v.'.-J. SECONPEgr pAGES9pl4; THREE SECTIONS! F U L L LE AS E Dl W I R E S E R VI 'CE siBKiwMi 111 L. XXiir. NO.328. - ; w -y:;: ; . WILMINGTON JNIORTH GAROLINAV SUN DAY MORNING; SEPTEMBER 1 6, 19 17 -.V: PRICE 5 CENTS .. ... .. . . ...!..- . -L- i ' 1 1 . . t " 1 ' ' . 1 i i n i i ii , , GOLDSBORO. l WARSAW. ' 4 4 fioldsboro, N. C, Sept. 15. A mar- of much interest to friends in f3s goleranized here Tuesday even- v at St. Mary's church? when Mr. vf Mansour, a wealth merchant of this city, and Miss Heslie Heeden, of Wilson, were united fn marriage : in mm all sections of the State . , ? . - FAYETTEVILLE i V- 1 rNEW BERN. - rf , - . . . Jiayettevnle, Sept. 15. Mr ---'; V -..'-; New Bern,' Sept. 15.-Miss; Elizabeth Eell spent' a part of 'last y week: Witli her parents at Badin: WALLACE. 4- John Rj " ' ' ' - - v - (m v - Wallace, Sept. 15 There was . a most; successful and , interesting lec ture and demonstration in the school auditorium Wednesday by Miss Lucy uodd, tne county aemonstrator, on Warsaw, Sept.' 14. Misses Annie Louise Manning, of jRaleigh; Rachel Witherington.of JPaison; - and : 'Mary Louise Mallard, of Jacksonville, Fla.; constituted a house p.arty at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs . Best last week, the guests of their daughter, Miss Martha. jm. .The ; young ladie's were-the recipients mediately after the ceremony thetof 'a number-ot social courtesies." Miss ,n,;ni n it for an extended northern Best gave a deliehtful rbok Dartv1 in bridal ?our, after which they will be'thei h t ner home on Thursday nOUl" l yJ 1.1 1 AAVAkl WU VUUb - T 1UV; street. 1 u.u i-' i ed the first trize. a box of bon-bons rcan i ('a iuss ueiu an luieieatiug ., , - .. . attended and proved to be an inspi- ""1V-" p"? '1 , - . v a , , uj x i. i . Mias Julia. Rip.ka was eivpn : Rficnnn ntion to every member present, to me a box of stationery, which she I . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kehoe from Montreat, being accompanied by Provmg. though she will. be obliged r , a n ini,f in turn. gave, to Miss -Witherinerton. Inn a -Mactoi. Thnmao : if . ioc ;mi.0 -o 'ct.no to remain there tor some time yet. ' . i Attrartivo rofroahmonta ttoto tsorvml ! : r.n! i ... , 'n. . -..rr T)r.' -ri.. R .: firnham-- STirl j. sons icbl lucre " ' . . 1 i - . . Oharlps find FVpflprinV arp snpnriirur r full tin' chapter nas grown in mem- ".evU ..v "vuU.wU YJSU UujUUS ana reiauves. v i rars. a., ts. uroraame ana cnuaren' , " : .rr phi'i) which has now passed the at.an enjoyable swimming party at .the J. . Mrs , . H . W . Barbour and attractivehave returned home after-a stay with days this week with friends. The from 4 till 6 o'clock. Miss Bessie-ed friends and relatives Tolar, Jr., and ; son , Robert are back from New t York where they spent a Mrs. H. W. Armstrong has' return- period with?. Mrs. Tolar and the other ed-to the city, from Beaufort, where 'members of the family. Mrs. Tolar and A eir dressings At ' least Rhe snunt a rtolijrlitfiil ncrinA; .iHth..'onr1 'i.n4r1no--' .hilrlron nriii ' brtI'ius .ana. . eir. . dressings.. AX, leaSl friends and relatives. 'main in the North some time yet., - Persons were present. . .. Misses Mildred and.Sallie Hunter j Mr. and' Mrs." R. Tr Rosemond Tt.Mss.es yra -Cavenaugh and Mary Ball spent a part of last week in Kin-.i have r gone to. New York where they-; Bryantcleft a, few days ago ston, charming guests of Mrs. J. H. will spends period -With 'friends and -. r Greensboro, wherethey are vstu p'arham." - " relatives " ' oents of the ; Greensboro College for Mrs. Ida Willis and small son are Mr. and Mrs.