A THE: WEATHER FORECAST mr Nortn and South Carolina: probably showers ana. thunder tCnirjht and Thursday. - storm FULL LEASED;. WIRE SERVICE g WILMINGTON,-NORTti I - j-'-'X '?VA..v'fr-';: ::v;.; Senate r i nance Shoot Up Kate to 1 hirty three Per Cent. (- UtHLUHAaLt STATE Its j Very v Existence ; Menaced by Utter Disorganization of Transportation Facilities. ARMY DISCIPLINE - MUST BE RESTORED , JAP. FORCES-.- MAY. ;;.;.v:;? JR USSIA. f ':.-:E- V..:.: I GO TO' Committee if v FIXED. (By Associated Press). 4 Washincton. Ane. 29 TVio In Order to Save the Country Froni German Conn nest : of the Evils of Organization. W1L YIELD GrCLA 1 Kfc. 1 UKINb . wheat fair price committee was still m session at noon today de- To Give Over a Billion in Ad-'I in,Jf?ce -Zf- 191Vt crop. - Tnere was no indication of & dition to Other 1 exas when the price would be announc- Gore and LaFollette Did Not ed' . r ' " Attend Today's Committee' ,s V Meeting. - (Hy Associated Press.) Washing on, Aug. zv. To meet the radical niovi liiciif lor greater taxation of war pn-liK Hie Senate Finance wmniitti o lotlay agreed to amend ments carrying war profits taxes of j more than :::. jer cent, in place oi present provisions for 26 per cent. The anienuninis wuaiu increase uie war SUBMAR mm INE SUNK Se'SBOMB ' (By Associated Press.) . . Moscow. Aug. . 29. At the third gen eral sitting of the national conference railway representatives, including M. Froloff, of the engineers alliance, re ported that there existed a state of utter disorganization of transporta tion which,-unless improved, would cease completely by November. The representatives gave warning that the consequences' would be terrible both i at home and on the front and that the army might turn on the country and commit ; unexampled excesses. The extreme demands of the rail way, workers, the speakers said, play ed an important part in thi'3 disorgan ization. They called, on all those en gaged in the transport service to sac rifice personal interests for those of the country. . ;M. Grusenberg, speaking as the rep resentative of the Jews, said that they lnvpd their povintrv nntwithstn-rwlinp' their unprecedented persecution un- t GERMlWRllS-: I Hirill II I IIII. Illllfl T 1 1 V UHkr U 1 1 Ur nlkH h 111111 1 1 1 111 i m 111 a m m w mm a . a I w Yield- - u n i u 11 n ill 1 11 ii 1 f 11 11 1 11 11 -: : ? 1 T: t t -i f II If" IK r" I ' I In -:;!.;-. I. ... : .11 II IUI II II M t H II II I II I II If If f I II I I II il II II '. . ... . - - j ' ' , (By Associated Press). - Zurich S wit., Aug. . 29.--Re- ports that; strong Japanese! fore- es have " been concentrated in & r -Manchuria are givgn cuir Bavaria by the Beuste Na.Chrich- vf . ten of Munich, which also; specu- " lates on the possibility'of trans- porting such troops to: the Rus-. tilS 'Mi President Wilson Sends Reply iip wpre' the same, a hpmro rho'i . . , .. . 7..., war, It. says," such an operation f" r to The- Mediatory Note of 4 wourd Tequirea lcgltime,but ;;: . His Holiness. tr me . siiuaiiuu : ua, ueeu . cnangea k w JUL " A -T a. 4- having laid new tracks and made ' ivHtlrl-i I wUK I LoUUO ; f great ; improvements ; in t the Enroll-; 1 c r REJECTION EMPH ATIC ing stock. Hwmancni reace musr De i .Based on raith or All 1 he Peoples No Reliance on Germany's Promises. 