?.y,.that a. crew- of five men and this bread maker can do the work of a hun dred men. It. has-.. made G.O00 loaos ' f the ctaff of life in an hour, a quan tity sufficient for 30,000 men. . . . : ." .. ' .' Senator Viley Mangum Person, xf Franklin county, was here today and were " overwhelmingly occupied with doffic affairs, particularly the Irish r-'-''' rr:ir iri to .'almnot omn1oto Y. oiled upon the legislative reference. v - "It is true that some of our people librarian to ascertain m what shape the Senator's blue book is six months from the chose of the- session. The Senator's indigoed-memorial would contain the salaries, work, arid general habits of the State Depart ment workers and if it ..should bej known, as it has been rumored, that some men in these departments hold two and three jobs .with accompany ing salaries. The Senator was pleased had been saying for a year or more before that time that Germany in tended to attack us, but their warn ings fell on deaf ears, 'so nuch so that no preparations were made.' "Certainly we did ,not start the war. Who did? I think the answer is, un questionable. : For at least a year be fore the war began Germany had defi nitely, made up her mind to .fight.. V An Italian writer has .told us how in 1913 German; 'approached the .Italian DHEHfiP ill -v . JirrrTT mYi t with 'a VI MP to : f AiTin IT ft(V io ride ana report progress -waaK'Me , tw'tn tt,0 RoiVan- 'hnt tfalv iid she Ktbinks he may he.,able9:.teJLa few things in days to comei' 1 ... , "janes H. Tou has tent to the Salis- wbv kesard vch , and rtot defens I ve-an( her .support,-" Germany withdrew ber Mnnno!iliiv!ii cTio HfrJrmt think ' shfi bury Post and other papers renuncia-, Was strong enough to go jt alone. hon arnplf! and direct of uny political' "American Ambassador Gerard has ambition and railed upon them to told us the German Crown Prince niakr ii jus; ns stronc as they cdnJ marfo nn' secret -of 'his desire for war Mr. ron, h .;; made a couple dozen and that he even expressed the hope speech s. Rivru thousands of dollars ! that it would come before his father to th- Frrnc-h soldiprs, bought thou-1 died; and he added that if it did not tandr, of dollars of French bonds, has 'come stopped his fiusiness. almost, and rnmr as soon as he. namely, the thrown himself into the war. 6ld CroWn Prince, 'ascended the throne, political tors have been amazed andj "Balfour's secretary, Ian Malcolm, they hav b en talking at him. Foes j has also quoted hfsT conversation with within his own party have 'done the the Crown Prince in which the Prince same thing and asked the Dumose of suggested that England and Germany Should combine to destroy ranee. "There is no question but that Ger many had made , up her mind that somewhere about the summer of . 1914 would be the best time for war, thjs, because the new French military serv ice act would not become effective and the Russian strategic railways would vet be ready. Moreover, mey knew thoroughly the new conditions ON THE ADDRESS Of the German y Chancellor V, Before Reichstag on Peace cf Question. Z ., (ByrAssociated Press.) Copenhagen, Aug. 25. Yesterday's session of the main committee of the Reichstag was productive "of further declarations and discussions regarding Chancellor Michealis' attitude oii peace, which the latest German pa pers" construe variously. A careful perusal of the ' mass of reports and comments on the committee meetings yesterday and Wednesday show that pr.; M!(&aelis throughout conferences With- Party leaders did not'eharige his FIXES SUGAR RATES TO WILMINGTON. I (By "Associated Press.) ; vv-gtsningioii, Aug. . iuiy-w on sugar frotn Port Went worth 1; - ' -- -. - -' "' ". ' '.