-' H. McD. ' Robinson, 'W)me Missther-Warde left for back from Beaufort where they visit-' who have been spending several days MuTfreesboro, where she entered"-the. oldsboro Chapter of .the Am-'Barden, making; highes-t score, receiv at Atlantic. City, have 'returned home. ,Chjowan Collej t. Miss Hattie Spruill has returned Mrs. George Brandt has returned , rie"?s wm oe giaa 10 learn tnat to her home near Merritt, after a from Qreensboro ".where she visited f name Jonnson; who - has pleasant stay here .with friends and with her soil Mr. Leon Brandt. ; bpe Pa"ent for the past three weeks, relatives. . . ! Miss Kate Broadfoot has returned ac Jonn3 .PKins, Baltimore, is lm : ;'.; . - ; .CLINTON. ' : - ... , - : 'N v. Clinton, :Sept 15. Miss Georgia . ' chadbourn; j . 4. 4. 4. 4r 4. Chadbourn, Sept. 15 Mrs. , H.r .P.. Faison left last week for. - Shelby, ;PurvIs of Proctorville. ,is ,the guest where she: teaches in; the High School.:-, .oto. ,t - n w Atirinnnti -Mr,. "T.iiUp.Rnotto i,aH oa ...of her sister, Mrs. D. H Atkinson. aim., w . Vi w VVX Vfc V - VVU Harditf and end 'euests.- Misses Elizabeth Rpierer.!.. Mr. and' Mrs., J . lK. Hattie Lou' and '.Thelma Smith; and Mrs. R. E.. Buffkin motored over,' to.' Messrs.' E.'ZKing and.W.- C. Smith, twhiteville Tuesday ' i. ; X'Al OI'tw a8''. 'L i r Miss Carrie. Clark; of Enfield,4 . Is Mrs - ri. A - Grady spent, several. isiU her father, -Mr., D. C. Clark: days .last week; In Burgaw ,The Mayor, Misgses Winnle. and Adrta!de,Btad. her. absence played the Good Sa- shaw wno,nave been spending the maritan and fed the poor with the sur- summer at Wallace have returned Pt w aS-tn ' v.i '. home for the school opening." m pS ' CJ ind dagh Mis&es-Flora.and Maude Britt ,left r'c Mra,JS T -y;--VTamP?r.?Jt' : ar this, week to enter the State Normal ' most welcome. visitors t' Clinton. It rpWn' - J' is good to .' see Mr . Patrick, after so many years , and ' to note . so t lit tle change v in ,his. appearance and geniality, v.. , j ' v - ' . - - has been confined to her bed two weeks suffering the most " excruciating mark ,uu;.- wuu, o c-ai aaugmers, - Misses Inez ana . Mario, itneir parents anagranaparents, Mr. T w , Hv , ? , v t , Mr and Mrs. Chas.. Lutes are at iuluuut!lu,SBlB ' ai "-uoine 01 ovirs. spent a part of last week with friends and Mrs. - Peters McK;- Williams, at "A - ' v r v; 1. v , ' . yV jir. .iu Ml'y b. R . Withprinrtmi at Fat son . v Lj . - iv,.- i,;.!,1iT;4i, Mrs. .Burke Newkirk and children, tractive .family of Mr. W. J.. Yar- t llo UritA Wra A - f '11.. I rf 1 ri I . . . . -. . r, , r. I . . . . . - til VV I II i 1 f 1 I FTM HTR " ' VISlTin? . npr te.s has' been spending sev-" " ""OD ui. i.uC . 1VUSS . jidiinia ijouise -, Aenoe leu ion xviiss- iiiieanor xiuskc. is.oacK irom - . ; r' -CI r : ' : kin recuperation at a Bana- ' dies' . Aid Society, of the Baptist (Raleigh, , the early part of the week,i Oxford where -' saefvlsited ; her C sister. ?5e .rV-.- U- C ??r' : ''1' V-1 x, 2 j church ' en tertampd tha Red Rosr:w.0i.q ci,0 mm i.Q.0ntD. mui, ' rr tt t . . fl rrxienas or Mrs. J. D. Soutfrerland SSth " " ,Clrcle..at-:tteliome:ofJMlSs Sallle-HUl lege; - - ' - - , ; Miss Mildred ;,Hanbock ;.Haa return11, be. : veiy, 8or.tolearn ;ttiat ; she nr : on rn- mn mrw xrv a ccTima n di niinoa t-o v v. Mrs. O. V. Neuffer and chfldren, ""rJ " - """t ."wr who have been spending several " " " " - Mw v weeks with friends and .relative inr""1." iUhulc iU1 u,.: South Carolina, have returned to lao ciety. A tempting salad course was ... . KPrVPfl ' v .. ....... r.J '- ' City. . 1 . - . ..