IIPTJJWillfFIClS ID IT HOSPITAL AliE TRftfJSFERRED THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 1 6, 1917.' - PAGE FIVi EflBLY THIS MU j, Importiit7Ckanes in r Local ' Y"ce,or ooutnern rJell ; : j-fed Been In Poor Health For Four Years; Critically 111 Four Daysr 1 FUNERAL FROM HOME ; WEDNESDAY MORNING i . Company. V I W " M M fc at ." T m M' im a - I tLtKI HiUJIL tiitiJ III SESSIOI iiT Tiir ny nr n I I ML I . IIL -1 ; Mil IIIL U. Ur U. fffi NfiEuEfl ARE EXPECTED . n ' ' : '."'-V -- -? Initial Session Was ; Called to Institute V Opens . V Thursday i - f Morning v Splendid Pro- ;; " gram . Arrangeq. : ; personally Acquainted With very Riverman vin This Section Death Causes Pall of Gloom. . " - . ; ? .Order; Today' at f -? . -Mil-' -.v. ; 'Two important changes in'. the local district , plant of the Southern ; Beli i TelenhOUfi '-. and U. TolnrronV.,' ; Pnmnonn i have been, authorized to ; shortly go ' .v, , Into ;eftect,and they . will be iearned "MAN Yr ATTENDING with interest by; the .'public generally;!: 7 ' v, 'THE INSTITUTE Mr, 13v A.? Woodruff," who has been dis trict .plant x Chief for ' several, years,' and Mr.;iR. RrGray.who has been wire chief : of -the; Wilmington district for, a; long, period, have been transfer red to Columbia. S. C..." where thev i.will occupy positions similar to those L ' ! ' - v CaP- T hn,2S?he 'vSLf6"8 ff'beld here, , Mr; -Gray has already left ;e, 0l no. 311 - South, Frpnt., street, for -Ub new. Held-and has been sue- Ace, one of t he most prosperous ' and pro- J Ceeded ? nere by MrGeoree Birminc- gressive citizens 10 Wilmington died ham. Mr. Woodruff : will leave on or about the first-of the month. The name.-of his successor has not yet Questions;' of iVital f Interest-' to Llectricians Being Discuss-.;. edT-Coloriel ' Young Present.', ; this morning at d o ciock ax tne James Walkt1!" Memorial Hospital, following nul ilin Ad a rT tauk Hnw .... . . ai ' :. , . . . " jcruiwi.wuw..-. j-o. iy-,Deen made pubUc, - Mr. S. D. Lucas tain Harper was operated -on last Fri-;wm continue. as manager of the corn day and little or no. hope had been en- mercial' department: for the .Wilming tertained for his recovery Since-Sat-'ton 'district. " " - v ; urday aiternoon, but up-to then: he! While the many 'friends, of, Messrs. was thought tor be better. The , Woodruff and . Gray regret ' to have funeral services will be conducted 'them leave the city,.they are being from the late residence tomorrow congratulated on . every- hand, by morning at 11:30 o clock J by Rev. J.'' friends' over their promotion and -the M. Wells, D. D., pastor of 'the: Krst best.'-wishes of their hundreds V of Presbyterian church pf which the de- j friends will got with them to Colura ceased was a member, and -interment bia. Both. have, been here for' a long Will be made ;in pakdale;-' cemetery; time; both are regarded as valuable The following gentlemen' will iervo men by the company employing them as honorary pallbeairers: --Dr. James and both will make valuable acquisi Sprunt, Capt. WUliam St" George, tions to the Columbia office. Capt. Edgar .Williams,', and Messrs: Friends of Mrr Birmingham are Walter Smallbones,' T, P..; Wood and very , much pleased over his appoint joe Thompson. The active, pallbear- mentto the office n,de vacant by the ers will be Messrs. E. P. Bailey, transfer of -Mr. Gray, and fell that he Meares Harriss, Victor Grainger, , Jr., wm handle his, new duties An a saUs Fred V. Dick, Walter Storm aad, A, factory manner to all concerned. r G. Warren, Jr. . ' . J .''i -L.- r . . " - Captain Harper ; haa been in ill health for the past four years . and, j while Ms death was not unexpected 'Gt year 'Expted' Fcw b the pall of gloom cast over the. city f . a. nnr,rnin and this section of , the State by his . 