J: i- L '- THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH; St INDAY . MORNING: SEPTEMBER 16191 7.. PAGE TEN .'a TH EA mmmm organiza- ;.. .-. Jhe Atademy;;' of. Music manage- men l Oliera me .rtsnuai. iuubjvai .wua edy seeniniyeai last season with- another tion, completes the roster of big spe cial acts ' carried by thip wmpany. v The'1 prettiest, newest andv cleanest "wardrobe seen -here in many months, all new songs and- dances,- and three new bills that will , absolutely create a,; TtoxH: ar,QTproiuiseu pauuusritpr.cno mm CLARA KIMBALL. YOUNG 1 f Mos prbmuicntvlnotionpictuj ies ;she; played .during; the long stays f of ; most -Of her engagements of last fceasojiiJ ' As? bad been : ihease? with & - coming maim ium ",6 nHihPomnPomTf Was written 5 ' w itrione runf monthsTa t 1 abound .Ihay . youth and chame-r-:-f th&:day-look baclr upon some 4 ing its:)ong :W5f,wje .monms, tne irincess. anu tasmu l"Crt"ca "jnalpri -I New York and, with the.New a AMtz Th rnst jhr!udeswno na7se?P Mltzi V?. ne?iec Utart on the .roadrto . atatutw--:. 5 ' the names of many New York MS'tffiSwSXS iiea uiiu u-um0w V without a. wrinkle as she, did -. jvjonv animatea oeyy or 5 n"" gbmery and, .S&ne in "Chin Chin. . .chorus nad have.t: been named ffwintft-'to send an ris ' tiohV tb rtnis rule, and l"My Official Wife.l' whichuias been re-issued by tbe Vltagrapli X'tnipny is a de luxe s, j a , is ; uis ui win, i? t- cditiofl and wliicxi ; is the attraction at ena;. an organizauon or uausuai ? Grand Tat on ILoir;.., 'clothes with a certain cjiic lzvimauai - par style not duplicated In any other mu-.ading starBes Miss steal comedy of the season. They add : Nanghton, ; role in .considerably to the life and success ;f her;career. of this musical treat which is sure to crowd the. Academy 'Very Good Eddiewas written pll ... bo seenin .the?,vleadingt roles, the-l , i,;;itrt r wWo5v .,compaiv:mci wno becomes a bitter Nl- . . f the, kind; the lUnry W. Savage nama .,... .CU-w ta oro ihh ir. "Very UOOQ JLUUie Wiia WUHCU ujr . QTnii olwr. nenrne n hallnt nnrt th A I u ""'-: " PhUip Batrtholomae and ; Guy -Bolton. .Pom Pom orchpstra. The j0SeDh Lyrics by Schuyler Green and music by Jerome Kern. No musical come- dy in recent year3 has had as many sony hits as "Very Good Eddie." Same of the bigge3t sellers are "Old Boy Neutral," "When You Wear a Thirteen Collar," Isn't It Great to be Married," "Some Sort of Somebody," "Nodding Roses," "I Wish I Had a Million," "Wedding Bells rAre Calling Me," "Babes in the Woods." and "If 1 Find the Girl." The story of "Very Good Eddie" is briefly as follows: ; Two young married couples -start out on their-honeymoon on a Hudson boat Some difficulty arises about the luggage and one of the husbands 'and one of thcP'wives go ashore to straighten matters Dut. The boat then pulls away from the dock separating the , newly weds. The couple rqmain- Urban. scenery .will, 'of '; course, be brought, in J ts; entirety for the en gagement, . altogether making this early theatrical offering one of the most important, offered, for. the com 'ing seaon: yj; - ; ?::v- r-- .; ..VS."! Y P NEJCT Wpk iAT HOYAL. . j Next week .. the RoyaT, goes you even one better thanlthc past week in prc- senpng a .puncn, at oia w uming cold' blood before her very eyes is an .example of film artistry. As the .story goes on ,we find her using her womanly charm and magnetism, lur ing on the Russian noblemen and fin ally throwing them aside when they have'served her- purpose. The rolo is wonderfully; suited" to her, capabilities as are . those of Earl e Williams, Harr7 Moroy, Rose.- Tapley,; Mary Andersen, Eulalie - Jensen, and " the other s tars r it . .