t. THE' WEATHER FORECAST LMING' F I i! fi L EfllTIOtJ For North and South Carolina! probably showers tonight arid Sun- day. " 1 FULL LEASER IRE SERVICE XXIII. no; 31 3. PRICE FIVE CENTO, RENCH TURN ANm BIG BLOW 4 T- Gi? O Wis PRINCE "ID lb " ' "V. V -; - WILMINGTON. NORTH CARO. TNA SATURDAY a ftc r MnnM cc dt r 1017 A V . " r rSs n y II in fi. !i i in mi i " in i . 4" - ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 " ' ' -v ' 1MB H n II II 111 li 1 1 I it i l! Ir-U III I - . - .--i i.,: i..., aW . ,w . , ,..v- " "" The Fcrlcrai Court Refuses to Grant injunction against Postoflice Department. - . THE JUDGE QUOTES FROM 1 tit. ifc.wrArt.K To Show Purpose to Obstruct the Government - Appli cant Has No Equity in His Cause Comes Into Court With Unclean Hands. pnniTCCT Dciwciiiicn b bfe I 1 1 1 1 1 II I I I I v-' III I U I 'II II I II Eii Hil ! - - UUII I IIL IILIIILU jl I f ur ounuuLDUuioi NOT TO In Swift Thrust Gen. Petain's Forces! Plunge Through' ,V German, Lines.; 7 -'. "American sailors at "The Eagle," the" hew Y. M C -A hut in Aldwycn-, which is to be the 'headquarters of the U. S. A. forces . in London. , It is already well patron: zed. -V:: . VKV ; f Aftermath of the Awarding of Contract to Certain Publish- ( ing House Last Year ( p. -Associated Press.) . . 3-H-:mn;ili. tin., Sept. i: Copies oi i t- r m . t the opinion Juoge imory &peer oi BOOK IN CONTROVERSY the I nn Mines ooun lor tiiu ouuwi- ern Disirict of Georgia in the c'fortf of the Jciit'isonian ruDiisning vj.i r -1-1 n rTnt-n pail', 01 1 IKMllMJll, VjrcX., uu iciam ,ua second l;!s.-s mailing privileges, have t - - T ftlL Jl I Wn rooi'ivt'ii .in savannan. ine ae- rision which was rendered at Lake iTur DiinflhniifliUc IHl llUlVlnliinliil FairfieW. X- C., denies the injunction; sough' ly the Jeuersonian fuDiisnmg Comiiany to compel the postmaster at Thomson Jo accept The, Jeff ersonian under the sreond class mailing privi- legc. .Iiuige speer s aecision, wnicn is about l.r.oi) words in length, quotes frequently from the columns of The Jeffersoninn to show ats purpose is to obstruct the recruiting and enlistment of nun in the service of the United States. The decision conclues: , "There is, moreover, an additional tBi-idenition of the weightiest char- NOT UP TO CONTRACT Book Commission Divided on Oroginal AdoptionCom- rSetitors Allege Law Not Observed. ' ?- FIERCELY RESIST German Attacks Some Lines Successfully Makensen r- Calling for Reinforcements (By Associated Press.) ' London, Aug. 3f Reuter's corre spondent at Odessa,' sends the follow ing advice; under yesterdayvs date con- (Special to The Dlspafcli.) . , : Raleigh, Sept. 1. The Row, -Peter son & Co. readers 'which-last year i swept -the deck and became a Stated ceming the: Rumanian situation. adoption after a statesiege of 'months, T "The latest communications from are in trouble before- they -'are put i the ' Rumanian battle front report into circulation generally and a figh'tKfierce resistance, often favorable for on the quality of paper used in them I Russo-Rumanian forces against violent has - begun, rt will be abundantly j enemy attacks in the Oituz,: Ocna, and recaUed that when the text boor com-l !he 'valleys of tho Sercth, i;nd the mission on adontine- thes hooks whlph rtna. ine losses . nave . Deen neavy THE WAR CITIES KOI BUILD NO iflmni n nrbnfliiR! HibLU'DLn Vfli -. nirnnTiiiTinHi . IDLbUMHilUty le Berlin INewsDaDers Have Many Criticisms ) to . Make onit., . TOOK PRISONERS : r AS WELL AS GROUND Stroke Oime After Week rlnactivity pected -Italians Keep Harri mering Away,. at. Selected : Points. . Along Austrian Frohtr. Turning to the aggressive "on ,'tb9 'Aisne front in i Northern. Prance wher4 ; CHIEF INDICTMENT AGAINST THE NOTEjttey have ben . withstanding persi ' J-, ;"rrh-zy ;. - ' . ' tent German attacks' fbr. weeks paaL Its Differentiation of the Ger man Government and All, i the y People Charges Ambitious Motives., (By