'Zr days death is none the less pronounced. UtJI? J ntua iL .:..n xt ti V and Is, beginning one of its best r 4- lr-- mr fir -r - t n Lin nni r - A . - T . i er trustee ' of Trinity, from President TRINITY; .tv-. - COLLEGE OPENS. er com he was universally5 liked. , His-death rrmoves one of, the; most progressive t tsw uuifiio-iiuui una octuuii a mau nw in. TrxiWJ v.n ,irV,?l 1,. Xo I f -!. 7 X' T3 W . TVlALt'O - Lliai . null!? ICfi- been identified with - the has always auvaucr went ui tuc wijr ttUu , uuiu- , f - ' flmirp orp ahnnt th nni?,ityi ' " -j 'saqie'as the number of, registrants of The deceased is sumred by a wid: four Tne logg , studentg ow, three sons and two daughters. -The ta n ,6 A roiv h w sons are Messrs. IVed K. Harper of and war, condit5cns. Many Trinitv Brooklyn, N. Y., atrpresent aboard the men have gone -into the civil and mil- ,'aterland in Hoboken; John W.-Hatw ltary;servie o the governmefat. The Trinity men are particularly well, ftt- . The initial session of -the -Electrical Institute-arranged for. by Col. James Rr ; Young, Raleigh . Comniissioner - of Insurance, , was ; opened at 12 o'clock today at the "Chamber .of Commerce, I there 'being a 'slight : deviation frpm the printed program which called for the; opening; session at 11 o'clock at the 'Harbor: Island Auditorium.' The attendance ,on the first session was unusually good. The second ; session wilLbe held at the Chamber this afterv noon at 3 o'clock,1 while the place of the additional meetings .. will 6e , an nounced later. " The : program, . a copy of which is printed below, is Of a very interesting yiaturei - Many of v the principal ' cities of :the State are represented and the discussion - of, subjects of vital interest! to electrical contractors - and: employes as well as property owners, is being entered, into with spirit. As stated above, the program, as is sued, is not complete ; and , absolutely accurate. Mr. A. M. Schoen, chief engineer of the Southeastern Under writers Association, of Atlanta, will address the convention, although his , name is not . carried on the" program. The institute - will be of two days' duration. , , Tuesday, Sept. 18, 12 m. Meeting called to order by James Young, Insurance Commissioner. ; Introductory exercises.' Statement : of object of the meet ing. , " ; - General discussion. - . Afternoon, 3 O'clock. Paper "Outside Wiring. Why it Should Be i Kept in Good Condition' Capt. J.;JM. Wolf Manager Carolina Power ; and ; Light Company, ' Hender- son, Nt C . .. , . Paper "Inside Wiring "and Its In spection." Capt C. S. Whitaker, Elec trical Inspector. Durham. N. C. a marKec v Taper "Should AIL per, . Jr., of this city, and Jam.es r- H4. tt . . it. ; mi dpiuiii nitiper tt SU U1 uiiwijr. -"f ted for government service and have :rV::::a:"r::' Zl.l r ""-.shown their patriotism m a marked Paner "Should AH Electricians. "clainarpTrwar on Ma- f the ted contractors and-'Mpvie'. Operators Be Bonboro Sound, in federal Point town-, Iri CQnclusion Drew states t.uip, Kuvemuer w, oyo, iuh pueuw ro nff a nrt star -nnA havP ev being William' R. Harper and Henri- ery reason to look forward to a pros, etta Lloyd. He was twice married, artA i1QTmv var nt it h his firstjwife being Miss Julia :Foley, the.old college. We. are glad and grate- ! Licensed?" Cant- A. L. Duckett. In- We i specter, AsheviJIe, N. C. ' . .Paper-W:What Would Be tne Re-, suit" if :ThereWere No Inspections?" Capt. 