- ; ic and Savannah, Gav to Wilming- . . . . .. " ton, N. c, was authorized today w f, 1 heir Consumption or Cotton by the Interstate commerce com- -st mission, provided that no higher H rate were charged betveen in- K- termediary ' points,, : pending the 4 jdisposition of proceedings look- , ing to a revision of present rates. nn .V. I V IfTHEHN MILLS TO THE FRONT This" Feature of War Tax. Bill Discussed Income" Sec- tion Passed Over. a Million Bales in Excess of :A11 Other. States. 1- wbWnot-tendl- amblfiuoar SDeechT ofiily 49. and the situation as far as pinning him 'down to any definite peace program remains exactly where it .was when he assum ed ofnee. "It was brought out in the report 'of yesterday's proceedings that the majority party representatives en deavored before the Reichstag meet- (Speciai tci The Dispatch.) &:'. .-Washington, D. C, Aug. 25. "Con i;sumntion of cotton in Southern1 mills XX during the 12 months ended July 31 A . j TA hDnPR ' t.exceeueu uiai in aii. oiner.iaiaies oy T ALU AL I U UKL?tK a more than n milHnn hnlos " BflirJ VV .V. NOT TO BE RESCINDED 1 " (By Aasociatel Press.V , v " Washington, Aug 25. The War De partment will not modify its decision to transfer the 41st" division, National iornia, to ''Charlotte;? N. C,: Represen- iPresident Harrison, 'of the Southern .Railway system, today. . ' '' "The report , of the; United States V census bureau for the xotton-,statis- ical year shqwathatNiheimills'-in POSITION DOMINATES PLAIN BEYOND GORIZIA i . - 1 N 1 i - - ' ' -t .: v . . '. . . ' 1 , , ... '.:: 'Austrian Line on Isonzo Front . Broken at Several Points- Renewal of - Fighting .ih . ' I Champagne Sector;Forecast , . - -' : : " - "'-Ii The Austrian line on the Isonzd? front has been broken at several points ; . l n ti. 1 1 . - mi. of wealth toay for the war cont today, consideration being given to saults between Tolmlno and the Adriat- the war tax bill postal provisions, in-' ic, are now pursuing the retreating ' Austrians who are defending the dif icujt ground yard by yard (Ry United Press.) ' Washington, Aug 25.-he lull in the Senate's battle over conscription eluding the one cent- increase on let ters and the . publishers' tax. ' Further action I on": the ' income tax schedules mi r'.i Hate the provisions levying a speeial tax :. on . publishers' incomes : and the proposed increase, of onejuarter cent ah pound pn'. second cjass Jmail.f p X; After a ;brief session the Senate re cessed until - Monday .without action cpttoiproducing 'States ; con ;901,413i bales, ; as ; compared T'wfth:' a ' serices Jof f Senators, rcoferencedby tative Kahn, of California, sent a: tele-' consumption of J2,899,775 bales in :ie i toth factionsMn the contest over rais- frbnM-Uiyot "lloljoir 9"n': Faucis miUs . oi-aU therf Stateshe co, itoday to that' .effect, after a . con-i icrease for .-iheyearv; in-outherntmjris ferencet with MajorrGeiieralcptandk other army omciaIsr 1 .; r ; : cenW'as compared with an ; increase Representative .Kahn1 wastora at:f 690baiesror nearfypercenf. ' i .. . . fin other States. 'iVi. .c-. ; i csUmates of the qrartermaster at!- . ,K '' ' '. :- ':' '. Palo Alto showed that1 it -would take p The growth of the - cotton' manu al additional- expenditure v of more .jaunng muubiry m uie aoutn may .. ' .nvnv i ' f., ...i,r. t lip .saiil tn- fin tp. from .1 SSfi in wrhioh and ne aaaea mai i u am uut in T Jv in tn secure from h-m dpfi- tnap ?uu,vw ana-a.iua:oi iuui wcn. M m--U.lt.wtttZtSa- dea ;tim?ln training it , : tvne of sewer system requircu uy .,iue );! ,""hv,.v wuuxuuvu , the Centrist leader, j state v health - authoriUes.. The Cx- in all other States 8,1,381,596 bales. Us philanthropy Forly new lawyers, among them two women and tv.o negroes, were licens ed yesf Tiay by the Supreme