Associated ; l-Ress. ' , . Berlin,. Aug. -31, - (via. London, Sept. t Berlin still is without definite knowledge of the contents of Presi- ' dent Wilson's reply, to the Pdpel TJp to noon . today, the only information j merely a local affair or the beginning C available Was contained in Dress com-l"1 a "V "Leuaive movement. m ta the French yesterday struck a charp ; and heavy blow at; the crown prince's v In a swift thrust General Petain'a attacking forces bound forward more : than 300 yards on a front .of more' than V three quarters of a mile in the Hurte- bise region on the Chemin-des-Dames, between Craonne and Garny. v r v ; This : stroke which 4 may prove to be I .is ing the New Amiy: Huge I War to be Published by Undertaking. :'; British Newspaper ?It istaftif medvfromtaccurat& sourc es that. Field Marshal von Mackensen urgently demanded strong reinforce commission ordered. Old books which j Moldavia,: counting on the co-opera- f" , f r0"v A ' : .ition of large Russian divisions, but I"s., and Little Rock. a vogue oi nve years were r fte Rumanan government Is taking! Camps, at .DesMoines, Fort Riley, giveh a lease on life for another year I ajj the measures dictated by prudence. . Kas.; Atlanta and- Columbia, will be and the contract with Row, Peterson i A great number of Rumanian deputies ready on September 5 to accomodate & Co. dated from June 1 1917 . ! have arrived at Odessa.'' idu per ceni. ui uie iuu quuia-ahMguai, Thj ie. denial ottch.9--:n . tajtmction iisere5ogh L Anf?! inneal is made to an American court v,raig--uuu , ytners .pejaiea migaiuy, if equity to oblige the postal author!- made provisions as to changes in . con-i tes.ot ;ir.1f:;n,nt,7 T? w "if textf thG Chicag0 .adUr,ments'fbr. his army. Rumanian army ailing fricdit.os lor the furtherance agreed to raake such changes as" the circles are still hopeful of retaining the notion. a distinct as it is trucu lent and daiu'ci-ous. Under the famil iar rule in uity, such an appeal is addressed ! .- ly to the discretion of the court, ii is to be determined by the consult t.-o of the chancellor, and ahvay.; v.itli proper regard for the public wf'll'iiro. This imports the coun try's welfare. And a party seeking this extraordinary remedy, under a rule equally familiar, must come into court wiili clean hands. Can one be said io come with clean hands when the policy, methods, and . efforts he would maintain may cause his hands to be imbued in the blood of the de monilix; d and defeated 'armies of his countiyim n? If, by such propaganda American soldiers ' may be convinced that tli y are victims of lawless and uncnnstiiui ional oppression, vain in-: deed will - the efforts to make their l,i- i At. i x i.'i! e ments filtering in from nearby neutral By the Government For Train-! During Eight Years Before the i capitals. The Lokal Anzeiger is the ouiy neriin newspaper veniunng to comment. It says: ' ; "Even if the text of President Wil son's reply . to , the Pope is' not yet available, the press comment 'at hand indicates that the President - of ' the United States is "again differentiating between the German people and the German government and that 'Mr. Wil son again'is harping upon the alleged struggle between - democracy and au tocracy. This: is v wholly in- keeping with . his ; nature since he: - discarded the mask of-a peaces friend. President Wilson apparently, is. striving, to Joutdo Premier . liioyd-ueorge as. a, war Daiter. (Br Associated Press.) V Washington, Sept. ; l.