7 4 i"Rv AfisnciaJ-ed PrpnaA - . - - lT '"' . - , Washington, August 2 PresicTent ; PRESID E N T BEING CONGRAT- r ULATcD. Wilson has rejected the Pope's peace profits tax yield ironi ?ab2,000,000 to U-Doat in rursuit Ot bruiser del the old-regime, and tad. confrib e .1 T l ey : t f un the riigh oeas Hrier ing Relieves Most Critical 1 Situation. - ; In a note, dispatched Monday night, and made public here last nighty the President says that while every heart not blinded and hardened by this,, ter rible war must be. touched by the i (By Associated Press.) T. Buenos Aires, Aug. 29. Germany's reply to Argentina's .note embodying .demands in connection with tthe-' sub marine campaign as affect lug Argen tine shipping has been received. In i r (By Associated Presr). Washington, Aug. 29. Tele grams from all parts of the coun try began to pour into the White House today approving' President 4 I -TTT.M . . I . V moving appeal to his Hblinss it- X vusoirs repiyvto rope ; Benedict's would be folly to tace the path of 'T felce proposals. - x - jfeace he points out if it does not in! fact 'lead to the goal he proposes. I To deal with such a' power as thei present rulers of Germany upon Pope Benedict's plan, declares the PresI-1 dent, would involve a recuperation of 4-' official circles it was stated.; that the i the strength and renewal qfthe world 1 i : j- A J i . . is c ii i. " -u" 1 1 ' ityiy was auiisiuuiuiy. Auyuiuing to uominauuu yuiiuy ui luil jjuvyer, uaiK-, the npwsnanpr T.r R.inti tTn fJorrrtan ! nl ' nn rlofoaJ-Ari : nftAr swpnifie""a . Strikes Bomb Placed in Water By Latter. JlltiO.tHMi.iMMi in audition to tne taxes t under iht present law, and yield a third oi' ihc i.-iii's tojal taxes. - i Tup pre-war prorns rate or the Dill : was rHtame.i by the committee, but) (iy .Associated Press.) itaddfd a ew 'maximum war profits1 An -Atlantic Port, Aug 29. Saved tax raw r : per cent, on profits in; by a British cruiser after his ship had excess of ::i-n per cent. The maximum' ueen sunK a merman suDmanne, a in the biil was r0 per cent, on profits I British merchant ship captain who. ar-j over L'.'iO per cent rived here yesterday tells of seeing Another substantial change was uie u-uo?.t destroyed by a bomb plac- made in provisions for exemptions. A 3 Dy Ine cruiser' j minimum of t; per cent, and a maxi-f " The suLiaarine disappeared when mum of lit per cent, of income on cap- the, cruiser hove in sight to save the ital actually invested was aDDroved.l crew of the torpedoed steamer.- After -These provisions would care for cor- the. cruiser picked up the captain and! uted greatly to the emancipation o the people and the defense against the enemy. .Representatives of Ukraine and of Western or White Russia, said the people were ready to mpke many sac rifices for the good of the country. vThe spokesman for the Letts declared Courland would never belong to Ger many. ; Delegates representing the Mussulman alliance said every Mus .sulman of Russia fully supported the provisional government. 1 , , General Grozinbfo former military Governor , ot Moscow, told the dele gates the chief problem was o save Russia from the. enemy and that to porations making less-thad 4 per cenL1 the periscope , of theundersea craTti lish army ' tlisclpline t by relinrmating during that period would not be en--, which was hanging in the wake of the politics, . strengthening the authorry note meets all the demands -of Argen tina. ' . - . . ;r-$. ' . The note says that Germany -"in or der to maintain friendly relations with !rgentme, is willing to-modify her blockade of enemy coasts; " -allowing freedom of the seas to vessels under the Argentine flag carrying food.' The I vote also promises the payment of an indemnity for the sinking of the Argentine steamer Toro byi. German submarine. " The favorable- reply .made by the German government