Court. The class was :-rnalI, as advancing in terest in the law measures size, but the war took big toll of them . There Were three women hpf nrn th fonrt l.hO Tllimhpr fe-iio n'TKiftmmftTihr 1 Mrffo -s flm, r 7 ns exammea more,"-- ti - in Rus3ian official life n he etn, P " "P1?1 mrt; and our domestic . preoccupa Sd w,?f0re- Th6y have alwayS had : Hons would keep us out, although they Tv 7,V were determined to go. on with their we following is a list of the new plans whether we stayed out or not. prae itioncr, in the gtate. j tt country there are men of A len Z-iiiicoffer, Weldon: Lewis ' many different opinions. The extreme rortr if , ,!in. Brevard; Thomas Har-' war party in Germany actually wel- ey bh?rr..-, Hsrraony, Iredell county; I COmed and desired our entrance as it hSlW'y I,ckcon' Autryville, Cum-J-gave them an opportunity to kill two fc-iand ' -!:,ty; Miss Lassie Kelly, birds with one stone. The wiser ones, rVp ?' "K,in county;- William- n0 doubt, hoped we would stay out so .p'' H";''. Farm villo: "'Mrs. Stel- ti mnid take us singly later, fol- W r,!iZ?rK'lh I'l,r.1i-.r, NT TJr: I. . . .... .imkooDailnr' nnr, "'it'-r NpiI Bringley, Lexing--a'r(i has pointed out, by the United !"'.' Uorbort Stone, Thomas-' states. - - . - "' ''' ni -niin Ilatchell, Wil-i "This was the situation in Germany f -'" 1 T Tr a ii: -l I J win onrl p. t " cuiiua muAincter, - when-tnc" oarajevo imuuio vaiuu tyj, ' "'in imasay iiaraee, eavp the war pariy jis .eagwij n,u.It ' ir - n; ,i,.n Willis Andleton, e(J oportunity. The Austrians delivered ton n , ' RaIr'h Paris, Lincoln-.'their ultimatum, to Serbia. There is " " ox. Jaim uiive; n0 j-easonable aouDt inai mu; uiuma, f '- l'''n( Clarksonr Charlotte; turn was submitted to Germany and !; i' v .f weombe, Wflming! approved and there is no doubt it was !i) " HliaDiro, Winston-Salem; tnen and there . decided that whatever 1 Wright, Edenton; i.EJd.-.sl. sPrhia's answer they would; pro- ! ---horn, Asheville; Hen-- Ceed: against Belgrade.; The ultima A!;'". Murphy; Alexander um was couched . in such arrogant ;' riiird. Wilmington; JDan- terms that a? favorable reply was diffi " Graham; Henry David. ; hnt v little' a Serbia" managed' to ' ;itb:): o; Henry Clark -pen readily that which practfially r!)oio; Ernest Robeit War-' rPauiesced in all ' the principal : de- mittec sitting that doubt as to the Charicello'r acceptance as 'troons must be got ready without i Southern mills and but 155 per cent delay. in; the mills of other States THE ITALIAN BATTLE LI NE. 0. , oaiem ; ten; villo- T, ainpf-,n Fran' tor; Mart in 0- ) : . KUI !';.,(, I,!:,-Haj-r'j ljn Bourn.-, r,i;. (,'.. Aurorv , Jhiip.-! ' StorifM. i j M"ri,iiV;' town : i',- , Guv Kh;, !!'-.. Hin :t, .. J uiii:-,. n ;:' a : -sftph Vance Rowe, ! mands1 atid agreed to ..submit' the ; re: ',:'' WiHington Cobb, Jr.,i mainder to The;, Hague, trDunal Nev ;r i)er Leland Stanford,-1 . ertheless,' the Teutons moved , on Bel : r FrHl Oscar Christopher , grade. - - i-Hl'r.k: ?.- ''-r;-: ,: ) :n Tnckerday, Walkerv , . "You are familiar ,.with the effects 1 'iomas Johnson. Jefferson; wh'ich'vthe English ' forfeignvsecretary, ' !J.atii- .liimoa cy-B-Ao Par tr,: T7ij. - a-v'-'mtiAa if hn.v tho ,,U(,'t Candler Vaueha,, Tti'nn '. demands submitted to .arWtra-7 ymond Thomas t'on ' cr cenference. The X Teutons uoniii.-i- V ' Joan ttowianapa.c--.,i)rusbed- 'air-:etforts-,asiae.w, Clfvci ', ;,-i"ngt(ai,-erc.; Groyer j "Meanwhile : Russia, whc-. couldJ cnot BenC,-: i, s- Chadbourn; Arthur i stand idlv whild Serbia was -being " vine . . 