-The "16 na tional army cantonments, each rep resenting a small city for 'the ibrousing of 40.000 soldier inhabitants, will be (By Associated Press.) London, Sept. 1. Important revela tions which form;. a valuable chapter in the history of British and GrermanJ negotiations during the , eight years ready for occupancy as rapidly as the : before the war willVbe published by troops are called to. the . training The . Manchester uuarciian Saturday, camps, Secretary Baker annoumced to- The revelations are a, detailed .account day. ,- v - v , ;jof th negotiations ' which : Richard . Eight of thelcantonments are prac: I Bardbn; Haldane; (now Viscount al tically i complete and- other, construe-j danoJi then S secretary for wai1,-. con- ducted with Emperor WiUiamvDr. von The former j pr0feS?or ; of :Z history tnat peace wm .never tion work has reached the point where ample I accommodations are- assured flof i theTvari oi s 1m rive. Those completed are at ; Louis- ville,1 Fort Sam Houston Ay er, Mass! ; Petersburg,; ya.; Chillicpthe, O. ; Am erican Lake, Washington ; Rockf ord, .'Ret.'h'ma'nn-lTollw?e-'t'h. Oprman" imne-I i .n f-sr "-r- --:.-'ri -,7c-T SaT ,', vT . . j auuwij. uiu neii maw yratc win .iictci , - - , nai vuauvuiur Auimrairvuu 'AJtiAfVpnie- ii U!uc, lues uLXiUB.iu., wan uuim -tr" r. - ..Tj - minister of the German navy( and other German leaders, including, strik ing conversations. r ' . ; x ' '. f '.: GIGANTIC AIRPLANES WOULD DO THE WORK - : -y j . (By Associated Press.)' ! -- VI Newport R I. Sept; i.--The' use of gigantic airplanes which - the ' Italians are now - building as the bestj means iWhile on" the same date quarters will I , . ,. T t-n . of enamg tne- suDmarme menace hy auota at Annapolis Junction. Battle J- disappointed book agents se- - rionslv threntened rnntnat nf-tho nnn. If.FRMAN rHANPFI I OR tract on the ground that the time lim-l mNTD A niPTC r.VT A l?n Creek Wrichtstown. N. 'J . and ": YaD-1"" ? ? 11! ''i? ? it was prescribed by the statutes andj VY1,V1V111VIU .v - - . - ' . ' urgeq Dy iviajor . it. i-erieui, ; neaa oi ' (Bj Associated Press.) Z?eR e L &W0Xim ' to , the United States at a benefit treat- Berlin, Aug. 30, (via London, Aug. $150,000,000, the War 'Department has. riCal nerformance' for American avia tors 5 here- tonight; v Her said that, air craft carrying 25 or more men could nobody had any power to extend it. This was abandoned. Then it was contended that the commission adopt- be built-, in; large numbers in this country where materials-, are . abundant, i -t 1 - r T A 1 TTaII.i. 4-1-.A . iivs4j-h.M lAnofmiAtmiv Ik nitiao nnth - flow. . i . -- 1 1 1 1- . villi r-tu i ii i ii ;i ii- r n i u, ' i ih ii nun t.irnni.i ui.i.iijii in Lies ni 1.11 iv ed books which it had not examined j fol.mer imperial chancellor, today as- erage, wMer, light, power,-telephone, since, the commission ordered new serted.that it was his impression that paving and fire protection systems. -mattei into some of the readers and it i james w. Gerard, former ambassador Vast quantities of . raw . materials Zal nlenfeil 1 was illegal. t0 Germanyin writing his revelations have been used in the. yrorK - Including, ' across -the Atlantic and used on Nobody had the courage of his con- 6 Germany.s war airas; gave a some- 500,000,000 feet of lumber; 93,000 kegs f " 0ther sidr vietiona and thp atrents went haoTc to. , itnnnn . i?oj Ann ( ult utiic-i aiuc fl6iUSl,yeiulJVv',uu .- --i w-.nai ireerein io nis lmaginauon. me ui nans,; itu.uuu uuuib, ooo,tou nor- allies " - . tell their-companies that, nobody who statpmpnt of thft former chancellor sashes. 3.000.000. square feet I" of . - 2 . '. ' ' was the result of ms reading m a screens, . ljs.oou- roils ; oi sneatmng .. nri icu TDAADc - V . lacked a lawyer had any chance be fore this ' North Carolina text book deeds rival the glowing traditions of J commission. On the fehowdown which their hi :-n ti-.;n On tho rnntrarv the world will behold London, newspaper Mn Gerard's ; ver- paper and 6,000,000 square feet sion of a conversation with him last paper roofing. un me cuuirdij. cnose tne uow, reterson &o. reaa-Uanilary in whicn it was aiieged that From 5,000 to 10,000 men have been' Americas degra ers, Governor Craig, Lieutenant-Gov-f Germany's peace terms were set forth, employed at each of the" cantonments BROUGHT INTO SERVICE idation and shame, -the