concerning the submarine -campaign - relieved a tense and critical situation. j - ; The Argentine foreign office has made public the entire correspondence with Germany jconcernints" the sinking of tl Toro. It shows that .Germany's tioitf s-.irTesincc . abJiOrmJ.pres-iCfwhe. continupn her-wayfU-Ai The cruiser slowed down and titled to at least that exemption and if cruiser. more than 10 per cent, they would give I allowed the submarine to catch up. dusk was coming on ana a I riflllv nrpnarprt hnmh wna lot nror tha tlniat nnwor soldiers' committees to economic func-Jcnts settlement of the Mtmte Pro- continent with the blood or innocent! women an 4 children and the helpless j poor as well as of soldiers. - w ? - ----- - - , ; rermanent peace iiuisr ue uaseu up on the faith t all ,the peoples and up on justice and fairness and the com mon rights' of mankind, he adds, and "we can not take the word of the present, rulers of Germany as a guar antee; of anythiifg that is to endure, unless explicitly supported by such conclusive evidence of the will and i selves as the . Other peoples of the world would be justified in accepting." The. text of the note follows! -"To His Holiness, ; BenedictU3 XV., ASK RECEIVER FOR ROYAL arcanum Second Suit Started in Massa- etts Against Insurance v Order First One Lost ', , By Associated Press.) Boston, Mass., Aug. 2y Arthur F. Cummings and r James Upstone, both of Nashua, N. H., .today . filed a bill inequity in the Federal District Court here, . asking the appointment -oi a 5re- j ceiver for "the Royal Arcanuni, a' rra- Pope: . MTw rt irv rwl A A fTfV City I" ff f Tli t(TYl . ' ...r:r", tnI insurance order, ;bn. the' alleged iUirtin-' case which sard in part: "In accepting.. the German, govern- -.mvtv . v..rM ..... Dmif nf tVia TTn tort 1 Udirea r DV flOlinrnil InVPRtmortta anrl Pn.Jmy-i4Argntlt. MlwJsro, nJ .the loss ; otiaJ lare?e numh'-tif.-!7iT- wVV V, , MVMVtVMW J , lUDvl fUUL - U11U Every heart that has . not been blinded and hardened by this terrible a io ecuuuuuc iuuu-, ------ - "T-.," ZZillZ7:SjtJl .na ha tniipyiort hv this Tnovihe spe- tions and giving the commanaer-in- ' "r"-oi- f Hniin.' thA P(vn: tn pxprci?p unreseiwed . stooa mat Argenuaa s ngins weip i ,. M Til to exercise unre&eiweu t m0 foc 'tho il ?n tv and forp.e of the iUUOb .a. --0- ; istover 10 per cent, deduction. By these changes, tiie committee es fimotol thir th r.-nr,nooi lairtr nrm.M cruiser s sldp. Shp. thpn mit nn a 1 1 1 n ii thnr i t V- . x i i i : j mi i i .ao r j u-m n nrfvfriT n. TPnRiinnn. nnr. in Ni.na.iii anil run Hrrmtrin. hi rrii. i nf . ipnpm a pi pn. mriuer i:(jiimiih.iiii- " recognized and ' that indemnification take ?l,2.St;,00.! 'ioo of the 13,000,000,- or 4,ooo,i; i.ooo war profits esti mated to be ramed this vear. Senators LaFolleite and Gore, prom inent in the faction ureiner more rad- submersible followed. By this time it was growing dark.- About 10 min er-in-chief, in an address recounted view 01 anomer. vomuou..oil uur the history of the Russians; military rights, we must., know ask for an as- utes later there was an explosion, a setbacks and their causes. He drew, suvance tnat xnere win De no iurmer blank hnlk ronvnlsivplv rnlspd , itsplf ! Vnntracte hptwppn thp armv of thft old i Violations." leal war profits taxation did nbt-at-i from tne water and flounced back a 1, regime, poorly equipped with mechan- -" - . 