'John ; Webb, Inspector, . Salis- of Southpqr cThrf, children J were f ul for- - 0 fin, abody of youth toAeach bom to this nion. they being Messrs. and to form The. faculty beginfe the r f4,!! ohn jT-' dJTS-F0X- iyear with'one mind and-with a spirit In he was married to Miss Ella jof; earnest co-operation-to make , this Chitty Strorrpey of Winston-Salem, Khti v,oc. nf n1 th. vpflr tho tory cf the college." MANY' ENJOYED CONCERT. and from this ' union .three children; were born, two of . which survive. Iney are Master James Sprunt and little Miss Catherine. Another' daugh ter, Miss Ella, ged 12 years, died a Coo, Weather Failed To Keep Crowd few weeks ago. T -! ; , Away From Park. - Captain Harper had been in ill,', DeSpite the cool 'weather of last health for the past four years, and evening an unusually large crowd as' had been unable to attend actively to rembled in Postoffice Park for' the' his business interests for some , time. "postponed "concert of the- Whitlock He recently went to Richmond for Wect bandf and the solendid arrang treatment at the Westbrook Sanitar- pd program was. .highly enjoyed by ium, but apparently was . not benefit- all. This concert was postponed, fron ted to any great extent: by the treat- Friday night of last week because of mem. soon returning: nere. La?t w-oir; the inclemency of the weather. . he was carried to the James Walker - ,t Hospital tor- an operation from which bury; N.' C. j.. Evening, 8 p. ml. ' -: Discussion National Electrical Saf e ty Code-Mr. W. J. Canada, of Bureau of Standards Washington, D. C. " Questions and answers. Paper- "The Electrical Code and Suggestions as to Improvements." Capt. P. H. Montgomery, Oxford, M. ; Paper-rVElectrical Railways.", Mr. Raymond Hunt, . assistant manager Tidewater Power Company, . Wilming ton; .N. C' : ' - , ... t Wednesday, September 19th. t Paper "The : Need of Inspectors in Small Towns." Mr. a I. Godwin, Pine An vunusualljr attractive -program, has been arranged -for the State' Fire men's. Institute to be v opened here on' Thursday -morning for a two-Jday' ses sion. The sessions -of -the;nstitute arranged for by Commissioner ot In surance' Jam ess R. Young, of 'Raleigh; .will be. held, in the, Harbor Island Au-1 ditoriumrvand , the delegates will be quartered at , Ijanover - Inn. , Practi cally Tall "citiqs ,'of ; importance in the State will beyrepresented,' and the program, a' copy; of Which' follows, in sures a pleasant and t profitable con vention for ' those' who - attend. , The program r for , the i institute is'; . September- 20--M"orning, , Introductory eccercises-r-Statement of object of . meeting. K Paper--VFire -f Department Organ! zation," Capt J,' - Miller, Concord, N. c. . . . - v" Paper "City Officials and Fire De-. partments," Hon. D.- Hyden Ramsey, commissioner ' public .safety,- Ashe-viller-N. C. f. . . ? --f Paper-f-'The ; Fire " Department as a Municipal Asset," Col; E. M. Uzzell, com missioner i public "'satfetyv - Raleigh, n.-c:, - ' --v v - -. PaperWhai the - Fire Chief Can Do" to Interest the Public in Fire Pre vention,", Capt JH. Wood,-chief of fire department, Ashqville, N. C. v-'- ! Afternoon. " r ;i,Paper--"Fifty:;.VYears "as a Fire- "man,"-.. Capt, ' James D. , McNeil, presi dent r State rEire'men's v'. ABaoclation Fayetteville;''N.. -p- v -i ' ; v Papeiv-"The Fire Department Then and Nowi" . - Capt. ' M. M. . Wallace; chief of fire department, Charlotte, N. . r'"'-- - - - . , Paper-''Enforc!ng Existing Laws,'' Capt. J. W. Mangum, former chief of fire department, Raleigh, N.'C. - Discussion tt, "Development .of Mo Aor. Pump for Fire Service." ' - Evening. Paper "Pensions for Firem,en;," Col. A." H.'Boyden, 'Salisbury NtJ. Paper "Making , the Fife Depart inent Fit the Town," pt. Sherwood Brockwell, of the State Insurance De partment. ' '' -" . -". Paper "Some New - Fire Hazards andjiHw to Overcome Them," Capt ,HS. ,E. Nissen, chief ' bf ; fire depart ment, Winston-Salem, N, C '' Friday, September 21-Morning. v - Paper--"The Construction and Care "of Automobile f Apparatus'-- Capt. , . Ti D. Farmer, chief of .fire r department, Raleigh, N. C. . ,f - " ; Paper 'Taws for -Fire Protection," KCapt. D. C. Christian,' chief of., fire de partment,. Durham, N.; C. r, Discussion ."Firemen and . Safety,' led by Prof. J. J: Blair;f superintend ent public schools -Wilmington, N C. School A Children,jv4heatres, x. hotels, factories, ete. J '.". Fire-escapes t t v ; ' -' t - Afternoon.' Paper-p'Fire Alams Telegraph and Telephone." (Writer, to be sup plied). .Discussion "Allies to Fire, Fight- 16- J V . 1 i' ;.-V ..Every-one;pbs3essed of property; should niake a will. . i Otherwise ypur estate inay.fall into'hans you would never choose to adrriinis - -tejr it and your "property go to those you never intended to benefit. : v , , , '7 ; , ; ; A will should becarefully planned, tb;; cover aUl possible contingencies and its " ; provisions clearly expressed' to, avoid; Iitigaticn. ' -; , . x - V ' v To insure' this the "drawing of your will should be left td people with experience . m such matters. . ' v ' - This Company, offers its clients withputxharge the services and advice of its at-.( torneys arid officers, , .ivNit " -: . "'V-"'.vvCV' r-'r .V Vt: 1 You are urged to give this important matter prompt'and careful consideration ; ihgton Savings & Trust Companv 1 10 Princess Street. Capital arid Surplus'.. ? J;.'vWr y f Resources ij'-v $ 500,000.00 ; 3,500,000.00 , i v - . -. . . . : . r . ... .. . . 1 " ' . MEETING IS0STP6NED; I Inability of Inspector Rice to .Reach k. . , City Responsible, j - v Tonight's scheduled meeting ; of s the advisory committee of-the . Nautical School, which was to nave been? held at, the "Chamber of Commerce, has been postponed because of the . inabil-, Ity of Mr. Fred R Rlce bf Charles ton, inspector- of hulls, 13 preach the city and it will be held at ; a date vto be announced later. . .About '5 a score "of young mariners have enrolled f or the. course, this- fact assuring the" establishment of the school here."- e ruDiic: oraiaiiv invited f ALL MILLINERY OPENING Wednesday and Thursday September" 19th and 20th MRS. C. W. LEIGHTON f r 109 Princess Street.' private fire liir. - , - -, . j j 1. " Free water - and protection. ' ' " . . Fireproof Construction. , 3. Safety, devices. c . 4.. -Fire' dooisj pnd windows. ( . - " 5. Police department. '. Paper "Fire , Apparatus and , Hose Its Purchase and Care," Capt. Chas. Schnibben, chief - of fire department, he never really rallied Captain Harper was a native of this county and spent practically his en . Open Bids ThursHay. Bids for the' $100,001) of. bonds to be issued bv the vcity. having been re cently authorised by; City UouncU, time life here. He had always r been ' will he onened Thursday and many identified with the Cape Fear t river, inquiries relative to the bonds ve having onerated a line of steamers be; been .reecived by Capt.. Thoma D. tween this city and Southpprt during Meares, city clerk and treasurer. The the last forty years: He , was at one 1 fnitfal - bid was received yesterday time owner of. the Hanover Transit! The 'bond niarket has improved won Company, which he sold to Mr. "A. W. I derfully of late, it is Raid, and'satis Pate a few years agol .He retained, : factory bids are expected. - v howevor, a Dart of his nroDertv in-1 1 : r , ri i : ' t i -." n -i-i Ai - nn(ii orlnnm nvor thfi vrtiutlllcl DUiiCU. VaDiaiB aUQ III-- ucciu; vo'" b""". , T .ovol M n. Paper "Some of the Troubles of , An Inspector." Capt. W. E. Gehries. l -' ' . ' . . Wilson N C ' - -ady Katntuiiy injure' -TT,r,T5r,Jn oi a, .iT Mrs. va N.: Brewer,, No., 15 -Manhat-, Twin: Subscription Certificate ; I GOOD FOR S0.000 ' VOTES IN THE WILMINGTON v DISPATCH PRIZE -! , CAMPAIGN . , : ; ? - Contest Manager ,TTne Wilmington Dispatch. "".