disintegration imder fire of our line of battle, the in floricus fiiirbt of our defenders, like the recem debacle of the Russian army, bmuslit about by methods much the same; the ultimate conquest of our conn try; the destruction-of its in stitution and the perishing of popular govornment on earth. j "The preliminary injunction is denied." ernor Daughtridge, Secretary, of State Grimes, Treasurer Lacy and Auditor Wood voted against these readers, but Attorney General Biekett, nbw Gover nor, Superintendent Joyner, S. B; TJni derwood, W., H. Hipps, Miss Hattie Parrott, Superintendent Long, of Northampton and A. T. Allen (by proxy) "voted for it, five. "r': ' '"rV Germany s peace terms were set forth, employed at each of the ' cantonments (By Associated Press.) I "In his publish report ofj this par- and the weekly payrolls have run as ; Amsterdam; SepUJ-The Central tfcular conversation," Dr. von Beth- high as $150,000. JTo light eachVsite ' powers have decided to put:lPolish jhann Hollweg. told the Associated 250 street lamps and 20,000 inside , troops in the field against the En Press -today, "Mr. Gerard attributed lamps were supplied. " ; s - tente, according to a dispatch from utterances to . me which may have I Construction at a few of . the sites Vienna. The move was prompted 1 by been! made in other onarters in Ger- has been, retarded.' the .War : Denart-1 the vigorous'. allied: attacks. -The" dis- many ferred in the progress of otir conver-;cantonments located near large cities ' In view - of the general offensive made in other quarters in Ger- has been retarded, the : War- Depart- f the vigorous '.allied f attacks and to which he frequently .re-jinent says, by geographical conditions. I patch reads: V. , i-ri V nfrno rf Aiir nnnvnr. n a iL A.n. UtAn "Tn TlOW Cf tllQ P-Onoml t n isting water Germany have decided ;tof utilize the some camns I Polish' 'auxiliary. jprs;underAAustrian It was seven to-sationt ;but which were not my own. have been built more rapidly because t of theirenemies,: Austria-Hungary and '- " -1 This -annlies esDeciallv to h3 refer rf tho bnocjihiiitv n'f e-ristinp- water i Germany : have decid The contract, last year called for ' P;nf.o. to Germany's alleeed intentions srnA ' lio-ht svitoms , v.- - At snmo oamns 1 Polish' 'auxiliary fcrt OPPOSE SEFAR ATE -PEACE BY AUSTRIA i certain changes, and S. B. Underwood, to seize Liege and Namur and of Ger- it was found necessary of Pitt county's schools, was made many'a plans to take position of the'piete water, light aiid i secretary of the committee whichjiad) Belgian .ports and . railways and. to the-supemsion ot tnese cpanges. jvir. establish, military and commercial Underwood approved the - changes in ' dominion over that ,counrv." 1 mnniTsprint , and in nafire-nrnnf. i hnt I v - t ' - discovered that these changes were in smaller type than in the remainder of the page. . The. margin was cut down but that had been approved by the text book commission. What appears to be' the most : serious trouble before the Chl ifsffn enmrianv is the Quality of Daoer. . . " i wnicn nas. oeen mure suax yiy atta.i;i4.t;u to ; install eom- poWer facilities. r telram! f'Si rppr,;,., .i i , , . i wneu iut uuuns-wcie bciii ucic jl -wm-u in re irom Vienna says, mai w C5"rman Xational League has. de- ttandod ih;lf tll0 government 'take -vigorous ?.nd unsparing measures to check tho a k! tat ion for a .separate jpace by Austria. It is- declared that ne Gennans in Austria will oppose to 111(1 last any nronosnl tn nefio Trieste ' foiiih Tv;ol In Ifnlv lOll-OiCEMF FOR HUE GENTS that -'iJvii.nMic tJt:u.i.i.iU trie j. onoKS." ; :vynu nu;..Biciie.-uii!iaiiiLiCd&i''-iii uc.v. ia(jcv.icu i - lire iiu '.iiior ;t i;fc:,.u a mrti . ' . . ' '--- - i-.u.'. - tn.,iri,. ' ,L ".nv;uii iui Ausi.iia. Has loinea in uie ciamor againsi xaese 1)1 Iier IlllieS SU O horH ; tn firiH'-o fDiv CALLS WILSON'S NOTE IMPUDENT TALK Rot.....n-r AIated Tress.) fifr,,-,. .. 