- " , Mr. and Mrs. V. von Gemmingen, The. Little Confederate .Chapter,, C. the latter division engineer of main- of C. held a business meeting at tne tainance for the North Carolina State hom of their leader Mrs. Charles Highway, and who will be in active C..il, on Monday afternoon. It and continuous supervision pf : keep- was voted to send rmoney for several ing up the State highway throughout, worthy causes. Light refreshments this section, has decided to make were served. Goldsboro his headquarters and at an j The tobacco given to the Red Cross early date will move his family here.' Chapter the - week f previous was sold Mrs. Loren C. Base, accompanied at the two' warehouses. Carter's and by her sister, Miss, Gertrude Jones, otj Faison' s, ; :. Monday morning," and Madison, are in the city, where they brought the neat sum of $182.67. . Of will spend several" days with friends .this amount, $120, 'was, contributed by and relatives. , v 'farmers at the Carter warehouse, and Mr. Fred King, accompanied by his the remainder at the others - ' little daughter, was a cordially greeted j vMrs. C. A. Womack'has as ' her visitor here this week. Mr. King is. guests this week, her sister and niece, s Mrs. J. H. Broughton, who spent led to the city tQ' assume her duties slight the summer in Roanoke, Va., with as teacher in the city schools and is p.ff ysis . . ' . . friends and relatives, has returned to again staying with Mrs. J. A. Oates. JJrs: Binford Sloan who has been the city. . j Mrs. , George-M. Rose, Miss Mary suering.for the past. two weeks with Miss Hannah Osgood spent a part' and Mrs., A. S. Rose and family have? a. finger, which has twice been operat- nf Inst f wppIt with . rplnflvps at Pnl.: rptnrnprl frnm Mnntrpat ' wli ore thov ed Upon, IS more comfortable, her w- " ... -f -.'; " " v., : -yj.. ai experienced newspaper man now has charge of the Assaciatpd Press at Mrs J. T. Parish, and Miss Kathleen Parish, of Winston-Salem, . locksville Mrs T. Talkasen, of Davis, N . C . , Is here for a period, the guest of Mr. and Mrs . E. M . Lupton, at their home on-Broad street .Miss Mary Aldridge has returned to their home at Oriental after a delight ful stay 'here with friends . and rela tives. - , , Miss Daisy. Edwards, of Washing ton, formerly of this .city, spent the last week-end here with friends. Miss , Edna Parker is back from Kinston after a delightful stay there as the guest of Miss Lillie Hender son. . "7 ;. - ' - ' Miss Fannie Lewis, -of Scotland Neck,, was In'the city fdr a short pe- borough who has arrived from South Garolina to be with him during .-the re mainder; of 'the tobacco season. , The tobacco which has. been donat ed by the farmers to the Red Cross, in both - warehouses has. been ? sold : ' alto gether for - $56.52.. Each - planter is asked for only one or two "ties,, or bundles of : the weed, an amount which he cannot miss, and this' is put on the market. The buyers and, warehouse men have been especially ' accomodat- - Mi AMfnn-ir earoute ttfPol IVwAO Tlllv 1IUV1 V' MUV WW ill . VlsCaU iuio winter. - r.i-A.,!HA nia"r; Mrs. X. A., Joseph and . mother, week from a delightful stay as a mem- Mrs. Sophia Einstein, wno nave oeei'Der or a nouse party at Stokes. sojourning in the western part of the.' .Mrs. S. A. Flowers, Miss Fannie State, have returned home. : ' - Wilson, and Miss, Guy Harris and W: Miss Kate Jeffreys left this week toW. Wilson took a motor trip to . Fay? resume her music and vocal training etteville last week. - - in New York City. : ' j Mr. Charles Carroll, Jr., left Tues- Mrs. J. V. Bizzell, Mrs George iday for, Trinity College, where' he win Sasser and Miss Anna Bizzell, who have been spending several days in Baltimore, have returned home, : 1 'A Jl A A f " . ue a siuueni mis year. t r 'Mrs.' R.' Hs Best was hostess to the James Kenan Chapter, IT.; D. C, when