6"Tr1" tend todays committee meeting ' shapeless mass. The cruiser 'came heal resources, 'but strong in warlike, cm replied It said the Toro smk- Chairman n!nimnD n,i ' about and went back to the scene. I spirit and the present army, weU was ul m umcsuiu uie new levy aimot! . . " l -"f" . '.".:.. : ...ri, ion, wm;Hnr th. in t ip Wfltpr T ipv wprc takpn nn n ote W nn snnpri and pnfpph prl 1 - witu micuiauuuai ia i'""".'ub '"c 'luam v. (.mv- . . .. , . In nhfVin -rw-n a nr T-Q Ti hnt in o onrtfn QT1PO iUr, 1 1 . Twn (iprmaiifi wfim Rwimminp-" ahnnt f onnn mm with for.fi anil arms. niiT om-, nuynuu.uc " . doubled will command sufficient sun-t in tne water- Tliey were taken onjpletely poisoned and enfeebled by ill-1 with inter: nnrt ... 4 linnril the ornispr Th . rpmninrlpr nf ..Into-rnrotewl nnil ill-jmnlied dnr.trines 1 Sinking Of H0.s . J tcuon 01 lne more . thA- fiprmsn ovpw nerihpH with thPirU-hih hnv Hapti nut forward. These it was impossible to take them to contraband cargoes when drastice proposals. 1 tfte German crew perished with their which have been put. -forward Debaie (in i.'w- nnhlihpro ia-voa waa;s"1P- Dfgun rfi n.itor Shields, of Ten nesseo, V:M Wu0vted Senator Mr. Kellar's suh'inUo and argued that ffiagaz;n;s ;u;u other periodicals, not newspaper.;, - ..uso the deficit in car rj'ing second class mail. 1 "I am KaM-fied."' he said, "that thp! daily pn perm are paying practically all, if no! Him I'ull jinie.iint for thp srvirol they l.ceivc. Mates on maeazines . and other publications which cause the lOs.-.tV .vl.iu?d ho inrpaspfl " Senator Sineios said newspapers do ' Dot requi,-,. Hie same service of .thc: "OstofRcc I !i'!i;irl rnr.Tit thnt mf.ffaiinuai fi? and that th.-y render much df it St their ovmi o:non-;e i NFiCllllfJQFI MLIV U MUiBULL cno oraDnAon 1 un ULnuunnu doctrines, he declared . had spilt the,. Pori army into two opposite camps, officers and soldiers, which have become al most irreconcilable. Speaking of the committees elected 1 by the soldiers of the various units, Gerieral Alexieff said they were useful to .the army irom an economic stand The "Argentine government on August 4 th notified Germany that it would consider the declaration of Lon don in settling the question, adding: "It is impossible to admit that while Argentina is guaranteering the person and property of Germans in Argen tina, Argentine interests on tne sej.s Another Break : .Comes Southern Rumanian Where Teutons Menace Moldavia RUSSIAN DIVISION ' FLED IN DISORDER Stormy. Weather '-.Prevents "No 4 i table Engagement Along ? Western Front "' British f Carry Out Raids and Cap- ture Uerman Prisoners. lie Russian leaders are , debating $ at Moscow with divided opinions as' : to the best steps to takd for saving thescountry from threatening disaster, within and without.the Russian armies ' continue to show perilous weakness at critical . points. . ff ;v w-."..:. v.-: The latest break in the line through, . disaffection among th troops occur red on the southern - Rumanian front, where' the Austro-German armies are menacing ; Moldavia; with the fate ot Wallachia over-run In the great Teutonic-Bulgarian drive of last year. ' ' In the Fokshani region a Russian ' division abandoned its positions and fled in disorder. -This' facilitated ft Teutonic advance that continued all day yesterday on the southern Ruman ian front, the Austro-German troops pushing' northeastward . toward ;";the Ocna-Pantzin railway. - .The . lines were still yielding last night in the Varnltzk region.' 