'Vt. J. bri.f :s Zr''tunS. which prints M:ii,iy trom an Italian-source -The Koelti- ttie Ounce- Loaf For Eight, Per haps Ten Cents. v ' ' t (By AsaocL-ited Press. ' - - . v v Washington Septv 1. Hopes of con sumers for a 14-ounce loaf of bread for 5 .cents faded ; today with - the an Ueh l!H! pr v.-i.i, 'j'.'.ni.-u Dy some English; nrup orC17,Tril ir'Uirr eoniments anw Tn wv-- il w nl elf -, but lalk one does not an defending attempts -at vith the sword. SjONFEDERATE VETS W'LL BE IN THE PARADE 'on I!v :..a. , . ' .,, orpt. x. yvasmng Biarei! i '11,,tlrrate veterans . will artty ot J Vi y sido with -.the grand Eray Un;, ",' 'Public, wearing their at their v -an(1 Wlth the union.flag nii wl "J the Parade here . Tuea fcr thB vnor of capital's first cmota Auuonal Army. who - are happy to. inform everybody thf:th?y.did not vpte for this series, : Book agents are . again thick here. They. c,ame down Tiiarsday" and y s terday and are watching1 a fun which Aid nnt annual trrtheir ftense of humor - ayear'ago.-' It is highly probably that : nouncement '-of " Herbert - Hoover that firtjv ist.tm(nt will he made from thn r.the best can bo expected is a 16-ounce trtnw this week. ; .; i 'nf, for .10 or possibly 8 cents: f .mmm -w. m-v T w-- . . I f rw f i r yIttu n! s tvat ion an-nouncod.' if bak ers", retailers; and consumers co-operate' in' eliminating wasteful distribu tion and unite to obtain a standardize ed 1-. " f. "Members of the wheat-price fixing committee, predicating their bo lief, pn the "reduction in; the cost of wheat, had declared that the 14-ounce Jen? for 5 cents 'was to be expected. - ; The price of family flour, MrV Hoov er said, chould drop 2 or 3. dollars a barrel .at tVif present price tf wheat. The .-public may expect no price reduction--on bread until Mr. Hoover has complete 4-ifrnlans for -dealing with, the hj.k.A - industry, announced C," I. Corby, representing the bakers of the country In the food administra tion. :-' j .'-:.' . " command. " As. soon as the w-ar situa tion permits this corps, will again form the kernel of .the-. Polish array. Mean while, the . necessary framing and re cruiting staff, . consiot ing - of 'V Austrian and Polish subjects, r wills remain.,' id Poland' . PROTEST FILE! ON SECREGftTIOHiWEW LIBEBTY m ... :. ..' .. i- .. :-; i k : -.l . - ; ... . LAUNCHED ICT.ISI To be For Three Billion- Question of T Advertising . Left to Congres. BY MR. WILSON'S NOTE '" ' "'- ' "' ! . (By Associated PressD Rome, Aug.- 3 0 (Delayed ) . Count de Salid, the: British; minister at the Vatican, who presented President Wil son's reply to Pope Benedict received the ' impression: that the ' Pope,'; al though, disappointed at the resident s t ' "nrtake negotiations on the lines laid- clown, in the Papal note, Wus- touched by the ftobility -and, dig nity of the President's renly .nnd co.ur; tesy . toward him personally. The.' Holy Father, be. added,, also' felt grieved at the ' unpityfrig condemnation of Ger nrny'o rerfidy. , ' (Bv Associated Press. "" Washington, Sept. 1. The- next Lib- their assnmptions bay eTbeou. realized. ,1 -The Full Text Printed. Amsterdam, Aug.. 31. The full test ot" President Wilson's f reply, to the Pope was reproduced ; without . com ment in the Friday noon edition of the Koelnische Zeitung. " ; ' r i ' The- People and the' Government. .Amsterdam, Sept. 1. President Wil son's reference, in his reply to Pope Benedict's peace .proposals to the Ger man autocracy , as distinct from " the German people arer commented upon unfavorably, by the German press. The Tageblatt of Berlin says: "President Wilson speaks of . tle democratization of Germany which: we also desire, but it is an internal question and one we consifler forbidden territory for for eigners,, as a condition of peace. y The Lokal Anzeiger says: "" "The whole falacy of President Wilson's argument is clear from the sentence in regard to the freedom of nations which are themselves to- decide their own fate. President. Wilson will not give us freedom to decide ' for our selves but would take it from us." ' The Morgen Post says: V "The Ger man people will not fail to return the answer which already has been made once by the president of the Reich stag, with the unanimous accord of the members of parliament, which is elected on the basis of the most liber al franchise inthe? world.