Lee Morriss, who has been on ; a; it met in J regular monthly session at brief visit to his mother. Mrs. Mary herv home on last Wednesday after- Morriss, returned Thursday morning , noon from half past' four till half past to his post at Wilmington, where he' 6 " o'clock. After the ritual, Ameri is stationed with the United ''States lea was sung as an opening number. Military Navy Hospital Corps. , Mr. and Mrs. W. -A. Dees have ar after which the chapter proceeded to transact , the routine - business. Thfs rived home from their bridal trip and, consisted in part, of voting funds for are being cordially greeted by their ; the various objects the chapter an many young friends here. jnually contributes to.. ; It was voted Miss Elizabeth Allen left this week ? to send a box of canned fruit and to resume her studies at Louisburg (Vegetables, to the Confederate Woiri Colleirp, where she graduates this .an's Home at an early, date.' It .was year. , ; 'also decided to purchase all . the ar- Mr. TTueh Dortch, of the Second; tides needed for'twelve Comfort bags North Carolina regiment, in camp at to" be made ; and held in readiness ' f6r Greenville, s. C, is in the cityfon a the nexttwelve of Luplin'sJ registered brief vLsit to his parents, -Col: and men to lea ve.' for camp:,; Mrs: Hill Mrs. v. T. Dortch. Mr. Dortch says j made, the announcement that Mrs, all the "boys" were weH and in the. James Kenan, ; of Wilmington, , had of best of spirits when he left for Golds-fered,' through the chapter, a medal boro. Jto be given the pupil of the Warsaw Miss Myrtle Bateman, of Plymouth, I school, writing the best essay on. Con is in the city on a visit to friends and federate 'History. J v relatives. . ; , ; Delegates to the State Convention Mrs. j. Wash Bizzell haf gone to were, elected as .follows!, Mrs. W, L. Florida, where she will spend the win-'iHill, president of chapter, and Mrs. ter- v A'-: Charles; Carroll, leader.' of Children's Rpv. and Mrs. A. D. Wilcox left ChaptW. ; Mrs. .Erle -Best and Miss. for Baltimore this week where they Annie Ross Williams, delegates ; ;Mes Wet to take their little son, Morri-jdames :R.i W;Best and C. A. Worn sn. to a sanatorium to undergo 'spack,;' alternates. "Mrs. Marshall Wil cial treatment-Tor injuries the lad liams,.: of Faison, was present as a sustained several days ago .-when he "charming - visitor. . An ice course, m WS rim 1 1 X xV.!l- t.il.' I.U. n.n n nn n -nJ I. V. Miss May Richard, of Delaware,' is ' Mrs D . . H . ' Gaskins and daughter, : here to , spend .. the winter with her Misa Sadie , May, tave returned ; from j aunt, Mrs. W. A. West. She. will Kinston . wnere tney visited friends and relatives. J Misses - Katherine Richardson and NelUBishop left the early part of the week for Greensboro to . enter the State Normal. - - ' " . Mrs.. William Haar and daughter, Miss Irene and Mrs. C. T. Ward have gone to Florence, S . " C , , where Mrs Haar will enter a hospital for treat ment . ; r - " ' Misses Margaret and Martha Pierce, of Beaufort, have returned home after a - pleasant . stay here with Mr. and MrsJ .B. B." Hurst on Broat street. ..Mrs. M. . R. Sabiston, Jr., of Rich mond, who has been visiting here with aiicuu Buuuui ucio iiip ia.il. - f Mr. John William -Tomlinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tomlinson, left the early . part of the week for Chapel Hill where he will enter the State University his object being to take a medical, course.: Miss Florence Taylor, of Wilmingr ton, Is here for a stay, with her cous in, Miss Helen Dodson. - Mrs. J.