1 - . ' Navy II J I . v. r vv YARD ACCIDENTAL. ,. crushed, - began mobilization; jIFrce I rntprod next Then came our aemana . on Germany fcr ' an . understanding in resDect to the neutrality of Belgium, EXPLOSION . an undertakirigVwh'ch1 France had xal- . rpadv cheerfully given.' SuchsAn'.un. ,,.v , T - idertaking, being refused,1 we .earner pi: v....i T As-S(cmted -Press), '5"- ' -" f'v That. is "the simply story of - the P!o:-.i,;' ,,?''' Aus- 25. The ex- war's Origin. The: most, crushing in- 'n July h.'i Islandnavyard,4f'cident-against the -Central.-powers is Uor Ji'. fiye and injuryirig that they ov6r and pveragain rejected official J.,'1 '"',) ,s Pronounced in an -X-, all proposals for . conferences on the V S..(.,T.'l'''0rt"made 'Public '.today eve . of ' waronf erences vwhiclr must 1 thf i..ih 'lry Daniels to have been ' ' inevitably have resulted in averting !unknovn rat act of somei one 4fr the,' conflict,' because :; it (would - have ' anu not an accident. been" shown how flimsy; was the: whole ; Herr Erzberger, alone, declared in yesterdays com- - . nrif rpiririii aa . hichlv im-! A comparison -of these, figures with nnTfo ti t hv the War DeDartment. Mr. t those of the year last ended shows 1 irw mo9pfi' aid' hut. time is vital' an increase 1,966- per cent in the nf npucp withnnt nnnpTatinn and in- iv" . . ... . j . finnthopn !miilo an'l' Hut -isk nA demnities now. had been, eliminated for good.' All other views .ranged f rom vmild doubt and open skepticism to flat denial. Vorwaerts, the Social ist, organ, is inclined to give the Chancellor the benefit of the. .doubt, but demands, that he defend his poli tical integrity and good faith against pan-German machinations by ,a plain and ' unequivocal statement, that he does not hold ideas . annexation and conquest which these elements attrib-v ute to him. - v v The "Berlin ' Tageblatt says the J 1 J J ' T -f T T crisis la omy aujourneu. nerr nausa mann, Radical ' member of . the Reich-, stag? declared in a speech th the committee-yesterday that the .Chancellor had. introduced elements of doubt and uncertainty into the interpretation 6f, the Reichstag resolution; had allowed the Conservatives to claim him . as their own man without a word ofi protest, and that he. had dencnothing , to-shake off the assertion of the pan Germans that he is playing a: false game in '-politics.' " -: : . The - Chancellor on Wednesday, .; as t hri day; when he assumed office,:- de manded elobof room for peace hegotia .tionsbut the majority -ieauers- then, as now, declared expressly that, there could, be no question .of - isuph; elbow room andthat peace rauist be made on yheJ basis specified in the' resolution. Dr, Michael is was warned of the dan- ger ;oi aeparting: tnereirora - What . the Conservatives, . and pan Germans .think, of the present - situa tion is revealed plainly in the Berlin Tages Zeitung. The 'anger: of the ma jority parties against .the . Chanlcellor is,- unjustified in the - opinion o4th"e writer. MOSCOW CONFERENCE OPPOSED BY UNION MEN i - - - -i;V 'i-A . - &0PACCM1A SELLA ,'jSi MARTI mS ; I i Ays' -r r i c ; x C : and TirekictehceBtp f spehel the day - in perfunctory; speech-making Induced the leaders to agree tg the recess.; '. . Leaders of those" advocating greater in One of the most brilliant feats of I i.1 .TlII- - .it - - a. x . ; k.-b' i inp, ir nnna whh inn rjiniurp nr. ivinnrH - i r was being delayed owing to j Santo.. 