1- . Stormy ? weather annarentl v ; la nr :J tyentmgahy .notable military activities ; 4 ,4lf i The, British, "ufter completing . theti that Its resources' are insufficient to; successful operation 6f Monday near;. meet its ooligation r L.angemarck, m wWch they pushed for- 4.1, -v ; ; ward' a, considerable distance along a ocw' cv,w.oi mv yxy- rront of . more than a mile: rontPnted point, but were fatal to discipline of can be attacked and destroyed by the '.T,Q rrnnnb Mnnp thp lpfts KlltlVPrs VP ' imperial VTfl iiiitLl litvjf. xl in mK,vni r? ni t t ji J ivir. iviarvm uqaerwooa ous duality of 1 power Succeeds Mr. L. R. Watts. Mr. Underwood's Record ' was the influence of government com- ceivable that the natural products of Argenima suuum ue uuhbiucicu uu traband of war at any time. The Ar- ! serted created an extremely danger gen tine government cannot recognize . 1 l V. ; ni.nV nn fTrt rtf Vl OT . Tl O 11 T 1 - The- general maintained that after . . h..mjulA a motive for publication 1 7 the government of tiie,' and restrictive discrimination. -iina is Liiereiurtj uuauic iu ai-tcpi declaration of the . rights of nil Kadncnt inward laarlfra disannpar- rcnnn1'tn rri, Hl.t1, I i cm iJFi. " " " -. r pn,H'a J V,r- Annn: ed. the officers becoming veritable "TllP nf.U- 'nnn.r. '. A 1 T1,p TnHTncoco CQnoMp incut Wda uwuc, aL iuu lioxiuuu.c '- 1 . i yes pap "HHinilff! '-Tllf-V ar .- nonQre Dlch 'i'Pply ini'ormation to 90 per CeDt. Of (l;r. nr-.-inlo nf thp TTnito.l oatPs and .Tiiy increase in the burden UI transDfir i t ;. ;,. . 1 1 on i :,. Masaxin.'H c UUI ll'.'K ,, in,-.-., (!, IO ' '""11- IUO.11 pci (Continued on Page Elgnt) (Continued on Page Eight). :;eiple." - -. affording to ces of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company today of the election of Mr, ?:,ule0d fSSjSS I STONE DENIES HE HAS PEACE RESOLUTION statistics, sel of the company. Mr. Underwood retires from the position of.-, assistant Attorney General of the United States, which position he has held for. the past three years and a half, to accept j this position with the Seaboard. proposals made. We must insist on reparation and a guarantee of freedom of the seas, for Argentine vessels." Germany replied on August 17, say ing: "Notwithstanding, the objections which could be made' to the Argentine ! claims, the imperial, government, in a desire to maintain friendly relations witli Argentina,r . would agree to the same solution "as in the Monte Prote- gido case. v The German government . SUSPECTS UNDER ARREST, (By Associated Press.) -Washineton. Aug". 29. Senator stone, of Missouri, chairman of the agreed to pay the difference between Mr. Underwood is a native of Georg- 'Foreign iRelations committee broke, he value of the Toro and the insur ia and a graduate of Vanderbilt Uni- . into the War Tax debate today, in the anCe on the Vessel and said it would versity. He was a resident of Atlan- Senate, with a speech relating to the ; recognize Argentina's right to freedom' ta and a member of the well-known 1 subject pf peace. He denied that he of the seas in accordance, with I inter law firm of King, Spalding & Under-', had ever-had a thought of introducing , national law- provided Argentina en wood, of that city, until he , accepted a peace resolution and criticised news- deavored to prevent its flag from tra- the position of assistant Attorney Gen-Tpapers for imputing such a motive. versing the restricted zone eral. I a arsed With C the Chicago" Payroll Men Murder. Chirr a or , lor nr til;..,, Spa!..' Areentina refused to consider this proposition and on August. 