-M. Llley left the early part of the week for Bennettsville, S.VC; where she will visits friends and 'rela tives. ' . ' w Mr. and Mrs r Eugene . Watson and children, who have been visiting rela tives here have returned to their home Mr;;, and Mrs. Thomas McGinn, on in Louisiana, making the trip. through National avenue, . have gone to Mays-1 the country in Mr . Watson's machine, ville,- where, she will visit. ' Mrs. .They were accompanied on the return Sabiston will; also spend a ( period in Stella" before "returning ; home. f Miss Georgia Oxley spent the , past week .with friends and relatives , in Kinston.. ; Mrs. H'. S. Harrisson spent the ear ly part of the week with friends at Beaufort. -. -.. ;Mrs. jHyenry Bryan has returned from f a stay with friends at Black Mountain; She visited in other Wes tern Carolina cities also. Miss Mamie Sanford has returned to. her home in Beaufort after a de lightful stay here with friends. - : Mrs. Charles S . Wallace, Jr., of Morehead City.was here with" friends and - relatives during , the early part of the week. 1 " - by Miss Mary Starr Cook, who will visit friends in New Orleans. Miss Mildred Youngblood left for Raleigh the latter part of the week to enter Meredith. College , : Mrs. J. R. Vann has gone to Gard ner, N. C.,' where she will spend a period with her daughter, Mrs. W; G. Penny. , fr j . j ' HAMLET. - 4 Hamlet, Sept. '..15 Mrs . M . H . Tutr tie and childrem returned last - week from Lenoir, N. C. , ' Mrs..S. S. Curie is. spending -a Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Williams and;month with 'her parents at Glenwood, as run down by an automobile while green and - white was served - by the'fH d . v -k v . II UTIn : f a . . . F ,1 ' . X J T Tt(T ' T . ' " in ironi or ms nome. ineosiess, assisieu uy ivn. u. o. dbbi. ch'ld is in a srr?ous condition and lit-j The ;flrst twelve of ,Duplin's drafted tie hope is entertained for his re- men to answer , the call to the colors fPvr ; . Y. were , given an. en joyabIe.; and, bounti- Jiiss l.nnrinda Hooks and Miss An-if ul supper at the Red Cross"" rooms on I.;uvrr-nnr ivVir hot Vioon har.laot Batnrilav pvpnlnf? hv thfi ritirPTlR nousp gu'Kt for a few days, leftfthis of the town, and were presented wih Wef" f01' Greensboro, to resume heir comfort bags' made arid filled for them SUKlies in tho C!tof q KrnrTnaT fnllofA -1r,ir,l, lorlfoQ ' Adf1rpSRP. Wpr TTiartA Mis.; rif ni-frin TVTr.r'iiilon nf inTmiTiT hv ifoaa ' W ' T. . TTilT. Pniintv fhalr- Vm'v, is in the r.itv visitinir ' friend3 man tit the i National Council. Of De- oiki rc);.i little son? have gone down to Beaufort Ga. Mrs . Eloise Hilliard and Miss Blanche Muse "went to : Raleigh y the jMrs. C. H. Turner and granddaugh ter,.' Miss Virginia Day, are spending a period in New York City with rela tives and friends. ' Miss . Margaret Harvey, of . Vance boro, who has been visiting here with Miss. Elanor Hall at her home on early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Covington, of Laurlnburg, visited Mrs. Coving ton's mother, Mrs. , J. R. Gordon, on Monday, r . - - Miss Lizzie Mae Smith returned last Thursday night after a month's stay vr.- miiii is iiir ui uki. TPnsp: n..' u. juuuuu. ouu iicu": . 1: . t .. .i j -mr i sic. m ... . . .. . . .. . .. ; uieuwiiit-Biay ure-wiluivh . v aiiu xuia.i . ..rs. w. H. Fartin on wronna:nedy. , . H:,I. Crumpler. - t v Mic;.- . - - j 'r lr 1 r Tx Mrs . W . E . Turnbull.: of BalUmore,f j i i , ( 1 1 i ttt i r -v n r n xr r r n oma aah t v 0 t n a t-w bv: i 111 ivii i 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 m i - r ixiim w c uvmo yuuui;, .v -v r.