- " - -; - Enclosed find $ ., . .;. for which. send The Wilmington Dispatch one year. " -:. ... . ADDRESS v: ADDRESS 4 : - Old Subsdrlber". 7...., New Subscriber.. (....". . - . Please issue the votes to which these subscription payments are entitled under the ' vote schedule in your subscription campaign and the 50,000 "Twin Subscription" coupon to . ' " . ' . : M 4, - ADDRESS . '. .... .. '. This certificate, when accompanied by two subscriptions for. The Dispatch for one year each or one' -for two, years on pr oefore Saturday, Saptmber22, is good for 50,000 bonus votes. Only one of these cer- tificates will be issued, in favor of any compet:f.or.. it out and send it in today. - DO -IT NOWJ Com-" f- ";petitors having subscription order book should al3o fill out blank order and send it with this certificate ', f ; and remittance. ' - - J- ' .' ' " ' - - - teres ts on Harprr will be missed nerhans more river that is most pronounced. on the river rthan he will in tfi rifv ' The deceased was ; not an office by Mr. N. E.Cannady, State Electri cal Inspector. ' : Paper "Theatre Owners and In spectors." Mr. D. R. Kramer, Eliza beth City, N. C. ' - ' ' ' Afternoon. . Paper "The Use of Conduit Wir ing in Theatres, Auditoriums, and. Ga rages." Capt., J. W. Mangum,: Inspec tor, Raleigh, N. C. ' Papei' "The Use of Different" Mo tors and Their Wiring." Capt. R. P. Connelly, Inspector, ; Chariot ter N. C. .Paper "The, Dangers- of -Bridging Fuses and Overloading Circuits' Capt for ho ived the river and spent the seeker nor did he care a. great dealj ,. inspector, wmston Sdnfe re hen-?is he-alth ff JTTBa orrSv.Pe wouia permit. There is not' a river-vice chairman or tneuoara pi iiav. -7.; r"' ",uu: ur coiorea, Deiween mi3 igauon.;uu, jriiutasc. t w, TrvH rvianoi mil w-r fice. with, pride because, or tne love ana. rr- . m v. - ivv:-ii - xiTi x.- i rfWHflWT - 4 - Evening. oty and SouthDort that was not ner sonally acquainted with the I genial respect that he' felt for the rivermen skipper of the steamer "Wilmington, associated with him on the board. SMITH FQRI-A-TRltK- Bishop DarstWill -Participate in Serv- : ice? For Suffragran Bishop. . .RU Rev. -Thomas t Campbell Darst, bishop of the .Diocese, of East Caro lina, will preach' the opening : sermon at tb e Virginia .Theological Seminary, at Alexandria, next Sunday, the ser mon being an . annual feature, at . the cpening of the seminary. ' Bishop Darst left the city Saturday (last and is visiting" points in Virginia present. On September 27th,-, Bishop Darst will be at Portsmouth, Va., where he will bo one of the presenters of Rev Arthur C. Thompson, D-. D., suffragan- '."JiiKhnn elect, who "will be 'consecrated Interment Will Be Made in Bellevue iand ordained -at Trinity church, that 1 . . This Afternoon. ; ' 'toitv - x" ' Funeral, services for Mr Jnhf . A t ' , : & ; Schroeder, : of vNo. 12). South Third S street, whose death ,occurred - at his S - home last . night y at 8 , o'clock, will be conducted from Immanuel Presbytev S rian ' church this afternoon - at 4: 30 ig. Moving Picture Show. Illustrated Lecture. ; . MR. SCHROEDER DEAD. ton avenue, was struck, and painfully j injured, by a piece of timber project-1 ing from a timber-loaded motor truck at the curve near Delgado yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Brewer was , knock ed down and bruised by the- blow, 'al