24 demand ed nn immediate solution, ine uer- Mr. Underwood attained an enviable jMpW YORK SUICIDES ronntatinn oc a -rollroart flttnrnpv i97ip.r . cially,. while a member of the firm off i BY NATIONALITIES man reply df yesterday was the result. King, Spalding & Underwood, which ; led to the offer being'made him to be- -v ' (Ey Associated Press.) come assistant Attorney General. Dur-l New York, Aug. 29. More persons ine his incumbency of the latter po of German birth in' New York ,City it DRIFT MINES AFLOAT BY THE HUNDREDS - (By Associated Press.) ' Copenhagen, ' Aug. ,: 29. Steamships "ii o : 1 ,l ;'' ii! euslody today suspect ""l'eiiy ijj the robbery-and ',:-'fiy of Barton. O. Allen 1 ' t)S(M)brrr- uncxaacrtcra-ra cmpanv lMca- City Express ivcrti.;' , ! t xvy were about to de- . tre r,,.,' ' ' ' :' v payroll of $9,100 at " '!' winslow oi OlK.n, .1 monev '" i ' '"'''"ndry gate, took the J office as general .-counsel having been sition Mr. Underwood had charge of took their lives in 1916 than of any the. railroad cases of the government, , other nationality. 5 Austrians coming 1, fnmnn. nana nf 'tti. toOATlI ' and PllQaiflTlR thiffi. SlPPOlVln Adamsoh law, the constitutionality of - to. a report today by-Dr. Shirley, arriving from Bergen report hundreds which, it will be called, was tested Wynne. health department sratlfltician.!of drifting mines off ? the Norwegian and Which Mr. Underwood won before There was a decrease in suicides last coast. It is believed that an exten- the Supreme. Court. Mr. Underwood J e r, as against .an increase in the-sive mine neia is auriiu xnuy goes to the Seaboard with a rip legal ' firrK-two years of the war, 836 persons also are reportea ou iu . u Htnrr thpir li'vps? while there were rnaat of Norway. - and in the . , . . , . .j. nter s i m A -rA ORG 4 1Q1K - . o - vlf popular aaminisirauve anorneys ;oi 'ou ist auuuo m r v f . , i, Washington. " . - '' -"' y - . J Tl T wn TPB-h R ' Watts, whom Mr.' Un- i DFrTOR AMFRIP AN " - (-j . a,aiV : mTAUAW. m. -m northern Artie m j jM.itnni '- eiifiocila snmptimp flpn rp- , ' ' : . "; "4 The rob-1' quested ' the Seaboard to relieve him COLLEGE IN ROME DEAD , ! .e Wcstside. as (he messpnpprs a nJ of the active duties of so arduous an i -. - . i . ITALIANS humane and generous motives which prompted it, and must-fervently wish that , we might take the path of peace j he sd persuasively points out. But. it would be folly to take it If it oar-.not in fact. lead to the goal he proposes. Our response must be based npon,the stern facts and upon nothing else. It is not a mere cessation of arms he de sires ; it is- a stable and ; enduring peace, This" agony must not be gone through with' again, and it must be a matter of very sober judgment what will insure , iis against it. "His Holiness in substance proposes that we return' tothe , status quo ante bellum. and -that then there be a gen- r eral condonation, disarniament, ana a concert of Rations based upon an ac ceptance of the principle of arbitra tion; thatby a sunuar concert uee dom of tli-i seas tie Established, , and that the territorial -claims of France and Italv.' the perplexing problems' of hhe Balkan States, and the restitution of Poland be left to such conciliatory : adjustments as may. be possible of the- peoples whose poiiucai ioriunes. auu affiliatiohirwill be: involved "It is manifest that no part jt, this program can be successfully, carried out unless the restitution of the status quo ante furnishes . a firm and satiftfac- Uory basis for it The object ojf. this war IS IO aeuver iue. ucc ywyio vm. the world from the, menace and the actual power of a vast military estab lishment controlled by an irresponsi ble government which, havjng secretly planned to - dominate the. world, i pro ceeded to carry the plan out - without regard