- , i . . ixtrhrt ' nasi npprr Hptp fnr KPvpral 1 (lavs er. ,wu a short visit to friends in Dur- J. C Russ.',: The hoard of trustees of the I. O.' has arrived to fill a place In the. fa-F- Home in this city, with chair-' culty'ot "the, Warsaw school, made .V? atl Marcus Jacob!, of Wilmington. f cant bV the resignation of Miss Ruth r. s.'dinR held an interesting: meeting : Moore, who has accepted a position in Vance street,' has returned to herlin South Carolina and Georgia home " t Mrs. 'Hugh : Beacham- and little Miss. Dorothy Lewis, of - Beaufort, daughter, Elizabeth, returned home hag returned to - her home ? after Carolina mountains. Miss, Julia Stewart, of Laurinburg, has been-a guest- of Mrs i -Gus Niemy I i mi :. .. : i ii. it. . t . a a arter spenaing a moum in me roorxn with her mother, . Mrs . John B. Green, at her home 'on "Broad street has re- turned.to her home Mrs. . J. B. Bryan , left Wednesday for Raleigh whre she will be joined by 4 her mother, Mrs. r James Spruill, Miss Helen' Connelly, of : Chester- ok a trip 'to Chicago.T Memphis 1 and town,. Md.K;hasJ returned home after other points. 13 ,h's city this week.' I- BOARDMAN. . - i'&'.i . the 'school at Aberdeen. ; : Rev. A. H. Porter" officiating.; ; " : ; anendicitis. her many friends 'will v 'jbfr. Mr.- Wilbur and Miss Sallie Brown A- 't, a 'j j' a:' i ' . ju vSaHpii 1 wfth friends ' in Chadbourn Boaniman o mu. i:ilAiriTifr,thevbastweek' nf in ' l" . xu. me. wnuiuuu - - , 'i rs Quite i Poric, W1,h u ,.,. ..'AM. TTpIIv Mrs 1 1 ... i ' , . - -t-,n otij Dfio ' Tpcicp Rnl lard. of. Bra- I. ' -iuricKs freeman ana ivirs. rrr . A a wvf-v i.'. ii.. , . . . ..... ... '-t .;r,nA vna rritn friends ana reia- Ehw; "y ana aaugnter,.mtie,Miss " hcu.uwv ,v... fZ' arf' at Fairmont, guests .ofVMrs. stives during the past week . tj Parents, .Mr and ic ilrsi' 'Mrs 'A. . M, Kelly add Miss Maud so iv .... 'J'-:..-.Triiv.viitPri-'frienas near u-um:.um: . ... J . f -5.. . - .. . w . .... ... J . . aVA, pleasant. stay here with her sisters,) Mr. and Mrs. .W. E.; Currie'leftj X-Si-Rl B. Lane, and, Mrs. Marcus ! Saturday night of last week for Glen-j ai'IM., AU. 1 lie .. UJ11UIUVU . - - . ; vrn.-ti ; W. Ar Tvnpr whn w hppn Mr and Mrs.; jeit joraan, oi; v"V:? mr several days past Is ; reville,' spent "the ast. weelt-ena wun improved, friends will learn Mrs. Jordan's parents, Mr and Mrs. Bill. V'Mrs.. Lylace Buford , has gone to ArCon,N. C., to .enter', her boti, wood,s.Ga.; to spend some time Mrs. T. O. -Marsh returned Wednesday ' from .a ten days' visit to last- Charles, in School.' She was ioined in ;her sister. near Chesterfield, S . C.;v GoI.NborQ by the young man. " . IMonday night of last week she was?j Mii Elsie" Pugh, of Oriental, passed returning Jrom. a meeting in Chester throu&h the city during the week, en field; when' the ; horse behind ; which route? to Greenville, where she will she.; was driving became frightened at enter the Eastern Carolina Teacher ' an r automobile and - turned ' the buggy, ; .Training Sphool. ... . Misses Marina .Pigott. and Moulton . haye returned to the - city f rdta . Straits,. where they spent a de lightful- period with - friends over intoVa ditch. Both bones in her Celia left; arm were -broken... The other oc cupants ; of- the buggy received slight bruises . ' "'- ? ,'.'" : " - i Mrs.' J. AV n Brady; rof Bartow, Fla.; Raleigh, who have been visiting here has .