- .This time, however, the answer will be clearer, much clearer." - ' - The Vossiche Zeitung says : "Prob ably President Wilson 1 does not know anything about ,' the .'declarations of Geneneral Soukhomiinon (rormer nus sian minister of war now on trial for treason) . and of General Januschke vitch (former chief - of the imperial general- staff of - Russia) concerning the reai proceedings which led to the outbreak, of the. war. . ; Otherwise he would have changed his tactics - "President Wilson r was anxious on this occasion :to ;: be ! non-committalr says The Volks Zeitung, 'for if he had .said 'yes' Vto the, papal note, v that would have meant that he was taking leave of ambitious plans of- his own, while if he , had : said "'no,' h would have unveiled, openly :his activity as a prolonger of the war, and would have angered the friends ,pf peace in the - United l States, ' who constitute , a majority of his electors.. - He finds a good way out - of this" quandary by railijig - at the - ruler of , Germany and by rejecting every peace treaty which does not contain the ' German peoples' guarantee. ' "'-. H; --' v ; The Boersen - zeiiung .mums me, area,; seems to have given i General "! ' Petain. a firm hold on.' the ? ground ; j gained for the ? repulse - of three-coun-.! . ; ter-attacks is f reported ? The ; French! " - took ISOprisonersr;';; ':'..'-; :r..Mc :: The attack followed a week of al-i I most total inactivity. , on the French. front except for small operations. The -British, have likewise been fab staining ;i from the initiation ;': of .any major movements, but there are sign- ? ed in the increase of the artillery lire on the Flanders front-that a renewal of more active operations by General " Haig may not be far .distant. ' t " V ; Latest advices J from V the Ibaliaii front; show General '-Cadorna again hammering at the ' Akstrian lines at -, selected points and gradually improy- -ing his position. ' This improvement was effected both to the sputh, ln the- Of Negro Troops in Training Camp Professor Branson - j On the Committee. . . , (By Associated Press.) , " . Washington,- September 1. Protest, against' segregation or , distinctly dif-t f erent treatment, of negro troops , in j training camps was Vnade to,. President j Wilson and Secretary 'Baker today by t n pnmmittpp nf tipsto and white edU"- cators Af terthe ' conference' at i the rer'ty Loan campaign will be launched German people will not: permit : itself War-Department 4t was said tia a uciooer- x, awuiumg w yiwoui- iaju unanimous opinion ' was m&niresled'.'bf the Treasury Department;;. Ji :tv and that . Secretary Baker i'. shortly 1 Liberty Loan committees - through wouid make an announcement I con- out the country, in response tp Secre cerning treatment of negro ysoldi'ers. - tary McAdoo'o appeal, are today per Members of the committer expressed I fecting their organizations: m'prepar the belie! that -the War Departmnt's fltion for ithe ;coming campaign. -rttitudc would be agreeable to them, j No r announcements concerning do The negro leaders promised to co- tails - of the second offering . will vbe operate K eliminate as far as5 possible : made .'until Congress acts on the pend dangc of race riots 'near negro con-1; ing-- bond bill. It,.is expected,T howev-iv-i-ation camps. They made no defi-'er,. that the issue will-bo for about nite ob jection to "the movement of $3,000,000,000 and negro tr6bp3 '"-to - "Northern ' 'Btate3i - tionAboolcs will close. November 