either, to the sacred obligations of treaty or the long established prac tices and long cherish, principles of international action and honor. which chose, its own time for the war, deliv ered its blow; fiercely and suddenly; stoDDed at no barrier either of law or -of mercyi i swept - a ' whole continent with the tide of blood, not .the blood of soldiers only, but-the blood of in nocent, women and children also,: and of the helpless . poof, and ?now; stands balked but not defeated, the enemy of four-fifths of the world; This power is not the German ' pepole. "It is the ruthless master of the German people. It is no v business of ours : how that great people came under its control or submitted with temporary zest to-the domination of its purpose ; but it is our business to see to it that thehistory of the rest of the world is no longer I left to its handling. - ; "To deal with such a power by way of peace upon the plan proposed jby His Holiness, the -Pope, would, gp. far as we can see, involve a recuperation ceeding brought against the Royal Arr canum in recent months. On petition of Arthur M. HobartS of Braintree", Mass., the district court appointed Thomas J. Boy ton temporary receiver but the 7 Order was . revoked by . the United . States Circuit Court of Ap peals, which held that ,the Jower court themselves,' last night: with clearing out a , German advance position v front of the new British line. : ; ; v V - In other, sections the British carri ed out successful raids, capturing prls-, oiiers.. . . ; , ',--:'W " ' Apparently there is a halt, in; ina-'.. joi-i activities- aloHg the French front - Shtoh rthorit5r- to,t' rfffnt. to SPPlr n. rpppivprtanin fnr o. -. . . right to seek a receivedship " for a Traf ernal " ins urance" organization ; In Massachusetts, was vested solely hi the Attorney General. The, appellate court yesterday denied Hobart a pre hearing. -'.' : . -: '..-.-' Counsel , for thp petitioners "today contended that as the bill was brought by citizens of another State, the point raised in the Hobart suit would not apply. I nrrnn r Tiir nn ii nt dtrunt int buuiii r fcampaign ., which . General Cadorna 1 - waging on the Isonzo front against th V Austrians. ': :'?l-p . : pj-K: : Drove' Brltih:Qut.:''--lr:'i:;;i:J::':i Berlin, : (Via London); Augi 29. Ger man' counter attacks yesterday drove tiie British from the indentations they had made in the5 German positions northeast of Frezenberg, on the Flan- r ders front, army r headquarters an-' nounced today, v ; -: ' RATHER BE DEAD THAN IN THE ARMY The Injunction Case Being- Argued Before Federal Judge at Greensboro ....... (i$y Associated Press.) , '. . . Tampa, Fla., -. Aug. 29. Armando Rodriguez was found, hanging In an out-house last night by hla father. I The young man receiyed his call for examination from the .district exemp- ' tion board yesterday noon and had not been seen for several hours before he was found dead. He had heen wnrrv- ling over his chances for being taken into the army. . ..' " , . (By Associated press.) ; Greensboro, N. C, Aug; 29. Hear ing on injunction proceedings Taring- ting into question the constitutionality of tne new r Federal child labor law, which comes effective September 1, began here today ' before - Federal Judge Boyd: The importance of " the suit is indicated by the imposing ar ray of counsel the Department Of 6 Justice, p the national child i labor com mittee and cotton manufacturers be ing represented,' in addition to'the pe titioners a father and his two sons, both minor children. . ; i "; The law prohibits tne "employment of ahy child . under. 