-retu7 j home after a stay, returned home, the; early part of the Leanon 1no.n r.ana mr. ,wywnn7. a,,itP ill with here with iief brother,. Mrs. H. M. .week, making the trip in Mr. :Jordan'a hcmo r I ??7U7 marned at tnf ' . .;"r w;m nV Wends will Groves rl - iv ' " . ' car. . They were accompanied by Mm. unn, on Wednesday -afternoon;. learn with sorrow. - 1 "r ,,.;:.. -": . v T . , , ' . - - ' ' - 1 visited relatives ; , '., , aocuus wm ue giaa. xo learn, t ivirs. - Mr w w ' tiTarch' onH of rSloan sewed through her finger with Miss Caroline and son. Laurence, havethe mchine needle, from which she ing in this enterprise. reiurueu - iruiu vtviiaiiiiu ny wiiere they spent a pleasant period. :; ' Mrs. A. A. Moore and daughter. Miss Hallie and son, Arlie, are back from Baltimore,-- where . they visited: relatives. ; 1 . . - ... Mrs. Vardell is here for a stay with her daughter, Mrs. L. H. - Williamson. Miss Lydia Holland ; who ' attended summer schools in Charlotte,," has re turned to the city, , Mr. and 'Mrs; Charles West and charming . daughter, Miss Katharine,! of Laurel, rDel.,- are spending a period j here--with the -brother of Mr. West! and ,family,.",afr. and Mrs.'-.W.4 -A. West '." : ' , College at Greensboro. Miss Helen Sheppard left' last week for, Smithf ield to take up school work for the term . - ' ' ' ' , ' Miss v Jessie Williams who has been spending the summer in Titusvilld, Fla.,- returned . Friday to resume net . ' duties . at the High School. :; J ( V .Mis3 ; Edna Johnson, who has be6n . visiting. Miss Bertha Edmond, return ed Sunday . to her- home in Richmond, va, ;-'. ' ; - : r.-..v ' Misses Bertha and Lula Edna John- , , son, Sadie Hughes, Edna Johnson, i and. Messrs. Bob Edmund and Clifton ; Hughes motored , to Lake . Waccamaw ' Sunday.' j ' : : '1 ' - v ' ; Duffy' Lewis K vhas . been .coming -through with the ; stick of 1 late, .'the Red Sox gardner being the only Bos regular found among the .300 wall Jopers v . ' , '. ' ftlftlC Th6 Arrival of ;New: ; Fll Styles, Newt Coats, New Coat Suits, New Silk Skirts, New Silk Waists; New Silk Sweat ers, ' New ; Wool Sweaters N e w Spor t Hats , New Dress Goods. New Silks in all the New Sport Stripes and Plaids, also plaid and stripe Woolen Fabrics. In fact the whole store has on its Fall appear ance showing almost an entire New Stock. HERE ARE FALL VALUES. . SJIk Sweaters in a wide variety, of colorings, sizes 36 : to 46, regular $7.50 values. Our Price . .$4.98 Wool Sweaters from several of the leading and best v manufacturers of the country, giving a .wide and choice selection;; . . . . ..$1.98 to $7,50 9 1 . . 4 On the second floor we 'are showing a full line of Blankets and Comforts, plain cotton ; blankets..'. $1.25, $1.50 and. up to $3.50 ; . . . $3.50 to $7.50 - .... -,$1.25 to $4.98 I... '.$1.98 to $7.50 . . .$9.50 and $13.50 $7.50' .,..$19.50 $22.50' Wool Blankets .... . Heavy Comforts Light Weight Comforts 1 ...M ' t Silk Covered Down Comforts,-splendid design and beautiful coloring . Crex 9x12 Art Square, .green'.'-,. .. . . . . . . . .V . . .,. 9x12 Velvet Art Squares, several patterns to -select from at .t ..... . 9x12 Velvet Art Squares, light colors, select patterns at ... ... . Regular value $27.50 - . .' - New lot Heavy China Matting, extra fine quality, green -and red patterns, 50c value,-special vo , , at ... . . . . -. : v . . . T . 40c. Rug all kinds and sizes. Japanese Matting yard .wide, splendid variety , colors and patterns, special value at . 35c per yard Window Shadesr green cream, tan, white, red, blue at . i . . . ; f '. . . V. . '.'.iv ;. .;T. . ..49c.to $1.25 New Fall Coat Suits Thb' New, Coat Suits are here in alLtheiri beauty and' , adornment and still newer ones coming almost via . every express, blue and black Serge Suits, plain conservative styles V7 . . . ; ".'.-.'. . .$12.50 to $25.00 And for the more tasteful and Jad; seeking customer, , we have the more extreme novelty suits ar -. $19.00 to-$35.00 and Coats $15.00 to $35.00 - i , .- - , . . . ' 1 Si M&r C. j. - The Firm that Pays Your Car Fare. ; ;v ' c 615 "to 619 North Fourth Street 4 1.