1. wbero ; tbis dnno-er nrobablv ; woukr be wnetnec tne ouerms wm oe xiuy w to be driven into a dangerous internal conflict by its enemies adding: ."This is , the object "of the Entente which sees in the weakening of our internal front, the only prospect of - victory. This hope' will be wholly disappoint ed." - ' ' ARMING TO RESIST CONSCRIPTION LAW (By lARkociated Press.) , "j . Montreal, Sept, , 1,-r-The finding of 1,600 rifles,- thousands of cartridges ern front of the attack;" in ihe - reglori east or uorizla. Tiie; Italian" lines, 14 thei hew positions nbw appear to b a firmly - organized in 'preparation ' f0r whatever further moves General Ca-: dorna has in mind: i " " j : Petrpgrad'si official' statement today' makes no further allusion to the Ger-1 man operations in the vicinity of tha Gulf of Riga which were dwelt upon in yesterday's report. ) , : " Announcement of an increase in the severity. of the ' artillery fire south of the Dvinsk . district, east' of Vilna 'afld. near Smbrgon, is the only allusion to jthe activities on , the ; Russian fronts proper. . Repulse of an attack on the Rumanian front also is . reported. ; BRUNSWICK HAS SUS- ' - TAINING INSTniJTION . (By Associated Press.) ' : v.! ,. Raleigh, Sept. 1. A self-sustaining county home Is a rara avis in North Carolina, ' but :'the county hpme "of Brunswick county is this year demon strating that- the species ; is ; not ex tinct. Early in May the -Norths Caro- lina Food Conservation -.Commission urged the boards of county . commis sioners in ; the ; 100 . counties in the State to utilize , their' county home farms to the utmost extent for the production of staple food stuffs and feed stuffs. No report . was asked fpr but the clerk of the Brunswick county board has written t"6 .the . commissipn that all cleared land at the Brunswick county home was put into cultivation and that the. ceunty home there will , 4 be self-sustaining during.: this . year.? -' The ; county homety, hi - the State have an average of 150 acres of land each with an average of only 40 acres in cultivation, a year, ago. The- fopd . commission is of the opinion .that. a;y largely increased; amount of food and i feed stuffs could be secured . from; these farms and the Jesuit in Bruijis- wick county demonstrates the correct ness of its surmise. No doubt many . other counties have almost, if not. alto gether, equalled Brunswick's reccrd. "'. ANTI-DRAFT MEN I IN CANADA ARRESTER H (By Associated5 Press.) ,' : - ; Montreal,- Sept. l.-r-Seven . alleged anti-conscriptionlsts were arrested by -, the police today in - connection- with the dynamiting . recently of the sum-. , mer home of Lord Athelstan, publish- '; er of The Montreal Star. j , ... Elie Lalumiere, ; head of the ' con stitutionalists, anti-conscription organ-; ization, was: also .arrested on a war rant charging attempted murder. Lord -Athelstan's house in "Cartieryille wa dynamited on the morning of August , 9, after he4 had. received ; numerous letters threating him ' with dynamite on account of the conscription policy 1 of his -paper.' " ,;.;V. ;' . K t ; ;? FOR THE SEPARATION 5 OF CHURCH AND STATE 4. (Br Associated Press.) ' Montevedio, Uruguay, Sept. '1. :The ' commission which is revising the fed eral cdnstitution has adopted a clause .lessened other -than1 to object gerrer-' xWJ-by the. government through paid and some .sticks of dynam, te , In a ai,xo "1"LAl'"u Ufa "l r.tZZ Qor-MVt- w- announced by .the ' police. separating the church and state. The ci uit-. negioi-u. -...." -v .. - -.. . .;. :f,oH 1 tk- iicnmrorv la Y)ocrt(,jto1. hv tho an. I rnntlsratinn nf r.hurch .nronertT Is Dro- eluded Professor E. C. Branson, of tle University of North Carolina. decides. what priate;for the : ataount; it wilj - appro-i to organize" resistance to the conscrip-j wiU go to "Congress! for' final approv-: ? purpose.' ' -.1 Ition bilL v - t.r al before becoming effecUve, - ' , .