though her . injuries -are not consider ed serious. -v, . ' J NOW IN VIRGINIA. HAIR HINTS NEARLY -ten thousand jcbncerns many-of- them the s -o'clock, and interment, win. be made most prominentin the country;:iarsihg Smith Form- f-X, i0:ye J Micks. - v' ' ' - - s - . . t i age, was a Journeyman, painter, -and I 1. ' 1 -' f,lr Tin rnmp mtn .' ;Vas very favorably known tp a large 1 n CtLctJiu 1 nrti vrir!i link wuiiucii ui.u uw v wmv .. i urjivp.r.ml its low cost of maintenance. .3. , V. k .1 , use because OI ICS rcmarii-auic ciiiuicm-,y ohu r aeepiy wun jne iamiiy. in- ineir De- reavement. He Is: survived by a wife, mother and two sisters the latter be- ' Florence Hedrick, . of ,Con C, and Mrs. W.'.R, K. Slo Korf olk'; . , ..-',-." s first cost is only its initial econpmy., in any cusiness img Mrs that employs a hauling or delivery , service, the Smith fs.8 Form a-Truckwill furnish it at the lowest. cost by far, r , '... yet attained. , ' - ; f' , . . ; 'Vr - - , , Ir " T "AU mtt ' If facts solid, money-saving, business building facts n Chaim win convince youwe would appreciate tne opporturiiL y to demonstrate and prove every 'claim we ,inake' , Jn your business, the Smith Form-a-Tiiick will halve i de Helpful Advice fbr Care of the Hair ; Worthy. the Attention, of Every one Who Would Avoid -Dandruff, . , Itching Scalp, Gray" Hair 5 and 1 Baldness. c ' If -your hair ; is getting thin and you are troubled with dandruff or tiching scalp, "get . about four ounces of Pari sian sage, from your,' druggist. This helns to prevent baldness and grayness and keeps. the scalp clean. . "Before goina: to , bed, I rub a little Parisian Sage into my scalp," says a woman whose luxurious, soft arid, fluffy rman Little says interest is Steadily- Growing. - " . The . live-stock,," committee of thrL- hair is eredtly - admired, J This keeps the. hair from falling out and makes it easy to dress attractively, -r . , t. corn" show, live-stock and poultry ex bfbit .met yesterday afternoon at the S . Chamber of Commerce for a discus- 1 dc Wilmington lilpior; CdmpanV Inc. 1 . , ROBERT G. BARR, Manager. "; . . . t Sales and Service Station General Offices 110 Dock Street. 111 Cnestnut' Street phones f i6. ;phone:573. - ; tie, chairman vof the executive com ' mittee, ' continues to talk optimism, he having a number of but of town visi tors' here yesterday "for . conferences Mi-.; T.ittle is 'authority for the state- f ment that interest in, the coming falri will not stain 'or streafc , the hair and is S is being shown in ,a most marked delicately .perfumed," "R..-.R, Bellamy S "manner in. all of the . ten . counties em-j'.wili- supolytyou. Advtj-. . I , . v : Everyddhf "A" lady, visiting .friends, says: . "Pari sian" sage' is the best; hair treatment I ever ' used,, xlt keeps. the; scalp free of dandruff;- preven.fs hair .. falling ; and stops itching scalp., -?,':) , t , "; i - Everyone knows sage is good fbr the hair, butbe sure to ask your drugirist for Parisian sage (Giroux s)r:ior tnis SlIlllllliimmm.MM,,,.,. ...;.fi.iiitiiiiiiiiiitfiiiiiitmiiHiiiiiii 'iiiuiiiiifiiifiii'iins "braced in it. - ; ' ' , ii.veryaanr- :-tt.i.t -j. I i iii i ii'-rrniir n - - im.n...'iJai.- -,-, L j----r--TiiiMiMMitm!- --'-""('"T" '"'in""ii'i" ""1 . , Mm , uailllGUUdUHl o p: ; ; I wednesaay-Tnursday ij; lilF r-v A : Ourstockof. ' IJf ' I lwttAW Ladies', Misses' and Children ; v I mi JAmW ;-v coats, dresses, coat :, " 721 v 1 V"h vllA ill Do not fail to visit our store and j I fn iiP f -KvxcSiL xn (If inspect the wonderful values we are " i-ifjfj'ft - .m L ? offering in stylish , ; : ' , , j';'. MirPfe; FALL V 7 1 v M l - :

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