- CLARA KIMBALL YOUNa and an alt Star Cast in "MY OFFICIAL WIFE!' . -.The 'Big Attraction at the Gra nd -For1 Mcnday and Tuesday. one he does.n'task" other people "Who 'knows?" wna the : a war-stained ? Canadian , seen: in tho production. ; ' 1 ben ' a .Thoritpc.fi;;Nr-sir"'----.VnTirv-BnM vf .iry" moved Ills eair- over : and' ex toiifav,orites4'sbme cleyer new mate-; My Official Wif o',: v "The finished i rounded his views on peace. - - rial ;-jRndii&nei?f .theIggest and best acting of an all-star cast in" ai)roduc-l "I'm a Canadian," he, said newrshows thai?has ;eyer been seen m tion sneniailv RtaPd rmakcs a hril- war broke 1 was workin WUTrrlncrfnri .. . . fAvj? t'x, NV . !. 11.. i a i Via '-r-.-"ov- - ; - I lmn .example oi me . uesi m m When I hiked over Nov I'm in in B0B3Y, v'ARVIS f ' ' f v. I- motion i bard factory at Detroit Bobby ;JarvIs. tbe most '. Dobular. nictures. blackfaccfeomedy attist seen in Wil-; with such . splendid i technique that it I paris on v leave ' for --the first time mington during, the last season, is at results in a wonderful illusion. Her i Pbteen months.' the head of his .own company ot clev- living presence seems' to be on the I "Tvy just read in a' London paper -cr pertormers-img season anu win stager ana- the spectator forgets that mc wusu. oyuausi wauiu tu " ' ' - ''" - ' he is only looked at a film. So ab- K to Stockholm totaik;;peace v ith tliq sorbing is this, feeling, one expects, nocne socialists, wow l m toia tne in the more dramatfc episodes, to J French Socialists want to do the same hear her spea J thing. . : ; r :. " v."-' ' "There is real drama in this pic- "If you ask me what I think of this ture; of a sort so, satisfying as to pro-! Socialist peace business, I'll tell you I "ject itself above the qualifying ex pression 'photo.' The splendid story, artistic settings, excellent direction and acting make the picture all that may. be desired - ot . a film master piece." ',.'., - . . --f ": think they're a pack of crazy people, all except the Boche Socialists. These French and British Socialists don't know the Boche. But the Boche knows them. The - Boche Socialist is - wise. -I So's Kaiser Bill. ' Kaiser Bill and the Boche Socialists want peace and they QOPFAI ICT DITAIT . want it, bad.- , They? knaw the way to '77. ' beStt to" eet. h iEoche peace is" to in- TALK PEEVES TOMMY l veigle t hese French and. - BriUsh So "' " : ' , cialists into talking a, lot of stuff about (Br United Press.) j tho horrors of war. - Paris, Aug: 20. (By Mai!). "Hey, "Now, here's .what I ,think and pal, how longs this war going to J what last?" ' ; ; The question, coming suddenly out cf a surrounding murmur of French conversation in a little Paris restau rant seldom frequented by the English speaking kind, is the question most everybody .asks; himself nowadays buti if these TOost Tcf mj pals out xhere at ront are thinkin'.' We don't like the front this" Socialist business. We know the Boche is, still pretty strongT But till we ask is avchance to wallop ol Herr Hindenburg a sang and wallop right quit tbinkin'iabout goin' to Stockhojni "Mebbe. it'll take '-till next ycar-io Toil- J wallop the Bocho right. Wc, can wal: lop em : some ' right now , but a lot-of us haye had a,, look, at them soldiersfoff yours and .wo ' aren't worryin' ,a b'.t; Just eep en sendin' 'em over heso1- and we'll waTk right- alongside of 'em into" Berlin some of theso days. seen in Detroit and mixed' around with their kind in overalls I know start. They 51 need piontyrdf traihin; and a gob .'Sf discipline'. i Tn'en" Just turn 'em loose over the top and watch 'em go. Some'll get' conked I know but that won't stand-up with-what they'll do to Mr. Boche.' Having delivered fair, much of the; lecture the Canadian "Tommy" order ed some Camembert cheese -in his j very best trench and - was snent ior a wmie. Me conunuea: i 'We've been figh tin' the Boche for' a whole long time There was for, a while he had it on us. But. take-it- down to zero today. We're almost on his neck1 and it's only time 'till we'll crawl his whole frame. : He'll still crank a machine gun like, blazes and he'll shoot like hell from the. other side but get among him with the tcolct s'tecl and he's ready to come-over