14. in' any factory, mill, " workshop s or cannery, --v? whose products are to be " shippe d in .inter state.' commerce, and. requires that the working day. of children J14 ; andilS years old, shall no)t be longer than 8 hours,' '--r-l: l-:J.-i, :.'- Roland H. Dagenhart and his . sons, Reuben and John, have y applied to Judge Boyd for an injunction td re- PRICE OF .SILVER.te:; CONTINUES TO RISE --.'- u." v-'--''" ''.:.-;?v';.rI''iv (By Associated Press.) r . - New York; Aug. 29.-The price; of silver ; continues to move rapidly up-, ward' Today bar silver was " quoted' at 89 3-4 : cents ah ' ounce, a rise of 1 cent; since yesterday. ' r; ' . OP SUBIRIUES: Sink a Belgian Relief Steamer-and a Norwegian; ' y Merchantman. .; ' " (By Assoc)' d Press.) ' ;. ' . v; London, Aug. 25 "; -The Norwegian steamer r Kongsli f f m Saint ' Nazaire, strain the Fidelity -l Manufacturing A France, for th jyiiited 1 States, ! has ; Company -from discharging - thef -twobeen SunSoft if the Spanish coast,,ac- O boys from the company's - cotton mini cording to a r, telegram) received in.- at - Charlotte. United . States. Districti Christlania, ; from Santander : and for- .. . Vlty Associated Press.) nfcsoointpd with the Seaboard for 43 '-6 Rome: Aug. 29. Monsignor , Thomas (By Associated Press) 3 ; Rome. Aug. 29.-r-The Italian Mm A: 1 11 '! HI an nntomnhilo i,n 'M '-n i-nwTOf,-. .u!..jl.nM i .ti,p yoiiwiiv , ..51.nnrpfiia.tine- the' F. Kennedy. . rector of -the; American hiPh , '"'"ynious telephone call i great services - of Judge Vatts and college ;in;Rome,:is dead, after a long . troops, pushing forward on the uy tii ' ' 1 ne antomohiid ikjpH . hla oevotion to lis . lmereaus, wjuim- uiuros. r iu xt auuu.ut,uui . ivcvucu- r.uiwuDun.ii.iuoi.tou, 7 i-odi,,.,.;. lIle nnl!no iafl 1 nine-a thpv had'for so many years,' .bedame ill and: although, he recovered a powerful fteri,r !aH s Harrno nrpsidpnt' nP "rlPfilinpd to relieve him. and. elected temporary, .- h;s, ' : health failed and are now Utp. r. dK) ''i.-eot Cleaners TTntnn 1 him tn the nosition of consulting coun- gradually an' Tcnr . ago lie was; re-; ffice announced Wra f '' nien werp arrPHtPd af. rpI i , - t ;' ? portea to Je in, a; serious condition. ;Deyona uorzia ine eld tfJr , 11 ; f'aloon and are being Mr.' Underwdbd'will 'assume the" pd-'; He was a native of .-Pennsylvania, '. and: gains. . . .V ;v:-' Paninn i. woman, ine .siuon. ot genera wpaa .uu-Vocvh ;-.iio'u -UTO". ,U "-"v '-f ..- , , -. - ., ' - . . . v YPnntiniipA nn - p,7 Two mon of Carno. is beine n-pld , hpr 1. college; since 4901.- . ..'- . , (Continued on Page Two.) tion sot naiions-.agauisi. me- ut-imuu - --. . ?. r . " UrT . : r nn;ia . Nt, itnitnpntaA anaTheir father contends- that , he has a.otezi&n'-steamer Kongsli as j w.niTM irt -ihananninff the new- right; to tneir wages until tney are i,;gianrj.Jtei ship. . i She. measured 3,bb3 fold subtlet interference, and the tjer-l w swruaiu unun o.;.-:. bra -Russia to' is reporteilasiVaa arriy-r; r fold subtle interference, ana tne. w .:' r"J A- o"'-"" tain counter-revolution Mcfi', wbud 'to;work:ii,;to'8 f restitution of its power or upon any ; word bf honor it could pledge in - a Norvyegian Steamer- Torpedoed. Kinxing Dy a uer- Norwegian tons gross, ia MnvnrpiHa n ' f nrel crn nf. lnmbia :Uniyersity, has been retained nee, an Exchange Telegraph Company in the case of leading counsel for tho dispatch from Copenhagen, saya. , The Department of Justice - . ' 1 crew .was caved. M; ? V : '; - , I ; ' ' - . :;;' ' ; ' - 'Mr r , ! .1 K'J ',t l it' 1 I-