2.245 feet hiKh. This peak. 7 i -: the fact that advocates of higher lev- miles north of Gorizia., dominates the v ies oil incomes were not ready to I broad plain beyond that city, and ; oi;- ;i ". go ahead with "their , fight. ; ' , , cupancy of it has jsriabled the Austrians Senator Weeks was ready when, the to hold up the Italian advance to the ' Senate convened .today to speak 5 in ! east since their capture of . the ' city. supporUofchis- amendment 6feUmi- -'.V'Pff10--'1 &yea ot ..j - , . - . , I idea of the ' struggle which attended the storming of. the "Austrian strong- X hold on the mbuntxiinttop; but lt doubt;v less will have an-.important bearing , on the' development of the Italian cam- : , si! ; paigiW-;'.; v -3;!Vfc, -,rvv!l-:-j' f;! v : HaVinsr -rained- their vnrlnciDal' ' ob- i ' - t jectives -y oh -rtie . yerduri front, v " the ; ; Ftenclv ,'are ' cotnpletijig their victory Z by local attacks to round outfand aa-i i! curehTtheir new lines.; Profiting ht. . : tfcecApUre of .Hfli .304 yesterday, they ' -..-".'-..- r'. .... . ' 1 '. . T j. .. . ' ''-'.IKS1! it. Three fortified works jn the yi- cinity of Bethincourt ' were stormed Renewal of fighting in. . the Ch4n( nn irn ii m avl h "' f orp.pASt. bv tfie state- conscription of wealth -discussed ; the ment in the official French; report that question of leadership - in next" week's violent artillery engagements are: ii: fight to raise ' the income ; war profits rates. ; Since the defeat of Senator' LaFollette's amendments some Sena tors have thought the proposals would drAw better, support if presented by some : one. else. v.: '".; .-v:'-';v; ... ;:. . It was learned today that during the progress there ; In . Belgium also, m the vicinity . of Bixschoote, the . :big ; : guns are heavily engaged . . . i . 1 ! . I '. 'p , No further infantry acUons on? - ; ? j large scale are reported by the British, V - ; ; although, they were successful In minor ' . ? - lr operations : last nights " A' tierman j; last week, while the dispute over the Ltrench position, west of Lens, of local Finance committee's revision of the importance, and a post hear Lombar- Din was Detore; tne senate,' tne; com- ertzyde : were captured with prisoners, committee room was twice broken in- Near. Enehv. northwest of sr.'.Quentfa, to at night, and papers in the custody of Chairman .. Simmons were stolen. Proposed amendments, and statistics of treasury experts on : the bill are said to be, the only things missing.: u r. war there is increasing activity with he&vy ;; artillery fighting underway. British - Capture New Position - . London, . Aug. 25 .-The capture, of . a (lerman bosition near Lens was au- Senatofs favoring higher income and jnoUnced today by the war, office. The it profits taxes; in conference today, statement follows' ' ' " ' ' ' "By successful attacks carried oit with slight casualties last, night, west of Lens, we captured a short length . of German trench of some local ;im' portance. We also captured an enemy post durinr the night in the neighbor- ihood of Lombaertzye and" secured va . few prisoners and a machine gun. ; : There , was considerable ; artillery agreed r to re-open their fight; Monday H?r n r n llnl OA' mam ..tv.t nff war nrnfita ANOTHER BIG LOAN MADE TO RUSSIA ' Moscow, Aug. 25. -Labor unions are -?posihg the Moscow conference ;and ;"ve: announced a one day " y;rike in protest. The pleaders of the union". f decare. the ; inference to ". be :"cqun- (ter-rsvoltuioliary" and that it was not pos" ble for democratic 'organizations to, t v rticipate, They regard the con ferens,?'''as - an effort to deceive ' the .massei. 5r Protest ;mcetingg in various ic lfactoric3.f and ' works-Were ? called for Minimalists, and 1. Social revolution ists ' likewise af e v voicing opposition and held ameeting in which it was re solved that, the conference was" un representative ; of i the ; people and.- an nouncing in i Tance-tnat' they j would rirt :ohir'r .'&',' 'iv ' rtffiainn taTron -In r-- .i. . ... : . . I, -: -itm i-' v.1 .'!,. 1i e .nl..; .4 :-tT.. Jnllnm nnnivtv motalir tno viPWtf nr.-; th(i; Wiflocinrenrl innnna f iftn l -x liw Heavy . viavnnwv ai ouifria.i - u . i-u.tr eea .iwiiuna aiuiuAi"'".; : . . - - i " y V - ... ... , . -A m T . -:-- :tL'jl' ' 'il. -. T..1J . "J! . 