and be j peaceful like a lamb 'till the end of the . war' Just give us enough of them i ' ' v"'r3a?;,. I " V - ' pi;' aw. ii n . - v:'- . . i Gad ' -r r . ?; ... date Palmer School of Chiropractic r, Licensed Doctor f ractic Chirop Consultation an Analysis Free OFFICE HOURS: 10-12 A. M. 2-5 P. M. Other Hours By Appointment. Offices1 401-402 Southern Bldg. . : TH5nE838 in? Chiropractic is the science of heal by spinal acfjustiments. No drugs, surg ery, or" osteopathic methods. ; U ' '. j . ' - : ' f in inr i i ii u i mi 1 1 mi ii i iiibii mmriii imiiii h m i wmni wirrw wihii f jn-p "iriiaiilvffcM? H' 1- i! LJs 1 1' fi '. c ... I CQTTQN SCALES fivuft uuu naiiuil uiu man ui jtuuih iuiu nt; u uiaac -vi li-mr We're the boys that can do it denburg hisself be glad to come over 'civvies ; tights and 4 and eat Canadian bean sotip. f ima !, f r i I 5outn;s Premier Blackface Comedian, at the Head of His Own Company, ; " ' .at the Royal This Week. K -Ing aboard the boat a-" ,'4ed to spend the night at a little. Inn under CI ) embarrassing circumstances. Of ' ,' course, they "are obliged to register ! . ; as bride and groom and many of the r ' most laughable complications arise, fv, -But though the most unusual situa P tions occur, the story remains whole j T soniely comic throughout, never once ; bordering on vulgarity. The matinee prices will be from 50 cents to $1. The night prices will range from 50 V cents to $1.50. Tickets will go on sale j Friday morning at Elvington's. Dnng to Wilmington 4, ta neatest, cleverest and Wst all-round musical' comedy show- that hastbeen seen here ! in many years. With . Bobby Jarvis ' in -the leading; coinedyr roles, comesn Eail Root, with Lillian -Rooty both of whdm were " seeii 'here" last with one of the big Zarrow shows and created a sensation with the so ciety dancing specialities. Then' comes Al Freeland the celebrated, Irish tenor,- followed by Jarvis, Root J and Kane, "Three Dancing Demons," in the greatest dance specialty ever! seen on the Royal stage. Also Miss MUTT & JEFPS DIVORCE COMINGEdna Rose, a charming little ingenue Newest Bud Fisher cartoon musi cal comedy coming to the Academy of Music. Described as an incessant roar, with the famous cartoon principal? gayer than, ever in a' new environ -ment. One of the joy spots of local show ; don' is. spanned by the week that sees the re-appearance here of Mutt and Jeff,; Bud Fisher's impossible duo of eccentric funsters, xm Tuesday, Sep tember 25. . Last season all. record for nig at ; tendance at the local theatre of their performances were broken by this at traction. Local, interest this season anticipates a reptition of the condi tion; "Mutt and. Jeff's Divorce" is the.tU tie bf the 'new ''medium -for the funny Fisher pair's whimsies, and it's said that in the new play their every move is a laugh and. their every line a roar. Divorce is the steam in the new boiler of fun, they elicit, and Mrs. Mutt and ; Mrs. Jeff are the self starters of the i divorce: tangle. - A demure doll face miss, vwhd.is r jm heiress, provokes ; Mrs. ; Mutt '- and Mrs. Jeff to suspi cionand oice the fires of - jealousy : ? are lighted; it s a oonnre tor the V long and short eccentrics. The ex- Vl quislte ;otuming and scenic elabora-'-'.C tion i' usual ' ith the "organization : ; marks", the new medium. : Haunting I "4 mclodlerf and -. picturesque - dances . mark the score. ;' -:: , ' - '"'--AMltZI IN "POM POM." v - : ' The combination of saucy little MU- . -7 z Hajos and Henry ,W. Savage's big k r -nrndurtion of "Pom Pom" - that"; has -X"-. i hpeni much talked, voyer, is to- be ; , brought here by .the' special arrange - ment of having -Mr. Sayage. begin ..4is fall season for Mitzija 'few days ear lier than he bad' planned. ' .