4. lw n.niil.lii the : big -opera: house where Jthe con- course or tne. new iiananvonensiye, in ciuuins,j.ne j uuiuut, ,viv",t5 .ffirence will sit wiirbsnrroundPd -hvK'areaxana the uarso ironu wnere xpe. pauie ivuw ubuwhus,; uvu x- (By Associated Press.) States reaffirmed yesterday its , faith ctlZlty earI7' .n.,s .niornlne' ..-"tPt in the new Russian democracy and j4"3"' " .... v v .: :' gave concrete evidence .of :its; confi- " ,v Brilliant s Jce, a . v dence by loaning -another hundred 1 Tone' 2?-rJh? triH;olr , ?f ' million dollars. to the provisional! gov5- Ita,lyu has ee,n fli fInS8 TC Si ernment. . Announcement, of the loan on tnei submit .of , Monte Santo, which' , came from the treasury soon after was an Austrian stronghold on the Secretary Lansing at the State De- l8nzo tr0 according to the official , iriirtment had denied formally that re- statement issued today by the .Italian ports" from Russia were of.-an unfav- war department: . . orable nature and declared that, on Tfte Italian second.' army General . the , contrary, confidential .dispatches Cardorna reports, .-has brokerii through ; to the government were the basis for; the Austro-Hungarian, line of defense v his . belief that the 1 administration at at several . ppmU and , ia closely . pur Petrograd was strengthening its posi- suinS the Austro-Hungarians who are 1 tion.. . i retiring and defending- the difficult - . ground.-yard by yard." ;; . ' -.' .;.: CARDINAL BELLO ! CHEAPER COAL ' BANISHED FROM LISBON ( - for TONSUMEIIS . (By Associated Press.) , ' TT ' ' ' Kl i l' aw tHPnrn the American householder. will J ' ? etfZ t f J iJZU tL nl one' oLXhe first aims of jthe. new fuel' S a tk tnda J tSSt administration as set forth las.t night tal. A decree , issued today forbids . -t- -tr- tHa 'a - the cardinal to reside in Lisbon or the J: 'Jkl. fnJ tlj IS.fiSt hh - scale of profits for the retailer was ,urulM, V11C Jcai- suggested as an early. possibility In . rtrpi x'orc td aim? v s the government's program" for;eom lJlLCLAKtO 1KAUJL. ' plete control of the coal industry. -I CAUSED THE WAR i If the. price fixing plans fail the. " . , - government, will not hesitate to en- . (By Associated Press.) - 'force provisions - of the food bill glv Amsterdam, ' Aug, -25. Vice- Chan- ing:it authority to requisition coal at . cellor Helfericb," during debate before the mines and sell it to the public the main committee of the Reichstag generally. r. . ( said the real reason why Great Britain; ; - .; rntef ed the war, was the , fact that .- y. , '(Germany's trade would . In ' 1917 pre- . . J sumably have: the level of the trade i"- NEGRO" SOLDIERS MOVED of Great Britain. "This war," .the . , AGAIN. . -' Vice Chancellor said, "is the result of ' ' . ' l : ' 1 Z. ' ' - tension created by the fact that Great V (By ' Associated Press.) ' i f Britain was constantly- feeling . the Demlng.: N.: M., Aug. 25. To? . glaring and increasing proportion.be-. avoiddisturbances which- appear- . tween ' her superior world and naval1 ed imminent preparations ; were, I J power and Germany's increasing eco nomic strength. , t' One ought plearly .to recognize ' made at noon today to transfer r the battalion of the 24th United estates infantry (negro) stationed1 ers, were stating t : line is . the' Italian ' front" to Tolmino, Hv here there;is ,little activjty. .? fspect would be fatal that Great Britain's object was our x- rhere. pack to -Its .former station: 'economic oppression: :To tjgpandoyp at Columbus, -N.-'M. . - ' ; one's self to any illusion in this re- t- s P;-"'TWyMiv.v. :u fspect would be fataL t. , 1 '.

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