--t , . -J ii will be presented at tbe Academy of Music: on kSjeptember;f 29th matinee - and night:; . ; .. . . i - "pom Pom' 'gave , possibilities for humor, really dramatic ; acting and 'W singing to Mltzi that were not: found i ' -V- even Hn . her . earlier triumphs, rSari" 4. ?2 iandThe SpringMaid"11:' has eg. iHablished her as Hbe -foremost come - ; ?H:dlenna of Cjomlc. opera of this , time to tbe miiid.3 of critic ia all tne cit- A' who adds her personality to the witl and gaiety of the show. , Arline Mc- ifeorger a-,siiiging--.ad--.dancing:ret - mat was also . vseen in Wilmington sit tights and 4 and eat Canadian Dean soup. - f S " ":; v'l, " ;r':;:': AlbelE;rith"P s; ;clara ' kimKll - young: I; iJO 'n e Edition of The Superb Vitagraph Feature Production. ! v 1 ; Supported by EARLE WIIXIAMS,! HARRY MORfeY, M ARY ANDERSON . :!T'' tANDROSETA - ' A Thrilling Story of a Life Bitterness lngendered by The Horrible Atrocities of The Russian Exile System. : ' - - OUTFITS COMPLETE WITH BEAM, FRAME AND CHAIR DOWNHAUL, OR BEAMS ONLY. , 'FAIRBANKS COTTON TRUCKS. i FAIRBANKS STORE TRUCKS. i FAIRBANKS WAREHOUSE TRUCKS. ; JFAIjRBANKS WAGON SCALES. f FAIRBANKS 600 AND 1,000 LBS. PLATFORM - SCALES.' ' ' ; -li: r $ FAIRBANKS COUNTER SCALES. ' FAIRBANKS STEEL MILL BARROWS FAIRBANKS STEEL COAL BARROWS -FAIRBANKS St EEL CONCRETE BARROWS FAIRBANKS STEEL CONTRACTORS BAR. ROWS. ; : J FAIRBANKS STEEL FERTILIZER BARROWS ACCLAIMED 6Y. CRITICS MISS YOUNG'S MOST POWERFUL SCREEN ...v, ;;. PORTRAYAL. ' ... ir "Jl 'T---- i i nil ih.imii.i.hii.i i.i.i rii mi ni l Jh. -1 - nil j -; . IT , Pi all; ;; : ; v, ' 1 1 THI; - - III 11 - . I K I I r ii-ii I i-.- ' . . WEEK ) i v i- -"LJ k y.'v '.' ,f Y -V:-' .", i ; ; . .' : - V W '. i i. 'rzx v ?7'"rs . 1 -L ii i i - - - m m. i i. ii ii ii i i. i i i -V , rossisp JMve-H lineal - MM I 1 W. Jacobi Hdw. Co., Agents 10 and 12 South Front Street. " . . . Wilmingtoji; N. C. a JUARITHG GOB AST. LINE I The ttandan Rallroaa of Tht South. - Arrival and Departure c f rains at' Wilmington, Effective 8th, 1917. Arrivals, schedules and connections given as informanTO nnt not enaranteea. . ' , . AND HIS E.DY;GOMP'AN.y WMW B . KLEAN KLASSY KLEVER MUSICAL COMEDY New . Shov--OId Favorites ONE OF THE BEST-SHOWS YOU WILL SEE BOBBY JARVIS Most Popular Black pace Every in Wilmington. JARVIS-ROOT-KANE Three Dancing v -'Demons. THE ROOTS (EARL-LILLIAN ) Dancers DeLuxe EDNA ROSE VThe 'Fascinating !''. 1 AL FREELAND . . The Irish Tenor V-' V--- ' v-' - - ' " ' - y ARLINE . i-McGEORGE ' TheDaintySinger- BOBBY JARVIS AND THE ROOTS WILL BE GLAD TO :Vf; SEE THEIR WILMINGTON FRIENDS AT . TOMORROW'S SHOW. 6 b bb ( p o s s 61yl J AjRV I s 1 VK jQLQgt&T4 .4 "THE, SECRET KINGDOM"- THE 1THIRD MAMMOTH, AND THRILLING CHAPTERADDED ' ATTRAC- i TION MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Matinee Kilc Night 7;30 and.9:00l5-2 ? D1CFARXUSBS: No. 51 - 8:89 A. M. L No. 48. 8:00 i. M. ; ' ' . - ) No. 6S . 8:45 A. M. : TO AND FROM Florence, Colnmbi, PullmanSIeeperi, Wll miDgton and CwiTimbta' open to receive passengers after 10 KK) P. M. (Joldsboro, Kichmond, Norfolk and North. Parlor Cora . WUntnctoir and Norfolk. No. 63. . t:0S p. M. No. 8Sw :4ft P. M. No. 42. . P. M. layettevUle, Sanford and Mt AlrJ. JackBonrille aud New Bet Florence, Columbia, Augusta, Atlantc and the -West. Charleston, Savannah and -Florida points. Pullman Can Wilming ton to Atlanta Via. Augusta and to Aahe ville Via, Columbia. - " Rlohmond, Norfolk, Washington and New Yonc. Pullman Cars to. Washington and Norfolk. - l , : AKBllTAl No. M .' IS: 20 1. No. 49. ' 6:06 Noi 51 f Vn. fit 12:30 T. ' No. 61 Ko. . :M A. . f or Folder Reservations, m tes of fares, etc., call 'Phone 160. W. J. CF.AIG - T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Manager. y ' - General Passenger Agent. . Wilmington, N. a VOTE COUPON GOOD FOR 10 -VOTES- 10 For.'-.. . . .. .:. V . ' .i ' . Addr ess . gorer , Jr In The. Dispatch Grand Prize Contest subject to condUtons 'fnc same. ' T - ' ':. Coupons to be counted must be carefully trimmed aroun ,, and deposited unfolded and in an envelope or fastened togei f -4his couDon-wilTbe void after Sentember 29. - ii-